theBaton. - Tiffin School

Friends of Tiffin Music’s termly magazine
right practice and commitment, we look
round, selecting twelve performers to
forward to these pupils forming the
go through to the final. Gareth Owen,
school orchestra of tomorrow.
Head of Keyboard at Eton College,
adjudicated, awarding first prizes to
evensong services at St. Luke’s Church,
Maxi Purewal (12MH) (Senior) and
Kingston, resumed, including evening
Daniel Lim (11KO) (Intermediate) for
services by Howells, Dyson and Purcell.
their excellent performances.
Organist Joseph Waymouth’s (10GW)
Director of Music Report
introduction to musical instruments,
spectacular event, involving over two
particularly impressive. Alongside the
regular pattern of services at St. Luke’s,
the men’s voices of Tiffin Boys’ Choir
Oratorio Trebles, Children’s Chorus,
joined the sopranos and altos of Tiffin
Girls’ Chamber Choir to sing evensong
Taking place in Tiffin Sports Hall, the
Perséphone with the Philharmonia at
at Hampton Court Palace. The service
weeks of preparation which went into
the Royal Festival Hall.
included a fine performance of Byrd
Laudibus in Sanctis. Raising our eyes to
The Tiffin Oratorio Concert was a
and culminating in performances on
Also in September, through Year
both national radio and television, the
7’s introduction to musical instruments,
impressive feat for Year 7 pupils, some
2016 Autumn Term has certainly been a
new pupils were given the opportunity
corbelled Tudor ceiling was a reminder
of whom had never before sung in a
busy and varied one for Tiffin musicians.
to see, hear and, most importantly, play
that Byrd’s music would have been
choir. Mr Oldfield’s superb performance
In September, the Guardian wrote of
an array of orchestral instruments,
heard in that place four-hundred years
as Elijah gave his many Tiffin singing
Tiffin Boys’ Choir: ‘the choral singing –
some of which they were encountering
pupils sitting in the choir much to aspire
from the Philharmonia Voices and Tiffin
for the first time. The taster lessons,
Boys’ Choir – was beautifully refined,
delivered by the visiting music teachers,
including Mr Day, Mrs Bevan, Fraser
nowhere more so perhaps than in the
have led to many beginners taking up
exceptional number of entries – over
Wigley and Tim Lovett was much
lessons on their chosen orchestral
sixty in total. Mr Dalgleish, who
appreciated by all involved. It was a
accompanies Perséphone’s dreams in
organised the competition, with Mr
the underworld’, describing the choir’s
experienced Year 7 musicians. With the
Children’s Chorus who not only joined
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After a year’s absence, this year’s
to. The tireless work of the organisers,
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Chorus in Mendelssohn’s Elijah, but
with an impressive performance of
also performed in the Royal Albert
Dvorak’s Symphony No. 8 Mvt. I given
Hall’s ‘Scratch Youth Messiah’ and, with
by the School Orchestra.
the Tiffinians, ‘headlined’ the Rose
Theatre’s Christmas Concert.
The end of the term presented
Tiffin Boys’ Choir with its focal point:
This year, soloists will be offered
not only would they perform their
the opportunity to perform each term
annual Nine Lessons and Carols service
in a termly Chamber Music Concert.
to a packed All Saints’ Church, their
Alongside the solo performances in
performance would also be broadcast
by Classic FM to an estimated two
were given by two string quartets. The
million people! The service, broadcast
on Wednesday 21st December, was a
movement of Borodin’s String Quartet
reflection of the choir’s, and Mr Day’s,
No. 2 given by the senior string quartet,
exceptional dedication, hard work and
led and rehearsed entirely by students,
talent. Special mention should go to
was particularly worthy of praise.
Daniel Blaze (9KB), soloist on national
The Autumn Ensembles Concert
radio and Joshua Dennis (9KN) and
followed soon after, including all but
Daniel McCarthy (7JAF), soloists the
the school’s jazz ensembles, who were
preceding evening at a packed Royal
preparing for the annual Christmas Jazz
Albert Hall, where the choir performed
Evening which rounds off the term.
in the BT Christmas Concert alongside
Beginning with the Wind Band, the
the London Concert Orchestra and
concert then featured an excellent
Chorus, and The Band of Her Majesty’s
performance of Corelli’s Christmas
Evening, with the Jazz Combo, Tiffin Big
Orchestra (soloists Jim Tse, Chris
Band and Thames Youth Jazz Orchestra,
rounded off a great term of music-
Humphrey Allen). The concert ended
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Right: the Tiffin Oratorio
Mendelssohn’s Elijah.
Left: Chamber Orchestra
& soloists rehearsing
Corelli’s Christmas
Right: Choir Trebles
recording for a TV advert
at Metropolis Studios.
making — Matthew O’Malley a
thebaton—Autumn 2016
Oxbridge). One of the pieces was an arrangement of the Beatles’
song, Yesterday – performed with great sensitivity and expression. This sextet
Campaign for the Traditional Cathedral Choir
received a particularly enthusiastic ovation from the audience. “
In May 2016, the Boys’ Choir were invited to perform at the Campaign for
During the interval, Mr Day gave a speech briefly outlining the choir’s rich
the Traditional Cathedral Choir’s Spring Event and AGM at Charterhouse. John
history, before being presented with a cheque by the CTCC’s chairman, Dr Peter
Harvey for the CTCC writes:
Giles, for the continued development of music within the school.
Friends of Cathedral Music Diamond Jubilee
From the 24-26th June, more than 200 members of the Friends of Cathedral Music
descended on London to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of its founding in 1956.
The weekend began with a celebration of cathedral music by candlelight,
with three choirs assembled at St Martin-in-the-Fields, central London. The choirs
consisted of Portsmouth Cathedral (conducted by David Price), the Choir of All
Saints Fulham (conducted by Jonathan Wikely, FCM Council member) and Tiffin
Boys' Choir (conducted by James Day) .
“The recital, given by the renowned Tiffin Boys’ Choir under their Musical
Director, James Day, was a delight. The choir sang six items covering works from
William Byrd’s Agnus Dei (Mass for Four Voices) to extracts from Britten’s A
Crown Court Service
Ceremony of Carols. Between the pieces we heard some excellent solos/duets
On 3rd October the choir sang at the annual Crown Court service at All Saints
including a moving rendition of The Turtle Dove arranged by Vaughan Williams for
Church, Kingston. The service marks the formal beginning of the annual start of the
treble voice; Du bist die Ruh by Schubert performed with expressive phrasing by a
Crown Court’s year and is attended by the Mayor of the Royal Borough of Kingston
young countertenor; Chanson du Pecheur by Faure, sung with great maturity by a
upon Thames and the Judges of the Crown Court wearing full ceremonial dress.
VIth form bass. The impeccable accompanist was Matthew O’Malley, Director of
Students from local schools led and joined in the prayers with the choir singing the
Music at Tiffin. Although not on the printed programme, we thoroughly enjoyed
Introit, Psalm and Anthem. The service was led by the Reverend Jonathan Wilkes
three pieces by The Tiffinians, a close harmony sextet not unlike the renowned
and a thoughtful sermon on the importance of traditions in our own lives was deliv-
King’s Singers (indeed, three Tiffinians had won choral scholarships to Durham and
ered by the Reverend Ken Walker, Minister of the John Bunyan Baptist Church.
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thebaton—Autumn 2016
Stravinsky — Perséphone: Royal Festival Hall
On Sunday 25th September the
French, and committing it to memory.
choir trebles were back on duty at the
Positive reviews include: ‘Still younger,
Royal Festival Hall singing Stravinsky’s
of course, were the 28 members of Tiffin
Boys‘ Choir, from the Kingston upon
Orchestra and Philharmonia Voices,
Thames school of that name, all attired
in their distinctive striped uniform, and
Salonen. One of Stravinsky’s most rarely
lending extra vocal colour to the top line
heard works, Perséphone was originally
when the score asks for it.’
conceived as a stage production with
—Seen and Heard International
the text based
on an old Greek
recitation role
choral singing –
of Perséphone
was beautifully
the Philharmonia
Voices and Tiffin
Boys’ Choir – was beautifully refined,
Chevaller, and the tenor part was sung
nowhere more so perhaps than in the
remembered by many of us for his past
accompanies Perséphone’s dreams in
performances in Tiffin Oratorio. The
the underworld.'
boys should be applauded for their rapid
—The Guardian
learning of the French text, a challenge
for those studying German rather than
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Piano Competition: Walden Hall
Chamber Music Concert: Walden Hall
Tuesday, 18 October saw the
Department organise the competition
The Autumn Chamber Music Concert was a great experience; it all started
return of the Piano Competition,
and to Tiffin Music staff, Matthew
with an audition process which took place after school earlier in the term. There
were many talented musicians at the audition playing various instruments. I played
Gareth Owen, Head of Piano at Eton
a piece from the Grade 6 Piano syllabus called ‘Carengueijo’ by Hector Villas Lobos.
College. The preliminary heats took
Hopefully, the competition is firmly
This is my favourite of the three pieces that I have to play for my exam in March
place the previous week - there were a
back on the calendar as an annual
2017. After the audition, I was delighted to be invited by Mr O’Malley to perform
record number of entries, over sixty,
at the Autumn Chamber Music Concert on Tuesday 8th November.
notably in the junior category. The
On the evening of the concert I was a little nervous as this was my first
competition final itself included six
performance at Tiffin School. Having looked at the programme, I also noticed that I
competitors in both the junior and
was the only year 7 playing amongst a large group of senior students. Everyone
senior categories. Chopin proved to be
performing was outstanding at their instruments. There were seven soloists and
the composer of choice with both
two string quartets in the line-up. My turn was 5th and so I had a bit of time to
practise before I performed. I think I played my piece okay; the audience of parents
works by the Polish composer. The
and friends were very appreciative. Mr O’Malley and my class music teacher Mrs
winners were:
Cadogan congratulated me after my performance.
Junior category: Daniel Lim (11KO)
The seniors were absolutely brilliant; in particular my favourites were Henry
Waltz in A Minor Chopin
Saywell playing ‘Bulerias’ by Juan Martinon the guitar and Adam Meyer playing
Senior category: Maxi Purewal (12MH)
‘Allegro’ from the Haydn Trumpet Concerto. This concert showed me how high the
Etude in E Op.10 No.3 Chopin.
standard of music is at school and has inspired me to practise harder. I am now
All the pianists were highly
commended on their performances
looking forward to another opportunity to play in a school concert.
—Harshil Shah – 7DB
and received invaluable feedback from
Gareth Owen. Special thanks go to
James Dalgleish (Head of Piano at Tiffin
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thebaton—Autumn 2016
Year 7 Inter-Form Choir Competition
On 20th October Year 7 parents
Machines (Ron Goodwin).
experienced the first taste of their son’s
‘It was a very enjoyable show,
music education at Tiffin School. All 6
and I thought all the forms were very
forms performed a piece they had been
good. Standing at the front, I could see
preparing with their class music teacher
the vast crowds and I’m sure my fellow
together with selected solo items. The
students agree when I say I had
competition was adjudicated by Martyn
butterflies in my stomach. But the
Ford, Head of Performing Arts at
whole class stuck with it and what do
Lambrook School in Berkshire and a
you know, my form came out tops, and
‘The night was tense, everybody wanted to win. Some forms were fabulous,
former student of Tiffin School, who
we got the trophy! I would love do it
the soloists showed loads of bravery to go up there and perform and represent
entertained the audience with his
again, and I think that some of the kids
there form. In the end, I think it was down to who wanted it more, and we just
constructive feedback.
Form 7RG,
in my form are very talented. Thank you
wanted to win. We sung our hearts and souls out and I am extremely happy that
directed by Sian Cadogan, were judged
Music Department for allowing Year 7
we won!’
—Shashank Iyer 7RG
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to have the Inter Form Competition!!!’
—Nathan Bruins 7RG
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‘ The atmosphere was buzzing and the church was packed to the rafters. It
was an exciting experience as I had never done something quite like this. Just being
on stage ready to perform made me extremely nervous However, once we had
Blankety Blank Christmas Special: ITV
finished singing, the thunderous applause was satisfying. The adjudicator – Martyn
One of many highlights for the younger members of the choir in what turned
Ford – added plenty of humour as well as commenting on our performances in
out to be a very busy end of term was recording for the Blankety Blank Christmas
detail. He thought all the forms’ singing was prize-winning standard and finally
Special. Readers may be familiar with the iconic quiz show previously hosted
chose 7RG as the winners. The evening was a very special and enjoyable
between 1979 – 2002 by Terry Wogan, Les Dawson and Lily Savage. Testing the
experience. Thank you to the Music Department staff for organising this event.’
waters for a potential new series was the well-known presenter and comedian,
—Oliver Cheung 7RG
David Walliams, alongside a cast of ‘celebrities’ including Anne Robinson and Louis
Walsh. The boys had been asked to present a Christmas carol with a special twist –
angelic singing of the Blankety Blank theme, dressed as church choir boys and
holding candles. The engagement involved 2 trips to the ITV Studios on Southbank
where they were positioned on a special revolving stage, adding to the moment of
surprise for the audience. The singing was led beautifully by Robbie Hancock (7BR)
who commented as follows:
nothing I’d ever done
before – the lights,
stages were at a
whole new level. I
wracking at first, but
by the time we came in for the second day, I was as confident as I’ll ever be. I still
can’t believe that we were on ITV, and sang in the same room as 8 celebrities!’
The show was aired on ITV at prime time on Christmas Eve and if you missed it is
still available on ITV Catch Up for another couple of weeks.
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thebaton—Autumn 2016
Nine Lessons and Carols: Classic FM
The annual Christmas Service, A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at All
Saints Church in Kingston, is always a choral highlight in the Tiffin calendar and even
more so this year as Classic FM had agreed to broadcast the service over the
Christmas period. This was a very exciting prospect especially as the readings
would be delivered by a mix of celebrities and boys. Readers included ex-Tiffin
students Gethin Anthony (actor), Arun Harinath (cricketer), broadcasters Anne
Robinson and Griff Rhys-Jones and actress Jenny Seagrove although the longest and
hardest first reading was delivered eloquently by Joshua Cruice (8RH). By way of
publicising the event a short promotional video was produced by Tiffin Music
Assistant Isa Khan. With an estimated two million listeners to the broadcast, many
of whom would be unfamiliar with the school, this video was an opportunity to
introduce the rich history and values of the choir and create a social-media buzz in
the lead-up to the broadcast. The film can be viewed here.
On the day of the service, there was a lot of extra work involved behind the
scenes with Classic FM’s team of engineers beginning their set-up in the morning in
time for the final afternoon rehearsal.
The school is very grateful to Reverend Jonathan Wilkes, Rector at All Saints
Church for allowing the broadcast to take place and officiating at the service.
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Commercial Choir Recordings: Metropolis
The beginning of November saw
Metropolis for two further days of
ten trebles making their way to the
recordings. This time, the boys were
being both filmed and recorded for a
studio complex, Metropolis. In a fiercely
global rebranding pitch to Danone. At
competitive commercial market, the
the time of writing, it is unknown if the
choir had been chosen to record
pitch will be commissioned into a full
Christmas carol arrangements to be
series of commercials.
used in a number of light-hearted TV
commercials for UKTV Gold over the
festive period. With a tight schedule for
the day and numerous onlookers from
the production company present, the
boys were under some pressure to
occasion in their stride and sung
admirably, with both their focus and
professionalism being commended by
all. The final adverts can be heard here:
Following on from the success of
this first recording, the production
company Adelphoi Music, who had
booked the choir for the initial session,
asked for sixteen boys to return to
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thebaton—Autumn 2016
Tiffin Oratorio, Mendelssohn—Elijah
The Tiffin Oratorio Choir has been one of the defining features of Tiffin School since
the early 1960s. The aims of the choir are many: to give new Year 7 students an
immersive initiation into the world of choral singing and orchestral music; to
develop a sense of community engaging young and old, students, parents, teachers
and friends alike; to enable the largest number of people to sing with a professional
orchestra and soloists; and, most of all, to share a love of great music with the local
community. The performance of Mendelssohn’s Elijah, on 20th November in the
Sports Hall, marked James Day’s second Tiffin Oratorio and was attended by a
hugely appreciative audience of over 350. The choir was accompanied by members
of the Brandenburg Symphony Orchestra and welcomed soloists Rebecca Hardwick,
Amy Lyddon, Hiroshi Amako and James Oldfield.
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thebaton—Autumn 2016
Ensembles Concert: School Hall
Dance of the Mirlitons and the Guitar
instrumental ensembles performed in
Ensemble, led by Fiona Thurston playing
the Main School Hall. The Wind Band
Handel’s Sarabande and Variation. The
opened the evening with Uptown Funk
evening concluded with the School
(Ronson, Mars) followed by a Lennon,
Orchestra fully demonstrating their
McCartney medley, Hard Days’ Night /
talents in the thrilling first movement of
She Loves You. This was followed by the
Dvorak’s Symphony No. 8, led by Jim
Tse and conducted by Director of Music,
O’Malley. The
evening was a
Strings, playing
fine showcase
Moor’s Dance
of the work
by Susato, and
that goes on in
playing Corelli’s Concerto Grosso Op. 6
choral singing) with over 15 ensembles
No. 8, also known as the ‘Christmas
rehearsing weekly, some of which
would not be taking place without the
It was good to see two
generous support of FoTM. There will
illustrating the hard work that goes into
be plenty more to enjoy at the Chamber
weekly rehearsals led by our peripatetic
Music concert taking place on 15th
staff: the Clarinet Choir, directed by
March in the Walden Hall.
Sarah Douglas, playing Tchaikovsky’s
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Above and left—The School Orchestra rehearse the 1st Movement of Dvorak’s ‘Symphony No.8’.
Above—Students from String Orchestra rehearsing ’John Williams Film Themes’.
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BT Christmas Concert: Royal Albert Hall
‘It's difficult to decide on my favourite
gave me a whole new perspective. I
part of the evening as the whole
would love to take part again! The
experience was utterly astounding, but,
evening is an experience that I will keep
During the last week of term 40
The atmosphere was happy and jolly
I'd say the encores (that lasted half an
with me for the rest of my life, and wish
trebles were selected to take part in
and there were so many people! I
hour!) were my favourite part as it felt
to repeat.’ — Henry Studholme 7OB
the BT Christmas Concert at the Royal
absolutely loved it. My favourite part of
as if we were part of the audience, in
‘My favourite part was the santa
Albert Hall.
This concert of festive
the evening was at the end of the
one big Christmas-y party. Whilst I
hats, my least favourite the wait during
delights was presented by Chris Hollins,
concert where we put on our santa
didn’t enjoy the long, stuffy wait in the
the rehearsal. This was my first time at
and included a wide range of Christmas
hats and had fun in the snow! We sang
dressing room it was worth it. Although
the Royal Albert Hall and I would love to
music from traditional carols, opera
with smiles all around and had the time
I’ve been to the Royal Albert Hall
perform there again.’— Aayush Kumar
solos to favourite hits. The boys were
of our lives! I think I enjoyed every
several times as a spectator, performing
7AGW a
in good company singing alongside the
second of it. Well..... maybe not whilst
London Concert Chorus, the Band of
we waited for the pizza! I would love to
Her Majesty’s Marines and the London
come here again and enjoy all the fun
Concert Orchestra, all conducted by
again. I would like to thank everyone
John Rigby. There was also plenty of
for the experience and hope the next
audience participation too with the
year of children will enjoy it as much as
conductor leading the entire audience
we did!’— Jaiveer Johal 7BR
in ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’. For
many of the boys this was their first
taste of a packed audience at the Royal
Albert Hall and they certainly enjoyed
themselves, despite the long wait after
the rehearsal and the late return
Here is a selection of their
'This was my first time in the
Royal Albert Hall and it was AMAZING!
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thebaton—Autumn 2016
Friends of Tiffin Music Quiz
Christmas Jazz Evening: School Hall
At the beginning of December the annual Friends of Tiffin Music Quiz took
The Autumn term’s music events drew to a close with the ever popular evening of
place in the Main Hall. This is always a popular event and this year was no
Christmas Jazz directed by Leo Appleyard, Jake Fryer and Simon Ferris. Both the
exception selling out before the date of the quiz. A highly competitive field of
Swing Band and Thames Youth Jazz Orchestra have undergone considerable
parents was joined by three tables from Year 7 – The Jaffa Cakes (7JAF), Obi Wan
rebuilding since the departure of key personnel last year but they kept the audience
Kenobe (7OB), The Enthusiasts (7DB) - and there were two teams from Year 9, plus
rapt with attention and demanding encore after encore. There was plenty of the
representatives from Years 10 and 12. Tiffin parent and Political Editor of the
usual Big Band repertoire and finishing with a Latin section which tempted a few
Financial Times, George Parker, had kindly volunteered his services as Quiz Master;
his calm authority and subtle wit steered the evening along smoothly and despite a
couple of technical hitches the Quiz even finished at a reasonable time. The
wonderful FoTM bar team, spearheaded by Katharine and Patrick Gibson, managed
a clever double act of serving drinks and shouting out the answers; someone was
dispatched to replenish supplies of Prosecco, the bar having been drunk dry by a
certain table of ladies. Despite stiff opposition the winning team was (7)BR Bright
Sparks – a parent/boy combination comprising Paul & Kim Sloan, Manjit & Bob
Chana, Graham & Robbie MacPherson, Simon Underhill & Marcus VilayUnderhill. The much prized trophy – the model Santa House - will be returned in
time for next year’s winners. A total of just under £1,000 was raised – an excellent
brave dancers to take to the floor. It was great to see some of the recently departed
players, home for the holidays, supplementing the line-up. Congratulations to new
vocalist, Henry Saywell (12KD), who clearly made his mark on his debut and will no
doubt grow in confidence the more he performs. Our thanks go to the FoTM bar
volunteers who have worked so hard this term in supporting all the music events
and raising funds for the Music Department.
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Upcoming Events: Spring 2017
Thurs 12th Jan
Tiffin Boys’ Choir, Evensong, St Luke’s Church, 5:30pm
Wed 1st Feb
House Singing Competition Final, Sports Hall, 7:00pm
Thurs 9th Feb
Tiffin Boys’ Choir, Evensong, St Luke’s Church, 5:30pm
Thurs 9th March
Tiffin Boys’ Choir, Evensong, St Luke’s Church, 5:30pm
Sat 11th March
Tiffin Boys Choir, Titanic Live, Royal Albert Hall, 2:30 & 7:30pm
Wed 15th March
Chamber Music Concert, Walden Hall, 7:00pm
Wed 22nd March
Tiffin Boys’ Choir Concert, All Saints Kingston, 7:00pm
Thurs 30th March
School Concert, All Saints Kingston, 7:00pm
Mon 3rd April
Tiffin Boys’ Choir, Evensong, Westminster Abbey, 5:00pm
Tues 4th April
AS Level Music Recitals, Walden Hall, 7:00pm
Sat 8th April
Mahler Symphony No.8, London Philharmonic Orchestra,
Royal Festival hall, 7:00pm
FoTM Comittee
Anil Dasani—Chairman
Andrew Langford—Treasurer
Simon Jones
Viv Bywater —Membership Secretary
Marisa Waymouth
Katharine Gibson—Refreshments
Clair Newton
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