Foreshadowing handout

Tangerine—November 20-21 (pages 203-212)
What is foreshadowing?_______________________________________________
Event that hints about the future
What does it foreshadow?
What’s going to happen later in the book? What
is your prediction?
Paul imagines a zombie following him
to Florida (p. 12).
The bad things from Paul’s past are
going to follow him to Florida.
During the tour of Lake Windsor
Middle School, Mrs. Fischer asks the
principal what they will do in case of
an emergency in the portables (p. 26).
There will be some sort of emergency
in the field behind the school.
“That was when I got my new glasses.
That was when I started to see better.
From that day on, I could see things
that they could not.” (p. 168)
Joey got mad at Paul and Tino; Joey
left Tangerine Middle and went back to
At the Donnelly’s house Erik smelled
like bug spray (p. 178). Arthur scooped
up something shiny when Erik opened
the truck door (p. 181).
Tangerine—November 20-21 (pages 203-212)
The quotes in the speech bubbles foreshadow (give hints) about events that will happen later on in
the story. Read each speech bubble and a write prediction in each thought bubble.
Arthur took a menacing step toward Tino,
but Erik extended his right hand toward him,
slowly, casually. Arthur obeyed the hand, but
he plunged his own hand into his gym bag and
pulled something out—something short, black,
and heavy—like a sock filled with lead.
Erik held Arthur in place and said, as casually
as he could, “I don’t think we’ll be needing that
today, Arthur.” (p. 204-5)
Why couldn’t I tell? I ratted out Tino at
the carnival. Why couldn’t I tell my
own parents what Erik did to Tino.
What was wrong with me? What was
wrong with all of us? (p. 207)
I went over to the stack and lifted
the top two boxes so she could
remove the third one. As mom
handed it over to me she said, “Do
you smell that? There’s insecticide in
here, too.”
(Mom locked the keys in the storage unit)
What do you think is going to happen?
What do you think is going to happen?
What do you think is going to happen?
Mom said, “Erik has a key. He
can stop in here and get mine.”
“Why does Erik have a key?”
“I don’t know, honey. Because he
asked for one.” (p. 208-9)
Mom said, “I have a meeting with Erik’s
guidance counselor. You can watch football
practice while you wait.”
“Yeah? Why? What did he do?”
“Do? Nothing, Paul. I mean, there’s no
incident that they called me about. Why
would you say that? Has Erik done
something that I need to know about?”
“No.” (p. 209)
What do you think is going to happen?