View Document - Siena College

Term 2:
Issue 6
Mrs Gaynor Robson-Garth
From the Principal
Appointment of Nicole Mangelsdorf as Co-Principal of Kilbreda
I am so very pleased to announce the appointment of Nicole
Mangelsdorf as Co-Principal of Kilbreda College in Mentone as of
January 2016. Nicole will work with Mrs Teresa Lincoln, who is
currently the Deputy Principal, Student Learning and Wellbeing, at
Genazzano FCJ College, as her fellow Co-Principal.
From the Principal ................................................................. 1
Appointment of Nicole Mangelsdorf as Co-Principal of
Kilbreda College .................................................................. 1
Parent Seminar Series ........................................................ 1
Seeds of Peace ................................................................... 2
Performing Arts ................................................................... 2
St Catherine Centre ............................................................. 2
Parent and Guardian Seminar Series....................................... 3
Seminar 2: Parenting in the Digital Age ............................ 3
Save the Date Seminar 3: Anxiety Wednesday 2
September........................................................................... 3
Dominican Corner.................................................................. 4
Refugee Week..................................................................... 4
Service to the community: Winter Sleep-Out....................... 4
Learning Matters at Siena… .................................................. 6
2016 South African Immersion to Kopanag .............................. 7
Pillars One Student Leadership Program – Student
Leadership Positions 2016 .................................................... 8
Year 10 Surrealist Cube Installation ......................................... 9
Learning Enhancement News ............................................. 10
Building Bridges ................................................................ 10
VSSEC Mission to Mars Experience ...................................... 11
Focus on History .................................................................... 12
Science and Learning and Enhancement News ................ 14
The 2015 Brain Bee at the Florey Institute of Neuroscience
and Mental Health ............................................................. 14
Mathematics 2015 –Numeracy Matters ............................... 15
Languages News ................................................................. 16
Language Perfect World Championships ........................... 16
Year 10 Italian - Writers workshop ..................................... 17
From the Director of Music ................................................. 18
Fame the Musical .............................................................. 19
Year 8 Soiree .................................................................... 20
Year 9 Music Performance Concert at Camberwell Green . 20
Music Department Photography Day: 15 July ................... 20
Music Camp 2015 ............................................................. 20
75th Anniversary Celebrations ............................................ 21
Upcoming Music Dates: ..................................................... 21
Sports News ......................................................................... 22
Term 3 and 4 Key Dates ........................................................ 27
Notices ................................................................................. 29
CatholicCare ..................................................................... 29
St Dominic’s Parish ........................................................... 29
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
Nicole joined Siena College in January 2008 and took on the role of
Director of Professional Learning. She was appointed as Deputy
Principal, Learning and Teaching in January 2009. Nicole has
brought great vision and outstanding leadership to her role at Siena
College as Deputy Principal, Learning and Teaching. She has lead
innovation and change and shared her passion for developing a
culture of learning and excellence. During her tenure in this role,
there has been significant improvement in students’ learning
outcomes, particularly in the VCE, with the 2014 results being the
best to date in the College’s history.
I have no doubt that Nicole will continue to contribute much to
Catholic education and to the advancement of Kilbreda College in
the years ahead. We wish her well and thank her for her
exemplary leadership at Siena College over these past seven and a
half years. We will farewell Nicole appropriately at the end of the
Parent Seminar Series
It was good to welcome parents to the second parent seminar for
the year on parenting adolescents in the digital age. Kirrilie Smout,
clinical psychologist and Director of Developing Minds Psychology
and Education, presented statistics on the growth in the use of
technology. She focused on both positive and negative aspects of
its use and offered advice on how to help young people balance
social media and homework time, manage stress and worry triggered
by social networking, and cope with conflict on social network sites.
The seminar was preceded by a workshop facilitated by Siena staff
member, Anna Apfelstedt, on parent use of the iPad and ePlanner
and how to set restrictions.
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
Seeds of Peace
As a follow up to their trip to Turkey and the Anzac Day commemorations at Gallipoli in
April, Year 10 students, Harriet Fels and Alison Tullett, along with Head of Humanities,
Jemimah Walsh, were invited to speak about their experiences as part of the ‘Seeds of
Peace’ delegation at a meeting of the Camberwell Rotary Club. They were wonderful
ambassadors for Siena College and along with other student participants, gave
impressive reports of their travels and of what the trip had meant to them.
Performing Arts
The 2015 Siena and Whitefriars Colleges’ production of ‘Fame’, the musical, was a wonderful showcase of talent and energy.
It was a spectacular production in all senses of the word and I congratulate all involved, particularly the students who
performed and the Co-Directors, Georgina Plasto and Nadia Lavelle, and Co-Producers Kerryn McGillen and Nathalie Fox. I
was also very proud of the Year 9 Page to Stage class and their teacher, Georgie Plasto. They wrote and performed a play
as part of the 2015 Catholic Education Melbourne Student Wellbeing Festival. Madeline Deed courageously stepped into
the role of Narrator at the last minute and did a wonderful job on the night. The Siena group was one of thirty-seven
participating schools and won a special award for their performance on the night.
Sporting Achievements
Congratulations are extended to past student, Bridget Mimmo (Class of 2014), and to Nicola Lawson of Year 7 for their recent
achievements in sport. Nicola has been selected for the SSV Girls 12 Years and Under, Softball team to play in the Pacific
School Games in Adelaide in November. Bridget has been awarded a basketball scholarship to study at a College in Kansas
in the United States. It is a source of pride to have Siena College students selected to compete and play at this level. It is a
credit to their talent and skill, and their determination and commitment to their chosen sports. I know they will be wonderful
ambassadors for our College and for Australia.
St Catherine Centre
The St Catherine Centre is nearing completion. Furniture is due for delivery during the holiday break and we look forward to
beginning the new term with classes timetabled in the new building. It looks wonderful with the College crest now in place on
the façade and the final touches being completed. It has been a pleasure to work with the staff from Williams Ross
Architects, Building Engineering and with Montlaur Project Services. We look forward to the official opening on August 7 as
part of the 75 anniversary celebrations.
Bishops’ Letter on Marriage
We have been requested by the Archbishop to advise members of our community of the Pastoral Letter from the Catholic
Bishops of Australia to all Australians on the ‘Same-sex Marriage’ debate. It can be downloaded from
Our deepest sympathy is extended to Cathy Carr and her family on the passing of her father Paddy. May they find comfort in
the knowledge that he is held tenderly in God’s love and peace.
The glorious colours of autumn have disappeared and the winter has well and truly arrived. It has been a very busy end to
the term with the Year 12 Retreat at Lake Dewar Lodge in Myrniong, a Year 7 Camp at Marysville and Year 8 students on
camp near Walhalla. Year 9s attended a Science Excursion to Swinburne University and Scienceworks. They have been
busy preparing for their City Experience while the Year 11s enjoyed a Reflection Day at the College and the Year 10s visited
the Mizrachi Synagogue and Holocaust Museum, and undertook Careers testing.
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
Thank you to the Siena College community in supporting us in drawing attention to the plight of the homeless in Victoria and
Australia at the 2015 CEO Sleepout held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on Thursday 18 June. Your
support has been greatly appreciated with Siena raising $4,187. The event raised a record amount over $925.000 in Victoria
and $5.5M across Australia
Donations to the Vinnies CEO Sleepout are open until 31 JULY and can be made online via
As the semester draws to a close, I wish all our staff and students a good break. School commences for Semester 2 on
Monday July 13.
Gaynor Robson-Garth
Parent and Guardian Seminar Series
Seminar 2: Parenting in the Digital Age
On Thursday, 11 June, over fifty parents and guardians enjoyed an enjoyable and thought
provoking presentation from with Kirrilie Smout, psychologist and author from South Australia.
The link to her presentation will be available during the holidays and you will be informed when
this is available. Parents will be able to access the link through the Siena Clickview account
using your daughters’ username and password. You may like to watch the talk with them!
Ms. Ruth Boydell
Wellbeing and Pastoral Care
Below are two websites which should be useful:
Essential for parents to have on their favourites list. It is part of the Australian Communication and Media Authority
(ACMA) website and is full of useful help for parents, young people and professionals. Highly recommended.
The website below is Kirrilie Smout’s posts useful articles for parents and young people. You can have your name
added to her free email newsletter which is always full of great ideas and information.
Save the Date for Seminar 3: Anxiety Wednesday 2 September
The third in the series will be held on Wednesday, 2nd September, 2015. Details to follow.
Ms Ruth Boydell
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
Dominican Corner
Recently the Dominican Sisters welcomed Sr Marie Therese Clement OP (Coordinator of Dominican
Sisters International – DSI) and Sr Mary Constance OP (Regional Coordinator for the Asia Pacific) to
Melbourne. Dominican Sisters International is the peak group that was established in 1995 to bring
together twenty-four thousand and six hundred apostolic sisters from one hundred and fifteen
different Dominican Congregations spread across one hundred and nine countries in the world.
Sr Julianna Drobik OP
Sr Marie Therese belongs to a Dominican Congregation in the Carribbean and Sr Constance is from Vietnam. The office for
DSI is located at Santa Sabina in Rome(headquarters of the Dominican Order). The Dominican Sisters of Malta and one
congregation of Dominican Sisters from Vietnam, with foundations in Melbourne, joined the local community in Camberwell
on Sunday evening to meet our visitors and hear more about the many and diverse communities of Domincian women
throughout the world that make up DSI.
Sr Marie Therese Clement OP
Coordinator of Dominican
Sisters International – DSI
Dominican Sisters gathered to meet Sister Marie Therese,
International Coordinator of Dominican Sisters International (DSI)
during her recent visit to Melbourne)
Refugee Week: Sunday 14 June to Saturday 20 June 2015
Refugee Week is an annual event which promotes positive images of refugees. The purpose of this
is to raise awareness about the issues affecting refugees and celebrate the positive contributions
made by refugees who make their home with us in Australia. Archbishop Denis Hart, in a recent
edition of Kairos, refers to the parable of the Good Samaritan as a reminder that it is time to look at
the needs of refugees from the point of view of those in need rather than our own security. He writes
“such attitudes easily develop when your home is girt by sea and you draw the boundaries between
human beings inside and outside Australia with a thick blue line…This Refugee Week we need to ask ourselves: ‘If I do not
stop and have compassion and do what I can to help refugees, if they do not find a neighbour in me, what will happen to
Kairos 7 June 2015
Service to the community: Winter Sleep-Out
A life of service is central to our baptismal call. Siena College, faithful to the Dominican tradition, seeks to preach God’s love,
compassion and mercy through lives of service to the marginalised, the oppressed and the poor in our community. If we are
to be truly Christian, we need to take our share of responsibility to care for others. Learning about our social responsibilities
is an important part of education in our Christian tradition and to participate fully in civil society.
Rationale for Service to the Community Program 2013
On Saturday 30 May, sixteen Year 7 and 9 students participated in the annual Winter Sleepout organised by YEP (Youth
Engagement Program) at Burke Hall in Kew. Antonietta Parry, Bianca Pignataro, Charlotte Kiley, Cristina Parry, Dominique
Rentoulis, Elisabeth Zagon, Emma Klaassen, Emily Turchiarelli, Alexandra Wiseman, Grace Boysen, Genevieve Bohan,
Krista Korfiatis, Monique Lambert, Sienna Lambert, Teagan Matthews, Alicia McKertish all participated. The Winter Sleepout
seeks to raise awareness of the growing number of Australians who sleep on the streets each night.
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
Did you know? There are an estimated one hundred and five thousand Australians who are homeless every night, of which
approximately forty-five thousand are under the age of twenty-five.
Siena students joined with students from Genazzano FCJ College, Burke Hall and some local high schools in the Hawthorn,
Deepdene and Camberwell parishes. A total of eighty young students participated in this year’s sleepout. The program
included some ice breaker activities, a visit from a local policeman and young volunteers from YEP. Dinner was a meagre cup
of soup and a piece of bread. The students braved the cold to sleep out on the open verandah spaces. It was good to
welcome a few parents on Sunday morning for Mass at 8.00am before the students returned home. Students who
participated in the Winter Sleepout registered nine hours towards the required hours for the Service to the Community
Program. A student reflection follows:
Dear Mr Salmon,
I would like to thank you very much for such a great night and for all the support and effort you put into the community. I hope
that over time, there are many more people out there like you that wish to contribute to the homeless. I know that I'm already
thinking of some ways to help out. Having the opportunity to do things like the sleepout really gives you a shiver down your
spine knowing that this is what life is like for some people. I'd like to acknowledge your dedication towards making last night
(and every other year) a special, memorable one. For me, a highlight was sitting and listening to everybody share their
special intentions. I think this was a very beautiful part of the night that really touched me. I look forward to not only joining
again next year, but involving myself in more community support.
Charlotte Kiley
Sr Julianna
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
Learning Matters at Siena…
As Semester One draws to a close, it is an excellent time to reflect upon what you have learnt so
far this year in each of your subject areas and to consolidate your learning. This means that each
student should ensure that all of the class notes, activities and assessment tasks completed in
classes should be organised into separate learning folders and summarised for future learning.
Ms Michelle Robertson
Learning Leader
Below is a Checklist for the holidays to help you organise your way to success:
Organise your workbook notes into summary notes for future learning/Examinations
Clean up your home learning ‘Study Space’ so that it is ready to go for Semester Two!
Do you have all of the required stationery/workbooks you require for Semester Two?
Re-read your English texts in preparation for Term 3 study
Take some time out to enjoy a novel or a new book!
Get lots of exercise and rest so that you are ready to tackle the challenges of Term 3!
Enjoy a very re-energising break and come back ready to face the new and exciting learning opportunities in Semester Two!
Ms Michelle Robertson
Invitation to Night of Change 2015
The Siena College Fire Carriers and the SRC invite students, parents and friends to the 2015 Night of
Change. This is a night to showcase the amazing musical talents of Siena’s senior students as well as
a celebration of indigenous culture, dance and music. Our guest act for the evening is the Indigenous
band True Culture. Mitch and Ian have blended traditional and contemporary sounds to deliver a
world-class cultural experience. ‘True Culture’ place a strong emphasis on empowering and engaging
people through Aboriginal culture, dance and music, and we are looking forward to a wonderful
of entertainment at Siena. Please join us to celebrate indigenous culture and the talents of our students
as we raise funds for the Opening the Doors Foundation.
Ms Marie Salinger
Director of Programs
Tickets are $15 each (supper is provided) and are available online
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
2016 South African Immersion to Kopanag
Siena College will again offer our students the opportunity to participate in a South African Immersion to Kopanang in 2016.
This immersion will take place during the Term 1 holidays next year and will be for approximately twelve days.
There are twelve places available for students who will be in Year 11 in 2016.
Applications to be returned to Ms Marie Salinger by Friday 17 July 2015
If you would like more information about the South African Immersion or an application form please contact Marie Salinger by
email [email protected].
Ms Marie Salinger
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
Pillars One Student Leadership Program – Student Leadership Positions 2016
Students in Year 11, Year 10 and Year 9 are invited to participate in the Pillars One Student Leadership Program
on three Tuesday afternoons in August 2015. This program will be based around the four pillars of Dominican life,
Prayer, Study, Mission and Community.
The format will include interactive workshops, guest speakers, discussion groups and personal reflection time,
and will be conducted on Tuesday afternoons from 3.30pm to 5.00pm on 4, 11, and 18 August 2015. Afternoon
tea will be provided.
If students wish to take up formal leadership positions at Siena in Years 10, 11 and 12 next year, it is expected
that they will take part in this program. However, it is hoped that many students will take this opportunity to
develop their personal skill set, grow in faith and in community with others and move towards realizing their
leadership potential.
Taking part in this course will provide considerable enrichment but also require a significant commitment from the
students. Application forms have been emailed to all Year 9, 10 and 11 students and are to be returned to the
Student Leadership Box at Student Reception by Friday 17th July 2015.
Ms Marie Salinger
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
Year 10 Surrealist Cube Installation
As our second folio this semester Year 10 Art students worked towards producing a
collaborative installation exploring the concept of Surrealism. Installations are site
Ms Peta Mackintosh
specific and the artworks are designed for gallery spaces or environments for certain
Art/Visual Communications Teacher
periods of time, with audiences being able to immerse themselves with the experience
of the work and engage with it.
The students responded exceptionally well to the Surrealist brief and produced unique and distinctive imagery. There were
stunning expressive designs which explored the students’ choice of subject matter in diverse and personal ways.
The aim was for the Surrealist installation presented by this class to be constantly evolving, with audiences re designing the
artwork by picking up the 3D cubes, engaging with them by looking at the imagery on all the sides and then replacing them in
a different order to form a new structure. This was a great experience for the students to move out of their comfort zone.
Some were apprehensive about their work being handled and how their cube would look in conjunction with all other
students’ work. Most students were accustomed to their artworks being presented individually and normally displayed
vertically on a wall space. The following quotes are from students that were involved with the installation:
“Unique and something we had never done before”- Natascha
“I enjoyed Surrealism because the topic was so broad” - Alessia
“Great to display our art in a different format”- Alison
“Good that it was interactive and displayed unique ideas”- Mia and Jessie
Cube Installation close up
Cube Installation
Visual Diary Example
Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
Learning Enhancement News
Building Bridges
On Monday 15 June, we had the pleasure of hosting a Building Bridges day for schools involved in the “Boroondara
Secondary Gifted Network”, including eight Siena students. The day began with students building connections with students
from the other schools in a quest to solve a range of interesting mathematical problems and games that were on offer. From
playing chess to analysing statistical data, the students formed groups to tackle activities with varying levels of challenge,
under the guidance of Ms Jan Pearson and Ms Catherine Rankin.
This was followed by students building social bridges in a fun and active Drama session run by Ms Maree Cody. While they
played name games, re-enacted fairytales, acted out tsunamis and created advertisements, the students mingled well with
each other and became very comfortable in their group work. The social bridges formed here served to motivate the students
in their group work for the next session.
After a small break for lunch, it was time for Ms Catherine Ryan to teach the students about the physics behind the building of
bridges, and the different types of bridges that can be built. Again in groups, the students were given time and materials to
design and build a bridge, recording their design plans and modifications. The session finished with each group presenting
their bridge to the others, and explaining their bridge design process. Both their processes and the results were impressive.
We would like to thank Ms Jan Pearson, Ms Maree Cody and Ms Catherine Ryan for their time and expertise on the day.
Also a big thank you to Ms Catherine Rankin who prepared most of the session content and materials, and ensured the day
ran smoothly.
Ms Alicia McKenzie
Acting Head of Learning Enhancement
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
VSSEC Mission to Mars Experience
On Tuesday 16 June, Year 9 Siena students Sarah Yarak and Breanna Ritchie joined a very
excited group of students from St Kevin’s College, Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar School,
Genazzano FJC College, Camberwell Grammar School and Scotch College for a memorable
hands on, minds on science experience ‘Mission to Mars’ . Delivered by the Victorian Science
and Space Education Centre, ‘Mission to Mars’ is a full day scenario-based program for Year 8
and 9 students.
Ms Leticia Delmenico
Teacher Aide
The students where coached by undergraduate and post graduate educators specialising in Astrophysics, Geophysics and
All students work in Mission Control and as astronauts, who communicate via audio-visual links. The students get to
experience what it’s like to be an astronaut, with spacesuits, before stepping onto the ‘Mars surface’ where they collect real
soil, ice and rock samples as a geophysicist would. Mission Control monitors the astronauts' progress, as well as
environmental conditions on Mars. Students then analyse their samples and data in VSSEC's Research Laboratory guided
by a team of geophysicist educators.
Below are comments from our two Siena astronaut geophysicists:
“The mission to Mars programme was an extremely fun and educational experience. We were taught many things about what
an astronaut does in space and how to collect data as well as getting to experience what it is like to be in space. We were
also able to apply this information when recording our scientific discoveries in the laboratory and during our time as mission
controllers, we were able to see what it is like for people who work in these stations. A highlight from the day was being able
to explore Mars like a real astronaut and wear the same suits and gather information about the planet. Overall it was an
unforgettable experience.”
Sarah Yarak
“I really enjoyed the ‘Mission to Mars’ excursion and learnt a lot from it. Dressing up in astronaut gear and going to ‘Mars’ was
a great learning experience .. I got to see firsthand what the surface of the planet is like, experience a journey to ‘Mars’, and
whilst working with my partner and team mates in mission control (as geophysicists), discover facts about the planet…
Working in mission control, alongside my partner and team working on a mission in ‘Mars’, helped improve my
communication skills. We had to speak through an attached headset with microphone to our team and help them with their
mission. In the afternoon, my group, (the geophysicists), conducted an experiment where we were able to see radioactivity
produced. It was fun!”
Breana Ritchie
Ms Leticia Delmenico
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
Focus on History
As Charlie Chaplin once stated "There are more valid
facts and details in works of art than there are in history
books." With this quote in mind, eight Year 9 students
attended an exciting exhibition “Follow the Flag” at the
National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) on Tuesday 23 June.
Students in their learning of Australian History have focussed
on national identity through various timelines, First settlement,
Gold rush, Federation and World War 1.
Ms Robyn Woodhouse
Teacher Aide
Students were given a tour by Rebecca Hicks, an Educator at the NGV, who spoke to the girls about particular artworks
relating to Australian identity. At the first viewing, students looked at Julie Dowling’s Art work through portraits of her relations
through various decades in Australia. This artwork depicts her great grandmother, Melbin, during the time of the Federation
Act by the King and the 1905 Act for the Protection of Aborigines. Her life was changed by these words.
Students were taken to the exhibition of “Follow the Flag” which explores the vital and
significant role of Australian artists in recording the many facets of World War 1 and 2.
Many of the students were excited to see the original war posters on display as they
had completed analysis work of the posters in the classroom during the term from their
textbooks. The group was able to view and reflect on the diversity of attitudes and
experiences of this turbulent time in Australia and around the world during this period.
The girls were given the opportunity of viewing the more traditional Australian Artists
such as Tom Roberts and Fredrick McCubbin and to discuss their contribution to
Australian identity.
Students had the opportunity to participate in an art workshop based on the
influences of their own identity and were asked to express themselves through a
miniature canvas.
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
Below are some reflections from Year 9C students:
The excursion to the NGV International, The Ian Potter Centre, was a great experience and I learnt a lot about Australian
history that I didn't know before. I really enjoyed the tour and talk about the artwork, led by our very informative and lovely
tour guide, Rebecca Hicks. My favourite artwork was "The Pioneer" by Frederick McCubbin. This was my favourite because I
had studied the painting in history as part of an essay I did. It was exciting to see the original artwork instead of an internet
image. It was very big and clear to see every aspect of the three panels that tell the story of a family's settlement and life in
the Australian bush.
My other favourite artwork was a series of canvas paintings called "The Federation Series" by aboriginal artist Julie Dowling.
It was a series of ten canvas paintings each, with a family member of the artist, on an individual canvas, with symbols and
words that tell the story and life of that person. Each canvas reflected the theme of identity. I liked it because it was creative
and I loved the story telling of each piece.
Alanna Tivisini
I found my visit to the NGV a brilliant cultural and educational experience. The sheer size of the paintings we looked at, and
seeing the paintings up close, was an amazing way to end the semester of looking at Australian nationalism. Personally, I
really enjoyed seeing the war propaganda poster originals, and seeing the difference between those of World War 1 and II.
Olivia Kormadias
When I was selected to go on this excursion, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. However, when we met our guide, Rebecca,
she gave us a detailed and wonderful tour, varying from unique Aboriginal art to our very own Australian paintings. The
pioneer is way bigger in real life, which made me look forward to seeing the rest of the gallery. After visiting the NGV, we
looked at various historical sites in the city. Overall, it was a great learning experience and I thoroughly enjoyed the day.
Annabel Yenson
I really enjoyed learning about World War 1 and propaganda.
Emer McGing
The NGV staff were very helpful, especially our tour guide Rebecca Hicks. She gave us a detailed tour of the gallery which
was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Chloe Dang
We explored the meaning of many traditional Australian paintings and afterwards we got to express ourselves by painting our
own portraits.
Alannah Korfiatis
Siena Student’s Art work: Self Reflection Identity
Ms Robyn Woodhouse
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
Science and Learning and Enhancement News
The 2015 Brain Bee at the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
Five Year 10s were finalists at the Brain Bee and competed at a state level, hosted by
the University of Melbourne.
Ms Anita Galli
Head of Science
Ms Catherine Rankin
Teacher Aid
the University of
We had the privilege of listening to Professor Peter Doherty, who won a Nobel Prize, and to Dr Jee Hyun Kim, Director of the
Neuroscience lab, who spoke about research into anxiety and about her own experiences during her adolescence.
Caitlin Angus
During our Brain Bee experience we got the chance to go Melbourne University’s anatomy museum. The tour was
confronting and interesting at the same time. We learnt that a tumour can grow teeth and hair, and touched plastinated
organs that were once beating and pumping blood inside a human being. The experience was amazing as we saw the
potential of what can happen to human bodies when we don't keep our bodies healthy.
Sabina Kesuma
The lab tour was so fascinating to see what the working conditions were like. I found it interesting how they were studying
emotional memory linked with anxiety, and how it develops in very early childhood. It was cool to see the slicing of the mouse
brain so finely and seeing the specimens on the glass slides and the hippocampus under the microscope.
Catherine Moore
Ms Anita Galli and Ms Catherine Rankin
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
Mathematics 2015 –Numeracy Matters
The year in Mathematics is in full swing and Semester 1 examinations have now been completed for
our Year 9 to 11 students. We hope our students have learned from this experience and that they will
use this knowledge to approach examinations more confidently in the future.
Mr Paul Failla
Head of Mathematics
Our Year 7 students have settled in well to their mathematical life at Siena College. They have
consolidated their numeracy skills through a variety of classroom activities. In particular, they have completed a geometry
activity where they were asked to identify polygons and angles, and learned a little about tessellations at Siena College and
at home. Some of our Year 7 girls can be seen at work in the photographs accompanying this article.
At the end of July, our students have been invited to participate in the Australian Mathematics Competition. A number of girls
will take up the challenge and the opportunity still exists for any student that would like to participate to let either myself or
their teacher know. We ask that any girl informs us of her intention to participate as soon as possible. The competition will be
held on Thursday, July 30, and is an excellent mathematical challenge that our students may take up. This challenge is open
to all year levels as there are a variety of entry levels ranging from Junior, intermediate to Senior.
Finally, our VCE students are working well as they finish their Units 1 and 3 studies and begin Units 2 and 4. The girls have
already navigated their way through a variety of school assessed tasks and the end, particularly for our Year 12 students is
drawing near. We encourage all our VCE students to ensure they make a strong commitment to regular revision as part of
their regular study program. One way they can do this is to attend our after school study sessions that take place Tuesday
and Thursday afternoons. Students from Years 7 to 11 are invited to attend Maths Help which is run every Monday lunch
Mr Paul Failla
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
Languages News
Language Perfect World Championships
The Language Perfect World Championships were held in May. For one week, a group of French and
Mrs Tina Di Camillo
Head of Languages
Italian Language students logged onto the Language Perfect website and answered in total 126,485
questions to compete against students from around the world. At competition close, Siena students
achieved twenty-two awards and placed four hundred and nineteenth overall globally, out of one thousand and seventy
seven schools and two hundred and ninety second overall in Australia out of the seven hundred and thirty seven
participating schools.
Congratulations in particular to Georgia Cotter, Year 11 French, who answered seven thousand eight hundred and sixteen
questions, achieving a Gold Certificate.
Congratulations also to Catherine Moore, Year 10 Italian, who similarly achieved a Gold Certificate for answering three
thousand and three questions.
Other high achievers were:
Silver Certificate
Hannah Mikleus
Year 11 Italian
Jade Devlin
Year 8 French
Madeleine Browne
Year 8 French
Isabella Giannang
Year 10 Italian
Zoe Kourtis
Year 7 French
lena Cruz
Year 7 French
Emily Spagnol
Year 10 Italian
Sophie Smith
Year 8 French
Well done to all the students who participated.
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
Year 10 Italian - Writers workshop
At Year 10, Language students often have a deeper understanding of the workings of the language they have been studying
and have a keen desire to be to demonstrate their skills and understandings. To this end, the year 10 Italian class took part in
a writer’s workshop lead by Saverio Minutolo, a writer and SBS journalist who, through a series of activities led the class to
write their own short story entitled “ Gelati per un viaggio divertente”. Through engaging the students in brainstorming games
and vocabulary building exercises, he gave them the confidence to write using the language they already knew.
“Saverio taught us how to write stories in Italian by taking part in entertaining activities to brainstorm the characters we would
use, their personalities and key words to develop the storyline. He was very engaging and I thought that when we wrote the
story together as a class, we all learnt valuable writing skills for writing in a different language. The story that we came up with
was also very amusing and I'm proud that we wrote together.”
Olivia Viti
“During one of our Italian classes, we were visited by Saverio Minutolo, an Italian journalist, who showed us how to write a
short story in Italian. As a class, we described and created characters, chose a setting and plot, and then wrote a story
together as a class in Italian. It was a very enjoyable and interesting experience.”
Jessica Sexton
Ms Tina Di Camillo
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
From the Director of Music
This semester has certainly been action packed! We have had students involved in the Generations in
Jazz tour, The First Semester Concert, Siena’s Night of Jazz, school masses, Musical camp, Fame!
Mrs Kerryn McGillen
Director of Music
The Musical production, VCE recital evenings, classroom Music excursions and African Drumming
workshops and we have started rehearsing for the 75 Anniversary events including the 75
Anniversary Music Concert next term. I would like to congratulate all students for rehearsing and performing
so well at each and every event I would also like to congratulate all the beginners who have just started
learning their instruments. Junior Band is an enthusiastic ensemble and has achieved so much this semester.
First Semester Concert
Congratulations to all students who performed at the Semester 1 Ensemble Concert on 21 May in the school Gym. There
were many highlights to the concert including the first performances from the 2015 Junior Concert Band and Junior Strings.
It was fantastic to see and hear how far both concert band and Junior Strings have come from the very first weeks back in
term 1. The performance and presentation was up to the usual Siena standard and we were excited to include some solo
performances from the VCE Music Performance class. Other highlights included performances from Junior Choir, Guitar
Ensemble, Clarinet Ensemble, Folkus, Galway Flutes, Sisters of Swing and Symphonic Band. It was truly a wonderful concert
and captured the enthusiasm and passion for music that we have at Siena. Well done to everyone!
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
Fame the Musical
The combined school musical ‘Fame the Musical’ was truly a raving success and a sell out for the first
time in history. We must congratulate all students involved in the musical, either as members of the cast,
orchestra, as back stage crew (sound and lighting, costumes and hair and makeup and stage
management). We are very proud of all students in ‘Fame the Musical’ and I would like to thank
Ms Georgie Plasto for Co-directing Fame with such energy and clear and calm direction as well as all
other staff for their hard work and commitment throughout the musical production. Thank you to all families, staff and students
who supported the musical and the students. We hope you enjoyed the musical and we look forward to a rest during Term 3.
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
Year 8 Soiree
In the past few weeks, Year 8 students have been preparing for their lunchtime Year 8 classroom music soirees. Students
have performed solos, duets, trios and small ensemble pieces to the class and other students from the year level. Ms Nadene
Gilmore and I would like to congratulate our classes for preparing and performing so well at the soirees and for supporting
other students, many of whom performed a solo for the first time.
Year 9 Music Performance Concert at Camberwell Green
The Year 9 Music Performance class has been rehearsing large and small ensemble pieces as well as solos for a
performance at the Camberwell Green retirement home on 18 June during lunchtime This will give the students a fabulous
opportunity to develop their performance skills and to support the local community.
Music Department Photography Day: Wednesday 15 July 1pm
In preparation for the 75 Concert, a photographer will be at Siena on the 15 July during lunchtime and period 5 to take
photos of the whole Music Department and other ensembles and choirs around the school. We want to recreate photos from
the past to “connect the past, present and future’. We are asking all students in the Music Department to bring their
instruments on the day and be ready to take part in the photo shoot on Wednesday 15 July next term at 1.00pm. The majority
of students will attend period 5 but some students will be asked to take part in smaller ensemble photos. I am excited that we
will be creating photographs from the past and leave archival evidence of our Music Department in 2015 for future students.
Music Camp 2015
Our annual Music Camp will be held at the Lady Northcote Recreation Camp in Rowsley from Monday 20 to Wednesday 22
July at the beginning of Term 3.
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
The camp will provide a significant foundation to aid in the preparation that is required for this year’s major music concert
being held at Robert Blackwood Hall, Monash University on 13 August. The camp will also continue to foster the
development of our Ensemble Program. In addition to providing many extra, uninterrupted hours of rehearsal, the camp
allows the girls to have a lot of fun and develop a positive team spirit. Many valuable aspects of instrumental technique and
musicianship can be given attention in each ensemble with our specialist music staff, and the girls benefiting greatly from all
these experiences away from home and school.
This year, students in the Symphonic Band, Concert Band, Junior String Ensemble, Senior String Ensemble, Junior Choir and
Sisters of Swing have been selected to attend the Music Camp. All girls involved in these ensembles are expected to attend
the Music Camp. A consent and medical form have been emailed to all participating students and should be returned to the
Music Box in the Student Reception before the end of term.
75 Anniversary Celebrations
The Music faulty will be celebrating the 75 Anniversary with a special Music Concert including Alumnae at Robert
Blackwood Hall on the 13 August. In preparation for this concert, we will be rehearsing several nights after school and a
weekend rehearsal. The first of the rehearsals were held on 19 and 22 June from 6:30 -9:30pm at the College. Students
were very excited to see and play with past students. All Alumnae were invited to participate in the choir, Wind Orchestra,
Folkus and Stage Band. Alumni are asked to email Kerryn McGillen at [email protected] for further information.
Upcoming Music Dates:
Date & Time
15 July
Siena College
Music Department
Photo Shoot
Music Department
and certain
ensembles and choirs
Permission notices
Permission notices
emailed to students and
now due
Music Camp
Junior Strings
Senior Strings
Concert Band
Symphonic band
Groove Train
Junior Choir
Permission notices
emailed to students
Choirs and Mass
Permission notices will
be issued next term
Whole school
including Choirs and
Various choirs and
Permission notices will
be issued next term
Music Department
and Alumnae
Permission notices will
be issued next term
Music Department
and Alumnae
Permission notices will
be issued next term
Lunchtime and
Period 5
20 - 22 July
Lady Northcote
Recreation Centre
5 August
St. Patricks Cathedral
75 Anniversary Mass
6 August
St. Patricks Cathedral
75 Anniversary Mass
7 August
Siena College
Opening of the new
St. Catherine’s Centre
and various events
9 August
Siena College
75 Anniversary Concert
dress rehearsal
13 August
Robert Blackwood Hal,
Monash University
75 Anniversary Music
Payments can be made
(upcoming community
Mrs Kerryn McGillen
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
Sports News
Cross Country Results
The Cross Country team travelled to the state Cross Country course at Bundoora on Friday 29 May. We
had fantastic weather and numbers for this event were impressive. Despite a few late withdrawals our
Cross Country team topped thirty-five girls. A massive effort was put in by the seniors to participate and
this was met with significant success, finishing in joint third position. Or intermediate runners finished fifth
while our juniors struggled with a few injuries resulting in seventh place.
Mr Mark Smith
Head of Sport
Congratulations go to Charlotte Taylor in Year 7 (3km race) who finished in fourth place in Division 3 in a time of 12:25.3
seconds. Charlotte has trained hard in and outside of Siena, so this is a great reward for her. Charlotte ran in the All Schools
Cross Country Championships on Saturday June 13.
Rachel Smith in Year 11 (4km race) finished tenth overall in Division 3 with a time of 17:43 seconds. Congratulations Rachel,
you have had a fantastic season.
Charlotte Taylor
Charlotte Taylor
A big thank you also goes to Steve Kelly, our running coach who will continue to support us during our athletics season.
Athletics Training
We are now into our athletics season and despite three year levels having had exams, we are creeping up on numbers. Our
maximum so far this year is thirty-one. We expect that to at least double with over eighty girls signing up for the program.
So if you have yet to pick up a permission slip, please do outside the gym and return it to Mr Smith as soon as possible.
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
Siena Creates Senior Netball History
Congratulations to all three of our senior Netball teams who qualified for finals day. Never before have Siena has all senior
teams qualify for finals.
Unfortunately, despite ranking in second place, the A team faced a tough opposition in the Genazzano team and despite
giving them a very close game, lost. The A team picked themselves up though winning their 3 v 4 game to finish in third
In addition, both our B and C teams faced stiff opposition in MLC and both lost their semi-final matches. Our senior netballers
have represented Siena with pride, passion and great sense of fair play. To have one team finish third and two teams finish
fourth, is fantastic for the College.
Senior A Netball Team
Senior B Netball Team
Senior C Netball Team
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
As Semester 1 draws to a close, I wanted to reflect on some of the outstanding achievements by our students.
Junior Netball
Team 7 played against OLMC Heidelberg in our first ever junior Grand Final.
Unfortunately, the girls were defeated 23 - 5. However, a first ever Runner-Up Pennant
in Junior Netball is still a very significant achievement. Well done to the girls featured.
Congratulations to our senior AFL (Year 9 – 12) side who won their division, finishing on top of the ladder undefeated.
Unfortunately, there was no Grand Final for B Grade this year but their results were convincing, particularly as many of our
girls were in Year 9. Congratulations to all of the squad and their coach Mr Laine Rice.
As a summary of Term 2 sport, Siena achieved 1 Runner-Up Pennant (Junior Netball 7) 3 place (Senior Netball A) 4 Place
(Senior Netball B and C) and 5 Division winners (All Senior Netball, Junior Netball 7 and Senior AFL),
With sport competitions occurring every day after school this term, congratulations are extended to all who participated in our
biggest and busiest term of sport for the year.
Sport trials have commenced for Term 3 and will be held again in the first week back. Term 3 sports include Badminton,
Soccer and Volleyball. Students are advised to check their email over the holidays for important dates and fixtures.
I would like to thank the support and effort provided by all our sport coaches and teachers. Moreover, I would like to
acknowledge the support of Dennis Fitzgerald, Claire Moody, Minna Denholm, Donna Laughlin and Gayle Peggie for giving
up their own time to allow our girls to participate in so many different sports.
GSV Athletics
Training is well underway for our GSV Athletics team. We have close to seventy students signed up already and we are
expecting more to start training at the beginning of next term. Please ask Mr Smith for a permission slip if you would still like
to join.
Individual Achievements
We wish the very best of luck to Lauren Lim (Badminton) who travels to Tasmania to represent Australia. In addition,
congratulations to Isabella Giannangelo, (Indoor Cricket) who has been selected to represent Victoria. Isabella will travel to
Brisbane to compete at Nationals. We will be keeping a close eye on the results and performances of both Lauran and
Isabella during their competitions.
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
On Saturday June 13, some of our aerobics teams travelled to Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School to take part in the
Aerochallenge competition. This is the first date on the Aerobics calendar and the girls use it as a practice competition in
preparation for the State Championships and hopefully Nationals.
Below are results achieved by the teams that competed
Julia Boysen
Isabella Perez
Ellie Dickinson
Bianca Cleland
Bethany Moutray
Cara Graham
Bridget Hoy
Lucy Dee
Sara McMahon
Georgia Boysen
Chelsea Buswell
Ella Gurry
Kayla Kourmadis
Lucy Salvati
Talia Mascarin
Chloe Connoly
Grace Boysen
Emer McGing
Samantha De Monte
Claudia Perez
Lily Martin-Jackson
Natasha Tasios
Ruby Bourke
Julia Meo
Katherine Kim
Ella Gurry one of our Year 7 team members has written a reflection of her experience so far.
‘Aerobics is really fun. You get to meet new girls and be active at the same time. Everyone who competed did an amazing
job. All of the preparation and practice really paid off. Thanks to all of the coaches that worked extremely hard to get all of the
teams, duos and trios ready for the competition. The effort put in by all of the girls is tremendous and paid off in the end. Well
done everyone!’
Below is a photo of some of the girls who competed. Unfortunately, some had already left, however, there will be many
opportunities to get a full squad photograph at Nationals.
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
International Netball
During the first week of Term 3, some of our students will be hosting and or playing against Cheltenham Ladies’ College from
England. This school is one of the best girls’ schools in the UK and we welcome them to Melbourne for two evenings before
they head to New Zealand. The school will arrive at Siena on Monday 13 July at 5:30pm and games against Siena will be on
Tuesday 14 July in the Gym after school.
Waverley International Tournament
Siena has entered one senior team and one junior team into the annual Waverley International Netball Tournament. Held in
the first week of the holidays, 30 June to 3 July, our girls will play against many schools from Victoria, South Australia,
Tasmania, Queensland, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, New Zealand and Samoa. Everyone is most welcome to come and support our
girls. This is always a highlight of the netball season.
Mr Mark Smith
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
Term 3 and 4 Key Dates
Term 3 - 2015
Monday 13 July
Commencement of Term 3 for Staff and Students
Monday 20 July
Music Camp begins (concludes Wednesday 22 July)
Monday 27 July
Open Morning
Friday 31 July
Photography for all Sport teams
Thursday 6 August
75th Anniversary Mass (St Patrick’s Cathedral)
75th Anniversary Luncheon (Park Hyatt Hotel)
Year 7 – 11 Classes conclude at 2.00pm
Friday 7 August
Whole School Photography
All classes conclude 2.00pm
St Catherine’s Centre Opening Ceremony
Commemorative 75th Anniversary Book Launch
Saturday 8 August
75th Anniversary Gala Ball
Thursday 13 August
Staff Day
75th Anniversary Music Concert (Robert Blackwood Hall)
Monday 17 August
Photography for all Music Ensembles, Debating Teams
Tuesday 18 August
Antonio de Montesinos Public Speaking Awards
Tuesday 25 August
Year 9 ‘Siena in the City’ program begins
(concludes Friday 28 August)
Wednesday 26 August
Snow Sports trip departs (concludes Friday 28 August)
Thursday 3 September
SPA Father’s Day Breakfast
Friday 4 September
Open Morning
Monday 7 September
Year 8 Examination period begins
(concludes Tuesday 8 September)
Thursday 10 September
Parent/Teacher Conferences
(also Tuesday 15 September)
Thursday 17 September
Indigenous Immersion begins
(concludes Saturday 26 September)
Friday 18 September
End of Term 3 (For Staff and Students)
Monday 28 September
Unit 4 Trial Examination period starts
(concludes Thursday 1 October)
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
Term 4 - 2015
Monday 5 October
Commencement of Term 4 (For staff and students)
Thursday 8 October
Year 7 Immunizations
Friday 16 October
Visual Art and Technology Exhibition opens
(closes Saturday 17 October)
Saturday 17 October
Open Day (1.00pm – 4.00pm)
Tuesday 20 October
Graduation Mass
Wednesday 28 October
VCAA Written Examination period starts
(concludes Thursday 19 November)
Monday 2 November
Non teaching day
Tuesday 3 November
Melbourne Cup holiday
Friday 6 November
Year 11 Examination Period begins
(concludes Friday 13 November)
Thursday 19 November
Graduation Ball (Leonda by the Yarra)
Friday 20 November
Year 10 and Year 9 Examination Period begins (concludes
Thursday 26 November)
Thursday 26 November
Last day of classes for Year 11 students
Friday 27 November
Report Writing Day (student-free day)
Siena Golf Day
Monday 30 November
Open Morning
Thursday 3 December
Last day of classes for Year 10 Students
Celebration of Sport Evening
Friday 4 December
Last day of classes for Years 7 - 9 Students
Wednesday 9 December
Academic Awards Evening
Friday 11 December
Last day for Teaching Staff
Thursday 17 December
College Office closes
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]
Term 2:
Issue 6
St Dominic’s Parish
For more details on how you can support us in our run
for refugees at Run Melbourne on 26th July 2015, visit
If you require further information contact Nevin on
9287 5517 or Angela 9926 5722 or email
[email protected]
815 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell 3124
T: 9835 0200
E: [email protected]