Hamed Pourkhorsandi

Hamed Pourkhorsandi
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +33 06 64838675
Ph.D. in Geology/Meteoritics (Aix-Marseille University, CEREGE, France; 01/2015 - present)
Thesis Tile: Distribution, terrestrial ages and weathering of meteorites from Lut desert (E Iran) and comparison with other hot
deserts. Supervisor: Prof. Pierre Rochette
M.Sc. in Geology/Petrology (University of Tehran - Department of Geology, 09/2011 - 01/2014 )
Thesis Title: Geochemistry of Subvolcanic Rocks from Qisir Dagh, Southeast of Savalan Volcano, (North-West) Iran.
Supervisor: Dr. Hassan Mirnejad
B.Sc. in Applied Geology (Payame Noor University - Tabriz Branch, 09/2007 - 07/2011)
GPA of Optional Courses: 16.93/20, Main Courses: 16.54/20
Published - Submitted - (Peer-Reviewed)
Pourkhorsandi H., Gattaccea J., Devouard B., D’Orazio M., Rochette P., Beck P., Sonzogni C., and Valenzuela M.
(2017) The case for a new ordinary chondrite grouplet: the highly reduced El Médano 301 meteorite. Submitted to
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
Pourkhorsandi H., D’Orazio M., Rochette P., Valenzuela M., Gattaccea J., Mirnejad H., Sutter B., Hutzler A., and
Aboulahris M. (2017) Modification of REE distribution of ordinary chondrites from Atacama (Chile) and Lut (Iran) hot
deserts: insights into the chemical weathering of meteorites. Accepted to Meteoritics and Planetary Science.
Zadsaleh M. and Pourkhorsandi H., (2016) Quantitative textural investigation of trachyandesites of Damavand volcano
(N Iran): insights into the magmatic processes. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 120, 238-247.
Pourkhorsandi H., Mirnejad H., Rochette P., and Hassanzadeh J. (2016) Lut 009, an H4(S2,W4) ordinary chondrite
meteorite from Lut desert of Iran. Journal of Earth and Space Physics, 41, 4, 125-130.
Pourkhorsandi H., Mirnejad H., Raeisi D. and Hassanzadeh, J. (2015) Crystal size and shape distribution systematics
of plagioclase and the determination of crystal residence times in micromonzogabbro of Qisir Dagh, SE of Sabalan
volcano, NW Iran. Geologica Carpathica, 66, 4, 257-268.
In preparation
Pourkhorsandi H. et al Meteorites from the Lut Desert (Iran): Description, weathering and terrestrial ages. To be
submitted to Meteoritics and Planetary Science.
Pourkhorsandi H., et al. On the occurrence of H/L chondrites: the case of Famenin meteorite fall.
Pourkhorsandi H., et al. The relationship between terrestrial weathering of meteorites in hot and cold deserts and their
magnetic properties.
Pourkhorsandi H., et al. Modification of REEs and Nd isotopic composition of chondrites during hot desert
weathering. .
Conference Abstracts
Pourkhorsandi H., Gattacceca J., Devouard B., D’Orazio M., Rochette P., Beck P., Valenzuela M., and Sonzogni C.,
(2016) El Médano 301: a new Forsterite chondrite. 79 th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, [6176].
Pourkhorsandi H., Rochette P., Gattaccea J., D’Orazio M., and Mirnejad H. (2016) Lut Desert (Iran) meteorites:
distribution, classificat ion and weathering. 77 th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, [6195].
Dos Santos E., Scorzelli R.B., de Avillez R.R., Pourkhorsandi H., Rochette P., Gattaccea J. (2015) Weathering effects
on ordinary chondrites from the Lut Desert (Iran) studied by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. 78 th Annual Meeting of the
Meteoritical Society, [5076].
Pourkhorsandi H., Rochette P., Gattaccea J., Mirnejad H., and D’Orazio M. (2015) Terrestrial weathering of meteorites
from the Lut Desert (Iran): a multimethod approach. 78 th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, [5055].
Pourkhorsandi H. and Mirnejad H. (2014) Mineralogical Characteristics of Specimens of a Pseudometeorite “Fall”
from NW Iran. 77 th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, [5006].
Pourkhorsandi H. and Mirnejad H. (2014) 2D Size Distribution of Chondrules and Chondritic Fragments of an
Ordinary Chondrite from Lut Desert (Iran). 77 th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, [5005].
Pourkhorsandi H. and Mirnejad H. (2014) Petrography and Geochemistry of Sub-Volcanics of Qisir Dagh, SE of
Sabalan, NW Iran. 21 st Symposium of Crystallography and Mineralogy of Iran.
Pourkhorsandi H. (2013) Search for Impact Craters in Iran: Citizen Science as a Useful Method. Large Meteorite Impacts
and Planetary Evolution V, [3038].
Pourkhorsandi H. and Mirnejad H. (2013) Lut Desert (Iran): A High-Potential Area for Finding Meteorites. 76 th Annual
Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, [5003].
Pourkhorsandi H. and Mirnejad H. (2013) Lut Desert (Iran): A High-Potential Area for Finding Meteorites. 44 th Lunar
and Planetary Science Conference, [1096].
Unpublished Works
Pourkhorsandi H. and Mirnejad H. (2014) Mineralogical Characterist ics of Specimens of a Meteor-wrong “Fall” from
NW Iran. Preprint arXiv:1401.7299.
Pourkhorsandi H. (2014) Geochemistry of Subvolcanic Rocks from Qisir Dagh, South-East of Savalan Volcano,
(North-West) Iran. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Tehran, 145pp.
Pourkhorsandi H., et al. (2011) Report on Geology of Kondroud Area, NE of Tabriz (1:25000 geology map). B.Sc.
mapping project, Geological Survey of Iran - Tabriz, 38pp.
Articles in
magazine (in Persian)
Nojum (astronomy in Persian) is an Iranian monthly popular astronomy magazine. Started as the only astronomy magazine in the
Middle East (from October 1991 until now), Nojum has been a major popularizer of astronomy in the country. A group of science
journalists, astronomy educators, amateur and professional astronomers contribute to the magazine editorial board. The list of the
articles until 2014:
Pourkhorsandi H. (2014) Meteorites of Iran. Nojum, 240, 20-25.
Pourkhorsandi H. (2012) And now impact, Chelyabinsk event. Nojum, 226, 48-52.
Pourkhorsandi H. (2012) Mars, a cold red desert. Nojum, 220, 14-17.
Pourkhorsandi H. (2012) Divulging Earth’s age. Nojum, 218, 20-23.
Pourkhorsandi H. (2011) What Draconids done? Results of Draconid meteor shower. Nojum, 211, 38-39.
Pourkhorsandi H. (2011) Cosmic messengers, on the origin of meteorites. Nojum, 209, 50-53.
Pourkhorsandi H. (2011) A storm of Draconid meteors. Nojum, 209, 38-39.
Pourkhorsandi H. and Altafi A. (2011) Waiting for the “extinct moon”, all about Lunar Eclipses. Nojum, 207, 72-75.
Pourkhorsandi H. (2011) Quadrantid meteor shower observing report. Nojum, 205, 58-59.
Pourkhorsandi H. (2011) A guide to observing southern star clusters of winter sky. Nojum, 204, 48-51.
Pourkhorsandi H. (2010) A brief report on observing Orion nebula and sundog in cold weather of NW Iran. Nojum,
203, 54.
Pourkhorsandi H. (2010) And a star disappears, observing asteroid occultations. Nojum, 202, 50-53.
Pourkhorsandi H. (2010) A telescopic guide to observing distant worlds, stars of extrasolar planets. Nojum, 201, 4850.
Pourkhorsandi H. (2010) Comet McNaught, but this time another type. Nojum, 199, 48-50.
Pourkhorsandi H. (2010) Rendezvous with wonders of summer sky’s Milky Way. Nojum, 197, 48-49.
Pourkhorsandi H. (2010) A telescopic travel to spring’s deep sky. Nojum, 196, 40-41.
Pourkhorsandi H. and Kookaram K. (2010) Curious and familiar shapes in spring sky. Nojum, 195, 42-43.
Pourkhorsandi H. (2009) Red rubies of sky, a telescopic guide to observing Carbon stars. Nojum, 190, 40-43.
Pourkhorsandi H. and Aghaei F. (2009) Dragon is still awake. Nojum, 188, 30-31.
Pourkhorsandi H. and Aghaei F. (2009) Observing guide of Gemini constellation. Nojum, 184, 35-37.
Pourkhorsandi H. and Aghaei F. (2008) Observing guide of Coma Berenices. Nojum, 180, 68-69
Field Research Experience
May 2016, Sahara Desert (Morocco/Western Sahara), Meteorite sampling.
November 2015, Iranian deserts, Meteorite sampling.
October 2015, Atacama Desert (Chile), Meteorite sampling.
October 2014, Central Lut Desert, Sampling Material for Ph.D thesis.
March and April 2014, Central Lut Desert, Sampling Material for Ph.D thesis.
February 2014, Central Lut Desert (Kalout), Prospecting study areas for Ph.D thesis.
September 2013, Great Kavir Desert (Khoor-e Biabanak), Study of Koureh Gaz Crater.
August and September 2013, NW-Iran (Savalan Volcano), Rock sampling for petrographical and geochemical studies.
September 2012, April and September 2013, NW-Iran (Qisir Dagh), M.Sc. thesis.
July 2012, Northern Lut Desert (Birjand), Sampling playa sediments and furt hur chemical analyses to evaluate Lithium
content - Study of Seghaleh Crater.
March 2013, Great Kavir Desert (Semnan), Meteorite hunting.
October and November 2012, NW-Iran (Khameneh), Working on Khameneh "fall" incident.
March 2011, Sistan and Baluchistan, Study of Gwarkuh Crater.
February and April 2011, NW-Iran (Kondroud), Geological mapping.
Teaching Experience
Teacher of "Earth Sciences", Allame Tabatabaei High School, Tehran, Fall 2013 - Winter 2014
Teaching assistant in "Mineralogy Laboratory" for B.Sc students, University of Tehran, Fall 2012
Teaching assistant in "Geochemical Analytical Methods" for Graduate Students, University of Tehran, Fall 2012
Teaching "Observational Astronomy" and "Principles of Astronomy" in some of Iranian well-known amateur
astronomy centers (such as: Night Sky Co., Nojum magazine, Ayaz Astronomical Society), 2006 - present
Work Experience
Editor in Nojum magazine, May 2012 - present
Science Author in Persian science websites (nightsky.ir, nojum.ir), 2006 - 2011
March 2017, “Search for cosmic rocks in the Lut Desert (Iran)”, IMBE, Aix en Provence, France.
August 2016, “Three day workshop on meteorites”, Ayaz Astronomy Club, Tabriz, Iran.
May 2016, “Analytical methods in meteoritics”, Najm-e Shomal Astronomy Association, Rasht, Iran.
May 2015, “The first workshop on the meteorites”, Iranian Space Agency, Karaj, Iran.
October 2014, “Meteorites of Iran: the State of Knowledge,” University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran.
February 2014, “Meteorites and Related Studies in Iran”, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Zanjan, Iran.
August 2013, “Micrometeorites”, 8th AOA, Tabriz, Iran
August 2013, “Meteor Showers: Principles and Observation”, 46th Ayaz Astronomy Club, Tabriz, Iran.
April 2013, “Meteorites and Impact Craters”, International Astronomy Day, Milad Tower, Tehran, Iran.
August 2012, Lecturing in a 4-day workshop (+fieldwork) on «Introduction to Minerals and Meteorites", Ayaz
Astronomical Society, Tabriz, Iran.
September 2011, “Search for Impact Craters in Iran Project”, Yazd, Iran.
February 2007, “Amateur Supernova Hunting”, Tehran Astronomy Club, Tehran.
Student travel grants for Meteoritical Society Meetings at Casablanca and Berlin.
Recipient of Ph.D. fellowship of embassy of France in Iran (2014 - 2015).
Participation in Gundishapour program (2014 - 2016), project title: Investigation of a new site for meteorite collection,
the Lut desert, and its comparison with other hot deserts.
Ranked 22st (overall) among ~6000 participants in the national university entrance exam for M.Sc. degree (Ranked: 5st
in Geochemistry; 8st in Economic Geology; 12st in Environmental Geology and 42st in Petrology)
Honored as a distinguished telescopic deep-sky observer and lecturer (referee) in:
o 2th Messier Marathon of Nojum Magazine, Seghaleh (Semnan), March 2013
o 10th Messier Marathon, held by Astronomical Society of Iran (ASI), Seghaleh (Southern Khorasan), April
o South-Iran Messier Marathon, Abaadeh (Fars), August 2010
3th Sufi Observing Competition, held by (ASI), Pasargad (Fars), August 2009
9th Messier Marathon, held by (ASI), Seghaleh (Southern Khorasan), March 2009
8th Messier Marathon, held by (ASI), Qasr-e Bahram (Semnan), April 2008
1th Sufi Observing Competition, held by (ASI), Shahmirzad (Semnan), August 2006
6th Messier Marathon, held by (ASI), Qasr-e Bahram (Semnan), April 2006
December 2015, Meteorites of Iran, Asemaneshab (TV), Channel 4, IRIB
February 2013, Chelyabinsk Meteorite Fall, Asemaneshab (TV), Channel 4, IRIB
January 2013, Meteorites and Veramin Meteorite, Lights Off, Radio Tehran, IRIB
March 2012, Impact Craters, Asemaneshab (TV), Channel 4, IRIB
March 2012, Meteorites, Asemaneshab (TV), Channel 4, IRIB
March 2012, Observing Comets, Asemaneshab (TV), Channel 4, IRIB
August 2011, Meteorites, Choogane Falak, Radio Sedaye Ashena, IRIB
August 2011, Asteroids, Choogane Falak, Radio Sedaye Ashena, IRIB
Technical Skills
Chemical and physical techniques used in mineralogy, petrology and meteoritics (e.g., optical and electron microscopy, mineral
characterization using EMPA, XRD, and magnetic methods; sample preparation and analysis of whole rock elemental and isotopic
compositions using XRF, ICP-OES, ICP-MS; thin and thick section preparation for microscopic studies, geological mapping, etc.
Computational Skills
Windows systems, Microsoft Office, vector and pixel graphics (Adobe Photoshop, CorelDRAW, etc.).
Language Skills
Azeri: Native | Farsi: Bilingual | English: Fluent | Turkish: Conversational | French: (Basic) knowledge |
Jérôme Gattacceca
[email protected]
Hassan Mirnejad
University of Tehran/Miami University
[email protected]
Pierre Rochette
[email protected]
Matthieu Gounelle
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
[email protected]