Year 2 Writing Assessment Grid

National Curriculum Assessment Grid
English: Writing
Year 2 – Expected = 14 points
Year Group:
Writing composition, structure and effect
In writing:
Gather and write down ideas and key words, including new vocabulary
drawn from reading, and discussion of different types of writing
Planning or oral rehearsal of writing is evident where appropriate
Sentences are often brief, starting with simple subject / verb (I sat, Dad
Some simple variation in structure is shown, e.g. through use of adverbs
/ simple noun phrases (Today was exciting... Yesterday we
Shows some awareness of purpose with ideas and content generally
relevant to the task, possibly sparse and repetitive e.g. informative
points in a report; memories in a recount; sequence of events in a story
Viewpoint may be indicated by simple comments or actions (The
teacher was nice...apples are good for you...)
Some detail is included through word choice appropriate to task ( e.g.
technical vocabulary/topic specific vocabulary)
A simple opening or ending is evident (Once upon a time...Yesterday
we made cakes...Dear Santa...At the end we went home...)
Some attempt to organise and group related ideas or events together,
e.g. by use of time related words; numbered points; headings, line
breaks; use of pictures.
Adopts and maintains an appropriate form throughout longer pieces of
writing for different purposes (mastery)
Spelling and Handwriting
Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation
Evaluate and edit
Spelling: Refer to NC Appendix 1
In some forms of writing:
Grammar: Refer to NC Appendix 2
In some forms of writing:
Re-reads own
writing to check for
meaning and the
correct and
consistent use of
tense, including
verbs in the
sive form
Segments spoken words into phonemes and represents
these by graphemes
Uses grammatically accurate sentences
with different forms: statement, question,
exclamation, command
Proof reads own
writing to check for
errors in grammar,
punctuation and
Evaluates their
writing according
to purpose, the
effectiveness of
word choice,
grammar and
Makes simple
corrections and
revisions to their
writing, often
without prompting
Shows new ways of spelling phonemes for which one or
more spellings are already known, and learn some words
with each spelling, including common homophones
Uses expanded noun phrases to describe
and specify [for example, the blue
butterfly, plain flour, the man in the moon]
Spells common exception words
The spelling rules and guidance for Year 2 are usually
applied accurately including the spelling of:
Words with suffixes where changes are needed to the
root word
Longer words formed by the addition of suffixes
(including –ment,-ness,-ful,-less,-ly)
Spelling is mostly accurate, with only a few errors in more
ambitious vocabulary (mastery)
Holds a pencil comfortably and correctly
Writes capital letters and digits of the correct size,
orientation and relationship to one another and to lower
case letters,
Words are almost always appropriately spaced in
relation to the size of the letters
Some diagonal and horizontal strokes are used to join
The present and past tenses are generally
used correctly and consistently
Uses multi clauses through subordination
(when, if, that, or because)
Use multi clauses through co-ordination
(using or, and, or but)
Shows formation of nouns using suffixes
such as –ness, –er and by compounding
[for example, whiteboard, superman]
Uses the suffixes –er, –est in adjectives
and the use of –ly in Standard English to
turn adjectives into adverbs
Makes the correct choice and consistent
use of present tense and past tense
throughout writing (mastery)
Uses capital letters
for almost all
proper nouns
Uses full stops,
capital letters and
question marks
almost always
Uses exclamation
marks to
Uses commas to
separate items in a
Use apostrophes to
mark where letters
are missing in
spelling and to
mark singular
possession in
nouns (e.g. the
girl’s name)
Use of the progressive form of verbs in the
present and past tense to mark actions in
progress [for example, she is drumming,
he was shouting] (mastery)
Assessment Key- The framework works on a ‘best fit’ model
National Curriculum Assessment Grid
To achieve ‘Emerging’ within the year group approximately 15%+ of the statements must be highlighted.
Year 2 – Expected = 14 points
To achieve ‘Developing’ within the year group approximately 40%+ of the statements must be highlighted.
To achieve ‘Expected’ within the year group approximately 75%+ (or all bolded statements) of the statements must be highlighted.
To achieve ‘Exceeding’ within the year group approximately 85%+ of the statements must be highlighted.
To achieve ‘High’ within the year group approximately 95%+ of the statements must be highlighted.
(Bold statements relate to National Standard at the end of KS1 according to the NC descriptors)
Termly Assessment
Termly Assessment Task
Highlight in agreed termly colour and date the statements children have met –there will be a sample of
independent examples of evidence that demonstrated the highlighted judgments made
Write in the numerical value on the assessment grid for the child
Enter the child’s name onto the tracking sheet each term
Enter the correct numerical value onto SIMS each term