Bradstreet Paraphrase: Paraphrase the poem. To paraphrase

Bradstreet Paraphrase: Paraphrase the poem. To paraphrase means to keep the
details. To do this, you will need to break the poem into chunks and paraphrase each
chunk with 1 to 2 sentences. I have broken the poem into chunks for you. Use this
outline to paraphrase the poem. You should end up with 15-20 sentences.
Chunk 1- Lines 1-6
Chunk 8 Lines 29-32
Chunk 2- Lines 7-10
Chunk 9 Lines 33-36
Chunk 3- Lines 11-12
Chunk 10 Lines 37-40
Chunk 4- Lines 13-15
Chunk 11 Lines 41-42
Chunk 5 Lines 16-20
Chunk 12 Lines 43-46
Chunk 6 lines 21-24
Chunk 13 Lines 47-50
Chunk 7 lines 25-28
Chunk 14 Lines 51-54
So…to start it you might begin like this…
Chunk 1 example: I wasn’t thinking anything bad would happen in the middle
of the night, but I was awakened by lots of noise and people screaming. People were
yelling “Fire”- something I really never wanted to hear.
1) How would you characterize the structure of this poem? (hints…rhyme, meter,
literary techniques used)
2) In this poem, Bradstreet first narrates an incident and then moves on to draw
conclusions. What do you think is the turning point of the poem?
3)Where does Bradstreet get her inner strength to face the loss of her home?
4. Bradstreet speaks of another “house” in an extended metaphor at the end of the
poem. What is this house, who is the architect and how is it better than the house
she lost?
5. Why does Bradstreet choose to use the word “pelf” at the end of the poem?
6. What major Puritan beliefs about God and about the purpose of human life are
revealed in this poem?
Puritan Beliefs evident in the poem
Reliance on God
God as the all powerful/ Acceptance of Fate
Self-denial/ rejection of materialism/ all things belong to God
Afterlife (Heaven and Hell)
Salvation through Jesus