Chpt 3 Test Name

Chpt 3 Test
Name: _______________________________________________
Date: __________
Choose the letter of the best answer.
____ 1. According to the theory of mercantilism, a country has a favorable balance of trade when
A. it does not depend on products from other countries.
B. other countries do not depend on its products.
C. the value of exports is greater than the value of imports.
D. the value of exports is less than the value of exports.
____ 2. The purpose of the Navigation Acts was to
A. restrict colonial trade.
B. expand colonial trade.
C. strengthen England's navy.
D. make the colonies self-sufficient.
____ 3. As
a result of England's policy of "salutary neglect," the colonies developed
a desire for fine British goods.
a self-sufficient economy.
a disloyal attitude toward Britain.
a desire for self-government.
____ 4. In the late 1600s, the number of enslaved Africans in the South increased dramatically, in
part due to a decline in
A. the availability of Native American workers.
B. the prices paid for African slaves.
C. the availability of indentured servants from Europe.
D. the need for unskilled labor in the North.
____ 5. The "middle passage" refers to the part of the transatlantic trade network that carried
A. rum from the West Indies to New England.
B. raw materials from the colonies to England.
C. Africans from the West Indies to North America.
D. Africans from Africa to the West Indies and North America.
____ 6. The Enlightenment was a movement that emphasized the value of
A. reason.
B. religion.
C. miracles.
D. emotions.
____ 7. The Great Awakening caused some colonists to
A. seek spirituality through the use of reason.
B. shift their loyalty from England to America.
C. pay more attention to the scientific method.
D. abandon their Puritan and Anglican congregations.
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Chpt 3 Test
____ 8. During the French and Indian War, Native Americans fought on the side of
A. the British.
B. the French.
C. both the British and the French.
D. neither the British nor the French.
____ 9. With the Proclamation of 1763, the British government attempted to
A. stop settlement west of the Appalachians.
B. encourage settlement west of the Appalachians.
C. force France off the North American continent.
D. claim Canada and North America east of the Mississippi.
____ 10. The Sugar Act was an effort by the British Parliament to
A. reduce colonial smuggling.
B. boost the colonial shipbuilding industry.
C. limit the colonists' use of tea.
D. raise money to carry on war with France.
Using the exhibit, choose the letter of the best answer.
English and Spanish
____ 11. In 1682, which group of Europeans claimed the largest part of the present-day United
____ 12. By 1763, which group of Europeans claimed most of eastern North America?
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Chpt 3 Test
____ 13. Which European group, by 1763, had lost nearly all of its holdings in North America?
____ 14. In 1682, which group of Europeans claimed the area that is present-day Florida?
____ 15. In 1763, which Europeans claimed the northwestern corner of the present-day United
____ 16. According to the graph, when did Virginia import the fewest slaves?
A. 1619
B. 1662
C. 1700
D. 1762
____ 17. Approximately how many thousands of pounds of tobacco were exported from America
to England in 1762?
A. 36,000
B. 40,000
C. 44,000
D. 49,000
____ 18. Approximately how many enslaved persons were imported into Virginia in 1740?
A. 200
B. 1,000
C. 1,600
D. 1,800
____ 19. Between which two years did tobacco imports increase the most?
A. 1619 and 1663
B. 1663 and 1700
C. 1700 and 1740
D. 1740 and 1762
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Chpt 3 Test
____ 20. In which year did Virginia import the most enslaved persons?
A. 1662
B. 1700
C. 1740
D. 1762
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