Conversion Chart: Volume, Liquid Weight, Weight (mass)

Conversion Chart: Volume, Liquid Weight, Weight (mass)
*1 teaspoon
1 tablespoon
2 tablespoons
4 tablespoons
tip of your
tip of your
Liquid Weight
(mass, actually)
4.6 grams
5 ml
3 teaspoons
1/2 fluid ounce
14 grams
15 ml
1/8 cup
1 fluid ounce
28 grams
30 ml
1/4 cup
2 fluid ounces
56 grams
60 ml
60cc, etc.
1/3 cup
5 tablesps. & 1 tsp. 2 & 2/3 fluid ounces
1/2 cup
8 tablespoons
4 fluid ounces (1/4 lb.) 112 grams
1 cup
16 tablespoons
8 fluid ounces (1/2 lb)
2 cups
1 fluid pint
4 cups
1 fluid quart
4 quarts
1 fluid gallon
1 quart
1 fluid liter (approx.)
* The boxes in green are used most, you need to
memorize and visualize these measurements!
1 teaspoon of sugar = 4.2 grams.
Most sodas contain 40 grams of sugar.
How many teaspoons is that? Tablespoons?
1 slice of bread = 1 ounce, or approx. 28 grams
1 cup of dry cereal like Rice Crispies
is one ounce or approx. 28 grams
75 grams
224 grams
(1 lb)
1000 ml
The Look of Normal Portion Sizes:
1 Teaspoon = the tip of your pinky finger
1 Tablespoon = the tip of your thumb
1 oz. cheese: size of 4 dice stacked, or your thumb
Recommended portion for meat: 3 ounces
3 oz. meat: size of a deck of cards, or your palm
3 oz. fish: size of a checkbook
1 cup pasta: size of a woman’s fist
1/2 cup rice, cooked veggies, fresh fruit = one cupped handful
2 Tbs. peanut butter = size of a ping pong ball
Medium potato = size of a computer mouse