Pre-IB - International School of Florence

Course Descriptions
Tel: 055 200 1515
Pre-IB Diploma Program of Studies
The ninth and tenth grade program at the International School of Florence is especially designed to
provide a transition from the broader based, experiential curriculum of Middle School to the more
specialized and rigorous requirements of the International Baccalaureate Diploma program, which is
offered in the eleventh and twelfth grades.
Students in ninth and tenth grade are required to take certain core subjects, as well as having some
choice about additional courses that may complement their academic program.
All students take courses in English and Italian, studying either the literature of the language, or
focusing on their language skills. Students follow courses in History, Science, Mathematics,
Information Technology and Physical Education. Students with experience in a third language may
continue to study it, which is highly encouraged in the context of an international education.
Students may also choose to study art, music or drama.
A central focus of the pre-IBDP years at ISF is the development of skills that will be carried through
into the Diploma Program and beyond. Skills of analysis, data interpretation, communication,
creative problem solving, research, critical thinking and time management are developed through all
of the courses. Assessment tasks also resemble the types of assessment that students will face later in
their education, ranging from essay writing, lab reports, source analysis, mathematical projects to
research projects and more.
Students are expected to spend two to three hours per evening, per day, on homework, which
includes reading and reviewing as well as exercises and assigned writing.
Students are required to participate in the pre-CAS Community Service program each school year.
Students are issued a school homework diary every trimester. The diary serves to record homework,
as well as functioning as a means of communication between teachers and parents. Students must
come to school with their homework diary every day.
The Pre-IB Curriculum
Students will follow eight different academic disciplines or subject groups:
Full Time:
Language A: the student’s best language, usually the school’s language of instruction.
Language B: one or two modern foreign languages
Sciences: biology, chemistry, physics
Mathematics: algebra, geometry, trigonometry
Pre-IB Diploma Program of Studies
Part Time:
Arts: visual arts, music, drama
Physical Education: health and fitness, individual and team sports
Information Technology
All other information regarding ISF rules and regulations can be found in the
Upper School Parent/Student Handbook
Il programma accademico della classi nona e decima della Scuola Internazionale di Firenze è stato
creato appositamente per offrire la preparazione necessaria nel passaggio dal curriculum della
Scuola Media, più generale ed empirico, a quello del Diploma del Baccellierato Internazionale,
offerto nelle classi undicesima e dodicesima, i cui requisiti sono di natura più specialistica e rigorosa.
Il piano di studio delle classi nona e decima prevede alcune materie fondamentali obbligatorie ed
altre complementari a scelta che completano il curriculum accademico.
Tutti gli studenti devono studiare Inglese e Italiano, sia la Lingua che la Letteratura, a seconda delle
capacità linguistiche. Le materie studiate sono Storia, Scienze, Matematica, Informatica e Educazione
Fisica. Gli studenti hanno inoltre la possibilità di studiare una terza lingua, scelta fortemente
consigliata nel contesto di un’educazione internazionale. Le materie complementari a scelta sono
Arte, Musica, o Teatro.
Lo scopo principale di questi anni preliminari al Diploma del Baccellierato Internazionale è quello di
sviluppare delle abilità che saranno indispensabili durante gli ultimi due anni ed anche oltre. Gli
studenti nelle classi nona e decima devono sviluppare capacità di analisi, interpretazione dei dati,
comunicazione, risoluzione di problemi in maniera creativa, ricerca, pensiero critico e gestione del
I lavori in base ai quali gli studenti saranno valutati sono analoghi a quelli che si troveranno ad
affrontare nella loro futura carriera accademica e sono di varia natura;
comprendono la
composizione di temi, relazioni, analisi di testi, progetti di matematica e di ricerca di vario genere e
tanto altro.
Ogni giorno, ci si aspetta che gli studenti dedichino dalle due alle tre ore allo svolgimento dei
compiti che includono letture, ripasso ed anche lo svolgimento di esercizi assegnati e composizioni.
Ogni anno scolastico, agli studenti è anche richiesto di completare il programma di Servizio Sociale.
Gli studenti ricevono un diario scolastico all’inizio di ogni anno. Questo diario serve sia per prendere
nota dei compiti che come mezzo di comunicazione tra gli insegnanti e i genitori. E’ obbligatorio, per
tutti gli studenti, venire a scuola ogni giorno con il loro diario scolastico.
Pre-IB Diploma Program of Studies
Tempo Pieno:
Lingua A: la lingua meglio conosciuta dallo studente (di solito è la lingua d’insegnamento della
Lingua B: una o due lingue moderne
Materie umanistiche: storia
Scienze: biologia, chimica e fisica
Matematica: algebra, geometria, trigonometria
Tempo parziale:
Le Arti: le arti visive, musicali, teatrali
Educazione fisica: comprende educazione alla salute, fitness e sport individuali e di squadra
Tutte le altre informazioni riguardanti le regole in vigore all’ISF possono essere trovate nel
Upper School Parent/Student Handbook
Pre-IB Diploma Programme
Course Descriptions
Language A
Language A courses in ninth and tenth grade aim to support students:
1) To achieve the required basic competence to analyze texts from diverse literary genres:
 Recognize critical elements of a literary text and evaluate different typologies,
 Demonstrate a more refined perception of theme and the complexities of narrative structure,
 Elaborate in a personal, creative, and autonomous way, one’s reflections regarding literary
To employ a consistent and coherent organization of argumentation towards the desired effect.
 Favor a fluid and logical order of ideas in clear and structured paragraphs,
 Persuade with frequent citations when relevant, to support and give depth and breadth to
the argument in question,
3) To achieve an appropriate linguistic register, united with an appropriate syntactical and lexical
 Build a progressive extension of vocabulary and lexical sophistication appropriate
to the literary domain in question,
 Utilize a syntactical literary structure that is clear and efficient,
Pre-IB Diploma Program of Studies
Recognize and utilize in the written text, as in oral exposition, a significant variety of
registers and linguistic tones.
I corsi di Lingua A nel nono e decimo anno di scuola hanno lo scopo di preparare gli studenti a:
1) Conseguire le competenze di base per l’analisi di testi di diversi generi letterari:
 Riconoscere gli elementi critici del testo letterario e saperne valutare le diverse tipologie,
 Dimostrare una percezione conoscitiva in affinamento di tematiche e complessità dei piani narrativi,
 Elaborare in modo personale, creativo ed autonomo la riflessione critica sul testo letterario,
2) Creare una consistente e coerente organizzazione delle argomentazioni con un efficace effetto:
 Favorire un fluido e logico ordine delle idee attraverso la struttura in paragrafi chiari,
 Argomentare con frequenti riferimenti e citazioni, quando rilevanti, per supportare
ed approfondire con efficace persuasività l’argomento trattato,
3) Tendere al raggiungimento di un appropriato registro linguistico, unito ad una appropriata competenza
sintattica e lessicale:
 Mirare ad una progressiva estensione del vocabolario, nonché ad una sofisticazione lessicale
appropriate all’ambito letterario,
 Utilizzare una struttura sintattica complessa, chiara ed efficace,
 Riconoscere ed utilizzare nel testo scritto, così come nell’esposizione orale, una significativa varietà di
registri e toni linguistici.
Course Outlines
English 9
In Grade 9 English, students will explore a variety of literature by authors of different perspectives
and times writing on a wide range of sometimes contradictory topics, including conformity and
rebellion, prejudice and discrimination, alienation and assimilation, love and hate, innocence and
experience, the nature of identity (especially while growing up), and various notions of “freedom.”
Improvement and refinement of writing skills will be an important part of the course. Students will
also work to improve their skills of close reading and will continue to make connections between
what they read, their own lives and the wider world.
Assorted Poetry
Assorted Short Stories & Non Fiction
To Kill a Mockingbird
Animal Farm
Into The Wild
Twelfth Night
Annie John
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Harper Lee
George Orwell
Jon Krakauer
Jamaica Kincaid
Sherman Alexie
Italiano 9
Il corso prevede lo studio degli strumenti necessari per l’acquisizione del metodo di analisi dei testi
letterari. In particolare verranno studiati il racconto ed il testo teatrale. Verranno analizzate le
strutture del testo narrativo, il sistema dei personaggi, la voce narrante e lo stile.Saranno studiate
Pre-IB Diploma Program of Studies
inoltre le caratteristiche dei vari generi letterari con riferimento anche alla loro evoluzione.Nella
seconda parte dell’anno scolastico verranno analizzati testi teatrali individuandone le caratteristiche
e ricostruendone l’evoluzione nel tempo attraverso l’opera degli autori maggiormente significativi.
Libri di testo:
MeravigliosaMente: Poesia, Teatro e Altri Linguaggi
MeravigliosaMente: Narrativa e Altri Linguaggi .
A.Baricco, Novecento
Nel corso dell’anno accademico verranno proposte altre letture ad integrazione dei testi adottati.
English 10
In this course there is a strong emphasis on the analysis and criticism of literature in all of its major
genres. The theme of human relationships runs through the study of all texts. The question of what
defines a human, a monster, a madman and a freak leads to considerations of how social norms
influence friendships and families. The themes of betrayal, redemption, duty and trust are explored
in different ways with different texts. In the examination of various types of literature and other
media forms students will become better “readers” and interpreters of language from the individual
word to the entire text and beyond. They will learn how to approach a variety of works through
reflection, thoughtful critical analysis, discussion, and at times through a fearless foray into their
own beliefs and ideas. Our ultimate goal is that students become inspired thinkers in possession of
all the tools necessary to produce high quality written and oral work.
Assorted Poetry
Assorted Short Stories & Non Fiction
The Kite Runner
The Bonesetter’s Daughter
The Interpreter of Maladies
Their Eyes Were Watching God
William Shakespeare
Kaled Hosseini
Amy Tan
Jhumpa Lahiri
Zora Neale Hurston
Italiano 10
Gli obiettivi del corso sono quelli di raggiungere le competenze richieste per riconoscere gli elementi
critici della struttura del romanzo, saperne valutare le tipologie, nonché i differenti stili, scopi e spazi
temporali. Il corso prevede anche lo studio del testo poetico, in funzione delle figure fonetiche,
sintattiche e del significato. Verrà richiesta inoltre la competenza nell’espressione scritta del saggio ,
del commento di un testo letterario, poetico e non letterario relativo alla comunicazione non
letteraria. L’approccio letterario include anche l’esposizione orale nonché l’introduzione del saggio
comparativo di testi letterari e non letterari, e l’introduzione alla produzione del testo argomentativo.
La valutazione delle competenze verrà eseguita tramite prove orali in forma di esposizioni e
interrogazioni, in forma scritta tramite saggi, tests e commenti.
Libri di Testo:
Pre-IB Diploma Program of Studies
Il programma della classe decima di letteratura si articola nelle seguenti modalità:
I Parte: basata sul testo MeravigliosaMente: Poesia, Teatro e Altri Linguaggi e MeravigliosaMente:
Narrativa e Altri Linguaggi
II Parte: Lettura ed analisi di opere del Novecento, oltre a due a piacere da decidere nel corso
dell’anno scolastico.
A ciascuno il suo
Lessico famigliare
Leonardo Sciascia
Natalia Ginzburg
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
1) To enable students to:
 Communicate in English in both the classroom and social situations
 Study core subjects at IB level in English
2) To develop skills in:
 Speaking: within a range of situations ranging from individual to group presentations
and social situations,
 Writing: to develop confidence in the correct use of grammar, vocabulary and genre,
 Reading: to appreciate and enjoy a range of both fiction and non-fiction literature,
 Listening: to expose students to the diversity of spoken English,
3) To stimulate:
 An interest and appreciation of the subtleties of the English language (idioms,
colloquialisms) and various concepts that are presented in content area study
4) To promote an awareness of:
 The variety and diversity of the many cultures within the school community and the
world at large.
Course Outline
This course is designed for students acquiring English as an Additional Language (EAL). The intent
is to provide explicit language instruction and expose students to grade level literature. Successful
completion of this course provides an English base and a pathway to a full complement of courses
leading to a secondary school diploma.
Grade 9
Elements of Literature Third Course
A Midsummer’s Night Dream
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Pre-IB Diploma Program of Studies
Grade 10
Elements of Literature Fourth Course
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Language B
1) To enable students to acquire knowledge of a foreign language and culture:
to acquire intercultural knowledge, sharing and understanding of cultural differences,
to recognize the language studied in terms of grammar, syntax, culture, literature,
traditions, gestures,
to be prepared to interact with native speakers,
to provide students with a sound knowledge of the language studied which will enable
them to communicate in a variety of situations,
2) To develop the four skills of a language:
3) To stimulate and encourage:
Curiosity, interest and enjoyment in speaking and understanding a foreign language,
and its culture,
Curiosity, interest and enjoyment in understanding a different culture,
Reflection on a different linguistic system,
A positive attitude towards learning other languages,
4) To encourage students to use the second/foreign language out of school as well by:
 interacting with native speakers,
 watching films,
 strengthening writing skills,
 reading a variety of works, according to the student’s linguistic level,
 developing the students’ capacity/ability of expression through oral and written
5) To prepare the students to take the language B Standard or Higher level or language
AB initio exam for the International Baccalaureate (group 2 or 6):
 encouraging students to pursue the study of the foreign language.
Course Outline
Beginner level (Italian only):
Speaking: Development student’s ability to communicate in speech in order to enable them
to deal with familiar practical needs,
Writing: Various pieces of writing based on student’s experiences and life,
Listening: Easy recorded tapes, specific movies,
Reading: Easy pieces of reading in real life contexts,
Grammar: Strong foundation in basic grammatical structures in order to able to study other
Pre-IB Diploma Program of Studies
Vocabulary: Daily life vocabulary,
Culture: Introduction to the culture of the country.
Intermediate level (French, Italian and Spanish):
Speaking: Conversation, debates,
Writing: Diaries, short stories, letters,
Listening: Taped listening, specific listening task, songs, movies,
Reading: Starting reading books in language, non adapted,
Grammar: Continuing mastery of basic grammatical concepts as well as the learning of new
and complex structures,
Vocabulary: Extensive look at vocabulary,
Culture: Study of the traditions and festivals, an overview of different mentalities and points
of view.
Advanced level (French, Italian and Spanish):
Speaking: Use of the language in formal and specific contexts,
Writing: Essays, literary writing, comments, compositions,
Listening: Songs, movies with specific listening tasks,
Reading: Masterpieces and piece of reading by famous authors (literature and poetry),
Grammar: Advanced grammar structures,
Vocabulary: Specific vocabulary, synonymies, antonyms, metaphors,
Culture: Contemporary issues, articles, study of the country's history.
Intermediate: Grammaire en Dialogue (CLE int). Rond Point 2
Advanced: Grammaire en Dialogue (CLE int). Rond Point 2
Beginners: Dimmi, (Guerra). Essential Italian grammar in practice, (Guerra),
A variety of Italian Literature novels and/or masterpieces (or extracts) written by modern authors
are studied. The titles are given during the year.
Intermediate: Sigue A2. Gramática de uso del español, teoría y práctica, nivel B1-B2(ELE)
Advanced: Abanico Cuaderno de ejercicios (Difusiòn)
History 9 and 10
History courses in ninth and tenth grade aim:
1) To present students with a wide range of historical facts,
2) To enable students to use appropriate historical terminology,
3) To show understanding of historical concepts related to time, continuity, change, causes and
4) To develop skills related to the analysis of historical material and investigation of historical
5) To develop skills related to the presentation, both orally and in written form, of information,
Pre-IB Diploma Program of Studies
To aid students in the appropriate documentation of sources of information,
To develop an awareness of differing human attitudes and opinions,
To develop an awareness of historical uncertainties,
To introduce students to skills, methods and knowledge used in the IBDP History course.
Course Outlines
Grade 9
Texts: Creating America. A History of the United States, Jesus Garcia ed.
The French Revolution 1789-1794, Martyn Whittock
New Worlds for Old, Britain 1750-1900. Neil DeMarco
Russia and the USSR, Terry Fiehn
Trimester 1:
 American Revolution
 French Revolution
Trimester 2:
 Agricultural Revolution
 Industrial Revolution
 Slavery and Civil War
Trimester 3:
 Russian Revolution
Grade 10
Text: Modern World History, Ben Walsh
Trimester 1:
 First World War
War on the Western Front and on other fronts
Breaking the Stalemate
Trench Warfare
New Weapons
Case Study (Somme or Gallipoli)
Peace Treaties after WWI
USA between the Wars (1920s)
Trimester 2:
 Second World War
Weimar Germany (1918-1933)
Hitler’s Germany (1933-1945)
League of Nations
Causes Second World War
American Civil Rights
Pre-IB Diploma Program of Studies
Trimester 3:
 Cold War
Period 1950-1975
Case Studies Korea / Cuba / Vietnam
Eastern Europe and the Cold War (1948-1989)
1) To provide a worthwhile educational experience for all students, through well designed
studies of experimental and practical science, whether or not they go on to study science
beyond this level,
2) To enable candidates to acquire sufficient understanding and knowledge to:
become confident citizens in a technological world, to take or develop an
informed interest in scientific matters,
recognize the usefulness, and limitations, of scientific method and to
appreciate its applicability in other disciplines and in everyday life,
be suitably prepared for studies beyond Cambridge IGCSE in pure sciences, in
applied sciences or in science-dependent vocational courses,
3) To develop abilities and skills that:
are relevant to the study and practice of biology, chemistry and physics,
are useful in everyday life,
encourage safe practice,
encourage effective communication,
4) To develop attitudes relevant to biology, chemistry and physics such as:
concern for accuracy and precision,
5) To stimulate interest in, and care for, the environment,
6) To promote awareness that:
scientific theories and methods have developed, and continue to develop, as a
result of co-operative activities of groups and individuals,
the study and practice of science are subject to social, economic, technological,
ethical and cultural influences and limitations,
the applications of science may be both beneficial and detrimental to the
individual, the community and the environment,
science transcends national boundaries and that the language of science,
correctly and rigorously applied, is universal,
7) To provide a basis for choosing an IB Diploma science course by giving students experience in
content, format and assessment techniques used during the IB Diploma courses.
Pre-IB Diploma Program of Studies
Course Outline
This is a two year course. The first part is taught during 9 th grade, the second during 10th grade. Each
part covers physics, chemistry and biology. Over the course of a single school year, students rotate
through the three subject areas and are taught by subject specialists, giving a balanced science
education over the two years.
Grade 9
Living organisms
Cell biology
Diffusion & Osmosis
Energy & Respiration
The Circulatory System
Particles & States of matter
Separation techniques
Atoms & Elements
Atoms combining
Measurement and Units
Forces and Motion
Forces and Pressure
Grade 10
Animal nutrition
Eye & Nervous System
Rate of reactions
The mole
Chemical equations
Acid base titrations
Refraction & total internal
Waves & electromagnetic
Grade 9:
Complete Biology for IGCSE, Pickering
Complete Chemistry for IGCSE, Gallagher
Complete Physics for IGCSE, Pople
Grade 10:
Complete Biology for IGCSE, Pickering
Complete Chemistry for IGCSE, Gallagher and Ingram
GCSE Physics for You, Johnson
Science is mainly taught in the school laboratories frequently using specialized equipment both
during student experiments and teacher led demonstrations. A wide range of multi-media resources
are used and presented using the interactive whiteboards present in each of the laboratories.
Geometry 9
This course is designed to give students an appreciation for the application of mathematics with
particular attention to the principles of geometry. In addition it will provide an appropriate
foundation for additional work in Trigonometry during the 10th grade.
This course will prepare students:
1) To develop logical, critical and creative thinking in mathematics,
2) To develop geometrical knowledge, concepts and principles,
3) To develop patience and persistence in problem solving,
Pre-IB Diploma Program of Studies
4) To interpret and understand the reasonableness of their results.
Course Outline
Geometry students will study the following concepts:
Measurement and Units
The Pythagorean Theorem
Length and Area
Perpendicular and Parallel lines
Properties of triangles and quadrilaterals
Similarity and Congruence
Properties of polygons
Properties of circles
Areas of polygons and circles
Surface area and Volume
Introduction to Set Theory and Logic
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Radicals and Surds
Volume and Capacity
Mathematics for the International Student-Pre-Diploma Studies, Haese and Harris
Mathematics for the International Student-Pre-Diploma SL and HL, Haese and Harris
Use of a graphic display calculator (TI84-Family) and access to Internet are required.
Algebra II
Students will be expected:
1) To know and use mathematical concepts and principles,
2) To read and interpret a given problem in appropriate mathematical terms,
3) To organize and present information/data in tabular, graphical and/or diagrammatic form,
4) To know and use appropriate notation and terminology,
5) To formulate a mathematical argument and communicate it clearly,
6) To select and use appropriate mathematical techniques,
7) To understand the significance and reasonableness of results,
8) To demonstrate an understanding of, and competence in, the practical applications of
9) To use a Graphic Display Calculator and produce hard copies of graphs and screen captures.
Pre-IB Diploma Program of Studies
Course Outline
Equations and Inequalities
Linear Equations and Functions
Systems of linear equations and inequalities
Matrices and Determinants
Quadratic Functions
Polynomials and Polynomial Functions
Powers, Roots and Radicals
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Introduction to Rational Equations and Functions
Sequences and Series
Probability and Statistics
Trigonometric Ratios and Functions
Trigonometric graphs, Identities and Equations
GDC skills During the course students will gradually become proficient with several functions of the
Texas Instruments TI 83/84 Graphic Display Calculator. Use of a graphic display calculator (TI84Family) is required.
Among these are:
Setting adequate window dimensions and scales for graphs
Using tables
Solving equations using intersection and zero functions
Using Max and Min to find maximum/minimum values of functions
Regressing data to the best function and make a statement on the quality of the fit
Produce scatter plots of data and superimpose regressed function
Use TI Connect software to obtain screen captures of their work
Algebra 2 Standard: This course follows the outline with attention to those students whose past
performance in Mathematics was sufficient or good, and who need the concepts and skills to be
successful in IB Mathematics Standard Level. Students who experience difficulty in keeping up with
the pace of this course and whose overall performance is below a grade of 5, will be advised to opt
for IB Mathematical Studies as their Group 5 IB Subject. Students who consistently produce
outstanding work in the first two months of the course may request to transfer to Algebra 2
Advanced. Approval for such changes must be authorized by the courses’ teachers and by the Upper
School Principal.
Algebra 2 Advanced: Students in this course have shown outstanding performance in their past
Mathematics courses. The course is fast-paced and challenging. It is meant to provide a solid
foundation for IB Mathematics Higher Level in the following academic year. Students whose overall
performance is lower than a 6 will be advised to opt for IB Mathematics Standard Level as their
Group 5 IB subject. Students who experience difficulty in keeping up with the pace of the course and
whose performance is consistently below a grade of 4 may request to transfer to Algebra 2 Standard
at any time during the academic year. Approval for such changes must be authorized by the courses’
teachers and by the Upper School Principal.
Text: Algebra 2, McDougal Littell / Mathematics for the International Student Pre-Diploma SL and HL,
Haese and Harris
Pre-IB Diploma Program of Studies
Health and Physical Education 9 and 10
1) To enhance all aspects of development including:
a) Health,
b) Physical fitness,
c) Movement knowledge,
d) Academic performance,
e) Goal setting,
f) Self-esteem,
g) Stress management,
h) Social skills,
2) To provide students the opportunity to comprehend and experience the benefits of physical
activity in their lives,
3) To learn through health classes and practical activity that physical exercise is a primary factor in
maintaining health and enriching the quality of life,
4) To lead students to acquire and establish patterns of health-related behavior during the year,
a) Maintaining appropriate levels of cardiovascular and respiratory efficiency,
b) Muscular strength,
c) Endurance,
d) Flexibility
Activities designed to help the student to reach the aims of the course may include:
Track & Field; high and long jump, shot putt, discus throwing, vortex throw, sprints, middle
distance running (1000 m.), hurdles,
Volleyball : improving technique and strategy,
Soccer: improving technique and strategy,
Tennis: improving technique and strategy,
General exercises to improve strength, flexibility,
Stretching and relaxation.
The Health Program consists of planned learning experiences. Areas of study may include:
Personal fitness,
Alcohol use and abuse,
Drug use and abuse,
Communicable and degenerative diseases, including those sexually transmitted,
Circulatory and respiratory systems,
Biological meaning of aerobic and anaerobic training.
Pre-IB Diploma Program of Studies
Art 9 and 10
1) To enable students to acquire understandings of art and art making skills and apply knowledge
and terminology by:
Being exposed to a wide variety of art historical works,
Understanding the connection between art, community, history and culture and its
applications in everyday life,
Being suitably prepared for further study in IB Art,
2) To enable students to create competent and resolved artworks that reflect proficiency and
creativity through:
Hands-on projects focusing on the core building blocks of art and the elements and
principles of art,
Portfolio review,
Art exploration and investigation,
Building art-making skills that will be needed for further study in IB Art,
3) To stimulate feedback and enable students to provide a thorough reflection and an accurate
analysis and evaluation of his/her development to:
Encourage effective communication,
Critique and understand the processes related to critique,
4) To stimulate students to demonstrate interest, initiative, enthusiasm and commitment through:
Interest in and care for artwork, art studio and art supplies,
Developing an informed interest in the study and creation of art,
Stimulating creativity and overall enjoyment of art.
Course Outline
This course focuses on the basic building blocks of art, the principles and elements of design and
how to apply them through a variety of media. This class introduces students to various aspects of
art through hands-on projects, art exploration, and problem solving. Critique and inquiry into art
history are a vital element of this class. It is recommended to those students who intend to continue
with IB Art.
Critical awareness and art appreciation are encouraged through individual art making and class
Assessment is based on portfolio review, sketchbooks and in-class critiques.
Drama 10
1) To acquire knowledge about and skills for mime, pantomime, voice/diction, acting, script
writing, set creation and direction,
To learn or improve upon the basic elements of theater craft through collective inquiry and
3) To develop self-expression and communication skills for real-life situations,
4) To gain insight into understanding of human nature (behavior, moral codes, attitudes, etc.),
Pre-IB Diploma Program of Studies
To work co-operatively in small and large groups,
To become competent in problem-solving,
To initiate ideas for drama experiences,
To become a leader in groups of various sizes,
To accept the leadership of others in small and large groups,
To critically assess one another and participate in group assessment,
To stage an original play ideated, scripted, directed and acted by the Upper School Drama class.
Course Outline
Upper School Drama will enable students to acquire an understanding of what it means to act, which
they will then apply to the creation of theatrical works. The course will give students the knowledge
to improvise in an effort to explore character in various situations, explore, develop and portray
characters and their motivations through expression of ideas, emotions, movement, and through
relationships with other characters.
Music 9 and 10
This course aims:
To develop an appreciation of a wide range of musical expressions,
To inspire and encourage all students to perform according to their interests and abilities,
To nurture confidence in creation and performance, both individually and in groups,
To provide a base for further growth and a life-long love of music.
Course Outline
The students will engage in a variety of musical activities, which aim to build on existing individual
interests and skills. Students will be given an opportunity to learn new instruments within the
classroom (keyboard, bass , acoustic guitar and drums) and will be encouraged to perform in a band
as well as participating in our vocal, taiko drumming and song writing projects.
The course extends beyond the classroom and year 9 and 10 students are encouraged to support the
extra-curricular music activities, which include a high school mixed choir and small orchestral
ensemble, and to participate in events such as the school musical ,Festival of Song and various
charity events. The premise of the program is that all students are capable of achieving in music .
Pre-IB Diploma Program of Studies
Information Technology 9 and 10
The 9th grade curriculum will encourage independence in students’ use of ICT and encourage
creativity. It will also begin to prepare students for the IB Diploma Program.
The students will complete units of work on information literacy, report writing, spreadsheets,
production of user guides using Desktop Publishing Software and robotics in the workplace. In the
second semester students will also have the opportunity to make and program their own robot
demonstrating an understanding of basic programming concepts and the use of sensors.
The 10th Grade curriculum will encourage independence in students’ use of ICT and encourage
creativity. It will also begin to prepare students for IB Diploma.
10th Grade students will complete a project where the pupil takes on the role of working for a
company producing a new computer game. They will produce documents using a variety of
multimedia and business software.
They will need to:
1) Demonstrate an understanding of computer hardware by producing a presentation for the
companies board of directors recommending the hardware and software required to complete the
2) Use word processing software to produce a report on what makes a good computer game, a
website for the company advertising the new game that has been created,
3) Create a spreadsheet to calculate possible profit,
4) Create a database to use as a marketing tool in order to keep records on possible customers.
5) Plan, create, test and evaluate their own simple computer game.
1) To enable students to learn by doing hands-on tasks that have real consequences for the
2) To create relationships within the wider community,
3) To provide the opportunity to break down some of the barriers between us and our host
4) To provide the opportunity to serve others less fortunate than ourselves,
5) To encourage reflection on these experiences over time,
6) To train for the more challenging CAS requirement of 11th and 12th grades.
Students must complete a minimum of 30 hours of service in 9 th grade, and a minimum of 30 hours
of service in 10th grade. Students who fail to complete the required number of hours of Community
Service will not be awarded the ISF High School Diploma.
While most service will be completed outside of the school community, there will be some service
opportunities within the school community:
Pre-IB Diploma Program of Studies
 Recycling programs,
 PTA sponsored events (Winterfest, Bazaar, etc.),
 Library – supervised work,
 School grounds – clean up,
 Yearbook class,
 Student Council,
 Assisting with extra-curricular activities,
 Peer tutoring.
Students may wish to volunteer their services:
 In a home for the elderly, or for disabled children,
 Fundraising for Corri La Vita,
 Joining a group of students in cleaning up the city with Lega Ambiente,
 Becoming involved with WWF, Amnesty International, Green Peace, etc.