Biology Midterm Exam Review 1. Use the picture to describe the

Biology Midterm Exam Review
1. Use the picture to describe the endosymbiotic
theory and list the organelles that are involved?
2. What two kingdoms contain organisms that can be multicellular, eukaryotic, and
contain chloroplasts?
Which of the following species are most closely related?
Species 1: TACGGAAGC
Species 2: TCCGCCACG
Species 3: TGCGGAAGA
Species 4: TACCCACGA
4. What are the differences between a prokaryotic
cell and a eukaryotic cell? Label the cells in the
diagram: prokaryote eukaryote.
5. The solution in the diagram below contains 93% water
and 7% sugar. The animal cell in the solution is 99%
water and 1% sugar. How will osmosis affect the animal
6. The sodium chloride (NaCl) concentration of a normal human blood cell is 0.9%.
The picture on the left shows a normal red blood cell, while the picture to the right
shows a red blood cell that has been placed in a salt solution. In order for the cell to
burst, would the concentration of salt in the solution be higher or lower than the
concentration of salt in the blood?
7. Use the following forms of cellular
transport to label the diagram to the right:
diffusion, facilitated diffusion,
active transport.
What would happen to a freshwater fish if you were to put it in a salt water tank?
What would happen to a salt water fish if you were to put it in a fresh water tank?
9. Why is a virus considered to be non-living?
Label the protein coat and the genetic material.
Is a virus considered to be alive?
10.What does the cell theory state?
11. Identify what happens in each stage of the viral
cycles in the picture to the right.
What is the difference between the
Lytic cycle and the lysogenic cycle?
Of the 2 cycles above, the flu is an
example of _____________________ .
12.What process is taking place in the diagram
Dehydration synthesis
What is the difference between the
13. Look at the
equations to
the right and
answer the
Label each equation as photosynthesis or respiration.
What are the reactants of photosynthesis?
What are the reactants of respiration?
14. Using your knowledge of biomolecules and the chart below, label compounds A, B,
C, and D. (Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, nucleic acids)
What are some other characteristics of compound A?
15. Label each of the 4 biomolecules. (Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, nucleic acids)
Which structure is used as the primary source of energy?
16. Name and describe the structure and functions of the four biomolecules.
17. What type of molecule (monomer) makes up the long chains of DNA?
What are the 3 components of this molecule?
18. Which type of RNA carries the coding information to the site of
protein synthesis? mRNA, rRNA, tRNA
19. Enzymes help us with many bodily functions. The enzyme that helps us start the
process of digestion when we eat is called amylase. How does amylase help in the
process of digestion of food?
20. In a DNA molecule, which component of the nucleotide specifically determines the
characteristics of an organism?
21. Complete the diagram below with the missing
complimentary bases:
Where does the molecule separate before
replication begins?
22. Label the numbered items on the following drawing.
What is the name of the process that
is happening in this drawing?