Angel Army News - Central College Christian Academy

Angel Army News
I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint. Jeremiah 31:25
Calendar of events:
21 Academy Art Show 5-7pm
23 Father/Daughter Dance
5-7pm, Kirk Hall
25-29 Scholastic Book Fair
28 Academic Fair
5:30pm, Ballard Hall
30 Mom Prom
5-7pm, Kirk Hall
Our students were a
part of 600 students
participating in the
National Math
in Indianapolis on
Saturday, April 9. The
students were well
prepared and played the
games with strong
understanding and good
3 PTF Meeting 6:30pm
9 CCCA Board Meeting 6:15pm
12 Symphony of Summer and
Silent Auction 5-7pm
19 Field Day & Talent Show
20 8th Grade Graduation 6pm
Check out our website!
Google Calendar
Angel Army News
Lunch Menus
2016-2017 Calendar
Parents are welcome at
K-5 Chapel 8:20 am in the
6-8 Chapel 2nd period in
the Ellsworth Chapel.
April 18, 2016
The game monitors had a big
job and we very much
appreciate the work of parents
and staff: Justin Lee,
Rob Miller, Leslie Diederich,
Julie Kirby, Robert Collier,
Brigitte Wrobbel, Carolyn
Konicki, Ned Kerstetter,
and Dana Brooks. Clint
Byington once again took on the
big responsibility of being a
Game Leader. It was a
wonderful conclusion to a year
of Math Problem Solving.
We had a game monitor
find us to commend Kayla
Kirby and her kind
response to her
opponent. Earning the
gold medal were Alex
Wrobbel and Christopher
Lee, the silver medal went
to Ryan Miller, and the
bronze medal was earned
by Sam Peck and Josh
Brooks. All students
received certificates and
ribbons for their good
work at the competition.
April 18, 2016
Please note, all
Parents and Guardians must come into the
Gym to sign your child in to Before Care. Students are not permitted
to sign themselves in. Thank you!
-Mary Walsh
We are State Testing this week. Please be
sure your child is not absent, gets plenty of
sleep, has a great breakfast, and is at school
on time. All of these factors ensure that the
students are set up for success. Thank you!
Thursday April 28th 5:30pm Ballard Hall
Attention, Scholars! You are invited to participate in our Annual Academic Fair!
This is a fun opportunity for students Kindergarten through 4th grade to show off
knowledge of their favorite subject. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to spend some
quality time with your child.
Students should prepare a display featuring
ANY subject matter that they would like to research!
Please contact Ms. Ellsworth for
more information:
[email protected]
April 18, 2016
PTF invites YOU to a jiving good time of dancing,
food, photo booth fun, and fellowship!
Father - Daughter Dance: Saturday, April 23 5pm-7pm
Mom Prom: Saturday, April 30 5pm-7pm
Who: Students K-5 and their Special Guest
Location: CCCA Kirk Hall
Cost: $10 per couple, $5 for each additional child
Dress Code: Sunday Best
Please return the bottom portion of this flyer along with payment
to your child’s teacher right away! Please make checks payable
to CCCA PTF. Tickets will be available at the door, but pre-orders are
much appreciated so that we can plan for enough food. Renweb billing
is not an option for payment. Thanks for your understanding.
* Please check which dance applies *
Father ~ Daughter Dance: ________
Mom Prom: ________
Child’s Guest’s Name: _______________________
Child’s Name: _______________________
Additional Child’s Name: _______________________
Total Payment Enclosed: ________
For the latest Information
April 18, 2016
Only two more meets this season!
Come on out and show your support!
Saturday April 23, 9:00am, Worthington Christian High School
Saturday, April 30, 11:00am, Columbus School for Girls
April Birthdays
Austin Hickock
Nicholas Hawk
Luke Hawk
Cougar Ericson
Jackson Rodocker
Tyler Reichert
London Heck
Christian Crotte
Sophia Bojko
Aylah Heck
Hayden Dennis
Aiden Gaughen
Mia Konicki
Ryan St. John
April 18, 2016
Christian Estep
Jesse Robinson
Wesley Diederich
Fernando Cubas
Lorenzo Dela Cruz
Ben Peck
Rian Hewlett
Ian Kirby
Jacob Mechling
Maylee Hatem
Spirit Day &
Ice Cream Day
~ May 2nd ~
Wear jeans and a Spirit
Shirt, bring a canned
good, and a quarter!
Meeting Schedule for remainder of 2015/2016 School year:
May 10th 2016 at 6:30 PM in CCPC Meeting Center TBD
June 14th 2016 at 6:30 PM in CCPC Meeting Center TBD
July 12th 2016 at 6:30 PM in CCPC Meeting Center TBD
August 9th 2016 at 6:30 PM in CCPC Meeting Center TBD
First Meeting Schedule for 2016/2017 school year: September 13th at 6:30 PM at a CCCP Meeting Center TBD.
It has been a
wonderful year full of
laughs and memories
we will cherish for a
life time!
Order your yearbook
online TODAY at:
April 18, 2016
Symphony of Summer & Silent Auction
Thursday, May 12th 5-7pm
Grades K~8th will perform pop music
in front of our Worship Pavilion Gazebo.
Please bring your own lawn chair or
blanket. There will be a Silent Auction
featuring the Teacher Gifts of Time as well
as Baskets from local businesses. Please see
page 10 regarding donating baskets.
Come hungry!
We will have Food
Trucks from Butch’s
Italian Café, Schmidt’s
Sausage Truck, Tortilla
Streetfood, and Fantasy
Deep-fried Cupcakes!
PTF ~ Parent Teacher Fellowship
We’re looking for Officers in the positions of Vice President,
Secretary, and Treasurer for the next school year.
Email Melynda Amrine to make a nomination:
[email protected]
Keep your Mini-Inventor busy this Summer!
Do you have a creative kiddo who loves to
build? Who enjoys taking things apart, taping
them back together again, and declaring,
“Check out my invention!” ?
Sign them up for Camp
July 18 - 22, Conveniently located here at CCCA!
Use our promo code for $15 off! See page 11 for details!
We need volunteers
to hang artwork
for our Annual Art Show!!
No artistic skill is required and you are not required to
stay for the entire work time!
We will be hanging artwork:
Tuesday April 19, 3:30-8:00pm
Wednesday April 20, 12:30-5:00pm
Thursday April 21, 8:30-11:00am
Email [email protected]
April 18, 2016
Monday, April 25th ~ Friday, April 29th
We need Volunteers to set up Monday,
tear down Friday, and run the register
daily! Please email our librarian,
Miss Mary, if you’re
willing to help!
[email protected]
Thank You!
April 18, 2016
In preparation for Symphony of Summer and Graduation, please
mark your calendars with the following rehearsal dates:
Wednesday, April 13 - All Choirs after school - REHEARSAL CANCELLED
Friday, April 15 - All Choirs
3:30 - 4:15
Sunday, April 17 - All Sing at CCPC
Report at 9:00am, Sing at 9:30
Wednesday, April 20 - All Boys Grades 4 and 5
3:30 - 4:15
Wednesday, April 27 - All Girls Grades 4 and 5
3:30 - 4:15
Tuesday, May 3 - All Choirs
3:30 - 4:15
Tuesday, May 10 - All Choirs
3:30 - 4:15
Thursday, May 12 - Symphony of Summer
Report at 4:30, Begin at 5:00
Please email Mr. Sewell or Ms. Vaughn with any questions or concerns:
Mr. Sewell: [email protected]
Ms. Vaughn: [email protected]
April 18, 2016
Dear Central College Christian Academy Families,
We are looking forward to hearing all of our young musicians perform at the
Symphony of Summer on Thursday, May 12th from 5-7pm at our beautiful outdoor
Worship Pavilion. We will be enjoying food trucks (Schmidt’s Sausage Truck, Butch’s
Italian Café, Tortilla Streetfood, Fantasy Cupcakes), music, and a silent auction, including
the famous teacher gifts! Teachers will offer up fun gifts of time such as video game
parties, “Principal-for-the-day”, face-painting at your child’s birthday party, and more.
This silent auction supports the Educational Excellence Fund. Most recently, this fund
paid for our building renovations.
We are also looking for local businesses to donate silent auction baskets. Before
we extend the invitation to outside businesses, we want to offer up this opportunity to
our families and the businesses they are affiliated with. Having a basket in our silent
auction is a great way to advertise your company!
The most-successful business baskets have a fun theme (beach, OSU, BBQ,
movie-night, etc.), include a gift card, and are at least a $50 value. You are also more
than welcome to include a gift card for and/or business card for your business. If you
need help embellishing your basket, (filler, cellophane, ribbon, etc.) I would be happy to
help! Please contact me at the email address below, or by calling the school.
We thank you in advance for your continued faithful support of Central College
Christian Academy and our commitment to building educated, Christian leaders for
tomorrow’s church, communities, and world.
All the Best,
Betsy Ericson
Marketing Director
[email protected]
April 18, 2016
Sign up by May 10th and save $15! Use promo code SPRING
Who: Children entering 1st-6th Grade
Where: Central College Christian Academy
When: July 18 - 22 9:00am-3:30pm
How Much: $225 Before discount
More Information: Director Amy Gray, [email protected]
To Register:
April 18, 2016
Getting to know…
Christine Jajack, 3rd Grade Teacher
Did you always know you wanted to be a teacher?
I always wanted to be a teacher when I was a kid. Later, I decided I wanted to go into
human resources and majored in business. After a semester of business, I changed
majors to go into education.
What was your most memorable or rewarding moment as a teacher?
Almost every day is rewarding. I am working with young children who are constantly
learning and growing.
What was your most embarrassing moment as a teacher?
There isn't a specific moment sticking out, but I am always making mistakes. I admit
them or laugh and move on.
What makes CCCA special to you?
CCCA is the school I have spent my whole teaching career at and it is also now the
school for my own child.
What is your favorite hobby?
I am a full time teacher and a mom of three kids (all 6 or under). What are hobbies?
What is your life verse?
A friend thought this reflected me well and I love it:
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working
for The Lord, not for human masters.
Colossians 3:23
April 18, 2016
April 18, 2016