Sept 27 Times - Celebration Church Barrie

Issue 246
September 27, 2015
Mobilized to Serve -- The Team Grows
This summer and fall we have been able to expand several of our ministry
teams. Our special thanks to those who stepped forward to serve in these
important ways!
** Sunday Coffee Teams: Lyn Lawrence, Donna Reed, Beverley Good, Dennis
McClelland and Joan Minhinnick have been trained by Jane and Cam
** Running Sunday morning Media & Projector: Mark Thomas is being
trained by Michael Tweedle and Mark Tymochko.
Join the
** Media Software: Nicole Fraser is being trained by Elizabeth Kerrigan in
creating the slides for Sunday morning.
** Sunday morning Children and Youth Classes:
Kendry, Dorrett Thomas and Sue Lyon.
Anne Harrison, Doug
** Communion Set Up: Doug and Heather Kendry are being trained by Stacy
Church Family Dinner Re-Scheduled
We welcome all visitors and
newcomers who have come to join
us as we praise and worship, pray
and give thanks, and learn about
the word of God in our service
Feel free to meet with us in a time
of fellowship and coffee after the
The church family Dinner that was originally scheduled for Saturday October
3rd has been re-scheduled to Saturday November 28th at 5pm. More details
will be forthcoming. Celebration Church Life Groups
Several of our Life Groups are now underway. We anticipate that there will be
others after Thanksgiving. We are in need of an evening group; speak to one
of our Pastors if you could assist as a host or leader.
** Sunday’s at 12:30 pm at the home of Pastor
Peter and Barb Williams. Hot soup provided.
DVD teaching and discussion on “Spirit, Soul and
** Tuesdays at 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. Prayer Group led
by Diane McVitty at Inniswood.
Affiliated with:
** Tuesdays at 12:45 to 3:00 pm a Woman’s study
on the Book of Acts led by Gay Welsman and
Pastor Kathleen at Inniswood.
** Tuesdays at 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm an Exploration of the Catechism led by
Pastor Buzz at Inniswood.
** Wednesdays at 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. the weekly Men’s Breakfast led by
Walter Marshall at Andy’s Place Restaurant located on Hart Drive.
P A G E !2
Ontario Curriculum
There will be a special presentation at Emmanuel Church on Sunday Sept. 27th at 6:30 pm to
answer questions about your children and the new Provincial Sex Ed Curriculum. Last June we
had Kerry Wilson come and speak to us about the issues surrounding this curriculum, with
practical advice for parents. It was such a quality presentation that we are having her back! Don’t
miss this informative evening!
ANiC Regional Woman’s Day -- Sat. October 17th
These regional events are proving to be wonderful days for the ANiC churches in the region.
This fall the Woman’s Day will be hosted by St. George’s Burlington in their new building. We
will be car pooling down on Saturday October 17th. The program will run from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00
pm. Please pre-register with Anne Harrison. The cost is $25. The speaker is Monica Harper on
the topic “Being the Hands and Feet of Jesus”.
A.N.I.C. News -- Pastor Keith Ganzer
Pastor Keith Ganzer has been appointed as the new Pastor of Christ the King Church in Toronto.
Pastor Keith spoke at our Refresh & Renew day last winter. His Induction service will be next
Sunday October 4th at 4pm at Christ the King (meeting at Blythwood Baptist Church 80
Blythwood Rd. Toronto).
On The Road
** Last weekend Judy Thompson and Gay Welsman had wonderful ministry speaking at two
women’s events in the Ottawa Valley for Pioneer Camps. We give thanks for the Lord’s special
anointing for these events.
Band of Brothers -- Men’s Road Trip to Pembroke
This weekend five of our men along with Pastor Brian are at St. Luke’s Pembroke for a Band of
Brothers Men’s event. Garth Hunt is the other event speaker. This morning they will be at St.
Luke’s for Sunday worship and Pastor Brian will be preaching. This is an ideal opportunity to
strengthen our men’s ministry and to build friendships amongst the ANiC churches in Ontario.
The Mayor’s Barrie Prayer Breakfast
Mayor Jeff Lehman invites the believers in Barrie to his annual Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday
October 7th at 7:20 a.m. at the Southshore Centre. Tickets must be purchased in advance at a cost
of $16. Send your cheque to Trevor Owen at PO Box 848 Barrie L4M 4Y6 by October 2nd. The
speaker this year is Raymond deSouza who is a professor at Queen’s University, a regular
columnist for the National Post and a Roman Catholic priest. We will be organizing some tables;
speak to Walter Marshall if you have ordered your tickets so that we can save enough seats.
P A G E !3
Youth Groups are now underway on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. It is a high energy 90 minute
program. Last Tuesday there were 18 Junior Youth (grades 4 to 7) and the were 9 Senior Youth (grades 8 to 12).
This is a combined program with Inniswood.
From Bishop Charlie -- Refugee Crisis Response
I am asking ANiC churches to set aside September 27 as a day for special prayer for refugees. While we are particularly focused on refugees from Syria, we also want to remember in prayer the tens
of millions refugees - often Christians or people from other minority religions - who have had to flee
their homes in other countries including Eritrea, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, South Sudan, Sudan,
Somalia, Central African Republic, the Congo, Myanmar, Columbia and elsewhere. We are told there are
nearly 60-million forcibly displaced people around the world.
Refugee sponsorship:
ANiC is also working on providing resources for churches interested in sponsoring (or co-sponsoring) a
refugee family. The Rev Rich Roberts (a deacon at Church of the Ascension, Langley, BC who has
experience working with churches on refugee sponsorship) has kindly agreed to coordinate and provide
advice to ANiC churches interested in sponsorship. Rich returns at the end of September from Uganda
where he is currently working. So watch for more information on this option in the weeks ahead. In the
meantime donations can be made to the Anglican Relief and Development Fund who is working with
on-the-ground agencies:
Heavenly Father, we bring before you today the many refugees in various parts of the world. We know that you care
for those who are fleeing persecution and war, who are homeless, orphaned and destitute. We are asking you to be
their defender and help in their time of need. Walk with them in their suffering and loss, and give them strength to
face the days ahead. Protect those who undertake risky journeys by water and land and through areas frequented by
terrorists, thieves and human traffickers. We pray for governments to act with wisdom and compassion and for
officials to provide care for these who cannot care for themselves. And we pray for ourselves; turn our hearts of
stone into hearts of flesh that extend your generous mercy and grace to all those who are in desperate need. We
pray this in the strong name or Jesus our Saviour and Lord. Amen.
Sermon Notes -- The Feast of Tabernacles
The seven Biblical Feasts are intended to be prophetic rehearsals to prepare
God’s people for the great acts of salvation which God has promised. The four
spring Feasts were fulfilled by Jesus (Passover, Unleavened bread, First Fruits
and Pentecost). The three spring Feast have not yet been fulfilled. By
ignoring the fall feasts the church may be in danger of missing the benefits of
Today begins the Biblical Feast of Tabernacles which is the last of
the three great annual fall festivals (Lev. 23:33-43). It is the original
harvest thanksgiving in the
month of Tisri, and the
celebration lasts for eight days
(Lev. 23:33-43). In many places
during these eight days the
people leave their homes and
live in booths/tents/shelters
formed from the branches of
trees in their backyard.
This harvest festival, as the bounty of the land is brought in, it is a
tangible reminder that it is the Lord who provides for his people. By
living in booths/tabernacles for the eight days the people are reminded
that God provided all that they needed during the 40 days of the
exodus and that it is God who still provides for them today. We should
not be too comfortable nor too complacent but give thanks to the Lord
for all things.
Over time two other traditions were added to this Feast both
associated with the 40 years of exodus in the wilderness. The first of
these traditions is the drawing water from the Pool of Siloam, and
pouring it upon the altar (John 7:2, 37), as a memorial of the water from
the rock in Horeb. The second of these traditions is the lighting of
lamps at night as a reminder of the pillar of fire by night (and pillar of
cloud by day) which led the Hebrews through the wilderness to the
promised land.
It was at the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem, as water from the
pool of Siloam is poured onto the altar, that Jesus proclaims,”He who
believes in me, out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water”. Paul
reminds us that we are all pilgrims in this world, “For our citizenship is
in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Saviour, the Lord
Jesus Christ” (Phil. 3:20) And, “For we know that if the earthly tent
(tabernacle) we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, a
house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens”. (2 Cor. 5:1)
These are all important Biblical reminders for Christians today.
** Last Sunday’s sermon on the Feast of Trumpets has been posted to our
church web site
Sunday Worship
10:30 a.m. at:
460 Yonge Street
Barrie, Ontario
Mailing Address:
P.M.B. 402
5-190 Minet's Point Rd.
Barrie, ON
L4N 8J8
Pastoral Team
Brian McVitty
Honorary Clergy:
Peter Williams
Dr. Adebusola Onayemi
Kathleen Greidanus
Paul Simons
Share with us
If you have some special events or
news, please let us know so that we
can mention it in Times!
Rob Smith - Editor