1. Electromagnetic waves are generally longitudinal waves

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This chapter has 58 questions.
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Multiple Choice Questions - (46)
Topic: Sound waves - (9)
Fill In The Blank Questions - (12)
Topic: The physics of music - (18)
Odd Numbered - (29)
Topic: Wave pulses and periodic waves - (13)
Even Numbered - (29)
Topic: Waves on a rope - (13)
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation - (43)
Type: Conceptual - (47)
Difficulty: Easy - (45)
Type: Definition - (15)
Difficulty: Hard - (2)
Type: Graphical - (1)
Difficulty: Medium - (10)
Type: Numerical - (11)
Topic: Interference and standing waves - (5)
1. Electromagnetic waves are generally
longitudinal waves.
→ transverse waves.
a 50/50 combination of transverse and longitudinal waves.
standing waves.
Multiple Choice Question
MC Electromagnetic waves are generally
2. The period and the frequency of a sound wave are
independent of each other.
multiples of each other—period is 2π times the frequency.
→ reciprocals of each other.
none of these.
Multiple Choice Question
MC The period and the frequency of a sound wave...
3. The Doppler effect refers to changes in a sound wave's
→ frequency caused by motion of a source or receiver.
frequency caused by a change in speed of sound.
amplitude caused by motion of a source or receiver.
amplitude caused by a change in speed of sound.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: Wave pulses and periodic waves
Type: Conceptual
Type: Definition
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: Sound waves
Type: Conceptual
Type: Definition
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: Sound waves
Multiple Choice Question
Type: Conceptual
MC The Doppler effect refers to changes in a so...
Type: Definition
4. If the speed of sound is 1100 feet per second and a tuning fork oscillates at 440 cycles per second, what is the wavelength
λ of the sound produced?
0.4 foot
→ 2.5 feet
4.4 feet
11 feet
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: The physics of music
MC If the speed of sound is 1100 feet per secon...
Type: Numerical
5. On a day when the speed of sound in air is 340 m/s, a lightning bolt is observed and the resultant thunderclap is heard 5
seconds afterwards. About how far away was the lightning bolt?
1020 m
170 m
→ 1700 m
680 m
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: Sound waves
MC On a day when the speed of sound in air is 3...
Type: Numerical
6. You hear a musician playing a series of notes of increasing frequency. As the frequency increases, the wave speed
→ stays the same.
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Multiple Choice Question
MC You hear a musician playing a series of note...
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: The physics of music
Type: Conceptual
7. Suppose an audible sound wave were being produced at a frequency of 800 cycles per second. If the frequency were
doubled, the sound would become
lower in pitch.
→ higher in pitch.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: The physics of music
MC Suppose an audible sound wave were being pro...
Type: Conceptual
8. Jim the meteorologist has predicted fair weather all day but sees flashes of lightning followed by rolls of thunder. To
calculate the distance to the lightning bolt, Jim should measure the time between the instant he first sees a lightning flash
and the
instant the lightning flash is over.
→ instant he hears the beginning of the next thunder roll.
instant he hears the middle of the next thunder roll.
instant he hears the end of the next thunder roll.
instant he sees the beginning of the next lightning flash.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: Sound waves
MC Jim the meteorologist has predicted fair wea...
Type: Conceptual
9. As a wave passes from one medium into another, it often happens that its speed increases with no change in frequency.
Under these circumstances, the wavelength
→ increases.
stays the same.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: Interference and standing waves
MC As a wave passes from one medium into anothe...
Type: Conceptual
10. Two musical strings have the same length and tension, but string A has one fourth the mass of string B. The speed of a
wave on string A is
one fourth the speed of a wave on string B.
one half the speed of a wave on string B.
the same as the speed of a wave on string B.
→ twice the speed of a wave on string B.
four times the speed of a wave on string B.
Multiple Choice Question
MC Two musical strings have the same length and...
11. The pitch of a sound is determined primarily by its
→ frequency.
Multiple Choice Question
MC The pitch of a sound is determined primarily...
12. To change the fundamental frequency of a guitar string, you can
use something other than a pick.
strum it over the sound hole.
do nothing short of using a completely different guitar.
→ make it shorter, by pressing a finger of your left hand on the string.
Multiple Choice Question
MC To change the fundamental frequency of a gui...
13. Which of these lists is in order of increasing wavelength?
Second harmonic, third harmonic, fourth harmonic
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Medium
Topic: The physics of music
Type: Conceptual
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: Sound waves
Type: Conceptual
Type: Definition
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: The physics of music
Type: Conceptual
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First harmonic, second harmonic, fundamental
Third harmonic, second harmonic, first harmonic
First harmonic, second harmonic, third harmonic
Multiple Choice Question
MC Which of these lists is in order of increasi...
14. The principle of superposition tells us that, if two waves cross paths,
→ the amplitude is the sum of the individual amplitudes.
the wavelength is the sum of the individual wavelengths.
the frequency is the sum of the individual frequencies.
the speed is the speed of the faster wave.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: The physics of music
Type: Conceptual
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: Interference and standing waves
Multiple Choice Question
Type: Conceptual
MC The principle of superposition tells us that...
Type: Definition
15. A musical tone is coming from a loudspeaker. If a second loudspeaker nearby were to start playing exactly the same tone,
the sound would
get louder everywhere.
get softer everywhere.
stay the same everywhere.
→ get louder in some areas and get softer in others.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: Interference and standing waves
MC A musical tone is coming from a loudspeaker....
Type: Conceptual
16. A guitar is perfectly tuned. The tension on its strings is then increased. Which of the following is true?
→ The frequencies of sounds from the guitar are higher than before.
The wavelengths of sounds from the guitar are longer than before.
The speed of sounds from the guitar is larger than before.
The amplitudes of sounds from the guitar are larger.
Multiple Choice Question
MC A guitar is perfectly tuned. The tension on ...
17. When a wave reflects from a stationary boundary,
the frequency increases.
the frequency decreases.
→ the frequency is unchanged.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: The physics of music
Type: Conceptual
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: Wave pulses and periodic waves
MC When a wave reflects from a stationary bound...
Type: Conceptual
18. When a wave crosses from one medium into another in which the wave speed is lower, the frequency is unchanged. The
→ decreases.
stays the same.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: Wave pulses and periodic waves
MC When a wave crosses from one medium into ano...
Type: Conceptual
19. Suppose an audible sound wave were being produced at a frequency of 800 cycles per second. If the amplitude were
doubled, the sound would become
→ louder.
higher in pitch.
lower in pitch.
Multiple Choice Question
MC Suppose an audible sound wave were being pro...
20. Which of the following is a longitudinal wave?
→ a sound wave in a gas
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: The physics of music
Type: Conceptual
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a wave on string under tension
a light wave
All of these choices are correct.
None of these choices is correct.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: Wave pulses and periodic waves
MC Which of the following is a longitudinal wav...
Type: Conceptual
21. Imagine you are holding a long rope under tension attached to a distant support. You can generate periodic waves by
shaking the end up and down. Changing which of the following will least affect the velocity of waves along the string?
mass per unit length of rope
→ frequency
None of these affect the wave speed.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: Waves on a rope
MC Imagine you are holding a long rope under te...
Type: Conceptual
22. Suppose the velocity of waves on a particular rope under a tension of 100 N is 12 m/s. If the tension is decreased to 25 N
what will be the new velocity of waves on the rope?
48 m/s.
24 m/s.
18 m/s.
12 m/s.
→ 6 m/s.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Medium
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: Waves on a rope
MC Suppose the velocity of waves on a particula...
Type: Numerical
23. Waves on a particular string travel with a velocity of 10 m/s. A high-speed photograph shows that successive peaks are
0.40 m apart along the string. The frequency of the waves is
5 Hz.
10 Hz.
15 Hz.
20 Hz.
→ 25 Hz.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: Waves on a rope
MC Waves on a particular string travel with a v...
Type: Numerical
24. On a day when the speed of sound in air is 340 m/s, what will be the wavelength of sound of frequency 227 Hz?
227 m
3.0 m
→ 1.5 m
0.67 m
0.33 m
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: Sound waves
MC On a day when the speed of sound in air is 3...
Type: Numerical
25. Consider possible standing wave patterns for a string fastened at each end. Discussion in the text shows that there is a
minimum possible wavelength.
maximum possible frequency.
maximum possible amplitude.
→ maximum possible wavelength.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: Waves on a rope
MC Consider possible standing wave patterns for...
Type: Conceptual
26. An organ pipe of length 3.0 m has one end closed. The longest and next-longest possible wavelengths for standing waves
inside the pipe are
6 m and 3 m.
12 m and 6 m.
→ 12 m and 4 m.
9 m and 6 m.
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3 m and 1.5 m.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Medium
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: The physics of music
MC An organ pipe of length 3.0 m has one end cl...
Type: Numerical
27. A string is held taut between two supports 2.0 m apart. The longest and next-longest possible wavelengths for standing
waves are
→ 4 m and 2 m.
6 m and 3 m.
8 m and 4 m.
16 m and 5.3 m.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Medium
Topic: Waves on a rope
Type: Numerical
Multiple Choice Question
MC A string is held taut between two supports 4...
28. The speed of electromagnetic waves in air is 3.0 × 108 m/s. What is the wavelength of FM radio waves having a frequency
of 3.0 × 108 Hz?
0.333 m
→ 1.0 m
3.0 m
6.0 m
10 m
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: Wave pulses and periodic waves
MC The speed of electromagnetic waves in air i...
Type: Numerical
29. A fast train approaches a car waiting at a grade crossing and sounds its horn. A person in the car will notice that, compared
to what it would be if the train were at rest, the horn sound's
wavelength appears to be the same.
wavelength appears to be longer.
frequency appears to be lower.
→ frequency appears to be higher.
Multiple Choice Question
MC A fast train approaches a car waiting at a g...
30. A harmonic wave has
another wave nearby, so as to create harmony.
→ a close correspondence to simple harmonic motion.
to be a sound wave.
a higher speed than a noise wave.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: Sound waves
Type: Conceptual
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: Wave pulses and periodic waves
Multiple Choice Question
Type: Conceptual
MC A harmonic wave has
Type: Definition
31. Captain Ahab notices that the waves passing the anchored Pequod are 10 feet from crest to crest, and that each minute 4
crests pass. The wave speed is
80 feet per minute.
→ 40 feet per minute.
20 feet per minute.
5 feet per minute.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: Wave pulses and periodic waves
MC Captain Ahab notices that the waves passing ...
Type: Numerical
32. A vibrating guitar string has exactly one antinode in the middle of the string and two nodes at the end. You have produced
an oscillation of the string at its
→ fundamental frequency.
first harmonic frequency.
second harmonic frequency.
third harmonic frequency.
Multiple Choice Question
MC A vibrating guitar string has exactly one an...
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: The physics of music
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Type: Conceptual
Type: Definition
33. A standing wave is set up on a string so that it has 5 nodes. If you start at the central node and move exactly one
wavelength in either direction, you will wind up at
→ a node.
an antinode.
neither a node nor an antinode but still on the string.
somewhere off the string.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Medium
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: Waves on a rope
MC A standing wave is set up on a string so tha...
Type: Conceptual
34. End A of a Slinky is held motionless near the ceiling. End B is held on the floor so that there is a slight stretch. End B is
quickly rotated one half turn about the axis of the Slinky and then returned to its original position, so as to "twist" and then
"untwist" the coils. The wave so produced is a
longitudinal wave.
transverse wave.
standing wave.
→ It is none of these.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Medium
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: Wave pulses and periodic waves
MC End A of a Slinky is held motionless near th...
Type: Conceptual
35. An organ pipe makes a sound that has a frequency of 450 Hz when the temperature is 20°C. If the temperature is ten
degrees colder the wavelength of sound produced in the pipe will
get longer.
stay the same.
→ get shorter.
It is not possible to tell without more information.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Medium
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: The physics of music
MC An organ pipe makes a sound that has a frequ...
Type: Conceptual
36. When playing tennis, if you hit the ball off of the top end of the racket, an uncomfortable standing wave vibration is
produced in the racket. This wave is
→ transverse.
both longitudinal and transverse.
neither longitudinal nor transverse.
Multiple Choice Question
MC When playing tennis, if you hit the ball off...
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: Wave pulses and periodic waves
Type: Conceptual
Two waves approach each other as shown above. When they completely overlap, the resulting wave will look like
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: Interference and standing waves
Multiple Choice Question
Type: Conceptual
MC Two waves approach each other as shown above...
Type: Graphical
38. Human hearing is most sensitive around 2500 Hz. If the speed of sound is 340 m/s, what is the wavelength of this sound?
→ 0.14 m
7.4 m
340 m
2160 m
Multiple Choice Question
MC Human hearing is most sensitive around 2500 ...
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
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Topic: Sound waves
Type: Numerical
39. When two strings of equal length on a guitar are played, two different pitches are heard. Comparing the waves on the
lower pitch string to the higher, the waves on the higher pitch string have
a larger period.
a larger amplitude.
a shorter wavelength.
→ a higher speed.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: The physics of music
MC When two strings on the same guitar (they ha...
Type: Conceptual
40. A tuning fork with a frequency of 512 Hz is used to tune a violin. When played together, beats are heard with a frequency
of 4 Hz. The string on the violin is tightened and when played again, the beats have a frequency of 2 Hz. The original
frequency of the violin was
→ 508 Hz.
510 Hz.
514 Hz.
516 Hz.
Multiple Choice Question
MC A tuning fork with a frequency of 512 Hz is ...
41. Sound is produced by a pipe that is closed on one end. The standing waves must have
just one node in the pipe.
→ at least one node in the pipe.
at most one antinode in the pipe.
no antinodes in the pipe.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Hard
Topic: The physics of music
Type: Numerical
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: The physics of music
MC Sound is produced by a pipe that is closed o...
Type: Conceptual
42. You have a set of 14 metal weights strung together by nylon fishing line at equal intervals. Each has a weight of 0.20 N.
You suspend this array from the ceiling.
Which part of the array has the greatest tension in the fishing line?
→ above weight 1.
between weights 1 and 3.
exactly at weight 7.
just above weight 14.
Difficulty: Easy
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: Waves on a rope
MC You have a set of 14 metal weights strung to...
Type: Conceptual
43. You have a set of 14 metal weights strung together by nylon fishing line at equal intervals. Each has a weight of 0.20 N.
You suspend this array from the ceiling and then observe waves travel up and down by shaking it.
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The wave seems to move more rapidly at the top, near weights 1-3. This is because
gravity is cancelled by tension, so net force is zero.
weight 14 is balanced by no other weight, but weight 1 is balance by 13 others below it.
→ there is more tension in the fishing line near weights 1-3 than down by weight 14.
the amount of mass per centimeter is higher toward the top, near weights 1-3.
Difficulty: Medium
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: Waves on a rope
MC You have a set of 14 metal weights strung to...
Type: Conceptual
44. To excite the second harmonic in a jump rope, you have to change the frequency from the fundamental. The new
frequency must be
→ larger.
the same as the fundamental frequency, but you'll need a larger wavelength.
the inverse of the fundamental frequency.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: Waves on a rope
MC To excite the second harmonic in a jump rope,...
Type: Conceptual
45. Which general pattern holds for various excited states in standing waves on a rope or string fixed at both ends?
Where the nodes are, you also find two antinodes.
Guitars and violins have antinodes only in even numbers: 0, 2, 4, and so on.
→ More antinodes means shorter wavelengths.
Standing waves involve the interference of waves traveling in the same direction.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Medium
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: Waves on a rope
MC Which general pattern holds for various exci...
Type: Conceptual
46. Blowing gently across the top of a soda pop bottle gives you a musical note at a certain fundamental frequency. This is
most similar to
making a guitar string resonate at its fundamental.
→ an organ pipe.
a wind chime.
a telephone.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: Easy
Multiple Choice Question
Topic: The physics of music
MC Blowing gently across the top of a soda pop ...
Type: Conceptual
47. An antinode in a standing wave is the location that appears to ____________ (describe behavior) from equilibrium.
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: Waves on a rope
Fill-in-the-Blank Question
Type: Conceptual
FB An antinode in a standing wave is the locati...
Type: Definition
48. The number of cycles of a periodic wave passing a point in space per second is called the __________________ of the
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: Wave pulses and periodic waves
Fill-in-the-Blank Question
Type: Conceptual
FB The number of cycles of a periodic wave pass...
Type: Definition
49. The product of the frequency of a periodic wave times its wavelength gives the _________________ of the wave.
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Fill-in-the-Blank Question
FB The product of the frequency of a periodic w...
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: Wave pulses and periodic waves
Type: Conceptual
Type: Definition
50. The distance between successive nodes for a standing wave pattern is ___________________ the wavelength (give
multiple or fraction).
Difficulty: Easy
Fill-in-the-Blank Question
Topic: Waves on a rope
FB The distance between successive nodes for a ...
Type: Conceptual
51. Increasing the air temperature inside an organ pipe, neglecting any expansion of the pipe, will _________________ the
frequency of the fundamental tone.
Fill-in-the-Blank Question
FB Increasing the air temperature inside an org...
52. Sound waves in water have a higher ________________ than sound waves in air.
Difficulty: Medium
Topic: The physics of music
Type: Conceptual
Fill-in-the-Blank Question
FB Sound waves in water have a higher _________...
53. Constructive interference is a result of two waves arriving at a point ______________________.
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: Sound waves
Type: Conceptual
in phase
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: Interference and standing waves
Fill-in-the-Blank Question
Type: Conceptual
FB Constructive interference is a result of two...
Type: Definition
54. Mechanical wave motion is a phenomenon in which there is a transport of __________________ without net motion of
the medium.
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: Wave pulses and periodic waves
Fill-in-the-Blank Question
Type: Conceptual
FB Mechanical wave motion is a phenomenon in wh...
Type: Definition
55. Standing waves on a string produce a series of possible tones known as __________________.
Fill-in-the-Blank Question
FB Standing waves on a string produce a series ...
56. An organ pipe open only at one end will have a displacement node at the _____________ end.
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: Waves on a rope
Type: Conceptual
Type: Definition
Difficulty: Hard
Topic: The physics of music
Fill-in-the-Blank Question
Type: Conceptual
FB An organ pipe open at one end will have a di...
Type: Definition
57. When fans do "the wave" at a sports stadium, it is a _____________ (transverse or longitudinal) wave.
Difficulty: Easy
Fill-in-the-Blank Question
Topic: Wave pulses and periodic waves
FB When fans do the wave at a sports stadium,...
Type: Conceptual
58. The lowest frequency that can be made by a guitar string is called the ____________ (2 words).
fundamental frequency
Fill-in-the-Blank Question
FB The lowest frequency that can be made by a g...
Difficulty: Easy
Topic: The physics of music
Type: Conceptual
Type: Definition