Bell Ringer: Articles of Confederation The Continental Congress

Monday Feb. 17 - Holiday.
Tuesday Feb. 18:
Bell Ringer: The Treaty of Paris
1. The US is free, sovereign and independent.
2. Established boundaries of US.
3. Granted fishing rights.
4. Recognized debts on both sides.
5. Provided protections of estates, rights and properties of loyalists.
6. Prevent future confiscation of property of loyalists.
7. Prisoners of war released.
8. Access to Missisippi River
1. Evaluate and Grade the Arnold Essays in small groups following the rubric.
2. Finish Revolution tests / go to library for Dear America book / vote for top 5 Dear America posters.
Wednesday Feb. 19:
Bell Ringer: Articles of Confederation
The Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation, the first constitution of
the United States, on November 15, 1777. However, ratification of the Articles of
Confederation by all thirteen states did not occur until March 1, 1781. The Articles
created a loose confederation of sovereign states and a weak central government,
leaving most of the power with the state governments. The need for a
stronger Federal government soon became apparent and eventually led to the
Constitutional Convention in 1787.
1. Fireworks - 1776 - Declaration of Independence
2. Preamble - 1787 - Constitution
3. Grade papers using rubric - Propaganda.
Use Well Written Essay checklist to evaluate - 0-1-2-3-4-5-6
Thursday Feb. 20:
Shays’ Rebellion is the name given to a series of protests in 1786 and 1787 by American farmers against state and
local enforcement of tax collections and judgments for debt. Although farmers took up arms in states from New
Hampshire to South Carolina, the rebellion was most serious in Massachusetts, where bad harvests, economic
depression, and high taxes threatened farmers with the loss of their farms. The rebellion took its name from its
symbolic leader, Daniel Shays of Massachusetts, a former captain in the Continental army.
Chapter 7, Section 2 Questions #1-20.
Friday Feb. 21:
Bell Ringer: James Madison - Draw his picture on page 203 and tell what Madison was concerned about when
writing the Constitution.
20 minutes to finish Chapter 7, Section 2 Questions.
Video - Westward
Monday Feb. 24:
Bell Ringer: James Madison Video -
Write 5 facts about James from Video.
NOTES - Great Compromise, 3/5 Compromise, Federalists, Anti-Federalists, Constitution, Bill of Rights
Groups - 10 ways people Compromise, Most important Amendment, Least important Amendment
Tuesday Feb. 25: FCAT WRITES Test - short class periods
Bell Ringer: None
Fold paper into 10 sections. In each, draw the first 10 Amendments - the Bill of Rights.
Wednesday Feb. 26:
Bell Ringer: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Put the Bill of Rights in order from Most Important to Least Important.
Go over answers to Chapter 7 Questions.
Bill of Rights Article from Achieve, Read and ANS questions #1-9
Thursday Feb 27:
Bell Ringer:
Federalists v/s Antifederalists (use section from Achieve article to help)
Go over answers to Bill of Rights article.
7-1, 7-2, 7-3 Questions from book.
Friday Feb. 28:
Bell Ringer: Page 218 - Major Principles of the Constitution
1. Go over answers to 7-1, 7-2 and 7-3
2. QUIZ - using notes
3. Turn in Bill of Rights pictures by the end of class.
Monday March 3:
GROUP Work - Review of Articles, Constitution, Bill of Rights
Tuesday March 4:
Bell Ringer: Write down these dates and then write the major event from that year.
1. 1775 - Revolutionary War begins
2. 1776 - Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson (mostly)
3. 1777 - Articles of Confederation
4. 1781 - Battle of Yorktown - end of war
5. 1783 - Treaty of Paris - official end of war
6. 1787 - Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia (mostly by James Madison)
7. 1789 - Constitution Ratified - 9 states - after debate between Federalists and AntiFederalists
8. 1791 - Bill of Rights adopted
Finish Group Work and Review Stations
QUIZ - NO NOTES - Articles, Constitution, Bill of Rights
Wednesday March 5:
Bell Ringer:
Short Video - Freedom from Achieve 3000
Lyrics to Freedom
Archaeologists found the remains of George Washington's home. In it, they discovered a hidden passageway used
by Washington's nine slaves. Officials tried to decide whether they should include the passageway in a new exhibit at
the house. What do you think?
A memorial should show only the positive aspects of a person or place, not the negative aspects
Explain why you chose your answer - give 2 reasons.
1. Read article and review vocabulary.
2. Eye to Eye conversation about article.
3. Review Strategy for answering Multiple Choice Questions then answer questions.
4. Re-Vote in the poll - did you change your mind?
Thursday March 6 - Media Center
For Completing the Worksheet:
Go to:
Then click here: The President's House previous wayside exhibit (pdf)
To fill out the back of the worksheet about the slaves, go here:
After you are finished with the worksheet, go to this site to watch videos of the exhibit.
Watch the video at 5:28 to see the passageways from the article we read in class.
Watch the video at 9:47 to see the exhibit.
Watch the video at 12:00 to learn about the life of the slaves.
What do the bronze footprints symbolize?
If you have time, find the answer to this question: Why is the Liberty Bell Cracked?
Friday March 7:
Bell Ringer Test next Friday March 14th - Make sure you have all your Bell Ringers together by then. Draw a
RED STAR by each bell ringer for this 9 weeks and have them ready to turn in for a grade after the test.
January 15 to March 13 bell ringers will be tested and turned in.
Bell Ringer: Timeline of the Presidents House - Use Article
1772 - house given to Richard Penn
Revolutionary War - British and American Generals lived there
1780 - after a fire, Robert Morris bought and rebuilt house
1790 - 1797 George Washington lived there - 9 slaves
1797 to 1800 - John Adams lived there - no slaves
1800 to 1830 - hotel
1830 to 1950 - stores built on site
1951 - stores torn down
1954 to 2003 - public restroom
Dec. 2010 - memorial opened
In Bell Ringer Spiral:
Although some people think memorials should only show the positive aspects of a person or event, they should show
the truth about them so that people can get a full and accurate view of history.
We will watch the video on the Presidents House and list 5 reasons given to help prove our thesis.
Evaluate Bill of Rights Drawings
Finish Worksheet from Thursday
Monday March 10:
Bell Ringer: Student Rights Video - write down 5 issues/rights/concerns that stand out in the video.
1. Evaluate / Grade Bill of Rights drawings.
2. Go over answers to the Presidents House worksheet.
3. CNN Student News
Tuesday March 11:
Bell Ringer: Political Parties - watch and answer 10 questions.
Read out loud George Washington's Legacy. Take 10 notes from the article and answer the questions.
Wednesday March 12:
Bell Ringer: Political Party ORIGINS - how did they get started? watch and answer 10 questions.
1. Go over strategies for answering FCAT style questions such as main idea and vocabulary.
2. NOTES - from George to the Civil War - timeline of where we are heading.
Thursday March 13:
Bell Ringer: John Adams - watch and answer Questions 1-10.
Prepare Presidents NOTE Packet - 5 pages stapled together - page 1:
Title: The Presidents from 1789 to 1877
#1 George Washington - 1789 - 1787
VP= John Adams
We will use this packet for several weeks to take notes on the Presidents - keep them somewhere safe!!!
Friday March 14:
Bell Ringers DUE (RED STAR by each from Jan. 15) and Open Bell Ringer TEST over the information in Bell
Monday March 17 - Wednesday March 19:
National Treasure Book of Secrets - Video and Notes
Thursday March 20: - END of the 9 Weeks.
Florida History Questions from Florida Section of the Book