Study Guide WWI

Study Guide World War One
Important People/Groups
Kaiser Wilhelm II- _________________________________________________________________
Czar Nicholas II- _________________________________________________________________
Archduke Franz Ferdinand - ___________________________________________________________
Arthur Zimmermann - ______________________________________________________________
General Schlieffen -________________________________________________________________
Admiral von Tirpitz - _______________________________________________________________
Captain Schwieger - _____________________________________________________________
President Wilson - ______________________________________________________________
General Foch - _________________________________________________________________
Lost Battalion - _________________________________________________________________
Western Front
Eastern Front
_________________________ ____________________
Triple Alliance (Central Powers) - _______________________________________________________
Triple Entente (Allies) - _____________________________________________________________
Schlieffen Plan - ________________________________________________________________
USW - _________________________________________________________________
militarism - _________________________________________________________________
imperialism - _________________________________________________________________
nationalism - _________________________________________________________________
propaganda - _________________________________________________________________
total war - _________________________________________________________________
war zone - _________________________________________________________________
blockade - _________________________________________________________________
contraband - _________________________________________________________________
no man’s land - _________________________________________________________________
factors that led to the decline in Russia’s war effort - ______________________________________________
Wilson’s 14 Points - ______________________________________________________________
new weapons - _________________________________________________________________
What happened to the German empire in Africa and Asia?
Reasons why the United States declared war against Germany in 1917 -
major parts of the Versailles Treaty
Know the Following Events
the assassination in Sarajevo
Sinking of the Lusitania
Focus Battle Argonne
Germany’s blank check to Austria
Zimmermann Telegram
Russian Revolution
Versailles Peace Conference
Map (see your original for places)
Lusitania sinking
Great Britain Italy
British Blockade
German War Zone
Alsace Lorraine
Ottoman Empire (Turkey)
Practice Quiz WWI Ch 13.1
1. What cause of war revolves around super patriotism for your
country resulting in rivalry among European nations?
2. What cause of war has to do with competition for colonies and there
3. Most European nations had huge standing armies and glorified their
armies and navies, this is called...
4. The alliance system also set the stage for war, the countries of
Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary formed the...
5. After the unification of Germany Bismarck’s policy turned to
keeping France isolated, however in 1892 France was able to forge
an alliance with...
6. By building up his navy kaiser Wilhelm II forced britain into the
7. What was the spark that started World War I?
8. Who did Serbia have an alliance with?
9. What did Kaiser Wilhelm II promise Austria after the assassination of
Franz Ferdinand?
10. What was the attitude of the soldiers as they went off to war?
Practice Quiz Ch 13.2
1. What are two examples of the new military technology used in W W I?
2. How did war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia lead to war across
3. By winning the Battle of the Marne, what city did the Allies save?
4. Briefly describe basic points of the Schlieffen Plan?
5. What American invented weapon dominated the trench battlefields of
the western front?
6. In 1915 the Germans introduced another new weapon in an attempt to
break the stalemate, what was it?
7. Name the three major Central Powers’ countries by 1915?
8.What was the name of the stalemated type warfare of the Western
9. Germany fought this country on the Eastern Front?
10. In what country was the Western Front mostly fought?
Practice Quiz Ch 13.2-3
1. What are two examples of the new military technology used in W W I?
2. How did war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia lead to war across
3. By winning the Battle of the Marne, what city did the Allies save??
4. What American invented weapon dominated the battlefields?
5. In 1915 the Germans introduced another new weapon in an attempt to
break the stalemate, what was it?
6. The Germans used another American invention to try to starve
Britain into surrender, what was this invention?
7. Name the three major Central Powers’ countries by 1915?
8. What was the name of the stalemated type warfare of the Western
9. Germany fought this country on the Eastern Front?
10. Why did the Germans attack Verdun?
11. Write the famous French battlecry from Verdun?
12. What was the Sacred Road?
13. What is the great mystery concerning sinking of the Lusitania?
14. What did the German’s claim sank the Lusitania?
15. How did the loss of the Lusitania effect America’s attitude toward
16. The decoding of this telegram helped to push the United States into
the war?
17. Besides the telegram in number one above, what was another reason
the U.S. declared war?
18. What is the term for one-sided reporting used by both sides to
recruit, raise morale, and increase production?
19. With what country did Germany try to make an alliance to attack
the U.S. in 1917?
20. What country collapsed in 1917 just as the U.S. was declaring war?
Quiz Ch 13.4
Match the following leaders to the country they led at Versailles?
1. Woodrow Wilson
2. Georges Clemenceau
United States
3. David Lloyd George
4. Vittorio Orlando
Great Britain
5. What was the name of Woodrow Wilson’s plan for peace?
6. Where was the peace conference that ended WWI held?
7. What is self determination?
8. Out of what empire were the countries Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria,
Czechoslovakia created?
List two ways the treaty Punished Germany:
11. What was Wilson’s 14th point?
12. What allied nation gained control of Palestine?
13. What large nation, formerly a part of the Russian empire, was created east of