Assessment Brainstorming - iSchool Faculty Center for Teaching

Assessment Brainstorming
Use this worksheet to brainstorm assessment strategies for each of your learning outcomes using Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Topic: ____________________________________
Write your learning outcomes in this column:
Purpose/Goal of Lesson: ____________________________________________________
What assessment strategy/strategies could be used?
© 2014, Flip It Consulting, B. Honeycutt. All rights reserved.
Assessment Brainstorming EXAMPLE
Use this worksheet to brainstorm assessment strategies for each of your learning outcomes using Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Topic: Addressing Childhood Obesity: The Healthy Lunchbox
Write your learning outcomes in this column:
Purpose/Goal of Lesson: Create a healthy PB&J sandwich.___________________
What assessment strategy/strategies could be used?
Students could present their findings and recommendations to the parents and teachers
association at a local school.
Create a healthy PB&J sandwich.
Students could write an opt-ed piece for a blog post for a parents’ newspaper or web site.
Students could vote on a list of the ingredients to determine which are most healthy.
Rank the healthiest ingredients.
Students could develop a rubric to use to conduct taste tests with volunteers.
Students could interview people about their food preferences.
Students could bring in one nutrition label for a food that is unhealthy and analyze why it’s
Compare the ingredients using the nutrition labels.
Students could compare a variety of nutrition labels for food they know is healthy so they can see
the differences in sugars, fats, calories, etc.
Students could diagram a nutrition label.
Use nutrition labels.
Students could teach another student how to read a nutrition label.
Students could post their descriptions to a discussion board.
Describe each of the ingredients.
Students could describe the ingredients to a peer.
Students could play a matching game to match ingredients to the type of sandwich.
List the ingredients needed to make a PB&J
Students could complete a quiz.
© 2014, Flip It Consulting, B. Honeycutt. All rights reserved.
Assessment Mapping Grid
Use this worksheet to map your learning outcomes, teaching strategies, and assessment activities. Write your learning outcomes from the lesson
plan in column 2. Then fill in the rest of the grid.
Topic: _______________________________________________
Purpose/Goal: ___________________ ____________________________
30,000 ft view
3 ft view
Summative Assessment
(Begin with the end.)
Students will demonstrate mastery
Learning Outcomes
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Formative Assessment
At the end of this lesson, students will
be able to:
Students will do this by:
Students will practice and receive
feedback by:
LO #1:
LO #2:
LO #3:
© 2013-14, Flip It Consulting, B. Honeycutt. All rights reserved.
Step 4: Assessment Mapping Grid EXAMPLE
Use this worksheet to map your learning outcomes, teaching strategies, and assessment activities. (1) Write your learning outcomes from the
Layer 1 Worksheet and put them in column 2. (2) Think about what students need to do to achieve the outcomes. (3) Fill in the rest of the grid.
Topic: ____The Healthy Lunchbox
Purpose/Goal: ____Students will be able to create a healthy PB&J sandwich.____
30,000 ft view
3 ft view
Out of Class (Formative Assessment)
How could this LO be
What could students do
assessed outside of class?
before or after class?
-post their own descriptions
of the ingredients described
in the video to a discussion
-watch a video of a chef
making a PB&J sandwich
while describing each
-play a matching game to
match ingredients to the
sandwich described in the
-create flash cards of each
Learning Outcomes
What do students need to do to achieve the
In Class (Formative Assessment)
What could students do
How could this LO be
during class?
assessed during class?
LO #1: List and describe each of the
ingredients needed to make a PB&J
-complete a self-quiz
-watch a video on how to
read a nutrition label.
-conduct taste tests
-collecting feedback from
LO #2: Use nutrition labels for each of the
ingredients to compare the different types
of (1) bread, (2) peanut butter, and (3) jelly.
-compare several nutrition
labels and analyze the
nutritional content.
-fill in a worksheet
LO #3: Rank the healthiest types of
ingredients including (1) bread, (2) peanut
butter, and (3) jelly.
-develop a rubric
-voting on healthiest
-teach their peers how
to read a nutrition label
-compare feedback from
© 2013-14, Flip It Consulting, B. Honeycutt. All rights reserved.