Chapter 9 Test Review Guide

Chapter 9 Test Review Guide
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
1. In a chemical reaction, the products are found on the left side of the arrow.
2. All chemical reactions release energy, although some release it in the form of light and others in the form of
3. A coefficient tells how many equivalents of each compound react in a given chemical reaction.
4. The coefficient of each element should be the same on both sides of the equation.
5. The arrow in a chemical equation means “ is equivalent to”.
6. A skeleton equation shows the formulas of the compounds participating in a chemical reaction and their states
of matter but not the ratio in which they react.
7. In an aqueous solution, the solute is the part of the solution that is being dissolved in water.
8. Some molecular compounds, known as acids, can dissolve in water.
9. A precipitate forms when two aqueous solutions react to form a product that cannot dissolve in water.
____ 10. The ions that can be observed forming a precipitate are known as spectator ions.
____ 11. Some single replacement reactions are not possible depending on the activity of the different elements
participating in the reaction.
____ 12. An ionic equation that includes only the particles that participate in the reaction is called a complete ionic
____ 13. Word equations use words to indicate reactants and products of chemical reactions.
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 14. In this equation, which are the reactant(s)?
a. A only
b. C only
c. A + B
d. B only
____ 15. Which is the name of the kind of solid substance formed in this figure?
a. aqueous
b. precipitate
c. coordinate complex
d. synthesis
____ 16. Which type of chemical reaction is shown?
a. double replacement
b. combustion
c. synthesis
d. decomposition
____ 17. What is the correct ratio of coefficients to balance this chemical equation?
a. 1:2:3
b. 1:2:1.5
c. 2:4:3
d. 1:1:2
____ 18. Use the activity series shown to predict which reaction will occur.
Activity Series for Halogens
Most Active
Least Active
Soluble in Water
Insoluble in Water
____ 19. Which are the spectator ions in the reaction shown?
a. Cl-, Na+, NO3-
c. Ag+, Cl-
b. Ag+, Na+, NO3-
d. Na+, NO3-
____ 20. In a chemical equation, (aq) after one of the substances means that it is which of these?
a. a solid formed from two ionic substances
b. released as gas
c. dissolved in water
d. produced from nothing
____ 21. How many total atoms are in 3Na2SO4?
a. 21
b. 10
c. 24
d. 18
____ 22. How many total atoms are in 4Ca3(PO4)2?
a. 20
b. 52
c. 36
d. 40
____ 23. Which type of reaction can be recognized by the general pattern
a. combustion
c. single replacement
b. synthesis
d. decomposition
____ 24. Which type of reaction involves one element and one compound reacting?
a. decomposition
c. single replacement
b. double replacement
d. synthesis
____ 25. Which type of reaction takes place in the presence of oxygen and produces carbon dioxide and water?
a. decomposition
c. synthesis
b. double replacement
d. combustion
____ 26. Which type of reaction is Al + O2  Al2O3?
a. synthesis
c. single replacement
b. decomposition
d. combustion
____ 27. Which type of reaction is SiO2 + HF  SiF4 + H2O?
a. synthesis
c. single replacement
b. double replacement
d. combustion
____ 28. Which types of reactions are essentially opposites of one another?
a. combustion and synthesis
b. single replacement and double replacement
c. synthesis and single replacement
d. synthesis and decomposition
____ 29. What are the correct coefficients when this equation is balanced? Sb + O2  Sb4O6
a. 1, 2, 10
c. 4, 3, 1
b. 4, 6, 1
d. 10, 5, 1
____ 30. Which are the product(s) of this reaction? Mg + N2 
a. NMg
c. Mg2N3
b. MgN
d. Mg3N2
____ 31. Which are the product(s) of this chemical reaction? FeCl3 + NH4OH 
a. Fe(OH)3 + NH4Cl
c. NCl3 + FeOH5
b. NH4Fe + Cl3OH
d. FeCl3NOH4
____ 32. What are the correct coefficients when this equation is balanced? K + Br2  KBr
a. 1, 1, 1
c. 2, 1, 2
b. 1, 2, 1
d. 2, 1, 1
____ 33. What are the correct coefficients when this chemical equation is balanced?
P4 + O2  P2O5
a. 4, 2, 7
c. 2, 5, 4
b. 1, 1, 1
d. 1, 5, 2
____ 34. Which type of chemical reaction would this be classified as:
C3H8 + O2  CO2 + H2O
a. synthesis
b. double replacement
c. combustion
d. decomposition
____ 35. Identify the type of reaction shown by this chemical equation:
Al + HCl  AlCl3 + H2
a. single replacement
b. synthesis
c. double replacement
d. decomposition
____ 36. Which type of chemical reaction is this an example of?
Fe2(SO4)3 + KOH  K2SO4 + Fe(OH)3
a. synthesis
b. double replacement
c. single replacement
d. combustion
____ 37. Identify the type of chemical reaction demonstrated by this equation:
KClO3  KCl + O2
a. decomposition
b. synthesis
c. combustion
d. single replacement
____ 38. Which is NOT a sign that a double displacement reaction has occured?
a. gas may be formed
c. a precipitate is formed
b. water may be produced
d. the coeffients are equal
____ 39. What is the probable product of a double-replacement reaction?
a. A new compound and the replaced metal
b. A new compound and the replaced nonmetal
c. Two different compounds
d. A single compound
____ 40. Which of the following is the complete ionic equation of the reaction between hydroiodic acid and aqueous
lithium sulfide?
____ 41. Which of the following is the net ionic reaction occurring in the blood vessels of human lungs?
____ 42. What type of ions have names ending in -ide?
a. only cations
c. only metal ions
b. only anions
d. only gaseous ions
____ 43. When Group 2A elements form ions, they ____.
a. lose two protons
c. lose two electrons
b. gain two protons
d. gain two electrons
____ 44. What is the correct name for the N
a. nitrate ion
b. nitrogen ion
c. nitride ion
d. nitrite ion
____ 45. When naming a transition metal ion that can have more than one common ionic charge, the numerical value
of the charge is indicated by a ____.
a. prefix
c. Roman numeral following the name
b. suffix
d. superscript after the name
____ 46. Aluminum is a group 3A metal. Which ion does A1 typically form?
a. Al
c. Al
b. Al
d. Al
____ 47. In which of the following are the symbol and name for the ion given correctly?
a. Fe : ferrous ion; Fe : ferric ion
b. Sn : stannic ion; Sn : stannous ion
c. Co : cobalt(II) ion; Co : cobaltous ion
d. Pb : lead ion; Pb : lead(IV) ion
____ 48. Which of the following correctly provides the name of the element, the symbol for the ion, and the name of
the ion?
a. fluorine, F , fluoride ion
c. copper, Cu , cuprous ion
b. zinc, Zn , zincate ion
d. sulfur, S , sulfurous ion
____ 49. The nonmetals in Groups 6A and 7A ____.
a. lose electrons when they form ions
b. have a numerical charge that is found by subtracting 8 from the group number
c. all have ions with a –1 charge
d. end in -ate
____ 50. What determines that an element is a metal?
a. the magnitude of its charge
b. the molecules that it forms
c. when it is a Group A element
d. its position in the periodic table
____ 51. What is the Stock name for chromic ion?
a. chromium(I) ion
b. chromium(II) ion
c. chromium(III) ion
d. chromium(IV) ion
____ 52. Which of the following is NOT a cation?
a. iron(III) ion
b. sulfate
c. Ca
d. mercurous ion
____ 53. In which of the following are the symbol and name for the ion given correctly?
a. NH : ammonia; H : hydride
c. OH : hydroxide; O : oxide
b. C H O : acetate; C O
: oxalite
d. PO
: phosphate; PO
: phosphite
____ 54. Which of the following correctly provides the names and formulas of polyatomic ions?
a. carbonate: HCO ; bicarbonate: CO
b. nitrite: NO ; nitrate: NO
c. sulfite: S ; sulfate: SO
d. chromate: CrO ; dichromate: Cr O
____ 55. An -ate or -ite at the end of a compound name usually indicates that the compound contains ____.
a. fewer electrons than protons
c. only two elements
b. neutral molecules
d. a polyatomic anion
____ 56. Why are systematic names preferred over common names?
a. Common names do not provide information about the chemical composition of the
b. Common names are derived from the method used to obtain the compound.
c. Common names were assigned by the scientist who discovered the compound.
d. Common names are not very descriptive.
____ 57. Which of the following compounds contains the Mn ion?
a. MnS
c. Mn O
b. MnBr
d. MnO
____ 58. How are chemical formulas of binary ionic compounds generally written?
a. cation on left, anion on right
b. anion on left, cation on right
c. Roman numeral first, then anion, then cation
d. subscripts first, then ions
____ 59. Which of the following is true about the composition of ionic compounds?
a. They are composed of anions and cations.
b. They are composed of anions only.
c. They are composed of cations only.
d. They are formed from two or more nonmetallic elements.
____ 60. Which of the following formulas represents an ionic compound?
a. CS
b. BaI
c. N O
d. PCl
____ 61. Which element, when combined with fluorine, would most likely form an ionic compound?
a. lithium
c. phosphorus
b. carbon
d. chlorine
____ 62. Which of the following shows correctly an ion pair and the ionic compound the two ions form?
a. Sn , N ; Sn N
c. Cr , I ; CrI
b. Cu , O ; Cu O
d. Fe , O ; Fe O
____ 63. In which of the following are the formula of the ionic compound and the charge on the metal ion shown
a. UCl , U
c. IrS , Ir
b. ThO , Th
d. NiO, Ni
____ 64. Which of the following correctly represents an ion pair and the ionic compound the ions form?
a. Ca , F ; CaF
c. Ba , O ; Ba O
b. Na , Cl ; NaCl
d. Pb , O ; Pb O
____ 65. In which of the following is the name and formula given correctly?
a. sodium oxide, NaO
c. cobaltous chloride, CoCl
b. barium nitride, BaN
d. stannic fluoride, SnF
____ 66. Which of the following compounds contains the lead(II) ion?
a. PbO
c. Pb2O
b. PbCl4
d. Pb2S
____ 67. Which set of chemical name and chemical formula for the same compound is correct?
a. iron(II) oxide, Fe O
c. tin(IV) bromide, SnBr
b. aluminum fluorate, AlF
d. potassium chloride, K Cl
____ 68. What is the correct formula for potassium sulfite?
c. K SO
d. K SO
____ 69. Which set of chemical name and chemical formula for the same compound is correct?
a. ammonium sulfite, (NH ) S
c. lithium carbonate, LiCO
b. iron(III) phosphate, FePO
d. magnesium dichromate, MgCrO
____ 70. What type of compound is CuSO ?
a. monotomic ionic
b. polyatomic covalent
c. polyatomic ionic
d. binary molecular
____ 71. Which polyatomic ion forms a neutral compound when combined with a group 1A monatomic ion in a 1:1
a. ammonium
c. nitrate
b. carbonate
d. phosphate
____ 72. Sulfur hexafluoride is an example of a ____.
a. monatomic ion
b. polyatomic ion
c. binary compound
d. polyatomic compound
____ 73. Molecular compounds are usually ____.
a. composed of two or more transition elements
b. composed of positive and negative ions
c. composed of two or more nonmetallic elements
d. exceptions to the law of definite proportions
____ 74. What is the ending for the names of all binary compounds, both ionic and molecular?
a. -ide
c. -ade
b. -ite
d. -ate
____ 75. Which of the following correctly shows a prefix used in naming binary molecular compounds with its
corresponding number?
a. deca-, 7
c. hexa-, 8
b. nona-, 9
d. octa-, 4
____ 76. Which of the following is a binary molecular compound?
a. BeHCO
c. AgI
b. PCl
d. MgS
____ 77. Which of the following formulas represents a molecular compound?
a. ZnO
c. SO
b. Xe
d. BeF
____ 78. Consider a mystery compound having the formula M T . If the compound is not an acid, if it contains only
two elements, and if M is not a metal, which of the following is true about the compound?
a. It contains a polyatomic ion.
c. Its name ends in -ic.
b. Its name ends in -ite or -ate.
d. It is a binary molecular compound.
____ 79. Which of the following shows both the correct formula and correct name of an acid?
a. HClO , chloric acid
c. H PO , phosphoric acid
b. HNO , hydronitrous acid
d. HI, iodic acid
____ 80. What is the name of H SO ?
a. hyposulfuric acid
b. hydrosulfuric acid
c. sulfuric acid
d. sulfurous acid
____ 81. What is the formula for sulfurous acid?
a. H SO
b. H SO
c. H SO
d. H S
____ 82. What is the formula for phosphoric acid?
a. H PO
b. H PO
c. HPO
d. HPO
____ 83. What is the formula for hydrosulfuric acid?
a. H S
b. H SO
c. HSO
d. H S
____ 84. Which of the following are produced when a base is dissolved in water?
a. hydronium ions
c. hydrogen ions
b. hydroxide ions
d. ammonium ions
____ 85. How are bases named?
a. like monatomic elements
b. like polyatomic ions
c. like ionic compounds
d. like molecular compounds
____ 86. Which of the following pairs of substances best illustrates the law of multiple proportions?
a. H and O
c. CaCl and CaBr
b. P O and PH
d. NO and NO
____ 87. Select the correct formula for sulfur hexafluoride.
a. S F
c. F S
b. F SO
d. SF
____ 88. What is the correct name for the compound CoCl ?
a. cobalt(I) chlorate
c. cobalt(II) chlorate
b. cobalt(I) chloride
d. cobalt(II) chloride
____ 89. Suppose you encounter a chemical formula with H as the cation. What do you know about this compound
a. It is a polyatomic ionic compound.
c. It is a base.
b. It is an acid.
d. It has a 1 charge.
____ 90. What is the correct formula for barium chlorate?
a. Ba(ClO)
c. Ba(ClO )
b. Ba(ClO )
d. BaCl
____ 91. What is the correct formula for calcium dihydrogen phosphate?
a. CaH PO
c. Ca(H PO )
b. Ca H PO
d. Ca(H HPO )
____ 92. What does an -ite or -ate ending in a polyatomic ion mean?
a. Oxygen is in the formula.
c. Nitrogen is in the formula.
b. Sulfur is in the formula.
d. Bromine is in the formula.
____ 93. Which of the following is the correct name for N O ?
a. nitrous oxide
c. nitrogen dioxide
b. dinitrogen pentoxide
d. nitrate oxide
____ 94. What is the correct name for Sn (PO ) ?
a. tritin diphosphate
b. tin(II) phosphate
c. tin(III) phosphate
d. tin(IV) phosphate