THE Lightning Gazette - Jerry Zucker Middle School Of Science

Lightning Gazette
Date: September 30, 2015
Jerry Zucker Middle School of Science
Why Ms. Gregory Loves Charleston
by Leslie Coronado Hernandez & Sierra Hurt
Before moving to
Charleston two years
ago Ms. Gregory lived in
Tennessee for thirty
years. Every summer
she, her husband and
three sons would look
forward to their
summer beach vacation
in South Carolina. They
always wished it could
be longer than the
week or two they had.
This summer Ms.
Gregory was thrilled to
have a two month
beach vacation in
Charleston! Her family
from Kentucky came to
visit, and they went to
the beach every day.
Ms. Gregory went
paddle boarding with
friends from Tennessee
and kayaking with
friends and family here.
She enjoyed dolphins,
manatees, and pelicans
up close and personal!
She sat on the beach for
hours reading lots of
books and spent hours
playing and doing art
with her grandkids. She
explored downtown
Charleston by day and
by night.
Ms. Gregory loves
Photos provided by Ms. Gregory.
Inside this issue:
p. 2 Animals You Probably Didn't Know Existed
p. 3 Meet Ms. Jennings
p. 5 Spotlight on Mr. Brooks
p. 2 Quinceañera
p. 4 Top 10 Craziest Foods
p. 6 Caught on Camera
p. 3 Meet Mr. Hughes
p. 5 Top 10 Craziest Foods (continued)
p. 7 Lunar Eclipse
p. 3 Meet Mr. Alban
p. 5 Shout Out
p. 7 Fun Facts
The Lightning Gazette
Volume 1 Issue 2– September 30, 2015
Animals You Probably Didn't Know Existed
by Fabian Peña
Here’s an animal
some of you have
probably seen but don’t
know the name of.
The name of this animal
is Bull Shark. Their
habitat is primarily
shallow coastal waters.
They are common in
lagoons, bays, and river
Bull sharks can also
be found in fresh water
that connects with salt
water and have been
caught in the
Mississippi River as far
upstream as Illinois.
They often swim in
rivers where we swim
during the summer.
An interesting fact is
that they are one of the
top three sharks that
attack humans. But
don't worry because
you have a greater
chance of being struck
by lighting than being
attacked by a shark.
Well now you know!
by Jessica Sanchez & Angela Ramirez-Arreola
What is a
quinceañera? It is
celebrated on a girl's
15th birthday to mark
when she leaves her
childhood behind and
becomes a young
woman. Quinceañera
means "fifteen-year-old"
and refers to both the
young woman and the
A quinceañera is
similar to a sweet 16 but
different in many ways.
For example, in a
quinceañera they have a
doll to represent the
young woman and a
fifteen-piece cake.
Usually about 100-1000
guests are invited, and
the godparents help out
since a quinceañera is
too much work.
The girl celebrating
her quinceañera gets to
choose a boy to dance
with. The girls who
attend the celebration
are called damas and the
boys are called
Some quinceañeras
wear worn out sneakers
until their father puts
their heels on them,
similar to when the duke
puts Cinderella’s glass
slipper on her foot.
Book recommendation:
Estrellas Quinceañera by
Malin Alegria. Get it on
hold! Ask Ms.Cary for this
The Lightning Gazette
Volume 1 Issue 2– September 30, 2015
Meet Mr. Hughes
by Sierra Hurt & Cameron Steinbacher
Mr. Hughes is the 7th
grade social studies
teacher. This is his first
year at Zucker.
Why did you become a
I wanted to impact
young adults in a
positive way to help
shape them to be active
citizens. That's why I
became a social studies
Favorite food
Salmon, steak, mashed
Favorite book
Wooden on Leadership
Favorite tv shows
College basketball/
NCAA tourney
Favorite place
The ocean course at
Kiawah Island
If you had one wish
what would it be?
To cure major
Fun facts
I met Vice President
Joe Biden while working
at my summer job.
What do you like to do
in your free time?
I play a lot of golf. I
caddie. My dream
would be to get to have
a ticket every year to
the Master's Golf
Tournament. I also
enjoy going fishing.
I hope to one day get
my master's degree and
create an educational
app for the iPad.
Meet Mr. Alban
by Leslie Coronado Hernandez
Mr. Alban is the new
ESOL teacher this year! He
loves pizza! His favorite
show is The Haves and the
Have Nots. If he had one
wish he would wish that he
had enough money to help
Meet Ms. Jennings
by Laila Muñoz
Ms. Jennings is the 6th grade
resource teacher. This is her first
year at JZMS. Her favorite food
is sushi, and her favorite book is
Harry Potter. Ms. Jennings' one
wish is that her family lived
closer to her. Ms. Jennings'
favorite place to visit is Hawaii.
She was born and raised in
Muskegon, Michigan. Ms.
Jennings has a pet dog named
Seamus. She attended Aquinas
College and The Citadel. She
loves to help people learn.
the needy. His favorite
place is home. Mr. Alban
plays soccer once in a while
and loves watching football
and playing basketball.
The Lightning Gazette
Volume 1 Issue 2– September 30, 2015
Top 10 Craziest Foods in the World
by Cameron Steinbacher
WARNING: DO NOT READ BEFORE, DURING OF AFTER EATING!!! (especially if you are squeamish)
No. 1 The cow brain burger
No.4 chicken embryo
No.7 grub
This is a popular delicacy in
America and Canada. This burger is
exactly what it says it is - a brain of
a cow that is cooked and served as
a hamburger.
This delicacy is also served in Japan.
It is made by an expert chef by
taking an almost fully developed
chicken embryo and cooking it.
Some people in Australia eat grubs
or maggots. They like to eat them
because they think they taste
good. They were originally found
by aborigines.
No.5 giant tuna eye
No.2 fried tarantula
This little delicacy is served in
Venezuela. It is served as French
fries and can be eaten right out of
a bowl. You can find them in the
streets being sold by vendors.
No.3 Fugu the Japanese blow
The Japanese blow fish is served as
a Japanese delicacy. It has enough
poison to kill ten men. Some chefs
even prefer to leave some poison
on it for the tangy taste. It can only
be prepared by an expert chef.
This is a food in China. It is exactly
what it says, the eye of a tuna fish.
Now the eye itself is very big. It is
about the size of an octopus eye. It
is even considered very healthy for
No.8 shiokara
This is a fermented liver dipped in
its own juices. This can be found in
Japan. It is often downed with a
shot of whiskey.
no.9 shannakji
No.6 century eggs
This egg is made in china. They store
eggs for a few months which is still
enough to turn the yolk black and
the middle green. This is considered
to be good for you.
This is octopus cut into small
pieces. It is served while the
tentacles are still moving. Some
people say that you will choke if
you eat this since they are still
alive. This can be found in both
North and South Korea.
The Lightning Gazette
Volume 1 Issue 2– September 30, 2015
Top 10 Craziest Foods
No.10 Beondegi
This is another food that can be
found in Korea. It is fried silk
worms that people just love to eat
over there. They are served as a
snack in both North and South
Shout out from Mr. Brooks to Cassie D. for
making such positive progress!
Spotlight on Mr. Brooks
by Fabian Peña
Where were you born/raised?
I was born in New Jersey but
my father was in the army so
we moved a lot, usually every
2-3 years.
Favorite food/dessert?
Seafood: shrimp, fish
Dessert: chocolate cake.
Favorite show, movie or book?
Schlinder's List (movie), Thus
Spoke Zarathustra (book).
If you had one wish what
would it be?
For happiness for everybody.
Favorite hobbies/talents?
Golf, Fishing, Pool
Fun facts?
I was a Mr.Universe runner-up.
Favorite place?
Do you have any pets?
2 cats
Why did you become a
guidance counselor?
I wanted to help people.
What college did you attend?
College of Charleston and The
I have two grown children and
a beautiful granddaughter (3
years old) and another
granddaughter who is due in
"Every dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember you have within you the
strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
~Harriet Tubman~
The Lightning Gazette
Volume 1 Issue 2– September 30, 2015
Caught on Camera!
The Lightning Gazette
Volume 1 Issue 2– September 30, 2015
Lunar Eclipse
by Fabian Peña
A lunar eclipse happens
when the moon appears
darkened as it passes into the
earth's shadow. The last one
was on September 27, 2015. It
lasted for about an hour and
forty-five minutes. That’s a
long time! This is pretty
interesting stuff, if you ask me.
Fun Facts
Compiled by Zamani Lyde & Sierra Hurt
Facebook, Skype and Twitter
are all banned in China.
95% of people text things they
could never say in person.
Billy goats urinate on their
own heads to smell more
attractive to females.
Kleenex tissues were originally
used as filters in gas masks.
The Titanic was the first ship to
A company in Taiwan makes
use the SOS signal.
dinnerware out of wheat, so
If you lift a kangaroo's tail off
you can eat your plate!
the ground it can't hop.
The Lightning Gazette Staff
Ms. Cary, Editor
Karen Bañuelos
Leslie Coronado Hernandez
Jennifer Herrera-Lopez
Sierra Hurt
Zamani Lyde
Laila Muñoz
Fabian Peña
Fabiola Peña
Angela Ramirez-Arreola
Cruzita Rivera
Jessica Sanchez
Cameron Steinbacher
You can eat this bowl and plate!