Density Practice Problems

Name: _________________________
Density Practice Problems
1. What two units are used for density? g/cm3 or g/mL
2. What is the density of an object with a mass of 60g and a volume of 2cm 3?
30g/2 cm3 = 15 g/cm3
3. You are given the following information: mass= 48g; volume=24 cm3. What is the density of this
48g/24cm3 = 2 g/cm3
4. What is the density of a rock if its mass is 36g and its volume is 12cm3?
36g/12cm3 = 3 g/cm3
5. If you have a gold brick that is 2cm by 3cm by 4cm and has a mass of 96 g, what is its density?
96g/(2cm x 3cm x 4cm) = 96g/48cm3 = 2 g/cm3
6. An object displaces 4 mL of water when placed in a cup. If it has a mass of 16 g, what is its density?
16g/4mL = 4 g/mL
7. What is the density of an object that has a mass of 25g and a volume of 10cm 3?
25g/10cm3= 2.5 g/cm3
8. What is the density of an object with a volume of 4cm3 and a mass of 8g? If you placed this object in a
glass of water would the object float or sink?
8g/4cm3 = 2 g/cm3; The object would sink because it is more dense than water.
9. *Calculate the mass of a substance which has a volume of 35 cm3 and a density of 0.5g/cm3.
0.5 g/cm3 x 35 cm3 = 17.5 grams
10. *If a block of wood has a density of 0.6g/cm3 and a mass of 120g, what is its volume?
120 g/0.6g/cm3 = 200 cm3
11. *What is the mass of an object that has a volume of 34cm3 and a density of 6g/cm3?
6 g/cm3 x 34 cm3 = 204 grams
12. *The density of Platinum is 21.45g/cm3. How much space would 107.25g take up? If you cut this mass in
half what would the density of Platinum be?
107.25 g/21.45g/cm3 = 5 cm3; The density would be the same.