Anti-social behaviour on the Osprey Estate, SE16

Freedom of Information Request Reference No:
I note you seek access to the following information:
Background: The Osprey Estate, London SE16 has suffered over several years from
anti-social behaviour, vandalism and malicious damage. Please tell me:
1. How many reports of anti-social behaviour on the Osprey Estate, London SE16 were
made by members of the public in the financial year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012
2. How many reports of vandalism and/or malicious damage on the Osprey Estate,
London SE16 were made by members of the public in the financial year 2010/2011 and
I have today decided to disclose the located information to you in full.
Please find attached information pursuant to your request above.
Southwark Borough Command
Anti Social Behaviour and Criminal Damage in Osprey Estate , Tawny Way
SE1 6
FY 2010/11 and 2011 /1 2
Summary Anti Social Behaviour and Criminal Damage in Tawny Way SE16 FY 2010/1 1
and 2011/1 2
Doi Reporting Servi ces
Creating Branch / Directorate
Date Created 19/08/201 3
Review Date
01 /04/201 6
This report uses LIVE DATA extracted from M et M IS and
Date L i ve data was extracted : 13/08/201 3
The data in this report reflects live data which may be subject to small changes over tim e
Ponce rorces in the unitea Kingaom are routineiy requirea to proviae crime statistics to government
bodies and the recording criteria is set nationally. However, the systems used for recording these figures
are not generic, nor are the procedures used locally in capturing the crime data . It should be noted that
for these reasons this force's response to your questions should not be used for comparison purpose s
Last Refresh Date : 19/08/2013 Doi Reporting Services - 783131 Data is subject to daily change
Ad-Hoc Req : 44063 If you have any queries with this report, please contact the Helpdesk O M OPAC 2013
The data in this report was retieved on 14th and 16th of August 201 3
from MetMIS (criminal damage) and COLOMBO (anti-social behaviour CAD data) .
All data was filtered for locations including %Tawn% or %Ospresy%
Anti-social behaviour is measured by counting calls to the Police where the prima ry
call reason is given an anti-social behaviour activity code .
The data is displayed showing the p ri mary codes of the ASB call s
Police forces in the United Kingdom are routinely required to provide crime statistics to government bodies and the
recording criteria is set nationally . However, the systems used for recording these figures are not generic , nor are the
procedures used locally in capturing the crime data . It should be noted that for these reasons this force 's response to
your questions should not be used for comparison purposes with any other response you may receive .
Last Refresh Date : 19/08/2013 Doi Reporting Services - 783131 Data is subject to daily change
Ad-Hoc Req : 44063 If you have any queries with this report, please contact the Helpdesk O M OPAC 2013
An t i -social Behaviour Calls for Tawny Way SE16 - FYs 2010/ 11 & 2011 /1 2
Opening Type Code 01 FY 2010/11 FY 2011/12 Grand Tota l
11 (Substance mi s u se )
20 2 ( R o wdy Or In co n s idera t e Beha v i our )
204 ( R o wdy / Nui s ance Neighbo urs)
208 ( Malici o u s / Nui s an ce Co mmuni c a t i on s)
23 (Abandoned vehicle) 1 0
24 (Veh nui san ce / inappro priate u se )
26 (Rowdy /inconsiderate behaviour)
28 ( Rowdy / nui s ance neighb o ur s)
Grand Total 19 27 4 6
Offences of Criminal Damage in Tawny Way SE16 - FYs 2010/ 11 & 2011 /12
Police forces in the United Kingdom are routinely required to provide crime statistics to government bodies and the recording
criteria is set nationally . However, the systems used for recording these figures are not generic , nor are the procedures used
locally in capturing the crime data . It should be noted that for these reasons this force ' s response to your questions should not be
used for comparison purposes with any other response you may receive .
Last Refresh Date : 19/08/2013
Doi Reporting Se rv ices - 783131 Data is subject to daily chang e
Ad - Hoc Req : 44063 If you have any queries with this report, please contact the Helpdesk
O MOPAC 201 3