Overview What is 40 Days for Life? Track Record of Results uphold

For more information, visit: www.40daysforlife.com/Springfield/
From March 1st through April 9th, 2017 our community will be uniting with many others from coast to coast – and
internationally – for a major simultaneous pro-life mobilization – the 40 Days for Life campaign. Faithful believers across
America and the world are praying that these efforts will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in America.
What is 40 Days for Life?
40 Days for Life is a coordinated pro-life campaign with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting, and
peaceful vigil to end abortion. The mission of the campaign is to bring together the body of Christ in a spirit of unity
during a focused 40 day campaign of prayer, fasting, and peaceful activism, with the purpose of repentance, to seek God’s
favor to turn hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life, thus bringing an end to abortion.
Track Record of Results
Between 2007 and 2016, some 675 cities in 40 nations have conducted 40 Days for Life campaigns with measurable,
lifesaving results:
• More than 675,000 people of faith and conscience have joined together to pray and fast for an end to abortion
• 12,668 children have been saved from abortion — and those are just the ones we know about
•141 abortion workers have quit their jobs
• 75 abortion facilities have closed and gone out of business following 40 Days for Life campaigns outside their doors
Campaign Components
One of the strengths of 40 Days for Life is its simplicity. The campaign is made up of three key components:
• Prayer and fasting: inviting people of faith throughout our city and across the country and world to join together for 40
days of fervent prayer and fasting for an end to abortion
• Peaceful Vigil: standing for life through a 40-day peaceful public witness outside the local Planned Parenthood at 601
N. Bruns Lane.
• Community Outreach: getting the word out about 40 Days for Life and telling the truth about Planned Parenthood;
opportunity for churches to “adopt” a Pregnancy Help Center such as Lifetime, Pregnancy Care Center, Beerlahai
Roi, or Elizabeth Ann Seton.
Why have 40 Days for Life in Springfield?
In the spring of 2010, Planned Parenthood in Springfield began providing medication abortions which are performed
before the 9th week of pregnancy. With medication abortions, the mother takes a combination of medications that causes
the developing baby to die and the womb to contract and deliver the dead baby. In addition, last August, Planned
Parenthood began providing surgical abortions for babies up to 19 weeks gestation. We believe we must take a stand
against Planned Parenthood’s murder of these innocent children. Our opposition is peaceful and prayerful. We pray for
the babies who are scheduled to die, as well as their mothers and fathers. And we pray for the staff at Planned Parenthood
who provide this service, perhaps out of a sense of misguided compassion. We desire that our community become a place
where women do not feel compelled to choose between the lives of their children and their own well-being and instead be
a place where all people are welcomed and protected, from the moment of conception until their natural death.
How you can get involved
* Join us in prayer from March 1st to April 9th 2017, for an end to abortion in Springfield. Visit
www.40DaysforLife/Springfield to sign up for a vigil time or call Springfield Right to Life at 217-523-2700.
* Sign up for a vigil day – we encourage you to gather a group to come and pray together. We require at least two people
at any time outside of Planned Parenthood, so please do not pray alone. Thank you for your on-going work to
uphold the dignity of all human life in our community. May God bless you for your efforts!