Annual Report - Family House, Inc.

Facebook: FamilyHouseSanFrancisco
Twitter: familyhousesf
Instagram: familyhousesf
From Eureka to Mission Bay
olly James may have cancer, but cancer
most definitely doesn’t have her.
Holly James was just finishing the
7th grade when she started experiencing very bad headaches.
It didn’t take much for the A+ student to figure out that
something was wrong. The cause of Holly’s crippling headaches
was diagnosed as a brain tumor by her doctors in Eureka,
California. She was referred immediately to the UCSF Benioff
Children’s Hospital. Since Eureka is a 6-hour drive from San
Francisco, Holly was airlifted emergently the same day as her
diagnosis. Once at UCSF, she started a journey that has, for
the past 12 months, included several brain surgeries, radiation
treatments, chemotherapy, and blood transfusions. Spending
long weeks in the hospital, and then at Family House, Holly
became all too familiar with the circuitous drive from Family
House on Irving Street to the new hospital in Mission Bay.
“Being far away from the hospital in a city like San Francisco
added so much stress to my treatment. Getting into the car and
going through the gauntlet of construction, one-way streets,
terrible traffic, road closures, and the rest actually made me feel
sicker than I was already.”
“We weren’t sure what to expect,” mom, Saundra, reported.
“Once Holly was airlifted to San Francisco, the rest of us
scrambled to figure out what life would be like. The questions
that flew through our heads were, ‘How long will we be gone?
What should I take care of before we leave?’ It was a trauma,
being thrown into the unknown, not just with Holly’s health,
but for the entire family.” The rest of the family is dad, Bill
and brother, Connor. “The only good thing about the timing
of her diagnosis is that Holly and Connor didn’t have to be
pulled out of school.” Once school did start in the fall, neither
Holly nor Connor fell behind. A self-proclaimed dork, Holly
loves reading manga comics and science fiction, watching Dr.
Who, and doing all the other things that typical 14-year olds do.
As Holly underwent a year of grueling treatment, the James
family enjoyed what San Francisco has to offer: The Academy
of Sciences, The San Francisco Zoo, Botanical Gardens,
Japantown, and more. “It’s a lot easier to make our way through
San Francisco when we’re going to Golden Gate Park instead
of going to the hospital!”
The James family, thanks
to Make-A-Wish, spent
a lovely end-of-summer
vacation in Italy, all
would’ve thought that, at
the end of this hideous
year, we would end up in
Italy, all of us healthy and
At the Nancy and Stephen
Grand Family House
And Holly’s attitude about beating this whole cancer thing?
“Hey, it’s not brain surgery.”
The mission of Family House is to serve as a home away from home for families of children with cancer and other
life-threatening illnesses by providing physical comfort and emotional support, free from financial concerns.
Chairman’s Message
Dear Family House Community,
s the opening date for the
Nancy and Stephen Grand
Family House approaches
in March 2016, I can’t help but take
a moment to reflect on what an
incredible journey we have taken
together over the past few years.
Scott Miller
Thanks to you, our incredible donors
and volunteers, we will finally be able
to say YES to every family in need of our services; the lives of
thousands of children and families will be positively influenced,
for generations to come. In just a few short months, not only
will we open the doors of the new, 80-bedroom Nancy and
Stephen Grand Family House, but we’ll also open up an entirely
new chapter of family services and support that will improve
the well-being of all our guests. Together with our partners at
the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, we will provide familycentered care and a healing environment that will truly be
second to none!
I would like to say a special thanks to my fellow Board
Members, without whose expertise and dedication the Family
House mission and new building project would never have
been realized. The countless hours of planning, meetings,
strategizing, and monster challenges were all met with more
intelligence, perseverance, and focus on our mission than I
could’ve expected. This has truly been a team effort, and I am
grateful to each one of our amazing Board Members for their
gifts of time, talent, and compassion to make Family House
and this project such a success. As many of you know, the true
heroes of this project are Nancy and Stephen Grand, whose
focused and thoughtful philanthropy came at a critical time
to ensure the attainment of our $42.0 million fundraising goal,
and whose ongoing involvement have strengthened the entire
organization. The Grands know first hand about the hardships
that our families face on a daily basis, and know how important
the new Family House will be in easing that burden. We are
indebted to Nancy and Stephen for their leadership, kindness,
and generosity, and for their ongoing commitment to make life
better for those less fortunate.
There are so many more people to thank at this time,
including and especially our donors. Too many to list here,
the 700+ donors who have committed their support to this
project, from the Grands to a former patient who presented
us with her allowance of $1 “for the new building,” have
brought us to the finish line. Our professional team of Sue
Diamond, Karen Tiedemann, Luis Rodriguez, Catherine
Reilly, Bob Nibbi, John Kugler, Lydia Tan, Chancellor Sam
Hawgood, and countless others each played an important
and essential role. Alexandra Morgan, Jessica Creager, Sue
Neff, Joey Kotfica, and the entire staff at Family House have
been nothing short of spectacular, and without them, there
would be no Family House. I am grateful to them all.
In the end, what we do is all about serving families. We
make every effort to keep families together and intact during
this worst time of their lives. Our tools to fulfill the mission
are: comfortable, safe bedrooms; shared meals; transportation;
and other types of support from car repairs to birthday parties.
In reality, we offer dignity. No matter the circumstance,
where home happens to be, income level, background, or age,
everyone who stays at Family House is welcomed in the same
way–with dignity. Thank you, again, for your compassion for
our families, and for your continued support of Family House.
The Nancy and Stephen Grand Family House
e are proud that the new building in Mission Bay
Family House. Their conditions that Family House hit various
will bear the name of Nancy and Stephen Grand.
thresholds in the construction project, increase endowment
It’s not just the Grands’ philanthropy that makes
funds, and achieve fundraising levels did a great deal to make
us grateful, but what they stand for. The Grands are committed
the entire organization better. But there is another important
to careful philanthropy that will continue to make a positive
trait that the Grands bring to Family House that is extremely
impact for years to come, but when it came to Family House,
rare: Their joie de vivre informs the way in which they give and,
they really rolled up their sleeves. When Nancy and Stephen
in turn, has brought a great deal of joy to this project, and to all
learned about Family House and its mission to provide free,
who are lucky enough to work with them. Put simply, it’s all about
temporary, and compassionate housing, the impact was
compassion, no matter who you are–and the Grands exemplify
immediate, and hit close to home. Ten years ago, Stephen
this philosophy. As a member of the Family House Executive
Grand battled multiple myeloma, a form of cancer, and beat
Committee, Nancy brings professional experience and expertise
it. During treatment, he and Nancy spent a great deal of time
to the job, both as a spokesperson and a leader.
at UCSF Medical Center. When they would walk the halls at
As a result of their philanthropy, children and families who
night, Stephen and Nancy saw families sleeping on the floor,
would not otherwise have access to the excellent medical care
provided by UCSF will be able to come to San Francisco, and
receive cutting edge treatment while living in a supportive
environment just blocks from the UCSF Benioff Children’s
Hospital. There are none more dedicated than Nancy and
Stephen Grand to doing good works for others in such a
selfless way. The Family House Board of Directors, staff,
donors, volunteers, and especially the families who call Family
House “home” even briefly are honored by the generosity and
character that the Grand name brings; and they make all things
Family House much, much better.
in the family lounge, or even in their cars because they had no
other place to stay. Having cancer was frightening for Stephen,
but he could not imagine how scary it would be for young
children and their parents who were far from home. It was that
experience that led to redefining the future of Family House
for the next 50 years.
Not long after Stephen received a clean bill of health, the
Grands found Family House, and in quick order, made a single
truly humbling and inspiring lead gift to create the Nancy and
Stephen Grand Family House at Mission Bay. Beyond dollars
invested in the project, the Grands made their pledge in a way
that improved and enhanced the organizational development of
1st Family House opens at 50 Irving Street,
serving 10 families per night
2nd Family House opens at 1234 10th
Avenue, serving an additional 24 families
per night
Grammy-winning San Francisco band Train
adopts Family House as hometown charity
Nancy and Stephen Grand make naming pledge to build the new
Family House at Mission Bay
September 17: Groundbreaking on the future
Nancy and Stephen Grand Family House
February: UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital at Mission Bay opens
September 24: Topping Out of the Nancy and Stephen Grand Family House at Mission Bay
March 2: Grand Opening of the Nancy and Stephen Grand Family House
Topping Out the Nancy & Stephen Grand Family House
n Thursday, September
24th, we observed another
House to commemorate the occasion. Our guest of honor, Ronin
Bigart, with her mother Brooks, celebrated her 4th birthday
exciting achievement in
onstage to a 200-strong chorus of “Happy Birthday.” And what a
our journey to move to the Nancy
birthday–Ronin also celebrated the fact that she’s nearly DONE
and Stephen Grand Family House
with treatment to knock out leukemia.
at Mission Bay–The Topping Out
And what made the Topping Out Ceremony even more special–
Ceremony. Traditionally, a Topping
Capital Campaign Chair
Drew McKnight
we crossed the finish line on our $42 million Capital Campaign
Out Ceremony celebrates the team
goal, just days before! Everyone involved with Family House
of construction workers responsible
and the Campaign is so proud of what we have achieved
for building the new structure. This
milestone was dramatized by dropping the final truss into place;
together, and excited about the opening on March 2, 2016!
ours was particularly special as it bore a handmade Family House
logo (courtesy of James Zimmerman, Nibbi Brothers), along with
notes and drawings from children who have stayed at Family
James Zimmerman of Nibbi Brothers Construction with the Topping Out Truss
Grand E Birthday Girl Ronin Bigart
Stephen Grand
Construction Workers
Thanks to All for Your Generous Support
Debbie and Dr. Arthur Ablin
Marion and Jason Acord
Megan Price and
Morgan Agnew
Anonymous (10)
Jill Alintoff
All In To Fight Cancer
Trisha Allen
Antonia Alstad
Nancy and Michael Alvarez
Robert Anderson
Angela and Juan Andrade
Ana and Javier Argueta
Paulina Arroyo
Pam and Larry Baer
Timothy Bailey
Karen Bair
Barbara and Gerson Bakar
George Banks
Karen Banks
Natalie Barker
Barr Charitable Foundation
Sondra Barrett
Teri Barrett
Margie and George Barry
Carolyn and Kelly Bass
Rebecca Batdorf
Tamara and Lon Baugh
Cregg Baumbaugh
Joan Finton Baumrind and
Sheldon Baumrind
Bay Area Pediatric Surgeons
Bayer USA Foundation
Lindsay Beaver
S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation
Linda Becker
Deborah Benaim
Fredelyn Benavidez
Paulette and Richard Benedict
Michele and David Benjamin
Meschell and Steve Bernardy
Allison and Aneel Bhusri
Elizabeth Biagini
Rachel and Ethan Bier
Kasey and Dennis Bierwirth
Bimbo’s 365 Club
Tom Birch
Judy Bishop
Diana Block
Joey Kotfica and
Joseph Blodgett
Richard Blodgett
Sebastian Boifort
Nancy Kramer and
Vincent Bolden
Bonds Family Foundation
Debbie Border
Kelly and Axel Boren
Brad Bowery
Andrea and Ian Boyd
Kathleen and Billy Brady
Kathy and Tom Brandal
Michele and Hank Brasch
Benjamin Braun
Ruth and Emilio Bravo
Bright Green Strategies
British Motor Car Distributors,
Cabot Brown
Jan and Ed Brown
Irma and Louis Bujnoch
Raissa Bump
Dr. Alan Burckin
Suzanne Kirrane and
Joe Burgard
Sandy Rodriguez-Burgoon
and H Keith Burgoon
Emily Bussiere
Sheila J. Butterfield
Tory Cable
Cambridge CM
Debb Campbell and
James Parker
Trudi and Tom Cannon
Capital Group Charitable
Janie and James Carduff
Karen and Kurt Carlstrom
Paula and Sean Carney
Marilyn Chavez and Elmer Carr
Toni Carr
Teri Carter
Mary and Dan Casey
Hanae Casseres
Drs. Diana Farmer and
Chico Cauldwell
Sheri Cervantes
Tiffany Chang
Barbara Chapman
Agnes and Donald Char
Joan Charlette
Laura Cheek
Jode and Peter Chevalier
Angela Chew
Jenhou and Chen Chu
Michael Chu
Annie Chuong
Bobbe and David Clark
Sonya and Eugene
Mark Claycomb
Rory Cleary
Clelland Family Foundation
Sarah Clifford
Maria and Eric Clothier
Mark Cocalis
Elad Cohen
Jean and Sandy Colen
Jill and Brian Conn
Nancy and Edward Conner
Constance and
Etienne Constable
Joelric Convento
Pauline and Guy Conversano
Gayle and Ron Conway
Phyllis and David Cook
Kevin Cordasco
Margaret Corkery
Cornfield Foundation
Country Builders Construction
Dr. & Mrs. Mort Cowan
Tim Cowen
Jessica and Shaun Creager
Credit Suisse
Crescent Porter Hale
Michelle Cripe
Carisse Cronquist
Nicole Croom
Carrie Varoquiers and
Steve Crystal
Mary Cullen
Kristin Cummings
Andi Cupp
Angela Joseph and
William Daft
Deborah Damgaard
Claire Darby
Jane and Thomas David
Ursula and Paul Davidson
Dan Davis
Tatiana Alejandra
de Castro Perez
Jim De La Cruz
John De Souza
Leslie Delaney
Roberta and Steve Denning
Susan R. Diamond and
Michael Schenker
Breanna DiGiammarino
Liz DiMaulo
Pamela Rose and
Steven Dinkelspiel
Dome Cleaning
Jennifer Dowd
Jennifer and Hayes
Jenny and Matias Duarte
Damien Dubay
Tim Smith and Steven Dubois
Dave Duffield
Duffield Kids Charitable Fund
Lynda Duggan
Megan Dupree
E & J Gallo
Aimee and George Eberle
EDesignC Incorporated
Ednah Root Foundation
Sean Eilers
Erika and Taylor Elliott
Elaine Ellis
Mrs. Lois Epstein
Equity Community Builders
Antoinette and Don Ericksen
Ariana and Marc Estogue
Lizzy Evans
Andrew Fahey
Farallon Capital Management
Holly Farrell
Bunny and Steven Fayne
Linda and Rick Fedick
Suzanne and Elliott Felson
Don Ferencz
Diane and Frank Fernandes
Donna Ferriero M.D.
Ian Ferry
Anne and Paul Finigan
Stephanie and Dan Finkelstein
Tyler Fischer-Colbrie
Bob Fisher
Paul Fitzgerald, S.J.
Morris Flaum
Alrene Flynn
Carolyn Foley
John Foote
Rebecca and David Foote
Craig Forester
Pat Foster
Foundation Constructors, Inc.
Four Rings Montana Family
Devon and Thomas Franco
Rocky Fried
Michelle and Robert Friend
Sandra Fullerton
Erin Galvin
Gaming For A Cause
Allison and Mark Garrett
Merrin Gerety
Ann and Gordon Getty
Ghirardelli Chocolate Company
Geraldine Jordan and
Bruce Giannini
Casey and Keith Giarman
Grace Giffen Paolini
Mary and Clinton Gilliland
Kristin and Dan Glunt
Mehmet Goker
Linda and Steve Goldfarb
Goldfarb Lipman Attorneys
Marcia and John Goldman
Goldman, Sachs & Co
Dr. Robert Goldsby
Anna Gong
Megan Sullivan and
Paul Goold
Leslie Gordon and Craig Etlin
Karen and Bill Gough
Phillip Grabar
Nancy and Stephen Grand
Lori and Alec Gray
Holland Gray
Lisa and Ryan Gray
Kelly and Sean Gray
Amelia and Jarrod Green
John Grehan
Richard Grey
Susan Davenport and
Michael Grosse
Beth and Brian Grossman
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Grove Jr.
Grubman Wealth Management
Dr. Mel Grumbach
Nalin Gupta
Gloria and Paul Guzzo
Steven Gwozdz
Pamela and George Hamel
Dr. William Hamilton
Paula Hammons
Jessica and Jeffrey Hamrick
Terri Hanagan
Kim and Jay Hancher
Geena Haney
Kathy Chiao and Kenneth Hao
Mary Harris
Drs. Gretchen and
Michael Harrison
Michael Hatfield
Jane and Dr. Sam Hawgood
Holly Hebert
Barbara and Dan Heffernan
Patricia Hegarty
Nori Heikkinen
Henry Lee, LLC
The Herbst Foundation
Drs. Michelle and Terry
Carolen and Douglas Herst
Andrea Higgins
Christine and Wayne
Dorian and Peter Hirth
Vickie Hoag
Isabel Hogan
Fabienne Hollinger
Dana and Guy Hollins
Dawn and Gary Holm
Morgia and Todd Holmes
Jeanine and Richard Homich
The Horace W. Goldsmith
Dr. Biljana Horn
Cheryl Hornung
Joe Houston
Benjamin Huang
Dr. James Huang
Tannie Huang
Jessica Hubert
Michelle and Justin Hughes
Justin Hunnicutt Stephens
Ayner and Tashmin Husen
Vy and Matthew Hyman
Kim and Zachary Hyman
Hymowitz Family Foundation
Hazel Ikesakes
Stephanie and Tyler Jackson
Thomas James
Samantha Jang and
Daniel Isaacs
Carolyn and Benji Jasik
Margaret and James Jimenez
John & Marcia Goldman
John Brockway Huntington
Lindsie Jones
Jordan & Kyra Memorial
The Joseph and Vera Long
Justice/Justice Foundation
Ellen and Douglas Kahn
The Kalmanovitz Charitable
Michael Kamps
Erin and Krzysztof Karski
Isabelle King and
Irfan Kathiriya
Diane and Kevin Keenley
Dawn Kennedy
Roger Kent
Susan and Arthur Kern
Fern and Lowell Kerpe
Lauren Khan
Dave Kim
Robert Kirkbride
Mark Klanjac
Sarah and Jack Knight
Soren Koch
Karey and Ronald Kohlman
The Koret Foundation
Ann Lynne and Keith Kotfica
Mary Jo and Dick Kovacevich
Kara Lemieux and Jason Kracht
Robin Fireman Kramer and
Kevin Lee Kramer
Amy Kreins
Sharon Kresge
Rachel Krevans
Jimmy Ku
Sue Kulig
Maria Kurtenbach
Lauren and Matt Kushner
Rose Lachance
David Lake
James and Shaw Lamb
Kellyann Lamb
Marshall Lamm
David Lamond
Karine Landriot
Ms. Hedi Langfelder
Yvette Tom and Adriel Lares
Carl Larkin
Robert Larson
Galen Laserson
David Laub
Katherine and
Matthew Laufman
Laurel Wolf Family Foundation
Claude Eric Lazard
Leddy Maytum and Stacy
Barbara Morgenthau and
Dr. Hanmin Lee
Wai Har and Sam Lee
Debra Leifer and Howard
Carol and Donald Lenherr
Lori Lenherr
Amy Lenz
Ann Adamson Leonardo
Leonie J. Darwin Trust
Dianne and Stephan
Janice Lepisto
Cecilia Leung
Charlene Akers and
Nate Levine
Keri L Ferencz and
James Levine
Rosemary Lew
Wille Lian
Margaret Mak and
David Lichtman
C Erin Lim
Lindquist, von Husen & Joyce,
Mary Jo and Layton D. Lloyd
Brent Loder
Stephanie Low
John D Lowenberg Jr
Guillermina and Eduardo Luna
Caroline Fromm Lurie and
Rabbi Brian Lurie
Heather Lynch
Julie and Timothy Lyons
Dale MacGillivray
Chude Allen and Norris Mackie
Celine Sabatte Mactaggart and
Alastair Mactaggart
Jen Madden
Sherelyn and John Michael
David Magidson
Dagny Maidman
Bob Malenky
Susan and Jay Mall
Gail Mametsuka
Aanchal Mandhyan
Kathleen and Theo Maniatis
Jennifer Mannix
Edna and Robert Manzoni
Monica Mapa
Kevin Marchetti
Marin Acura
Maria Mariotto
Carolina Marquez
Lenore and Dan Marsh
Erin Marshall
Deborah and Gregory Martin
Shelly Martinez
Drs. Kate and Michael Matthay
Marcie May
Janet and Jim Mayfield
Theo McCaughey
Diana McDermott
Jean McDonagh
Gloria and Melody McGill
Jennifer McGlennon
Christina and Ed McGovern
Erika and Matt McGrath
McKesson Foundation
Elaine and George McKinnon
Roxanne and Todd McKinnon
Amy and Drew McKnight
Jim McNern
David Meders
Daniel Mendes
William Mentzer
Steven Merrill
Jennifer and John Metz
Margaret Simon Michael
Trudi Michael
Paula Michalenko
Maureen Lucey Mihelich and
Michael Mihelich
Diane Miller
Mrs. and Dr. Ronald Miller
Becky and Scott Miller
Vickie and Bud Miller
Albert Minvielle
Miriam and Peter Haas Fund
Mission Bay Development
Group, LLC
Jeremy Mitchell
Terri and Sue Mitchell
Michelle and Fred Molfino
Jessica and Jason Moment
Kara Mondino
Nancy Monnig
Paul Montana
Mr. and Mrs. George
Montgomery Jr.
Diana Montgomery and
Preston Raisin
Julia and Taylor Moore
Greg Mora
Chloe Morel
Anna and Mason Morfit
Alexandra E. Morgan and
Rick Samuels
Anne Mori
Susie Morlock
The Morris Stulsaft Foundation
Anna Moscicki M.D.
Jane Mraz
Tara Muller
Cecilia Carlos-Munoz and
Steven Munoz
Murar Foundation, Inc.
Joan Murphy
Olivia Murray
Gina and Joe Nedney
Jason Patrick Neff
Susan and Lou Neff
Nektar Therapeutics
Ellen Newman
Meg and Bob Nibbi
Kathy and Larry Nibbi
Karen and Sergio Nibbi
Nibbi Brothers Associates, Inc.
Aileen and James Nichelini
Dr. Theodore Nicolaides
Elizabeth and Devon Nunes
Kimberly and Thomas O’Brien
Cassia and Matt Ockner
Andrew Olma
Karla and Brad Olson
Marianne Olstad
Michael O’Neil
Libby and Damian Ornani
Sarah and Tyson Ortiz
Laura and Randal Otsuki
Deanna and Wade Owen
Vero Ozdemir
Ravi Paidipaty
Zoe Ann and Charles Pardini
Terry and Scott Patton
Amy and Gil Alvarez Pearson
Lisa Pearson
Sarah Pederson
Alexis and Laurence Pelosi
Gail and David Perin
Emily Perito
Lexie Perrella
Paul Perrino
Phoebe Snow Foundation
Karen Tiedemann and Geoff Piller
Frank Pizzo
Kevin Pluim
Naomi Porat
Laurie Poston and Brian Ferrall
Lisa and John Pritzker
Rowena Putman
Joan Quinn
Shannon Raber
Caren and John Raisin
Norma Randig
Kelly and Fred Randle
Gail Ransome
Maureen and Timothy Reardon
Eliel Redstone
Wendy and Carl Reichardt
Patricia Reichardt
Christina Resasco
Lisa Reynolds
Neal Richard
Patricia and Glen Richardson
Joe Riley
Helen Ripple
Suli and Mario Rivera
Ellizabeth Robbins M.D.
Robert Foley Vineyards
SM Roberts
Annette and George Rockenstein
Carmen and Marcos Rodriguez
Carol Roeder
Brandon Romisher
Leesa Miao and Martin Romo
Barbara and Richard M. Rosenberg
Glenn Rosenbluth
Gerald Rosenstein
Fr. Paul Rossi
Roger Rothenburger
Sarah Royall
Michelle and Ron Rozman
Loretta and Paul Ruby
Jack Rudy
Erica and Billy Ruge
Lori and Jeff Runnfeldt
Nancy J. Russell
Cate Ryan
Kerry Ryan
Randi and Max Saffian
Jaclyn Safier
Deborah and Jeff Salisbury
Farshad Samimi
San Francisco Police Officers
Ali and Garett Sanford
Gerry and James Sangiacomo
Yvonne and Angelo Sangiacomo
Anu Sarma
Patricia Scanlon
Sally and Andrew Schafer
Susanne Schaub
Megan Schmidt
Dawn and Kurt Schmucker
Kim, Marissa, Dillon, and Steven
The Schow Foundation
Cecile Schreiber
Phoebe Schreiber
Lynda Schroth
Cheryl and Douglas Schultz
Elizabeth Schumacher
Peter Schumacher
Eric Schwartz
Susan and Michael Schwartz
Schweiger Vineyards
Linda Scott
Sarah and Dave Scott
Kim Scurr
Eric Seale
Allyson, Frank, and Trevor Holminski
Betty and Stanley Serpa
Joanne and Donald Shaeffer
Barbara and John Shafer
Shafer Vineyards
Priya Shah
Dr. Kevin Shannon
Elizabeth and William Shea
Irene Shelchuk
Steve Shidler
Kristin and Richard Shimano
Andrew Shoals
Carolyn Shuman
Dolores and Rudy Silva
Lucy Silvestre
Alexandra and Brad Singer
Rita and James Sinnott
Tracy Sirota
Steve Siskin
Danielle Sly
Lena and Eugene Smith
Leslie Smith
Sheri Sobrato
Mr. Algis Sodonis-Hocker and
Rev. Will Hocker
Michael Soegaard
Julie and Steven Soja
Jane and Larry Solomon
Elitsa Somleva
Shonna Sommer
Ari Spanier
Mike Spear
David Spencer
Laura and Gregory Spivy
Gerald Spolter
Deena Thompson-Stalder and
Wayne Stalder
Natalie and William Stark
Christopher Stecher
Sara Chase and Elliot Stieglitz
Eva Strasser
Chris Stratton
Carol and Thomas Strauser
Barrie Strickland
Karen and Rob Stuart
Dave Stubblefield
Gregory Suhr
Kimberly Summe
Lena Zhang and Roger Swanson
Thelma Swearingen
Aileen Tam
Kathy Taylor
Teresa Taylor
TCS Insurance
Seng Keat Teh
Andrew Teufel
Mark Thaler
Sheila Thampi
Desiree Thayer
Sam Thomas
Judy and Harvey Thompson
Jill and Thatcher Thompson
Simona and Blong Thor
Three Bridge Wealth Advisors
Joanna Times
Dina and Joseph To
Clare Toney
Kathleen and Dan Toney
Dr. Joy Torakawa
Timothy Torgenrud
Nathalie and Leo Toribio
Trainline Touring, LLC
Judy Tuan
Asmin Tulpule
Tina and Jono Tunney
Michael Turano
Linda and Keena Turner
Mary Turner
UCSF Division of Pediatric Surgery
Cathleen and Robert Unruh
Nancy Valek-Corbett
Roni Curtis-Valle and
Edgar Valle-Sandoval
Sandrijn van Schaik
Jacqueline and Nicko Van
Jeri and Kyle Van Vooren
Jane Van Warmerdam
Julia VanderMeer
Janet and Wayne Veatch
The Wine Group
The World Croquet Championship
Chris Vinson
Viragh Foundation
Carolyn Virgil
Susan and Alex Virgilio
Drs. Mignon Loh and
Michael Vostrejs
Alicia and Jarrod Walker
Stephen Walker
Jeanne and Spencer Wang
Jim Ward
Helene Warwick
Margaret and Emmett Waterman
Barbara and Scott Waxman
Emily and Maurice Weinger
Melody and Jerry Weintraub
Katherine Grace Welch
Wells Fargo Foundation
Siobhan and Pete Wheelan
Julie and Loren Wheeler
Gregory Whisman
Trees Whitbeck
Lisa and Ted Wight
Nannette Wilkinson
Rozanne and Arthur Wille
Chris Smith and Kevin Williams
Debi Willis
Diane Wilsey
Lois Wilson
Dr. Stephen Wilson
Marya and Bruce Wintroub
Emily and Laurence Witschi
Larry Wong
Anita and Ronald Wornick
Kate and Joshua Wyss
Phyllis and John Yanchewski
Hsu Kai Yang
Mia Yeo Family
Joanna Yee
Desiree Yip
Susie and Gideon Yu
Sarah Lee and Mei Yung Lee
Deborah Zachareas
Howard Zack
James Zackler
Arlen Zamula-Paulucci
Brianna and Miguel Zelaya
Sophie Ziegler
Lisa Burmeister and
Barbara Zientek
Dawn Zierk
Mary and Harold Zlot
Monte Zweben
While every effort has been made to accurately represent your name, we apologize for any errors.
Susan Sangiacomo and
S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation
Jessica and Natan Bibliowicz
Jan and Ed Brown
Paula and Eddy Cue
Frank A. Campini Foundation
Genentech Foundation
Pamela and George Hamel
Jordan & Kyra Memorial Foundation
McKesson Foundation
Salesforce Foundation
Alexandra and Brad Singer
The Joseph and Vera Long Foundation
Viragh Foundation
Diana Pelliccione
Tracy and Barry Schuler
Jeanne and Spencer Wang
Elizabeth and Brian Wilhelm
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Ablin
Alexander M. and June L. Maisin
Bayer USA Foundation
Connecticut Street Foundation
Credit Suisse
Jennifer and Matt Crossland
Hamel Charitable Lead Trust
Stephanie and Fred Harman
J & M Foundation
Diane and Kevin Keenley
Chi and Karl Kroeker
Collette and John Kugler
Amy and Drew McKnight
Becky and Scott Miller
David Pillsbury
Yvonne and Angelo Sangiacomo
Wells Fargo Foundation
Stacy and Lionel Achuck
Callison Foundation
Capital Group Charitable Foundation
Demptos Napa Cooperage
Mike Dirnt
Donna and Richard Gebers
Linda and Steve Goldfarb
George F. Jewett Foundation
Anna and Barry Kane
Meg and Bob Nibbi
Pamakid Runners
SanDisk Corporation
Karen and Tom Akin
Anonymous (2)
Kristine and Chad Boeding
Aimee and George Eberle
Drs. Diana Farmer and Chico Cauldwell
Gaming For A Cause
Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation
Jeanine and Richard Homich
Humanities Arts & Social Sciences
Trish and Karl Jacob
Yvette Tom and Adriel Lares
Claude Eric Lazard
Morgan Stanley Foundation
Susan and Lou Neff
Norman Raab Foundation
Andrew Olma
Wendy and Carl Reichardt
Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation
Barbara and Kenneth Schroeder
Schwartz Cousins Fund
Leyla and David Scott
Katherine and Kurt Simon
Debi and Brian Spiers
Jill and Thatcher Thompson
Kathleen and Dan Toney
UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital
Vineyard 29
Brianna and Miguel Zelaya
Rock band Train in concert at the Shoreline Amphitheater in
May 2015, with the Kounalakis-Baxter family front row center!
The Episcopal Church of St. Mary
Ahlborn Structural Steel, Inc.
Allied Global Group of Companies
Barbour Vineyards
Bay City Mechanical, Inc.
BizLink Technology
Andrea and Ian Boyd
Brayer Electric Company
The Carl Gellert and
Celia Berta Gellert Foundation
Erika and Todd Chapman
Samantha and Matt Chatham
Checkerboard Vineyards
Heather and Josh Clark
Susan R. Diamond and
Michael Schenker
Jenny and Matias Duarte
Jean-Luis Forcina
Fortress Investment Group
Foundation Pile, Inc.
Lisa Cort and David Goldman
Brenda and Mark Grimse
George Hamel III
Drs. Michelle and Terry Hermiston
Kelly Peterson and Ray Holmes
Kristina and Jim House
House Co. Construction
the Virgin
Farallon Capital Management
Morris Flaum
Diana Friedman
Grosvenor Properties
Dorian and Peter Hirth
J. Lohr Vineyards & Wine
Shilpa and Rishi Jain
John Jay Hopkins Foundation
Lindsay and Lorcan Kearney
Alice and Russ Koesterich
Mercy High School
Julia and Taylor Moore
Cole Munoz
June and Howard Park
Mary Passeri
Amy and Gil Alvarez Pearson
Peter E. Sills Family Foundation
Anne Marie and Wylie Peterson
Plus Foundation
Laurie Poston and Brian Ferrall
Beth Pryor
Thomas Quimby
San Francisco Fire Fighters
San Francisco Police Officers
Save Mart Supermarkets
John Scially
Cassie and A.J. Smith
Julie and Steven Soja
Jane and Larry Solomon
Elizabeth and Jeff Spaulding
Susie Heller and Tom Stauffer
Triage Consulting Group
UCSF Medical Center Special Events
V Foundation
Cecillia and Pietro Zerauschek
Patricia Hurt
If Only
Jennifer and Sean Jeffries
Tom Jow
Kwan Ho Ironworks, Inc.
Maven Investments
Roxanne and Todd McKinnon
Maureen Lucey Mihelich and
Michael Mihelich
Nektar Therapeutics
Karen and Sergio Nibbi
Nibbi Brothers Associates, Inc.
Northern Trust
Perfect Season Wines
Mike Peters
Jim Pitkow
Reynolds Family Winery
Randi and Max Saffian
Allyson, Frank, and Trevor Holminski
Beatie and Mike Seidenberg
Elizabeth and William Shea
The Simon Strauss Foundation
The St. Regis Hotel San Francisco
Karen and Rob Stuart
Helge Theiss-Nyland
ValueAct Capital Management
Diana Wilkes
The World Croquet Championship
Advantage Capital Partners
Lucille DeIuliis and Hal Arneson
Aaron Avila
Amy and Matt Berler
John Buoymaster
Camilla and Paul Burraston
Mary Cullen
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Dorn Family Fund
Liz and Mike Dowling
Andrea and Brady Enright
Marion and Jason Acord
Advent Software
Tracy and Dennis Albers
Jackie Applebaum
Kathy Simpson and Jim Barbour
Gigi and Craig Barto
Joan Finton Baumrind and
Sheldon Baumrind
Bear Scaffold and Services
Tim Bei
Jess and Neil Bhatia
Bob Binder
Bingham, Osborne & Scarborough,
Shannan and Stephen Bishop
Boston Private Bank & Trust
William J.B Brady
British Motor Car Distributors, Ltd.
Lisa Decker and Kevin Brodbeck
Patrick Broe
Marilyn Chavez and Elmer Carr
Steve Chen
Gayle D. Chin
Angela and Christopher Cohan
Mike Colon
Brian Colona
Diana Stathis and Tom Corkery
Carrie Varoquiers and Steve Crystal
Carol and Tony Egan
Egan Plumbing
Sean Eilers
Engineering 350
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Michael Fafoutis
Bunny and Steven Fayne
Anne and Paul Finigan
Lavinia and Charles Fischer
Fisher Lath & Plaster
Elizabeth and William Fleischman
Jeannie Fontana
Bryce Fraser
Morton Friedkin
Sarah Gallivan
Mary and Clinton Gilliland
Goldfarb Lipman Attorneys
Jane and Budd Goldman
Cathy and Philip Goldstein
Megan Sullivan and Paul Goold
Erica Gould
Nancy and Stephen Grand
Grubman Wealth Management
Susan and Russell Holdstein
Michelle and James House
Inner Sunset Park Neighbors
Hope and David Jensen
Connie and Bruce Johnson
Joyce & William Brantman
Gina Signorello and Charles Katz
David Keenan
Mandy and Sean Keene
Mark Keiser
Gianna and Demetrio Kerrison
Sarah and Jack Knight
Toni Knorr
Elizabeth and Neil Lark
Laurel Inn
Leddy Maytum and Stacy Architects
Ann Adamson Leonardo
Charlene Akers and Nate Levine
Tina and Peter Locke
Sherelyn and John Michael Maduena
Susan and Jay Mall
Vahid Manian
Tara and Bill Maw
Christina and Ed McGovern
Stephanie and Jake McNeill
Jennifer and John Metz
Lisa Mogannam
Anna and Mason Morfit
Muccia Family Fund
Cecilia Carlos-Munoz and
Steven Munoz
Nan and Bill Nagle
Diana and Terry Nelson
Hendrika Neys
Novogradic & Company LLP
Jim O’Brien
Stephen O’Kane
Shannon Paley
Paragon Real Estate Group
Sangita and Hiten Patel
Performance Contracting Inc.
Karen Tiedemann and Geoff Piller
Pro Citrus Network
Quality Striping, Inc.
Christopher Romberg
Alison and Larry Rosenthal
ROY Estate
Loretta and Paul Ruby
Lori and Jeff Runnfeldt
Karen and Gary Russillo
San Francisco Giants Baseball Club
Santa Cruz Woodies Club
Susan and Michael Schwartz
Kim Scurr
Mona and Nihir Shah
Michael Sosin and Tedi Simonofsky
Soule Foundation
Patti and David Stadlin
Natalie and William Stark
The T & M Frankel Foundation
TeamHerois, LLC
Ron Tom
Ronda and Bryan Tomfohr
Laura and Robert Tsuk
UCSF Division of Pediatric Surgery
Julia VanderMeer
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Webb
Hugh Westermeyer
Rozanne and Arthur Wille
Chris Smith and Kevin Williams
Marcelene Wolford
Curtis Wong
Kate and Joshua Wyss
Ruth Yankoupe
Charles Zink
Zoom Systems
Katherine Abelson
Adobe Systems Inc.
Nancy and Michael Alvarez
Amazon Smile
Amgen, Inc.
Kathleen Gilligan and Tommy Angelo
Javier Aparicio
Apple Inc.
Donna Curusis and Mike Bailey
Timothy Bailey
Philip Baldacci
Bank of America
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Barbour
Carolyn and Kelly Bass
Thomas Belin
Michele and David Benjamin
Joe Blair
Nancy and Michael Borah
The Bradley Group (A-List LLC,
5A5 Steak Lounge)
Stephanie and Mark Breitbard
Irma and Louis Bujnoch
Sandy and Roger Bulosan
Nanette and John Cabral
Alexander Campos
Carrie and Mark Casey
Caton Financial
Mikhail Chainani
G Scott Chandler
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Chang
Michelle and Leo Chang
Deb Charych
City of Roseville
Penny and Fred Constantine
Beth Cumming
Lori and John Cummings
Anna Cyburt
C Cullom Davis
Paige and Chris Dearden
Cathy Dew and Lisa Dungan
Mr. & Mrs. Terrill Dory
Elizabeth and Robert Dudum
Susanne and Ronald Dudum
Antoinette Duque
Suzanne Edwards
Adam Elsesser
Leslie Gordon and Craig Etlin
Matthew Faga
Diane and Frank Fernandes
Frances Flannery
Alrene Flynn
John Foote
Jimmie Forester
Laura Heyn and Alex Forloff
Elsa Freud
Blanca and Jose Garcia
Jaqueline and Theo Garcia
Dustin Gasser
Julie and Dave Godmintz
Google, Inc.
Steven Gordon
Green Living Planet, LLC
Grey Creek Viticultural Service
Kim and Jay Hancher
Laura and Scott Harrison
Jane and Dr. Sam Hawgood
Sara and Jason Heller
Michael Hennessey
Erika Tamura-Ikuma, Kayla Ikuma,
and Craig Ikuma
Cecilia Crocker and Robert Imbellino
Tammy and Charles Kaelber
Ronnie Kaiser and Dr. Jay A. Kaiser
Julie and Scott Kauffman
Marisa Roman and Paul Kelaita
Renee and Scott Kerr
Keysight Technologies
Amanda and Cody King
Mary and Matthew Kircher
Mary and Tom Kirven
Allison and Dan Kosta
Michael Kostow
Erin and Jeffrey Lager
Lassen County Public Health
Lias Mechanical, Inc.
Miranda and Chuck Louderback
Robert Luna
Adam Lyon
Jane Machin and Jeremy Doig
Lily Mak
Kathleen and Theo Maniatis
Lydia and Ray Markoff
Drs. Kate and Michael Matthay
Laurel McCarthy
Judith McNeil and Walter Viviani
Roberta and Gary Menegon
Diane Miller
Debbie and Steve Milne
Maya and Arpad Molnar
Audrey Monicken
Martha and Phillip Moore
Purushotham Babu Naidu
Danielle and Greg Narvick
Anita and John Naylor
Hope Nguyen
Virginia and Robert Nurisso
Onyx Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Janet Pasha
Theresa Patton
Trinity and Frank Pellkofer
Perforce Foundation
Paul Perrino
Jonathan Pierce
Sarah and Jim Poindexter
Progress Ace Hardware
Janette and Vince Puccetti
Lisa and Guy Purser
Rowena Putman
Glenda and Berwil Jr. Putnam
Diana Montgomery and
Preston Raisin
Morgan Ramsey
Shirley Rankin
Manuel Raquiza
MeMe Rasmussen
Mark Reisbaum
Mrs. and Dr. Anthony Rishwain
Jinnie and Mike Robershotte
Sheree Rodriguez
Gerald Rosenstein
Rachel Rowe
Gerry and James Sangiacomo
Sonja Schmid
Mimi Sullivan and Norman Schwartz
Teresa and Robert Seeley
Monique and Eric Serna
Craig Shields
Lisa and Mark Skinner
Missy and Yvo Smit
Katie and Andrew Spiegel
Gabriele and David Somerville
St. Gabriel School
Eric Janssen Strohl
Betsy Strong
Yoshiko and John Takayama
Taube Family Foundation
David Ulrich
Elizabeth Vianello
Ryan White
Lisa and Ted Wight
John Woodward
Patricia Wright
Gingsy and Way-Chen Wu
New Family House Board Members
Jane Hawgood
Jane Hawgood is a retired Social Worker in the Palliative Care Program at UCSF. A graduate from the University
of Queensland, Australia, Jane was the Senior Social Worker for the Division of Psychiatric Services in the
Queensland Department of Health. Beginning in 1985, Jane provided social work services in several UCSF
programs, including radiation oncology, end of life, AIDS before meaningful therapies were available, and general
surgery. Jane’s accomplishments at UCSF have been recognized on many occasions including the Nursing
Colleague of the Year Award in 1999, the Beckham Recognition Award in 2000, the UCSF Superstar Award in both
2003 and 2008, the UCSF PRIDE award in 2005, the Jane Hirsch Palliative Care Award in 2007, the national Circle
of Life Palliative Care Award in 2007, and the Palliative Care Community Partnership Award in 2014. Jane and her
husband, Sam, live in San Francisco. They have two grown children.
Matthew Laufman
Matthew Laufman is a Senior Vice President and Senior Non Profit Advisor in the Institutional Investments
& Philanthropic Solutions group of U.S. Trust, Bank of America Corporation. Matthew’s role provides in-depth
philanthropic planning knowledge and tailored solutions to assist clients in pursuing their mission and goals.
Providing best practices in governance and oversight, development strategies including planned giving, and
board and staff education, Matthew has 22 years experience in the philanthropic industry, and is passionate
about the Family House mission. Prior to his current position, he was the Director of Gift Planning for Sutter
Health, Development Executive of Community Home Health and Hospice of SW Washington, and Director
of Planned Giving for Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle, Washington. He and his wife have two children.
Todd McKinnon
Todd McKinnon, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Okta, is responsible for the overall vision and strategy
for the company. Prior to Okta, Todd served as head of Engineering at, where he helped grow the
service from 2 million daily transactions to more than 150 million, with industry leading performance. Todd has a
decade of experience working in various engineering and leadership roles at PeopleSoft. He earned his bachelor’s
degree from Brigham Young University and his master’s in Computer Science from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.
He is a regular contributor to industry publications, including Forbes, Fast Company, Fortune, and Wall Street
Journal Accelerators. Todd returns to the Family House Board of Directors after rotating off for a year to honor
our policy of term limits. He and his beautiful family live in San Francisco.
Carl E. Reichardt, Jr.
Carl is Chief Investment Officer of Hacienda Capital Partners LLC, overseeing investments in equities. Previously,
Carl had a 15-year career on Wall Street as an equity research analyst with a focus on housing companies, most
recently as Managing Director at Wells Fargo Securities. Carl also worked for nearly a decade in the homebuilding
and manufactured housing industries. Carl has a B.A. from Georgetown University and an M.B.A. from the
Graduate School of Business at Stanford University. Originally from Los Angeles, Carl has lived in the Bay Area
for 35 years. He resides in Tiburon with his wife, Wendy, and their two children. Kimberly Scurr
Kim started her nursing career at UCSF in 1991 as a new graduate nurse in the Intensive Care Nursery, where
she was an Administrative Nurse/ECMO Coordinator before becoming the Patient Care Manager. In 2001, Kim
became a Nursing Director, starting with Perinatal Services and subsequently assuming the Pediatric Heart Center
and Care Coordination. After 10 years, Kim stepped into her current role as Executive Director of UCSF Benioff
Children’s Hospital San Francisco. Kim graduated with a BA from Penn State University, a BS in Nursing from
the University of San Francisco, and with highest honors from Golden Gate University with a Masters in Public
Administration. Her son, Tyler, is the newest Family House operations team member.
Welcome Our Newest Staff Members
Alison Blom: Development Associate
Alison is a graduate of Northeastern University with a BS in Human Services and Criminal Justice.
She feels connected to Family House’s mission and volunteers with organizations that serve the same
community: Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area and Camp Okizu. In her free time, she enjoys running, hiking,
traveling, volunteering, and spending time with friends and family.
Tyler Scurr: Operations Associate
Born and raised in San Francisco, Tyler first became involved with Family House as a volunteer while attending
St. Ignatius High School. Tyler joined the staff as a Weekend Manager in 2014 between semesters at California
State University at Chico. When not at Family House, Tyler enjoys a good book and even better burrito.
Other Ways You Can Help
Family House, Inc., is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation
and exists solely on private contributions from individuals,
foundations, and corporations. All donations are 100% tax
deductible. Our tax ID is 94-2722663.
Amazon Smile
When you shop online, start your search at,
and a portion of every purchase gets donated back to Family House.
It doesn’t cost you a thing, and it works with Amazon Prime, too.
Sign up today at
Planned Giving
Planned gifts include gifts through your will, charitable gift
annuities, life insurance, pooled income funds, charitable trusts,
mutual fund shares, and real estate. A planned gift to Family
House will ensure the future of our services for other families while
maximizing tax benefits. Please contact CEO Alexandra Morgan
at (415) 476-1730 or [email protected] for more
Transfer Stock or IRA Funds
There are a number of tax benefits to those who make a donation
of stock to a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Alternately,
if you are at least 70 ½ years old, you can transfer up to $100,000
directly from your IRA to Family House. To make a donation of
stock or IRA funds to Family House, contact Director of Finance
Jessica Creager at (415) 502-7217 or [email protected].
Need More Ideas?
Donate a Vehicle
{{ Sell with Ebay Giving Works
Donate Safeway Gift Cards
{{ Take Surveys at Op4G
Donate Gas Gift Cards
{{ Adopt A Family
Donate Target Gift Cards
Use Your S.H.A.R.E.S. Card at Lucky
Use Your Mollie Stone’s Community Card
Visit us at
The Big Move – Spring 2016
We will need all hands on deck to help
us move from our current locations
to our new location in Mission Bay!
Help us set up bedrooms, kitchens, and
common areas. More details about the
move will be announced on our website
With the opening of
the Nancy & Stephen
Grand Family House
in Spring 2016, there
will be an increased
need for volunteers
that will make a
significant difference
to the families we
serve. As a group or
as an individual,
there are so many
ways that you can give
of your time, energy,
and enthusiasm to
help. Volunteers are
incredible people with
extraordinary hearts!
You offer the gift of
your time—to listen,
to help, to inspire,
to build, to grow, and
to learn—and the value
of the work you do
knows no limits.
“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” —Arthur Ashe
A few of the many volunteer opportunities that will be available, starting April 2016:
Receptionist at the front desk
Concierge to welcome families, offer tips about San Francisco, and much more
In-Kind Donations Coordinator to receive a variety of donated items (bedding, pots and
pans, gift cards, etc), keep track of all the donations, and place them throughout the house;
make sure tax receipts are issued in a timely manner
House Support Volunteer, including:
• Managing the teen room, volunteer room, and exercise room
• Porters to help families check in
• Greeters to welcome new families and make them feel at home
• Tour Guides, providing tours of San Francisco and Mission Bay for families
• Facilitator for volunteer orientations and training
Family Activities Facilitator to coordinate fun activities for families
Therapy Dogs — There’s a special place in our hearts for our 4-legged friends and their
2-legged people. If you have a trained animal that would bring joy and happiness to our
families, we’d love for you to join us
Laundry – Help families do their laundry during hospital visits
Babysitting – Offer mom and dad a respite while you watch healthy siblings for a few hours
Join YPAC – The Family House Young Professionals Advisory Council hosts events to raise
funds & awareness of the Family House mission:
Family Dinners — Gather a group of your friends and colleagues to host a weeknight
Family Dinner. Create a meal and get to know our families. Make it Italian Night, Greek
Night, Taco Night, whatever you would like! You can add a musical accompaniment or
a crafts activity to make it a whole evening of fabulous fun
Family Activities — Consider arts & crafts, movie nights, holiday decorating, or an outdoor
BBQ – the possibilities are endless
Light Maintenance Projects, including re-stocking communal pantries, storage
organization, or down the road – painting and deep-cleaning bedrooms
Julie Coyle
Julie Coyle is a woman who lives for creativity. As an
extremely busy and successful art consultant, designer, and
fabricator, she was intrigued when she read an article in the
San Francisco Business Times about Family House moving
to Mission Bay, and wanted to become part of the team. Her
reason is a familiar one: Julie’s son, Joe, had been successfully
treated in the UCSF Intensive Care Nursery when he was
born. Julie and her family were blown away by the level of
care, compassion, and competence that they received from
then-pediatrician Dr. Sam Hawgood (now UCSF Chancellor)
and PICU nurse Kim Scurr (now Executive Director of the
UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital San Francisco), as well as
the entire NICU team. Their successful care of Joe many
years ago led Julie to a lifelong commitment of giving back
to UCSF and its pediatric care operations. Her wish to be
part of that continued high-quality care led her to donate
her time, talent, and treasure to the new UCSF Benioff
Children’s Hospital at Mission Bay, where she served as an
active member on its Art Committee, offering insights both
as an art professional and a parent whose son spent 30 days
in the NICU. The result of the committee’s work is a beautiful,
state-of-the-art children’s hospital with unusual creative
elements that all enjoy, including child-generated art
installations throughout the hospital. The brilliance in these
March 2, 2016
3 Wednesday,
Nancy and Stephen Grand Family House
Ribbon Cutting & Community Open House
March 19, 2016
3 Saturday,
21 Annual Cabernet for Connoisseurs
Wine Auction, Tasting, and Dinner
The St. Regis Hotel San Francisco
3 Fall,
35th Annual Gala
3 October,
23rd Annual Jordan and Kyra
Memorial Golf Tournament
Seascape Golf Club, Aptos, CA
pieces (with the original concept by Child Life Art Therapist
Lynn Baer) is that they were composed of daily elements
common to young patients: syringes, paper cups, masks, gauze,
and tongue depressors. The opportunity to make something
creative out of these materials was a hit with the children.
Her progression to becoming a volunteer on planning the
new Family House art program was a natural one. Julie’s
genuine empathy and affinity for recognizing beauty inside
and out meant that she was perfect for the job of directing
the artistic environment inside Family House. The oft-quoted
line, “What is essential is invisible to the eye,” frames the
spirit in which Julie conducts her work–understanding that
an environment can help inspire hope and strength to those
facing life’s most difficult challenges. These are often the
only tools that families have in the face of pediatric cancer
and other serious illnesses.
Julie Coyle has a big vision for the artwork at the new Nancy
and Stephen Grand Family House: to create a comforting,
uplifting, and healing space that will inspire and support
families and their well-being during their child’s treatment.
We look forward to the experience that Julie has planned
for everyone who visits Family House.
The Family House fiscal year runs from January 1 through December 31. If you would like to view our audited
statements, please visit
Individuals 16%
Corporation/Foundation 30%
In-kind Donations 1%
Interest 0%
Special Event Proceeds 53%
Special Event Proceeds
In-kind Donations
Fundraising & Outreach 12%
Administration 16%
Family Services
Fundraising & Outreach
Including food, lodging, transportation,
and Volunteer Program
Family Services 72%
Genentech Gives Back
There are many ways for corporate community members to distinguish themselves
as good neighbors and friends to worthwhile causes, but there are very few corporate
employee groups who participate as well and as consistently at Family House as
For the past 6 years, Genentech
employees have washed windows,
painted bedrooms, gardened, conducted
fundraising drives, cooked meals, run
special events, collected gas and food
gift cards, been Secret Santas, held
employee volunteer fairs, and donated a
van (stocked full of toys!)–all for Family
House. If ever a model for corporate
commitment to the community existed,
then Genentech must be it. These are
simply consistent, good deeds to improve
the lives of seriously ill children staying at Family House by providing support to
strengthen our families and the community in which we live and work.
At Family House, we believe in developing long-term partnerships with employees
from a broad range of professional backgrounds, but Genentech pretty much broke
the mold when it comes to all of the different ways one organization makes Family
House better. The variety of volunteer opportunities that support our success is
assistance beyond the grant check, which is as important as the grant itself, and
seems to be hardwired into the Genentech culture.
Perhaps the most astounding and
well-placed gift was that of a
10-seat passenger van that
Genentech presented to
Family House to help our
families get around San
Francisco. In discussing
the gift with a group of
Genentech employees, they said that it
is their way of being a good neighbor who would
be happy to give a family a lift to a doctor’s appointment. Simple. Effective.
Once the Nancy and Stephen Grand Family House opens at Mission Bay in the
spring, we look forward to welcoming even more Genentech employees into the
Family House family.
Corporate Matching Gifts
Double or triple the impact of your gifts–ask your Human Resources Department
if your company has a matching program. Complete the employee section of
the form provided by your Human Resources Department, send it with your gift
to Family House, and we’ll take it from there. If you have a question about your
company’s matching donation, please contact Director of Development Susan Neff
at (415) 476-9568 or [email protected].
The Wish List
Personal Products
Hair Products
Toothbrushes & Toothpaste
Dental Floss
Shaving Cream
Hair Brushes & Combs
Tampons & Sanitary Napkins
Shaving Cream & Razors
Baby/Children’s Products
Diapers & Pull-Ups
Baby Lotion & Baby Powder
Baby Wash & Shampoo
Baby & Children’s Aspirin & Tylenol
Booster Seats
Portable Cribs
Folding Strollers
New Socks
New Underwear
Standard Non-Feather Pillows
White Towels: Bath,
Hand & Washcloths
Pots & Pans
Sets of Dishes
Sets of Silverware
Drinking Glasses & Mugs
Non-Perishable Food
Canned Food
Breakfast Bars & Breakfast Cereal
Juice Boxes
Coffee, Tea & Hot Chocolate
Baking Supplies
Rice & Grains
Snack Packs
Gift Cards
Home Depot
Gas Cards
Phone Cards
Family House Incorporated
50 Irving Street
San Francisco, CA 94122
Tax ID: 94-2722663
To receive these newsletters and future correspondence
electronically, please email [email protected]
Scott C. Miller, Chair
Arthur R. Ablin, M.D.
David Benjamin, Esq.
Tory Cable
Charles Cauldwell, M.D.
Linda Goldfarb
Steve Goldfarb, Esq.
Nancy Grand
Jane Hawgood
Michelle Hermiston, M.D.
Kevin Keenley
Adriel Lares
Matthew Laufman
Ann Adamson Leonardo
Susan Mall
Todd McKinnon
Amy McKnight
Drew McKnight
Diana Montgomery, M.D.
Taylor Moore
Frank Pizzo
Carl Reichardt, Jr.
Gerry Sangiacomo
Kim Scurr
Alexandra Singer
Steve Soja
Jill Thompson, M.D.
Dan Toney
Kathleen Toney
Carrie Varoquiers
Spencer Wang
Debbie Zachareas
Debbie Ablin
Pam Baer
Anne Finigan
Joan Finton-Baumrind
John R. Foote, Esq.
Erica Greenwald
Eli Kha
Laurence Pelosi. Esq.
David Pillsbury
William Shea
Rob Stuart
Roger Swanson
Bobby Thomas
Alexandra E. Morgan: CEO
Jessica Creager: Director of Finance
& Special Events
Paul Goold: Director of Operations
Susan Neff: Director of Development
Greg Mora: Director of Volunteer Programs
Karen Banks: Human Resource
& Volunteer Manager
Jon Hodo: Resident Manager
Joe Blodgett: Database Administrator
& Operations Manager
Joey Kotfica: Marketing Manager
Jeanine Homich: Office Manager
Alison Blom: Development Associate
Tyler Scurr: Operations Associate
Sarah Yaeger: Operations Associate
Edis Ayala: Housekeeping Goddess