C-152 - East Hill Flying Club

East Hill Flying Club
Cessna 152 Annual Checkout
February 2012
Name: __________________________ Date: ___________________
CFI: ____________________________
Successful checkout in a C-152 at EHFC requires, at a minimum, the following:
Completion of this Worksheet and Correction to 100%
Crosswind Landing Proficiency
Stall and Slow Flight Proficiency
General Proficiency in all Areas of Operation for which Membership Privileges will be
This is a fairly comprehensive worksheet; its intent is to ensure that your knowledge is at a level
consistent with the Private Pilot Practical Test Standards. Be prepared to discuss each of your
responses with an EHFC instructor; we recommend that you keep notes of anything that is
unclear or needs a more thorough review with an instructor.
Completion of this worksheet will require a C-152 Pilot Information Manual (PIM), a copy of EHFC
Policies and Procedures, a current Northeast Airport/Facility Directory, and a current FAR/AIM
will help you complete this worksheet.
This worksheet is available through the ‘Member Home’ section of the East Hill Flying Club
Vx: _______
Vy: _______
VSO: _______ VS: _______
VNO: _______
Best Glide: ______
VFE: _______
VNE: _______
List the Va speeds for a lightly- and heavily-loaded airplane. Why does Va change?
List the flap limitation speeds for the C-152. ___________________________________
What grades of fuel are approved for the C-152? What color(s) are associated with these grades?
List the total, usable, and unusable fuel quantities for an EHFC C-152.
How many fuel sumps/fuel drains are on the C-152? Where are they located? _________
How much does a gallon of 100LL fuel weigh? _________________________________
List the following electrical system specifications:
Battery Amp-Hours
Alternator Amps
Battery Voltage ______
Alternator Voltage
List some examples of components affected by a total electrical failure.
Will the engine fail if the electrical system fails? Why or why not?
According to EHFC policy, what grade of oil is approved for the C-152? _____________
List the minimum and maximum oil quantities for flight, according to EHFC rules.
List all hydraulically operated components on the C-152.
Describe the proper response to an ‘over-voltage’ annunciation.
When is carburetor icing most likely to occur?
Describe the symptoms of carburetor icing, and the proper response.
Define ‘endurance.’
The C-152 PIM describes two separate leaning procedures. Identify and briefly explain each.
Given: Aircraft N25028
Full Fuel
65% Power, Leaned for “Best Power”
6500 feet MSL, Standard Temperature and Pressure.
Determine: Endurance and Gallons per Hour (GPH)
Define each of the following terms:
True Altitude ______________________________________________________
Pressure Altitude ___________________________________________________
Density Altitude ____________________________________________________
Draw a line to match each performance factor with its result. Be prepared to explain why.
Upsloping Runway
Longer Than Anticipated Takeoff Distance
Wet Grass Runway
No Significant Change in Takeoff Distance
Icy or Snowy Runway
Shorter Than Anticipated Takeoff Distance
High Temperature
Wake Turbulence
Downsloping Runway
Weight and Balance
Use the following criteria and a C-152 PIM to answer the next series of questions.
Aircraft Empty Weight: 1163 lbs
Empty Arm:
35.0 Inches
24.5 Gallons
Front Passengers:
410 lbs
Rear Cargo:
15 lbs
Ramp Weight
Takeoff Weight
Aircraft CG at Takeoff
8 Knots Headwind
Zero Flaps
Dry, Paved Runway
Takeoff “Ground Roll” Distance
Distance to Clear a 50-ft. Obstacle
To achieve 65% power at 4,500’ (standard conditions), what RPM setting shall be used?
Two Hours Cruise at 4,500’ MSL
Standard Day Conditions
Leaned for best economy
*Remember to Calculate for the Fuel Required to Climb, PIM Page 5-7
Landing Weight and C.G.
Landing “Ground Roll Distance” ________________________________
Distance to Clear a 50-ft. Obstacle
FARs, EHFC Policies, and Local Procedures
Describe FAA requirements to maintain currency for a day-VFR flight.
Describe EHFC policies regarding carriage of passengers.
EHFC currency flight can be used to validate FAA “Wings” Program activities. Briefly describe
the Wings Program.
According to EHFC’s Policies and Procedures, when is a night checkout required?
Describe all airspaces above KITH, from the surface to FL 600.
State the basic FAA VFR weather minimums operations within the KITH airspace. What do you
feel comfortable with?
State EHFC’s weather minimums for a VFR flight departing KITH. What are YOUR minimums?
Describe Special VFR (SFVR), and list the FAA requirements to obtain an SVFR Clearance.
Does EHFC have any rules pertaining to the use of an SVFR Clearance?
Use an Airport/Facilities Directory to find the following frequencies which are frequently used
when operating in the vicinity of KITH:
Ithaca ATIS
Ithaca Ground
Ithaca Tower
Elmira Approach
Flight Service
(“Buffalo Radio”)
Ithaca VOR
Binghamton Approach _________
Syracuse Approach
New York Center
Rochester Approach
Elmira Tower
Elmira ATIS
True or False: Non-Member CFIs are permitted to give Flight Reviews and Instrument
Proficiency Checks in EHFC Aircraft. _________________________________
Describe EHFC’s policy pertaining to grass strips and other unimproved runway surfaces.
True or False: When returning to Ithaca, unless otherwise requested, top fuel off to prevent
moisture accumulation in the tanks. _________________________________
Describe EHFC’s reimbursement policy for fuel purchased at another location.
Describe the EHFC aircraft dispatch and check-in procedures.
List the inspection items contained on an aircraft dispatch sheet.
Can a VFR-Day flight be conducted with an inoperative landing light? ____________
Describe FAA requirements for flying with inoperative equipment.
Describe LAHSO. Does a LAHSO clearance preclude a go-around?
Does a C-152 checkout at EHFC count as an automatic checkout in a C-172? _________
True or false: Non-CFI members are prohibited from issuing aircraft keys to student pilots.
Define “ADIZ”, and identify where one can be found.
Describe the procedures for a flight which will cross an ADIZ.
According to EHFC Policies and Procedures, when must a VFR Flight Plan be filed? _______
Weather Information
Use the following weather reports to answer the next series of questions.
KITH 202356Z 33006KT 1/8SM FG VV001 01/01 A2995
KITH 210010Z 210024 32004KT 1SM BR OVC006
FM0500 32004KT 1SM -SHSN OVC008
TEMPO 0509 3/4SM -SHSN BR OVC002
FM1500 32007KT P6SM OVC015
FM2000 32007KT P6SM OVC030
KMSP 202353Z 08009KT 10SM FEW150 SCT200 03/M07 A3
RMK AO2 SLP229 4/002 T00281067 10033 20011 56006
KMSP 202320Z 210024 08005KT P6SM SCT100 BKN200
FM0400 08007KT P6SM SCT090 BKN250
TEMPO 0408 BKN090
FM1400 08009KT P6SM SCT040 BKN100
Define ‘ceiling’.
List the ceilings at KITH & KMSP.
State the winds at KITH; is this wind direction relative to true north or magnetic north?
State the issue time of the KMSP TAF. ____________________________________
Decode “–SHRASN”.
Decode the RMK section of the KMSP METAR.