the User Guide

A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of
Southern Women and Their Families in the 19th
Papers and Diaries
Series H,
Holdings of the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections
Library, Duke University,
Part 2: Alabama, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas
A UPA Collection
Cover photo: Title page of the personal journal of Kate M. Watkins (Reel 34, Frame 0331).
Courtesy of the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, Duke University.
Research Collections in Women’s Studies
General Editors: Anne Firor Scott and William H. Chafe
Southern Women and Their
Families in the 19th Century:
Papers and Diaries
Series H,
Holdings of the Rare Book, Manuscript,
and Special Collections Library,
Duke University
Part 2: Alabama, Arkansas, District of Columbia,
Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Mississippi,
Tennessee, and Texas
Consulting Editor: Anne Firor Scott
Guide compiled by
Eric H. Doss
A UPA Collection from
7500 Old Georgetown Road • Bethesda, MD 20814-6126
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Southern women and their families in the 19th century, papers and diaries
[microform]. Series H, Holdings of the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special
Collections Library, Duke University / consulting editor, Anne Firor Scott.
microfilm reels.— (Research collections in women’s studies)
Accompanied by a printed guide compiled by Ariel W. Simmons and
Eric H. Doss.
Contents: pt. 1. South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida—pt. 2. Alabama,
Arkansas, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri,
Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas.—pt. 3. North Carolina and Virginia
ISBN 0-55655-813-9 (pt. 1.)—ISBN 1-55655-814-7 (pt. 2.)—ISBN 1-55655815-5 (pt. 3)
1. Women—Southern States—History—19th century—Sources. 2. Family—
South States—History—19th century—Sources. I. Scott, Anne Firor, 1921–
II. Simmons, Ariel W., 1978– III. Duke University. Rare Book, Manuscript, and
Special Collections Library. IV. University Publications of America (Firm)
V. Series.
HA 1438.S63
Copyright 2006 LexisNexis,
a division of Reed Elsevier Inc.
All rights reserved.
ISBN 1-55655-814-7.
Scope and Content Note ........................................................................................
Source Note .............................................................................................................
Editorial Note ...........................................................................................................
Abbreviations ..........................................................................................................
Reel Index
Reel 1
Baptist Female College Records, 1881–1888 .........................................................
Annie Burnham Autograph Album, 1871–1872 .......................................................
Mary M. Carr Diary, 1860–1865 .............................................................................
Mary Jane Cook Chadick Diary, 1862–1865 ...........................................................
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers, 1811–1925 ..........................................................
Reel 2–19
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont. .....................................................................
Reel 20
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont. ..................................................................... 20
Rebecca F. Clayton Papers, 1889–1903 ................................................................ 20
Ann Raney Thomas Coleman Papers, 1846–1892 ................................................. 20
Reel 21
Martha E. Foster Crawford Diaries, 1846–1881 ......................................................
Maria Dyer Davies Wightman Diary, 1850–1856 ....................................................
Lizzie G. Davis Composition Book, 1859 ................................................................
Eliza Ann Dupuy Papers, 1867–1880 .....................................................................
Annie Englar Diary, 1861–1865 ..............................................................................
Reel 22
Kate Foster Diary, 1863–1872 ................................................................................ 22
Amanda E. Gardner Papers, 1833–1892 ................................................................ 22
Grout Family Papers, 1848–1984 ........................................................................... 23
Reel 23–24
Hughes-Gray Family Papers, 1805–1878 ............................................................... 24
Reel 25
Hughes-Gray Family Papers cont. .......................................................................... 26
Ladies Volunteer Aid Society of Pine Hills, Minutes, 1861 ...................................... 26
Pope-Carter Family Papers, 1791–1967 ................................................................. 26
Reel 26
Marion Morgan Richardson Autograph Album, 1895–1898 ....................................
Mrs. Ridgely Papers, 1858 .....................................................................................
St. James Episcopal Church Ladies Guild Records, 1897–1901 ............................
Washington M. Smith Papers, 1831–1916 ..............................................................
Reel 27–32
Washington M. Smith Papers cont. ........................................................................ 29
Reel 33
Washington M. Smith Papers cont. ........................................................................ 35
Frederick M. Stevens Papers, 1862–1865............................................................... 36
Reel 34
Sarah E. Thompson Bacon Papers, 1855–1904 .....................................................
Catherine Ann (Ware) Warfield Papers, 1867–1868 ...............................................
Kate M. Watkins Autograph Albums, 1858–1870 ....................................................
Mary Webb Papers, 1797–1799 .............................................................................
Alice Williamson Diary, 1864 ..................................................................................
Jennie Young Diary, 1858 ......................................................................................
Julia Nash Young Journal, 1830–1832 ...................................................................
Principal Correspondents Index ............................................................................ 39
Subject Index ........................................................................................................... 63
This microfilm publication consists of thirty manuscript collections filmed from the
holdings of the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, Duke University.
The Clement Claiborne Clay papers and Washington M. Smith papers compose the
majority of the collection, while smaller collections consist of a few hundred documents.
The larger collections contain extensive information about the daily life of the families,
while the smaller collections normally have less breadth. Most of the collections focus
on the Reconstruction era and the aftermath of the Civil War. The financial and social
impacts of Reconstruction are vivid in most of the collections. In addition to the letters
and diaries, many collections contain financial information concerning the families.
Though none of the diarists in this collection are as prolific or dedicated as the famed
Civil War diarist Mary Chesnut, their entries are insightful and offer glimpses of their
most private feelings. The Mary Jane Cook Chadick collection records the events of the
Civil War and their impact on life in Alabama. In the early twentieth century the entire
manuscript was transcribed by typewriter, producing a highly readable record of these
events. Although the diary does not begin until 1862, Chadick’s writings detail many
important occurrences in Alabama, including the fall of Huntsville, the Confederate
surrender, and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Chadick’s diary also tells of the
general suffering the war caused and the toll exacted by the separation from her
Immediately following the Chadick collection are the collected papers of Clement
Claiborne Clay. Clay was a U.S. Senator prior to the Civil War and withdrew from the
Senate when Alabama seceded. He was elected to the Confederate Congress and
served as a diplomatic liaison to Canada, where he attempted to secure diplomatic
recognition of the new country. The collection begins in 1873 but the contents are
relatively sparse until the death of Clement Claiborne Clay in 1882.
Following the death of her husband, Virginia Tunstall Clay faced the enormous task of
managing her family and financial situation. Virginia Clay, already well known because
of her famous husband, was thrust into the public sphere as the defeated Southerners
eulogized and remembered the contribution of Clement Claiborne Clay. Virginia Clay’s
increased public role soon expanded as she became a leader in the United Daughters of
the Confederacy (UDC). The members of the organization felt that Clay possessed the
ideal qualities of a Southern woman and memorialized her by naming multiple UDC
chapters in her honor.
The Grout Family papers offer a fascinating look inside Trinity College, now Duke
University, during the early twentieth century. Julia Grout arrived at Trinity College as
the director of physical education for women, an assistant professorship, in 1924. By the
early 1950s, Grout had increased the scope and impact of the department substantially.
She became a full professor, and the department eventually employed two associate
professors, two assistant professors, and a total of five instructors. Grout’s writings
explore her experiences traveling the world after retirement and include records of her
involvement in the community at large.
Following the military destruction of the South in the Civil War, the punitive financial
policies of Reconstruction nearly made the South’s destruction complete. The economic
system of the South was ravaged by the emancipation of the slaves and the costs of the
war. While Reconstruction ended in 1877, the long-term economic impact affected the
South for many years to come. Financial issues plagued Southern families after the war,
and the Washington M. Smith collection details many of these difficulties.
In the early documents of this collection, Susan P. Smith, the widow of Washington
M. Smith, faced the challenges of household management following the loss of her
husband. The family was comparatively well off for the time period, and few financial
issues arose during the time period represented at the beginning of the collection. But
after her children began their adult lives, the financial problems of the family began to
mount. Smith began a long-running quarrel with one son, Oscar E. Smith, concerning
his brother who constantly faced economic ruin. Both Susan and Oscar provided
financial support to Alton D. Smith, but a cycle of monetary dependence began that did
not end until Alton’s death.
In addition to the financial issues, Oscar and Alton felt that their mother was hatefully
withholding their rightful inheritance, including land in St. Paul, Minnesota. Oscar’s
letters became more forceful as time passed, culminating in hateful exchanges between
him and his mother such as this one from Reel 13 Frame 346: “You are the most
persistent nuisance I have ever known”; and this one concerning the treatment of a
house guest by Mrs. Smith on Frame 359: “It has distressed and mortified me beyond
measure at the devilish, fiendish, brutal, diabolical treatment you gave her while she was
at your house.”
In both the Smith and Clay collections, the central challenge of daily life is the
management of the household, more specifically the financial hardships faced by women
and families after the Civil War. The smaller remaining collections provide detailed,
though narrow, snapshots of women during and after Reconstruction. The combination
of these collections affords a broad context of the era while simultaneously offering great
detail in both the large and small manuscripts.
Additional UPA collections of special interest to Southern historians are Race,
Slavery, and Free Blacks: Petitions of Southern Legislatures, 1777–1867; Records of
Southern Plantations from Emancipation to the Great Migration; and Slavery in AnteBellum Southern Industries. Other collections filmed from the Rare Book, Manuscript,
and Special Collections Library, Duke University, include Southern Women and Their
Families in the 19th Century: Papers and Diaries, Series H, Part 1: South Carolina,
Georgia, and Florida and Series H, Part 3: North Carolina and Virginia.
The collections microfilmed in this edition are from the holdings of the Rare Book,
Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, Duke University, Box 90185, Durham, N.C.,
27708-0185. Descriptions of the collections in this user guide are adapted from
inventories compiled by the library.
The collections selected for this edition have been chosen under criteria established
by series Consulting Editor Anne Firor Scott.
The following abbreviations are used three or more times in this guide.
Daughters of the American Revolution
National American Woman Suffrage Association
United Daughters of the Confederacy
United Confederate Veterans
Virginia Military Academy
Following is a list of the folders that compose Southern Women and Their Families in
the 19th Century: Papers and Diaries, Series H, Holdings of the Rare Book, Manuscript,
and Special Collections Library, Duke University. The four-digit number on the far left is
the frame at which a particular file folder begins. This is followed by the file title and the
date(s) of the file. Substantive issues are highlighted under the heading Major Topics, as
are prominent correspondents under the heading Principal Correspondents. Major
Topics and Principal Correspondents are listed in the order in which they appear on the
film, and each is listed only once per folder.
Reel 1
Frame No.
Baptist Female College Records, 1881–1888.
Lexington, Missouri
The Ledger of Baptist Female College contains detailed financial records for each
Baptist Female College, Ledger, 1881–1888.
Major Topic: College tuition and fees.
Annie Burnham Autograph Album, 1871–1872.
Memphis, Tennessee
This album contains poetry and correspondence. The text is very light.
Annie Burnham Photograph Album, 1871–1872, Memphis, Tenn.
Major Topic: Poetry.
Principal Correspondents: H. A. Boyd; M. Faulk.
Mary M. Carr Diary, 1860–1865.
Morehouse Parish, Louisiana
This collection consists of a chronicle of the daily life of Mary M. Carr. The entries are
very detailed, always beginning with a description of the weather.
Mary M. Diary Carr, 1860–65, Bastrop, Morehouse Parish, La.
Major Topics: Household duties; weather; farms and farmers.
Mary Jane Cook Chadick Diary, 1862–1865.
Madison County, Alabama
This collection offers deep insight into the daily life and events of a Southern woman
facing the hardship of both the war and the separation from her husband.
Frame No.
Mary Jane Cook Chadick Papers, 1862–1865.
Major Topics: Civil War; fall of Huntsville, Ala.; prisoners of war; slaves and
slavery; Battle of Shiloh; Sherman’s “March to the Sea”; Confederate
surrender; assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers, 1811–1925 [1865–1925 Portion].
Madison County, Alabama
This collection consists mainly of letters between Virginia Tunstall Clay and her relations
across the country. She writes of visiting, family health and wellbeing, and personal
finances. Following the death of Clement Claiborne Clay, Virginia marries David
Clopton, an Alabama Supreme Court justice. After Clopton’s death, Virginia becomes
increasingly involved in the UDC and other organizations dedicated to preserving the
memories of the Confederacy. In addition to her work with the UDC, she became a
pioneering force in the women’s suffrage movement.
Omission, 1811–1872. Correspondence and Papers of Clement Claiborne
Clay have been omitted.
Clement Claiborne Clay, Letter, 1873.
Major Topics: Personal and family income; courtship; death and dying.
Principal Correspondents: Virginia Clay Clopton; Jefferson Davis; E. P.
Boulefrey; Paul McFearlau; J. B. Hood; George Culoen; E. F. Brown;
C. L. Somerville; J. L. Wheat; J. J. Tunstall; Will Tunstall; B. A.
Hollenberg; A. D. Hunt; Tom Tate; Clement Claiborne Clay;
C. K. Leese; John B. Tunstall; F. A. Lunsden; George S. Gordon;
D. W. Laudell.
Letters, May 1875–Dec. 1876.
Major Topics: Death and dying; personal and family income; education;
Virginia Clay Clopton political involvement; land ownership and rights.
Principal Correspondents: R. H. Leese; E. M. Blackley; John Seay; Mary M.
Lewis; Johnnie Winter; Eli S. Shuler; R. C. Mickell; Sol B. Williams; Henry
C. Lay; H. Ziegler; J. F. Detony; W. G. Walthall; Jefferson Davis; George
S. Gordon; Mary Lewis Clay; Clement Claiborne Clay; C. D. Elliott; Tom
Tate; Martha A. Harris; E. F. Brooks.
Letters, Jan.–Aug. 1877.
Major Topics: Children; militias; lawyers.
Principal Correspondents: Paul F. Hammond; Loula C. Hammond; Walter A.
Goodman ; Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar; A. C. Haskell; S. S. Rush;
Richard H. Allen Jr.; Powhaten Luckall; W. H. Forney; Eli S. Shuler;
Lionel W. Day.
Reel 2
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont.
Correspondence, Sept. 1877–July 1878.
Major Topics: Children; education; business income and expenses; cotton;
death and dying.
Frame No.
Principal Correspondents: M. M. Brooks; Madge L. Dox; Walter A. Goodman;
Macgrave Coxe; Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar; H. L. Clay; Annie
Banister; J. B. Gordon; C. C. Shorter; L. D. Moore; George S. Gordon.
Correspondence, Aug. 1878–Dec. 1879.
Major Topics: Job applications; death and dying; militias; children; Alabama
Historical Society; wills and probate.
Principal Correspondents: Walter A. Goodman; R. T. MacDonald; W. C. Biff;
Susanna Withers Clay; Jefferson Davis; Virginia Clay Clopton; J. D.
Whitehurst; Corrilla Banister; Jennie Clay Winter; H. L. Clay; Louise K.
Goodman; Joshua H. Foster; Robert E. Coxe; M. R. Oliver; John L.
Rison; Sally Clay.
Correspondence, [1870s].
Major Topics: Health condition; cemeteries and funerals; death and dying;
travel and tourism; Mexico.
Principal Correspondents: John A. Wyeth; Selma R. Wheat; Eliza Danes
Coxe; M. P. Rice; Cordelia M. Biff; Mary Clay; H. L. Clay.
Correspondence, Jan.–Aug. 1880.
Major Topics: Personal and family income; marriage; Jefferson Davis’s
papers; Clay family genealogy.
Principal Correspondents: Fanny Copon; F. C. Gurley; W. J. Walshall;
Eugene G. Gordon; Berta Chapman; John T. Morgan; Annie Banister;
L. Gordon; James E. Saunders; George S. Gordon; Mary Wheat Shober;
John P. Moorton.
Correspondence, Sept.–Dec. 1880.
Major Topics: Health condition; children; Virginia Clay Clopton political
involvement; personal debt.
Principal Correspondents: Eugene G. Gordon; M. M. Brooks; J. J. B. Hilliard;
Walter A. Goodman; Cordelia M. Biff; Madge L. Dox; H. B. McClellan.
Correspondence, Jan.–July 1881.
Major Topics: Household workers; personal and family income; farms and
farmers; infant death; personal debt.
Principal Correspondents: J. J. B. Hilliard; H. L. Clay; John T. Morgan; Walter
A. Goodman ; Daniel Coleman; Clement Claiborne Clay.
Correspondence, Aug.–Dec. 1881.
Major Topics: Clement Claiborne Clay; diseases and disorders; personal and
family income.
Principal Correspondents: Clement Claiborne Clay; Algernon L.
Williamson Jr.; J. J. B. Hilliard; Joseph Martin.
Reel 3
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont.
Clement Claiborne Clay, Letters, Jan. 1882.
Major Topics: Clement Claiborne Clay, elegy; personal debt.
Principal Correspondents: Louisa Johnson Clay; J. J. B. Hilliard; Shelby
White; John H. Caldwell; George W. Tunstall; John M. Kinney; Henry C.
Lay; Walter A. Goodman; Mary E. Sandidge; A. E. Russel; J. H. Mayer;
Frame No.
Cordelia M. Biff; L. V. Whittle; Jefferson Davis; W. L. Bragg; Henry Myers;
E. T. Hilliard; Matt Clary; George B. Lunsden; R. H. Cobbs; Elsie
McKnight; Berry H. Hill.
Letters, Feb.–July 1882.
Major Topics: Travel and tourism; personal and family income; health
condition; death and dying; household management, without Mr. Clay;
inheritance and estates; mortgages; Senate and diplomatic career of
Clement Claiborne Clay; marriage; copy of arrest warrant for Clement
Claiborne Clay; religions and religious activities.
Principal Correspondents: R. C. Mickell; Kate C. Donegan; Charles de
Gauche; L. D. Moore; J. M. Withers; Virginia Clay Clopton; J. J. B.
Hilliard; C. E. Biff; Madge L. Dox; Bennett H. Young; Josephine O.
Chestney; H. L. Clay; Leo W. Jones; Bennett H. Young; John T. Morgan;
Clement Claiborne Clay Jr.; P. Phillips; Mary Clay; Jefferson Davis; David
Letters, Aug.–Dec. 1882.
Major Topics: Marriage; estates and inheritance; lawyers; The Code of
Honor, or, Rules for the Government of Principals and Seconds in
Dueling; personal and family income; Clay family genealogy.
Principal Correspondents: J. S. Black; Jefferson Davis; T. A. Harris;
J. J. B. Harriman; B. H. Bunn; Jacob Battle; David Clopton; Robert
Barnwell Rhett Jr., Jr.; H. L. Clay; C. E. Corbin; J. F. Demoville; Bennett
H. Young; Clodie Clay; B. Williams.
Letters, 1883.
Major Topics: Farms and farmers; death and dying; personal debt; personal
and family income.
Principal Correspondents: Cordelia M. Biff; Siggie J. Tate; J. J. B. Hilliard;
H. L. Clay; Henry C. Lay; James S. Hilliard; Jefferson Davis; T. A. Harris;
J. F. Demoville; Evelyn H. C. King; J. B. Williams; Josephine R. Noël;
M. Sheppard.
Letters, Jan.–May 1884.
Major Topics: Civil War; personal and family income; wills and probate.
Principal Correspondents: J. J. B. Hilliard; M. Claude Hammond; Nannie
Nicholson; Jefferson Davis; Williams Pugh; George Seeds; Nannie
Tunstall; Robert E. Coxe; Virginia Clay Clopton.
Letters, June–Aug. 1884.
Major Topic: Visit to London by Virginia Clay Clopton.
Principal Correspondents: Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar; Robert E.
Coxe; A. C. Knox; Cordelia M. Biff; Lenora Clayton; William J. G. Napier.
Reel 4
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont.
Letters, Sept.–Dec. 1884.
Major Topics: Visit to Paris by Virginia Clay Clopton; tenant farming;
Frame No.
Principal Correspondents: Betty Warren; H. L. Clay; E. Latimer; Nannie
Tunstall; Celeste Clay; Thomas F. Bayard; Eliza Danes Coxe; H. D.
Williams; T. L. Pugh.
Letters, Jan.–May 1885.
Major Topics: Tenant farming; real estate business; financial advice; personal
and family income.
Principal Correspondents: Celeste Clay; John T. Morgan; H. L. Clay; John
Thomas Wheat; John Henninger Reagan; R. W. Walker; Susan C. White;
H. P. Rugg; Eliza Danes Coxe; Virginia Clay Clopton; Daniel Coleman;
Harry L. Bryan.
Letters, June–Dec. 1885.
Major Topic: Personal and family income.
Principal Correspondents: D. Irvine White; Josephine O. Chestney; John T.
Morgan; P. Stenning Coate; J. J. B. Hilliard; Cordelia M. Biff; Grace
Humphreys Watkins; Daniel Coleman.
Letters, Jan.–July 1886.
Major Topics: Civil procedure; marriage; diseases and disorders.
Principal Correspondents: Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar; Virginia Clay
Clopton; David D. Shelby; R. W. Walker; E. V. S. Miller; Lenora Clayton;
John Thomas Wheat; J. W. Shepherd; E. A. O’Neal; Mattie Gooch;
Clement Clay Jr.
Letters, Aug. 1886–June 1887.
Major Topics: Diseases and disorders; personal and family income; elections.
Principal Correspondents: T. L. Clingman; Philip W. Currie; Louisa Coxe;
Thomas F. Bayard; R. Cuyler Gordon; J. W. Shepherd; William Lewis
Clay; William W. Gordon; Susie Bell Robertson; Alfred H. Colquitt;
W. C. Biff; Eliza Danes Coxe; Robert E. Coxe; Evelyn H. C. King; David
Clopton; Virginia Clay Clopton; P. Donan.
Letters, July–Oct. 1887.
Major Topics: Vacations; diseases and disorders; Confederate veterans.
Principal Correspondents: William Lewis Clay; P. Donan; Virginia Clay
Clopton; David Clopton; John Witherspoon DuBose; J. J. B. Hilliard;
Jason B. Porter; W. J. Northen.
Reel 5
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont.
Letters, Nov. 1887.
Major Topics: Clement Claiborne Clay, imprisonment; courtship and marriage
of David Clopton and Virginia Clay.
Principal Correspondents: David Clopton; James E. Saunders;
J. J. B. Hilliard; Bettie V. Adams; William A. Battle; L. O. Drummond; John
Withers; Frank S. Carpenter; William A. Maury; Alberta C. Taylor; Hallie
Logemann; Evelyn H. C. King.
Frame No.
Letters, Dec. 1887 and n.d. [1887–92].
Major Topic: Marriage of David Clopton and Virginia Clay Clopton.
Principal Correspondents: J. B. Reid; James L. Pugh; H. L. McClung;
L. N. Walthall; Robert E. Coxe
Letters, Jan.1888–Oct. 1888.
Major Topics: Marriage of David Clopton and Virginia Clay Clopton.
Principal Correspondents: E. J. Hodgens; J. J. B. Hilliard; Juliet C. Clanton;
J. R. Gordon; P. Donan; David Clopton; George W. Stone; Virginia Clay
Letters, Nov. 1888–Apr. 1889.
Major Topics: Supreme Court career of David Clopton; diseases and
disorders; death and dying; travel and tourism.
Principal Correspondents: Virginia Clay Clopton; David Clopton; P. Donan;
J. J. B. Hilliard; A. G. Clopton; Eliza Danes Coxe.
Letters, May–June 1889.
Major Topics: Diseases and disorders; travel and tourism.
Principal Correspondents: David Clopton; Virginia Clay Clopton; William H.
Ballon; Eliza Danes Coxe.
Letters, July–Dec. 1889.
Major Topics: Travel and tourism; personal and family income.
Principal Correspondents: E. C. Harris; P. Donan; David Clopton; Virginia
Clay Clopton; Eliza Danes Coxe; Mary R. Arlington; Daniel Coleman.
Letters, Undated, (1).
Major Topics: Diseases and disorders; death and dying; Christian faith;
Clement Claiborne Clay photograph.
Principal Correspondents: Virginia Clay Clopton; Celeste Clay; Henrietta
Campbell Lay; Hallie Logemann; Parcissa P. Williams; C. M. Wiley; Annie
McCardle; Jennie Moore; Eugene Phillips; H. P. Rugg; Madge L. Dox;
Eugenia H. Goodwin; Charles S. Harvey; C. E. Biff; E. G. Barns; Butler
Badness; Ann Atkinson; Allan Asher.
Reel 6
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont.
Letters, Undated 1800s, (2).
Major Topics: Visit to Paris; diseases and disorders; weather; personal and
family income; poetry.
Principal Correspondents: Celeste Clay; Virginia Clay Clopton; Clement
Claiborne Clay; Eliza Danes Coxe; Clifford F. Clopton; William Lewis
Clay; Robert E. Coxe; Josephine O. Chestney; Mary Elvira Cook;
J. B. Ragsdale; Henrietta Campbell Lay.
Letters, Jan.–June 1890.
Major Topics: 1890 Congressional election; travel and tourism; colleges and
Principal Correspondents: P. Donan; Clifford Lay; Jane W. Bryan; David
Clopton; Sue L. Todd; Eliza Danes Coxe; Alberta C. Taylor; Virginia Clay
Clopton; Ann Atkinson; J. B. Read; C. M. Wilcox.
Frame No.
Letters, July–Nov. 1890.
Major Topics: Travel and tourism; personal and family income; land; timber
and timber industry; Christian faith.
Principal Correspondents: Leo P. Wheat; Matt Clay; S. H. Buck; P. Donan;
David Clopton; Virginia Clay Clopton; M. P. Barnard; Louisa Johnson
Letters, Oct.–Dec. 1890.
Major Topic: Personal and family income.
Principal Correspondents: William L. Chambers; Virginia Clay Clopton; David
Clopton; Bettie V. Adams.
Letters, Jan.–Sept. 1891.
Major Topics: Personal and family income; diseases and disorders; weather;
travel and tourism; education expenses.
Principal Correspondents: David Clopton; Virginia Clay Clopton; Eliza Danes
Coxe; Virginia Clay Clopton; P. Donan; Bettie V. Adams; Robert E. Coxe;
M. B. B. Stafford; Henry Myers.
Letters, Oct.–Nov. 1891.
Major Topics: Farms and farmers; personal and family income; death and
dying; civil procedure.
Principal Correspondents: David Clopton; Lucien Coxe; Virginia Clay Clopton;
William L. Chambers; M. B. B. Stafford; P. Donan; Eliza Danes Coxe;
John H. White; Robert E. Coxe.
Reel 7
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont.
Letters, Dec. 1891–Jan. 1892.
Major Topics: Personal and family income; DAR; travel and tourism; diseases
and disorders.
Principal Correspondents: David Clopton; P. Donan; Mary Desha; George A.
Maury; J. J. B. Hilliard; Virginia Clay Clopton; L. A. Tharm; Bettie V.
Adams; Louise L. Werth; C. P. Hendree.
Letters, Feb. 1892.
Major Topics: David Clopton death; religious faith.
Principal Correspondents: J. C. Clay; Elmer L. Pond; P. Donan;
J. J. B. Hilliard; F. A. Adams; Mollie F. Chambers; R. B. Rhett Jr.; Robert
E. Coxe; P. C. Massie; Daniel Coleman; Eliza Danes Coxe; Bettie V.
Adams; Susan C. White; Hilary A. Herbert; H. Baars; J. A. Faries;
N. V. Clopton; Celeste Clay; N. A. Platt; Dolly H. Kirk; Nina McCarroll;
Angela S. Mallory; Alice Sarah; Carrie M. Speake; Moses Clay; Latice R.
Brown; Charlotte Thompson Rogers; E. A. Vickery; William A. Burke;
Cordelia M. Biff; Madge L. Dox; Katie B. Caldwell; M. E. Young; Virginia
Clay Clopton; Richard Irby; Mattie Barnard.
Letters, Mar.–June 1892.
Major Topics: Diseases and disorders; David Clopton death; personal and
family income; David Clopton biography.
Frame No.
Principal Correspondents: Virginia Clay Clopton II; Betty V. Adams; Virginia
Clay Clopton; Daniel Coleman; Richard Irby; Thomas T. Munford; J. J. B.
Hilliard; E. A. Vickery; R. E. Knox; David Clopton Jr.; Clifford F. Clopton;
Caroline H. Hammond; A. C. Knox; L. M. Walthall; Macgrave Coxe.
Letters, July–Dec. 1892.
Major Topics: Stocks; personal and family income; marriage.
Principal Correspondents: Mary R. Arlington; William L. Chambers; Nina
McCarroll; David Clopton Jr.; Alex Tunstall; Celeste Clopton; P. Donan;
Virginia Clay Clopton II; Mary Moore Liddons; R. C. Brickell.
Letters, Jan.–May 1893.
Major Topics: David Clopton death; diseases and disorders; personal and
family income; DAR.
Principal Correspondents: J. J. B. Hilliard; Clifford F. Clopton; David
Clopton Jr.; Jefferson Davis; C. A. Lawson.
Letters, Apr.–Dec. 1893.
Major Topics: Marriage; Jefferson Davis funeral.
Principal Correspondents: Eliza Danes Coxe; George W. Jones; Jeannie R.
Grommelin; J. W. Shepherd; Virginia Clay Clopton; Daniel Clopton;
Thomas M. Owen; Irene N. Semple; Clifford A. Lauien; Cordelia M. Biff;
Sam M. Donegan; J. Withers Clay.
Reel 8
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont.
Letters, 1894.
Major Topics: Diseases and disorders; personal and family income; pensions;
elections; personal debt.
Principal Correspondents: Sam M. Donegan; Clifford A. Lauien; George H.
Wright; Matthew Clay; Virginia Clay Clopton II; David Clopton Jr.;
R. H. Ligon; Marie Bankhead Owen; Louisa Johnson Clay; R. Randolph;
Eliza Danes Coxe; P. Donan; W. W. Garth; Lawrence Cooper.
Letters, 1895.
Major Topics: Deeds and conveyances; personal property; personal and
family income; personal debt; Women’s Suffrage Day.
Principal Correspondents: Virginia Clay Clopton; Clifford A. Lauien; David
Clopton Jr.; Laura Chambers; M. A. Tunstall; Sallie Mard Rison; David D.
Shelby; R. C. Brickell; John T. Morgan; W. H. Mitchell; George A. Maury;
George W. Jones; W. W. Garth; Cordelia M. Biff; Ennis Ligon Johnson;
Rachel Foster Avery; Johnson Hagood; John W. H. Sauford; Eloise B.
Hagood; Eliza Danes Coxe; J. M. Banister.
Letters, 1896.
Major Topics: Real estate business; personal and family income; UDC; stock
certificates; women’s suffrage; presidential election of 1896; dividends
and interest income.
Principal Correspondents: David Clopton Jr.; R. C. Brickell; P. Donan; Clifford
A. Lauien; S. A. Cunningham; John M. Sandridge; Eliza Danes Coxe;
L. I. Nixon; W. F. Aldrich; George W. Tunstall; M. H. Bolling.
Frame No.
Letters, 1897.
Major Topics: Women’s suffrage; UDC; surety bond.
Principal Correspondents: Laura Clay; Virginia Clay Clopton; Cordelia L.
Leas; Annie D. Neal; Elisa M. Bullock; Clifford A. Lauien; Ellen Webster;
Mary Carlisle Todd; Alva Fitzpatrick; J. M. Falkner; N. K. White; Eliza
Danes Coxe; William Lewis Clay; Anne Barrister; Mary D. Lanier;
W. W. Garth; J. J. B. Hilliard.
Reel 9
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont.
Letters, 1898.
Major Topics: Property tax; UDC; Spanish-American War; Alabama Historical
Principal Correspondents: Virginia Clay Clopton; Abbie G. Baker; Clifford A.
Lauien; Jason G. Sandidge; Mary Brickell; Thomas M. Owen; Sue L.
Todd; Louisa Coxe; P. Donan; Leo Rooney; Mary Rogers Clay; C. K.
Leese; J. J. B. Hilliard; J. M. Falkner; Loula C. Hammond.
Letters, 1899.
Major Topics: Property tax; Alabama Historical Society; diary of Virginia Clay
Clopton; death and dying; diseases and disorders; Clement Claiborne
Clay photographs; UCV; civil procedure; Confederate Veteran; rights of
way; farms and farmers; liens.
Principal Correspondents: William Lewis Clay; Thomas M. Owen; Eliza
Danes Coxe; Junius M. Riggs; Bennett H. Young; S. W. Lauders; J. B.
Gordon; Virginia Clay Clopton; Anna L. Adair; L. Bird White; Louisa Dales
Nimrod; Michael L. Moore; Nannie H. Rice Walker; Carolina L. Patterson;
Lucien V. La Taste; Robert Barnwell Rhett Jr.; Alfred Moore; Eliza Porter
Leigh; Rufus Ingraham Hasell; Mary S. Clay; Paul Speake; W. R. Rison;
Lizzie R. Benagh; John W. Sanford; Loula C. Hammond; J. J. B. Hilliard.
Letters, 1890s, undated.
Major Topic: UDC.
Principal Correspondents: Mary Lewis Clay; E. A. Vickery; M. H. Connally;
Amelia Hollenberg; Sue L. Todd; L. D. Moore; P. Donan; Mary C.
Benagh; Sarah Pickens McQueen; William L. Chambers.
Letters, Jan.–July 1900.
Major Topics: Civil procedure; property tax; death and dying; real estate
Principal Correspondents: William Lewis Clay; Anna L. Adair; Annie Banister;
M. T. Roberts; J. T. Searcy; E. K. Rawson; Junius M. Riggs; Lizzie R.
Benagh; Annie E. Knox; Clifford A. Lauien; Corrilla Banister; David Coxe.
Frame No.
Reel 10
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont.
Letters, Aug.–Dec. 1900.
Major Topics: Personal and family income; mortgages; civil procedure;
reunification of the United States of America and the Confederate States
of America.
Principal Correspondents: J. J. B. Hilliard; Josephine Kalman; Annie E. Knox;
Charles G. Walker; Sallie Taylor Sanford; Virginia Clay Clopton; Alberta
C. Taylor; Bennett H. Young; William Lewis Clay; M. Claude Hammond;
P. Donan; Belle Boddie; Juliet C. Clanton; Mary B. Harrison; William A.
Battle; Sarah V. Winter.
Letters, 1901.
Major Topics: Property tax; farms and farmers; personal and family income;
UDC; cotton; Clement Claiborne Clay imprisonment; NAWSA.
Principal Correspondents: William Lewis Clay; Nannie H. Rice Walker;
J. J. B. Hilliard; Alberta C. Taylor; Virginia Clay Clopton II; Lizzie R.
Benagh; Carrie S. Clay; Eliza W. Lay; Florence Barlow; Clifford A. Lauien;
Virginia Clay Clopton; Louisa Dales Nimrod; Daniel Coleman; David
Clopton Jr.; Thomas M. Owen; Emily Harrison; Richard H. Walker; John
B. Tunstall; Eliza Danes Coxe; C. C. Buel; W. W. Garth; Mollie Stewart;
Robert Barnwell Rhett Jr.; A. B. Middleman; Nina Browne de Cottes;
Thomas R. Roulhac; Bettie T. Dahlgren; William Richardson; Carrie
Chapman Catt; Wilhelmina L. Clopton; David Coxe; Earnestine Hampton
Letters, Jan.–June 1902.
Major Topics: Diseases and disorders; NAWSA; women’s suffrage; UDC;
Principal Correspondents: Robert A Lawson; F. Gordon; Eliza W. Lay; Eliza
Danes Coxe; Kate M. Gordon; Virginia Clay Clopton; Cordelia M. Biff;
Bettie V. Adams; Louisa Winfford; Tempe H. Williams; Elizabeth Snow
Sturges; Florence Barlow; Alice McC. Coxe; Pauline Lockett; Julia P.
Bate; Eugenia Lyon; William L. Chambers; Robert H. Watkins; Daniel
Coleman; Clifford A. Lauien; Andrew M. Sea Jr.; John Henninger Reagan;
Ida L. Harford; H. C. Vaughan; J. T. Wilson; P. Donan; Ada Sterling.
Letters, July–Dec. 1902.
Major Topics: UDC; personal and family income; loans; Confederate States
of America; women’s suffrage; Clement Claiborne Clay imprisonment;
Jefferson Davis imprisonment.
Principal Correspondents: John Henninger Reagan; Adelia A. Dunovant;
William Lewis Clay; Ada Sterling; Robert Barnwell Rhett Jr.; B. Blanton;
Elizabeth Snow Sturges; Alice McC. Coxe; P. C. Rust; Eliza Danes Coxe;
Marlene L. Cory; John B. Tunstall; Thomas B. Turley; Paul Speake; Ben
P. Hunt; Susie H. Hunt; Annie Bradshaw; T. C. Hammond; Daniel
Coleman; Virginia Clay Clopton; Edward Spann Hammond; M. Claude
Frame No.
Reel 11
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont.
Letters, Jan.–June 1903.
Major Topics: Personal and family income; employment; NAWSA; masonry;
diseases and disorders; marriage; Clay family genealogy.
Principal Correspondents: Virginia Clay Clopton; Emily Hendree Park;
J. P. Fuller Jr.; Ada Sterling; Thomas M. Owen; John H. Wallace Jr.;
Charles T. Harvey; Mary Grey Nicolson; Mary McComb; Alice McC. Coxe;
Kate M. Gordon; Emily Spicer; Caroline Phillips Myers; Bertha D. Knobe;
Mattie Barnard; Clifford A. Lauien; Arthur T. Vance; J. J. B. Hilliard;
Robert E. Park; H. B. Battle.
Letters, July–Dec. 1903.
Major Topics: Diseases and disorders; publishing A Belle of the Fifties.
Principal Correspondents: Ada Sterling; Bettie V. Adams; Jefferson Davis;
Richard B. Tunstall; Madeline Smith; William Lewis Clay; Louisa Lay;
Mary E. Lacey; Emily Hendree Park; Virginia Clay Clopton; Kimmie E.
Smith; Jason M. Greene; Mary L. Jackson Davis; Walter A. Goodman.
Letters, Jan.–June 1904.
Major Topics: Fund-raising; death and dying; personal and family income;
wills and probate; A Belle of the Fifties; “Lost Cause” theory.
Principal Correspondents: Clifford A. Lauien; Claude Ellis Tucker; Alberta C.
Taylor; Norah Davis; Ben P. Hunt; Ada Sterling; J. P. Fuller Jr.; George
Clarke; William Lewis Clay; Mary Kennow Evans; Caroline Phillips Myers;
T. Gordon; Louise Tunstall; Clifford Clopton; Junius M. Riggs;
E. D. Taylor; Eliza Danes Coxe.
Letters, July–Dec. 1904.
Major Topics: UDC; diseases and disorders; travel and tourism; A Belle of the
Fifties; fund-raising; publishing.
Principal Correspondents: Bennett H. Young; William Lewis Clay; Caroline
Phillips Myers; Mary O. Murray; Adelia A. Dunovant; J. J. B. Hilliard;
Louisa Lay; S. B. Hartman; Belle Bird Chambers; H. S. Shackleford;
Ernistine Hampton Hall; Anna Brown; Robert Barnwell Rhett Jr.; Virginia
Clay Clopton; Lizzie R. Benagh; Ada Sterling; Annie Southern Nardy;
John Henninger Reagan; John Walker Phillips; Lucy M. Thompson;
Wilhelmina L. Clopton; W. H. Councill; Ada Barton Bogg.
Reel 12
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont.
Correspondence, Jan.–June 1905.
Major Topics: Memorabilia; books and bookselling; railroads; travel and
tourism; A Belle of the Fifties; death and dying; “Lost Cause” theory;
Frame No.
Principal Correspondents: Virginia Clay Clopton; Annie R. Tunstall; Stephen
Lane Folger; Nellie Tunstall; Charles J. Colcock; Henrietta Hill Thompson;
N. P. Thomas; Ada Sterling; Jason K. Powers; Bessie M. L. Chambers;
Bennett H. Young; Robert E. Park; Aggie Scott; Letitia Dawdill Ross; Ada
Barton Bogg; Clifford Clopton; William Lewis Clay; Clifford A. Lauien;
Robert Jemison Jr.; Bessie C. Newson; Metta Thompson; George J.
Dominick Jr.
Correspondence, Apr.–Aug. 1905.
Major Topics: A Belle of the Fifties; books and bookselling; UCV; marriage.
Principal Correspondents: Ada Sterling; Virginia Clay Clopton; M. A. B.
Morgan; Belle Boddie; Hilary A. Herbert; Metta Thompson; LeRoy Brown;
Pattie H. Tyson; Paul Speake; Richard B. Tunstall; Clifford Clopton;
Clifford A. Lauien; Bennett H. Young; H. B. Battle; C. B. Whitfield; Mary
Kennow Evans; Ada V. Womble; Emily Hendree Park; John Bell
Henneman; Whit B. Tunstall; Lucy Bell Cooper; Thomas M. Owen;
William E. Chandler; Robert Jemison Jr.; Caroline Phillips Myers; Mabel
Clare Maney; H. L. Hood.
Correspondence, Sept.–Dec. 1905.
Major Topics: Travel and tourism; real estate business; property value;
A Belle of the Fifties; personal and family income; personal property;
books and bookselling.
Principal Correspondents: Virginia Clay Clopton; Thomas M. Owen; Clifford
A. Lauien; Robert Jemison Jr.; Emily Hendree Park; William D. Allen;
Ethel L. Dwight; Frances Griffin; John P. Hampton Jr.; Caroline Phillips
Myers; Alice McC. Coxe; Ethel Hilliard; W. M. Easby Smith; Whit B.
Tunstall; John S. Williams; Henry Watterson; Kitty Ray; John D.
Chadwick; Virginia Lamar Bacon; Judith Grubbs Rhea; Bennett H. Young;
J. Withers Clay; Dorothy B. Lawson; Matt Clay; Annie R. Tunstall.
Correspondence, Jan.–June 1906.
Major Topics: UDC; deeds and conveyances; civil action; fund-raising;
diseases and disorders.
Principal Correspondents: Sallie Brevard; Elsie McKnight; Bessie C. Newson;
Mary Hilliard Hiuton; Bennett H. Young; Mary M. Harrell; Martha S.
Gielow; Clifford A. Lauien; D. D. Moore; Emma Hunnewell; Ellen Young;
Laura Lee Tunstall; Emily G. Hammond; Margaret D. Simms; Eliza Danes
Coxe; Clement Claiborne Clay Jr.; Amanda E. English; William A. Battle;
Lula E. Harrison; Francis N. Lawton.
Reel 13
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont.
Correspondence, July–Dec. 1906.
Major Topics: Travel and tourism; DAR; Civil War battles; 20th Tennessee
Regiment; property tax; Varina Howell Davis obituary.
Principal Correspondents: Anna R. Conehlon; Mary Elvira Cook; Corrine A.
Goodman; E. C. Harris; Corrilla Banister; Eliza Danes Coxe; William A.
Battle; Whit B. Tunstall; Mary Mouro Richards; Julia P. Bate; Annie R.
Tunstall; Carrie E. Philips; Belle Campbell; Mollie Stewart; William W. Orr;
Frame No.
U. D. Pittman; Lillian Tardy Rose; John H. Wallace; Rose Woodward;
Robert H. Sexton; Emily Hendree Park; Dixie Lee Flick; L. E. Brown;
Ellelee C. Humes; Alice McC. Coxe; Warren J. Flick; Ada Sterling; Walter
Neale; Phelan Beale; Bennett H. Young; Caroline Phillips Myers; William
L. Chambers; Lena C. Coxe.
Correspondence, Jan.–June 1907.
Major Topics: Books and bookselling; A Belle of the Fifties; UDC; deeds and
conveyances; diseases and disorders; personal and family income;
Jefferson Davis biography; UCV.
Principal Correspondents: Lenore Bassett Young; Clifford A. Lauien; Caroline
Phillips Myers; William Lewis Clay; Alice McC. Coxe; Lizzie R. Benagh;
Annie Ross Searcy; Paul Speake; Mary Elvira Cook; Eliza Danes Coxe;
William L. Chambers; Charlie L. Whittier; Mollie E. Cook; Clara Tardy
Gesham; Mary Kennow Evans; William Lewis Clay; Walter L. Fleming;
Susie Kirkman Vaughn; Alice M. Tyler; Carrie McClure Knox; Bennett H.
Young; Bettie Rison Jones; Bessie C. Newson.
Correspondence, July–Dec. 1907.
Major Topics: Educational materials; books and bookselling; travel and
tourism; UDC; Who’s Who in America; personal and family income;
checking and savings accounts.
Principal Correspondents: Bennett H. Young; Walter L. Fleming; Eliza Danes
Coxe; William Lewis Clay; Emily Hendree Park; Ernestine H. Bogenhatt;
Cordelia M. Biff; Mollie E. Cook; Virginia Clay Clopton; Clark Bell; Mary H.
Latham; S. S. Broadus; Bessie C. Newson; A. N. Marquis; Walter L.
Fleming; Mary Pleasants Jones; Oscar Hackworth; Mary Wheat; Alice
McC. Coxe; Mary R. Arrington; Kate C. Donegan; Nellie H. Wallington.
Correspondence, Jan.–June 1908.
Major Topics: Diseases and disorders; books and bookselling; Who’s Who in
America; Women of America; UDC.
Principal Correspondents: Ruth Buches Tunstall; Walter A. Goodman; Emily
K. Park; Susie Bell Robertson; Belle Boddie; Emily B. Frayser; Corrine A.
Goodman; Eliza Danes Coxe; Daisy Bolton; Frances H. Hopper; Thomas
M. Owen; A. N. Marquis; L. R. Hamersly; J. B. Babb; Eliza P. Cooper.
Reel 14
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont.
Correspondence, July–Sept. 1908.
Major Topics: Books and bookselling; A Belle of the Fifties.
Principal Correspondents: J. J. D. Hall; Joel C. DuBois; John W. Arrington;
Eliza Danes Coxe; Kate Trader Barrow; Maury S. Wyeth; Virginia Clay
Clopton; Clifford A. Lauien; James L. Perkins; Alberta C. Layton; Emily B.
Correspondence, Oct.–Dec. 1908.
Major Topics: UDC; death and dying; marriage; sweepstakes promotions;
newspapers; weddings; NAWSA; women’s suffrage; checking and
savings accounts.
Frame No.
Principal Correspondents: George A. Maury; Cornelia Branch Stone; Virginia
Clay Clopton; Mary Bayne Vaught; Carrie McClure Knox; Robert E. Park;
Mrs. J. D. Matlick; J. A. Morris; Selene Armstrong; Emily Hendree Park;
Alice McC. Coxe; Carrie Chapman Catt; William Lewis Clay; Susie B.
Clay; Jennie L. Dill.
Correspondence, Jan.–Aug. 1909.
Major Topics: Navy duty assignments and releases; Clay family genealogy;
newspapers; investments; diseases and disorders; UDC.
Principal Correspondents: Joseph A. Groves; Lois Coxe Benedict; Mary
Elvira Cook; Lucy Poole; Mary Pleasants Jones; William Lewis Clay;
Hamilton S. Neale; James Gadsden Holmes; Virginia M. Brown; Cornelia
Branch Stone; Fallulah J. Bankhead; May M. Pride; George P. Harrison;
Allie Crockett Webster; Alice McC. Coxe; Oscar R. Hundley; S. S.
Broadus; A. M. Booth; Bessie O’Brien Hundley; Letitia Dawdill Ross;
Louise Carter; Cordelia M. Biff; Juliet C. Clanton.
Correspondence, Sept. 1909–Mar. 1910.
Major Topics: Publishers and publishing; books and bookselling; UDC;
reunions; diseases and disorders.
Principal Correspondents: Alberta C. Taylor; Mary Elvira Cook; W. A. Given;
Corrilla Banister; Mrs. Robert C. Biff; Bettie V. Adams; Camilla Madding
Biff; Elizabeth Austin; Mary G. Perkins; Bennett H. Young; Baxter Boddie
Williams; Wilton Moss; Mrs. Frank W. Webster; Charles M. Dillard; S. E.
Wasson; Edna C. Rodgers; Jimmy Mohan; Mary M. Leigh; Ella Bedford
Perry; Mrs. E. L. Basnett; Virginia Clay Clopton; Caroline Phillips Myers;
Tom Tate; J. M. Hereford.
Correspondence, Apr.–Sept. 1910.
Major Topics: UCV reunions; UDC; fund-raising; wills and probate;
confiscated property; claims.
Principal Correspondents: Tom Tate; John T. Schley; Bennett H. Young;
Irene C. Sewall; Dixie Biff Graves; Ava L. P. James; Mrs. Edgar James;
Joseph Forney Johnston; Annie Smith Schroader; Emily Hendree Park;
Carrye B. Jaffe; Luke E. Wright; Mary B. Leigh; Eliza Danes Coxe; Susan
McDowell White; Julia Frye-Smith; Alice McC. Coxe; David A. Grayson;
Mollie E. Cook; L. Zebbeon Duke; Jenny Mohan; Cordelia M. Biff; Lizzie
R. Benagh; Wilton Moss; Ben P. Hunt; Mrs. J. F. Collins; Lucy Abbot;
William Lewis Clay.
Reel 15
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont.
Correspondence, Oct.–Dec. 1910.
Major Topics: Clay family genealogy; UDC; diseases and disorders.
Principal Correspondents: Anne Matthews; Annie Bynum Smith; Bessie C.
Newson; Eliza Danes Coxe; Lily V. Larkin; P. R. Tunstall; Martha S.
Gaylar; Henry Watterson; Carrie Carr Milihue; Sue G. Williams; Mary
Howard; Julia Frye-Smith; Virginia Clay Clopton; Sam F. Clabaugh; Annie
Winston Comer; Susie M. Faust; Edith J. White.
Frame No.
Correspondence, Jan.–May 1911.
Major Topics: Automobiles; diseases and disorders; medical treatment;
elections; Virginia Clay Clopton political involvement; UDC; travel and
tourism; divorce.
Principal Correspondents: Jenny Mohan; George W. Lay; Elizabeth R.
Beaugh; David Clopton Jr.; Mrs. A. McE. German; Sam F. Clabaugh;
Laura Hendree Harrison; Edward Gardner; S. H. Dent Jr.; H. C. Taylor;
Lucretia H. Clay; Susan McDowell White; Letitia Dawdill Ross; Eliza
Danes Coxe; Louise Troter; Ellen Peter Bryce; Harvey Jines;
A. L. Dowdell; Anne Barrister; Cordelia M. Biff.
Correspondence, June–Oct. 1911.
Major Topics: A Belle of the Fifties; medical treatment; diseases and
disorders; travel and tourism; fruit; UCV.
Principal Correspondents: Marie Bankhead Owen; J. Withers Clay; Jenny
Mohan; Edward Gardner; W. J. Adams; Silas Mary Chapman; Bennett H.
Young; Kate Conroy; S. S. Broadus; J. Withers Clay; Virginia Clay
Clopton; Emma P. Y. Baliman; Susan McDowell White; Raimundo
DeOvies; Bessie C. Newson; Mary Kennow Evans; Louis Edelman.
Correspondence, Nov. 1911–Feb. 1912.
Major Topics: UDC reunion; A Belle of the Fifties; Clay family genealogy.
Principal Correspondents: Katie Childress Schnobel; Bryan Hilliard;
S. S. Broadus; Mary Kennow Evans; Jenny Mohan; Ella Bradford Perry;
Bessie C. Newson; W. J. Adams; E. H. Hyman; Loula C. Hammond;
Fontaine McQueen; F. S. Ferguson; C. Irving Walker; Virginia Clay
Clopton; Sister Mary Joannes.
Correspondence, Mar.–Oct. 1912.
Major Topics: A Belle of the Fifties; UDC; marriage; monuments and
memorials; UCV; elections; Clay family genealogy; books and
bookselling; publishers and publishing.
Principal Correspondents: Bettie Stacey; Mattie Turner; Louis Edelman; Edith
Seville Coale; Letitia Dawdill Ross; Nelson A. Miles; C. B. Shepherd;
Bessie C. Newson; Whit B. Tunstall; J. D. Humphrey; Bennett H. Young;
Kate Kauffman Taylor; J. J. B. Hilliard; H. B. Battle; Jenny Mohan;
Elizabeth P. Gamble; J. L. Jones; Virginia Benjamin O’Neal; Frances
Powell Otken; W. L. Humes; John B. Knox; Walter Neale.
Reel 16
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont.
Correspondence, Nov. 1912–Apr. 1913.
Major Topics: UDC; Clay family genealogy; poetry; diseases and disorders;
civil service appointments and promotions; UCV reunion; theater.
Principal Correspondents: M. A. Cory; J. J. B. Hilliard; David Clopton Jr.;
Adele Shaw; Francis Powell Aiken; Richmond Pearson Hobson; Mae
Stone Goode; Lizzie R. Benagh; Annie Wheeler; W. J. Adams; T. J.
Leary; Lucy M. White; Joseph H. Johnston; Emmet O’Neal; Julia FryeSmith; Eleanora Jackson Phillips; Augustus Octavius Bacon; Ben P.
Frame No.
Hunt; J. F. Finlay; Zella Armstrong; Thomas M. Owen; Mollie Battle
Nichols; Harriet D. Wood; A. B. Coleman.
Correspondence, May–Sept. 1913.
Major Topics: Clay family genealogy; UCV reunions; personal property; wills
and probate; publishing; books and bookselling.
Principal Correspondents: Thomas M. Owen; William S. Shields; Bennett H.
Young; Houstoun R. Harper; Ora Battle Gray; C. A. Brundage; May M.
Faris McKinney; Bessie C. Newson; Julian S. Carr; Caroline Phillips
Myers; Sam M. Donegan; Basil Birmingham; M. E. Hall.
Correspondence, Oct.–Dec. 1913.
Major Topics: Women’s suffrage; diseases and disorders.
Principal Correspondents: Kate Conroy; Marie Bankhead Owen; Virginia Clay
Clopton; Pauline Arrington; Julian S. Carr; Juliet C. Olin; A. W. Newson;
William A. Colledge; Eleanor Stockdale; S. S. Broadus; Ora Battle Gray;
Eddie G. Dedman; Letitia Dawdill Ross; Vivian F. Noyes; Ernestine H.
Correspondence, Jan.–Apr. 1914.
Major Topics: University Military School; diseases and disorders; “Lost
Cause” theory; women’s suffrage; magazines and periodicals; fundraising; UDC.
Principal Correspondents: Elizabeth P. Gamble; Katie Childress Schnobel;
Virginia Clay Clopton; J. L. Ayer; Annie B. Drake Robertson; Matthew F.
Steele; Joseph D. Johnson; Morgan S. Gilmer; Caroline Phillips Myers;
Harry F. Grissom; Annie Winston Comer; Bennett H. Young; Mary
Winslow Partridge; Katherine R. Bugg; Mollie Battle Nichols; S. S.
Broadus; Amelia Worthington; Belle Bird Palmer.
Correspondence, May–Sept. 1914.
Major Topics: Death and dying; funerals and cemeteries; marriage; land
ownership and rights; wills and probate; birds and bird conservation.
Principal Correspondents: Julian S. Carr; Bessie Caruthers Newson; Henry
Bailey Stevens; Virginia Clay Clopton; Sam M. Donegan; G. G. Harris;
Annie Winston Comer; Ellen Peter Bryce; Anne B. Lay; Eddie G.
Dedman; Clifford A. Lauien; Edith White Wall; Paul Speake; John H.
Reel 17
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont.
Correspondence, Oct. 1914–Apr. 1915.
Major Topics: Travel and tourism; magazines and periodicals; marriage;
World War I; flowers and nursery products; famine; National Geographic;
Alabama Equal Suffrage Association; UDC.
Principal Correspondents: David Clopton Jr.; Alice McC. Jones; Anne Rankin;
Thomas B. Tunstall; Cora Monfee Hall; Annie Winston Comer; S. S.
Broadus; O. P. Austin; C. P. Lamar; Virginia Clay Clopton; Mary Kennow
Evans; Mary Rogers Clay; W. J. Adams; Elizabeth B. Bashinsky;
Florence Barlow.
Frame No.
Correspondence, May 1915–Dec. 1925.
Major Topics: Diseases and disorders; personal debt; property tax; checking
and savings accounts; loans.
Principal Correspondents: Mrs. Thomas F. Stephens; Beulah Morine; Edwin
A. Price; Lizzie R. Benagh; J. J. B. Hilliard; Ada Sterling; Era Gray; O. H.
Caldwell; Paul Speake; C. O. Reid; Alfred K. Stern.
Correspondence, 1900 or 1900s.
Major Topics: Births; hearing and hearing disorders; books and bookselling;
Clay family genealogy; death and dying.
Principal Correspondents: W. H. Councill; Eugene Phillips; Kate Kauffman
Taylor; Margaret Dale Hutton; S. H. Brown; Virginia Clay Clopton; Louise
Stone Stoddard; Mary B. Leigh; Mannie N. Deed; Bettie V. Adams.
Correspondence, 1900 or 1900s.
Major Topics: Diseases and disorders; medicine; births; travel and tourism;
Principal Correspondents: David D. Shelby; Katherine Wells Reddington;
David Clopton Jr.; Corrilla Banister; Harriett M. Rhett; Bettie V. Adams;
Bettie N. Patton; Rachel F. Jordan Baker; Helen D. Hilliard; Lucy Overton;
N. C. Mickell; Alice McC. Coxe; Eliza Danes Coxe.
Correspondence, 1900 or 1900s.
Major Topics: UDC; gifts and donations; death and dying; diseases and
Principal Correspondents: Alice McC. Coxe; Virginia Clay Clopton; Tempe H.
Williams; Carolyne Robinson; Anna L. Adair; E. G. McCabe; Bettie V.
Adams; J. C. Clay; Francis P. McKee; Leluna R. Bartholomew; Leslie M.
Gordon; Corrilla Banister; Madeline Smith.
Correspondence, 1900 or 1900s.
Major Topics: Diseases and disorders; travel and tourism; UDC.
Principal Correspondents: Bessie Caruthers Newson; Frances McKee
Cordell; Bessie M. Schley; Susie M. Faust; Ed H. Hilliard; Emma P. Y.
Baliman; Cordelia M. Biff; Virginia Clay Clopton; Roy O’Neal; Eliza Danes
Reel 18
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont.
Correspondence, Undated–1865 and Earlier.
Major Topics: Diseases and disorders; farms and farmers; travel and tourism.
Principal Correspondents: Lucy Anne Cannon; Henry C. Lay Jr.; Mrs. Ellis
Pratt; Mary E. Stewart; C. V. Winter; Alice L. Biggs; Eliza Danes Coxe;
Mary Toney; Ella Donegan; Harry Day; Belle G. Dennis.
Correspondence, Undated–1866 or Later.
Major Topics: Diseases and disorders; travel and tourism; farms and farmers;
Principal Correspondents: Sue L. Todd; J. C. Turley; Susan C. White;
M. D. Walker; Bettie V. Adams; Howard Beirun; E. M. Brinkley; Robert E.
Coxe; Ella H. Farris; Joseph H. Elliott; J. J. B. Hilliard; Nannie Tunstall;
Frame No.
Anna Phelan Derby; S. C. Hammond; Alice Evelyn Garnett; Alice Hunter;
Margaret H. Bailey; Virginia Clay Clopton; Bennett H. Young; P. Donan.
Correspondence, Undated–1866 or Later.
Major Topics: Travel and tourism; Clay family genealogy; death and dying;
diseases and disorders.
Principal Correspondent: Virginia Clay Clopton.
Correspondence, Undated–1867 or Later.
Major Topics: Elections; women’s suffrage; travel and tourism; death of
Clement Claiborne Clay; UDC.
Principal Correspondents: J. J. B. Hilliard; Mary Hilliard; Sue L. Todd; Loula
C. Hammond; Carrie Chapman Catt; Jennie Glentworth; William A. Battle;
Susie Echols; Virginia Clay Clopton; Eliza Danes Coxe; Heilerman
Wilson; William H. McCandle; George W. Stone; Elizabeth B. Bashinsky.
Correspondence, Undated–1868 or Later.
Major Topics: Cotton; farms and farmers.
Principal Correspondents: Virginia Clay Clopton; Bennett H. Young; Annie D.
Neal; Celeste Clay.
Addresses and Writings of Virginia Clay Clopton. Alabama Equal Suffrage
Association. Undated.
Major Topic: Speeches and addresses.
Principal Correspondents: Virginia Clay Clopton; Alice B. Balburg.
Addresses and Writings. Undated.
Major Topics: Hair of Jefferson Davis; poetry.
Principal Correspondent: Virginia Clay Clopton.
Addresses and Writings of Virginia Clay Clopton. United Daughters of the
Confederacy. Undated.
Major Topics: Speeches and addresses; Civil War; “Lost Cause” theory;
Reconstruction; death of Margaret Howell Davis Hayes; Memorial Day.
Principal Correspondents: Virginia Clay Clopton; Mrs. Clifford Lanier; Electra
Sommes Golsten; Ellelee C. Humes.
Addresses and Writings of Virginia Clay Clopton—“Southern Society in
Antebellum Days.” Undated.
Major Topic: Speeches and addresses.
Principal Correspondent: Virginia Clay Clopton.
Addresses and Writings of Virginia Clay Clopton. Memoir of Maria Brewster
Brooks Stafford. Undated.
Principal Correspondent: Virginia Clay Clopton.
Addresses and Writings of Virginia Clay Clopton—Papers for Raphael
Simmes. Undated.
Principal Correspondent: Virginia Clay Clopton.
Addresses and Writings of Virginia Clay Clopton on C. C. Clay’s Capture,
Imprisonment, and Release. Undated.
Major Topics: Virginia Clay Clopton, memoirs; incarceration of Clement
Claiborne Clay; efforts to free Clement Claiborne Clay; visit to
Frame No.
Ft. Monroe; visit with Andrew Johnson; arrest of Clement Claiborne Clay.
Principal Correspondent: Virginia Clay Clopton.
Reel 19
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont.
Addresses and Writings of Virginia Clay Clopton—Jefferson Davis and
Clement C. Clay Jr.; Stonewall Jackson. Undated.
Major Topics: Speeches and addresses; Jefferson Davis; arrest of Clement
Claiborne Clay; Stonewall Jackson.
Principal Correspondent: Virginia Clay Clopton.
Addresses and Writings of Virginia Clay Clopton—Thomas B. Tunstall.
Major Topics: Speeches and addresses; Thomas B. Tunstall.
Principal Correspondent: Virginia Clay Clopton.
Addresses and Writings of Virginia Clay Clopton, 1. Undated.
Major Topics: Memorial poetry; Louis XIV; William Shakespeare.
Principal Correspondent: Virginia Clay Clopton.
Addresses and Writings of Virginia Clay Clopton, 2. Undated.
Major Topics: Poetry; speeches and addresses; 4th Alabama Cavalry; Civil
War plantation life; elections; Virginia Clay Clopton political involvement.
Principal Correspondent: Virginia Clay Clopton.
Addresses and Writings of Virginia Clay Clopton, 3. Undated.
Major Topics: Civil War plantation life; speeches and addresses; UDC; travel
and tourism.
Principal Correspondent: Virginia Clay Clopton.
Addresses and Writings of Virginia Clay Clopton, 4. (Fragments). Undated.
Major Topics: Memorial poetry; Sherman’s “March to the Sea”; account of life
at Rock Island Prisoner of War camp; Ulysses S. Grant.
Principal Correspondents: Virginia Clay Clopton; James Jackson; Marguirete
Addresses and Writings of Virginia Clay Clopton, 5. (Fragments). Undated.
Major Topic: Speeches and addresses.
Principal Correspondent: Virginia Clay Clopton.
Addresses and Writings of Virginia Clay Clopton, 6. (Fragments). Undated.
Major Topics: Life in Washington, D.C.; poetry; short stories; death and dying;
speeches and addresses; Clement Claiborne Clay biography and
obituary; Andrew Jackson early life.
Principal Correspondents: Virginia Clay Clopton; Bessie Caruthers Newson.
Clay, Virginia (Tunstall). Diary, 1859–1866. Huntsville, Ala. Oct. 24, 1934.
Major Topics: Personal and family income; poetry.
Clay, Virginia (Tunstall). Diary, 1865–1869. Huntsville, Ala. Oct. 24, 1934.
Major Topics: Household appliances and equipment; recipes.
Frame No.
Clay, Virginia (Tunstall). Diary, 1872. Huntsville, Ala. Oct. 24, 1934.
Major Topics: Personal and family income; Clement Claiborne Clay illness.
Clay, Virginia (Tunstall). Diary, 1893–1896. Huntsville, Ala. Oct. 24, 1934.
Major Topic: Personal and family income.
Clay, Virginia (Tunstall). Diary, 1898–1904. Huntsville, Ala. Oct. 24, 1934.
Major Topic: Personal and family income.
Clay, Virginia (Tunstall). Diary, 1901. Huntsville, Ala. Oct. 24, 1934.
Major Topics: Personal and family income; “Lost Cause” theory.
Reel 20
Clement Claiborne Clay Papers cont.
Clay, Virginia (Tunstall). Diary, 1903–1905. Huntsville, Ala. Oct. 24, 1934.
Major Topics: Personal and family income; farms and farmers; diseases and
Rebecca F. Clayton Papers, 1889–1903.
Jackson, Tennessee
This diary contains daily updates from Rebecca F. Clayton. Clayton was a dedicated
diarist, writing at least a brief entry every day. Most entries focus on her daily life, but
sometimes venture into larger issues facing her community, including unemployment
and the difficulty of farm life. Each entry begins with a weather report and a highlight of
her day. A very religious woman, Clayton chronicles her religious activities in great
1889 Diary.
Major Topics: Christianity; farms and farmers; weather; diseases and
1891 Diary.
Major Topics: Weather; Christianity; farms and farmers; housing; cemeteries
and funerals; clothing and clothing industry.
1893 Diary.
Major Topics: Weather; Christianity; clothing and clothing industry; personal
and family income; unemployment; diseases and disorders.
Two Small Bank Papers.
Ann Raney Thomas Coleman Papers, 1846–1892.
Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana; also Texas
This collection contains the diaries and reminiscences of Ann Raney Thomas Coleman.
Most of the diary entries relate to Coleman’s daily life. Hardship and suffering are
reoccurring themes in Coleman’s life and examples appear both in the diaries and in the
reminiscences. The reminiscences begin with memories of her youth and suitors, and
progress through her life, marriages, bankruptcy, and poverty.
Frame No.
Papers. 1845–1884.
Major Topics: Poetry; diseases and disorders; wills and probate; poverty;
personal and family income; gifts and donations.
Principal Correspondents: Victoria K. Watson; Ann Raney Thomas Coleman.
Papers. 1885–1892 and Undated.
Major Topics: Gifts and donations; pensions; personal and family income;
Principal Correspondents: Ann Raney Thomas Coleman; Victoria K. Watson;
Addie Saldana; Mary Raney Smith.
Reminiscences, 1–46.
Major Topics: Diseases and disorders; courtship; cemeteries and funerals;
personal and family income; bankruptcy; death and dying; travel and
tourism; marriage; Clay family genealogy; hunger and malnutrition;
employment; Christianity; elementary and secondary education; teachers.
Reel 21
Martha E. Foster Crawford Diaries, 1846–1881.
Greene County, Alabama; also China
This collection includes the diaries of Martha E. Foster Crawford, a Baptist missionary in
China. The first diary slowly chronicles her increasing religious faith and culminates in
her marriage to Tarleton Perry Crawford and their subsequent mission trip to China. The
diaries provide a glimpse into the daily life of these missionaries and the current events
of the period, including the Taiping Rebellion and the U.S. Civil War.
Diary, 1846–1850, and 1867. Alabama. Nov. 5, 1933.
Major Topics: Poetry; diseases and disorders; Christianity; courtship;
literature; teachers; marriage; religious faith.
Diary, 1850–1853, and 1878. Alabama. Nov. 5, 1933.
Major Topics: Christianity; religious faith; missionaries; death and dying;
vacations; marriage to Tarleton Perry Crawford; voyage to China;
missions and missionaries; religious conversions; impressions of the
Chinese; suicide.
Diary, 1853–1854. Alabama. Nov. 5, 1933.
Major Topics: Taiping Rebellion; abolition; slaves and slavery; Franklin Pierce
inauguration; Christianity; missions and missionaries; China; religious
faith; death and dying; crime and criminals.
Diary, 1861–1864. Alabama. Nov. 5, 1933.
Major Topics: Christianity; missions and missionaries; China; religious
Diary, 1864–1868. Alabama.
Major Topics: Christianity; missions and missionaries; China; Confederate
States of America.
Diary, 1868–1876. Alabama. Nov. 5, 1933.
Major Topics: Christianity; missions and missionaries; China; death and
dying; diseases and disorders.
Frame No.
Diary, 1876–1881. Alabama. Nov. 5, 1933.
Major Topics: Missions and missionaries; China; visit to Japan.
Maria Dyer Davies Wightman Diary, 1850–1856.
Macon, Mississippi
This diary details Maria Dyer Davies Wightman’s youth and continues into her adulthood
when she wrote on such topics as religion and family.
Diary, 1850–1858. Macon, Noxubee County, Mississippi. May 17, 1958.
Major Topics: Christianity; personal and family income.
Lizzie G. Davis Composition Book, 1859.
Frederick County, Maryland
The composition book contains diary entries and other writings of Lizzie G. Davis.
Composition Book, 1859, Section A.
Eliza Ann Dupuy Papers, 1867–1880.
Fleming County, Kentucky
The majority of Eliza Ann Dupuy’s letters are addressed to publishers and concern
stories she submitted for publication.
Papers, 1867–1880, Section A.
Major Topics: Publishers and publishing; writers and writing.
Annie Englar Diary, 1861–1865.
Carroll County, Maryland
The Englar diary contains an account of daily life during the Civil War, including
hardships and fears of invasion.
Annie Englar. Undated.
Major Topics: Diseases and disorders; death and dying; Frederick, Md.,
during the Civil War.
Reel 22
Kate Foster Diary, 1863–1872.
Adams County, Mississippi
This diary contains poetry and inconsistent entries by Kate Foster.
Papers, 1863–1872, Section A.
Major Topics: Poetry; religious organizations; death and dying.
Amanda E. Gardner Papers, 1833–1892.
Dallas County, Alabama
The Amanda E. Gardner papers contain letters sent to Gardner, including some from
Confederate military personnel.
Frame No.
Papers, 1833–1892.
Major Topics: Births; death and dying; diseases and disorders; recipes;
personal property; Christianity; personal and family income; Presbyterian
Female Collegiate Institute; tuition and fees; letters from Confederate
military personnel; military pay and allowances; employment; deeds and
Principal Correspondents: Louisa A. Foster; Mary H. Cemberton; James M.
Edney; Elizabeth Gardner; W. M. Smythe; John A. Gardner; C. M. Hayes;
Louisa E. Edney; Maria J. Forester.
Grout Family Papers, 1848–1984.
Durham, North Carolina; also Georgia, Tennessee, and Massachusetts
Most of the letters contained in the first two folders are from Julia Grout and contain a
great deal of information about her life as a professor of physical education at Trinity
College, later Duke University. Grout’s letters continue after her retirement from Duke
University, including information about her family genealogy and her experience
traveling around the world. Many letters contain margin notes written by Julia years after
the original letters were composed.
Correspondence, 1828–1928.
Major Topics: Marriage; Duke University; swimming; Delta Phi Rho Alpha
sorority; physical education; checking and savings accounts; personal
and family income; travel and tourism.
Principal Correspondents: Hannah Snow Miller; Julia R. Grout.
Correspondence, 1929–1982.
Major Topics: Travel and tourism; Duke University; physical education;
airlines and air travel; Outer Banks; diseases and disorders; speeches
and addresses; Julia Grout political involvement; health care.
Principal Correspondents: Julia R. Grout; Ruth Smith; Elizabeth C. Bookhout;
Robert J. Dole.
Addresses and Writings, 1883–1893. North Brookfield, Mass., and
Durham, N.C.
Major Topics: Elementary and secondary education; Dorchester Academy,
McIntosh, Ga.
Addresses and Writings, 1937–1982. North Brookfield, Mass., and
Durham, N.C.
Major Topics: Travel and tourism; physical education; honors and awards;
retirement; “Boyhood Days in Hopkinton, Massachusetts in the 1870’s”;
education; elections; diary of Laura Miller Grout; Altrusa Club, Durham,
N.C.; “Personal Recollections of Our Family Life in the Early 1900’s”;
vacation homes; poetry.
Principal Correspondents: Julia R. Grout; Edgar Homer Grout; Laura Miller
Legal Papers, 1863.
Major Topic: Draft exemption.
The Spiral Diary, [1892–1893].
Major Topics: Death and dying; Christianity; Grout family genealogy.
Principal Correspondent: Julia R. Grout.
Frame No.
My Trip Abroad, [1958].
Major Topics: Airlines and air travel; travel and tourism; Congo; South Africa;
Nairobi; Victoria Falls; Uganda; Greece; Iceland; volcanoes; England;
Italy; Spain; Portugal; Netherlands; Sweden; Norway; travel expenses;
gifts and donations.
Principal Correspondent: Julia R. Grout.
The Lincoln Robin, 1947.
Major Topics: Grout family genealogy; employment; marriage; children; death
and dying.
Invitation, April 1, 1978.
Major Topics: Julia R. Grout’s 80th birthday; gifts and donations.
Family Memories by Julia R. Grout, 1974.
Reel 23
Hughes-Gray Family Papers, 1805–1878 (Selections Only).
District of Columbia, Maryland, and New Jersey
The Hughes-Gray papers include letters relating to personal and family business, politics
and Christianity. The Hughes family operated successful newspapers in Maryland.
Many of the letters concern vacations and family travel experiences.
Correspondence, 1815–1835.
Principal Correspondents: David L. Jacob; Jeremiah Hughes; John J. Jacob.
Correspondence, 1836.
Major Topics: Christianity; personal and family income; diseases and
disorders; cemeteries and funerals; death and dying; elections.
Principal Correspondents: Hannah A. Hughes; Ezekiel Hughes.
Correspondence, 1837–1839.
Major Topics: Travel and tourism; Christianity.
Principal Correspondents: Jeremiah Hughes; Hannah A. Hughes;
J. R. Vinton; J. H. Baldwin.
Correspondence, 1840–March 1842.
Major Topics: Military appointments and promotions; diseases and disorders;
travel and tourism.
Principal Correspondents: Hannah A. Hughes; Bill Harlan Elliott.
Correspondence, 1842–April 1843.
Major Topics: Death and dying; Christianity; travel and tourism; marriage;
diseases and disorders.
Principal Correspondents: Hannah A. Hughes; Susan Hughes.
Correspondence, 1844–1846.
Major Topics: Society of Friends; leasing and renting; employment; poetry;
personal and family income.
Principal Correspondents: J. Little; J. N. Alexander; Hannah A. Hughes; John
Frame No.
Correspondence, 1847–1848.
Major Topics: Travel and tourism; surveyors and surveying; presidential
elections; emancipation; publishers and publishing; government
documents; employment.
Principal Correspondents: E. M. Eichelberger; Hannah A. Hughes;
M. L. Alexander.
Reel 24
Hughes-Gray Family Papers cont.
Correspondence, 1849.
Major Topics: Personal and family income; travel and tourism.
Principal Correspondent: Hannah A. Hughes.
Correspondence, 1850–1851.
Major Topics: 1850 presidential elections; death and dying; health condition;
diseases and disorders; vacations; holidays.
Principal Correspondents: Hannah A. Hughes; Anne C. Hardy; C. P. Gray.
Correspondence, 1852–1857.
Major Topics: Poetry; crime and criminals; trials; checking and savings
accounts; land ownership and rights; deeds and conveyances; travel and
tourism; elections.
Principal Correspondents: Hannah A. Hughes; Charles Gray; George W.
Sweet; Ellis Hughes; Thomas A. Hendricks; James H. Gillis; Claude
Baxley; Emma Lockert.
Correspondence, 1858–1859.
Major Topics: Elections; travel and tourism; personal and family income;
secession; death and dying.
Principal Correspondents: Hannah A. Hughes; Claude Baxley; Charlianna Y.
Gray; Sarah Francis Hughes.
Correspondence, 1860–1869.
Major Topics: Personal and family income; elections; Bloody Kansas; slaves
and slavery; death and dying; congressional elections; investments;
geography; emancipation; miscegenation; voting rights; marriage; mines
and mining; securities.
Principal Correspondents: Hannah A. Gray; Fanny Gray; Jerry H. Gray;
Sarah Francis Hughes; Charles Gray; Ellis Hughes; Robert Drake; John
Correspondence, 1870–1876.
Major Topics: Christianity; diseases and disorders; personal and family
income; travel and tourism; leasing and renting; personal debt; holidays;
Principal Correspondents: Hannah A. Gray; Sarah Francis Hughes; Fanny
Gray; D. Claude.
Frame No.
Reel 25
Hughes-Gray Family Papers, cont.
Correspondence, 1877–March 1878.
Major Topics: Urban transportation; gender discrimination; local government;
Christianity; newspapers; education; travel and tourism; cemeteries and
Principal Correspondents: Jeremiah H. Gray; Jason Wilson; Hannah A. Gray;
Fanny Gray.
Correspondence, April 1878–August 1879.
Major Topics: Christianity; death and dying; diseases and disorders.
Principal Correspondents: Jeremiah H. Gray; Hannah A. Gray; Ezekiel
Ladies Volunteer Aid Society of Pine Hills, Minutes, 1861.
Ouachita Parish, Louisiana
Entries include minutes of meetings—specifically elections and fund-raising goals.
Minutes, 1861. Chapel Hill, La.
Major Topics: Membership organizations; elected officers; fund-raising;
charitable organizations.
Pope-Carter Family Papers, 1791–1967.
Giles, Mary, and Williamson Counties, Tennessee
The Pope-Carter papers include information about personal and family financial
struggles and issues related to inheritance. Some of the letters concern the Civil War,
including details of battles and information about prisoners of war.
Correspondence, 1818–1833.
Major Topics: Travel and tourism; books and bookselling; leasing and renting;
diseases and disorders; personal debt; personal and family income;
usury; wills and probate; hunting and trapping.
Principal Correspondents: J. C. Carter; Washington Duvall; C. Pope; R. L.
Foster; E. F. Pope; William S. Clark; William R. Pope; Walter L. Jenkins;
Ann Pope; Elias Barraden; Thomas J. Clark; J. D. McAlister; Charles M.
McAlister; S. Carter; Daniel Carter; G. A. Pope; Ammarilla T. Baugh.
Correspondence, 1834–1856.
Major Topics: Wills and probate; personal property; diseases and disorders;
deeds and conveyances; livestock and livestock industry; corn; farms and
farmers; railroads; travel and tourism.
Principal Correspondents: J. C. Carter; M. R. Pope; Thomas J. Clark; Castow
Kearney; Lucy Webster; Moses H. Roberts; William L. Pope; Mary Rivers.
Correspondence, 1857–1864.
Major Topics: Travel and tourism; health condition; military personnel;
censorship; right of privacy; Battle of Chickamauga; prisoners of war;
diseases and disorders; foreign exchange.
Frame No.
Principal Correspondents: W. Rivers; J. R. Pope; Lesey J. Pope; B. F. Carter;
R. H. Watkins; Jefferson Davis; R. E. Douglas; E. D. Richardson; J. C.
McDonald; H. S. Burnham.
Correspondence, 1865–1917.
Major Topics: Health condition; Joseph E. Johnston’s surrender to William
Tecumseh Sherman.
Principal Correspondents: N. J. Wood; Cynthia R. Carter; M. B. Taylor;
J. M. Schofield; Joseph E. Johnston; William Tecumseh Sherman;
Joseph Wheeler; Robert E. Lee.
Reel 26
Marion Morgan Richardson Autograph Album, 1895–1898.
Baltimore, Maryland
This book contains autographs and cartoons.
Autograph Album, 1895–1898 (Bulk 1895). Section A.
Mrs. Ridgely Papers, 1858.
The Ridgely papers are very hard to decipher due to her style of writing; Ridgely used a
very dark pen and did not accurately form the letters or space the words.
Letters, May 8–July 12, 1858 and n.d.
St. James Episcopal Church Ladies Guild Records, 1897–1901.
Peewee Valley, Kentucky
This collection contains recipes and a few short notes.
Papers, 1897–1901 and n.d.
Major Topics: Books and bookselling; women’s suffrage; recipes.
Principal Correspondents: R. M. Reeder; Laura Clay; Mary E. Wilkins; A. S.
Whitney; James Lane Allen; Viola Allen; Grace King; Agnes Repplier;
James L. Fields.
Washington M. Smith Papers, 1831–1916.
Dallas County, Alabama; also Georgia, Minnesota, and Texas
The Washington M. Smith papers are largely a collection of letters between Susan P.
Smith, Washington’s widow, and her children. The majority of the letters are between
Oscar E. Smith, Alton D. Smith, and Susan P. Smith. These letters cover issues ranging
from inheritance and personal income to real estate and property taxes. In the later
years of her life, Smith was plagued with financial difficulties and faced bankruptcy many
times. Many letters sent to her sons are appeals for money or explanations of why she
could not loan money to them. As money became scarce, Smith and her children began
to have many conflicts, mainly centered on the remaining parts of Washington M.
Smith’s estate.
Frame No.
Letters, 1868–Feb. 1869.
Major Topics: Real estate business; personal and family income; checking
and savings accounts; health condition; cotton; agricultural marketing;
diseases and disorders.
Principal Correspondents: V. K. Stevenson; Washington M. Smith; W. M.
Screws; C. E. Thames; Jason P. Holcombe; Daniel Wheeler; L. Gibbons;
John T. Turner; Edward W. McGinnis; W. P. Smith; J. H. Watts; Susan P.
Smith; Hilary A. Herbert.
Letters, Mar.–Dec. 1869.
Major Topics: Death and dying; checking and savings accounts; wills and
probate; diseases and disorders; health condition; real estate business;
travel and tourism.
Principal Correspondents: Maggie Lee; William M. Brooks; Caroline M.
Jones; C. M. Shelley; Edward W. McGinnis; Alton D. Smith; Hilary A.
Herbert; Washington M. Smith; Susan P. Smith; D. S. Smith; Charles E.
Whitehead; V. K. Stevenson Jr.; John T. Morgan; Washington M. Smith;
E. M. Boykin; Dallas Boyd; W. H. Hendrick; E. H. Lipton; Hilary A.
Herbert; S. A. Brock; Ida Whiting; H. A. Stollenwerck; John T. Morgan;
Sallie A. Brick; C. E. Thames.
Letters, Jan.–Sept. 1870.
Major Topics: Real estate business; wills and probate; personal debt; loans.
Principal Correspondents: Washington M. Smith; John H. Jones;
E. M. Boykin; C. E. Thames; Hilary A. Herbert; Oscar E. Smith; John T.
Morgan; Oscar Stephenson; Knox Lee; Edmund M. Pettus; N. H. R.
Dawson; William C. Ward; John W. Roberts; Susan P. Smith; J. B. Baker;
Henry Happs; J. F. Cornby; A. R. Capehart; J. B. Hawthorn; John C.
Letters, Oct. 1870–May 1871.
Major Topics: Personal property; diseases and disorders; wills and probate;
personal debt; personal and family income; property tax; tax collection
and administration; estate tax.
Principal Correspondents: Susan P. Smith; E. M. Boykin; Hilary A. Herbert;
C. E. Thames; Edward W. McGinnis; Charles E. Whitehead; J. B.
Hawthorn; A. R. Capehart; W. W. DuBose; H. A. Stollenwerck; John W.
Letters, June 1871–May 1872.
Major Topics: Travel and tourism; wills and probate; real estate business;
lawsuits; civil procedure; checking and savings accounts; cotton.
Principal Correspondents: Carrie E. Jones; Susan P. Smith; Hilary A. Herbert;
George O. Baker; A. E. Mott; V. K. Stevenson; C. E. Thames; D. Buell;
A. R. Capehart; Oscar E. Smith; Mary M. Campbell; John W. Roberts;
L. Gibbons; Charles E. Whitehead; T. M. McKay; W. L. Smithson;
R. S. Guernsey; James W. Lapsley; W. H. Hendrick.
Letters, June 1872–Apr. 1873.
Major Topics: VMI; furloughs and leaves; leasing and renting; eviction; real
estate business; deeds and conveyances; clothing and clothing industry;
death and dying; wills and probate; diseases and disorders.
Frame No.
Principal Correspondents: Oscar E. Smith; Susan P. Smith; George O. Baker;
C. E. Thames; R. S. Guernsey; W. M. Galloway; Charles E. Whitehead;
George H. Craig; Hilary A. Herbert; John E. Ward; A. R. Capehart; John
T. Morgan.
Reel 27
Washington M. Smith Papers cont.
Letters, May 1873–1874.
Major Topics: Public health; personal property; travel and tourism; VMI;
tuition and fees; leasing and renting; farms and farmers; death and dying;
deeds and conveyances; personal and family income; property tax;
livestock and livestock industry; real estate business; public utilities;
mortgages; cotton.
Principal Correspondents: R. S. Guernsey; Susan P. Smith; Oscar E. Smith;
W. H. Hendrick; George O. Baker; E. M. Wade; M. M. Jones;
A. R. Capehart; R. C. Keeble; John W. Stillwell; Hilary A. Herbert; George
H. Craig; George Harrison; Alton D. Smith; Lou Chambers; W. P. Becker;
D. A. Nunn; Susie Jacobs; W. P. Smith; N. Woodruff; S. S. Pickering.
Letters, 1875.
Major Topics: Clothing and clothing industry; cotton; VMI; educational
attainment; farms and farmers; mortgages; civil procedure; lawsuits;
deeds and conveyances; personal debt.
Principal Correspondents: Oscar E. Smith; E. M. Boykin; Susan P. Smith;
William C. Ward; Hilary A. Herbert; A. R. Capehart; Charles H. Love;
Charles E. Whitehead; George F. Beach; R. S. Guernsey; J. H. Robinson;
H. G. Noble; Geoff H. Craig; J. R. John; W. P. Smith.
Letters, 1876.
Major Topics: Farms and farmers; agricultural production; mortgages; cotton;
leasing and renting.
Principal Correspondents: L. H. Montgomery; N. S. Jones; Susan P. Smith;
W. P. Smith; A. E. Baker; Oscar E. Smith; Hilary A. Herbert; Al Bourlier;
George O. Baker; L. S. Berry; John Rupert; J. W. Davis; Fae Collins;
M. R. Boggs; Geoff H. Craig; R. H. Hunt.
Letters, 1877.
Major Topics: Cotton; farms and farmers; travel and tourism; livestock and
livestock industry; property tax; periodicals.
Principal Correspondents: Hilary A. Herbert; Oscar E. Smith; Agnes Young;
Abner Williams; J. W. Taylor; A. R. Capehart; George H. Craig; Dan
Breazeale; Sherwood H. Smith; Joseph N. Haney; Harriet D. Wood;
Charles E. Whitehead; W. H. Hendrick.
Letters, 1878.
Major Topics: Travel and tourism; property tax; personal and family income;
health condition.
Principal Correspondents: Susan P. Smith; Alton D. Smith; E. M. Boykin;
A. M. Winter; H. A. Collins; A. R. Capehart; Hilary A. Herbert;
T. P. McIntosh; Oscar E. Smith; L. M. Terrell; J. J. Palmer;
D. W. Callaway; R. S. Guernsey.
Frame No.
Letters, 1879.
Major Topics: Marriage; personal and family income; real estate business;
civil procedure; travel and tourism.
Principal Correspondents: Hilary A. Herbert; R. S. Guernsey; A. R. Capehart;
Beverly Labb; Oscar E. Smith; Leila Herbert; Ann B. Wilson;
H. S. D. Mallory.
Letters, Early 1870s.
Principal Correspondents: Oscar E. Smith; Susan P. Smith; Geoff H. Craig;
R. D. Bayne.
Reel 28
Washington M. Smith Papers cont.
Letters, 1880–1882.
Major Topics: Real estate business; educational expenses; property tax;
taxation; public utilities; Civil War battles; personal and family income;
personal debt; travel and tourism.
Principal Correspondents: William Stallsworth; B. Wolff; A. R. Capehart;
L. H. Lipscombe; Oscar E. Smith; Hugh Nelson; George H. Craig;
W. P. Ward; Hilary A. Herbert; Percy Clark; A. D. Dyett; Susan P. Smith;
Minnie Ward; T. P. McIntosh; Mary C. James; Jason B. Diggs.
Letters, 1883.
Major Topics: Personal property; real estate business; civil procedure; wills
and probate; personal debt.
Principal Correspondents: Oscar E. Smith; A. R. Capehart; Susan P. Smith;
William C. Ward; Jasper J. Norris; R. J. Davidson.
Letters, 1884.
Major Topics: Educational expenses; Shorter College; personal debt;
personal and family income; travel and tourism; insurance; taxation;
collection agencies; death and dying.
Principal Correspondents: L. R. Galloway; William C. Ward; A. R. Capehart;
E. L. Sturdivant; Edward Thompson; Susan P. Smith; Frank Boykin Jr.;
R. J. Davidson; Daniel Coleman; Duncan Echols; Percy Wood;
D. W. Callaway; Mary C. Benagh.
Letters, 1885–1886.
Major Topics: Death and dying; wills and probate; personal property; civil
procedure; taxation; property tax; checking and savings accounts.
Principal Correspondents: B. F. Wilson; William C. Ward; A. R. Capehart;
A. D. Dyett; Oscar E. Smith; J. W. Moore; Jason B. Diggs; Ida Smith;
G. W. Taylor; E. R. Dean; A. E. Baker; Susan P. Smith; Mrs. F. Watson.
Letters, 1887.
Major Topics: Personal debt; taxation; property tax; health condition;
insurance; travel and tourism; wills and probate; personal and family
Frame No.
Principal Correspondents: Jason B. Diggs; Hilary A. Herbert; Albert D. Bloch;
Ida Smith; Frank Boykin Jr.; Ed Madison; A. Meyers; A. R. Capehart;
Susan P. Smith; Frank A. Gernish; B. F. Wilson; Henry R. Dawson;
H. S. D. Mallory; Leila Herbert; F. M. Power; G. Harry Peacock.
Letters, 1888.
Major Topics: Travel and tourism; personal debt; personal property; real
estate business; auctions; life insurance; property tax; collection
agencies; fund-raising; charitable organizations.
Principal Correspondents: B. F. Wilson; Susan P. Smith; George H. Craig;
Ida Smith; G. Harry Peacock; Leila Herbert; Oscar E. Smith;
A. R. Capehart; Jason B. Diggs; Nathan Kahn; J. M. Baker; Willie
Dinham; E. C. Jones; Madge L. Barnhall; J. B. Jett; F. M. Power.
Reel 29
Washington M. Smith Papers cont.
Letters, 1889.
Major Topics: Health condition; diseases and disorders; property tax;
personal and family income; deeds and conveyances; real estate
business; wills and probate; clothing and clothing industry; travel and
Principal Correspondents: Ida Smith; B. F. Wilson; C. J. Griffin; Otto Stoelker;
Susan P. Smith; A. R. Capehart; William S. Woolsey; Susan P. Smith;
Oscar E. Smith; Hilary A. Herbert; B. E. Diggs; Leila Herbert; Jason B.
Diggs; H. S. D. Mallory; Thomas T. Fauntleroy; G. Harry Peacock.
Letters, 1880s.
Major Topics: Farms and farmers; personal and family income.
Principal Correspondents: Abee L. Wilson; Oscar E. Smith; Kate Goff; Susan
P. Smith; B. F. Wilson.
Letters, 1890–1891.
Major Topics: Real estate business; personal and family income; taxation;
mortgages; personal debt; loan delinquency and default; civil procedure;
wills and probate; drug abuse and treatment.
Principal Correspondents: Thomas T. Fauntleroy; J. J. McCardy; William C.
Ward; H. S. D. Mallory; Susan P. Smith; Katie Jordan; Alton D. Smith;
Hilary A. Herbert; J. Tipton; Jason B. Diggs; T. D. Becton; Ida Smith;
George Phillips; G. F. Cook; P. G. Bennett.
Letters, 1892.
Major Topics: Personal debt; loan delinquency and default; lawyers;
employment; clothing and clothing industry; insurance; civil procedure;
mortgages; wills and probate; elections.
Principal Correspondents: A. J. Dickinson; Nathan Kahn; S. A. Fawlkes;
Thomas T. Fauntleroy; Alton D. Smith; Oscar E. Smith; Sallie T. Owens;
Ida Smith; Susan P. Smith; John C. Reid; B. F. Wilson; William W.
Quarles; Hugh L. McElderry; Joe W. Bishop; Alice S. Wilson;
E. M. Austin; Otto Kueffner; J. J. Craig; Hilary A. Herbert.
Frame No.
Letters, Jan.–June 1893.
Major Topics: Personal debt; loan delinquency and default; property tax;
travel and tourism; Battle Creek Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich.; mental
health and illness; drug abuse and treatment.
Principal Correspondents: S. A. Fawlkes; H. S. D. Mallory; Alton D. Smith;
Susan P. Smith; O. H. Parker; Alice Wilson; J. J. McCardy; Jason B.
Diggs; A. J. Goodwin; J. H. Kellogg; C. C. Whitson; Otto Kueffner;
Spencer Tabb.
Letters, July–Dec. 1893.
Major Topics: Lawyers; personal debt; property tax; deeds and conveyances;
loan delinquency and default; travel and tourism; mental health and
illness; Battle Creek Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich.
Principal Correspondents: Oscar E. Smith; Jim Phillips; C. F. Geraed; Susan
P. Smith; Leila Herbert; S. A. Fawlkes; J. H. Kellogg; W. K. Kellogg; Alton
D. Smith; Ida Smith; Thomas T. Fauntleroy; H. S. D. Mallory.
Reel 30
Washington M. Smith Papers cont.
Letters, Jan.–June 1894.
Major Topics: Personal debt; loan delinquency and default; debt collection
agencies; property tax; drug abuse and treatment; travel and tourism;
mortgages; Smith family genealogy.
Principal Correspondents: Hilary A. Herbert; E. P. Roberts; S. A. Fawlkes;
Susan P. Smith; Oscar E. Smith; A. P. Leiser; Conrad W. Miller;
M. B. Wellborn; F. Stollenwerck; Ida Smith; J. J. McCardy;
H. S. D. Mallory; Mrs. A. Kayser; David Lloyd; Belle Boddie.
Letters, July–Dec. 1894.
Major Topics: Personal debt; loan delinquency and default; debt collection
agencies; property tax; diseases and disorders; wills and probate; health
condition; employment; real estate business.
Principal Correspondents: Susan P. Smith; Hilary A. Herbert; Oscar E. Smith;
Ida Smith; B. F. Wilson; L. A. Bell; H. L. Chapin; H. S. D. Mallory; William
Taylor; Thomas T. Fauntleroy; J. M. Davis; Alton D. Smith; Alice Wilson;
William C. Ward; Helen Smith.
Letters, Jan.–May 1895.
Major Topics: Personal debt; loan delinquency and default; debt collection
agencies; health condition; employment; travel and tourism; property tax;
construction industry; Smith family genealogy.
Principal Correspondents: Alice P. Wilson; Alton D. Smith; Susan P. Smith;
P. H. Pitts; J. L. Bishop; B. F. Wilson; Hilary A. Herbert; Leila Herbert;
Oscar E. Smith; J. J. McCardy; S. A. Fowlkes; William R. Baird; Thomas
Gatchell; Belle Boddie.
Letters, June–Sept. 1895.
Major Topics: Leasing and renting; deeds and conveyances; wills and
probate; health condition; travel and tourism; civil procedure; personal
property; real estate business.
Frame No.
Principal Correspondents: Ida Smith; Alice P. Wilson; B. F. Wilson; Thomas
T. Fauntleroy; Susan P. Smith; Hilary A. Herbert; Alton D. Smith;
E. P. Roberts; Oscar E. Smith; H. S. D. Mallory; George W. Wise; Charles
J. Dunlap Jr.; W. C. Culverhouse; David Lloyd.
Letters, Oct.–Dec. 1895.
Major Topics: Property tax; mortgages; wills and probate; personal debt;
insurance companies; civil procedure; real estate business.
Principal Correspondents: Alton D. Smith; J. J. McCardy; Thomas T.
Fauntleroy; Alice S. Wilson; Ida Smith; H. S. D. Mallory; Susan P. Smith;
Hilary A. Herbert; David Lloyd; S. S. Pickering; Kate Goff; B. F. Wilson;
Louise Manly.
Reel 31
Washington M. Smith Papers cont.
Letters, Jan.–Mar. 1896.
Major Topics: Cemeteries and funerals; personal and family income; tuition
and fees; insurance companies; travel and tourism; personal debt; debt
collection agencies; civil procedure; private clubs and societies; personal
Principal Correspondents: Susie Parker Wilson; Susan P. Smith; Mary
Lumbry; H. S. D. Mallory; Oscar E. Smith; R. D. Bayne; Syd B. Sturdivant;
Andrew Mixon; John Calvin Hanna; Alton D. Smith; George Phillips.
Letters, June–Apr. 1896.
Major Topics: Taxation; property tax; personal debt; lawyers; travel and
tourism; leasing and renting; real estate business; mortgages; deeds and
conveyances; dividends and interest income.
Principal Correspondents: Oscar E. Smith; Alton D. Smith; H. S. D. Mallory;
Susan P. Smith; J. J. McCardy; E. P. Roberts; A. Kayser; Thomas T.
Fauntleroy; John W. Pinch; E. P. Roberts; B. F. Wilson; M. Siegel.
Letters, July–Aug. 1896.
Major Topics: Insurance and insurance industry; travel and tourism; personal
debt; personal and family income; health condition; personal debt.
Principal Correspondents: Oscar E. Smith; M. E. Kohn; H. S. D. Mallory;
R. J. Davidson; James D. Gamble; E. P. Roberts; B. F. Wilson; Ida Smith;
John P. Furniss; Alton D. Smith; Susan P. Smith; E. B. Ward; Louise
Letters, Sept.–Oct. 1896.
Major Topics: Leasing and renting; household workers; personal and family
income; personal debt; medical economics.
Principal Correspondents: Susan P. Smith; A. L. McLeod; Alton D. Smith; Ida
Smith; Oscar E. Smith; Syd Barker; Emma Smith; E. P. Roberts; John D.
Moseley; J. M. Burns; Louise Manly; B. F. Wilson.
Letters, 1896, Nov.–Dec.
Major Topics: Personal debt; business debt; health condition; personal and
family income; household workers; debt collection agencies; medical
Frame No.
Principal Correspondents: Alton D. Smith; Emma Smith; Oscar E. Smith;
E. P. Roberts; Susan P. Smith; John D. Moseley; J. S. McCants.
Letters, Jan.–Mar. 1897.
Major Topics: Travel and tourism; taxation; property tax; real estate business;
diseases and disorders; health condition; public utilities; personal debt;
debt collection agencies.
Principal Correspondents: Susan P. Smith; Hugh Leonard; George M.
Quarles; H. S. D. Mallory; Emma Smith; Ida Smith; Oscar E. Smith; Alton
D. Smith; J. S. McCants; B. F. Wilson; E. P. Roberts; J. S. McCants.
Reel 32
Washington M. Smith Papers cont.
Letters, Apr.–July 1897.
Major Topics: Personal property; property tax; personal debt; diseases and
disorders; personal and family income; stocks; mortgages.
Principal Correspondents: J. J. McCardy; Susie Parker Wilson; Oscar E.
Smith; Sallie Byrd; Susan P. Smith; Frank P. Slade; Hilary A. Herbert;
H. S. D. Mallory; Alice Smith Wilson; Ida Smith; A. W. Cawthon.
Letters, June–Sept. 1897.
Major Topics: Property tax; deeds and conveyances; mortgages; wills and
probate; personal debt; real estate business.
Principal Correspondents: Susan P. Smith; Ida Smith; Oscar E. Smith; Frank
P. Slade; H. Hillborn; Alice Smith Wilson; H. L. McLeod; John D. Moseley;
L. E. Jeffries; J. J. McCardy; Hilary A. Herbert; B. F. Ellis.
Letters, Oct. 1897–1898.
Major Topics: Personal and family income; personal debt; diseases and
disorders; quarantines; travel and tourism.
Principal Correspondents: Oscar E. Smith; Ida Smith; Susan P. Smith;
L. E. Jeffries; R. J. Davidson; H. S. D. Mallory; Hilary A. Herbert;
M. Siegel; Alice Smith Wilson.
Letters, 1890s.
Major Topics: Personal debt; diseases and disorders.
Principal Correspondents: Alice Smith Wilson; Susan P. Smith; J. J.
McCardy; Ida Smith; B. Newman; Alfred Hunter; M. M. Smith;
B. F. Wilson; Oscar E. Smith; H. S. D. Mallory.
Letters, Jan.–June 1899.
Major Topics: Personal debt; wills and probate; civil procedure; insurance and
insurance industry; property tax; churches; fund-raising; deeds and
conveyances; personal property.
Principal Correspondents: Oscar E. Smith; Susan P. Smith; Ida Smith;
R. H. Mabry; J. J. McCardy; R. E. Bryan; H. S. D. Mallory; B. F. Wilson.
Letters, July–Dec. 1899.
Major Topics: Personal property; real estate business; wills and probate;
travel and tourism; gambling; death and dying; health condition.
Principal Correspondents: Frederick D. Rice; Alton D. Smith; M. Siegel;
J. J. McCardy; Oscar E. Smith; Susan P. Smith; G. W. Herndon;
Frame No.
H. S. D. Mallory; Ida Smith; R. J. Davidson; E. B. Martin; Alice Smith
Wilson; B. F. Wilson.
Reel 33
Washington M. Smith Papers cont.
Letters, 1900.
Major Topics: Property tax; taxation; medical economics; personal and family
income; personal debt; deeds and conveyances; marriage.
Principal Correspondents: H. Beiman; J. J. McCardy; Susan P. Smith;
H. C. Lodge; Alex White; Alice Smith Wilson; J. S. McCants; Oscar E.
Smith; N. M. Johnson; R. H. Mabry; S. S. Pickering; R. J. Davidson;
Daniel Partridge Jr.; B. F. Wilson; Hilary A. Herbert; Otto Kueffner; L. W.
Mason; S. T. Tabb; Ida Smith; S. A. Fowlkes; M. Siegel; W. B. Alexander.
Letters, 1901–June 1902.
Major Topics: Personal debt; debt collection agencies; taxation; property tax;
real estate business; deeds and conveyances.
Principal Correspondents: Susan P. Smith; Hilary A. Herbert; L. E. Jeffries;
J. J. McCardy; Ida Smith; Otto Kueffner; Archibald L. McLeod; Charles H.
Ikerman; B. H. Craig; William W. Quarles; R. J. Davidson; H. Roisman;
M. A. Faye; J. R. Satterfield; M. L. Hill.
Letters, July, 1903–1903.
Major Topics: Personal and family income; personal debt; lawsuits; death and
dying; property tax.
Principal Correspondents: Susan P. Smith; William C. Ward; J. J. McCardy;
Oscar E. Smith; W. W. Quarles; Otto Bremer; J. R. Satterfield.
Letters, 1904–1916.
Principal Correspondents: Susan P. Smith; L. W. Mason; Ella H. Micou.
Mrs. Susan Smith’s Account Books, 1872.
Mrs. Susan Smith’s Account Books, 1884.
Butcher’s Book, 1889.
Mrs. Susan Smith’s Account Books, Oct. 1889.
Mrs. Susan Smith’s Account Books, Aug. 1893.
Mrs. Susan Smith’s Account Books, June 1894.
Mrs. Susan Smith’s Account Books, Oct. 1895.
Mrs. Susan Smith’s Account Books, Jan. 1895.
Mrs. Susan Smith’s Account Books, June 1897.
Mrs. Susan Smith’s Account Books, Oct. 1897.
Mrs. Susan Smith’s Account Books, May 1899.
Mrs. Susan Smith’s Account Books, Dec. 1900.
Sans Souci, a Select Home School for Girls, 1902–1903.
Frame No.
Frederick M. Stevens Papers, 1862–1865.
New Orleans, Louisiana
Contains information about Civil War battles, the parole of Confederate veterans, and
their return to civilian life.
Papers, 1862–1865.
Major Topics: Education; teachers; siege of Vicksburg, Miss.; life insurance;
marriage; courtship; oath of allegiance; prisoners of war; parole.
Principal Correspondent: M. Emanuel.
Reel 34
Sarah E. Thompson Bacon Papers, 1855–1904.
Greene County, Tennessee; also New York and Ohio
Sarah E. Thompson writes about John Morgan’s defeat and her experience spying for
the Union during the Civil War. Includes various letters of introduction and information
about her employment following the war.
Correspondence/Papers. 1855–1904.
Major Topics: Civil War; espionage; veterans benefits and pensions; travel
and tourism; marriage.
Principal Correspondents: Sarah E. Thompson; Orville Bacon; S. G. Carter;
John G. Johnson; Andrew Johnson; John B. Brownlow; E. J. Brooks;
A. B. Stevens; H. H. Horton; George W. Vail; Butler Smith; James R.
Correspondence/Papers. 1855–1904.
Major Topics: Veterans benefits and pensions; civil service appointments and
promotions; espionage.
Principal Correspondents: Russell Baker; John K. Lane; N. P. Brown; John G.
Johnson; E. J. Brooks; Andrew Johnson; S. G. Carter; John B. Brownlow;
Sarah E. Thompson; Alice Cooper; M. J. Foote.
Catherine Ann (Ware) Warfield Papers, 1867–1868.
Jefferson County, Kentucky
Contains the poetry of Catherine Ann (Ware) Warfield.
Papers, 1867–1868.
Major Topic: Poetry.
Kate M. Watkins Autograph Albums, 1858–1870
New Orleans, Louisiana
Contains autographs, reminiscences, poetry and stories from friends and acquaintances,
including many Confederate veterans.
Kate M. Watkins Autograph Album, 1858–1870.
Major Topic: Poetry.
Treasure Room Album.
Major Topic: Signatures of Confederate veterans.
Frame No.
Mary Webb Papers, 1797–1799.
Henry County, Kentucky
Contains poetry and stories.
Papers, undated.
Major Topic: Poetry.
Alice Williamson Diary, 1864.
Sumner County, Tennessee
Entries include discussion of the Civil War. Writing is small and very light.
Papers, 1864.
Major Topic: Civil War.
Jennie Young Diary, 1858.
District of Columbia
Includes sequential entries and signatures.
Diary, 1858.
Julia Nash Young Journal, 1830–1832.
In addition to short entries, the journal contains information about personal finances and
other short notes.
Journal, 1830–1832.
Major Topic: Personal and family income.
The following index is a guide to the major topics in this microform publication. The first
number after each entry refers to the reel, while the four-digit number following the colon refers
to the frame number at which the file containing information on the subject begins. Hence,
14: 0734 directs researchers to Frame 0734 of Reel 14. By referring to the Reel Index, which
constitutes the initial segment of this guide, the researcher will find the folder title, inclusive
dates, and a list of Major Topics and Principal Correspondents, listed in the order in which they
appear on the film.
Abbot, Lucy
14: 0734
Adair, Anna L.
9: 0251, 0713; 17: 0651
Adams, Bettie V.
5: 0001; 6: 0559–0661; 7: 0001–0367;
10: 0524; 11: 0243; 14: 0531;
17: 0265–0651; 18: 0146
Adams, F. A.
7: 0144
Adams, W. J.
15: 0460–0687; 16: 0001; 17: 0001
Aiken, Francis Powell
16: 0001
Aldrich, W. F.
8: 0532
Alexander, J. N.
23: 0690
Alexander, M. L.
23: 0856
Alexander, W. B.
33: 0001
Allen, James Lane
26: 0048
Allen, Richard H., Jr.
1: 0830
Allen, Viola
26: 0048
Allen, William D.
12: 0468
Arlington, Mary R.
5: 0693; 7: 0512
Armstrong, Selene
14: 0130
Armstrong, Zella
16: 0001
Arrington, John W.
14: 0001
Arrington, Mary R.
13: 0559
Arrington, Pauline
16: 0351
Asher, Allan
5: 0852
Atkinson, Ann
5: 0852; 6: 0123
Austin, Elizabeth
14: 0531
Austin, E. M.
29: 0464
Austin, O. P.
17: 0001
Avery, Rachel Foster
8: 0245
Ayer, J. L.
16: 0534
Baars, H.
7: 0144
Babb, J. B.
13: 0777
Bacon, Augustus Octavius
16: 0001
Bacon, Orville
34: 0001
Bacon, Virginia Lamar
12: 0468
Badness, Butler
5: 0852
Bailey, Margaret H.
18: 0146
Baird, William R.
30: 0397
Baker, A. E.
27: 0404; 28: 0452
Baker, Abbie G.
9: 0001
Baker, George O.
26: 0748–0875; 27: 0001, 0404
Baker, J. B.
26: 0362
Baker, J. M.
28: 0856
Baker, Rachel F. Jordan
17: 0461
Baker, Russell
34: 0111
Balburg, Alice B.
18: 0719
Baldwin, J. H.
23: 0275
Baliman, Emma P. Y.
15: 0460; 17: 0871
Ballon, William H.
5: 0560
Banister, Annie
2: 0001, 0479; 9: 0713
Banister, Corrilla
2: 0149; 9: 0713; 13: 0001; 14: 0531
17: 0461–0651
Banister, J. M.
8: 0245
Bankhead, Fallulah J.
14: 0324
Barker, Syd
31: 0542
Barlow, Florence
10: 0193, 0524; 17: 0001
Barnard, Mattie
7: 0144; 11: 0001
Barnard, M. P.
6: 0388
Barnhall, Madge L.
28: 0856
Barns, E. G.
5: 0852
Barraden, Elias
25: 0273
Barrister, Anne
8: 0737; 15: 0205
Barrow, Kate Trader
14: 0001
Bartholomew, Leluna R.
17: 0651
Bashinsky, Elizabeth B.
17: 0001; 18: 0535
Basnett, Mrs. E. L.
14: 0531
Bassett, Marguirete
19: 0333
Bate, Julia P.
10: 0524; 13: 0001
Battle, H. B.
11: 0001; 12: 0273; 15: 0886
Battle, Jacob
3: 0348
Battle, William A.
5: 0001; 10: 0001; 12: 0748; 13: 0001;
18: 0535
Baugh, Ammarilla T.
25: 0273
Baxley, Claude
24: 0287, 0475
Bayard, Thomas F.
4: 0001, 0623
Bayne, R. D.
27: 0964; 31: 0001
Beach, George F.
27: 0252
Beale, Phelan
13: 0001
Beaugh, Elizabeth R.
15: 0205
Becker, W. P.
27: 0001
Becton, T. D.
29: 0293
Beiman, H.
33: 0001
Beirun, Howard
18: 0146
Bell, Clark
13: 0559
Bell, L. A.
30: 0207
Benagh, Lizzie R.
9: 0251, 0713; 10: 0193; 11: 0676;
13: 0338; 14: 0734; 16: 0001;
17: 0164
Benagh, Mary C.
9: 0557; 28: 0276
Benedict, Lois Coxe
14: 0324
Bennett, P. G.
29: 0293
Berry, L. S.
27: 0404
Biff, Camilla Madding
14: 0531
Biff, C. E.
3: 0147; 5: 0852
Biff, Cordelia M.
2: 0288, 0631; 3: 0001, 0526, 0937;
4: 0305; 7: 0144, 0831; 8: 0245;
10: 0524; 13: 0559; 14: 0324, 0734;
15: 0205; 17: 0871
Biff, Mrs. Robert C.
14: 0531
Biff, W. C.
2: 0149; 4: 0623
Biggs, Alice L.
18: 0001
Birmingham, Basil
16: 0169
Bishop, J. L.
30: 0397
Bishop, Joe W.
29: 0464
Black, J. S.
3: 0348
Blackley, E. M.
1: 0536
Blanton, B.
10: 0816
Bloch, Albert D.
28: 0604
Boddie, Belle
10: 0001; 12: 0273; 13: 0777; 30: 0001,
Bogenhatt, Ernestine H.
13: 0559; 16: 0351
Bogg, Ada Barton
11: 0676; 12: 0001
Boggs, M. R.
27: 0404
Bolling, M. H.
8: 0532
Bolton, Daisy
13: 0777
Bookhout, Elizabeth C.
22: 0349
Booth, A. M.
14: 0324
Boulefrey, E. P.
1: 0308
Bourlier, Al
27: 0404
Boyd, Dallas
26: 0190
Boyd, H. A.
1: 0128
Boykin, E. M.
26: 0190, 0362, 0574; 27: 0252, 0712
Boykin, Frank, Jr.
28: 0276, 0604
Bradshaw, Annie
10: 0816
Bragg, W. L.
3: 0001
Breazeale, Dan
27: 0555
Bremer, Otto
33: 0334
Brevard, Sallie
12: 0748
Brick, Sallie A.
26: 0190
Brickell, Mary
9: 0001
Brickell, R. C.
7: 0512; 8: 0245, 0532
Brinkley, E. M.
18: 0146
Broadus, S. S.
13: 0559; 14: 0324; 15: 0460, 0687;
16: 0351, 0534; 17: 0001
Brock, S. A.
26: 0190
Brooks, E. F.
1: 0536
Brooks, E. J.
34: 0001, 0111
Brooks, M. M.
2: 0001, 0631
Brooks, William M.
26: 0190
Brown, Anna
11: 0676
Brown, E. F.
1: 0308
Brown, Latice R.
7: 0144
Brown, L. E.
13: 0001
Brown, LeRoy
12: 0273
Brown, N. P.
34: 0111
Brown, S. H.
17: 0265
Brown, Virginia M.
14: 0324
Brownlow, John B.
34: 0001, 0111
Brundage, C. A.
16: 0169
Bryan, Harry L.
4: 0164
Bryan, Jane W.
6: 0123
Bryan, R. E.
32: 0586
Bryce, Ellen Peter
15: 0205; 16: 0775
Buck, S. H.
6: 0388
Buel, C. C.
10: 0193
Buell, D.
26: 0748
Bugg, Katherine R.
16: 0534
Bullock, Elisa M.
8: 0737
Bunn, B. H.
3: 0348
Burke, William A.
7: 0144
Burnham, H. S.
25: 0722
Burns, J. M.
31: 0542
Byrd, Sallie
32: 0001
Caldwell, John H.
3: 0001
Caldwell, Katie B.
7: 0144
Caldwell, O. H.
17: 0164
Callaway, D. W.
27: 0712; 28: 0276
Campbell, Belle
13: 0001
Campbell, Mary M.
26: 0748
Cannon, Lucy Anne
18: 0001
Capehart, A. R.
26: 0362, 0574, 0748, 0875; 27: 0001,
0252, 0555, 0712, 0860; 28: 0001,
0180, 0276, 0452, 0604, 0856;
29: 0001
Carpenter, Frank S.
5: 0001
Carr, Julian S.
16: 0169, 0351, 0775
Carter, B. F.
25: 0722
Carter, Cynthia R.
25: 0965
Carter, Daniel
25: 0273
Carter, J. C.
25: 0273, 0519
Carter, Louise
14: 0324
Carter, S.
25: 0273
Carter, S. G.
34: 0001, 0111
Catt, Carrie Chapman
10: 0193; 14: 0130; 18: 0535
Cawthon, A. W.
32: 0001
Cemberton, Mary H.
22: 0028
Chadwick, John D.
12: 0468
Chambers, Belle Bird
11: 0676
Chambers, Bessie M. L.
12: 0001
Chambers, Laura
8: 0245
Chambers, Lou
27: 0001
Chambers, Mollie F.
7: 0144
Chambers, William L.
6: 0559, 0841; 7: 0512; 9: 0557;
10: 0524; 13: 0001, 0338
Chandler, William E.
12: 0273
Chapin, H. L.
30: 0207
Chapman, Berta
2: 0479
Chapman, Silas Mary
15: 0460
Chestney, Josephine O.
3: 0147; 4: 0305; 6: 0001
Clabaugh, Sam F.
15: 0001, 0205
Clanton, Juliet C.
5: 0217; 10: 0001; 14: 0324
Clark, Percy
28: 0001
Clark, Thomas J.
25: 0273, 0519
Clark, William S.
25: 0273
Clarke, George
11: 0421
Clary, Matt
3: 0001
Claude, D.
24: 0857
Clay, Carrie S.
10: 0193
Clay, Celeste
4: 0001–0164; 5: 0852; 6: 0001;
7: 0144; 18: 0675
Clay, Clement Claiborne
1: 0308, 0536; 2: 0751, 0858; 6: 0001
Clay, Clement Claiborne, Jr.
3: 0147; 4: 0488; 12: 0748
Clay, Clodie
3: 0348
Clay, H. L.
2: 0001–0288, 0751; 3: 0147–0526;
4: 0001–0164
Clay, J. C.
7: 0144; 17: 0651
Clay, J. Withers
7: 0831; 12: 0468; 15: 0460
Clay, Laura
8: 0737; 26: 0048
Clay, Louisa Johnson
3: 0001; 6: 0388; 8: 0001
Clay, Lucretia H.
15: 0205
Clay, Mary
2: 0288; 3: 0147
Clay, Mary Lewis
1: 0536; 9: 0557
Clay, Mary Rogers
9: 0001; 17: 0001
Clay, Mary S.
9: 0251
Clay, Matt
6: 0388; 12: 0468
Clay, Matthew
8: 0001
Clay, Moses
7: 0144
Clay, Sally
2: 0149
Clay, Susanna Withers
2: 0149
Clay, Susie B.
14: 0130
Clay, William Lewis
4: 0623–0795; 6: 0001; 8: 0737;
9: 0251, 0713; 10: 0001–0193,
0816; 11: 0243–0676; 12: 0001;
13: 0338–0559; 14: 0130–0324,
Clayton, Lenora
3: 0937; 4: 0488
Clingman, T. L.
4: 0623
Clopton, A. G.
5: 0381
Clopton, Celeste
7: 0512
Clopton, Clifford F.
6: 0001; 7: 0367, 0719; 11: 0421;
12: 0001, 0273
Clopton, Daniel
7: 0831
Clopton, David
3: 0147–0348; 4: 0623–0795; 5: 0001,
0217–0693; 6: 0123–0841; 7: 0001
Clopton, David, Jr.
7: 0367–0719; 8: 0001– 0532; 10: 0193;
15: 0205; 16: 0001; 17: 0001, 0461
Clopton, N. V.
7: 0144
Clopton, Virginia Clay
1: 0308; 2: 0149; 3: 0147, 0776;
4: 0164, 0488–0795; 5: 0217–0852;
6: 0001–0841; 7: 0144–0367, 0831;
8: 0245, 0737; 9: 0001–0251;
10: 0001–0816; 11: 0001–0243,
0676; 12: 0001–0468; 13: 0559;
14: 0001–0130, 0531; 15: 0001,
0460–0687; 16: 0351–0775;
17: 0001, 0265, 0651, 0871;
18: 0146–0912; 19: 0001–0504
Clopton, Virginia Clay, II
6: 0661; 7: 0001, 0367–0512; 8: 0001;
10: 0193
Clopton, Wilhelmina L.
10: 0193; 11: 0676
Coale, Edith Seville
15: 0886
Coate, P. Stenning
4: 0305
Cobbs, R. H.
3: 0001
Colcock, Charles J.
12: 0001
Coleman, A. B.
16: 0001
Coleman, Ann Raney Thomas
20: 0652–0750
Coleman, Daniel
2: 0751; 4: 0164–0305; 5: 0693;
7: 0144–0367; 10: 0193–0816;
28: 0276
Colledge, William A.
16: 0351
Collins, Fae
27: 0404
Collins, H. A.
27: 0712
Collins, Mrs. J. F.
14: 0734
Colquitt, Alfred H.
4: 0623
Comer, Annie Winston
15: 0001; 16: 0534, 0775; 17: 0001
Conehlon, Anna R.
13: 0001
Connally, M. H.
9: 0557
Conroy, Kate
15: 0460; 16: 0351
Cook, G. F.
29: 0293
Cook, Mary Elvira
6: 0001; 13: 0001, 0338; 14: 0324, 0531
Cook, Mollie E.
13: 0338, 0559; 14: 0734
Cooper, Alice
34: 0111
Cooper, Eliza P.
13: 0777
Cooper, Lawrence
8: 0001
Cooper, Lucy Bell
12: 0273
Copon, Fanny
2: 0479
Corbin, C. E.
3: 0348
Cordell, Frances McKee
17: 0871
Cornby, J. F.
26: 0362
Cory, M. A.
16: 0001
Cory, Marlene L.
10: 0816
Cottes, Nina Browne de
10: 0193
Councill, W. H.
11: 0676; 17: 0265
Coxe, Alice McC.
10: 0524–0816; 11: 0001; 12: 0468;
13: 0001–0559; 14: 0130–0324,
0734; 17: 0461–0651
Coxe, David
9: 0713; 10: 0193
Coxe, Eliza Danes
2: 0288; 4: 0001–0164, 0623; 5: 0381–
0693; 6: 0001–0123, 0661–0841;
7: 0144, 0831; 8: 0001–0737;
9: 0251; 10: 0193–0816; 11: 0421;
12: 0748; 13: 0001–0777; 14: 0001,
0734; 15: 0001–0205; 17: 0461,
0871; 18: 0001, 0535
Coxe, Lena C.
13: 0001
Coxe, Louisa
4: 0623; 9: 0001
Coxe, Lucien
6: 0841
Coxe, Macgrave
2: 0001; 7: 0367
Coxe, Robert E.
2: 0149; 3: 0776, 0937; 4: 0623;
5: 0158; 6: 0001, 0661, 0841;
7: 0144; 18: 0146
Craig, B. H.
33: 0147
Craig, Geoff H.
27: 0252, 0404, 0964
Craig, George H.
26: 0875; 27: 0001, 0555; 28: 0001,
Craig, J. J.
29: 0464
Culoen, George
1: 0308
Culverhouse, W. C.
30: 0603
Cunningham, S. A.
8: 0532
Currie, Philip W.
4: 0623
Dahlgren, Bettie T.
10: 0193
Davidson, R. J.
28: 0180–0276; 31: 0351; 32: 0341,
0835; 33: 0001–0147
Davis, Jefferson
1: 0308–0536; 2: 0149; 3: 0001–0776;
7: 0719; 11: 0243; 25: 0722
Davis, J. M.
30: 0207
Davis, J. W.
27: 0404
Davis, Mary L. Jackson
11: 0243
Davis, Norah
11: 0421
Dawson, Henry R.
28: 0604
Dawson, N. H. R.
26: 0362
Day, Harry
18: 0001
Day, Lionel W.
1: 0830
Dean, E. R.
28: 0452
Dedman, Eddie G.
16: 0351, 0775
Deed, Mannie N.
17: 0265
Demoville, J. F.
3: 0348, 0526
Dennis, Belle G.
18: 0001
Dent, S. H., Jr.
15: 0205
DeOvies, Raimundo
15: 0460
Derby, Anna Phelan
18: 0146
Desha, Mary
7: 0001
Detony, J. F.
1: 0536
Dickinson, A. J.
29: 0464
Diggs, B. E.
29: 0001
Diggs, Jason B.
28: 0001, 0452–0856; 29: 0001, 0293,
Dill, Jennie L.
14: 0130
Dillard, Charles M.
14: 0531
Dinham, Willie
28: 0856
Dole, Robert J.
22: 0349
Dominick, George J., Jr.
12: 0001
Donan, P.
4: 0623–0795; 5: 0217–0381, 0693;
6: 0123–0841; 7: 0001–0144, 0512;
8: 0001, 0532; 9: 0001, 0557;
10: 0001, 0524; 18: 0146
Donegan, Ella
18: 0001
Donegan, Kate C.
3: 0147; 13: 0559
Donegan, Sam M.
7: 0831; 8: 0001; 16: 0169, 0775
Douglas, R. E.
25: 0722
Dowdell, A. L.
15: 0205
Dox, Madge L.
2: 0001, 0631; 3: 0147; 5: 0852; 7: 0144
Drake, Robert
24: 0629
Drummond, L. O.
5: 0001
DuBois, Joel C.
14: 0001
DuBose, John Witherspoon
4: 0795
DuBose, W. W.
26: 0574
Duke, L. Zebbeon
14: 0734
Dunlap, Charles J., Jr.
30: 0603
Dunovant, Adelia A.
10: 0816; 11: 0676
Duvall, Washington
25: 0273
Dwight, Ethel L.
12: 0468
Dyett, A. D.
28: 0001, 0452
Echols, Duncan
28: 0276
Echols, Susie
18: 0535
Edelman, Louis
15: 0460, 0886
Edney, James M.
22: 0028
Edney, Louisa E.
22: 0028
Eichelberger, E. M.
23: 0856
Elliott, Bill Harlan
23: 0411
Elliott, C. D.
1: 0536
Elliott, Joseph H.
18: 0146
Ellis, B. F.
32: 0155
Emanuel, M.
33: 0613
English, Amanda E.
12: 0748
Evans, Mary Kennow
11: 0421; 12: 0273; 13: 0338; 15: 0460–
0687; 17: 0001
Falkner, J. M.
8: 0737; 9: 0001
Faries, J. A.
7: 0144
Farris, Ella H.
18: 0146
Faulk, M.
1: 0128
Fauntleroy, Thomas T.
29: 0001, 0293–0464, 0862; 30: 0207,
0603–0789; 31: 0212
Faust, Susie M.
15: 0001; 17: 0871
Fawlkes, S. A.
29: 0464, 0679, 0862; 30: 0001
Faye, M. A.
33: 0147
Ferguson, F. S.
15: 0687
Fields, James L.
26: 0048
Finlay, J. F.
16: 0001
Fitzpatrick, Alva
8: 0737
Fleming, Walter L.
13: 0338, 0559
Flick, Dixie Lee
13: 0001
Flick, Warren J.
13: 0001
Folger, Stephen Lane
12: 0001
Foote, M. J.
34: 0111
Forester, Maria J.
22: 0028
Forney, W. H.
1: 0830
Foster, Joshua H.
2: 0149
Foster, Louisa A.
22: 0028
Foster, R. L.
25: 0273
Fowlkes, S. A.
30: 0397; 33: 0001
Frayser, Emily B.
13: 0777; 14: 0001
Frye-Smith, Julia
14: 0734; 15: 0001; 16: 0001
Fuller, J. P., Jr.
11: 0001, 0421
Furniss, John P.
31: 0351
Galloway, L. R.
28: 0276
Galloway, W. M.
26: 0875
Gamble, Elizabeth P.
15: 0886; 16: 0534
Gamble, James D.
31: 0351
Gardner, Edward
15: 0205, 0460
Gardner, Elizabeth
22: 0028
Gardner, John A.
22: 0028
Garnett, Alice Evelyn
18: 0146
Garth, W. W.
8: 0001–0245, 0737; 10: 0193
Gatchell, Thomas
30: 0397
Gauche, Charles de
3: 0147
Gaylar, Martha S.
15: 0001
Geraed, C. F.
29: 0862
German, Mrs. A. McE.
15: 0205
Gernish, Frank A.
28: 0604
Gesham, Clara Tardy
13: 0338
Gibbons, L.
26: 0108, 0748
Gielow, Martha S.
12: 0748
Gillis, James H.
24: 0287
Gilmer, Morgan S.
16: 0534
Given, W. A.
14: 0531
Glentworth, Jennie
18: 0535
Goff, Kate
29: 0212; 30: 0789
Golsten, Electra Sommes
18: 0793
Gooch, Mattie
4: 0488
Goode, Mae Stone
16: 0001
Goodman, Corrine A.
13: 0001, 0777
Goodman, Louise K.
2: 0149
Goodman, Walter A.
1: 0830; 2: 0001–0149, 0631–0751;
3: 0001; 11: 0243; 13: 0777
Goodwin, A. J.
29: 0679
Goodwin, Eugenia H.
5: 0852
Gordon, Eugene G.
2: 0479, 0631
Gordon, F.
10: 0524
Gordon, George S.
1: 0308, 0536; 2: 0001, 0479
Gordon, J. B.
2: 0001; 9: 0251
Gordon, J. R.
5: 0217
Gordon, Kate M.
10: 0524; 11: 0001
Gordon, L.
2: 0479
Gordon, Leslie M.
17: 0651
Gordon, R. Cuyler
4: 0623
Gordon, T.
11: 0421
Gordon, William W.
4: 0623
Graham, John C.
26: 0362
Graves, Dixie Biff
14: 0734
Gray, Charles
24: 0287, 0629
Gray, Charlianna Y.
24: 0475
Gray, C. P.
24: 0138
Gray, Era
17: 0164
Gray, Fanny
24: 0629, 0857; 25: 0001
Gray, Hannah A.
24: 0629–0857; 25: 0001–0157
Gray, Jeremiah H.
25: 0001, 0157
Gray, Jerry H.
24: 0629
Gray, Ora Battle
16: 0169, 0351
Grayson, David A.
14: 0734
Greene, Jason M.
11: 0243
Griffin, C. J.
29: 0001
Griffin, Frances
12: 0468
Grissom, Harry F.
16: 0534
Grommelin, Jeannie R.
7: 0831
Grout, Edgar Homer
22: 0650
Grout, Julia R.
22: 0210–0801
Grout, Laura Miller
22: 0650
Groves, Joseph A.
14: 0324
Guernsey, R. S.
26: 0748–0875; 27: 0001–0252, 0712–
Gurley, F. C.
2: 0479
Hackworth, Oscar
13: 0559
Hagood, Eloise B.
8: 0245
Hagood, Johnson
8: 0245
Hall, Cora Monfee
17: 0001
Hall, Ernistine Hampton
10: 0193; 11: 0676
Hall, J. J. D.
14: 0001
Hall, M. E.
16: 0169
Hamersly, L. R.
13: 0777
Hammond, Caroline H.
7: 0367
Hammond, Edward Spann
10: 0816
Hammond, Emily G.
12: 0748
Hammond, Loula C.
1: 0830; 9: 0001–0251; 15: 0687;
18: 0535
Hammond, M. Claude
3: 0776; 10: 0001, 0816
Hammond, Paul F.
1: 0830
Hammond, S. C.
18: 0146
Hammond, T. C.
10: 0816
Hampton, John P., Jr.
12: 0468
Haney, Joseph N.
27: 0555
Hanna, John Calvin
31: 0001
Happs, Henry
26: 0362
Hardy, Anne C.
24: 0138
Harford, Ida L.
10: 0524
Harper, Houstoun R.
16: 0169
Harrell, Mary M.
12: 0748
Harriman, J. J. B.
3: 0348
Harris, E. C.
5: 0693; 13: 0001
Harris, G. G.
16: 0775
Harris, Martha A.
1: 0536
Harris, T. A.
3: 0348, 0526
Harrison, Emily
10: 0193
Harrison, George
27: 0001
Harrison, George P.
14: 0324
Harrison, Laura Hendree
15: 0205
Harrison, Lula E.
12: 0748
Harrison, Mary B.
10: 0001
Hartman, S. B.
11: 0676
Harvey, Charles S.
5: 0852
Harvey, Charles T.
11: 0001
Hasell, Rufus Ingraham
9: 0251
Haskell, A. C.
1: 0830
Hawthorn, J. B.
26: 0362, 0574
Hayes, C. M.
22: 0028
Hendree, C. P.
7: 0001
Hendrick, W. H.
26: 0190, 0748; 27: 0001, 0555
Hendricks, Thomas A.
24: 0287
Henneman, John Bell
12: 0273
Herbert, Hilary A.
7: 0144; 12: 0273; 26: 0108–0875;
27: 0001–0860; 28: 0001, 0604;
29: 0001–0464; 30: 0001–0789;
32: 0001–0341; 33: 0001–0147
Herbert, Leila
27: 0860; 28: 0604–0856; 29: 0001,
0862; 30: 0397
Hereford, J. M.
14: 0531
Herndon, G. W.
32: 0835
Hill, Berry H.
3: 0001
Hill, M. L.
33: 0147
Hillborn, H.
32: 0155
Hilliard, Ed H.
17: 0871
Hilliard, E. T.
3: 0001
Hilliard, Ethel
12: 0468
Hilliard, Helen D.
17: 0461
Hilliard, James S.
3: 0526
Hilliard, J. J. B.
2: 0631–0858; 3: 0001–0147, 0526–
0776; 4: 0305, 0795; 5: 0001–0381;
7: 0001–0367, 0719; 8: 0737;
9: 0001– 0251; 10: 0001–0193;
11: 0001, 0676; 15: 0687, 0886;
16: 0001; 17: 0164; 18: 0146, 0535
Hilliard, Mary
18: 0535
Hiuton, Mary Hilliard
12: 0748
Hobson, Richmond Pearson
16: 0001
Hodgens, E. J.
5: 0217
Holcombe, Jason P.
26: 0108
Hollenberg, Amelia
9: 0557
Hollenberg, B. A.
1: 0308
Holmes, James Gadsden
14: 0324
Hood, H. L.
12: 0273
Hood, J. B.
1: 0308
Hopper, Frances H.
13: 0777
Horton, H. H.
34: 0001
Howard, Mary
15: 0001
Howell, John
24: 0629
Hughes, Ellis
24: 0287, 0629
Hughes, Ezekiel
23: 0141; 25: 0157
Hughes, Hannah A.
23: 0141–0856; 24: 0001–0475
Hughes, Jeremiah
23: 0001, 0275
Hughes, John
23: 0690
Hughes, Sarah Francis
24: 0475, 0629, 0857
Hughes, Susan
23: 0535
Humes, Ellelee C.
13: 0001; 18: 0793
Humes, W. L.
15: 0886
Humphrey, J. D.
15: 0886
Hundley, Bessie O’Brien
14: 0324
Hundley, Oscar R.
14: 0324
Hunnewell, Emma
12: 0748
Hunt, A. D.
1: 0308
Hunt, Ben P.
10: 0816; 11: 0421; 14: 0734; 16: 0001
Hunt, R. H.
27: 0404
Hunt, Susie H.
10: 0816
Hunter, Alfred
32: 0509
Hunter, Alice
18: 0146
Hutton, Margaret Dale
17: 0265
Hyman, E. H.
15: 0687
Ikerman, Charles H.
33: 0147
Irby, Richard
7: 0144, 0367
Jackson, James
19: 0333
Jacob, David L.
23: 0001
Jacob, John J.
23: 0001
Jacobs, Susie
27: 0001
Jaffe, Carrye B.
14: 0734
James, Ava L. P.
14: 0734
James, Mary C.
28: 0001
James, Mrs. Edgar
14: 0734
Jeffries, L. E.
32: 0155, 0341; 33: 0147
Jemison, Robert, Jr.
12: 0001–0468
Jenkins, Walter L.
25: 0273
Jett, J. B.
28: 0856
Jines, Harvey
15: 0205
Joannes, Mary
15: 0687
John, J. R.
27: 0252
Johnson, Andrew
34: 0001, 0111
Johnson, Ennis Ligon
8: 0245
Johnson, John G.
34: 0001, 0111
Johnson, Joseph D.
16: 0534
Johnson, N. M.
33: 0001
Johnston, Joseph E.
25: 0965
Johnston, Joseph Forney
14: 0734
Johnston, Joseph H.
16: 0001
Jones, Alice McC.
17: 0001
Jones, Bettie Rison
13: 0338
Jones, Caroline M.
26: 0190
Jones, Carrie E.
26: 0748
Jones, E. C.
28: 0856
Jones, George W.
7: 0831; 8: 0245
Jones, J. L.
15: 0886
Jones, John H.
26: 0362
Jones, Leo W.
3: 0147
Jones, Mary Pleasants
13: 0559; 14: 0324
Jones, M. M.
27: 0001
Jones, N. S.
27: 0404
Jordan, Katie
29: 0293
Kahn, Nathan
28: 0856; 29: 0464
Kalman, Josephine
10: 0001
Kayser, A.
31: 0212
Kayser, Mrs. A.
30: 0001
Kearney, Castow
25: 0519
Keeble, R. C.
27: 0001
Keller, James R.
34: 0001
Kellogg, J. H.
29: 0679, 0862
Kellogg, W. K.
29: 0862
King, Evelyn H. C.
3: 0526; 4: 0623; 5: 0001
King, Grace
26: 0048
Kinney, John M.
3: 0001
Kirk, Dolly H.
7: 0144
Knobe, Bertha D.
11: 0001
Knox, A. C.
3: 0937; 7: 0367
Knox, Annie E.
9: 0713; 10: 0001
Knox, Carrie McClure
13: 0338; 14: 0130
Knox, John B.
15: 0886
Knox, R. E.
7: 0367
Kohn, M. E.
31: 0351
Kueffner, Otto
29: 0464–0679; 33: 0001–0147
Labb, Beverly
27: 0860
Lacey, Mary E.
11: 0243
Lamar, C. P.
17: 0001
Lamar, Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus
1: 0830; 2: 0001; 3: 0937; 4: 0488
Lane, John K.
34: 0111
Lanier, Mary D.
8: 0737
Lanier, Mrs. Clifford
18: 0793
Lapsley, James W.
26: 0748
Larkin, Lily V.
15: 0001
Latham, Mary H.
13: 0559
Latimer, E.
4: 0001
Laudell, D. W.
1: 0308
Lauders, S. W.
9: 0251
Lauien, Clifford A.
7: 0831; 8: 0001–0737; 9: 0001, 0713;
10: 0193, 0524; 11: 0001, 0421;
12: 0001– 0748; 13: 0338; 14: 0001;
16: 0775
Lawson, C. A.
7: 0719
Lawson, Dorothy B.
12: 0468
Lawson, Robert A
10: 0524
Lawton, Francis N.
12: 0748
Lay, Anne B.
16: 0775
Lay, Clifford
6: 0123
Lay, Eliza W.
10: 0193, 0524
Lay, George W.
15: 0205
Lay, Henrietta Campbell
5: 0852; 6: 0001
Lay, Henry C.
1: 0536; 3: 0001, 0526
Lay, Henry C., Jr.
18: 0001
Lay, Louisa
11: 0243, 0676
Layton, Alberta C.
14: 0001
Leary, T. J.
16: 0001
Leas, Cordelia L.
8: 0737
Lee, Knox
26: 0362
Lee, Maggie
26: 0190
Lee, Robert E.
25: 0965
Leese, C. K.
1: 0308; 9: 0001
Leese, R. H.
1: 0536
Leigh, Eliza Porter
9: 0251
Leigh, Mary B.
14: 0734; 17: 0265
Leigh, Mary M.
14: 0531
Leiser, A. P.
30: 0001
Leonard, Hugh
31: 0808
Lewis, Mary M.
1: 0536
Liddons, Mary Moore
7: 0512
Ligon, R. H.
8: 0001
Lipscombe, L. H.
28: 0001
Lipton, E. H.
26: 0190
Little, J.
23: 0690
Lloyd, David
30: 0001, 0603, 0789
Lockert, Emma
24: 0287
Lockett, Pauline
10: 0524
Lodge, H. C.
33: 0001
Logemann, Hallie
5: 0001, 0852
Love, Charles H.
27: 0252
Luckall, Powhaten
1: 0830
Lumbry, Mary
31: 0001
Lunsden, F. A.
1: 0308
Lunsden, George B.
3: 0001
Lyon, Eugenia
10: 0524
Mabry, R. H.
32: 0586; 33: 0001
MacDonald, R. T.
2: 0149
Madison, Ed
28: 0604
Mallory, Angela S.
7: 0144
Mallory, H. S. D.
27: 0860; 28: 0604; 29: 0001, 0293,
0679–0862; 30: 0001–0207, 0603,
0789; 31: 0001–0351, 0808;
32: 0001, 0341–0835
Maney, Mabel Clare
12: 0273
Manly, Louise
30: 0789; 31: 0351–0542
Marquis, A. N.
13: 0559, 0777
Martin, E. B.
32: 0835
Martin, Joseph
2: 0858
Mason, L. W.
33: 0001, 0486
Massie, P. C.
7: 0144
Matlick, Mrs. J. D.
14: 0130
Matthews, Anne
15: 0001
Maury, George A.
7: 0001; 8: 0245; 14: 0130
Maury, William A.
5: 0001
Mayer, J. H.
3: 0001
McAlister, Charles M.
25: 0273
McAlister, J. D.
25: 0273
McCabe, E. G.
17: 0651
McCandle, William H.
18: 0535
McCants, J. S.
31: 0690–0808; 33: 0001
McCardle, Annie
5: 0852
McCardy, J. J.
29: 0293, 0679; 30: 0001, 0397, 0789;
31: 0212; 32: 0001–0155, 0509,
0586–0835; 33: 0001– 0334
McCarroll, Nina
7: 0144, 0512
McClellan, H. B.
2: 0631
McClung, H. L.
5: 0158
McComb, Mary
11: 0001
McDonald, J. C.
25: 0722
McElderry, Hugh L.
29: 0464
McFearlau, Paul
1: 0308
McGinnis, Edward W.
26: 0108–0190, 0574
McIntosh, T. P.
27: 0712; 28: 0001
McKay, T. M.
26: 0748
McKee, Francis P.
17: 0651
McKinney, May M. Faris
16: 0169
McKnight, Elsie
3: 0001; 12: 0748
McLeod, A. L.
31: 0542
McLeod, Archibald L.
33: 0147
McLeod, H. L.
32: 0155
McQueen, Fontaine
15: 0687
McQueen, Sarah Pickens
9: 0557
Meyers, A.
28: 0604
Mickell, N. C.
17: 0461
Mickell, R. C.
1: 0536; 3: 0147
Micou, Ella H.
33: 0486
Middleman, A. B.
10: 0193
Miles, Nelson A.
15: 0886
Milihue, Carrie Carr
15: 0001
Miller, Conrad W.
30: 0001
Miller, E. V. S.
4: 0488
Miller, Hannah Snow
22: 0210
Mitchell, W. H.
8: 0245
Mixon, Andrew
31: 0001
Mohan, Jenny
14: 0734; 15: 0205–0886
Mohan, Jimmy
14: 0531
Montgomery, L. H.
27: 0404
Moore, Alfred
9: 0251
Moore, D. D.
12: 0748
Moore, Jennie
5: 0852
Moore, J. W.
28: 0452
Moore, L. D.
2: 0001; 3: 0147; 9: 0557
Moore, Michael L.
9: 0251
Moorton, John P.
2: 0479
Morgan, John T.
2: 0479, 0751; 3: 0147; 4: 0164–0305;
8: 0245; 26: 0190–0362, 0875
Morgan, M. A. B.
12: 0273
Morine, Beulah
17: 0164
Morris, J. A.
14: 0130
Moseley, John D.
31: 0542–0690; 32: 0155
Moss, Wilton
14: 0531–0734
Mott, A. E.
26: 0748
Munford, Thomas T.
7: 0367
Murray, Mary O.
11: 0676
Myers, Caroline Phillips
11: 0001, 0421–0676; 12: 0273–0468;
13: 0001–0338; 14: 0531; 16: 0169,
Myers, Henry
3: 0001; 6: 0661
Napier, William J. G.
3: 0937
Nardy, Annie Southern
11: 0676
Neal, Annie D.
8: 0737; 18: 0675
Neale, Hamilton S.
14: 0324
Neale, Walter
13: 0001; 15: 0886
Nelson, Hugh
28: 0001
Newman, B.
32: 0509
Newson, A. W.
16: 0351
Newson, Bessie Caruthers
12: 0001, 0748; 13: 0338–0559;
15: 0001, 0460–0886; 16: 0169,
0775; 17: 0871; 19: 0504
Nichols, Mollie Battle
16: 0001, 0534
Nicholson, Nannie
3: 0776
Nicolson, Mary Grey
11: 0001
Nimrod, Louisa Dales
9: 0251; 10: 0193
Nixon, L. I.
8: 0532
Noble, H. G.
27: 0252
Noël, Josephine R.
3: 0526
Norris, Jasper J.
28: 0180
Northen, W. J.
4: 0795
Noyes, Vivian F.
16: 0351
Nunn, D. A.
27: 0001
Olin, Juliet C.
16: 0351
Oliver, M. R.
2: 0149
O’Neal, E. A.
4: 0488
O’Neal, Emmet
16: 0001
O’Neal, Roy
17: 0871
O’Neal, Virginia Benjamin
15: 0886
Orr, William W.
13: 0001
Otken, Frances Powell
15: 0886
Overton, Lucy
17: 0461
Owen, Marie Bankhead
8: 0001; 15: 0460; 16: 0351
Owen, Thomas M.
7: 0831; 9: 0001–0251; 10: 0193;
11: 0001; 12: 0273–0468; 13: 0777;
16: 0001–0169
Owens, Sallie T.
29: 0464
Palmer, Belle Bird
16: 0534
Palmer, J. J.
27: 0712
Park, Emily Hendree
11: 0001–0243; 12: 0273–0468;
13: 0001, 0559; 14: 0130, 0734
Park, Emily K.
13: 0777
Park, Robert E.
11: 0001; 12: 0001; 14: 0130
Parker, O. H.
29: 0679
Partridge, Daniel, Jr.
33: 0001
Partridge, Mary Winslow
16: 0534
Patterson, Carolina L.
9: 0251
Patton, Bettie N.
17: 0461
Peacock, G. Harry
28: 0604, 0856; 29: 0001
Perkins, James L.
14: 0001
Perkins, Mary G.
14: 0531
Perry, Ella Bedford
14: 0531
Perry, Ella Bradford
15: 0687
Pettus, Edmund M.
26: 0362
Philips, Carrie E.
13: 0001
Phillips, Eleanora Jackson
16: 0001
Phillips, Eugene
5: 0852; 17: 0265
Phillips, George
29: 0293; 31: 0001
Phillips, Jim
29: 0862
Phillips, John Walker
11: 0676
Phillips, P.
3: 0147
Pickering, S. S.
27: 0001; 30: 0789; 33: 0001
Pinch, John W.
31: 0212
Pittman, U. D.
13: 0001
Pitts, P. H.
30: 0397
Platt, N. A.
7: 0144
Pond, Elmer L.
7: 0144
Poole, Lucy
14: 0324
Pope, Ann
25: 0273
Pope, C.
25: 0273
Pope, E. F.
25: 0273
Pope, G. A.
25: 0273
Pope, J. R.
25: 0722
Pope, Lesey J.
25: 0722
Pope, M. R.
25: 0519
Pope, William L.
25: 0519
Pope, William R.
25: 0273
Porter, Jason B.
4: 0795
Power, F. M.
28: 0604, 0856
Powers, Jason K.
12: 0001
Pratt, Mrs. Ellis
18: 0001
Price, Edwin A.
17: 0164
Pride, May M.
14: 0324
Pugh, James L.
5: 0158
Pugh, T. L.
4: 0001
Pugh, Williams
3: 0776
Quarles, George M.
31: 0808
Quarles, William W.
29: 0464; 33: 0147–0334
Ragsdale, J. B.
6: 0001
Randolph, R.
8: 0001
Rankin, Anne
17: 0001
Rawson, E. K.
9: 0713
Ray, Kitty
12: 0468
Read, J. B.
6: 0123
Reagan, John Henninger
4: 0164; 10: 0524–0816; 11: 0676
Reddington, Katherine Wells
17: 0461
Reeder, R. M.
26: 0048
Reid, C. O.
17: 0164
Reid, J. B.
5: 0158
Reid, John C.
29: 0464
Repplier, Agnes
26: 0048
Rhea, Judith Grubbs
12: 0468
Rhett, Harriett M.
17: 0461
Rhett, Robert Barnwell, Jr.
3: 0348; 7: 0144; 9: 0251; 10: 0193,
0816; 11: 0676
Rice, Frederick D.
32: 0835
Rice, M. P.
2: 0288
Richards, Mary Mouro
13: 0001
Richardson, E. D.
25: 0722
Richardson, William
10: 0193
Riggs, Junius M.
9: 0251, 0713; 11: 0421
Rison, John L.
2: 0149
Rison, Sallie Mard
8: 0245
Rison, W. R.
9: 0251
Rivers, Mary
25: 0519
Rivers, W.
25: 0722
Roberts, E. P.
30: 0001, 0603; 31: 0212–0808
Roberts, John W.
26: 0362–0748
Roberts, Moses H.
25: 0519
Roberts, M. T.
9: 0713
Robertson, Annie B. Drake
16: 0534
Robertson, Susie Bell
4: 0623; 13: 0777
Robinson, Carolyne
17: 0651
Robinson, J. H.
27: 0252
Rodgers, Edna C.
14: 0531
Rogers, Charlotte Thompson
7: 0144
Roisman, H.
33: 0147
Rooney, Leo
9: 0001
Rose, Lillian Tardy
13: 0001
Ross, Letitia Dawdill
12: 0001; 14: 0324; 15: 0205, 0886;
16: 0351
Roulhac, Thomas R.
10: 0193
Rugg, H. P.
4: 0164; 5: 0852
Rupert, John
27: 0404
Rush, S. S.
1: 0830
Russel, A. E.
3: 0001
Rust, P. C.
10: 0816
Saldana, Addie
20: 0750
Sandidge, Jason G.
9: 0001
Sandidge, Mary E.
3: 0001
Sandridge, John M.
8: 0532
Sanford, John W.
9: 0251
Sanford, Sallie Taylor
10: 0001
Sarah, Alice
7: 0144
Satterfield, J. R.
33: 0147– 0334
Sauford, John W. H.
8: 0245
Saunders, James E.
2: 0479; 5: 0001
Schley, Bessie M.
17: 0871
Schley, John T.
14: 0734
Schnobel, Katie Childress
15: 0687; 16: 0534
Schofield, J. M.
25: 0965
Schroader, Annie Smith
14: 0734
Scott, Aggie
12: 0001
Screws, W. M.
26: 0108
Sea, Andrew M., Jr.
10: 0524
Searcy, Annie Ross
13: 0338
Searcy, J. T.
9: 0713
Seay, John
1: 0536
Seeds, George
3: 0776
Semple, Irene N.
7: 0831
Sewall, Irene C.
14: 0734
Sexton, Robert H.
13: 0001
Shackleford, H. S.
11: 0676
Shaw, Adele
16: 0001
Shelby, David D.
4: 0488; 8: 0245; 17: 0461
Shelley, C. M.
26: 0190
Shepherd, C. B.
15: 0886
Shepherd, J. W.
4: 0488, 0623; 7: 0831
Sheppard, M.
3: 0526
Sherman, William Tecumseh
25: 0965
Shields, William S.
16: 0169
Shober, Mary Wheat
2: 0479
Shorter, C. C.
2: 0001
Shuler, Eli S.
1: 0536, 0830
Siegel, M.
31: 0212; 32: 0341, 0835; 33: 0001
Simms, Margaret D.
12: 0748
Slade, Frank P.
32: 0001, 0155
Smith, Alton D.
26: 0190; 27: 0001, 0712; 29: 0293–
0862; 30: 0207, 0397, 0603, 0789;
31: 0001–0808; 32: 0835
Smith, Annie Bynum
15: 0001
Smith, Butler
34: 0001
Smith, D. S.
26: 0190
Smith, Emma
31: 0542, 0690, 0808
Smith, Helen
30: 0207
Smith, Ida
28: 0452–0856; 29: 0001, 0293–0464,
0862; 30: 0001–0207, 0603–0789;
31: 0351–0542, 0808; 32: 0001–
0835; 33: 0001–0147
Smith, Kimmie E.
11: 0243
Smith, Madeline
11: 0243; 17: 0651
Smith, Mary Raney
20: 0750
Smith, M. M.
32: 0509
Smith, Oscar E.
26: 0362–0875; 27: 0001–0964;
28: 0001–0180, 0452, 0856;
29: 0001–0212, 0464, 0862;
30: 0001–0603; 31: 0001–0808;
32: 0001–0835; 33: 0001, 0334
Smith, Ruth
22: 0349
Smith, Sherwood H.
27: 0555
Smith, Susan P.
26: 0108–0875; 27: 0001–0964;
28: 0001–0856; 29: 0001–0862;
30: 0001– 0789; 31: 0001–0808;
32: 0001–0835; 33: 0001–0486
Smith, W. M. Easby
12: 0468
Smith, Washington M.
26: 0108, 0190, 0362
Smith, W. P.
26: 0108; 27: 0001–0404
Smithson, W. L.
26: 0748
Smythe, W. M.
22: 0028
Somerville, C. L.
1: 0308
Speake, Carrie M.
7: 0144
Speake, Paul
9: 0251; 10: 0816; 12: 0273; 13: 0338;
16: 0775; 17: 0164
Spicer, Emily
11: 0001
Stacey, Bettie
15: 0886
Stafford, M. B. B.
6: 0661, 0841
Stallsworth, William
28: 0001
Steele, Matthew F.
16: 0534
Stephens, Mrs. Thomas F.
17: 0164
Stephenson, Oscar
26: 0362
Sterling, Ada
10: 0524, 0816; 11: 0001–0676;
12: 0001–0273; 13: 0001; 17: 0164
Stern, Alfred K.
17: 0164
Stevens, A. B.
34: 0001
Stevens, Henry Bailey
16: 0775
Stevenson, V. K.
26: 0108, 0748
Stevenson, V. K., Jr.
26: 0190
Stewart, Mary E.
18: 0001
Stewart, Mollie
10: 0193; 13: 0001
Stillwell, John W.
27: 0001
Stockdale, Eleanor
16: 0351
Stoddard, Louise Stone
17: 0265
Stoelker, Otto
29: 0001
Stollenwerck, F.
30: 0001
Stollenwerck, H. A.
26: 0190, 0574
Stone, Cornelia Branch
14: 0130, 0324
Stone, George W.
5: 0217; 18: 0535
Sturdivant, E. L.
28: 0276
Sturdivant, Syd B.
31: 0001
Sturges, Elizabeth Snow
10: 0524, 0816
Sweet, George W.
24: 0287
Tabb, Spencer
29: 0679
Tabb, S. T.
33: 0001
Taste, Lucien V. La
9: 0251
Tate, Siggie J.
3: 0526
Tate, Tom
1: 0308, 0536; 14: 0531, 0734
Taylor, Alberta C.
5: 0001; 6: 0123; 10: 0001, 0193;
11: 0421; 14: 0531
Taylor, E. D.
11: 0421
Taylor, G. W.
28: 0452
Taylor, H. C.
15: 0205
Taylor, J. W.
27: 0555
Taylor, Kate
15: 0886
Taylor, Kate Kauffman
17: 0265
Taylor, M. B.
25: 0965
Taylor, William
30: 0207
Terrell, L. M.
27: 0712
Thames, C. E.
26: 0108–0875
Tharm, L. A.
7: 0001
Thomas, N. P.
12: 0001
Thompson, Edward
28: 0276
Thompson, Henrietta Hill
12: 0001
Thompson, Lucy M.
11: 0676
Thompson, Metta
12: 0001–0273
Thompson, Sarah E.
34: 0001, 0111
Tipton, J.
29: 0293
Todd, Mary Carlisle
8: 0737
Todd, Sue L.
6: 0123; 9: 0001, 0557; 18: 0146, 0535
Toney, Mary
18: 0001
Troter, Louise
15: 0205
Tucker, Claude Ellis
11: 0421
Tunstall, Alex
7: 0512
Tunstall, Annie R.
12: 0001, 0468; 13: 0001
Tunstall, George W.
3: 0001; 8: 0532
Tunstall, J. J.
1: 0308
Tunstall, John. B.
1: 0308; 10: 0193, 0816
Tunstall, Laura Lee
12: 0748
Tunstall, Louise
11: 0421
Tunstall, M. A.
8: 0245
Tunstall, Nannie
3: 0776; 4: 0001; 18: 0146
Tunstall, Nellie
12: 0001
Tunstall, P. R.
15: 0001
Tunstall, Richard B.
11: 0243; 12: 0273
Tunstall, Ruth Buches
13: 0777
Tunstall, Thomas B.
17: 0001
Tunstall, Whit B.
12: 0273–0468; 13: 0001; 15: 0886
Tunstall, Will
1: 0308
Turley, J. C.
18: 0146
Turley, Thomas B.
10: 0816
Turner, John T.
26: 0108
Turner, Mattie
15: 0886
Tyler, Alice M.
13: 0338
Tyson, Pattie H.
12: 0273
Vail, George W.
34: 0001
Vance, Arthur T.
11: 0001
Vaughan, H. C.
10: 0524
Vaughn, Susie Kirkman
13: 0338
Vaught, Mary Bayne
14: 0130
Vickery, E. A.
7: 0144, 0367; 9: 0557
Vinton, J. R.
23: 0275
Wade, E. M.
27: 0001
Walker, Charles G.
10: 0001
Walker, C. Irving
15: 0687
Walker, M. D.
18: 0146
Walker, Nannie H. Rice
9: 0251; 10: 0193
Walker, Richard H.
10: 0193
Walker, R. W.
4: 0164, 0488
Wall, Edith White
16: 0775
Wallace, John H.
13: 0001; 16: 0775
Wallace, John H., Jr.
11: 0001
Wallington, Nellie H.
13: 0559
Walshall, W. J.
2: 0479
Walthall, L. M.
7: 0367
Walthall, L. N.
5: 0158
Walthall, W. G.
1: 0536
Ward, E. B.
31: 0351
Ward, John E.
26: 0875
Ward, Minnie
28: 0001
Ward, William C.
26: 0362; 27: 0252; 28: 0180, 0276,
0452; 29: 0293; 30: 0207; 33: 0334
Ward, W. P.
28: 0001
Warren, Betty
4: 0001
Wasson, S. E.
14: 0531
Watkins, Grace Humphreys
4: 0305
Watkins, R. H.
25: 0722
Watkins, Robert H.
10: 0524
Watson, Mrs. F.
28: 0452
Watson, Victoria K.
20: 0652, 0750
Watterson, Henry
12: 0468; 15: 0001
Watts, J. H.
26: 0108
Webster, Allie Crockett
14: 0324
Webster, Ellen
8: 0737
Webster, Lucy
25: 0519
Webster, Mrs. Frank W.
14: 0531
Wellborn, M. B.
30: 0001
Werth, Louise L.
7: 0001
Wheat, J. L.
1: 0308
Wheat, John Thomas
4: 0164, 0488
Wheat, Leo P.
6: 0388
Wheat, Mary
13: 0559
Wheat, Selma R.
2: 0288
Wheeler, Annie
16: 0001
Wheeler, Daniel
26: 0108
Wheeler, Joseph
25: 0965
White, Alex
33: 0001
White, D. Irvine
4: 0305
White, Edith J.
15: 0001
White, John H.
6: 0841
White, L. Bird
9: 0251
White, Lucy M.
16: 0001
White, N. K.
8: 0737
White, Shelby
3: 0001
White, Susan C.
4: 0164; 7: 0144; 18: 0146
White, Susan McDowell
14: 0734; 15: 0205–0460
Whitehead, Charles E.
26: 0190, 0574–0875; 27: 0252, 0555
Whitehurst, J. D.
2: 0149
Whitfield, C. B.
12: 0273
Whiting, Ida
26: 0190
Whitney, A. S.
26: 0048
Whitson, C. C.
29: 0679
Whittier, Charlie L.
13: 0338
Whittle, L. V.
3: 0001
Wilcox, C. M.
6: 0123
Wiley, C. M.
5: 0852
Wilkins, Mary E.
26: 0048
Williams, Abner
27: 0555
Williams, B.
3: 0348
Williams, Baxter Boddie
14: 0531
Williams, H. D.
4: 0001
Williams, J. B.
3: 0526
Williams, John S.
12: 0468
Williams, Parcissa P.
5: 0852
Williams, Sol B.
1: 0536
Williams, Sue G.
15: 0001
Williams, Tempe H.
10: 0524; 17: 0651
Williamson, Algernon L., Jr.
2: 0858
Wilson, Abee L.
29: 0212
Wilson, Alice P.
30: 0397, 0603
Wilson, Alice Smith
29: 0464–0679; 30: 0207, 0789;
32: 0001–0835; 33: 0001
Wilson, Ann B.
27: 0860
Wilson, B. F.
28: 0452– 0856; 29: 0001–0464;
30: 0207–0789; 31: 0212–0808;
32: 0509–0835; 33: 0001
Wilson, Heilerman
18: 0535
Wilson, Jason
25: 0001
Wilson, J. T.
10: 0524
Wilson, Susie Parker
31: 0001; 32: 0001
Winfford, Louisa
10: 0524
Winter, A. M.
27: 0712
Winter, C. V.
18: 0001
Winter, Jennie Clay
2: 0149
Winter, Johnnie
1: 0536
Winter, Sarah V.
10: 0001
Wise, George W.
30: 0603
Withers, J. M.
3: 0147
Withers, John
5: 0001
Wolff, B.
28: 0001
Womble, Ada V.
12: 0273
Wood, Harriet D.
16: 0001; 27: 0555
Wood, N. J.
25: 0965
Wood, Percy
28: 0276
Woodruff, N.
27: 0001
Woodward, Rose
13: 0001
Woolsey, William S.
29: 0001
Worthington, Amelia
16: 0534
Wright, George H.
8: 0001
Wright, Luke E.
14: 0734
Wyeth, John A.
2: 0288
Wyeth, Maury S.
14: 0001
Young, Agnes
27: 0555
Young, Ellen
12: 0748
Young, Lenore Bassett
13: 0338
Young, M. E.
7: 0144
Young, Bennett H.
3: 0147, 0348; 9: 0251; 10: 0001;
11: 0676; 12: 0001–0748; 13: 0001–
0559; 14: 0531–0734; 15: 0460,
0886; 16: 0169, 0534; 18: 0146,
Ziegler, H.
1: 0536
The following index is a guide to the major topics in this microform publication. The first
number after each entry refers to the reel, while the four-digit number following the colon refers
to the frame number at which the file containing information on the subject begins. Hence,
13: 0001 directs researchers to Frame 0001 of Reel 13. By referring to the Reel Index, which
constitutes the initial segment of this guide, the researcher will find topics listed in the order in
which they appear on the film.
4th Alabama Cavalry
19: 0141
20th Tennessee Regiment
13: 0001
A Belle of the Fifties
11: 0243–0676; 12: 0001–0468;
13: 0338; 14: 0001; 15: 0460–0886
21: 0260
Adams County, Mississippi
Foster, Kate, Diary 22: 0001
Kenya 22: 0801
Zambia 22: 0801
Zimbabwe 22: 0801
Agricultural marketing
26: 0108
Agricultural production
27: 0404
Airlines and air travel
22: 0349, 0801
Dallas County 22: 0028; 26: 0108–
33: 0585
Greene County 21: 0558
Huntsville 1: 0212
Madison County 1: 0212–20: 0001
Mobile 16: 0534
Talladega 22: 0028
Alabama Equal Suffrage Association
17: 0001
Alabama Historical Society
2: 0149; 9: 0001–0251
Altrusa Club, Durham, North Carolina
22: 0650
Clay Clement Claiborne 18: 0912;
19: 0001
Abraham Lincoln 1: 0212
28: 0856
Automobiles and automobile safety
15: 0205
Bacon, Sarah E. Thompson
papers 34: 0001, 0111
Baltimore, Maryland
Richardson, Marion Morgan, Autograph
Album 26: 0001
20: 0833
see also Business debt
Baptist Female College
1: 0001
Battle Creek, Michigan
Battle Creek Sanitarium 29: 0679, 0862
Battle Creek Sanitarium
29: 0679, 0862
Birds and bird conservation
16: 0775
17: 0265, 0461; 22: 0028
Bloody Kansas
24: 0629
Books and bookselling
11: 0243, 0421; 12: 0001–0468;
13: 0338–0777; 14: 0001, 0531;
15: 0687–0886; 16: 0169; 17: 0265;
25: 0273; 26: 0048
people 21: 0147
Taiping Rebellion 21: 0260
general 20: 0084–0833; 21: 0001–0484;
22: 0028, 0769; 23: 0141–0535;
24: 0857; 25: 0001–0157
Society of Friends 23: 0690
32: 0586
Civil action
12: 0748
Civil liberties
see Right of privacy
see Voting rights
Civil procedure
4: 0488; 6: 0841; 9: 0251, 0713;
10: 0001; 26: 0748; 27: 0252, 0860;
28: 0180, 0452; 29: 0293–0464;
30: 0603–0789; 31: 0001; 32: 0586
see also Claims
see also Wills and probate
Civil service appointments and
16: 0001; 34: 0111
Civil War
battles 13: 0001; 28: 0001
fall of Huntsville, Ala. 1: 0212
general 1: 0212; 3: 0776; 18: 0793;
21: 0917; 34: 0001; 34: 0439
letters from Confederate military
personnel 22: 0028
“Lost Cause” theory 11: 0421; 12: 0001;
16: 0534; 18: 0793; 19: 0977
plantation life 19: 0141, 0202
siege of Vicksburg, Miss. 33: 0613
see also Chickamauga, Battle of
see also Shiloh, Battle of
14: 0734
Clay, Clement Claiborne
arrest 18: 0912; 19: 0001
arrest warrant 3: 0147
biography 19: 0504
death 18: 0535
diplomatic mission to Canada 3: 0147
efforts to free 18: 0912
elegy 3: 0001
imprisonment 5: 0001; 10: 0193, 0816;
18: 0912
Books and bookselling cont.
see also A Belle of the Fifties
see also Boyhood Days in Hopkinton,
Massachusetts in the 1870’s
see also Family Memories
see also Literature
see also The Code of Honor, or, Rules
for the Government of Principals and
Seconds in Dueling
see also Who’s Who in America
see also Women of America
Bloody Kansas 24: 0629
Boyhood Days in Hopkinton,
Massachusetts in the 1870’s
22: 0650
Burnham, Annie
autograph album 1: 0128
Business debt
31: 0690
see also Bankruptcy
Business income and expenses
2: 0001
Confederate diplomatic mission 3: 0147
Carr, Mary M.
diary 1: 0156
Carroll County, Maryland
Englar, Annie, Diary 21: 0917
Cemeteries and funerals
2: 0288; 16: 0775; 20: 0273, 0833;
23: 0141; 25: 0001; 31: 0001
25: 0722
Chadick, Mary Jane Cook
diary 1: 0212
Charitable organizations
25: 0245; 28: 0856
Checking and savings accounts
13: 0559; 14: 0130; 17: 0164; 22: 0210;
24: 0287; 26: 0108–0190, 0748;
28: 0452
Chickamauga, Battle of
25: 0722
Crawford, Martha E. Foster, Diaries
21: 0001–0558
general 21: 0260, 0350, 0407, 0484,
obituary 19: 0504
papers 1: 0305–0001
photographs 5: 0852; 9: 0251
Rock Island Prisoner of War camp
19: 0333
Senate speeches 3: 0147; 1: 0308;
2: 0858; 3: 0001; 19: 0750
Clayton, Rebecca R.
papers 20: 0651
Clopton, David
biography 7: 0367
courting Virginia Clay Clopton 5: 0001
death 7: 0144, 0367, 0719
Supreme Court career 5: 0381
Clopton, Virginia Clay
Alabama Equal Suffrage Association
18: 0719
marriage to David Clopton 5: 0001,
0158, 0217
memoir of Maria Brewster Brooks
Stafford 18: 0901
memoirs 18: 0912
papers for Raphael Simmes 18: 0906
political involvement 1: 0536; 2: 0631;
15: 0205; 19: 0141
“Southern Society in Antebellum Days”
18: 0858
visit to Ft. Monroe 18: 0912
visit to London 3: 0937
visit to Paris 4: 0001; 6: 0001
visit with Andrew Johnson 18: 0912
writings on capture, imprisonment and
release of Clement Claiborne Clay
18: 0912
writings on Clement Claiborne Clay,
Jefferson Davis, and Stonewall
Jackson 19: 0001
Clothing and clothing industry
20: 0273, 0458; 26: 0875; 27: 0252;
29: 0001, 0464
Coleman, Ann Raney Thomas
papers 20: 0652–0833
Collection agencies
28: 0276, 0856
Colleges and universities
Baptist Female College 1: 0001
Dorchester Academy 22: 0580
general 6: 0123
Presbyterian Female Collegiate Institute
22: 0028
Shorter College 28: 0276
Trinity College 22: 0210, 0349
University Military School 16: 0534
Virginia Military Institute 26: 0875;
27: 0001, 0252
Confederate States of America
general 10: 0816; 21: 0407
letters from Confederate veterans
34: 0378
surrender 1: 0212
veterans 4: 0795
Confederate Veteran
9: 0251
Confiscated property
14: 0734
22: 0801
6: 0123; 24: 0629
Construction industry
30: 0397
25: 0519
2: 0001; 10: 0193; 18: 0675; 26: 0108,
0748; 27: 0001–0555
David Clopton courting Virginia Clay
Clopton 5: 0001
general 1: 0308; 20: 0833; 21: 0001;
33: 0613
Crawford, Martha E. Foster
diaries 21: 0001–0558
marriage to Tarleton Perry Crawford
21: 0147
visit to Japan 21: 0558
voyage to China 21: 0147
Crawford, Tarleton Perry
marriage to Martha E. Foster
Crime and criminals
21: 0260; 24: 0287
Dallas County, Alabama
Gardner, Amanda E., Papers 22: 0028
Smith, Washington M., Papers
26: 0108–33: 0585
Daughters of the American Revolution
7: 0001, 0719; 13: 0001
0852; 6: 0001, 0661; 7: 0001, 0367,
0719; 8: 0001; 9: 0251; 10: 0524;
11: 0001–0243, 0676; 12: 0748;
13: 0338, 0777; 14: 0324, 0531;
15: 0001–0460; 16: 0001–0534;
17: 0164–0871; 18: 0001–0396;
19: 0750; 20: 0001
Clayton, Rebecca F., Papers 20: 0084,
Coleman, Ann Raney Thomas, Papers
20: 0833
Crawford, Martha E. Foster, Diaries
21: 0001, 0484
Englar, Annie, Diary 21: 0917
Gardner, Amanda E., Papers 22: 0028
Grout Family Papers 22: 0349
Hughes-Gray Family Papers 23: 0141–
0535; 24: 0138, 0857; 25: 0157
Pope-Carter Family Papers 25: 0722
Smith, Washington M., Papers 26: 0108,
0190, 0574, 0875; 29: 0001;
30: 0207; 31: 0808; 32: 0001, 0341,
see also Drug abuse and treatment
see also Hearing and hearing disorders
see also Mental health and illness
District of Columbia
Hughes-Gray Family Papers 23: 0001–
25: 0157
Young, Jennie, Diary 34: 0463
Dividends and interest income
8: 0532; 31: 0212
15: 0205
see also Marriage
Dorchester Academy
22: 0580
Draft exemption
22: 0766
Drug abuse and treatment
29: 0293, 0679; 30: 0001
Duke University
see Trinity College
Dupuy, Eliza Ann
papers 21: 0835
Durham, North Carolina
Altrusa Club 22: 0650
elementary and secondary education
20: 0833
Grout Family Papers 22: 0210–0936
Davis, Jefferson
artifacts 18: 0773
biography 13: 0338
funeral 7: 0831
imprisonment 10: 0816
papers 2: 0479; 19: 0001
Davis, Lizzie G.
composition book 21: 0813
Davis, Varina Howell
obituary 13: 0001
Death and dying
Clay, Clement Claiborne, Family Papers
1: 0308, 0536; 2: 0001–0288;
3: 0147, 0526; 5: 0381, 0852;
6: 0841; 9: 0251, 0713; 11: 0421;
12: 0001; 14: 0130; 16: 0775;
17: 0265, 0651; 18: 0396, 0535;
19: 0504
Coleman, Ann Raney Thomas, Papers
20: 0833
Crawford, Martha E. Foster, Diaries
21: 0147–0484
Englar, Annie, Diary 21: 0917
Foster, Kate, Diary 22: 0001
Gardner, Amanda E., Papers 22: 0028
Grout Family Papers 22: 0769–0877
Hayes, Margaret Howell Davis 18: 0793
Hughes-Gray Family Papers 23: 0141,
0535; 24: 0138–0629; 25: 0157
Smith, Washington M., Papers 26: 0190,
0875; 27: 0001; 28: 0276–0452;
32: 0835; 33: 0334
suicide 21: 0147
see also Assassination
see also Cemeteries and funerals
see also Infant mortality
Debt collection agencies
30: 0001, 0207, 0397; 31: 0001, 0690–
0808; 33: 0147
Deeds and conveyances
8: 0245; 12: 0748; 13: 0338; 22: 0028;
24: 0287; 25: 0519; 26: 0875;
27: 0001–0252; 29: 0001, 0862;
30: 0603; 31: 0212; 32: 0155, 0586;
33: 0001, 0147
Delta Phi Rho Alpha sorority
22: 0210
Diseases and disorders
Clay, Clement Claiborne, Family Papers
2: 0858; 4: 0488–0795; 5: 0381–
physical education 22: 0210, 0349, 0650
teachers 20: 0833; 21: 0001; 33: 0613
Trinity College 22: 0210, 0349
see also Higher education
see Elementary and secondary
see Higher education
see Physical education
see Teachers
Educational attainment
27: 0252
Educational materials
13: 0559
general 4: 0001, 0623; 6: 0123; 8: 0001;
15: 0886; 18: 0535; 19: 0141;
22: 0650; 23: 0141; 24: 0287–0629;
29: 0464
1850 presidential 24: 0138
1896 presidential 8: 0532
Elementary and secondary education
20: 0833; 22: 0580
23: 0856; 24: 0629
general 11: 0001; 20: 0833; 22: 0028,
0877; 23: 0690, 0856; 29: 0464;
30: 0207, 0397
job applications 2: 0149
unemployment 20: 0458
see also Civil service appointments and
see also Household workers
Englar, Annie
diary 21: 0917
34: 0001, 0111
Estate tax
26: 0574
France 4: 0001; 6: 0001
Italy 22: 0801
Netherlands 22: 0801
Norway 22: 0801
Portugal 22: 0801
Spain 22: 0801
Sweden 22: 0801
26: 0875
Farms and farmers
general 1: 0156; 2: 0751; 3: 0526;
6: 0841; 9: 0251; 10: 0193;
18: 0001–0146, 0675; 20: 0001–
0273; 25: 0519; 27: 0001–0555;
29: 0212
tenant farming 4: 0001, 0164
Financial advice
4: 0164
Fleming County, Kentucky
Dupuy, Eliza Ann, Papers 21: 0835
Foreign exchange
25: 0722
Fort Monroe, Virginia
Virginia Clay Clopton visit 18: 0912
Foster, Kate
diary 22: 0001
Paris 4: 0001; 6: 0001
Frederick, Maryland
21: 0917
Frederick County, Maryland
Davis, Lizzie G., Composition Book
21: 0813
Fruit and fruit trade
15: 0460
11: 0421, 0676; 12: 0748; 14: 0734;
16: 0534; 25: 0245; 28: 0856;
32: 0586
Furloughs and leaves
26: 0875
32: 0835
Gardner, Amanda E.
papers 22: 0028
Gender discrimination
25: 0001
Clay family 2: 0479; 3: 0348; 11: 0001;
14: 0324; 15: 0001, 0687–0886;
16: 0001–0169; 17: 0265; 18: 0396;
20: 0833
Grout family 22: 0769–0877
Smith family 24: 0629; 30: 0001, 0397
Chickamauga, Battle of 25: 0722
Grout Family Papers 22: 0210–0936
McIntosh 22: 0580
Rome 28: 0276
Georgia cont.
Smith, Washington M., Papers
26: 0108–33: 0585
Gifts and donations
17: 0651; 20: 0652–0750; 22: 0801,
Giles County, Tennessee
Pope-Carter Family Papers 25: 0273–
Grant, Ulysses S.
19: 0333
22: 0801
Greene County, Alabama
Crawford, Martha E. Foster, Diaries
21: 0001–0558
Greene County, Tennessee
Bacon, Sarah E. Thompson, Papers
34: 0001, 0111
Grout, Julia R.
80th birthday celebration 22: 0909
Personal Recollections of Our Family
Life in the Early 1900’s 22: 0650
political involvement 22: 0349
Grout Family Papers
22: 0210–0936
Hays, Margaret Howell Davis
death 18: 0793
Health condition
2: 0288, 0631; 3: 0147; 24: 0138;
25: 0722, 0965; 26: 0108, 0190;
27: 0712; 28: 0604; 29: 0001;
30: 0207–0603; 31: 0351, 0690–
0808; 32: 0835
Health facilities and services
17: 0461; 22: 0349
Hearing and hearing disorders
17: 0265
Henry County, Kentucky
Webb, Mary, Papers 34: 0422
general 24: 0138, 0857
Memorial Day 18: 0793
Women’s Suffrage Day 8: 0245
17: 0001
Household appliances and equipment
19: 0666
Household workers
2: 0751; 31: 0542, 0690
general 20: 0273
vacation homes 22: 0650
see also Eviction
see also Mortgages
Hughes-Gray Family Papers
23: 0001–25: 0157
Hunger and malnutrition
17: 0001; 20: 0833
Hunting and trapping
25: 0273
Huntsville, Alabama
fall 1: 0212
22: 0801
Rock Island prisoner of war camp
19: 0333
Infant mortality
2: 0751
Inheritance and estates
3: 0147
Interracial marriage
24: 0629
general 28: 0276, 0604–0856; 29: 0464;
30: 0789; 31: 0001, 0351; 32: 0586
life insurance 28: 0856; 33: 0613
14: 0324; 24: 0629
22: 0801
Jackson, Andrew
19: 0504
Jackson, Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall”
19: 0001
Jackson, Tennessee
Clayton, Rebecca R., Papers 20: 0651
Johnston, Joseph E.
surrender 25: 0965
Fleming County 21: 0835
Peewee Valley 26: 0048
Nairobi 22: 0801
Ladies Volunteer Aid Society of Pine Hill
25: 0245
Land ownership and rights
general 1: 0536; 6: 0388; 16: 0775;
24: 0287
rights-of-way and easements 9: 0251
26: 0748; 27: 0252; 33: 0334
1: 0830; 3: 0348; 29: 0464, 0862;
31: 0212
Leasing and renting
23: 0690; 24: 0857; 25: 0273; 26: 0875;
27: 0001, 0404; 30: 0603; 31: 0212,
Lexington, Missouri
Baptist Female College Records
01: 0001
Lexington, Virginia
Virginia Military Institute 26: 0875;
27: 0001, 0252
9: 0251
Life insurance
28: 0856; 33: 0613
Lincoln, Abraham
1: 0212
19: 0504; 21: 0001
Livestock and livestock industry
25: 0519; 27: 0001, 0555
Loan delinquency and default
29: 0293–0862; 30: 0001–0397
10: 0816; 17: 0164; 26: 0362
Local government
25: 0001
London, England
Virginia Clay Clopton visit 3: 0937
Louis XIV
19: 0047
Carr, Mary M., Diary 01: 0156
New Orleans 33: 0613; 34: 0271–0378
Ouachita Parish 25: 0245
Pointe Coupee Parish 20: 0652, 0750,
Young, Julia Nash, Journal 34: 0500
Macon, Mississippi
Wightman, Maria Dyer Davies, Diary
21: 0619
Madison County, Alabama
Chadick, Mary Jane Cook, Diary
01: 0212
Clay, Clement Claiborne, Papers
01: 0305–20: 0001
general 2: 0479; 3: 0147, 0348; 4: 0488;
7: 0512, 0831; 10: 0524; 11: 0001;
12: 0273; 14: 0130; 15: 0886;
16: 0775; 17: 0001; 20: 0833;
21: 0001; 22: 0210, 0877; 23: 0535;
24: 0629; 27: 0860; 33: 0001, 0613;
34: 0001
interracial marriage 24: 0629
see also Courtship
see also Divorce
Mary County, Tennessee
Pope-Carter Family Papers 25: 0273–
Baltimore 26: 0001
Carroll County 21: 0917
Frederick 21: 0917
Frederick County 21: 0813
Hughes-Gray Family Papers 23: 0001–
25: 0157
Ridgely, Mrs., Papers 26: 0032
11: 0001
Grout Family Papers 22: 0210–0936
McIntosh, Georgia
Dorchester Academy 22: 0580
Medical economics
31: 0542–0690; 33: 0001
15: 0205, 0460; 17: 0461
Membership organizations
Alabama Equal Suffrage Association
17: 0001
Altrusa Club 22: 0650
elected officers 25: 0245
Ladies Volunteer Aid Society of Pine Hill
25: 0245
private clubs and societies 31: 0001
reunions 14: 0531, 0734; 15: 0687;
16: 0001, 0169
see also Alabama Historical Association
Membership organizations cont.
see also Daughters of the American
see also Delta Phi Rho Alpha sorority
see also National American Woman
Suffrage Association
see also United Confederate Veterans
see also United Daughters of the
12: 0001
Memorial Day
18: 0793
Memphis, Tennessee
1: 0128
Mental health and illness
29: 0679, 0862
2: 0288
Battle Creek 29: 0679, 0862
Military appointments and promotions
23: 0411
Military pay
22: 0028
Military personnel
4th Alabama Calvary 19: 0141
20th Tennessee Regiment 13: 0001
general 25: 0722
navy duty assignments and releases
14: 0324
Military prisoners
5: 0001; 10: 0193, 0816; 18: 0912
1: 0830; 2: 0149
Mines and mining
24: 0629
Smith, Washington M., Papers
26: 0108–33: 0585
Missions and missionaries
21: 0147, 0260, 0350, 0407, 0484, 0558
Adams County 22: 0001
Macon 21: 0619
01: 0001
Mobile, Alabama
University Military Academy 16: 0534
Monuments and memorials
15: 0886
Morehouse Parish, Louisiana
Carr, Mary M., Diary 1: 0156
3: 0147; 10: 0001; 27: 0001, 0252,
0404; 29: 0293–0464; 30: 0001,
0789; 31: 0212; 32: 0001, 0155
Nairobi, Kenya
22: 0801
National American Woman Suffrage
10: 0193, 0524; 11: 0001; 14: 0130
National Geographic
17: 0001
Navy duty assignments and releases
14: 0324
22: 0801
New Jersey
Hughes-Gray Family Papers 23: 0001–
25: 0157
New Orleans, Louisiana
Stevens, Frederick M., Papers 33: 0613
Warfield, Catherine Ann (Ware), Papers
34: 0271
Watkins, Kate M., Autograph Albums
34: 0324, 0378
14: 0130–0324; 25: 0001
New York
Bacon, Sarah E. Thompson, Papers
34: 0001, 0111
North Carolina
Durham 22: 0210–0936
Outer Banks 22: 0349
22: 0801
33: 0613
Bacon, Sarah E. Thompson, Papers
34: 0001, 0111
Ouachita Parish, Louisiana
Ladies Volunteer Aid Society of Pine Hill
25: 0245
Outer Banks, North Carolina
22: 0349
Personal property
8: 0245; 12: 0468; 16: 0169; 22: 0028;
25: 0519; 26: 0574; 27: 0001;
28: 0180, 0452, 0856; 30: 0603;
31: 0001; 32: 0001, 0586, 0835
Personal Recollections of Our Family
Life in the Early 1900’s
22: 0650
Physical education
22: 0210, 0349, 0650
Pierce, Franklin
inauguration 21: 0260
1: 0128; 6: 0001; 16: 0001; 18: 0146,
0773; 19: 0047, 0141, 0333, 0504,
0587; 20: 0652; 21: 0001; 22: 0001,
0650; 23: 0690; 24: 0287, 0857;
34: 0271–0324, 0422
Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana
Coleman, Ann Raney Thomas, Papers
20: 0652–0833
Pope-Carter Family Papers
25: 0273–0965
22: 0801
20: 0652, 0750
see also Hunger and malnutrition
Presbyterian Female Collegiate Institute
22: 0028
Presidential elections
8: 0532; 23: 0856; 24: 0138
Prisoners of war
1: 0212; 19: 0333; 25: 0722; 33: 0613
Private clubs and societies
31: 0001
Property tax
9: 0001, 0251, 0713; 10: 0193;
13: 0001; 17: 0164; 26: 0574;
27: 0001, 0555, 0712; 28: 0001,
0452, 0604, 0856; 29: 0001, 0679,
0862; 30: 0001, 0207, 0397, 0789;
31: 0212, 0808; 32: 0001, 0155,
0586; 33: 0001, 0147, 0334
Property value
12: 0468
Paris, France
Virginia Clay Clopton visit 4: 0001;
6: 0001
Parole and probation
33: 0613
Peewee Valley, Kentucky
Saint James Episcopal Church Ladies
Guild Records 26: 0048
8: 0001; 20: 0750
Confederate Veteran 9: 0251
general 16: 0534; 27: 0555
National Geographic 17: 0001
Personal and family income
Clay, Clement Claiborne, Family Papers
1: 0308–0536; 2: 0479, 0751–0858;
3: 0147–0776; 4: 0164–0623;
5: 0693; 6: 0001, 0388–0841;
7: 0001, 0367–0719; 8: 0001–0532;
10: 0001–0193, 0816; 11: 0001,
0421; 12: 0468; 13: 0338–0559;
19: 0587–0977; 20: 0001
Clayton, Rebecca F., Papers 20: 0458
Coleman, Ann Raney Thomas, Papers
20: 0833
Gardner, Amanda E., Papers 22: 0028
Grout Family Papers 22: 0210
Hughes-Gray Family Papers 23: 0141,
0690; 24: 0001, 0475,–0857
military pay 22: 0028
Pope-Carter Family Papers 25: 0273
Smith, Washington M., Papers 26: 0108,
0574; 27: 0001, 0712–0860;
28: 0001, 0276, 0604; 29: 0001–
0293; 31: 0001, 0351–0690;
32: 0001, 0341; 33: 0001, 0334
Young, Julia Nash, Journal 34: 0500
see also Dividends and interest income
Personal debt
2: 0631, 0751; 3: 0001, 0526; 8: 0001,
0245; 17: 0164; 24: 0857; 25: 0273;
26: 0362, 0574; 27: 0252; 28: 0001,
0180, 0276, 0604, 0856; 29: 0293,
0464, 0679, 0862; 30: 0001–0397,
0789; 31: 0001–0808; 32: 0001–
0586; 33: 0001–0334
see also Debt collection agencies
Public health
27: 0001
see also Health condition
Public utilities
27: 0001; 28: 0001; 31: 0808
Publishers and publishing
11: 0243, 0676; 14: 0531; 15: 0886;
16: 0169; 21: 0835; 23: 0856
32: 0341
12: 0001; 25: 0519
Real estate business
general 4: 0164; 8: 0532; 9: 0251, 0713;
12: 0468; 26: 0108–0362, 0748–
0875; 27: 0001, 0860; 28: 0001–
0180, 0856; 29: 0001, 0293;
30: 0207, 0603–0789; 31: 0212,
0808; 32: 0155, 0835; 33: 0147
Real estate business cont.
property value 12: 0468
see also Personal property
19: 0666; 22: 0028; 26: 0048
18: 0793
Religious faith
3: 0147; 5: 0852; 6: 0388; 7: 0144;
21: 0001, 0147, 0260, 0350
see also Christianity
Religious organizations
general 22: 0001
Saint James Episcopal Church Ladies
Guild 26: 0048
Society of Friends 23: 0690
22: 0650
10: 0001
Richardson, Marion Morgan
autograph album 26: 0001
Ridgely, Mrs.
papers 26: 0032
Right of privacy
25: 0722
Rights-of-way and easements
9: 0251
Rock Island prisoner of war camp
19: 0333
Rome, Georiga
Shorter College 28: 0276
Saint James Episcopal Church Ladies
records 26: 0048
Sans Souci, a Select Home School for
33: 0588
8: 0737; 24: 0475
24: 0629
Shakespeare, William
19: 0047
Sherman, William Tecumseh
“March to the Sea” 1: 0212; 19: 0333
Joseph E. Johnston’s surrender
25: 0965
Shiloh, Battle of
1: 0212
Shorter College
28: 0276
Simmes, Raphael
papers 18: 0906
Slaves and slavery
1: 0212; 21: 0260; 24: 0629
Smith, Susan P.
account books 33: 0502–0585
Smith, Washington M.
papers 26: 0108–33: 0585
Society of Friends
23: 0690
South Africa
22: 0801
22: 0801
Spanish-American War
9: 0001
Speeches and addresses
Clay, Clement Claiborne 1: 0308;
2: 0858; 3: 0001; 3: 0147; 19: 0750
Clopton, Virginia Clay 18: 0719–
19: 0504; 22: 0349
Stafford, Maria Brewster Brooks
memoir 18: 0901
Stevens, Frederick M.
papers 33: 0613
Stock certificates
7: 0512; 8: 0532; 32: 0001
Timber and timber industry
6: 0388
Travel and tourism
2: 0288; 3: 0147; 5: 0381, 0560, 0693;
6: 0123, 0388, 0661; 7: 0001;
11: 0676; 12: 0001, 0468; 13: 0001,
0559; 15: 0205, 0460; 17: 0001,
0461, 0871; 18: 0001–0535;
19: 0202; 20: 0833; 22: 0210–0801;
23: 0275–0535, 0856; 24: 0001–
0857; 25: 0001–0722; 26: 0190,
0748; 27: 0001, 0555–0860;
28: 0001–0276, 0604, 0856;
29: 0001, 0679–0862; 30: 0001,
0397, 0603; 31: 0001–0351, 0808;
32: 0341, 0835; 34: 0001
Travel expenses
22: 0801
24: 0287
Trinity College
22: 0210, 0349
Tuition and fees
1: 0001; 6: 0661; 22: 0028; 27: 0001;
28: 0001, 0276; 31: 0001
Tunstall, Thomas B.
19: 0041
22: 0801
20: 0458
United Confederate Veterans (UCV)
9: 0251; 12: 0273; 13: 0338; 14: 0734;
15: 0460, 0886; 16: 0001, 0169
United Daughters of the Confederacy
8: 0532–0737; 9: 0001, 0557; 10: 0193,
0524, 0816; 11: 0676; 12: 0001,
0748; 13: 0338–0777; 14: 0130–
0734; 15: 0001–0205, 0687, 0886;
16: 0001, 0534; 17: 0001, 0651,
0871; 18: 0535; 19: 0202
United Kingdom
general 22: 0801
London 3: 0937
University Military School
16: 0534
Sumner County, Tennessee
Williamson, Alice, Diary 34: 0439
Supreme Court
Clopton, David, career 5: 0381
Surety bonds
8: 0737
Surveyors and surveying
16: 0775; 23: 0856
22: 0801
Sweepstakes promotions
14: 0130
22: 0210
Taiping Rebellion
21: 0260
Talladega, Alabama
Presbyterian Female Collegiate Institute
22: 0028
estate tax 26: 0574
general 17: 0461; 28: 0001–0604;
29: 0293; 31: 0212, 0808; 33: 0001,
see also Property tax
20: 0833; 21: 0001; 33: 0613
Burnham, Annie, Autograph Album
1: 0128
Giles County 25: 0273–0965
Greene County 34: 0001, 0111
Grout Family Papers 22: 0210–0936
Jackson 20: 0651
Mary County 25: 0273–0965
Shiloh, Battle of 1: 0212
Sumner County 34: 0439
Williamson County 25: 0273–0965
Coleman, Ann Raney Thomas, Papers
20: 0652–0833
Smith, Washington M., Papers
26: 0108–33: 0585
16: 0001
The Code of Honor, or, Rules for the
Government of Principals and Seconds
in Dueling
3: 0348
Wightman, Maria Dyer Davies
diary 21: 0619
Williamson, Alice, Diary
34: 0439
Williamson County, Tennessee
Pope-Carter Family Papers 25: 0273–
Wills and probate
2: 0149; 3: 0348, 0776; 11: 0421;
14: 0734; 16: 0169, 0775; 20: 0652;
25: 0273, 0519; 26: 0190–0875;
28: 0180, 0452–0604; 29: 0001,
0293, 0464; 30: 0207, 0603–0789;
32: 0155, 0586, 0835
Women of America
13: 0777
Women’s suffrage
8: 0532, 0737; 10: 0524, 0816;
14: 0130; 16: 0351, 0534; 18: 0535;
26: 0048
see also Alabama Equal Suffrage
Women’s Suffrage Day
8: 0245
World War I
17: 0001
Writers and writing
21: 0835
Young, Jenny
diary 34: 0463
Young, Julia Nash
journal 34: 0500
Victoria Falls 22: 0801
Victoria Falls 22: 0801
Urban transportation
25: 0001
25: 0273
4: 0795; 21: 0147; 24: 0138
Veterans benefits and pensions
34: 0001, 0111
Victoria Falls
22: 0801
Fort Monroe 18: 0912
Lexington 26: 0875; 27: 0001, 0252
Virginia Military Institute
26: 0875; 27: 0001, 0252
22: 0801
Voting rights
24: 0629
Spanish-American War 9: 0001
World War I 17: 0001
see also Civil War
Warfield, Catherine Ann (Ware)
papers 34: 0271
Watkins, Kate M.
autograph albums 34: 0324, 0378
1: 0156; 6: 0001, 0661; 20: 0084, 0273,
Webb, Mary
papers 34: 0422
14: 0130
Who’s Who in America
13: 0559, 0777
Grassroots Women’s Organizations
Records of the Women’s City Club of New York, 1916–1980
Women’s Suffrage in Wisconsin
Minnesota Woman Suffrage Association Records, 1894–1923
The Margaret Sanger Papers
National Woman’s Party Papers
New England Women and Their Families
in the 18th and 19th Centuries
The Papers of Eleanor Roosevelt, 1933–1945
Papers of the League of Women Voters, 1918–1974
Records of the Bureau of Vocational Information,
Records of the Women’s Bureau of the
U.S. Department of Labor, 1918–1965
Southern Women and Their Families in the
19th Century
Women’s Studies Manuscript Collections from the
Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College
UPA Collections from LexisNexis®
“You are the most persistent nuisance
I have ever known.”
his colorful quote is but one volley in a heated exchange between a
widowed mother, Susan P. Smith, and her son Oscar. Their
particular dispute focused on the all-important matter of money, a
theme prominent in this collection of letters and documents focusing on
Southern women in the aftermath of the Civil War.
With the economy decimated, and with a dearth of able-bodied men, the
struggles facing women in the South during Reconstruction were
intimidating, if not desperate. But such dire circumstances serve to throw
the determination of these remarkable women—as revealed in these
documents—into sharp relief.
Although portraying many struggles in their writings, these women
managed to display surplus amounts of resilience and courage. The items
in this UPA Microfilm Collection—including poems, journals, and books
aimed at preserving the history and culture of the South—demonstrate
clearly the pride and character of these Southern women of the nineteenth
LexisNexis is proud to present this edition of Southern Women and Their
Families in the 19th Century: Papers and Diaries, Series H, Holdings of the
Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, Duke University,
Part 2: Alabama, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Louisiana,
Maryland, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas.
UPA Collections from LexisNexis®