We are growing.

We are moving towards
ending hunger for people
in need in Australia.
We are
Highlights 2013–2014
Chair and CEO’s Report
Foodbank NSW & ACT Contributors Corporate Volunteers
Charitable & Welfare Agencies
22nd Birthday Dinner /
Governor General Visit
Waste Not Want Not
NSW & ACT Directors
Kids need breakfast
Dedicated Warehouse Volunteers
In 2013-2014
Foodbank NSW &
ACT supplied 500
member charities
with food to help
over 100,386
every week (from
82,633 in 2012–
2013) and provided
an estimated
6.8 million meals.
6.8 million
meals distributed
distributed to
5,068,815kg distributed to NSW & ACT Agencies ( 22%)
weekly orders
kilograms per
agency order
217 468
A further
kilograms distributed
to Foodbank operations
in other states
distributed to
500 charities
5,068,815kg distributed to 500 charities
kilograms of Staple Foods
including cereals, breads
and rice etc. ( 15%)
kilograms of dairy product ( 10%)
kilograms of fresh fruit and vegetables ( 13%)
kilograms of fresh bread ( 60%)
Foodbank NSW & ACT Annual Review 2014
Foodbank NSW & ACT Annual Review 2014
Chairman & CEO’s Review for
2013–14 Another successful year
was c ompleted with increased volume
received and delivered to the ever
increasing demand of recipient welfare agencies in NSW & ACT.
Rendering of the new Foodbank NSW & ACT warehouse
Ernest Pope
It has been decided by the Board that Foodbank
NSW should change its name to now be
known as Foodbank NSW & ACT Limited,
as this best recognises the state and territory
it services and this change was effective from
18th August 2014.
2013–14 saw a major increase of almost 900
tonnes from last year, with a total of 5,068
tonnes equating to 6.8 million meals being
distributed to people in need and this was 22%
or 1.2 million meals greater than last year.
Fresh food and groceries distributed by
Foodbank NSW & ACT last year represented a
$35.5 Million saving (retail value) to the charities
and community groups as well as government
agencies. This saving allows these groups to
spend the money saved on counselling and
other support services to address the base cause
of food insecurity in the community
There are currently over 500 active agencies
using Foodbank NSW & ACT and this growing
number reflects the consistent and increased
offer of staple foods together with increased
and consistent quantities of fresh fruit and
vegetables with supplies of this produce up
more than 13%.
The “Waste Not Want Not” project that has
been operating for 3 years with Farmers in the
Riverina combined with donations from Produce
Agents in the Flemington Markets reached new
highs of Fresh Fruit 358 tonnes and Vegetables
876 tonnes for a total of 1,234 tonnes.
The combined inputs from the farming
community (who have continued to experience
very challenging conditions) provide fantastic
support for Foodbank NSW & ACT and we
truly appreciate their commitment to help in
trying times.
Continued supply and the consistent availability
of frozen Chicken, Fish, Beef and Sausages is
fulfilling part of the meat/animal protein needs
— this service is appreciated by the groups
we supply and will be ongoing as we learn and
expand what best suits our Agency’s needs.
We are appreciative of the support received
from Foodbank Australia and the regular
ongoing consistent supply of staple foods
through the Collaborative Supply Program.
The annual grant from the Federal Government
of over $1.1 million and the support of the
Australian Food & Grocery Industry enables our
collaborative supply program to convert each
$1 million received into around $7-10 million
worth of food. This funding is vital to the future
growth of staple products; however it is well
short of demand if we are to ensure consistent
supply of staples such as breakfast cereals,
pasta, rice and UHT milk. Submissions have
been made to the new Federal Government for
a substantial increase in funding to help fulfil
the food supply shortage and we understand
this is still under review.
Our thanks are passed on to Foodbank
Australia’s Enzo Allara AO (Chair), John Webster
(retired CEO), Jason Hincks (new CEO) and Greg
Warren (GM Supply) for the work they do in
promoting the Foodbank cause with the Federal
Government, Australian Food & Grocery Council
and National Food Supply Companies.
Funding from the ACT Government has been
confirmed for 2 years for the transport to
the ACT Welfare Agencies and this has been
arranged by the continued great work of Max
Kimber and the Rotary Club of Canberra.
With the ever increasing volume being
distributed to the agencies the overall cost of
transport is significant and the increased volume
of produce from the Riverina contributes to
these rising freight costs.
We have in place a 3 year agreement to
receive Department of Family & Community
Services funding for transport to NSW
country welfare agencies. While we are very
appreciative of this funding the $50/pallet Levy
has been maintained to offset the shortfall
in transport costs. The increased demand for
products that are free of charge grew by 23%
over last year, which equates to 380 tonnes and
this increase contributes significantly to the
higher transport costs.
During the year the increased availability
of fresh sliced bread from Goodman Fielder
and George Weston Foods has resulted in
bread delivery rising from 8000 to over
13,000 loaves per week.
Our thanks go to the NSW Government
for their Grant of $2 million and the ACT
Government for their Grant of $200,000 for
funding for the new Distribution Centre for
Foodbank NSW & ACT. Currently we cannot
meet the requirements of the hungry in NSW
and ACT, and a major limiting factor is the lack
of space in our current warehouse.
The new Distribution Centre and land will
cost in the vicinity of $14 million and Foodbank
NSW & ACT will contribute over $8 million
from the sale of the existing warehouse
together with other funds that have been
raised over recent years.
A lot of work has been performed by a skilled
sub-committee in the Warehouse design
and land selection and the new site has been
purchased in Owen Street, Glendenning.
The new Distribution Centre construction
will commence in the 3rd quarter of the 2015
financial year with completion expected
around spring 2015.
Ongoing strong emphasis in fundraising has
proved fruitful including being the NSW
Charity of Choice for the Bruce Springsteen
concerts which raised $33,000 in 2014.
Sargents Charitable Foundation has donated
close to $1.5 million in the last 18 months and
these funds have helped make up some of the
shortfall of funds needed to complete the new
Distribution Centre. Increased emphasis on PR,
Marketing and Digital Media is also raising funds
along with lifting our overall profile to the Public
and Corporate sponsors.
In September, 2014 we celebrated our
22nd Birthday with a very successful and
well received Birthday and Fundraising Dinner
at Sydney Showground with 130 Guests
attending and raising over $55,000 towards
the building project.
Volunteer Management and supply is strong
with keen support from Corporate Volunteers,
however managing large numbers of corporates
needs constant monitoring and review as we
need to ensure we operate within the new WHS
rules. Managing many people in the warehouse
is always a challenge due to the size constraints
and the new facility will make this much easier.
Online ordering has been fully integrated
and now over 99% of Agencies are using
this ordering system with a 98% delivery
performance. PricewaterhouseCoopers
and KPMG continue to supply pro-bono
Accounting and Auditing Services and this
is greatly appreciated.
Our Patron, Her Excellency the Governor
of New South Wales, Professor Marie Bashir
AC CVO, retired in September 2014 and
we sincerely thank her for the great support
she provided to us over the past years.
In conclusion we wish to thank our
Volunteers, Staff and Directors for their
dedication and support as without their
combined efforts Foodbank NSW & ACT
could not possibly operate.
Ern Pope
Gerry Andersen
Gerry Andersen
Foodbank NSW & ACT Annual Review 2014
Foodbank NSW & ACT Annual Review 2014
Foodbank NSW & ACT Donors providing
vital food supplies The food industry
is Foodbank’s major partner.
NSW Donors
The Heights Community Services a division
of Cabramatta Community Centre currently
provides an average of 40 parcels to families,
pensioners and people with disabilities.
Feedback from participants is very positive and
encourages staff and our team of volunteers to
continue with the provision of the service.
Mirta and Francisco story
Trying to make ends meet with a pension paying
private rent was an impossible challenge. Mirta
and Francisco were struggling financially until
they started receiving the parcel regularly. “We
now have available a variety of fresh vegetables,
pantry items and fridge and freezer items every
fortnight. This allows us to have nutritional
balanced meals and taste a range of foods we
would never purchase. My wife and I believe
that this project can change people’s financial
circumstances that’s why we volunteer in the
making of the parcels and recommend it to
families and friend in need.”
Free Monday Morning Brekky
Monday mornings a free light breakfast is
provided for students through the Chaplaincy
Program. Several students, Phaedra, Amelia,
Andrew, Luke and Jayden assist Mrs Jensen
with setting up and distributing the food items.
These vary from week to week depending on
the ‘specials’ available.
Regular items include, juice, yoghurt, muesli
bars, fresh fruit and hot toasties — filled
with cheese, baked beans or spaghetti.
Approximately 150 students are fed
each Monday.
Mrs Jensen would like to Thank all the students
for their very civil waiting and patience as well
as the many thanks she receives from students
who avail themselves of the service.
Without Foodbank NSW & ACT’s support
at Christmas time last year, many of our
disadvantaged families would not have
received basic food to help them through
an extremely tough time. The hampers were
extremely reasonably priced for the amount
included which meant we could offer food
to more families in need. We couldn’t have
done it without Foodbank and look forward
to using them again this year to offer hampers
to our families.
The Women’s Cottage in Richmond NSW has
been gratefully receiving Foodbank assistance
for our clients since 2008. The women and
families who come to the Women’s Cottage are
able to access Foodbank items Monday–Friday
during our drop-in hours. This means each
day we can assess and support a woman who
may need a little extra food assistance and
it can be done without an appointment. The
Women’s Cottage is extremely appreciative to
the Foodbank organisation and the dedicated
workers there. If it were not for organisations
like Foodbank more people in need would fall
through the gaps.
Woden Community Service Little Pantry
has been running for six months now.
It has received a constant patronage, with
regular service users and those who just
require one off assistance.
With a long time need in this area there
has also been great support from St. Albans
Anglican Church who assist with volunteers
on a regular basis.
Other benefits are the contact with
marginalized persons who we can refer
to services within the organization and
external referrals.
Feedback from service users has been very
positive and at this stage we are not restricting
area of living to those who attend.
kilograms ( 15% LY)
National Donors
kilograms of product ( 26.7% LY)
Collaborative Supply
kilograms ( 39% LY)
Foodbank NSW & ACT Annual Review 2014
Foodbank NSW & ACT Annual Review 2014
Corporate Volunteers Foodbank NSW
& ACT willingly welcomes corporate
volunteers/individuals from companies
which support and encourage employees
to be involved in community activities
as part of their corporate social
Without the help of corporate volunteer teams
we would not be as successful and Foodbank
would like to acknowledge the following
companies for their support:
Accountancy Insurance
AustCorp Executive Recruitment
Australian Egg Corporation Limited
Bastian Solutions
Baxter Healthcare Pty Ltd
BNP Paribas
Boehringer Ingelheim
BT Financial Group
Church Of Latter Day Saints
Commonwealth Bank
Corporate Bodies
Crown Relocations
Dimension data
Foodbank NSW & ACT Annual Review 2014
GE Capital
Goodman Fielder
GWF — Weston Milling
HDS — Hitachi Data Systems
Interactive Intelligence
Lease Direct
Lloyds International
Marsh Global Claims
Mary Mackillop College Wakely
Mission Team — Good Samaritan Education
MLC Foundation
Morgan Stanley
Pizza Hut SOPAC/Westpac
repair link (suncorp)
Rotary Caste Hill
SEEK Learning
Smart Salary
SMART SALARY + Asphen Pharm
Software AG
Sony Foundation
State Water Corporation
SWANN Insurance
TOLL Group
YUM Restaurants
I know that when our team from Telstra
volunteered we found it to be an enriching
experience. The fact that you help so many
people by supplying them with something we
take for granted, made us all realise how lucky
we are. I’ve continued to support the cause
and held a big brekkie at work last week to
raise funds. Everyone loved it! I will continue
to support and volunteer in any way I can and I
commend the work your organisation does.
Mel, Telstra
Foodbank NSW & ACT do an enormous job
for those that aren’t fortunate enough and for
me, being able to volunteer at Foodbank NSW
& ACT. It has been a real eye opener and the
difference organizations like Foodbank NSW &
ACT do for the wider community.
Keep up the great work!
Will, De Lage Landen
Foodbank NSW & ACT volunteer activity is very
well organised. It’s a fantastic team building
experience to contribute our time for a great
cause. The Foodbank NSW & ACT team have
always been proactive and kept us informed
with all the detailed information to ensure that
we enjoy the time volunteering at Foodbank.
Kate, Salesforce
Foodbank NSW & ACT Ltd is a great
organisation to volunteer in. They are set up
well to accommodate volunteers with a very
‘hands on’ opportunity to help. We were given
a good overview of the crucial work Foodbank
does and the charities they support. I got a
better appreciation of the enormous logistics
involved in providing supplies to the many
missions and needs and loved that the staff
were so friendly and appreciative of our efforts
to assist.
It was a great experience to be of assistance to
such a wonderful organisation. The world would
be a sad place without people like Foodbank.
We would definitely recommend volunteering
Foodbank NSW & ACT Ltd to everyone.
Janelle, MLC Community Foundation,
National Australia Bank
On behalf of the NSW Field Team, I’d like to
thank you for allowing us to experience a
small part of what you do daily.
It was a very rewarding experience, and while
it helped us to sell against our major Q3
event, it is safe to say it will live with us well
beyond that event.
This experience was shared across our
Queensland, Victoria, and Adelaide offices
(including the WA, NT, and Tasmanian
Field Teams).
David, Kellogg’s
At Cerebos Australia we are passionate about
connecting people through great food and
coffee and we find the values of Foodbank NSW
& ACT to be closely aligned with our own.
During 2014, 57 of our employees volunteered
at Foodbank NSW & ACT in Wetherill
Park spending a day picking and packing
stock. Feedback from these volunteer days
is overwhelmingly positive. Our employees
appreciate the chance to make a contribution
to the community and leave Foodbank NSW &
ACT with a sense of gratitude and a feeling of
having done something very worthwhile.
Sanjana, Cerebos Australia Ltd
Last Thursday, an enthusiastic group of
community-minded Infosys employees helped
out for a day at Foodbank NSW & ACT, a notfor-profit org which delivers donated food and
groceries from the food industry to welfare
agencies who provide food assistance to those
in need.
Pictured above in their stylish hi-vis vests are
Abhishek Singh, Manish Ballal, Jeet Vikram
Minhas, Jaya Laxmi, Sinjith Ganesan, Gurcharan
Singh Jassal, Manish Aggarwal, Sam Zhang and
Senthil Kumar Radjendiran.
The induction session by the Foodbank NSW &
ACT staff helped in raising awareness about the
less fortunate section of our community that
struggles to make ends meet. The motivated
and enthusiastic team then took up the task
of picking and packing the food items and
completing the job efficiently.
The initiative made all of us appreciate the
efforts of Foodbank NSW & ACT in providing
food to those in need. Apart from making
a meaningful contribution, it also gave an
opportunity to meet new people and develop
new skills. The experience was fulfilling and
the team was happy to be a part of this cause
and do their bit. Jaya Laxmi summed up
the thoughts of the group, saying ‘It was an
amazing experience and I would love to be a
part of such initiatives’.
Jeet Vikram Minhas
Volunteering at the Foodbank NSW &ACT
was possibly the most worthwhile fulfilling
experience I have had in a long time. I was
encouraged to volunteer by my Employer,
Telstra, and initially I was reluctant, as work is
always busy.
After having spent the day at Foodbank, I have
totally turned around my way of thinking, I
now actively encourage my team to consider
volunteering. Foodbank NSW & ACT is an
amazing organization, and embraces all that
is good with our society, helping those less
fortunate, without discriminating, and without
looking for rewards and accolades.
I am now very proud to have been able to help,
by volunteering, although it was just 1 day.
Wayne, Telstra Operations
Foodbank NSW & ACT Annual Review 2014
Charitable & Welfare Agencies
Foodbank services 500 charities and
welfare agencies in NSW and ACT who
are registered Agency Members and are
involved in food assistance programs.
Australian Foundation for Disability
Door of Hope Community
Australian Mercy
Global Care
Baptist Care
House of Hope
Baptist Church
Inspire Community
Bellambi Neighbourhood Centre
Jesuit Social Services
C3 Churches
Kurri Kurri Community Centre Inc
Canberra City Care Charnwood
Lend A Hand Ministries Inc
Christian Outreach Centres
Lifehouse Care
Church of Christ
Mission Australia
Communities @ Work ACT
Odyssey House
Condobolin Helping Hands
ONE80TC Teen Challenge
Financial Summary
The figures quoted are a very high-level
summary only of our financial performance.
We are more than pleased if you wish to
know in more detail the outcome of our
financial stewardship. A full set of Statutory
Accounts is available free of charge by
downloading from our website, or by phoning
or emailing our office.
Ozzie Care
Parramatta Mission
Potters House Christian Church
Salvation Army
St Vincent De Paul Society
Toukley Neighbourhood Centre
Uniting Church
Wayback Committee Ltd
We Help Ourselves
Wyong Neighbourhood Centre
Youth Off The Streets
Youth With A Mission
Years ended 30 June
Other income and expenses
Net Surplus
Foodbank NSW & ACT has continued to donate
up to 70 loaves of fresh bread to the Vinnies
Van every week. This bread goes directly to
the Vinnies Van service, which assists people
experiencing or at risk of homelessness and
social isolation in Penrith and Parramatta.
Over 650 volunteers staff the service 364
nights a year. Each night, they use Foodbank
NSW & ACT donated bread to make about
65 sandwiches to give to our patrons. We
use nutritional ingredients to make delicious
sandwiches. Many of our patrons would
otherwise go hungry could we not provide such
food. As a not for profit organization, donations
such as this that come from Foodbank, ensure
programs like the Vinnies Van can continue to
serve those in need.
Extract from the Statutory Accounts
Revenue from service fees
(less) Cost of supply — purchased stock only
Freight recovery fee and NSW Government
freight subsidy
(less) Other operating expenses
Result from operating activities
Gross assets managed
* Income and expenses associated with fundraising activities together with grants received from the government and philanthropic trusts
Economic analysis of activities
Seeks to disclose the economic drawdown from our ordinary activities
Result from operating activities (from above)
(less) In-Kind “Costs” donated to Foodbank
Economic cost (before donations
and one-off grants)
Economic “Benefit” of Foodbank NSW & ACT**
Foodbank is one of our main suppliers of fruit,
vegetables and dry products. Foodbank has
helped us help many under privileged customers
who otherwise would be going without food.
Customer’s help themselves to good quality
fruit and vegetables and visit our Ignite Store on
a regular basis. Many customers leave the ignite
Food Store crying with gratitude, especially
those with young children. Without Foodbank
we would not be able to provide the service
we do to so many families in the Mount Druitt
area. Our customers range in all age groups but
mostly young families and the elderly.
We at the Ignite Food Store and the Holy Parish
Church are grateful for the assistance Foodbank
provide and hope to continue our strong
relationship for many years to come.
** Meals delivered to those in need (kg distributed converted to standard meals @ $5.00/meal)
Foodbank NSW & ACT Annual Review 2014
Foodbank NSW & ACT Annual Review 2014
Fundraising Dinner
On Saturday, 6th September 2014 Foodbank
NSW & ACT held its 22nd Birthday and
Fundraising Dinner. It was a memorable evening
in the Playfair Room, Sydney Showground,
where one event in the year heralded the
presence of Foodbank NSW & ACT to the NSW
Business Community and NSW Government.
Whilst celebrating 22 years of service to the
Gerry Andersen, Josh Piterman, Gabrielle Upton
MP, Ern Pope, Lisa-Marie Parker & Simon Marnie
people of NSW and ACT, the event was a
success raising over $55,000 from the evening’s
table donations, raffles and auctions; with
100% of the proceeds going towards the new
Distribution Centre.
We believe it is totally unacceptable in
2014 that in one of the most advanced and
wealthiest countries in the World, over 20%
of people in Western Sydney alone are ‘food
insecure’. For decades to come, the Foodbank
5 Live Prize Laying chickens sold for $650
NSW & ACT Distribution Centre will cater to
the increased need for basic food by those who
are significantly disadvantaged.
Special thanks goes to the evenings Master
of Ceremonies, 702 ABC Sydney's Simon
Marnie; Guest of Honour, Minister for Family
& Community Services Gabrielle Upton MP;
Cassandra Kelly; Ovation Performances; the
Sydney Youth Jazz Band and the NSW Business
Community who supported the evening.
Young auctioneer of the Year, Chris Gould
selling a signed Roosters NRL footy Jersey
General’s Visit
The Governor-General, His Excellency General the
Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd) along
with his wife Lady Cosgrove, visited the Foodbank
NSW & ACT Food Distribution Centre in Wetherill
Park on Tuesday 14th October 2014. The GovernorGeneral toured the facility and met with Charity
Welfare Agencies, Volunteers and Staff.
Foodbank NSW & ACT Annual Review 2014
During his visit, the Governor-General had the chance
to hear first-hand the issues regarding food insecurity
and the increasing hunger demand in Australia, along
with seeing how Foodbank NSW & ACT are able to
help disadvantaged Australians.
Chairman Ern Pope said that it was a great privilege
to have the Governor-General visit the distribution
centre in Western Sydney and appreciated his
enthusiastic support for the Foodbank organization.
Waste Not Want Not Across the Riverina
the Waste Not Want Not experience
continues to grow. Starting from an idea
discussed around a kitchen table in late
2010 now over 500 tonnes of produce is
supplied to Foodbank NSW/ACT annually
from the Riverina.
The range of produce is extensive and over
the last twelve months produce sent has
included carrots, garlic, grapefruit, lemons,
mandarins, onions, oranges, potatoes, pumpkins,
rockmelons, soybeans, cabbage, watermelon
and more.
All produce distributed is perfectly edible, but
for a range of reasons has no commercial
market. In some instances changes in the
export market provides surplus produce which
local farmers need to contend with but far and
away the greatest cause is ‘out of specification’
produce. Produce which due to size, shape,
surface blemishes etc mean that the major
supermarkets will not buy it creating vast
quantities of waste. This waste traditionally has
gone to land fill, cattle fodder or been ploughed
back into the ground but thanks to the initiative
of the people of Carrathool Shire, and now
the broader Riverina, this produce is providing
nutritious, tasty, fresh food to the many, many
people in need across NSW and the ACT.
The initiative continues to be recognised
for its merit and creativity and recently one
of the committee was invited to present a
paper at the national Australian Regional
Development Conference.
The Waste Not Want Not AGM was held in
July with Gerry and Pat Andersen as honoured
guests. John Sheridan was elected as President,
Jenny Sheridan, Secretary and John McKeon,
Treasurer for the coming year. Foodbank NSW/
ACT honoured Julie Greig, the Committee and
Carrathool Shire Council with the presentation
of plaques noting their respective roles in the
success of the Project.
Carrathool Shire’s Australia Day Ambassador for
2014 was Susie Elelman who was taken on a tour
of one of the participating farms by Lou Revelant,
Foodbank Produce Manager.
Foodbank NSW & ACT Annual Review 2014
Foodbank NSW & ACT Limited
Directors’ report Current Directors
at 31st October 2014.
Appointed a director in February 2006 and
Chairman in April 2007. Ern is the Chair of
the Remuneration Committee of Foodbank
NSW & ACT. He is also a member of the
Audit, Government Relations Committee and
the Public Relations Committee. Ern has over
40 years’ senior executive experience in the
food and beverage manufacturing industry
in Asia, USA, Europe and Australasia. Prior to
Foodbank, Ern spent 22 years with the Nestle
Group, 16 years with Kraft Foods Limited and
was also a previous Chairman of Golden Circle
Ltd. Ern is also a non-executive Director of
Foodbank Australia Limited and a non-executive
Chairman at Yumi’s Quality Foods Pty Ltd.
Appointed a director in February 2014. John is
currently the NSW/ACT Supermarkets State
Manager at Woolworths Limited. Prior to this
role, John played a pivotal senior leadership role
in growing the NSW business, where he oversaw
key branch launches and operational successes.
Through his 34 year career with Woolworths
Limited, John has worked in a wide variety of
cross-divisional roles across Australia. John has
created a legacy of operational improvement
and achievement across each of the roles he has
held. His diverse experience has allowed him to
develop a well-rounded approach to leadership
and retail operations.
Ernest Pope
John Eales
John Hudson
Peter Kelly
Peter Lucas
Joan O’Shea
Steve Schofield
Clive Stiff
Don Telford
Foodbank NSW & ACT Annual Review 2014
Appointed a director in August 2014. John is a
member of the Audit Committee of Foodbank
NSW & ACT. John has been engaged in both
the development and investment in real estate
for over 28 years. This has included significant
periods as the senior finance executive in
a series of major independent property
companies. Prior to ceasing full time executive
roles, John was the Managing Director and Chief
Executive Officer of Thakral Holdings Group, a
specialist hotel REIT with ancillary commercial
and retail property together with residential
development activities and over $1 billion in
assets. John is currently a Director of Retirement
Villages Group, a Director of Tuckerbox which
is a NRMA joint venture that owns Travelodge
Hotels and a member of the investment
committee for Terra Australis Property Fund.
John is a Chartered Accountant and practiced
with KPMG prior to becoming involved with the
property sector.
Appointed a director in October 2011.
Peter is the Chair of Public Relations
Appointed a director in March 2011. Steve is
Committee of Foodbank NSW & ACT. He is
a member of the Remuneration, Government
also a member of the Government Relations
Relations, Land and Building and the Safety
Committee. Peter worked with global food
and Risk Committee of Foodbank NSW & ACT.
company Nestle for 39 years. As a member
Steve provides Foodbank NSW & ACT with
of the senior management team, he lead the
over 30 years’ experience in the area of Human
Company’s Corporate Affairs function and
Resources and Industrial Relations. Steve was
was responsible for Nestle Oceania’s External
appointed the Executive General Manager
Media, Government Relations and Consumer
Human Resources with Downer EDI Rail in
Services, and Legal teams. He was the Chair and March 2012. His former roles included Group
Board Member of the Infant Nutrition Council;
General Manager Human Resources for Komatsu
a Board Member of the Global Compact
Australia Pty Ltd, HR Director at Goodman
Network Australia. Peter is now an independent Fielder, HR Director Schindler Lifts Australia and
management consultant.
previously held the role of General Manager
Industrial Relations at Qantas Airways Ltd.
Appointed a director in July 2003. Peter
Appointed a director in April 2010. Clive is a
is the Chair of the Audit Committee of
member of the Public Relations Committee
Foodbank NSW & ACT. He is also a member
of Foodbank NSW & ACT. Clive is the
of the Remuneration Committee. Peter
Chairman and CEO of Unilever Australia and
is an independent consultant with over
New Zealand and a non-executive director of
40 years in business in fields including
the Australian Food and Grocery Council. He
Chartered Accountancy, Merchant Banking,
brings over 25 years General Management and
Government Financial institutions, Government Marketing experience in fast moving consumer
Service delivery, Government Governance,
goods, including 2 years as the Managing
Environmental Remediation Financing & Not
Director of Goodman Fielder Baking and over
for Profit sector. Peter is also an Independent
20 years with Procter & Gamble undertaking
Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee for NSW
assignments in four different subsidiaries
Treasury and the NSW Crime Commission.
in developed and developing regions and in
headquarters in Brussels and Geneva. In his last
role as CEO of Procter & Gamble France, Clive
Appointed a director in August 2007. Joan is
was actively involved with NGOs helping the
the Chair of the Safety and Risk Committee
homeless in Paris and was Chairman of the
of Foodbank NSW & ACT. Joan has held
Company’s foundation dedicated to working
numerous positions in senior Quality and
with the National Society for the preservation
Research and Development roles within
of the French coast.
the Food Manufacturing Industry. Joan is
currently the Group Quality Director for
Appointed a director in September 2002.
Goodman Fielder with responsibilities across
Don is a member of the Land and Building and
Australia, New Zealand and Asia Pacific.
and Risk committee of Foodbank NSW
Joan brings a strong commercial experience
& ACT. As one of the most experienced logistics
in Food Safety Management and Operations
executives in Australasia Don’s knowledge of
to support Foodbank.
transport, logistics and warehousing from his
involvement with Toll Holdings, Asciano and
now as chairman of the Logistics Council of
Australia, provides Foodbank with insight and
support for the distribution of its products.
Foodbank NSW & ACT Annual Review 2014
Kids Need Breakfast With their
developing brains and growing bodies,
kids really need a good breakfast
to fuel their body before each day.
Nutritionist, Dr Joanna McMillian, Premier Mike Baird, Foodbank NSW & ACT CEO Gerry Andersen and students from St Mary's Catholic School at the Big Breakfast in Martin Place
Sadly, not all kids have access to the most
important meal of the day. One in seven
children in Australia arrives in the classroom
each day without breakfast, having missed
out on the most important meal of the day.¹
According to early findings from Foodbank’s
Social Return on Investment Report, for every
kilogram of food provided there is the equivalent
of $110 of social value in terms of improved
physical health and school performance.²
Without breakfast, other studies have shown
that these kids are more likely to be absent from
school, show poorer results when they’re in
class, make unhealthy food choices throughout
the rest of the day, and be overweight.
One simple meal in the morning can
mean children of all ages are likely to
show an improvement in their performance,
concentration, energy, endurance,
and coordination.
It’s no surprise then that breakfast was
the number one requested food item by
those in need, according to Foodbank’s 2014
Hunger Report.
Recently, Foodbank NSW & ACT received a
$26K Clubs Australia grant for kick-starting
School Breakfast Programs in the Smithfield/
Fairfield LGA. This grant means that kids
who don’t normally start the day with
a meal will now have access to breakfast
— and the many benefits.
Goodman Fielder Baking supports Foodbank
via its ‘Daily Bread’ program. A regular supply
of bread is essential to welfare agencies
providing nutritious and filling meals. Since
Foodbank NSW & ACT Annual Review 2014
2006, Goodman Fielder Baking has provided
regular daily or weekly fresh bread donations
to the Foodbank warehouses across the country.
Goodman Fielder reviewed its program in 2011
and, in response to increased need, further
upped its donations. During the year the
increased availability of fresh sliced bread from
Goodman Fielder and George Western Foods
has resulted in bread delivery rising from 8000
to over 13,000 loaves per week.
Kellogg’s Australia, a Foodbank supporter,
also help children who don’t have access to
breakfast. Kellogg’s recently announced a
Breakfast for Better Days initiative, which
involves a committed 6 million serves of
cereal to kids and families in need, right across
Australia. This is in conjunction with a donation
to help Foodbank reach more children through
its School Breakfast Program.
Weet-Bix was also on the breakfast table for
many struggling Aussie families during winter
thanks to a chain of collaboration that stretches
right back to the wheat paddock. Foodbank
is currently distributing enough Weet-Bix to
provide 312,000 serves of the iconic breakfast
cereal to large and small food relief charities
around Australia. The Weet-Bix went to people
in need in prepared meals, food hampers
and emergency packs to provide a nutritious
and sustaining start to the day. The donated
product has been manufactured for Foodbank
by Sanitarium Health & Wellbeing, made from
grain donated by Australian farmers. The grain
came from a store collected by GrainCorp
and other grain handlers in a program that
encourages growers to do their bit to help
Dedicated Warehouse Volunteers
Our tireless workers are a testament
to the generosity of spirit of so many
Australians. There are a number of
people we couldn’t function without.
These volunteers give their time and
their smiles to ensure Foodbank is able to
reach as many people in need as possible.
reduce hunger in Australia. The donated grain
is augmented by the handlers themselves as
well as millers such as Weston Milling and
Manildra. The aim is to create an ongoing
supply of grains and flour which Foodbank can
draw down from to manufacture a variety of
key staples such as bread, pasta and breakfast
cereal. Sanitarium donated the additional
ingredients, manufacturing time and labour
to produce the Weet-Bix at their Berkeley
Vale factory, ANZPAC donated the Weet-Bix
packaging and Visy donated the cardboard
cartons for shipping. Finally, Linfox delivered the
donated Weet-Bix to the Foodbank warehouses.
Uncle Toby’s also received wheat under a similar
arrangement and they converted this into Vita
Brits that are very valuable to the Collaborative
Supply Food Program.
Foodbank thanks these wonderful organisations
for the ongoing support, donations and
contributions. The results from something as
simple and necessary as providing breakfast
for children, no matter what their financial
situation, will have a huge impact on their
health and education. And this, in turn, will
benefit society no end.
Recognising the need to provide more breakfast
foods to children and the 500 agencies we ran
The Big Breakfast campaign in October this
year. Through our use of collaborative supply
and wonderful donating Companies, Foodbank
NSW & ACT can provide a healthy breakfast for
just $0.40. The aim of the appeal was to raise an
additional 100,000 breakfast.
The campaign kicked off with a Big Breakfast
in Martin Place that was attended by the NSW
Premier, Mike Baird and Treasurer, Andrew
Constance. As well numerous businesses that
support Foodbank also held Big Breakfasts and
the appeal ran online for 3 weeks. The campaign
was wonderfully successful. The final number
of breakfasts raised was 137,500 meaning we
exceeded our target by 37,500 breakfasts, inturn
being able to provide more breakfast for children
& families suffering food insecurity.
Foodbank NSW & ACT would like to take
this opportunity to thank all the wonderful
volunteers who contributed during 2013- 2014.
In the year 2013-2014 Foodbank NSW supplied
500 member charities with food to help
over 100,386 families/singles every week (up
from 82,633 in 2012-2013) and provided an
estimated 6.8 million meals.
This is also shown through an increased greater
awareness of the important role volunteers play
at Foodbank NSW & ACT. We could only do
that with the Volunteer assistance given.
The difference between having such volunteers’
and no volunteers means the difference
between getting the food picked and packed
out of the warehouse to feed each week; being
distributed to those in need in country/ regional
and metro areas of NSW & ACT.
As most pallets weight approximately 250–300
kilos equating to between 330 to 400 meals
that will feed people less fortunate each week
and our volunteers pack this on a weekday basis.
There are a lot of families, singles and children
who directly benefit from this food being picked
and packed and delivered to them that was
only made possible with the assistance of these
wonderful volunteers who regularly attend the
Foodbank NSW & ACT warehouse.
As we are nearing the end of another busy year
we sincerely appreciate the contribution of the
volunteers in the community and over 100
corporate organisations whose employees assist
us on a regular basis. Please be assured it does
make a real difference in assisting those less
fortunate than ourselves in NSW & ACT.
1 Australian Bureau of Statistics, CensusAtSchool Australia (2013)
2 Social impact of Foodbank Australia’s services, A Social Return on
Investment (SROI) forecast, Foodbank Australia (2014)
Foodbank NSW & ACT Annual Review 2014
Donors Foodbank greatly appreciates the contribution
of so m
any Australian companies in the provision
of needed and vital food products for distribution
to our Member Agencies, including:
Supporters Foodbank NSW acknowledges the valuable
contribution of our supporters providing pro bono services
that allow our organisation to operate at t he levels of
efficiency of volume and cost structure that is achieved:
A B World Foods
A Romeo & BP & FJ Sergi
A2 Dairy Products
AAA Packers Pty Ltd
Acme Merchandising
Adriano Pty Ltd
AFK International
Alchin & Long Group
ALDI Stores
All Natural Kitchens
Allied Chefs Australia
Alpen Products Pty Ltd
Amaland Agco
Amcor Fibre Packaging
AMV Farms
Amyson Pty Ltd
Angas Park
Anglo Distributors
Anglo-Irish Trading Co P/L
ANZ Bank ‘
Aspen Pharmacare Australia
Aussie Farmers Direct
Aussie Foods
Aussie Gold Citrus P/L
Australian Bakels (Pty) Ltd
Australian Corporate Diaries
Australian Egg Corporation ‚
Australian Food and Grocery
Australian Gourmet Chestnuts
Australian Jalapenos
Australian Special Beverages
Australian Worldwide
Avery Dennison Pty Ltd
Axima Pty Ltd
B E Campbell Pty Ltd
Lend Lease
Lindsay Transport
Lindt & Sprungli (Aust)
Lion (incl National Foods,
Dairy Farmers) 
Lush Cosmetics
Mainfreight Logistics
Mallamace Family Trust
Manassen Foods Australia Pty Ltd
Manildra Group
Maranatha Import Export
Marco Polo Foods Pty Ltd
Marine Product Marketing Pty Ltd
Marios’ Packhouse
Marrickville Freezers
MARS Food Australia
Massel Australia Pty Limited
McDonald’s Australia Limited
Meals on Wheels — Penrith
Melinda’s Gluten-Free Goodies
Memorial Fruit Market
Menora Foods Pty Ltd
Michael J Bowen & Associates
Microsoft Pty Ltd
Milano Food Traders
MingFa Trading Co. Pty Ltd
Mirchmasala Mart
Modern Baking
Mondeléz (formerly Kraft)‘
Montague Cold Storage
Montague Fresh
Montecatini Smallgoods
Mossmont Stonefruit Importers
Mountain H20 Pty Ltd
Mr Chips
Baco Pty Ltd
Bakemark Pty Ltd
BAM Wine Logistics — Sydney
Banquet Desserts Pty Ltd
Barilla Australia Pty Ltd
Baska-Jon Fine Foods
Batlow Co-Op
Bead Foods Pty Ltd
Beak & Johnston Pty Ltd
Bega Cheese
Bella Food Group
Bellata Gold
Ben Kwakye
Berconia Rockman Australia
Pty Ltd
Bert’s Soft Drink Co
Best Solid
Bidvest Australia Ltd
Bilita Food Services
Birch & Waite Foods Pty Ltd
BLC International Pty Ltd
Bonds Couriers
Borderland Grapes
BPS Food Services
Bravington Vine Ltd
Brazilian Style Imports
Bread Solutions
Brownes Food Operations P/L
Brunos Fruit & Vegetables P/L
Bundaberg Brewed Drinks
C&E Tissue Supplies
Cadbury Pty Ltd
Campbell Arnott’s
Campbell’s Australia
Campbells Soup
Candy Brokers
Foodbank NSW & ACT Annual Review 2014
Canobolas Eggs
Cantarella Bros Pty Ltd
CareDent Pty Ltd
Cargo and Logistics Management
Carmel Farm Pty Ltd
Casa Italia Gourmet Food &
Wines Pty Ltd
CASF Australia
Ceres Enterprises Ltd
Charter Freightlines
Cherry King
Chocman Trust
Choco Bean
Clear Lake Citrus P/L
Cleveland Cleaning Supplies
Pty Ltd
Coca-Cola Amatil
Colgate Palmolive Australia
Pty Ltd
Conquer Cancer
Country Foods Pty Ltd
Cowra Foods
CPL Natural Care
Criniti Bros
Crown Relocations
CSL ‘‚
CSRIO — Food Science Australia
Cypress & Sons Pty Ltd
D & N Agresta
D E Coffee & Tea Retail Australia
Daily Fresh Food Service
Dairy Farmers
Dell Australia
Department of Primary Industries
Dept Of Liquor, Gaming & Racing
Dexion Logistics
Dick Smith Foods
Dietitians Association of Australia
Digital Tsunami
Direct Response Aust.
DJ & A Ltd (Aust)
Double “D” Products Australia
Pty Ltd
DRK Transport
E F Cunich & Co
Eco Farms
Elite Fresh Produce
Energizer Australia Pty Ltd
Entyce Food Ingredients Pty Ltd
Eskimo Holding Pty Ltd
Euro Shopper International Food
Pty Ltd
Exalt Group
F & M Quality Foods
FA&JB Dal Bon
Ferrero Australia Pty Ltd
Filessi Pty Ltd
Finger Food Company
Fizz Bizz Beverages Pty Ltd
Flavourtech Pty Ltd
Flemington Markets
Flight Centre Limited
Fonterra Australia Limited
Freedom Foods Pty Ltd
Freedom Nutritional Products
Freshco Foods
Fuji Xerox ‘ GS1
Gap Farm Management
Garrett’s Catering
Gazel Apparel Pty Ltd
GE Capital
General Mills Australia
George Manettas Aust
(Goodbran P/L)
George Weston Foods (incl. Don &
KR Castlemaine)
Global Quality Foods Pty Ltd
Gold Coast Marine
Goldbridge Estates
Golden West Citrus
Goman Foods
Goodbran (Exports) Pty Ltd
Goodman Fielder
Green’s General Foods
Greenview Farms
Grocery Corporation
Gro-Market Logistics Pty Ltd
Guzzie Pasta
GWF (George Weston Foods
Limited) — Baking Division
Handling Matters
Hanidell Pty Ltd
Hanpack Pty Ltd
Hansells Foods Australia Pty Ltd
Happy Chook Company
HavasWW (incl Red Agency)(Red)
Health Co
Heart Of The World
Heatcraft Australia Pty Ltd
Heinz Australia (incl Golden Circle)
Hills Adventist College
Hillston Citrus
Hillston Farm Pty Ltd
Home Ice Cream Pty Ltd
Huhtamaki Australia Limited
Humpty Dumpty Foundation
Hyundai Merchant Marine’s
il Pastaio Pty Ltd
IMP Foods
Impulse Products Pty Ltd
Indent Griffins
Indent Songkla Canning
Indent The Green Group
Indent Valuable Holding Ltd
Industrial Sugar Mills Pty Ltd
Indya Foods
Insurance Australia Group ‘
Islander Foodservice Pty Ltd
Ito En Australia Pty Ltd
J & D Conti
J&C Riverina Fresh Produce
J. L. Stewart & Son Pty Ltd
Jalna Dairy Foods
Jason D Robertson
Joe’s Citrus Pty Ltd
Johnson & Johnson Australia
Just Squeezed Fruit Juices
Karma Goods
Kebab Factory
Kebia Importex Pty Ltd
Keenan Produce Pty Ltd
Kellogg’s Australia
Kidman Way Citrus Pty Ltd
Kikkoman Australia Pty Ltd
Kimberly-Clark Australia
Kruger ANZ
La Famiglia Fine Foods P/L
Lachlan Valley Produce Pty Ltd
LadyBird Gifts
Lakesview Produce
Latin Deli Pty Ltd
Lemnos Foods P/L
Mulgowie Farming Company
Murray Goulburn
Murray Valley
My Dish
Myers Foundation Grant
N & P Demaio Pty Ltd
NAB Business
National Foods
Nestlé Australia (inc Uncle Tobys)
Nexba Beverages
Nichirei Australia Pty Ltd
Nifty Foods Pty Ltd
Nonna’s Bakehouse
Northern Citrus Pty Ltd
Nudie Foods Australia Pty Ltd
Olsson Pacific
Orica Chemet (B&J)
Oriental Merchant
Orion Laboratories Pty Ltd
Oxford Cold Storage
Oz Harvest
Ozific Marketing
Ozzie Care — Thornton
P&G Australia
Pace Farm
Pacific Food Pty Ltd
Pacific Fresh Pty Ltd
Pacific West Foods Australia
Pty Ltd
Papa Joes Bakehouse Pty Ltd
Park Hyatt
Pastoral Ham & Beef Pty Ltd
Patties Foods
Pegasus Print Group
Pepe Saya
Perfection Fresh Australia Pty Ltd
Pervect Produce Pty Ltd
Peter Pattison Pty Ltd
Peters Ice Cream
PFD Food Services Pty Ltd
Phil Barnard
Picasso Foods
Piccoli Farm
Plateau Food Distributors
Podravka International P/L
Poseiden Tamara
Potato Magic Australia P/L
Pozza Foods Pty Ltd
Prime Organics
Primo Moraitis Fresh
Primo Smallgoods
Proctor & Gamble (inc Wella)
Proctor and Gamble
Produce Marketing Association
Produce Marketing Australia
Punteriero Produce
Pure Produce Pty Ltd
Qube Logistics
QUEST North Ryde(Service
Quest Serviced Apartments(North
Rand Refrigerated Logistics
Real Foods Pty Ltd
Red Agency
Regal Cream Products
Reject Shop — Bankstown
Reject Shop — Parramatta
Renee Foods Pty Ltd
Reserve Bank Benevolent Fund
Retail Media
Rica Pastries Pty Ltd
Rinoldi Pasta
Riverbest Produce P/L
Riverina Grove
Riviana Foods Pty Ltd
RM Williams
Robert Cliff Master Jewellers
Robert Oatley Wines
Rockman (Australia) Pty Ltd
Rodriguez Bros
Rural Fire Service
Rydges Hotels
S P Exports Pty Ltd
S&D Logistics
S&L Global Pty Ltd
SalDoce Fine Foods
Sammi (Aust) Pty Ltd
San Remo
Sanitarium Health & Wellbeing
Sara Lee Australia
Sargents Pty Limited
Satisfine Foods
SC Johnson
SCA Hygiene Australia
Scalzo Food Industries
Schirripa Ag.Co. Pty Ltd
Schweppes Australia
Scotts Refrigerated Transport
Secrets Of Brazil
Select Foods Pty Ltd
Selleys Pty Ltd
Sergi Farms
Sero Australia
Setoda Holdings Pty Ltd
Shalimar Produce
Shaye Paper Products Pty Ltd
Simon Johnson Purveyor of
Quality Foods
Simped Foods
Smart Salary
Smith’s Snackfoods
Snack Brands Australia
Snapfresh Australia Pty Ltd
Solaris Paper
South Pacific Seeds Pty Ltd
Seeds Pty
SPC Ardmona
Spiral Foods
SS Packaging Pty Ltd
Steric Trading Pty Ltd
Strategic National Group (NSW)
Strike Force Alliance
Stuart Alexander & Co Pty Ltd
Sugar Australia
Sunland Agriculture
Sunny Queen Australia
Supa Barn Supermarket
Super Seasons
Swire Cold Storage Pty.Ltd.
Tactics Marketing Services
Tamar Valley Dairy Pty Ltd
Tandem Trading Pty Ltd
Taste Ireland
Taste Of Ireland
Tatura Milk Industries
Tegan & Nick Stibband
Tetra Pak 
Tetra Pak Marketing Pty
The Basket Case
The Bean Alliance
The Happy Nut Company
The Purist Company
The Smith’s Snackfood Company
The Tea Factory Pty Ltd
Think Products Pty Ltd
Tixana Pty Ltd
Toll Express
Toll Group(Toll Express)
Tony Mittiga Pty Ltd
Tony’s Farm Produce
Torino Farming
Toveill Pty Ltd
Towers Thompson (Australia)
Pty Ltd
Trang’s Food Pty Ltd
Tru Blu Beverages
Tstix Design
Twin Palms Citrus
Uncle Tobys — Wahgunyah
Unilever Australasia
Valcorp Fine Foods Pty Ltd
Victor Churchill
Viking Imports Pty Ltd
Vili’s Pies
Violi Ag. P/L
Virgin Australia
Visy Board
Visy Food Can Division
Vital Health Foods (Aust) Pty Ltd
Vittoria Food & Beverage
Warrnambool Cheese & Butter
Whitton Citrus
Wiley & Co Pty Ltd
Willis Australia Limited
Willis Legacy Committee
Win Kwong
Windsor Farm Foods Pty Ltd
Wing Wah
Woolworths Limited
Wrigley (subsidiary of Mars)
Y Y International Trading
York Foods Pty Ltd
Yum! Brands International
(Pizza Hut, KFC)
Foodbank NSW & ACT Annual Review 2014
Foodbank NSW & ACT Fundraising As the largest food
relief agency in Australia, Foodbank NSW & ACT Limited
is providing 95% of all wholesale emergency food relief
in the state. We couldn’t do this without the generous
help of businesses and individuals who enable us to
make a difference every day in the lives of those who
cannot provide for themselves or their families due to
food i nsecurity.
Call us on: 02 9756 3099
Email: [email protected]
Visit us online
To find out more about us, get involved
and help make a difference, visit —
Volunteer with us
Email: [email protected]
or call us on: 02 9756 3099
Keep up to date with
us on Facebook
To find out more how you can contribute and
see what we are doing to help feed those less
fortunate and End Hunger, visit —
•Give regularly
•Donate non-perishable food and personal
care items
•Conduct a fundraising event on
Foodbank NSW & ACT’s behalf
•Conduct a food drive event
•Remember us in your will
For more information email
[email protected]