“A Ball Handling Camp” A Typical Camp Day

A Typical Camp Day
“I’ve played
1-Ball Stationary BallHandling
1-Ball Stationary Dribbling
2-Ball Stationary BallHandling
2-Ball Stationary Dribbling
1-Ball Moving Dribbling
2-Ball Moving Dribbling
Moving Drills w/Contact
Creating Space Moves
Specific Dribble Moves
Drilled from Stationary
to Moving
Live Drills
What to Bring
and seen some of the
best players in country, including
Portland’s own Brandon Roy, and
many others. And I can honestly say
that Jon is the best ball handler that
I’ve ever seen handle the basketball!”
Lamar Hurd– Pro Basketball Player
“He’s Maravich-like….A wizard han-
dling the ball”
Bob Akamian—Blazers Announcer
“I can’t imagine there is a better ballhandler in the world.”
Larry Doty - Head Coach, Linfield
Water/Sports Drink
A working attitude
Ball Handling
Hosted by McMinnville
High School
Limited to the First 50 Participants
July 30– Aug 1
Camp Information
“Supe’s Story”
Location: Patton Middle School
Cost: $50
604 Willert Way
Jon Hildebrandt, a 5’ 10” point guard
from Dayton, Oregon, led his high school
team to two consecutive 2A State Cham-
Who: Boys and Girls, 5th to 8th Grade
pionships. He was named a BCI All-
To Register or Questions:
American his junior year, and was named
Limited to first 50 participants
Email Willie Graham
[email protected]
Email Scott Spink
[email protected]
Each Participant:
**Return to:
Date: July 30-Aug 1, Tuesday to Thursday
Times: 9:00 am to Noon
the Oregon 2A Player of the Year his junior and senior years. At Clackamas Com-
Dayton OR, 97114
**Make checks out to Superhandles**
Gender M or F
munity College, Jon led the Northwest in
assists, averaging 9.4 assists with less
than two turnovers a game. Jon later
played at Linfield College and graduated
from Western Oregon University. Many
Waiver: In consideration of being able to participate
coaches and players who have watched
in any way in the Superhandles Camp, I , for myself,
my heirs, personal representatives or assigns, do
Will learn and practice ball handling
and played against Jon consider him to
be one of the best, if not the best, ball-
not to sue the Superhandles Camp, its officers,
handler in the country today.
employees and agents from liability from any and
Will learn how to create individual
shots and shots for teammates.
hereby release, discharge, waive, and covenant
allclaims including negligence of the Superhandles Camp, its officers, employees, and agents,
resulting in personal injury, accidents or illnesses
Receive an audio workout.
(including death) and property loss arising from, but
not limited to participation in the Superhandles
Parent/Guardian Signature Date