Teras Offshore Pte.Ltd. a Subsidiary of Ezion Holdings Limited LEWEK LB 1 Luncher Barge 405x110x25FT The launcher is a launch / cargo barge designed for transporting and launching jackets weight up to 6,000MT. The barge has over 3,300M2 of clear deck area. It is welded steel construction, built to ABS, A1 classification for unrestricted ocean service, and assigned an ABS Load Line Certificate. The barge is adequately equipped and can be arranged to load a structure on deck and to reposition the structure for launch. A sensitive ballast‐adjustment system quickly controls the critical down trim angle during jacket launches. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS: CLASSIFICATION: Length Over All 120 M Length with Rocker Arm 127 M Breadth Moulded Depth Moulded Deck Strength Gross Tonnage Net Tonnage Deadweight 33.50 M 7.6 M 20 Tonne/M2 8,387MT 2,516MT 17,500MT Jacket Capacity Skid Beams Rocker Arms Ballast Capacity Rigging Gears Approx 6,000 Tons Two (2) at 63.0M each Two (2) at 14M x 1.8M Two (2) x 1500M3/hr 4 x 600 Tons shackle 2 x 55 Tons shackle 2 x 23M dia. 2.5" Retrival Line 4 x 600 Tons 4 Parts Sheave Block 4 x 600 Tons Pullings Post 4 x 90mmx10m Grommet Cable 4 x 156mmx10m Grommet Cable 2 x 55 Tons shackle Year Built Builder Class Flag 2006 Pacific Ocean Engineering & Trading Pte Ltd ABS + A1 Barge Singapore Generator Winch Caterpillar 3412, 500kVa / 50Hz Output ‐ 4 x 300A (440V), 2 x 63A (440V) ‐2 x 32A (440V), 2 x 16A (220V) Two (2) numbers Duty Pull 1st speed : 70Tx0‐7M/min 1st Layer Duty Pull 2nd speed : 35Tx0‐14M/min 2nd Layer Duty Pull 3rd speed : 16Tx0‐30M/min 3rd Layer Drum capacity : 510M dia 64mm Brake Holding : 150 T 1st Layer 4 x 250 Hydraulic Jack ** This vessel specification is given in good faith & assumed to be correct. Details given are without guarantee. ** Owners reserved the right to amend the specifications without notification. Mail 15 Hoe Chiang Road, #12-05 Tower Fifteen Singapore 089316 Web www.terasoffshore.com Call 65.6309 0555 Fax 65.6222 7848 Co.Reg.No. 200715754M
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