MI FAMILIA (Unidad 3)

MI FAMILIA (Unidad 3)
1. Escribe (page 65)
Translate de vocabulary of the family with the aid of this family tree.
La madre
de Paloma:
Texto A (page 66)
Catalan (catalán) is spoken in Catalonia, the Balearic
Islands and the region of Valencia, where it is also
known as valenciano.
For instance in Valencia the street signs are sometimes
written both in Spanish and Catalan and sometimes only
in the latter.
© Playa de la Malvarrosa, in Catalan Malva Rosa, is a beach close to downtown Valencia.
(page 67)
2. Lee y contesta (page 68)
Answer the questions.
1. Is José married?
2. Where does he live?
3. How many grandchildren does Mercedes have?
4. How old are they?
3. Escribe (page 68)
Pick the right word from the text.
4. Daughter
5. Grandchildren
6. Grandmother
Write sentences with these words.
4. A. Escribe (page 69)
Complete the dialogue by following the tips.
1. I'm divorced
4. I have two children
2. Where do you live?
5. He is 12 years old
3. Do you have any children?
6. Here they are
Pose those questions marked with an asterisk to a classmate and have them answer.
4. B. Practica (page 69)
Read aloud the previous dialogue (4A) with you pair.
After that, underline the following words. Switch them as indicated and read the dialogue once
Texto B (page 70)
 Retiro is a famous park in the centre of Madrid, a common living room for locals and
tourists alike. In Retiro you can jog, row and ride a bicycle. You can enjoy not only the cafés
but also a cultural agenda full of music concerts and art exhibitions.
 Booksellers’ stalls in Paseo del Prado. (page 71)
5. Corrige (page 72)
Correct the statements to match the text.
1. Juan and Hugo are Paloma’s sons.
2. Alicia and Juan are co-workers.
3. Alicia is the park with Carlos’s sister.
4. Paloma and Alicia live in the same district.
6. A. Marca (page 72)
Mark the word that doesn’t belong to the series. Justify.
6. B. Completa (page 72)
Pick the right words from exercise 6A to fill in the blanks
7. A. Escucha y marca (page 73)
Listen to Paloma’s lines and pick a suitable answer.
Andrés is an Ecuatorian man who works for the Agencia 24h news agency in Bogotá. He is
applying for a relocation to the agency’s office in Madrid.
Paloma and Carlos interview him through a video call.
and he apply to Agencia 24 horas -news agency that work from Bogota to Madrid. Paloma and
Carlos interview him via video.
7. B. Escucha y revisa (page 73)
Listen to the whole interview and check the answers of exercise 7A.
7. C. Practica (page 73)
What did you learn about Andrés? Introduce him to a classmate in Spanish.
Andrés has…
* Age
* Ecuador
* Colombia
* Ángel
* Parents, siblings
8. Escucha, marca y completa (page 74)
Pay attention to how the c is pronounced in the following words and check the right box.
Complete the rule.
C is pronounced [θ] or [s] before ____________ and ____________.
C is pronounced [k] before __________, ___________ and ____________, as well as every
9. Escucha, repite y completa (page 74)
Listen and repeat. Complete the rule.
Z is always pronounced like the C before ___________ and __________.
10. Escucha, repite y completa (page 74)
Listen and repeat. How are the j and the g pronounced? Complete the rule.
J is pronounced [χ] .It is similar to the Finnish ___________ but the sound is stronger in the throat.
G is pronounced [χ] before ____________, ____________ and ____________, as well as every
11. Escucha, marca y completa (page 75)
Listen and mark whether the intonation is rising or falling.
Complete the rule.
In Spanish, the intonation rises at the end of the sentence if the sentence is a
12. Escucha y marca (page 75)
Listen and mark whether you are hearing a statement or a question.
Coming from / being from
Where are you from?
I’m from Finland/Espoo.
Living somewhere
Where do you live?
I live in Spain/ in the centre.
Telling about the family
Are you married?
I’m married.
I’m divorced.
I’m single.
I’m a widow.
¿Do you have any children/siblings?
I have to children/siblings.
Telling how old
How old are you?
I’m 45 years old.
Tell about the profession
What do you do for a living?
What are you doing?
Where do you work?
I’m a student/journalist.
I work in Madrid/downtown.
I’m retired.
I’m unemployed.
13. Practica (page 77)
Work in groups of 3-4 people. Take turns to pose the following questions to each other.
14. Escribe (page 79)
Complete the sentence with a suitable member of the family.
Explain some family-related words to a classmate as in the example. The classmate has to
15. Practica (page 79)
Use the outline below to talk in pairs in Spanish.
1. Greet your pair and introduce
2. Answer the greetings and introduce
yourself. Ask your pair where is he/she
3. Tell your pair where you are from and where
you live. Ask your pair the same things.
4. Answer.
5. Ask your pair, whether they have any
6. Answer the questions. Tell your pair how
old your siblings/children/grandchildren are
and where they live. Ask your pair the same
7. Answer the questions. Tell your pair
something else about your
8. Ask your pair whether they have a photo
of those people.
¿De dónde?
Where from?
How, what… like?
¿Cuál, -es?
Which one?
¿Quién, -es?
¿Cuánto, -a. –os, -as?
How many/how much?
When a sentence starts with a question pronoun, the subject is placed after the verb.
¿Dónde vive Alicia?
Where does Alicia live?
Alicia vive en Chueca
Alicia lives in Chueca.
A sentence can be turned into a question by rising the intonation at the end of the sentence.
¿Alicia vive en Chueca?
Does Alicia live in Chueca?
16. Completa (page 80)
María Teresa is interested in Mercedes’s new friend José.
Add the questions pronouns.
Listen and repeat.
17. Escribe (page 81)
Translate the questions into Spanish and interview a classmate you don’t know yet.
Introduce your pair to another classmate using the information you just learned about
The irregular verb tener (to have)
View the exercise 16. What matter can be expressed by the verb –tenerAttention with the verb to have, don’t used the article, if is spoken of matter that is
supposed to be alone.
© Check the exercise 16. What sort of things can you express with the verb tener?
Note the article is not used when you talk about something you are supposed to have only
one of.
Tengo novio.
I have boyfriend.
Tengo un amigo finlandés.
I have a Finnish friend.
18. A. Completa (page 82)
Alicia interviews some passers-by for a news story.
Add the verb tener in the right form.
Listen to the interview and check your answer.
18. B. Escucha, revisa y marca (page 83)
Listen to what other people say and mark whether the statements are true (sí) or not (no).
1. The woman is 23 years old.
2. She is married.
3. She wants to have children.
4. The man is 45 years old.
5. He has two daughters.
6. He is married.
7. This young person has a 5-year-old child.
8. His/her parents can take care of the child.
18. C. Lee y contesta (page 83)
Read Alicia’s note. What do you understand?
la edad media de maternidad
average age to have the first child
primero, -a first
el promedio the average
The regular er- and ir-verbs
The stem of a regular verb can be isolated by eliminating the ending -ar, -er or -ir.
When conjugating the verb, you only have to add the different endings to this stem.
Fill in the first column with the conjugation of the verb estudiar that you have already
After that, fill in the rest of the blanks with the conjugation of leer (to read) and vivir (to live).
Use the box if you need some help.
Other regular verbs are:
to listen
to eat
to open
to speak
to drink
to write
to visit
to believe
to get
19. Escribe (page 85)
Write some sentences with the words in the box.
Build also some interrogative and negative sentences.
The pronoun is
not usually used
before the verb
since it is
Read the sentences to a classmate. Your classmate will translate them.
20. Practica (page 85).
Make some sentences in groups of 3-4 people.
A. Start by picking a subject for your sentence from the first box.
B. Then pick a verb from the second box.
C. Complete the sentence with an element of the third box.
D. Translate the sentence into your language.
Switch roles after every round.
Possesive articles
Translate the sentences to your language and complete the table.
Mi hija se llama Paloma.
Mis nietos se llaman Hugo y Sofía.
Nuestra abuela está en Valencia con su amiga María Teresa.
owning one thing
owning many things
nuestros, nuestras
, vuestra
The possessive article indicates ownership.
The possessive article uses the plural forms when the things being owned are more than one. In
addition, the words nuestro and vuestro have also a feminine form.
21. Completa (page 86)
Add the possessive articles.
1. ¿Cómo se llama
amiga, Alicia?
2. Es
compañera de piso. Se llama Sara.
3. Sara y Alicia, ¿cuántas habitacones tiene
piso tiene tres habitaciones.
5. Juan y Paloma están en el Retiro con
6. Hugo y Sofía buscan a
amigo en el Reitiro.
¿Quién es Beatriz?
Who is Beatriz?
Es la hermana de Juan.
She is Juan’s sister.
¿A qué se dedica?
What does she do for a living?
Es jefe de ventas.
He is a sales manager.
© Read the sample sentences. What things can be expressed with the preposition de?
The word order is different in Spanish and English.
Juan’s sister
la hermana de Juan
22. Practica (page 87)
Do you remember the characters in the book and the relationships between them?
Ask a classmate about these characters as in the example.
Your classmate will answer with the help of the box below.
23. Escribe (page 87)
Write about yourself and of your family.
24. Escucha y completa (page 88)
It’s Sunday and Paloma’s family is having stroll in the Retiro park. Listen and complete.
25. Escribe (page 88)
Hugo is curious about Pablo and Iker and asks them some personal
information. Write Hugo’s questions.
What did you learn about Pablo and Iker?
Introduce them to a classmate.
The Spanish
word for “and” y
turns into e
when the next
word starts with
the sound [i]
26. Lee y contesta (page 89)
Read the presentations of Carlos and Jimena and answer the questions.
el reportero the journalist
la frontera the border
las afueras the outskirts
el Periodismo journalism
la Complutense the Universidad
Complutense in Madrid
el barrio the district, the neighborhood
The Spanish name for Mexico’s capital Distrito Federal is often shortened as D.F