File - Theodore Judah PTA

Theodore Judah Elementary PTA
General Membership
Meeting Agenda
Thursday, January 19th, 2017
Objective: Provide the PTA General membership with a formal avenue to share information
regarding current budget status and forecasting, communications, program and project issues,
updates, and improve our overall ability to better serve the needs of our students, teachers and
A. 6:00 pm: Call to order
B. 6:00 pm: Welcome and Board Introductions – Rob Ferrera
• President: Rob Ferrera
• Art Program Coordinator: Bill
• Treasurer: Luna Coleman
Music Instructor: Rob Keedy
• Secretary: Debra Brown
• Science Program Coordinator:
• VP of Communications: Jordan
Cindy Cole
• Garden Program Coordinator:
• VP of Events: Sarah Wallace
Tracey Croft
• VP of Membership: Christina
Room Parent Coordinator:
Rachel Matuskey
• Auditor: Megan Sebra
Teacher Representatives: Beth
• Volunteer Coordinator: Jeff
Conklin, Michael Bruce
• Parliamentarian: Denise Wall
B. 6:05 pm: Approval of Agenda – Denise Wall Parilo
C. 6:10 pm: Review of November minutes – Deb Brown
D. 6:15 pm: Officer/Committee Reports
1. President’s report: Rob Ferrera
• Music program update
2. Principal’s report: Principal Jim Trimble
• School updates
• Facilities
3. Science Alive: Cindy Cole
4. Garden Alive: Tracey Abernathy
5. Art Alive: Bill McCloskey
6. Kindness Alive: Laura Barrett
7. Communications: Jordan Traverso
8. Membership: Christina Holcomb
Childcare and pizza w ill be provided for this m eeting!!!
9. Volunteerism: Jeff Broaddus
10. Events: Sarah Wallace
11. Budget: Luna Coleman
E. 6:45 pm: Ongoing Business
1. By-Laws - Deb Brown
a. Next steps
F. 6:50 pm: New Business/Approvals
1. Budget amendments – Luna Coleman
a. Kindness budget amendment
2. Future speakers and topics
G. 7:00 pm: Open Forum / Q&A
H. 7:15 pm: Adjournment
Childcare and pizza w ill be provided for this m eeting!!!