US Business Advisory plan – Tom Morgan

Submission form
Use this form to submit your Great Idea for The Bays Precinct, Sydney. There are three ways to respond:
Make an online submission via This must be
accompanied by a signed declaration form (available from and
can include a maximum of three A3 pages of images, graphics or sketches to support your
idea, to a maximum file size of 5MB.
Download the required forms at to complete on your computer
and email them to [email protected]. Emailed submissions must
include a signed declaration form and can include three A3 pages of images, graphics or
sketches to support your idea, to a limit of 5MB.
Print the required forms and complete by hand. Submissions must include a signed
declaration form and can also include three A3 pages of images, graphics or sketches to
support your idea. Post this to Call for Great Ideas, UrbanGrowth NSW, Level 16, 227
Elizabeth Street, Sydney, NSW 2000.
Prior to completing your submission, refer to the Call for Great Ideas document available from to learn all about the Call for Great Ideas.
The Call for Great Ideas is an opportunity for everyone to present innovative ideas for the immediate
priority Destinations of The Bays Precinct:
Bays Waterfront Promenade
Bays Market District
White Bay Power Station
White Bay including White Bay Cruise Terminal.
Transforming City Living: The Bays Precinct is available from This provides
details about each Destination as well as the ambition and objectives that will be used to assess the Great
How to complete this form
To enable a consistent and fair approach to evaluation, all submissions should:
provide clear and succinct responses that adhere to word limits for each section
demonstrate how your Great Idea aligns with the objectives for The Bays Precinct
include a signed Declaration Form.
This form will restrict your input to the required fields only. You must download it and save it to a safe place
on your own computer before returning it using option 2 or 3 mentioned above (option 1 offers the ability
to submit using an online form).
Use the tick boxes and text boxes to add your information, as if you were filling in a normal Word
document. Please adhere to the word limits.
When you have filled in your information please save the file with your name, initial, title and document
description/type (for example, SmithJ_Title_Submission.doc). Please name any attachments in the same
manner (for example, SmithJ_Title_Attachment1.pdf, SmithJ_Title_Attachment2.pdf etc).
Submission Details
My/our Great Idea is for ☒ a permanent use ☐ a temporary use
Tick which theme/objective and the number of the Destination your idea relates to
☐ ☐ ☐
Sydney Global
To deliver a hub of export oriented knowledge
intensive jobs that can increase Sydney’s global
Living Bays
To deliver enduring, socially inclusive and great
places to benefit Sydneysiders and national and
international communities.
Housing Choices
To deliver housing choices, including affordable
housing options, through innovative design and
construction, new finance models and new moderate
income housing and rental housing models
Transport and
To deliver a world-class mass and active transit and
infrastructure solution that unlocks the economic
and human potential of the Bays Precinct and
demonstrates a model of environmental excellence.
Exemplary Urban
To achieve building design excellence and quality
urban design in all Destinations
Title of your Great Idea
Global Water Leadership.
Describe your Great Idea
Describe your Great Idea, why it is unique, how it is relevant to The Bays Precinct and, broadly, how it
supports the ambition for the Bays Precinct (Limit: 400 words)
The Italian architect Antonio Sant’Elia once said, “Every generation must build its own city.” The
Bays Precinct is an opportunity to do just that. Sydney is at the forefront of social, economic and
environmental changes. Its sought-after waterfront is representative of the evolving, and at times
tenuous, exchange between land and water, development and conservation, and the past and
future. As the world’s driest—and as of the past decade, hottest—continent, Australia faces
predicted future decline in rainfall of up to 40% and a plethora of challenges related to securing
alternative, potable water sources, sea-level rise and climate change.
Our Great Idea seizes an unprecedented opportunity for Australia’s famous harbour city to plot a
new course for the interface between land and water. We see the potential for Sydney’s destiny to
be a model for global action; its role, to respond to its own impending water crisis by embracing
the responsibility of pioneering new strategies that will not only promote its own growth and
sustainability, but which can be replicated for global benefit.
A glance at a map of The Bays Precinct reveals a series of districts defined by their relationship to
the water’s edge. Our Great Idea “Reinvents the Edge.” The harbour bays, transformed into
incubators of urban evolution, will play host to a micro-scale approach to innovation on a global
scale. Preserving The Bay Precinct’s industrial heritage through repurposing and repositioning
existing buildings and infrastructure will catalyse the transformation of areas once deemed urban
wastelands into vibrant residential communities and retail and entertainment centres—all the
while, remaining mindful of the relationship of these developments to the water’s edge. In this
way, Sydney’s waterfront becomes the world’s waterfront, establishing new best practices and a
new balance for development and resource stewardship.
Our great idea embraces the global water challenge to position Sydney as a world leader in the
Call for Great Ideas.
Does your Great Idea align with Sydney’s Global Competitiveness? How? (Limit: 100 words)
Knowledge attracts investment. Research and development initiatives related to coastal conditions will
provide opportunities for Sydney’s highly educated labour force and align with its higher education
infrastructure. The response to Australia’s impending water crisis provides the impetus for Sydney’s
regeneration to serve as a test bed for technical, commercial and social innovation. In this way, Sydney
generates a new export: its own coastal edge development expertise. To that end, our Great Idea lays
the foundation for incubator business opportunities and new revenue streams that in turn support other
uses and programming for all four priority destinations in The Bays Precinct.
Does your Great Idea align with Living Bays? How? (Limit: 100 words)
Over the last decade, Australia has had the planet’s highest temperatures—a trend with vast
implications for the interrelationships between people, place and environment. Our vision is that The
Bays Precinct will become the place where these connections are explored. For instance, the waterfront
promenade will move beyond a pleasant public amenity to become an integral part of the urban fabric,
connecting the Precinct’s various activity hubs via a narrative and educational experience that reinvents
the civic relationship to the water. Locations along the promenade will embody commercial, cultural,
recreational, agricultural and environmental responses to an evolving water’s edge.
Does your Great Idea align with Housing Choices? How? (Limit: 100 words)
The average cost of rent for metropolitan Sydney apartments has increased by 7.1% annually over the
past decade, while total vacancy has risen modestly1. Our approach to housing availability transcends
issues of supply; rather, to encourage immediate vitality and long-term viability, we must incorporate
demographic diversity. Our Great Idea entails implementation of different types of housing to vary the
available stock, activate the urban realm via diversified neighbourhoods and help to establish a
distinctive culture. Economic and financial modelling tools will integrate remedial strategies in a
manner responsive to development requirements.
Knight Frank, “Australian Apartments,” Residential Market Overview, Q2 2015.
Does your Great Idea align with Transport and Infrastructure? How? (Limit: 100 words)
IBM’s Smart Cities Initiative encourages the use of technology to infuse intelligence into the entire
Infrastructure network, addressing the rapid growth and demand for infrastructure 2. Our Great Idea
introduces sustainable infrastructure as a foundation for mobility and technology in support of
Sydney’s progression to a smart, connected city. For example, a smartphone application that identifies
key areas—education and industry, food and beverage, entertainment, retail, housing, transit,
landmarks—within a specified radius of the user’s location could help shape the “Seven-Minute City.”
IBM Smarter Cities Thought Leadership White Paper, “Building a smarter transportation management network,” May 2014.
Does your Great Idea align with Exemplary Urban Places? How? (Limit: 100 words)
A magnet for foreign investors, gateway cities like Sydney have recorded exponential investment
growth in recent years3, posing a risk to local culture. Our Great Idea simultaneously transitions and
preserves key elements of iconic places like Sydney Fish Market and White Bay Power Station into new
uses (not unlike New York City’s High Line Park, which incorporated industrial neighbourhood heritage
into the urban fabric). This could entail integrating urban agriculture into the market district or
designing the waterfront promenade to facilitate rainwater management.
Knight Frank, “Chinese Outward Real Estate Investment Globally and Into Australia,” Australian Market Insight, May 2015.
I/we have attached additional information to support my/our Great Idea ☒ Yes ☐ No
Contact details
Stephen Taylor
Sydney City Executive
Organisation type (if applicable)
Hyder Consulting an ARCADIS Company
[email protected]
Phone Number
+61 418 048 301
Examples of
Bay Precinct
The City of
Vancouver, BC and
the Bridge Tech Hub
in New York City
serve as Global
Environment Hubs
Examples of
Bay Precinct
Living Bays:
The Arco Tiete
project in Sao Paulo
and Waters Edge in
Harlem are Planned
with Waterfront
Elements within the
Waters Edge, Harlem, New York
Examples of
Bay Precinct
Housing and Mobility
& Infrastructure:
Waterfront Housing
and Edinburgh
Transit Plan
Illustrate Elements
of our Great Idea