Indian Removal to the West, 1832–1840

A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of
Indian Removal to the West,
Files of the Office of the
Commissary General of Subsistence
A UPA Collection
Cover: Indians on horseback, ca. 1871–ca. 1907, and Andrew Jackson. Photos courtesy of
National Archives and Records Administration.
Files of the Office of the
Commissary General of Subsistence
Project Editors
Christian James and Robert E. Lester
Guide compiled by
Kristen M. Taynor
A UPA Collection from
7500 Old Georgetown Road • Bethesda, MD 20814
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Indian removal to the West, 1832–1840 [microform] : files of the Office of the
Commissary General of Subsistence / project coordinator, Robert E. Lester.
microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
Summary: Reproduces documents from among the records of the Bureau of
Indian Affairs in the custody of the National Archives. The documents are
divided into three major groupings: Letters received, 1831–1836; Letters sent,
1830–1836; and a miscellaneous collection of bound volumes of financial
transactions, contracts, employment applications, requisitions, and receipts.
Accompanied by a printed guide compiled by Kristen M. Taynor.
ISBN 0-88692-741-2
1. Indians of North America—Government relations—1789–1869—Sources.
2. Indians of North America—Relocation—Sources. 3. United States. War Dept.
Subsistence Dept.—Archives. I. Lester, Robert. II. Taynor, Kristen M., 1978–
III. University Publications of America (Firm) IV. Title: Files of the Office of the
Commissary General of Subsistence.
Copyright © 2007 LexisNexis,
a division of Reed Elsevier Inc.
All rights reserved.
ISBN 0-88692-741-2.
Scope and Content Note ................................................................................................... v
Source Note....................................................................................................................... xi
Editorial Note ................................................................................................................... xi
Reel Index
Reels 1–10
Entry 201: Letters Received by the Office of the Commissary General of
Subsistence from Army Officers, Disbursing Officers, Indian Agents, the
Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and Individual Indians ................................. 1
Reels 11–14
Entry 267: Miscellaneous Choctaw Removal Records, ca. 1825–1858 ................ 42
Reel 15
Entry 222: Miscellaneous Cherokee Removal Records, 1820–ca. 1854 ............... 50
Reels 16–17
Entry 229: Records of the First Board of Cherokee Commissioners, Reservation
Claim Papers, 1837–1839 ............................................................................... 53
Reel 18
Entry 235: Records of the First Board of Cherokee Commissioners, Decisions on
Claims of Attorneys against the Cherokee Nation, 1837–1838...................... 56
Entry 229: Records of the First Board of Cherokee Commissioners, Reservation
Claim Papers, 1837–1839 cont. ...................................................................... 58
Reel 19
Entry 229: Records of the First Board of Cherokee Commissioners, Reservation
Claim Papers, 1837–1839 cont. ...................................................................... 63
Entry 218: Cherokee Removal Records, Applications for Reservations, 1819..... 67
Principal Correspondents Index ................................................................................... 73
Subject Index .................................................................................................................. 79
“[The U.S. government is] aware that by your advice the Indians have in many
instances withdrawn from their engagements to emigrate the present season—and by this
conduct [of resisting removal] are losing the benefit of removing at the period best fitted
for such operations. If you value the welfare of your people why shut your eyes to the
evils and sufferings such counsel must inevitably entail upon them—upon you rests the
responsibility of the consequences dreadful as they may be and when the period arrives
for carrying out the provisions of the treaty and the imperative mandate of the law must
be executed by the United States, the Cherokees compelled to leave their present homes
unprepared, will perceive too late that they have been misled by false hopes and may
bitterly repent amid tears and blood having listened to such advice” (Reel 15, Frame
0473, emphasis added). John Mason Jr., an Indian agent, wrote these words on November
24, 1837, to a Cherokee delegation visiting Washington, D.C., to protest the removal of
Cherokee Indians from North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama. Mason, as a
government representative, was trying to convince the delegation to return home and
begin encouraging their fellow Cherokee to relocate west of the Mississippi River as soon
as possible so as to take advantage of the best travel season. Most Cherokee did not
willingly move west, and Mason’s words would prove prophetic as the Cherokee were
forcibly removed during 1838–1839 in what became known as “The Trail of Tears.”
This letter provides a glimpse into one of the many fascinating subjects covered in the
microfilm collection Indian Removal to the West, 1832–1840, Files of the Office of the
Commissary General of Subsistence. The wholesale removal of Indians to land west of
the Mississippi River began in full force after Andrew Jackson signed the Removal Act
on May 28, 1830. The Office of the Commissary General of Subsistence conducted the
removals during 1830–1836, and because the office was part of the Department of War,
military officers oversaw most of the process. In 1836, the office was transferred to the
Bureau of Indian Affairs in the Department of Interior. This collection, therefore,
contains mostly letters and reports by Indian agents and other government employees to
the Commissary General of Subsistence. There are, however, many letters from
individual Indians and other citizens but still related to the actual removals. The
collection consists of three main sections: removal records, Choctaw records, and
Cherokee records. The removal records are listed in alphabetical order, by tribe or Indian
agency, on Reels 1–10 with scattered files located on the remaining reels within the
Choctaw and Cherokee records. The Choctaw records, located on Reels 11–14,
principally cover claims filed under the terms of the Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty (an
1830 U.S.-Choctaw treaty that provided for their removal west) as well as orphan lands
and claims. Located on Reels 15–19, the Cherokee records detail land claims filed under
the 1817 and 1819 treaties, claims by attorneys who represented Cherokees, and
applications for land reservations in Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina.
The removal records consist of Entry 201: Letters Received by the Office of the
Commissary General of Subsistence from army officers, disbursing officers, Indian
agents, the commissioner of Indian affairs, and individual Indians. The following tribes
and agencies are covered: Cherokee, Chicago Agency, Choctaw, Creek, Kickapoo, Ohio
Agency, Ottawa, Pottawatomie, Quapaw, Seminole, Seneca, Shawnee, St. Louis Agency,
Western Superintendency, and Winnebago. The substance of the documents in this
section varies by tribe and agency with a few topics appearing throughout. Agents in
charge of all removals, for example, had to submit removal expense and disbursement
reports detailing the estimated amounts required for removal along with the amount of
money actually dispersed. These expense accounts usually list the name of the person or
company receiving money and what service they provided. Agents additionally had to
divide their removal expenditures into three categories: subsistence, transportation, and
contingencies. The Office of the Commissary General of Subsistence explained
subsistence as “all types of Subsistence for Indians: corn, Beef, Salt, rations etc.,”
transportation as “Steam boat hire, Wagon hire, purchases and expenses of Wagons,
horses, oxen, boats, purchases of forage for teams and Subsistence for Teamsters;
commutation of Transportation; ferriages etc.,” and contingencies as “the pay and
Transportation of agents, Clerks, Teamsters, Interpreters and expenses; the cost of Tools
and of all other implements; the expense incurred in the opening of roads; hospital
expenses etc.” (Reel 9, Frame 0663).
The Cherokee and Creek removal documents contain many journals and letters that
discuss, at length, the actual removals. The following four quotations serve as an example
of the material covered in these journals and letters:
There were seven deaths today and six new cases…of the measles in camp
(Reel 1, Frame 0356).
Giving an account of the cholera among the emigrants 75 Indians had died on the
road—50 of the cholera…. Of the whole number lost 45 were children under ten
years of age (Reel 1, Frames 0461–0462).
We worked hard and suffered much from day Light until sun down to get six and
sometimes ten miles, it rained snowed or hailed almost Every day and freezing at
the same time. We were compelled to thaw the…blankets before we could roll
them up to put them in the wagons in the morning, the Indian children and sick
Indians had to go in the waggons [sic] on top of their Baggage and to prevent
them from freezing we were compelled to have fires along the road, and take
them out and warm them, dry their blankets that were wrapped around them and
replace them again in the waggons [sic]. Strict attention had to be paid to this or
some must inevitably have perished and there was a continual crying from
morning until night with the children (Reel 5, Frame 0142, letter from John
I laboured early and Late to get them to their New country. I never did witness or
experience anything to equal the scenes of the trip in My Life and hope it will
never be my Lot to do it again. Many persons pronounced it Murder in the
highest degree for me to move Indians or to compell [sic] them to march in such
severe weather when they were dying Every day with the influenza, but I am well
convinced it was the only thing that kept them alive notwithstanding their
Exposure (Reel 5, Frame 0148, letter from John Page).
The removal records also cover the subject of Indian opposition to the removal. Of
the tribes covered in this collection, the Choctaw, Creek, Ottawa, Seminole, and Wea all
expressed opposition to the removal. As previously shown in the letter by John Mason
Jr., the government was anxious to have the removals completed as soon as possible and
exerted every effort to keep the process moving. In addition, the government often used
private contractors to remove Indian tribes and the contractors also expressed a desire to
have the process move quickly. John W. A. Sanford, who represented John W. A.
Sanford & Co., stated,
We have contracted to carry off the Indians, the sooner it is done the better for us,
as well as the Govt & the people generally. We doubt not therefore, whatever we
may say in relation to the matter will be received & acted upon in the spirit with
which the communication is made & that we shall have the cordial cooperation
of the Department in procuring the results desired by all (Reel 6, Frame 0337).
President Andrew Jackson also wrote to the Indians encouraging them to leave their land
for western reservations. Writing to Seminole chiefs, he stated, “If you listen to the voice
of friendship & truth you will go quietly & voluntarily. But should you listen to the bad
birds that are always flying about you & refuse to remove I have thus directed the
Commanding officer to remove you by force” (Reel 7, Frame 0353). The section of
removal documents provides a wealth of information on the actual removals as well as
opinions and sentiments of government officials and U.S. citizens involved, directly or
indirectly, in the removal process.
The Choctaw records begin in the removal section with documents related
specifically to Choctaw removals. Reels 11–14 contain the main section of Choctaw
records, which consist of Entry 267: Miscellaneous Choctaw Removal Records,
ca. 1825–1858. Reel 11 contains numerous lists and rolls of Choctaw names broken
down for various reasons such as those desiring citizenship, purchasing land reservations,
and serving during the Revolutionary War. This section contains actual letter requests for
citizenship where Choctaw verified their status as an Indian, listed names of family
members, and pinpointed in what location they wished to remain. Reels 11–13 contain
material relating largely to Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty. The material briefly covers the
actual treaty terms with the main focus on issues surrounding the treaty, such as claims
stemming from Articles 14 and 19. Reel 13 contains numerous case files from a
presidential commission appointed to adjudicate these claims. These files contain names
of claimants, details of each claim, documents between lawyers representing claimants
and commissioners, locations of land, and a variety of other material. Reel 14 contains a
large amount of material on Choctaw orphan lands such as locations, claims, civil
procedure to settle claims, government investigations and testimony at hearings, and lists
of Indians involved. Frames 0441–0459 contain certificates issued to Choctaw for their
claims under Article 14 of Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty. The certificates grant each
person listed a certain amount of public land located in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama,
or Arkansas. Frames 0460–0796 contain copies of bonds issued to purchasers of orphan
The Cherokee records also begin in the removal section but are mainly found on
Reels 15–19 and consist of Entries 222: Miscellaneous Cherokee Removal Records,
1820–ca. 1854; Entry 229: Records of the First Board of Cherokee Commissioners,
Reservation Claim Papers, 1837–1839; Entry 235: Records of the First Board of
Cherokee Commissioners, Decisions on Claims of Attorneys against the Cherokee
Nation, 1837–1838; and Entry 218: Cherokee Removal Records, Applications for
Reservations, 1819. The Cherokee records open with a brief history of U.S.-Cherokee
relations and treaties as well as detailed discussion of the Treaty of New Echota signed in
1835 in Georgia. This treaty provided for the removal of the Cherokee Indians to land
west of the Mississippi River. A Cherokee delegation, headed by John Ross, traveled to
Washington, D.C., to protest both the treaty and Cherokee removal. In a letter dated
November 1837, John Ross and his fellow delegates penned the following words, “We
know that the alternative is submitted to us either to recognize the validity of [the Treaty
of New Echota] which we believe fraudulent and void and admit that we are justly driven
from our Country and our homes, or submit to be thus expelled by irresistible force
without this base humiliation. We should be recreant to ourselves, faithless to our
profession[,] traitors to our Country did we yield the former” (Reel 15, Frames 0469–
The first four pages of Entry 229 contain an index to Cherokee claimants, most of
whom are covered in the remaining frames of Reels 16 and 17. The documents consist
mainly of legal papers, such as depositions, testimony, and power of attorney forms for
claims under the U.S.-Cherokee treaties of 1817 and 1819. The legal documents contain
information related to the claimant’s character, family members or heirs, and place of
residence when the treaties were signed. Some of the folders also contain survey material,
such as maps, which delineate the location of the land in question. The location of the
claim, such as the state in which the land is located, has been listed if that information
was available. Material from Entry 229 is also located on Reels 18 and 19, and contains
plats and certificates for land designated for each Indian. The claims list both treaties as
their basis so both years are referenced for each claim in the major topics.
The Treaty of New Echota, signed in 1835, provided for U.S. government
adjudication of Cherokee claims as well as payment of lawyers assisting Cherokee with
their claims. Entry 235 contains documents relating to lawyer claims for legal aid and
services rendered to Cherokee Indians in their land claims against the U.S. government.
Many of the folders contain signed documents from various Cherokee confirming that
they employed said lawyer, while other folders simply contain lists of Cherokee
employing said lawyer. Some folders contain information on civil procedures engaged in
on behalf of the Cherokee.
The final Cherokee section, Entry 218, contains applications from Cherokee who
wished to remain east of the Mississippi River and not emigrate to the West. The treaties
of 1817 and 1819 both had articles allowing for this action and were the basis of all
applications. Return J. Meigs oversaw the application process, and his name appears on
most documents as being “sworn to before me on this date” or as the recipient of the
application. Individually, the folders contain only one- or two-page applications,
however, taken collectively the documents from this entry are substantive. In addition,
many of the applicants are covered in the earlier Entry 229 section, which contains
documents from the later settlement process that had been begun by submitting an
application. The final list of accepted land claims is located on Reel 19, Frame 0130, and
again covers Cherokee whose original applications are listed in Entry 218 and whose
settlement process is covered in Entry 229.
Other LexisNexis collections of interest include American Indian Periodicals from
the Princeton University Library, 1839–1982; Dakota Conflict of 1862; The Indian Wars
of the West and Frontier Army Life, 1862–1898: Official Histories and Personal
Narratives; The Native American Reference Collection: Documents Collected by the
Office of Indian Affairs, Part 1, 1840–1900; Records of the Indian Division, Office of the
Secretary of the Interior: Special Files, 1848–1907; Records of the U.S. Indian Claims
Commission; Reports of the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes; Guide to
American Indian Documents in the Congressional Serial Set, 1817–1899; and The Office
of Indian Affairs, 1824–1880: Historical Sketches.
This microfilm publication consists of documents from Record Group 75, Bureau of
Indian Affairs, Records of the Office of the Commissary General of Subsistence, Entries
201, 222, 229, 235, and 267, at the National Archives and Records Administration in
College Park, Maryland.
This microfilm project consists of entries 201, 222, 229, 235, and 267 of the Records
of the Office of the Commissary General of Subsistence. Frame numbers in this
collection denote new folders, envelopes, or other file divisions indicative of topical
changes. LexisNexis has filmed all documents in their entirety as they are arranged at the
National Archives.
Following is a list of the folders that compose Indian Removal to the West, 1832–
1840, Files of the Office of the Commissary General of Subsistence. The four-digit
number on the far left is the frame at which a particular file folder begins. This is
followed by the file title and the date(s) of the file. Substantive issues are highlighted
under the heading Major Topics, as are prominent correspondents under the heading
Principal Correspondents. Major Topics and Principal Correspondents are listed in the
order in which they appear on the film, and each is listed only once per folder.
Reel 1
Entry 201 [Letters Received by the Office of the Commissary General of Subsistence
from Army Officers, Disbursing Officers, Indian Agents, the Commissioner of
Indian Affairs, and Individual Indians]
0001 LR-1832 A–C, Cherokee.
Major Topics: Payments for Indian livestock; removal expenses and
Principal Correspondent: Benjamin F. Currey.
0028 LR-1831 C–M, Cherokee.
Major Topics: Employment; removal expenses.
Principal Correspondents: Lewis Cass; William L. McClintock.
0041 LR-1832 D–M, Cherokee.
Major Topics: Indian agents; Georgia; Benjamin F. Currey; transportation;
removal expenses; subsistence estimates; flat boats and steamboats; inland
water travel to Nashville, Tenn.
Principal Correspondents: F. L. Dancy; William L. McClintock.
LR-1832 S–W, Cherokee.
Major Topics: Subsistence claims for Indian slaves and mixed-race persons
traveling with Indians; Duvall and Carnes (law firm); Fort Smith, Ark.
Principal Correspondents: W. Seawell; George Vashon.
0162 LR-1833 C–D, Cherokee.
Major Topics: Richard Hinson; removal expenses; transportation
Principal Correspondents: Benjamin F. Currey; William Day.
0201 LR-1833 H–W, Cherokee.
Major Topics: Removal expenses; request for employment transfer to assist
with other Indian removals; George Vashon; Duvall and Carnes (law
firm); subsistence claims for Indian slaves; subsistence estimates.
Principal Correspondents: Joseph W. Harris; W. Seawell.
LR-1834 B–G, Cherokee.
Major Topics: Subsistence contracts; termination of employment; muster rolls
of Cherokee Indians emigrating under Benjamin F. Currey between 1831
and 1833 (includes name, city, state, race and number of persons in
family, and remarks); best travel route for removal.
Principal Correspondents: John Van Horne; Benjamin F. Currey; William
0323 LR-1834 H, Cherokee.
Major Topics: “Journal of Occurrences of a Company of Cherokee Emigrants
for the Months of February, March, April, May 1834”; weather; water
travel; health conditions; subsistence stores; Arkansas; cholera; death and
dying; measles; expenses; travel suggestions for future removals; contract
bids for providing removal services; removal disbursements; best travel
route for removal.
Principal Correspondent: Joseph W. Harris.
0505 LR-1834 J–V, Cherokee.
Major Topics: Removal expenses; travel suggestions for future removals;
John Van Horne; termination of employment; subsistence stores; contract
bids for providing removal services.
Principal Correspondents: W. Seawell; John Van Horne.
LR-1835 B–J, Cherokee.
Major Topic: Removal disbursements.
Principal Correspondent: M. W. Batman.
0619 LR-1836 B–H, Cherokee.
Major Topics: Removal disbursements; Indian treaties; payments for removal
Principal Correspondents: M. W. Batman; Benjamin F. Currey; George S.
0653 LR-1834 C–O, Chicago.
Major Topics: Pottawatomie Indians; Kickapoo land; subsistence stores;
contracts for removal services.
Principal Correspondents: William Clark; David Bailey; William Gordon.
0695 LR-1835 C–V, Chicago.
Major Topics: Pottawatomie Indians; Kickapoo Indians; contracts; subsistence
stores; David Bailey; removal expenses; Indians abandoning travel and
returning east; meetings with potential emigrants; exploring parties;
Pottawatomie, Ottawa, and Chippewa petition to Andrew Jackson
requesting to remain on land given up in treaties.
Principal Correspondents: William Clark; William Gordon; Thomas I. V.
Owen; John B. F. Russell; John W. Vance.
0830 LR-1836 C–V, Chicago.
Major Topics: Pottawatomie, Chippewa, and Ottawa Indians; settlement in
new land; subsistence contracts; charges against John B. F. Russell;
annuity payments; removal delays; transportation; suggestion to change
timing of future removals; removal expenses; claims for removal services.
Principal Correspondents: William Clark; Gholson Kercheval; John B. F.
Russell; John W. Vance.
Reel 2
Entry 201 [Letters Received by the Office of the Commissary General of Subsistence
from Army Officers, Disbursing Officers, Indian Agents, the Commissioner of
Indian Affairs, and Individual Indians] cont.
0001 LR-1831 A–C, Choctaw.
Major Topics: Emigration preparation; subsistence contracts; fresh beef; corn;
road and bridge repair along removal route; cold weather and health
conditions; employment; Fort Smith, Ark.; food and water supply; horses
and oxen; Indian agents.
Principal Correspondents: F. W. Armstrong; Jacob Brown; J. B. Clark; L. F.
0157 LR-1831 C, Choctaw.
Major Topics: Wagons; J. B. Clark request to be relieved from removal duty;
road conditions; food supply; subsistence contracts; fresh beef; corn; salt;
crossing the Mississippi River; supply purchases from George S. Gaines &
Co. and Babcock, Gardiner, & Co.; Indian agent employment; Samuel T.
Cross; effect of weather on removal routes; Yazoo River; Memphis,
Tenn.; Vicksburg, Miss.; Arkansas; steamboats.
Principal Correspondents: J. B. Clark; William S. Colquhoun.
0338 LR-1831 F–R, Choctaw.
Major Topics: Indian agent employment; exploring parties; crossing the
Mississippi River; Yazoo River; constructing roads through swamps;
removal expenses; best travel routes for removal; timing of removals;
Vicksburg, Miss.; repairs to Fort Smith, Ark.
Principal Correspondents: William S. Fulton; George S. Gaines; Greenwood
Leflore (Choctaw chief); John Henry Eaton; G. J. Rains; S. V. R. Ryan;
Wharton Rector.
0445 LR-1831 S–W, Choctaw.
Major Topics: Subsistence contracts; beef; corn; salt; wagons; removal
Principal Correspondents: James R. Stephenson; J. P. Taylor.
0519 LR-1832 A, Choctaw.
Major Topics: Indian agent employment; annuity payments; subsistence
stores; corn; money shortage; Indian agent opposition to Choctaw
traveling on their own; best travel routes for removal; removal expenses;
travel times and distances; supplies; cholera.
Principal Correspondents: F. W. Armstrong; William Armstrong; A. L.
0660 LR-1832 B, Choctaw.
Major Topics: Removal expenses; Wharton Rector; road conditions; bridges;
travel and arrival in Little Rock, Ark.; wagons; horses; oxen; steamboats;
livestock; subsistence stores; best travel routes for removal; subsistence
contracts; fresh beef.
Principal Correspondents: Jacob Brown; William McK. Ball.
0814 LR-1832 C, Choctaw.
Major Topics: Travel through Arkansas; removal expenses; livestock;
subsistence stores.
Principal Correspondents: William S. Colquhoun; Samuel T. Cross; J. B.
Reel 3
Entry 201 [Letters Received by the Office of the Commissary General of Subsistence
from Army Officers, Disbursing Officers, Indian Agents, the Commissioner of
Indian Affairs, and Individual Indians] cont.
0001 LR-1832 D–L, Choctaw.
Major Topics: William Douglas; removal service claims; travel routes and
timing for removals; removal expenses; wagons; muster rolls of
emigrating Choctaw (organized in groups under a head chief’s name);
Mobile, Ala., citizens’ resolution for Choctaw removal; steamboats.
Principal Correspondents: William Dowsing; John T. Fulton; George S.
Gaines; J. B. Earle.
0170 LR-1832 M, Choctaw.
Major Topics: Choctaw request for new Indian agent; subsistence stores;
misconduct allegations against Jacob Brown; removal service payments
and disbursements; John D. Boyer; Samuel Long; Indian agent wages.
Principal Correspondents: Thomas McGee; Mushulatublee (Choctaw chief);
William R. Montgomery.
0330 LR-1832 N–R, Choctaw.
Major Topics: Removal expenses and disbursements; subsistence stores; Fort
Smith, Ark.; rifles; gunpowder; lead.
Principal Correspondents: John Page; G. J. Rains; S. V. R. Ryan; Wharton
0445 LR-1832 S–V, Choctaw.
Major Topics: Removal expenses; beef; corn; salt; Choctaw request to receive
livestock in place of beef rations; James R. Stephenson employees;
subsistence contracts.
Principal Correspondents: James R. Stephenson; J. P. Taylor.
0530 LR-1833 A, Choctaw.
Major Topics: Weather; details of individual parties’ travel westward; Indian
agent and other employee wages; removal expenses and disbursements;
wagons; John T. Fulton; William S. Colquhoun–F. W. Armstrong
relations; steamboats; preparation for future removals; Choctaw
opposition to removal.
Principal Correspondents: F. W. Armstrong; William Armstrong.
0657 LR-1833 B, Choctaw [1831–1833].
Major Topics: Ploughs; removal expenses and disbursements; subsistence
contracts; R. G. Byrd and L. Belding removal service claim for Cote a
Fabre (Camden), Ark., expedition.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
0735 LR-1833 B, Choctaw [1831–1833].
Major Topics: Subsistence contracts; R. G. Byrd and L. Belding removal
service claim for Cote a Fabre (Camden), Ark., expedition; subsistence
stores; wagons; removal expenses and disbursements; horses; oxen.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
0832 LR-1833 C, Choctaw [1831–1833].
Major Topics: Removal service claims for Cote a Fabre (Camden), Ark.,
expedition; R. G. Byrd and L. Belding; removal service contracts;
Principal Correspondents: Samuel T. Cross; William S. Colquhoun.
0893 LR-1833 E–P, Choctaw [1832–1834].
Major Topics: Removal service claims for Cote a Fabre (Camden), Ark.,
expedition; subsistence stores; corn; beef; Choctaw opposition to removal;
J. A. Phillips journal for Choctaw expedition; removal expenses and
Principal Correspondents: A. W. Everitt; George S. Gaines; Jeremiah F.
Lane; William R. Montgomery; Thomas McGee; J. A. Phillips; John Page.
Reel 4
Entry 201 [Letters Received by the Office of the Commissary General of Subsistence
from Army Officers, Disbursing Officers, Indian Agents, the Commissioner of
Indian Affairs, and Individual Indians] cont.
0001 LR-1833 R, Choctaw [1832–1833].
Major Topics: Removal expenses and disbursements; pork; subsistence
contracts; transportation; Arkansas River flooding and destruction of corn
crop and livestock removal supplies; livestock contracts.
Principal Correspondent: G. J. Rains.
0143 LR-1833 S–V, Choctaw [1832–1833].
Major Topics: R. G. Byrd and L. Belding removal service claim for Cote a
Fabre (Camden), Ark., expedition; removal expenses and disbursements;
Choctaw muster rolls; subsistence stores; livestock; Indian agent wages;
population size.
Principal Correspondents: James R. Stephenson; A. H. Sevier; J. P.
Simonton; Alexander H. Sommerville; John Van Horne.
0259 LR-1834 A–B, Choctaw [1833–1834].
Major Topics: Looms and spinning wheels; contracts; Robert Baker;
subsistence stores; removal expenses and disbursements.
Principal Correspondents: F. W. Armstrong; Jacob Brown.
0353 LR-1834 G–P, Choctaw.
Major Topic: Removal expenses.
Principal Correspondents: George S. Gaines; S. W. Moore.
0380 LR-1834 R, Choctaw [1833–1834].
Major Topics: Food supply; removal expenses and disbursements; Choctaw
muster rolls; Indian agent expenses.
Principal Correspondents: G. J. Rains; Wharton Rector.
0467 LR-1834 S–W, Choctaw [1833–1835].
Major Topics: Removal expenses and disbursements; population size;
contracts; livestock.
Principal Correspondent: James R. Stephenson.
0543 LR-1835 A–B, Choctaw [1834–1835].
Major Topics: Contract dispute for corn purchased from Matthew Arbuckle;
agricultural prices; looms; spinning wheels; removal service claims;
removal expenses and disbursements.
Principal Correspondents: Matthew Arbuckle; F. W. Armstrong; G. J. Rains;
William Armstrong; Jacob Brown.
0644 LR-1835 C–P, Choctaw [1834–1835].
Major Topics: Removal service claims; rifles.
Principal Correspondents: S. W. Moore; J. M. Millard; J. A. Phillips.
0697 LR-1835 R–S, Choctaw [1834–1835].
Major Topics: Corn; removal expenses and disbursements; livestock; pay
Principal Correspondents: G. J. Rains; James R. Stephenson.
0756 LR-1836 A, Choctaw [1835–1836].
Major Topics: Contract dispute for corn purchased from Matthew Arbuckle;
G. J. Rains; looms; spinning wheels; Robert Baker; Choctaw claim for lost
horses; contracts; rifles.
Principal Correspondents: Matthew Arbuckle; William Armstrong.
0807 LR-1836 B–T, Choctaw [1832–1836].
Major Topics: James Holman road repair claim; Choctaw livestock; John
Byrne; G. J. Rains’ removal expenses and disbursements.
Principal Correspondents: Jacob Brown; John F. H. Claiborne; George S.
Gibson; A. H. Sevier; J. P. Taylor.
0909 1833 Creek (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Removal expenses and disbursements; subsistence stores.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
0924 1833 Creek (Emigration), Elbert Herring, Commissary.
Major Topic: Chilly McIntosh removal services claim.
Principal Correspondent: Elbert Herring.
0930 1833 Creek (Emigration), Lt. John Van Horne, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Creek muster roll; Chilly McIntosh.
Principal Correspondent: John Van Horne.
Reel 5
Entry 201 [Letters Received by the Office of the Commissary General of Subsistence
from Army Officers, Disbursing Officers, Indian Agents, the Commissioner of
Indian Affairs, and Individual Indians] cont.
0001 1834 Creek (Emigration), F. W. Armstrong.
Principal Correspondent: F. W. Armstrong.
0005 1834 Creek West Quapaws (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing
Major Topic: Indian agents.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
0011 1834 Creek (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: Removal expenses and disbursements.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
0021 1834 Creek (Emigration), William Burke, Post Master.
Major Topic: Gunpowder and rifle disbursements.
0038 1834 Creek (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Removal expenses for Indian slaves; Chilly McIntosh.
0041 1834 Creek (Emigration), John B. Hogan.
Major Topic: Indian agent employment.
Principal Correspondent: John B. Hogan.
0053 1834 Creek (Emigration), William Hunter.
Major Topic: Indian agent employment.
0058 1834 Creek (Emigration), Alfred Iverson.
Principal Correspondent: Alfred Iverson.
0063 1834 Creek (Emigration), Hon. William B. King.
0067 1834 Creek (Emigration), D. Kurtz.
0070 1834 Creek (Emigration), Capt. John Page, U.S.A.
0072 1834 Creek (Emigration), Capt. John Page.
Major Topic: Subsistence contracts.
0091 1834 Creek (Emigration), Capt. John Page, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Subsistence stores; removal expenses.
Principal Correspondent: John Page.
0104 1834 Creek (Emigration), Capt. John Page, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Projected size of emigrating party; Alexander Hill.
Principal Correspondent: John Page.
0126 1834 Creek (Emigration), Capt. John Page.
Major Topic: Removal expenses and disbursements.
Principal Correspondent: John Page.
0133 1834–5 Creek (Emigration), Capt. John Page, Disbursing Agent [1833–1835].
Major Topics: “Journal of 1834 Creek Migration”; weather; expedition
hardships; Creek muster rolls.
Principal Correspondent: John Page.
0157 1834 Creek (Emigration), Alexander Hill.
Major Topic: Indian agent employment.
Principal Correspondent: Alexander Hill.
0173 1834 Creek (Emigration), W. Sayre.
0177 1834 Creek (Emigration), John Sims.
Major Topic: Indian agent employment.
1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Suydam, Jackson & Co.
0184 1834 Creek (Emigration), Lt. John Van Horne, Disbursing Agent West.
Major Topics: Subsistence stores; Chilly McIntosh; Creeks emigrating on
their own; removal expenses and disbursements.
Principal Correspondent: John Van Horne.
0210 1834 Creek (Emigration), Lt. John Van Horne, Disbursing Agent West.
Major Topics: Creek settlement between Verdigris and Arkansas Rivers;
livestock; corn; contracts; Cherokee Indians.
Principal Correspondent: John Van Horne.
0222 1835 Creek (Emigration), Lt. Samuel R. Allston.
0225 1835 Creek (Emigration), S. C. Benton.
Major Topic: Removal by contract.
0229 1835 Creek (Emigration), Hon. John Bell.
Major Topic: Removal by contract.
0232 1835 Creek (Emigration), U. Blue.
Principal Correspondent: U. Blue.
0240 1835 Creek (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Subsistence contracts; U.S. citizen production costs and losses
due to low number of Creek emigrants; health conditions; removal
expenses and disbursements.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
0259 1835 Creek (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: Removal expenses and disbursements.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
0271 1835 Creeks West, Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Officer.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
0275 1835 Creek (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: Removal expenses.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
0286 1835 Creek (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Agent.
0292 1835 Creek (Emigration), Hon. Lewis Cass, Secretary of War.
0295 1835 Creek (Emigration), Lt. Edward Deas, Disbursing Agent.
0300 1835 Creek (Emigration), Lt. Edward Deas, Disbursing Agent.
Principal Correspondent: Edward Deas.
0312 1835 Creek (Emigration), Lt. Edward Deas, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: Horses.
Principal Correspondent: Edward Deas.
0321 1835 Creek (Emigration), A. Dickins, [Acting] Secretary of State.
Major Topic: Creek Indians entering Mexican territory.
Principal Correspondents: A. Dickins; J. M. de Castillo y Lanzas.
0327 1835 Creek (Emigration), John B. Hogan, Superintendent.
Major Topics: Opothle Yoholo; Creek opposition to removal; Texas.
Principal Correspondent: John B. Hogan.
0369 1835 Creek (Emigration), John J. Howell, Secretary Georgia Company.
0372 1835 Creek (Emigration), Barent Dubois.
Major Topic: Opothle Yoholo.
Principal Correspondent: Barent Dubois.
0377 1835 Creek (Emigration), John Elliott.
0380 1835 Creek (Emigration), Governor John Gayle.
Major Topic: Military intervention.
Principal Correspondent: John Gayle.
0389 1835 Creek (Emigration), George S. Gibson, Commissary General of
0393 1835 Creek and Seminole (Emigration), George S. Gibson, Commissary
General of Subsistence.
0402 1835 Creek (Emigration), Elbert Herring.
0405 1835 Creek (Emigration), John B. Hogan, Superintendent of Removals.
Major Topics: Indian agents; John Phillips; Isaac Erstell.
Principal Correspondent: John B. Hogan.
0425 1835 Creek (Emigration), John B. Hogan, Superintendent of Removals.
Major Topic: Contracts.
Principal Correspondent: John B. Hogan.
0439 1835 Creek (Emigration), John B. Hogan, Superintendent of Removals.
Major Topics: Contracts; John W. A. Sanford; Creek opposition to removal.
Principal Correspondent: John B. Hogan.
0463 1835 Creek (Emigration), John B. Hogan, Superintendent of Removals.
Major Topics: Creek opposition to removal; U.S. citizen–Indian relations.
Principal Correspondent: John B. Hogan.
0478 1835 Creek (Emigration), John B. Hogan, Superintendent of Removals.
Major Topics: Indian agents; contracts; Creek opposition to removal.
Principal Correspondent: John B. Hogan.
0511 1835 Creek (Emigration), John B. Hogan, Superintendent of Removals.
Major Topics: Indian agent employment; Creek decision to move to Texas
instead of Arkansas.
Principal Correspondent: John B. Hogan.
1835 Creek (Emigration), Col. John B. Hogan, Superintendent of Removals.
0541 1835 Creek (Emigration), John B. Hogan, Superintendent of Removals.
Major Topics: Opothle Yoholo; Creek opposition to removal; Indian agents.
Principal Correspondent: John B. Hogan.
0570 1835 Creek (Emigration), Lt. C. S. Howe.
0576 1835 Creek (Emigration), William Hunter.
Major Topic: Opothle Yoholo.
Principal Correspondent: William Hunter.
0583 1835 Creek (Emigration), Alfred Iverson.
0586 1835 Creek (Emigration), S. M. Ingersoll.
0589 1835 Creek (Emigration), Hon. Seaborn Jones.
0593 1835 Creek (Emigration), Gen. D. McDougald & Co.
Major Topic: John W. A. Sanford.
0600 1835 Creek (Emigration), Benjamin Marshall.
0603 1835 Creek (Emigration), Dr. Madison Mills.
0606 1835 Creek (Emigration), Capt. John Page, Disbursing Officer.
Major Topics: Subsistence contracts; agricultural prices; corn.
0640 1835 Creek (Emigration), Capt. John Page, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: Creek purchase of land in Texas.
Principal Correspondent: John Page.
0656 1835 Creek (Emigration), Capt. John Page, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Government property in Montgomery, Ala.; Indian agent
wages; subsistence contracts.
Principal Correspondent: John Page.
0683 1835 Creek (Emigration), Capt. John Page, Disbursing Agent.
0687 1835 Creek (Emigration), Dr. Burton Randall, Assistant Surgeon.
Major Topic: Indian agent employment.
Principal Correspondent: Burton Randall.
0698 1835 Creek (Emigration), John W. A. Sanford & Co.
Major Topics: Removal contracts; Opothle Yoholo.
Principal Correspondent: John W. A. Sanford.
0708 1835 Creek (Emigration), John W. A. Sanford.
Major Topics: Benjamin Marshall; S. C. Benton; contracts.
Principal Correspondent: John W. A. Sanford.
0726 1835 Creek (Emigration), John S. Scott.
Principal Correspondent: John S. Scott.
1835 Creek (Emigration), William D. Shaw.
0737 1835 Creek (Emigration), Lt. James R. Stephenson, Disbursing Agent West.
Major Topics: John Van Horne; blankets; rifles.
Principal Correspondent: James R. Stephenson.
0747 1835 Creek (Emigration), Lt. James R. Stephenson.
Major Topic: Creek muster roll.
0750 1835 Creek (Emigration), Lt. John Van Horne, Disbursing Agent West.
Major Topic: Damaged Creek and Quapaw property.
Principal Correspondent: John Van Horne.
0765 1835 Creek (Emigration), Lt. John Van Horne, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: Removal expenses and disbursements.
Principal Correspondent: John Van Horne.
0780 1835 Creek (Emigration), Yoholo Micco & Co.
0783 1836 Creek (Emigration), File.
Major Topics: Indian agent wages; removal expenses and disbursements.
Principal Correspondents: James R. Stephenson; Jacob Brown.
0798 1836 Creek (Emigration), Dr. Eugene H. Abadie.
Major Topics: Death and dying; health conditions; contracts.
Principal Correspondents: E. H. Abadie; Waller Barry.
0827 1836 Creek (Emigration), J. Waller Barry.
0832 1836 Creek (Emigration), Lt. J. Waller Barry.
Principal Correspondent: Waller Barry.
0838 1836 Creek (Emigration), Lt. M. W. Batman.
Major Topics: Subsistence stores; removal expenses.
Principal Correspondent: M. W. Batman.
0855 1836 Creek (Emigration), Lt. M. W. Batman.
Principal Correspondent: M. W. Batman.
0865 1836 Creek (Emigration), Capt. F. I. Belton.
Principal Correspondent: F. I. Belton.
0872 1836 Creek (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: Removal expenses.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
0886 1836 Creek (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Agent.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
0897 1836 Creek (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Agent.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
0906 1836 Creek (Emigration), Hon. Lewis Cass, Secretary of War.
0910 1836 Creek (Emigration), Hon. Lewis Cass, Secretary of War.
Principal Correspondent: John Page.
0918 1836 Creek (Emigration), Hon. Lewis Cass, Secretary of War.
Major Topic: Military intervention due to Creek hostilities.
Principal Correspondent: Lewis Cass.
0923 1836 Creek (Emigration), Hon. R. Chapman.
Major Topic: Benton County, Ala., citizens’ petition for immediate removal
of Creek Indians.
0931 1836 Creek (Emigration), Lt. Edward Deas.
Principal Correspondent: Edward Deas.
0941 1836 Creek (Emigration), Lt. Edward Deas.
Major Topic: Removal expenses.
Principal Correspondent: Edward Deas.
0951 1836 Creek (Emigration), Lt. John B. Grayson.
0954 1836 Creek (Emigration), Eugene F. Heard, Mitchell Smith and Others.
Major Topic: U.S. citizen petition regarding condition of Creek Indians.
0959 1836 Creek (Emigration), John B. Hogan.
Major Topics: U.S. policy of removal by contract; fraud.
Principal Correspondent: John B. Hogan.
0984 1836 Creek (Emigration), John B. Hogan, Superintendent.
Major Topic: Removal expenses.
0989 1836 Creek (Emigration), John B. Hogan.
Major Topic: Termination of employment.
Principal Correspondent: John B. Hogan.
1001 1836 Creek (Emigration), John B. Hogan.
Reel 6
Entry 201 [Letters Received by the Office of the Commissary General of Subsistence
from Army Officers, Disbursing Officers, Indian Agents, the Commissioner of
Indian Affairs, and Individual Indians] cont.
0001 1836 Creek (Emigration), John B. Hogan.
Major Topic: Georgia Militia–Creek Indian warfare.
Principal Correspondent: John B. Hogan.
0019 1836 Creek (Emigration), Gen. Thomas S. Jesup.
Major Topics: Creek hostilities; Creeks fleeing to Florida; land claims.
Principal Correspondent: Thomas S. Jesup.
0026 1836 Creek (Emigration), Hon. Joab Lawler [1835–1836].
Major Topics: “Journal of Occurrences on the Route of a Party of Emigrating
Creek Indians, Helped by Lieut. Edward Deas, Disbursing Agent in the
Creek Emigration”; travel times and distances; weather; road conditions;
steamboats; subsistence stores; health conditions; Fort Smith, Ark.; Fort
Gibson, Oklahoma Territory.
Principal Correspondent: Edward Deas.
0058 1836 Creek (Emigration), Lt. Edward Deas.
0060 1836 Creek (Emigration), W. C. Easton.
0064 1836 Creek (Emigration), George S. Gibson, Commissary General of
Major Topic: Indian agent employment.
Principal Correspondent: George S. Gibson.
0067 1836 Creek (Emigration), Lt. John B. Grayson, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Subsistence contracts; removal expenses.
Principal Correspondent: John B. Grayson.
0080 1836 Creek (Emigration), Dr. Madison Mills.
0084 1836 Creek (Emigration), Lt. P. Morrison.
0087 1836 Creek (Emigration), Dr. J. Rhett Motte.
0091 1836 Creek (Emigration), Capt. John Page, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Creek hostilities; death and dying; hunger and malnutrition.
Principal Correspondent: John Page.
0110 1836 Creek (Emigration), Capt. John Page, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Creek hostilities; Seminole Indians; attempts to enroll Creeks
for emigration; U.S. military intervention; Georgia Militia.
Principal Correspondents: John Page; Edward Deas.
0147 1836 Creek (Emigration), Capt. John Page, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Contracts; Creek hostilities; Georgia Militia; death and dying.
Principal Correspondents: John B. Hogan; John Page.
0159 1836 Creek (Emigration), Capt. John Page, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Fraud investigation; annuity payments.
Principal Correspondent: John Page.
0166 1836 Creek (Emigration), Capt. John Page, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: Creek hostilities.
Principal Correspondent: John Page.
0172 1836 Creek (Emigration), Capt. John Page, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Enrollment and removal of hostile Creeks; subsistence
contracts; Georgia Militia–Creek Indian warfare.
Principal Correspondent: John Page.
0198 1836 Creek (Emigration), Capt. John Page, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Removal contracts; Opothle Yoholo; removal expenses;
subsistence stores; Creek muster rolls; bacon; corn; beef; subsistence
contract claims; John Maddox.
Principal Correspondents: John B. Hogan; John Page.
0292 1836 Creek (Emigration), Dr. Burton Randall.
0296 1836 Creek (Emigration), John W. A. Sanford & Co.
0301 1836 Creek (Emigration), John W. A. Sanford & Co.
Principal Correspondent: John W. A. Sanford.
0311 1836 Creek (Emigration), John W. A. Sanford & Co.
Major Topics: Fraud investigations; Creek opposition to removal; Creek
hostilities; Opothle Yoholo.
Principal Correspondent: John W. A. Sanford.
0326 1836 Creek (Emigration), John W. A. Sanford & Co.
Major Topics: John B. Hogan termination of employment; removal contracts.
Principal Correspondent: John W. A. Sanford.
0335 1836 Creek (Emigration), John W. A. Sanford & Co.
Major Topics: Removal contracts; fraud investigations; John B. Hogan.
Principal Correspondent: John W. A. Sanford.
0345 1836 Creek (Emigration), John W. A. Sanford & Co.
Major Topic: John B. Hogan termination of employment.
0352 1836 Creek (Emigration), John W. A. Sanford & Co.
Major Topics: Estimated number of Creek emigrants; removal contracts.
Principal Correspondent: John W. A. Sanford.
0365 1836 Creek (Emigration), John W. A. Sanford & Co.
Major Topic: John B. Hogan.
Principal Correspondent: John W. A. Sanford.
0378 1836 Creek (Emigration), John W. A. Sanford & Co.
Major Topics: Estimated number of Creek emigrants; removal contracts.
Principal Correspondent: John W. A. Sanford.
0389 1836 Creek (Emigration), Lt. R. B. Scriven.
0392 1836 Creek (Emigration), Francis L. Sewell.
0396 1836 Creek (Emigration), Lt. J. H. Simpson.
Major Topics: Indian agents; Opothle Yoholo; subsistence stores.
Principal Correspondent: J. H. Simpson.
0424 1836 Creek (Emigration), Lt. J. T. Sprague.
0427 1836 Creek (Emigration), Capt. James R. Stephenson, Disbursing Agent.
0430 1836 Creek (Emigration), Capt. James R. Stephenson.
0434 1836 Creek (Emigration), Capt. James R. Stephenson, Disbursing Agent.
Principal Correspondent: James R. Stephenson.
0441 1836 Creek (Emigration), Lt. John Van Horne, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Rifles; removal expenses.
Principal Correspondent: John Van Horne.
0449 1826 Miscellaneous, Abstracts of Provisions Issued January to May
Major Topics: Subsistence stores; James W. Webb.
0460 1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Maj. R. L. Baker, U.S.A.
Major Topic: Blacksmith forge.
0467 1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Maj. R. L. Baker, Allegheny Arsenal
Major Topic: Blacksmith forge.
Principal Correspondent: R. L. Baker.
1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Lt. A. Beckley, U.S.A. [1833].
0477 1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Maj. George Bender.
Major Topic: Rifles.
Principal Correspondent: George Bender.
0484 1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Maj. George Bender to Suydam, Jackson
& Co.
Major Topic: Blankets.
0489 1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Dr. J. C. Clay.
1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Col. George Bomford.
1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Col. George Bomford.
1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Lt. L. F. Carter, U.S.A. [1833].
0504 1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), S. B. Dusenberry.
1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Gen. C. Irvine, U.S.A.
Major Topics: Rifles; Choctaw Indians.
0522 1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Henry Derringer.
Major Topic: Rifles.
Principal Correspondent: Henry Derringer.
1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Joseph Kerr.
Principal Correspondent: Joseph Kerr.
0543 1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Secretary of War.
Major Topic: Flags and medals for Indians.
Principal Correspondent: John Robb.
1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Hon. A. H. Sevier.
Major Topics: Arkansas River; removal expenses.
Principal Correspondent: A. H. Sevier.
1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Suydam, Jackson & Co.
Major Topic: Blankets.
0564 1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), George Talcott.
1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), George W. Tryon.
Major Topic: Rifles.
0572 1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), C. A. Waite.
Major Topic: Henry Derringer rifles.
0575 1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), George S. White.
1832 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Col. George Bomford, U.S.A. [1833].
Major Topics: Gunpowder; lead.
0586 1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Maj. R. L. Baker, U.S.A.
Major Topics: Ploughs; removal expenses; axes.
Principal Correspondent: R. L. Baker.
0606 1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Henry Derringer.
Major Topics: Rifles; F. W. Armstrong.
Principal Correspondent: Henry Derringer.
0617 1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), John Donelson Jr.
1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), James Eakin, Second Auditor.
Major Topic: Accounting and auditing.
Principal Correspondent: James Eakin.
0629 1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), J. W. Flowers.
1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), C. K. Gardiner, Post Master.
1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), John Harris.
Major Topic: Axes.
Principal Correspondent: John Harris.
0650 1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Alexander Harrison.
Major Topic: Axes.
Principal Correspondent: Alexander Harrison.
1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), John Hollister.
1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Henry Horn.
Principal Correspondent: Henry Horn.
1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Gen. Thomas S. Jesup, U.S.A.
Major Topic: Accounting and auditing.
1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Aeneas Mackey, Quartermaster.
0684 1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Isaac McCoy.
0687 1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Jeremy McLene.
Principal Correspondent: Jeremy McLene.
1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), John B. Nourse, U.S. Bank.
Major Topic: Commissary General of Subsistence bank account.
0699 1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Gov. John Reynolds.
0702 1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Capt. S. Shannon.
Major Topic: Freight.
1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Lt. J. P. Simonton, U.S.A.
Major Topics: Gunpowder; rifles.
Principal Correspondent: J. P. Simonton.
0718 1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Richard Smith, Cashier, U.S. Bank.
Major Topic: Indian agent bank accounts.
Principal Correspondent: Richard Smith.
1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), George W. Tryon.
Major Topic: Rifles.
Principal Correspondent: George W. Tryon.
0749 1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), C. A. Waite.
Major Topic: George W. Tryon rifles.
Principal Correspondent: C. A. Waite.
1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Hon. H. L. White.
1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Lt. J. P. Simonton, U.S.A.
Major Topics: Choctaw Indians; Creek Indians.
0767 1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown.
Major Topic: Subsistence contracts.
0772 1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Officer.
Major Topics: Indian agents; removal expenses.
1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), John Banks.
1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Philip Campbell.
0787 1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Hon. Lewis Cass, Secretary of War.
Major Topic: Indian agents.
Principal Correspondent: Lewis Cass.
0794 1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Henry Derringer.
Major Topic: Rifles.
Principal Correspondent: Henry Derringer.
0799 1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), V. M. Garesche.
Major Topic: Imported blankets.
0802 1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), George S. Gibson, Commissary General of
Major Topics: Indian agent employment; removal expenses.
Principal Correspondents: George S. Gibson; Return J. Meigs.
0813 1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Hempstead & Beebe.
Major Topic: Lead.
1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), William B. Lewis, Second Auditor.
0822 1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), V. Maxey.
1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Augustus Moore, Cashier.
1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), John P. Oldham, Post Master.
1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), J. G. Oliver.
1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), J. M. Robinson [1833–1834].
Major Topic: Subsistence stores.
0846 1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), J. B. Sutherland.
Major Topic: George W. Tryon rifles.
Principal Correspondent: J. B. Sutherland.
1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Lt. J. P. Simonton, U.S.A.
Major Topic: Property insurance.
1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Suydam, Jackson & Co.
0861 1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), T. B. Thornton.
0864 1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), C. C. Trowbridge.
1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), George W. Tryon.
Major Topic: Rifles.
Principal Correspondent: George W. Tryon.
1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Hon. E. Whittlesey.
1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Hon. Levi Woodbury, U.S. Treasury.
Major Topics: Indian agent bank accounts; removal expenses.
Principal Correspondent: Levi Woodbury.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Lt. Martin Burke, Allegheny Arsenal.
Major Topics: Axes; hoes; removal expenses.
Principal Correspondent: Martin Burke.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Capt. William H. Bell, Ordnance Office.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), John Banks.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Henry Stanton.
Major Topics: Blankets; Suydam, Jackson & Co.
Principal Correspondent: Henry Stanton.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Pratte, Chouteau & Co. [1834–1835].
Major Topic: Contracts.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), James R. Butler, Allegheny Arsenal.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Hon. John C. Calhoun, Chairman Select
Committee on Executive Patronage.
Major Topic: War Department personnel.
Principal Correspondent: John C. Calhoun.
0935 1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Henry Derringer.
Major Topics: Rifles; revolvers and pistols.
Principal Correspondent: Henry Derringer.
0948 1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Hon. Lewis Cass, Secretary of War.
Major Topic: Removal expense estimates.
Principal Correspondent: Lewis Cass.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Hon. Thomas Corwin.
0955 1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Hon. Mahlon Dickerson, Secretary of the
0958 1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Lt. A. Drane, Assistant Quartermaster.
Major Topics: Removal service claims; Thomas, Toby & Brothers.
Principal Correspondent: A. Drane.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), William C. Easton, Clerk.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), S. Alfred Elliott.
Major Topic: Axes.
0972 1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), J. P. Garesche.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), C. A. Harris, War Department.
Major Topic: Removal expenses and disbursements.
Principal Correspondent: C. A. Harris.
0982 1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Peter Hay & Co.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Henry D. Holland, M.D.
Major Topic: Clothing.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Holland, Sanford & Davis.
0995 1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Charles A. Jackson.
Major Topics: Subsistence contracts; pork.
Principal Correspondent: Charles A. Jackson.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), William B. Lewis, Second Auditor.
Principal Correspondent: William B. Lewis.
1018 1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Aeneas Mackey, Assistant Quartermaster.
Major Topic: Rifles.
Principal Correspondent: Aeneas Mackey.
1025 1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Capt. A. Mordecai, U.S.A.
Major Topics: Rifles; Henry Derringer; George W. Tryon; gunpowder.
Principal Correspondent: A. Mordecai.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Suydam, Jackson & Co.
Major Topics: Blankets; removal expenses.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), George W. Tryon.
Major Topic: Rifles.
Principal Correspondent: George W. Tryon.
1071 1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), George L. Watt.
Reel 7
Entry 201 [Letters Received by the Office of the Commissary General of Subsistence
from Army Officers, Disbursing Officers, Indian Agents, the Commissioner of
Indian Affairs, and Individual Indians] cont.
1836 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Hon. Michael M. Ash.
Major Topic: George W. Tryon rifles.
Principal Correspondent: Michael M. Ash.
1836 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Hon. John Banks.
Major Topic: Spinning wheels and looms.
Principal Correspondent: John Banks.
0014 1836 Miscellaneous (Emigration), D. A. A. Buck, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Removal expenses; Indian agents.
Principal Correspondent: D. A. A. Buck.
0030 1836 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Henry Derringer.
Major Topic: Rifles.
Principal Correspondent: Henry Derringer.
0034 1836 Miscellaneous (Emigration), William C. Easton.
Major Topics: Termination of employment; accounting and auditing.
Principal Correspondent: William C. Easton.
0048 1836 Miscellaneous (Emigration), C. A. Harris, Acting Secretary of War.
Major Topic: Removal expenses.
Principal Correspondents: C. A. Harris; Levi Woodbury.
1836 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Hon. W. L. D. Ewing.
0067 1836 Miscellaneous (Emigration), George S. Gibson, Commissary General of
Major Topics: Subsistence contracts; Samuel Mackay.
1836 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Disbursing Agent.
Principal Correspondent: Joseph W. Harris.
1836 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Griffin & Parry.
Major Topic: Printing.
1836 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Hon. Thomas L. Hamer.
Major Topic: Henry Derringer rifles.
1836 Miscellaneous (Emigration), John Harris.
1836 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Hon. C. E. Haynes.
1836 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Hon. Richard M. Johnson.
1836 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Adjutant General Roger Jones.
Major Topic: Military duty assignments and releases.
Principal Correspondent: Roger Jones.
1836 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Levi Woodbury, Secretary of Treasury.
Principal Correspondent: Levi Woodbury.
1836 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Hon. George W. Jones.
Major Topics: Sac and Fox Indians; Winnebago Indians.
Principal Correspondent: George W. Jones.
1836 Winnebago (Emigration), Henry Gratiot.
Major Topics: 1832 U.S.-Winnebago treaty; suggestion for Winnebago
removal due to poor living conditions; removal expense estimates.
Principal Correspondent: Henry Gratiot.
0138 1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Lewis Cass, Secretary of War; George S.
Gibson, Commissary General of Subsistence: Copies of Letters Written
#352–368, Inclusive [1834–1835].
Major Topics: Indian agent employment; removal expenses.
Principal Correspondents: George S. Gibson; Lewis Cass.
0167 1834 Miscellaneous (Emigration), George S. Gibson, Commissary General of
Subsistence: Rough Drafts of 14 Letters to Secretary of War and Various
Agents [1833–1834].
Major Topics: Freight; Choctaw Indians; removal expenses; Indian agents;
Cherokee Indians.
Principal Correspondent: George S. Gibson.
0212 1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), George S. Gibson, Commissary General of
Subsistence: Copies of Letters Written #369–384, Inclusive.
Major Topics: Commissariat employees; Creek Indians; Indian agent policies
and procedures; Cherokee Indians; Choctaw Indians; removal service
Principal Correspondent: George S. Gibson.
0252 1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), George S. Gibson, Commissary General of
Subsistence: Copies of Letters Written #385–398, Inclusive.
Major Topics: Subsistence contracts; removal service claims; commissariat
employees; removal expenses; J. A. Phillips; accounting and auditing.
Principal Correspondent: George S. Gibson.
0296 1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), George S. Gibson, Commissary General of
Subsistence: Copies of Letters Written #399–408, Inclusive.
Major Topics: Accounting and auditing; removal expenses; Cherokee Indians;
suggested changes to emigrant enrollment process; subsistence stores.
Principal Correspondent: George S. Gibson.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Original Draft of Letters Written by War
Department, #409–424 Inclusive.
Major Topics: Indian agents; removal expenses; accounting and auditing;
Seminole opposition to removal; military intervention in Seminole
Principal Correspondents: George S. Gibson; Andrew Jackson; Lewis Cass.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Original Draft of Letters Written by War
Department, #425–440 Inclusive.
Major Topics: Removal expenses; Cherokee Indians; Indian agents.
Principal Correspondents: Lewis Cass; George S. Gibson.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Original Draft of Letters Written by War
Department, #441–452 Inclusive.
Major Topics: Indian agents; Seminole Indians.
Principal Correspondents: George S. Gibson; Lewis Cass.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Original Draft of Letters Written by War
Department, #453–467 Inclusive.
Major Topics: Columbus, Ga.; Creek Indians; Indian agent employment;
government property in Montgomery, Ala.
Principal Correspondents: Lewis Cass; George S. Gibson.
0459 1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), George S. Gibson, Commissary General of
Subsistence: Copies of Letters from Office for March.
Major Topics: Pottawatomie Indians; Indian treaties; Indian agent wages;
Seminole Indians; 1833 Treaty of Chicago (Pottawatomie); emigration
instructions; exploring party; transportation; subsistence stores; annuity
payments; Creek Indians; rifles; blankets; ploughs; looms; spinning
wheels; contracts.
Principal Correspondents: George S. Gibson; Lewis Cass.
0581 1835 Cherokee (Emigration), C. A. Harris, Acting Secretary of War.
Major Topic: Indian agent policies and procedures.
Principal Correspondent: C. A. Harris.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Rough Drafts of Letters from Commissary
General’s Office.
Major Topics: Accounting and auditing; James R. Stephenson; Pratte,
Chouteau & Co.; rifles; damaged Creek and Quapaw property; Indian
agents; removal expenses.
0631 1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), George S. Gibson, Commissary General of
Subsistence: Copies of Letters from Office for April.
Major Topics: Indian agent policies and procedures; Creek Indians; John
Page; Pottawatomie Indians; removal expenses and disbursements;
Choctaw Indians; contracts; Cherokee Indians; rifles; Henry Derringer;
George W. Tryon; blankets; Seminole Indians; Jacob Brown.
Principal Correspondent: George S. Gibson.
0721 1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), George S. Gibson, Commissary General of
Subsistence: Copies of Letters from Office for May.
Major Topics: Edward Deas; Indian agents; Creek and Quapaw property;
removal expenses; rifles; Aeneas Mackey; George W. Tryon; government
property in Montgomery, Ala.; Suydam, Jackson & Co.; blankets;
Pottawatomie Indians; contracts; Henry Derringer.
Principal Correspondent: George S. Gibson.
0808 1836 [Miscellaneous].
Major Topics: Indian agents; Pottawatomie Indians; removal expenses;
Seminole Indians; Choctaw Indians; contracts; Creek Indians; rifles.
Principal Correspondent: George S. Gibson.
0883 1836 [Miscellaneous].
Major Topics: Indian agents; removal expenses; John B. Hogan; John Page;
contracts; removal service claims; rifles; blankets; Seminole Indians;
Seminole appeal to president with War Department response; Creek
Indians; fraud investigations; accounting and auditing; Choctaw Indians;
Pottawatomie Indians.
Principal Correspondent: George S. Gibson.
1832 Seneca West (Emigration), John J. Abert, Superintendent.
Major Topics: Indian agents; horses; wagons; contracts.
Principal Correspondent: Jeremiah F. Lane.
Reel 8
Entry 201 [Letters Received by the Office of the Commissary General of Subsistence
from Army Officers, Disbursing Officers, Indian Agents, the Commissioner of
Indian Affairs, and Individual Indians] cont.
0001 1832 Ohio (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Officer.
Major Topics: Seneca Indians; John T. Fulton.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
1832 Ohio (Emigration), Benjamin Briggs.
1832 Ohio (Emigration), Brish.
Major Topic: Seneca muster roll.
0015 1832 Ohio (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Officer.
Major Topics: Seneca Indians; subsistence stores; contracts; removal expenses
and disbursements.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
1832 Ohio (Emigration), John J. Abert, Superintendent.
Major Topics: Travel routes; Shawnee Indians; Ottawa Indians; Jeremiah F.
Lane; removal expenses.
Principal Correspondent: John J. Abert.
1832 Ohio (Emigration), Hon. Lewis Cass.
Major Topic: Blankets.
1832 Ohio (Emigration), William Clark.
Major Topic: Subsistence contracts.
1832 Ohio (Emigration), William Clark.
Major Topic: Indian agent policies and procedures.
Principal Correspondent: William Clark.
1832 Ohio (Emigration), James B. Gardiner, Special Agent.
Major Topics: Removal expenses; Lewistown (Seneca) Indians; Shawnee
Indians; Ottawa Indians.
Principal Correspondent: James B. Gardiner.
1832 Ohio (Emigration), James B. Gardiner.
Major Topics: Vaccination; travel routes; transportation; subsistence stores.
Principal Correspondent: James B. Gardiner.
1832 Ohio (Emigration), James B. Gardiner, Special Agent.
1832 Ohio (Emigration), William Clark [1833].
1832 Ohio (Emigration), Hon. Joseph H. Crane.
1832 Ohio (Emigration), Augustin Kennerley.
1832 Ohio (Emigration), Lt. Jeremiah F. Lane, U.S.A.
0129 1832 Ohio (Emigration), Lt. Jeremiah F. Lane, Disbursing Officer.
0132 1832 Ohio (Emigration), Lt. Jeremiah F. Lane, Disbursing Officer.
Major Topics: Contracts; accounting and auditing.
Principal Correspondent: Jeremiah F. Lane.
1832 Ohio (Emigration), Lt. Jeremiah F. Lane, U.S.A.
Major Topics: Removal by land and water; removal contracts; subsistence
Principal Correspondent: Jeremiah F. Lane.
1832 Ohio (Emigration), Lt. Jeremiah F. Lane, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Removal expenses and disbursements; Indian agents.
0220 1832 Ohio (Emigration), Lt. Jeremiah F. Lane, Disbursing Officer.
1832 Ohio (Emigration), Lt. Jeremiah F. Lane, U.S.A.
Major Topics: Jeremiah F. Lane disapproval of removal progress; Lane–James
B. Gardiner disagreement.
Principal Correspondent: Jeremiah F. Lane.
1832 Ohio (Emigration), John Robb, War Department.
Principal Correspondent: John Robb.
1832 Ohio (Emigration), John McElvain.
Major Topic: Removal by land and water.
1832 Ohio (Emigration), James B. Gardiner, Special Agent.
Major Topics: Shawnee Indians; Ottawa Indians; road conditions; weather.
Principal Correspondent: James B. Gardiner.
1832 Ohio (Emigration), Augustin Kennerley, Dr. John T. Fulton.
Major Topics: Seneca Indians; travel time and distance; health conditions;
subsistence stores.
Principal Correspondent: John T. Fulton.
1833 Ohio (Emigration), William Clark.
Major Topics: Accounting and auditing; Shawnee Indians; Ottawa Indians;
removal expenses.
Principal Correspondent: William Clark.
1832 Ohio (Emigration), Z. C. Palmer.
1833 Ohio (Emigration), Benjamin Briggs.
Major Topics: Removal expenses; subsistence contracts; Seneca Indians;
Shawnee Indians.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
1833 Ohio (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, U.S.A.
1833 Ohio (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, U.S.A.
Major Topics: Seneca Indians; Shawnee Indians; removal expenses and
disbursements; subsistence contracts.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
1833 Ohio (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, U.S.A.
Major Topic: Subsistence contracts.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
1833 Ohio (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, U.S.A.
Major Topic: Indian agents.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
1833 Ohio (Emigration), Hon. Joseph H. Crane.
Major Topic: Accounting and auditing.
1833 Ohio (Emigration), Lt. Jeremiah F. Lane.
Major Topic: Accounting and auditing.
Principal Correspondent: Jeremiah F. Lane.
1833 Ohio (Emigration), Daniel R. Dunihue.
1833 Ohio (Emigration), Capt. Z. C. Palmer, U.S.A.
Major Topics: Shawnee Indians; Ottawa Indians; accounting and auditing;
subsistence stores.
Principal Correspondent: Z. C. Palmer.
0400 1832 Seneca West (Emigration), James B. Gardiner, Special Agent.
Major Topics: Subsistence stores; best travel route for removal; Indian agent
Principal Correspondents: D. Rorer; Lewis Cass; John Robb.
1833 Ohio (Emigration), Lt. John Van Horne, U.S.A.
Major Topics: Shawnee muster rolls; accounting and auditing; subsistence
contracts; Seneca Indians.
Principal Correspondent: John Van Horne.
0468 1834 Ottawas of Maumee (Emigration), Lt. J. P. Simonton, U.S.A.
Major Topics: Ottawa opposition to removal; exploring party.
Principal Correspondent: J. P. Simonton.
0492 1835 Ohio (Emigration), Lewis Cass, Secretary of War.
Principal Correspondent: Lewis Cass.
1834 Ohio (Emigration), Hon. Joseph H. Crane.
1834 Ohio (Emigration), John J. Abert, Superintendent.
Major Topic: Jeremiah F. Lane–James B. Gardiner disagreement.
Principal Correspondent: John J. Abert.
1834 Ohio (Emigration), John J. Abert, Superintendent.
1834 Seneca and Shawnee (Ohio Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, U.S.A.
1834 Seneca and Shawnee (Ohio Emigration), William Clark, Augustin
Major Topic: Removal service claims.
1834 Shawnee and Ottawa (Ohio Emigration), William Clark.
Major Topic: Accounting and auditing.
Principal Correspondent: William Clark.
1834 Ohio (Emigration), Lt. Jeremiah F. Lane, U.S.A.
1834 Shawnee (Ohio Emigration), William Clark.
Major Topic: Subsistence stores.
Principal Correspondent: George Maguire.
1834 Shawnee (Ohio Emigration), F. W. Miller.
Principal Correspondent: F. W. Miller.
1834 Ohio (Emigration), John O’Farrell.
Major Topics: Removal service claims; accounting and auditing.
Principal Correspondent: John O’Farrell.
0564 1834 Seneca West (Emigration), Samuel C. Stambaugh, Secretary.
1835 Ohio (Emigration), Hon. Joseph H. Crane, John O’Farrell.
Major Topic: John O’Farrell removal service claim.
1834 Seneca and Shawnee (Ohio Emigration), Lt. John Van Horne, U.S.A.
0579 1835 Ohio (Emigration), Capt. Z. C. Palmer, Disbursing Officer.
Major Topic: Accounting and auditing.
Principal Correspondent: Z. C. Palmer.
0585 1833 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Officer.
Major Topic: Removal expenses and disbursements.
1834 Shawnee and Ottawa (Ohio Emigration), Capt. Z. C. Palmer, U.S. A.
Major Topic: Accounting and auditing.
Principal Correspondent: Z. C. Palmer.
0601 1835 Ottawa of Maumee (Emigration), Lt. J. P. Simonton, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: Exploring party expenses and disbursements.
Principal Correspondent: J. P. Simonton.
0607 1835 Ottawa of Maumee (Emigration), Lt. J. P. Simonton, Disbursing Agent.
0610 1835 Ottawa of Maumee (Emigration), Lt. J. P. Simonton, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: Ottawa opposition to removal.
Principal Correspondent: J. P. Simonton.
0615 1835 Ottawa (Emigration), Lt. J. P. Simonton, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: Exploring party.
Principal Correspondent: J. P. Simonton.
0620 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), William Clark, James Kennerley.
Major Topic: Kickapoo Indians.
0625 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Lt. William R. Montgomery, Disbursing
Principal Correspondent: William R. Montgomery.
0637 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Lt. William R. Montgomery, Disbursing
Major Topics: Abel C. Pepper; Louis H. Sands; subsistence stores.
Principal Correspondent: William R. Montgomery.
0653 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Lt. William R. Montgomery, Disbursing
Major Topic: Accounting and auditing.
Principal Correspondent: William R. Montgomery.
0664 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Lt. William R. Montgomery, Lt. Louis H.
Major Topics: “Journal of Occurrences in the Pottawatomie Removal under
the Direction of Louis H. Sands Assistant Agent”; cholera; travel times
and distances; steamboats.
Principal Correspondent: Rudolphus Schoonover.
0678 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Louis H. Sands, James Kennerley.
Major Topic: Pottawatomie muster roll.
1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Louis H. Sands.
Major Topic: Pottawatomie muster roll.
0688 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Superintendent.
Major Topic: Pottawatomie muster roll.
1833 Pottawatomie of Indiana (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Superintendent.
Major Topic: Suggestion for immediate removal.
Principal Correspondent: Abel C. Pepper.
0703 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Superintendent.
Major Topic: Indian agent employment.
Principal Correspondent: Abel C. Pepper.
0723 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Superintendent.
Major Topic: Accounting and auditing.
Principal Correspondent: Abel C. Pepper.
1833 Pottawatomie of Indiana (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Superintendent.
Major Topic: Horses for exploring party.
Principal Correspondent: Abel C. Pepper.
0743 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Superintendent.
Major Topics: Exploring party; William R. Montgomery; Louis H. Sands;
removal delays.
0760 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Superintendent.
Major Topic: Exploring party.
Principal Correspondent: Abel C. Pepper.
0768 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Superintendent.
0773 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Superintendent.
Major Topic: Exploring party.
1833–1834 Pottawatomie of Indiana (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Special
Major Topics: Indian agent employment; 1833 Treaty of Chicago; exploring
party; boundary lines of new land.
Principal Correspondent: Lewis Cass.
1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Louis H. Sands.
Major Topic: Subsistence contracts and expenses.
0820 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Louis H. Sands, Assistant Agent.
Major Topic: Subsistence contracts and expenses.
0825 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Louis H. Sands, Assistant Agent.
Major Topics: Exploring party; annuity payments.
Principal Correspondent: Louis H. Sands.
0837 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Louis H. Sands, Assistant Agent.
0840 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Louis H. Sands, Assistant Agent.
0844 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Louis H. Sands, Assistant Agent.
Major Topic: Indian agents.
Principal Correspondent: Louis H. Sands.
0856 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Louis H. Sands, Assistant Agent.
0860 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Louis H. Sands, Assistant Agent.
Major Topic: Indian agents.
0864 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Louis H. Sands, Assistant Agent.
0867 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), John F. Schermerhorn, Commissary.
Principal Correspondent: John F. Schermerhorn.
0872 1833 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Lt. J. P. Simonton, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Wea opposition to removal; health of J. P. Simonton.
Principal Correspondent: J. P. Simonton.
1834 Pottawatomie (Emigration), William Clark.
1834 Pottawatomie (Emigration), William Clark.
Major Topics: Kickapoo Indians; Pottawatomie muster roll.
0898 1834 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Anthony L. Davis.
0901 1834 Pottawatomie (Emigration), William Gordon.
Major Topic: Pottawatomie muster roll.
0905 1834 Pottawatomie (Emigration), William Gordon.
Major Topic: Pottawatomie muster roll.
0913 1834 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Maj. J. H. Hook, U.S.A.
0917 1834 Pottawatomie (Emigration), William Marshall, Indian Agent.
Principal Correspondent: William Marshall.
0925 1834 Pottawatomie (Emigration), William Marshall.
Major Topics: Pottawatomie of Michigan; removal expenses and
Principal Correspondent: William Marshall.
0933 1834 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Lt. William R. Montgomery, Disbursing
Major Topic: Removal delays.
Principal Correspondent: William R. Montgomery.
1834 Pottawatomie (Emigration), William Clark.
Major Topic: Pottawatomie muster roll.
0950 1834 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Superintendent.
Major Topics: Accounting and auditing; exploring party.
Principal Correspondent: Abel C. Pepper.
0967 1834 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Superintendent.
Major Topics: Removal expenses; subsistence stores; horses.
Principal Correspondent: Abel C. Pepper.
0978 1834 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Superintendent.
Major Topic: Exploring party.
Principal Correspondent: Abel C. Pepper.
0998 1834 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Superintendent.
1002 1834 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Luther Rice.
1834 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Louis H. Sands.
Principal Correspondent: Abel C. Pepper.
1011 1834 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Louis H. Sands, Assistant Superintendent.
1021 1834 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Louis H. Sands, Assistant Superintendent.
1834 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Louis H. Sands.
Reel 9
Entry 201 [Letters Received by the Office of the Commissary General of Subsistence
from Army Officers, Disbursing Officers, Indian Agents, the Commissioner of
Indian Affairs, and Individual Indians] cont.
0001 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Anthony L. Davis, Special Agent.
Major Topics: Pottawatomie settlement on Kickapoo land; rifles.
Principal Correspondents: Anthony L. Davis; Henry Derringer.
0016 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Gen. George S. Gibson.
Major Topics: Removal instructions for Abel C. Pepper; exploring party;
Indian treaties.
Principal Correspondent: George S. Gibson.
0026 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), William Clark, William Gordon.
Major Topic: Pottawatomie muster roll.
0029 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), William Gordon.
Major Topics: William Gordon journal from exploring travel routes; horses;
farm land; river crossings; prairie land; forests.
0048 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), William Gordon, Assistant Agent.
Major Topics: “Journal of Occurrences of an Emigrating Party of
Pottawatomie, Chippewa and Ottawa from Chicago to Platte River,
Missouri”; travel times and distances; river crossings; weather.
Principal Correspondent: John B. F. Russell.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Elbert Herring, Indian office.
Major Topic: Gunpowder.
Principal Correspondent: Aeneas Mackey.
0084 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), George Maguire.
0091 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), William Marshall.
Major Topic: Removal expenses.
Principal Correspondent: William Marshall.
0096 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper.
Major Topic: Abel C. Pepper opinion on removals.
Principal Correspondent: Abel C. Pepper.
0100 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Superintendent.
0104 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Superintendent.
Major Topics: Abel C. Pepper speech to Pottawatomie chiefs about wildlife,
annuity payments, and Indian treaties with response.
0118 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Superintendent.
Principal Correspondent: Abel C. Pepper.
0138 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Superintendent.
0143 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Superintendent.
Major Topic: Clergy opposition to removal.
0153 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Superintendent.
0155 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), E. M. Samuel, Cyrus Curtis.
Major Topic: Removal contracts.
0160 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Lt. J. P. Simonton, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Accounting and auditing; contracts; blankets; Suydam, Jackson
& Co.
Principal Correspondent: J. P. Simonton.
0176 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), N. F. Webb, U.S.A.
0179 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Capt. J. P. Taylor, U.S.A.
0182 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), J. B. Brant, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: Removal expenses and disbursements.
0187 1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), Lewis Cass, Secretary of War.
Major Topic: Indian agent employment.
Principal Correspondent: Lewis Cass.
1835 Pottawatomie and Kickapoo (Emigration), William Clark, Richard W.
Major Topic: Accounting and auditing.
Principal Correspondents: William Clark; Richard W. Cummins.
1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), William Clark.
1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), William Clark.
1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), William Clark.
Major Topics: Blankets; gunpowder; rifles.
Principal Correspondents: William Clark; Anthony L. Davis.
1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), William Clark.
Major Topic: Removal expenses.
0224 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), L. Deseille.
Principal Correspondent: L. Deseille.
0229 1835 Pottawatomie (Emigration), George S. Gibson, Commissary General of
Principal Correspondent: George S. Gibson.
0233 1836 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Gen. William Clark.
Major Topic: Subsistence contracts.
Principal Correspondent: William Clark.
0244 1836 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Anthony L. Davis.
Major Topic: Gifts for Indians.
Principal Correspondent: Anthony L. Davis.
1836 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Hon. Thomas L. Hamer.
0256 1836 Pottawatomie (Emigration), D. J. Miles.
Major Topic: Henry Derringer rifles.
0262 1836 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Capt. A. Mordecai, U.S.A.
Major Topic: Rifles.
Principal Correspondent: A. Mordecai.
0267 1836 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Special Agent.
Major Topic: Indian agent wages.
0276 1836 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Abel C. Pepper, Special Agent.
0279 1836 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Lt. J. P. Simonton, Disbursing Agent.
1836 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Lt. John Swords, U.S.A.
0286 1836 Pottawatomie (Emigration), Maj. Henry Whiting [1834, 1836].
Major Topics: Removal expenses and disbursements; Quapaw Indians.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
0309 1834 Quapaw (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Officer.
Major Topics: Indian agents; removal expenses.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
1834 Quapaw (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown.
Major Topic: Subsistence contracts.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
1834 Quapaw (Emigration), William C. Easton.
Major Topics: Subsistence contracts; mills and milling.
Principal Correspondent: William C. Easton.
1834 Quapaw (Emigration), Gen. George S. Gibson to P. L. Chouteau.
0348 1834 Quapaw (Emigration), Wharton Rector.
0352 1834 Quapaw (Emigration), Wharton Rector.
0358 1834 Quapaw (Emigration), Lt. John Van Horne, Disbursing Officer.
1834 Quapaw (Emigration), Joseph Woods & Co.
0369 1835 Quapaw (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Officer.
Major Topic: Removal expenses and disbursements.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
0378 1835 Quapaw (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Officer.
Major Topic: Indian agents.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
1835 Quapaw (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Quapaw muster roll; accounting and auditing; Indian agents;
Suydam, Jackson & Co.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
1835 Quapaw (Emigration), George Fletcher, Agent.
Major Topic: Indian agent wages.
Principal Correspondent: George Fletcher.
1835 Quapaw (Emigration), P. L. Chouteau.
1835 Quapaw (Emigration), Capt. J. P. Taylor, Commissary of Subsistence.
Major Topics: Ploughs; looms; spinning wheels; contracts.
Principal Correspondent: J. P. Taylor.
1835 Quapaw (Emigration), Lt. John Van Horne, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: Removal expenses and disbursements.
Principal Correspondent: John Van Horne.
1832 St. Louis (Emigration), John J. Abert, Superintendent.
1832 St. Louis (Emigration), William Clark.
1833 St. Louis (Emigration), William Clark.
1833 St. Louis (Emigration), William Clark.
Major Topics: Kickapoo Indians; Kennekuck (Kickapoo prophet).
Principal Correspondent: William Clark.
1833 St. Louis (Emigration), William Clark.
Major Topic: Subsistence stores.
1833 St. Louis (Emigration), William Clark.
Major Topic: Subsistence stores.
1834 St. Louis (Emigration), William Clark [1835].
Major Topics: Subsistence stores; Kickapoo Indians.
1834 St. Louis (Emigration), William Clark [1835].
1834 St. Louis (Emigration), William Clark [1835].
Major Topic: Accounting and auditing.
Principal Correspondent: Augustin Kennerley.
0529 1835 Upper Missouri (Emigration), Lt. Thomas Swords, Lt. J. B. Brant,
1834 St. Louis (Emigration), Gen. William Clark, Thomas Moseley Jr.
1834 St. Louis (Emigration), Gen. William Clark [1835].
Major Topics: Indians near New Madrid, Mo.; Chilitako (Indian chief);
muster rolls.
Principal Correspondents: Thomas Moseley Jr.; John Nicholls.
1835 St. Louis (Emigration), J. B. Brant, Quartermaster.
Principal Correspondent: J. B. Brant.
1835 St. Louis (Emigration), Gen. William Clark.
Major Topic: Removal expenses.
Principal Correspondent: William Clark.
1836 St. Louis (Emigration), George Maguire, Anthony L. Davis.
1836 St. Louis (Emigration), Gen. William Clark.
Major Topic: Shawnee Indians.
1836 St. Louis (Emigration), J. B. Brant, Quartermaster.
0582 1836 St. Louis (Emigration), Lewis Cass, Secretary of War.
1835 Miscellaneous (Emigration), William W. Pratt.
1834 Kickapoo and Pottawatomie (Emigration), William Clark.
Major Topics: Accounting and auditing; subsistence stores.
Principal Correspondent: William Clark.
1834 Kickapoo (Emigration), Gen. George S. Gibson.
Major Topic: Subsistence stores.
1835 Kickapoo (Emigration), William Clark.
Major Topic: Kickapoo muster rolls.
0622 1836 Florida (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris.
0628 1836 Florida (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris.
Major Topics: Seminole Indians; Indian wars and warfare.
Principal Correspondent: Joseph W. Harris.
0651 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Charles A. Jackson.
Major Topics: Accounting and auditing; Indian agent policies and procedures;
U.S. citizens’ attempts to purchase Seminole slaves.
Principal Correspondents: Charles A. Jackson; Joseph W. Harris; Wiley
1833 Seminole (Emigration), K. Smith, Cashier.
0691 1834 Seminole (Emigration), Capt. John B. F. Russell.
1834 Seminole (Emigration), Hon. Wiley Thompson.
Major Topics: Suggestion for immediate and wholesale Seminole removal;
Seminole slaves; best travel route for removal; transportation.
Principal Correspondent: Wiley Thompson.
1834 Seminole (Emigration), Hon. Wiley Thompson.
1834 Seminole (Emigration), Hon. Wiley Thompson.
Major Topic: Seminole opposition to removal.
Principal Correspondent: Wiley Thompson.
0717 1835 Seminole (Emigration).
Major Topics: Subsistence and transportation contracts; blankets; Suydam,
Jackson & Co.
0740 1835 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. M. W. Batman, Disbursing Agent.
0743 1835 Seminole (Emigration).
Major Topic: Transportation contracts.
0748 1835 Seminole (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Removal expenses; Suydam, Jackson & Co.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
0770 1835 Seminole (Emigration), Hon. C. C. Cambreling.
1835 Seminole (Emigration), Gen. D. L. Clinch.
1835 Seminole (Emigration), Gen. D. L. Clinch.
Major Topics: John Winslett removal service claim; languages and linguistics.
0784 1835 Seminole (Emigration), James Gadsden.
0788 1835 Seminole (Emigration), James Gadsden.
Principal Correspondent: James Gadsden.
0796 1835 Seminole (Emigration), George S. Gibson, Commissary General of
0799 1835 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Furloughs and leaves; Indian agent policies and procedures.
Principal Correspondent: Joseph W. Harris.
0809 1835 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: Military escorts.
Principal Correspondent: Joseph W. Harris.
0816 1835 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Transportation; Seminole chiefs.
Principal Correspondent: Joseph W. Harris.
0835 1835 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Disbursing Agent.
Principal Correspondent: Joseph W. Harris.
0848 1835 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Clothing; blankets.
Principal Correspondent: Joseph W. Harris.
0854 1835 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Disbursing Agent.
0859 1835 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Removal expense estimates; clothing; subsistence stores.
Principal Correspondent: Joseph W. Harris.
0873 1835 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, U.S.A.
Major Topic: Details of Wiley Thompson murder.
Principal Correspondent: Joseph W. Harris.
0884 1835 Seminole (Emigration), Elbert Herring.
0887 1835 Seminole (Emigration), Charles A. Jackson.
0891 1835 Seminole (Emigration), Hon. Richard M. Johnson.
0895 1835 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. S. W. Moore, U.S.A.
0898 1835 Seminole (Emigration), Erastus Rogers.
0901 1835 Seminole (Emigration), David M. Sheffield.
1835 Seminole (Emigration), David M. Sheffield, Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Wiley
Major Topic: Indian agents.
0916 1835 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: Removal contracts.
Principal Correspondent: Joseph W. Harris.
1835 Seminole (Emigration), Hon. Wiley Thompson, Special Agent.
Major Topic: Seminole opposition to removal.
Principal Correspondent: Wiley Thompson.
1835 Seminole (Emigration), Hon. Wiley Thompson, Gen. D. L. Clinch, and
Lt. Joseph W. Harris.
Major Topics: Seminole opposition to removal; Seminole chiefs.
Principal Correspondents: Wiley Thompson; Joseph W. Harris; D. L. Clinch.
1835 Seminole (Emigration), Hon. Wiley Thompson, Special Agent.
Major Topic: Powell (Seminole chief).
1835 Seminole (Emigration), Hon. Wiley Thompson, Special Agent.
Major Topic: Joel Yancey.
1835 Seminole (Emigration), Hon. Wiley Thompson, Special Agent.
Major Topic: Clothing.
Principal Correspondent: Wiley Thompson.
1835 Seminole (Emigration), Hon. Wiley Thompson.
Major Topics: Livestock; horses; Seminole removal plans.
Principal Correspondent: Wiley Thompson.
1835 Seminole (Emigration), Hon. Wiley Thompson.
Major Topic: John Winslett removal service claim.
1835 Seminole (Emigration), Hon. Wiley Thompson.
Major Topic: Seminole removal plans.
1835 Seminole (Emigration), Hon. Wiley Thompson.
Major Topic: Murder of Charley Emantla (Seminole chief).
Principal Correspondent: Wiley Thompson.
1835 Seminole (Emigration), Hon. Wiley Thompson.
1043 1835 Seminole (Emigration), Joel Yancey, Assistant Agent.
Major Topics: Power of attorney; Joel Yancey wage claim; Indian agents;
removal expenses.
Principal Correspondent: Joel Yancey.
1067 1835 Seminole (Emigration), Joel Yancey, Assistant Agent.
1070 1835 Seminole (Emigration), Joel Yancey, Assistant Agent.
1074 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: Removal contracts.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
Reel 10
Entry 201 [Letters Received by the Office of the Commissary General of Subsistence
from Army Officers, Disbursing Officers, Indian Agents, the Commissioner of
Indian Affairs, and Individual Indians] cont.
0001 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: John Van Horne.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
0013 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Agent.
0018 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: Removal contracts.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
0028 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Hon. C. C. Cambreling.
0031 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Lewis Cass, Secretary of War.
Major Topic: Apalachicola Indians.
Principal Correspondents: Archibald Smith Jr.; George S. Gibson.
0041 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Hon. Lewis Cass, Secretary of War.
Major Topic: David M. Sheffield.
0046 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Hon. John Coffee.
0049 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Gen. George S. Gibson.
0053 1836 Seminole (Emigration), C. A. Harris, Acting Secretary of War.
0056 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Disbursing Agent [1835–
Major Topics: Removal expense estimates; Seminole petition to Andrew
Principal Correspondent: Joseph W. Harris.
0083 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Disbursing Agent.
Principal Correspondent: Joseph W. Harris.
0089 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Removal expense estimates; Seminole muster roll.
Principal Correspondent: Joseph W. Harris.
0107 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Disbursing Agent.
0112 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Travel; Seminole muster rolls.
Principal Correspondent: Joseph W. Harris.
0125 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: Removal expense estimates.
Principal Correspondent: Joseph W. Harris.
0135 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Disbursing Agent.
0140 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Disbursing Agent.
0143 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: Cudjoe removal service claim
Principal Correspondent: Joseph W. Harris.
0161 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topic: Seminole claims for property damage and loss.
Principal Correspondent: Joseph W. Harris.
0175 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. Joseph W. Harris, Capt. Jacob Brown,
David M. Sheffield.
Major Topics: Indian agents; removal expenses and disbursements.
Principal Correspondents: Joseph W. Harris; Jacob Brown; David M.
1836 Seminole (Emigration), Hon. Richard W. Johnson.
Major Topic: Joel Yancey.
Principal Correspondent: Richard W. Johnson.
1836 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. George G. Meade.
Principal Correspondent: George G. Meade.
0198 1836 Seminole (Emigration), David M. Sheffield.
Principal Correspondent: David M. Sheffield.
1836 Seminole (Emigration), Charles S. Merchant.
0220 1836 Seminole (Emigration), William W. Pratt.
0223 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Archibald Smith Jr.
Major Topic: Apalachicola Indians.
Principal Correspondent: Archibald Smith Jr.
0231 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Archibald Smith Jr.
Principal Correspondent: Archibald Smith Jr.
0236 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. John Van Horne, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: John Van Horne “Journal of Occurrences in Removal of
Seminole Indians”; weather; transportation; death and dying.
0248 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. John Van Horne, Disbursing Agent.
0253 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. John Van Horne, Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Seminole muster roll; Cherokee Indians; Creek Indians;
accounting and auditing; removal expenses and disbursements.
Principal Correspondent: John Van Horne.
0283 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Lt. John Williamson.
0286 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Joel Yancey.
Major Topic: Joel Yancey removal service claim.
Principal Correspondent: Joel Yancey.
1836 Seminole (Emigration), Hon. John Bell, House Committee on Indian
0300 1836 Seminole (Emigration), Capt. F. A. Belton, U.S.A.
Major Topic: Military intervention.
1832 Western Superintendency (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown,
Superintendent West of Mississippi River.
Major Topics: Accounting and auditing; removal expenses, estimates, and
disbursements; subsistence stores; transportation; Choctaw Indians; Indian
agents; ordnance; clothing; ploughs; contracts.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
1833 Western Superintendency (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, U.S.A.
Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Removal expenses and disbursements; Choctaw Indians; John
Victor (Choctaw Indian); nonremoval expenses; rifles; contracts.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
1832 Western Superintendency (Emigration), William McK. Ball, Disbursing
1833 Western Superintendency (Emigration), Lt. G. J. Rains, U.S.A.
Disbursing Agent.
1834 Western Superintendency (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, U.S.A.
Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Subsistence contracts; nonremoval expenses; removal expenses
and disbursements; Choctaw Indians; subsistence stores; G. J. Rains; John
Van Horne; Creek Indians.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
1833 Western Superintendency (Emigration), Lt. John Van Horne, U.S.A.
Disbursing Agent.
1834 Western Superintendency (Emigration), Gen. Matthew Arbuckle.
1834 Western Superintendency (Emigration), William Armstrong, Special
Major Topic: Indian agent employment.
Principal Correspondent: William Armstrong.
1834 Western Superintendency (Emigration), William Armstrong, Special
Major Topic: Creek Indians.
Principal Correspondent: William Armstrong.
1834 Western Superintendency (Emigration), Gen. William Clark.
1834 Western Superintendency (Emigration), Samuel T. Cross.
0738 1834 Cherokee (Emigration), Lt. L. F. Carter.
1834 Western Superintendency (Emigration), D. Kurtz, Indian Office.
1834 Western Superintendency (Emigration), Lt. L. F. Carter.
1835 Western Superintendency (Emigration), William Armstrong, Special
Principal Correspondent: William Armstrong.
1835 Western Superintendency (Emigration), William Armstrong.
Major Topics: Accounting and auditing; J. P. Taylor.
1836 Western Superintendency (Emigration), William Armstrong.
1835 Western Superintendency (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, U.S.A.
Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Contracts; Creek, Choctaw, Cherokee, and Quapaw Indians;
removal expenses and disbursements; nonremoval expenses; accounting
and auditing; damaged Creek and Quapaw property.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
1835 Western Superintendency (Emigration), Lt. L. W. Moore, U.S.A.
Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Annuity payments; Choctaw Indians.
Principal Correspondent: S. W. Moore.
1835 Western Superintendency (Emigration), Lt. John Van Horne, U.S.A.
Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Removal expenses; Quapaw, Cherokee, and Creek Indians.
Principal Correspondent: John Van Horne.
1835 Western Superintendency (Emigration), Thomas E. Wilson, Lt. L. F.
1835 Western Superintendency (Emigration), Capt. J. P. Taylor, U.S.A.
1836 Western Superintendency (Emigration), Capt. Jacob Brown, U.S.A.
Disbursing Agent.
Major Topics: Mills and milling; contracts; nonremoval expenses; removal
expenses and disbursements; Seminole Indians; Quapaw Indians; Choctaw
Indians; damaged Creek and Quapaw property; accounting and auditing.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Brown.
1836 Western Superintendency (Emigration), George S. Gibson, Commissary
General of Subsistence.
1042 1836 Winnebago (Emigration), Hon. Lewis Cass, Secretary of War.
Major Topic: Quapaw muster roll.
Reel 11
Entry 267 [Miscellaneous Choctaw Removal Records, ca. 1825–1858]
Indexes and Lists [1832, 1836, 1838, 1845–1846, 1852].
Major Topics: Mississippi Choctaw muster roll; Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty
(1830 Choctaw treaty); land sales; land patents; Article 14 (1830 treaty)
claims; Choctaw serving under Anthony Wayne in 1794; citizenship
requests; Samuel Gwin suggestions for handling Choctaw claims.
Principal Correspondents: William Ward; Samuel Gwin.
Indexes and Claims [1842].
Major Topics: Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty claims; land claims;
topographical surveys; Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims; land patents.
Curb on the Choctaw Contracts [ca. 1845].
Major Topic: Claims.
List of Approved Locations.
0623 1839 Choctaw (Reserve), S. H. Lester.
Major Topic: Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
0667 1824 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
Major Topic: Location of Choctaw reservation.
Principal Correspondent: William Ward.
0671 1825 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
0673 1830 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records [1830, 1833].
Major Topics: “Journal of Commissioners Who Negotiated the Choctaw
Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek Sept. 15–28, 1830”; missions and
missionaries; treaty terms; land use; Indian reservations.
Principal Correspondents: John Henry Eaton; John Coffee; Lewis Cass.
0716 1830 Choctaw (Emigration), Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty.
Major Topic: Treaty terms.
0728 1830 Choctaw (Emigration), Hon. John Henry Eaton.
Major Topic: Exploring party.
1830 Choctaw (Emigration), Benjamin Reynolds.
0744 1830 Choctaw (Emigration), The President, Andrew Jackson.
Major Topics: Indian treaties; need for removal.
Principal Correspondent: Andrew Jackson.
0757 1831 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
1831 Choctaw (Emigration), F. S. Lyon.
0764 1831 Choctaw (Reserves), Jason Colbert.
Major Topics: Land claims; terms of Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty.
Principal Correspondents: Samuel S. Hamilton; John Henry Eaton; F. W.
0783 1832 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
0786 1833 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
Major Topics: Indian agent employment; terms of Dancing Rabbit Creek
Treaty; Indian reservations.
Principal Correspondent: John Robb.
0796 1833 Choctaw (Reserves), David Folsom.
0801 1834 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records [1834–1835].
Major Topics: Land claims; terms of Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty;
Principal Correspondent: George W. Martin.
Reel 12
Entry 267 [Miscellaneous Choctaw Removal Records, ca. 1825–1858] cont.
0001 1835 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
0005 1835 Choctaw (Reserves), Alphabetical List.
Major Topic: Article 14 (1830) treaty claims.
0016 1835 Choctaw (Reserves).
Major Topic: Orphans.
0147 1835 Choctaw (Reserves) [1833–1836].
Major Topics: Evidence for cases tried under Article 14 (1830 treaty); land
claims; civil procedure; Mississippi.
0253 1836 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
0265 1836 Choctaw (Reserve), Index.
Major Topics: Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims; Article 19 (1830 treaty) land
grants to Choctaw orphans.
0292 1836 Choctaw (Reserve), Grant Lincicum, Samuel Hosmer.
Major Topic: Article 19 (1830 treaty) land grants to Choctaw orphans.
0314 1837 Choctaw (Reserve), Orphan lands.
Major Topic: Land ownership and rights.
Principal Correspondent: C. A. Harris.
0332 1837 Choctaw (Reserve), C. A. Harris.
Major Topic: Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
Principal Correspondent: C. A. Harris.
0343 1837 Choctaw (Reserve), Aaron V. Brown.
Major Topic: Land claims.
Principal Correspondents: Aaron V. Brown; William Armstrong.
0353 1837 Choctaw (Reserve), Aaron V. Brown.
Major Topic: Land claims.
Principal Correspondent: Aaron V. Brown.
0386 1837 Choctaw (Reserve), Aaron V. Brown.
Major Topic: Land claims.
Principal Correspondent: Aaron V. Brown.
0402 1837 Choctaw (Reserve), Aaron V. Brown.
0417 1837 Choctaw (Reserve), Orphan lands.
Major Topics: Land selected for Choctaw orphans; Mississippi.
Principal Correspondent: C. A. Harris.
0436 1837 Choctaw (Reserve), Treasury Department [1836–1838].
0445 1837 Choctaw (Reserve), Aaron V. Brown.
Major Topic: Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
0450 1837 Choctaw (Reserve), Col. Martin.
Major Topics: Land claims; Alabama; Mississippi.
0465 1838 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
0470 1838 Choctaw (Reserve), Commissioners.
Major Topic: Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
0479 1838 Choctaw (Reserve), Commissioners.
Major Topics: Choctaw orphan lands; Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
0502 1838 Choctaw (Reserve), Orphan Lands.
0513 1838 Choctaw (Reserve), Aaron V. Brown.
Major Topics: Choctaw orphan lands; land claims.
0559 1838 Choctaw (Reserve), Aaron V. Brown.
Major Topic: Land claims.
Principal Correspondent: Aaron V. Brown.
0575 1838 Choctaw (Reserve).
Major Topics: Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims; government investigations;
civil procedure.
0615 1838 Choctaw (Reserve).
Major Topic: Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
Principal Correspondents: William Armstrong; F. W. Armstrong.
0681 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records [1836–1839, 1841].
Major Topics: Accounting and auditing; Indian agents; Choctaw orphan lands.
Principal Correspondent: William Craven.
0751 1839 Choctaw (Reserve), Andrew A. Kincannon.
Major Topic: Land claims.
Principal Correspondents: Samuel Dale; William Armstrong.
0772 1839 Choctaw (Reserve), Andrew A. Kincannon.
Major Topics: Accounting and auditing; Choctaw orphan lands; congressional
resolutions; removal expenses and disbursements.
Principal Correspondents: T. Hartley Crawford; Andrew A. Kincannon.
0834 1840 Choctaw (Reserve), Andrew A. Kincannon [1840, 1843].
Major Topics: Land claims; William Williams; civil procedure; James K.
Polk; 1840 presidential election; accounting and auditing.
Principal Correspondents: William Armstrong; William M. Gwin; Andrew A.
0876 1842 Choctaw (Reserve), File “W” [1840].
Major Topics: Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty claims; citizenship requests.
Principal Correspondent: William Ward.
0893 1843 Choctaw (Reserve).
Major Topic: Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
Principal Correspondents: T. Hartley Crawford; John Tyler.
Reel 13
Entry 267 [Miscellaneous Choctaw Removal Records, ca. 1825–1858] cont.
0001 1843 Choctaw (Reserve), The President [1843–1844].
Major Topic: Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
Principal Correspondents: T. Hartley Crawford; John Tyler.
0071 1843 Choctaw (Reserve), Charles E. Mix.
Major Topic: Choctaw serving under Anthony Wayne.
0074 1843 Choctaw (Reserve).
Major Topic: Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
1843 Choctaw (Reserve), John F. H. Claiborne, Ralph Graves and William
Major Topic: Proceedings of presidential commission appointed to hear
Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
1843 Choctaw (Reserve), John F. H. Claiborne, Ralph Graves and William
Major Topics: Proceedings of presidential commission appointed to hear
Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims; Louisville, Miss., citizens’ petition
regarding location of government hearings.
0149 1843 Choctaw (Reserve), T. Hartley Crawford.
Major Topics: Proceedings of presidential commission appointed to hear
Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims; John F. H. Claiborne; Ralph Graves;
William Tyler.
Principal Correspondent: T. Hartley Crawford.
1843 Choctaw (Reserve), John F. H. Claiborne, Ralph Graves, William
Major Topic: Proceedings of presidential commission appointed to hear
Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
Principal Correspondent: John B. Forester.
1843 Choctaw (Reserve), John F. H. Claiborne, Ralph Graves, William
0246 1843 Choctaw (Reserve), John F. H. Claiborne.
Major Topic: Proceedings of presidential commission appointed to hear
Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
Principal Correspondent: John F. H. Claiborne.
0280 1843 Choctaw (Reserve), John F. H. Claiborne.
Major Topic: Proceedings of presidential commission appointed to hear
Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
0290 1843 Choctaw (Reserve), John F. H. Claiborne.
Major Topic: Proceedings of presidential commission appointed to hear
Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
Principal Correspondents: John F. H. Claiborne; John B. Forester.
0319 1843 Choctaw (Reserve), Commissioners.
Major Topic: Proceedings of presidential commission appointed to hear
Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
0449 1844 Choctaw (Reserve), Ralph Graves, William Tyler, George S. Gaines,
Samuel Rush.
Major Topics: Proceedings of presidential commission appointed to hear
Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims; commission expenses; Article 19 (1830
treaty) claims.
Principal Correspondents: William Tyler; Charles Fisher; George S. Gaines.
0546 1844 Choctaw (Reserve), T. Hartley Crawford.
Major Topics: Proceedings of presidential commission appointed to hear
Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims; claimants.
Principal Correspondent: T. Hartley Crawford.
1844 Choctaw (Emigration), Hon. William Wilkins.
Major Topic: Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
0600 1845 Choctaw (Reserve), William Tyler, George S. Gaines, Samuel Rush.
Major Topic: Proceedings of presidential commission appointed to hear
Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
1845 Choctaw (Reserve), Aaron V. Brown and Andrew A. Kincannon.
Major Topics: Proceedings of presidential commission appointed to hear
Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims; Choctaw heads of family at time of
Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty.
0635 1845 Choctaw (Reserve), William Tyler, George S. Gaines, Samuel Rush
Major Topic: Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
Principal Correspondent: William Armstrong.
0671 1847 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
Major Topic: Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
Principal Correspondent: William Armstrong.
0688 1848 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
Major Topic: Congressional legislation relating to Choctaw lawyers.
0708 1849 Choctaw (Reserve).
Major Topic: Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
Principal Correspondent: John Drennen.
0724 1850 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
Major Topic: Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims.
Principal Correspondent: John Drennen.
0760 1851 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
Major Topics: Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty claims; Article 14 (1830 treaty)
Principal Correspondent: John Drennen.
0792 1852 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
Major Topics: Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty claims by “Bay Indians”
(Choctaw remaining east of Mississippi River); Choctaw (west of
Mississippi River) claims.
Principal Correspondent: Sampson Folsom.
0875 1853 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
Major Topics: Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty claims; Indian agents; accounting
and auditing; Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims; U.S. government failure to
meet terms of 1830 treaty; lawyers.
Principal Correspondent: Henry L. Martin.
0929 1854 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
0941 1855 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
Major Topic: Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty claims.
0958 1856 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
0963 1857 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
Major Topic: Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty claims.
0969 1859 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
0971 1860 Choctaw (Reserve), statements.
Major Topics: Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty; accounting and auditing; land
claims; government investigations and hearings.
Reel 14
Entry 267 [Miscellaneous Choctaw Removal Records, ca. 1825–1858] cont.
0001 1902 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
Major Topics: Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims; Mississippi Choctaw;
Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes; government investigations and
hearings; civil procedure.
Principal Correspondent: A. C. Tonner.
0068 1906 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
Major Topics: William Risener; citizenship; marriage.
0079 1924 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
Major Topics: Mississippi Choctaw; Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty.
0083 Choctaw Academy [1830].
Lists of Choctaw Orphans [undated].
Choctaw Orphans [1838].
Major Topics: Orphan lands; Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty.
Choctaw Orphans, 1830.
Major Topic: List of Choctaw orphans.
Choctaw Orphans, 1840.
Major Topic: Land claims.
Choctaw Orphans, 1844.
Major Topics: Thomas C. Billups; sale of orphan lands.
Choctaw Orphans, 1845 [1845, 1847].
Major Topic: Orphan lands.
Choctaw Orphans, 1846 [1846, 1853].
Major Topic: Orphan lands.
Choctaw Orphans, 1847.
Major Topic: Orphan lands.
Choctaw Orphans, 1848.
Choctaw Orphans, 1851 [1851, 1856–1857].
Major Topics: Orphan lands purchased by U.S. citizens; civil procedure;
accounting and auditing; Choctaw Orphan Trust Fund.
Principal Correspondents: Charles Borland; Luke Lea.
Choctaw Orphans, 1852.
Major Topics: Orphan lands; land sales.
Principal Correspondent: Charles Borland.
Choctaw Orphans, 1853.
Major Topics: Orphan lands; land sales; land patents.
Principal Correspondent: Charles Borland.
Choctaw Orphans, 1853.
Major Topics: Orphan lands; land ownership.
Choctaw Orphans, 1854.
Major Topics: Orphan lands; land sales; Mississippi; Dancing Rabbit Creek
Principal Correspondent: George W. Manypenny.
Choctaw Orphans, 1855.
Major Topics: Value and location of orphan lands; land sales.
Choctaw Orphans, 1856.
Major Topic: Orphan lands.
Choctaw Orphans, 1857.
Major Topics: Orphan lands; land sales.
Principal Correspondent: Moses Kelly.
Choctaw Orphans, 1858 [1853, 1858, 1860].
Major Topic: Orphan lands.
Principal Correspondent: Charles E. Mix.
Choctaw Orphans, 1838 [1838, 1845].
Major Topics: Article 14 (1830 treaty) claims; orphan lands; land sales;
Article 19 (1830 treaty); bonds issued for orphan land sales.
A. H. Jones and H. M. C. Brown Contract to Survey Choctaw Land
0799 1834 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
0806 1836 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
0815 1838 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
0819 1840 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
0821 1843 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
0824 1844 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records [folder only].
0825 1848 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
Major Topic: Bonds issued for orphan land sales.
0828 1850 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
0834 1851 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
0839 1853 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
Major Topics: Orphan lands; Charles Borland; leasing and renting.
0873 1854 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
0876 1855 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
Major Topic: Treaty with the Choctaw and Chickasaw, 1855.
0879 1857 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records [1857–1858, 1868].
Major Topics: Treaty with the Choctaw and Chickasaw, 1855; boundaries.
Principal Correspondents: Elias N. Conway; Moses Kelly.
0914 1858 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records [1855].
Major Topics: Treaty with the Choctaw and Chickasaw, 1855; Choctaw
obligation to pay U.S. debts owed to land claimants; congressional
powers; Senate.
Principal Correspondents: Peter P. Pitchlynn; Israel Folsom; Samuel Garland;
Dickson W. Lewis.
0936 1859 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
Major Topics: Choctaw and Chickasaw reservation boundaries with Texas;
topographical surveys; wages and salaries; contracts; employment of
astronomer; military intervention to protect surveying party; Comanche
Principal Correspondents: H. M. C. Brown; A. H. Jones; Daniel G. Major.
1023 1860 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
Major Topics: Topographical surveys; astronomy; wages and salaries;
Principal Correspondents: Daniel G. Major; A. H. Jones.
1053 1863 Miscellaneous Choctaw Records.
Major Topic: A. H. Jones and H. M. C. Brown contract settlement.
Reel 15
Entry 222 [Miscellaneous Cherokee Removal Records, 1820–ca. 1854]
0001 Cherokee Committee, 1836.
Major Topics: Fraud by white persons claiming Cherokee benefits;
proceedings of Cherokee Committee; Cherokee emigration.
Principal Correspondents: John Ridge; Wilson Lumpkin.
List of Committee Members [undated].
0040 Cherokee Committee Expenses, March 1837–November 1838.
Major Topics: Accounting and auditing; subsistence stores; wages and
Principal Correspondent: Wilson Lumpkin.
Index [undated].
Major Topic: Cherokee Indians.
0070 Notes Re: Treaty of December 29, 1835 [ca. 1854].
Major Topics: History of U.S. Indian policy; history of U.S.-Cherokee
treaties; land ownership and rights; Arkansas; annuity payments; claims;
War Department opinion of Treaty of New Echota (1835 U.S.-Cherokee
treaty); Treaty of Hopewell, 1785; Treaty of July, 1817; congressional
List of Claims Decided by the Committee [undated].
0131 Cherokee Committee, 1837 [1837–1838].
Major Topics: Proceedings of Cherokee Committee; claims; Cherokee
emigration; Treaty of New Echota.
Principal Correspondent: John Ridge.
0176 Cherokee Committee, 1838 [1832–1833, 1838].
Major Topics: U.S.-Cherokee treaties and conventions; Hugh Montgomery;
Cherokee emigration; removal expenses; claims.
Principal Correspondents: John Robb; C. B. Raines; John Walker Jr.
1833 Miscellaneous Cherokee Records.
1834 Miscellaneous Cherokee Records.
0293 1835 Miscellaneous Cherokee Records [1836–1837].
Major Topics: “Journal of Proceedings relative to Cherokee Treaty”; Treaty of
New Echota; claims.
1836 Miscellaneous Cherokee Records.
Major Topics: Treaty of New Echota; Cherokee emigration; removal
expenses; claims.
Principal Correspondents: John Ridge; Wilson Lumpkin; C. A. Harris.
1836 Cherokee (Emigration), James Liddell, Hon. Wilson Lumpkin.
Major Topics: Treaty of New Echota; Indian agent policies and procedures;
Cherokee debts.
0427 1837 Miscellaneous Cherokee Records [1837–1838].
Major Topics: U.S.-Cherokee relations; Treaty of New Echota; Cherokee
delegation visit to Washington City; Cherokee opposition to treaty and
Principal Correspondents: B. F. Butler; Joel Roberts Poinsett; John Ross;
John Mason Jr.
1837 Cherokee (Emigration), John Ross, Edward Gunter, John Mason Jr.,
C. A. Harris.
Major Topic: Claims.
Principal Correspondents: John F. Wheeler; Wilson Lumpkin; John Kennedy.
0506 1837 Cherokee (Emigration), Levi Woodbury, Secretary of Treasury.
Major Topics: Planters Bank of Tennessee; availability of funds for removal.
Principal Correspondent: Levi Woodbury.
0528 1837 Voting at New Echota.
Major Topic: List of Cherokee voting at New Echota, February, 1837.
1838 Miscellaneous Cherokee Records.
Major Topic: Planters Bank of Tennessee.
Principal Correspondent: T. Hartley Crawford.
1839 Miscellaneous Cherokee Records.
Principal Correspondent: T. Hartley Crawford.
1842 Miscellaneous Cherokee Records.
1844 Miscellaneous Cherokee Records.
Major Topics: Western Cherokee; Treaty of New Echota claims.
Principal Correspondents: John Rogers; T. Hartley Crawford.
1843 Miscellaneous Cherokee Records.
Major Topics: John Henry Eaton; Treaty of New Echota claims; Indian
Principal Correspondent: T. Hartley Crawford.
1845 Miscellaneous Cherokee Records.
1846 Miscellaneous Cherokee Records.
Major Topics: Divisions within Cherokee Nation; Cherokee attacks in
Arkansas; Treaty of New Echota claims.
1847 Miscellaneous Cherokee Records.
Major Topics: Treaty of New Echota claims; Cherokee Committee.
Principal Correspondent: John Rogers.
1858 Miscellaneous Cherokee Records.
0746 No Date, Miscellaneous Cherokee Records.
Depositions and Affidavits [1837–1838].
Major Topic: Claims.
Petitions [undated].
0759 Forms [1836, 1838].
Books and Papers of Commission [undated].
Major Topics: Document index; Treaty of New Echota claims.
0781 Instructions [ca. 1838].
Major Topic: Cherokee Commission.
0784 1837 Cherokee Removal, Miscellaneous Records [1828, 1836, 1839, 1842–
1843, 1845].
Major Topics: Treaty of New Echota claims; power of attorney.
Principal Correspondents: T. Hartley Crawford; John Henry Eaton.
0834 1829 Miscellaneous Cherokee Records [1828–1829].
Major Topics: Boundaries of Cherokee and Creek land in Georgia; history of
boundary line and dispute between Georgia and Cherokee Indians;
government investigations and hearings; evidence; topographical surveys.
Principal Correspondents: John Coffee; John Forsyth; Samuel A. Wales.
1821 Miscellaneous Cherokee Records.
Principal Correspondent: John C. Calhoun.
1824 Miscellaneous Cherokee Records.
1825 Miscellaneous Cherokee Records.
1830 Miscellaneous Cherokee Records.
Reel 16
Entry 229 [Records of the First Board of Cherokee Commissioners,
Reservation Claim Papers, 1837–1839]
Index [undated].
Major Topic: Index of claimants.
0005 Alberty, Moses [1838].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; power of attorney.
0018 Bryson, Andrew [1838].
Major Topics: Sally Bryson; land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties.
Chunestutee [1838].
Major Topic: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties.
Cochran, John [1838].
Major Topics: Ailsey Cochran; land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties.
0064 Dick [1838–1839].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; North Carolina.
0075 Duncan, Charles Gordon [1837, 1839].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Georgia.
Duncan, Edward [1837, 1839].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Georgia.
0114 Elder, Moses [1838–1839].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Alabama; Betsy
Eldridge, Ailsey and Taylor [1837, 1839].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Tennessee.
Foreman, Archibald [1837–1838].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Tennessee; Thomas
Foreman; Stephen Foreman.
0196 Gilbreath, Alexander [1836, 1838].
Major Topics: Polly Brown; land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties;
0221 Graves, Nancy [1837–1839].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Georgia.
0234 Downing, Richard [1838–1839].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Georgia.
Grubb, Allen B. [1837–1839, 1843].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Tennessee.
Guerineau, Susannah [1836–1839].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Georgia.
Principal Correspondents: John Rogers; Wilson Lumpkin.
Gunter, John, Sr. [1819, 1831–1838].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Alabama.
0462 Harlin, Caty [1837–1838].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Tennessee.
0480 Harlin, George [1837–1838].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Tennessee.
Hildebrand, John [1838].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Tennessee.
0505 Keys, Isaac [1830–1831, 1837–1839].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Alabama.
Keys, Samuel [1837–1838].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Alabama.
Keys, William [1838].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Alabama.
Lamar, Sally [1838].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Georgia.
Langley, John [1838–1839].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Georgia.
0623 Little Betty [1838–1839].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Georgia.
0653 McDaniel, Alexander [1837–1840].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; North Carolina;
0683 McNair, David [1837, 1839, 1841].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Tennessee; heirs.
Principal Correspondent: T. Hartley Crawford.
Merrill, Nancy and Benjamin [folder only].
0694 Oonewastah [1837–1839].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; North Carolina;
0709 Otter or Cheuh [1837–1839].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Tennessee.
Reel 17
Entry 229 [Records of the First Board of Cherokee Commissioners,
Reservation Claim Papers, 1837–1839]
Phillips, Joseph [1837].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Tennessee.
0018 Pigeon [1819–1820, 1837–1838].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Tennessee.
Rackley, Sarah [folder only].
0064 Rackley, William [1838].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Tennessee; heirs.
0083 Rider, Austin [1838, 1842–1843].
Major Topics: Tennessee; land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Mary
Rider; heirs.
0105 Riley, Looney [1824–1829, 1837–1838].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Tennessee; Caleb
Shumaker, John [folder only].
0169 Raper, Jesse [1837–1839].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; North Carolina;
Thomas Raper.
0203 Raper, Thomas [1818, 1838–1839].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; North Carolina;
Jesse Raper.
0233 Sicatowee [1838, 1843].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; North Carolina.
0246 Six Killer [1837].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Tennessee.
Smith, Polly [1830–1831, 1836–1838].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Alabama; William
Sour John [1838–1839].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Georgia; heirs.
Spears, John [1818, 1820, 1826–1828, 1836–1838].
Major Topics: Tennessee; land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Caleb
0432 Starr, Caleb [1837–1838, 1844].
Major Topics: Tennessee; land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties.
Stephens, Sutton [1837–1838, 1841].
Major Topics: Alabama; land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties.
Stephens, Willis [1838].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Alabama.
Tahcustuscah [1837, 1839].
Major Topics: Tennessee; land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties.
Taylor, David [1840–1841, 1843].
Major Topics: North Carolina; land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties.
Thompson, Alexander [1830–1831].
Major Topics: Alabama; land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties.
Thompson, John [1831, 1838, 1841].
Major Topics: Alabama; land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties.
Usqueleesquiee or Squiee [1837–1839].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Tennessee; heirs.
Too Chos Tos Tah [1838].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; North Carolina.
Vann, Isaac [1830–1833, 1836–1838].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Tennessee.
0675 Wade, Isaac N. [1831, 1837–1838, 1841].
Major Topics: Alabama; land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; heirs.
0702 North Carolina Reservations [1829–1830, 1837, 1843].
Major Topic: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties.
Principal Correspondents: Humphrey Posey; Romulus M. Saunders.
0736 Parris, Robert [1832, 1837–1838].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Georgia.
0750 Saunders & Posey [1829–1830, 1837, 1843].
Major Topics: Humphrey Posey; Romulus M. Saunders; Cherokee land sales
(names and amounts); Marshall T. Polk; J. K. Gray; land contracts.
Reel 18
Entry 235 [Records of the First Board of Cherokee Commissioners, Decisions on
Claims of Attorneys against the Cherokee Nation, 1837–1838]
Clayton, Harden & Clayton [1832].
Major Topic: Lawyer claims for legal aid and services.
Daniel, William [1836–1837].
Major Topics: Lawyer claims for legal aid and services; Georgia; civil
procedure; Joseph M. Lynch; Walter S. Adair.
0022 Gaston, James [1836, 1838].
Major Topic: Lawyer claims for legal aid and services.
Gillespie, John F. [1838, 1843].
Major Topics: Lawyer claims for legal aid and services; documents from
Cherokee Indians employing John F. Gillespie; accounting and auditing.
Hansell, William Y. [cover sheet only].
Harris, Arnold [cover sheet only].
Kendall, Amos and John E. [cover sheet only].
Latham, Thomas A. [1836].
Major Topic: Lawyer claims for legal aid and services.
Principal Correspondent: Thomas A. Latham.
0168 Dillard Love and S. T. Jarrett [1844–1845].
Major Topic: Lawyer claims for legal aid and services.
Lowry, John [1816, 1818, 1837–1838].
Major Topic: Lawyer claims for legal aid and services.
Principal Correspondent: John Lowry.
McKinny, John A. [1838].
Major Topic: Lawyer claims for legal aid and services.
Parsons, Silas [1837].
Major Topic: Lawyer claims for legal aid and services.
Thomas, William H. [1843–1844, 1846–1847].
Major Topic: Lawyer claims for legal aid and services.
Principal Correspondent: William H. Thomas.
Rockwell, Samuel [cover sheet only].
Thompson, Waddy [cover sheet only].
Underwood, William H. [cover sheet only].
Special File #107 [1830, 1836–1838, 1843].
Major Topics: Lawyer claims for legal aid and services; William H.
Underwood; Thomas W. Harris; Georgia; William Y. Hansell; Samuel
Rockwell; legal contracts; Treaty of New Echota, 1835.
Principal Correspondents: William H. Underwood; John F. Schermerhorn;
William Y. Hansell; Samuel Rockwell.
Special File #4 [1837–1840, 1843–1844].
Major Topics: Lawyer claims for legal aid and services; William H.
Underwood; William Y. Hansell; Samuel Rockwell; Treaty of New
Echota, 1835; Georgia; list of lawyer claims.
Principal Correspondents: William H. Underwood; William Y. Hansell;
Samuel Rockwell; T. Hartley Crawford; James Liddell; John Kennedy;
C. A. Harris.
Entry 229 [Records of the First Board of Cherokee Commissioners,
Reservation Claim Papers, 1837–1839] cont.
0603 Register of Reservations 1817–1819 [folder only].
0605 Ahleach [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps.
0609 Am-Ma-Cher [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps.
0612 Back Water [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0615 Bag (or Sapsucker) [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Baldridge, John [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0621 Bear Going in the Hole [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0624 Beaver Toter [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Ben, John [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Benge, John [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0633 Big Tom [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0636 Bold Hunter [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0639 Brown, James [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Brown, John [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0645 Burns, Arthur [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0648 Cat, The [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0651 Catehee [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0654 Challenge (or Kawanooleeckie) [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0656 Cheeks, Catherine [1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps.
0659 Choctaw [1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Clubb, The [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0666 Coloneskee [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Connaughty [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0672 Coody, James [1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Cooluchu [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0678 Cul-Sow-Wee [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Elliot, Joseph [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0684 Ennoch (or Trout) [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0687 Fence, The [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Grubb, Allen B. [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Gunter, John [1827].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Hannelah [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0699 Harlin, George [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Hildebrand, John [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0705 Jack [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0708 Jacob [1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Principal Correspondent: Robert Armstrong.
0713 Jenny [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
John [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Johnston [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0722 Johnston, Peter [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0725 Jones, Drury [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0728 Jones, James [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Jones, Thomas [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Jones, William [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Keys, Samuel [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Keys, William [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0743 Lacy, Andrew [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0746 Little Deer [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Lowry, Elizabeth [1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Tennessee.
0752 Lowry, George [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0754 Lowry, James [1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Lowry, Sally [1827].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Lowry, Susannah [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0767 McAnulty, Giles [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0770 McIntosh, Betsy [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
McIntosh, John [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0776 McNary, John [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0779 Merrell, Nancy [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0782 Miller, John [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0785 Morgan, Margaret [1820, 1848].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Old Bark of Chota [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0793 Old Mouse, The [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Old Nanny [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0799 Oo Lah Nottee [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0802 Oosantertake [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0805 Ore, James [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0810 Panther [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0813 Parch Corn Flower [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Quchey, John [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0819 Quaty [1828].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0824 Read, William [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0827 Riley, James [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0830 Riley, Richard [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Robinson, Amos [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0836 Ross, Eliza [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0839 Ross, Lewis [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Reel 19
Entry 229 [Records of the First Board of Cherokee Commissioners, Reservation
Claim Papers, 1837–1839] cont.
0001 Setuwakee [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Sharp Fellow [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0007 Six Killer [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0010 Skekew [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Smith, Cabbon [1819].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Smith, Polly [1827, 1829].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Spears, John [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0022 Spirit [ca. 1827].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0025 Starr, James [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Stephens, Sutton [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Stephens, Willis [1827].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0034 Suaga [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Sutton, Elijah [1838].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps.
0042 Tallotuskee [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0045 Taylor, Andrew [1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0048 Taylor, Fox [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0051 Teelarkaask [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0054 Tegentasey [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0057 Thomas [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Thompson, Alex R. [1829].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Thompson, Charles [1827, 1829].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Thompson, John [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Thorn, Daniel [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Timberlake, Richard [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0077 Too Lee Noos Tah [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Too Naugh Huah [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0083 Tooten, Willie [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0086 Trout, The [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0089 Wade, Isaac N. [1827, 1829]
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0094 Walker, John, Sr. [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0097 Walker, Richard [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0100 Wallee [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Welsh, John [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0106 Whaakah (or Grass Grow) [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Whipper-Will [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
Wilson, William [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0115 Wolf, The [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0118 Wood, John (Capt.) [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0121 Yellow Bear [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0124 Yonah (or Big Bear) [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
0127 Yoon Negiskah [ca. 1820].
Major Topics: Land claims under 1817 and 1819 treaties; land maps;
General Information [1828].
Major Topics: “List of persons entitled to reservations of land under the treaty
with the Cherokee Indians of February 27, 1819”; Indian lands released to
North Carolina and Georgia.
Principal Correspondents: James Barbour; Thomas L. McKenney.
0175 1820 Miscellaneous Reservation Claim Records [1820, 1847].
Major Topics: Status of Indian lands under 1817 and 1819 treaties; Tennessee.
Principal Correspondents: Robert Houston; John C. Calhoun.
Entry 218 [Cherokee Removal Records, Applications for Reservations, 1819]
0193 Miscellaneous Papers [1819].
0199 Adair, Walter S. [1819]
0201 Ah Senee [1819].
Antehale, John [1819].
Arsena and Ax [1819].
Autoweh [1819].
0211 Axe, The [1819].
0214 Back Water [1819].
Baldridge, John [1819].
Barnes, William [1819].
0223 Bear at Home, The [1819].
0225 Beaver Toter [1819].
Benge, John [1819].
0231 Bets [1819].
Biddy, Shedrick [1819].
0237 Big George [1819].
Big Tom [1819].
0243 Bold Hunter Jr. [1819].
0245 Brown, James [1819].
Brown, John (also Fields, David, and Taylor, Fox) [1819].
Brown, William [1819].
0254 Bryson, Andrew [1819].
0257 Buffalo [1819].
0260 Buffington, Charles [1817].
0263 Burns, Arthur [1819].
0266 Byers, Nicholas [1819].
0269 Cahugar [1819].
0272 Cat, The [1819].
0275 Catetegeske [1819].
0278 Catetechee [1819].
0281 Challenge (or Cumma Noo Leesky) [1819].
0284 Chetosta [1819].
0287 Chiular [1819].
Chuahluga [1819].
Chuna Lusky [1819].
Chunestutee [1819].
Colson, John [1819].
0302 Co No Nisskee [1819].
0305 Davis, Daniel [1819].
0308 Dick (or Weser) [1819].
0311 Duncan, Charles Gordon [1819].
0314 Duncan, Dorcas [1819].
Duncan, John [1818].
0320 Eight Killer [1819].
Elliot, Joseph [1819].
Euchulah [1819].
Eunoauh [1819].
0331 Fence [1819].
0334 Flower [1819].
0337 Gunter, Edward [1819].
Gunter, John, Sr. [1819].
0343 Hanela [1819].
0346 Harlin, George [1819].
Harrison, Thomas [1819].
0351 Henson, Terrell [1819].
Hubbard, Royal (Ryal) [1819].
Indian Jack [1819].
0359 Jacob [1819].
Jang Haly [1819].
Jinny [1819].
Jonson [1819].
Juneluskey [1819].
0374 Kell, Alexander [1819].
Keys, Samuel [1819].
Langley, John [1819].
0383 Leach [1819].
0386 Little Deer (also Tarapin, The) [1819].
Long Blanket [1819].
Lowry, Elizabeth [1819].
0394 Lowry, George [1819].
0397 Lowry, James [1819].
Lowry, Susannah [1819].
Lynch, Nancy [1819].
0408 McIntosh, James [1819].
McIntosh, John [1819].
0414 McLemore, Robert [1819].
Martin, John [1819].
0420 Maw, Willio [1819].
0423 Morgan, Margaret [1819].
0426 Morris, Gideon [1819].
Ninetuah [1819].
0432 Notley, Will [1819].
Old Bark [1819].
0438 Old Mouse [1819].
0440 Ootekahotee (or George) [1819].
0445 Otter [1819].
0448 Ore, James [1819].
Pack, Elizabeth [1819].
0454 Panther [1819].
Parks, Samuel [1819].
0460 Parris, George [1819].
0463 Pol [1819].
Quchey, John [1819].
0469 Rackley, William [1819].
0472 Riley, James [1819].
0475 Riley, Richard [1819].
0478 Roman Nose [1819].
Ross, Templin W. [1819].
San [1819].
0487 Sealy [1819].
0490 Setertake [1819].
Sharp Fellow [1819].
0496 Shorey, Peggy [1819].
0499 Six Killer [1819].
0502 Skeeke (or Sapsucker) [1819].
Skeken [1819].
Snaga [1819].
Snale [1819].
Sour John [1819].
0517 Spirit, The [1819].
0520 Spoiler [1819].
0523 Starr, James [1819].
Stevens, Sutton [1819].
0529 Stugesta [1819].
Tananagullah [1819].
Tanugh-noo [1819].
0538 Tarapin, The (see Little Deer) [cover sheet only].
0539 Taylor, Fox (see Brown, John) [cover sheet only].
Taylor, Richard [1819].
Thomas [1819].
0546 Timberlake, Richard [1819].
Tolenusta [1819].
0552 Tom [1819].
0555 Trout, The [1819].
Walker, John, Jr., and Sr. [1819].
Welch, John, and Welsh, John [1819].
Welch, Ned, and Welsh, Edward [1819].
Wipperwill [1819].
Will [1819].
Wilson, Thomas [1819].
0582 Yellow, Bear [1819].
Yonegiskah [1819].
0588 Yonah (or Big Bear) [1819].
The following index is a guide to the principal correspondents in this microform publication.
The first number after each entry refers to the reel, while the four-digit number following the
colon refers to the frame number at which the file containing information on the subject begins.
Hence, 5: 0798 directs researchers to Frame 0798 of Reel 5. By referring to the Reel Index,
which constitutes the initial segment of this guide, the researcher will find the folder title;
inclusive dates, if not supplied in the folder title; and a list of Major Topics and Principal
Correspondents, listed in the order in which they appear on the film.
Abadie, E. H.
5: 0798
Abert, John J.
8: 0032, 0504
Arbuckle, Matthew
4: 0543, 0756
Armstrong, F. W.
2: 0001, 0519; 3: 0530; 4: 0259, 0543;
5: 0001; 11: 0764; 12: 0615
Armstrong, Robert
18: 0708
Armstrong, William
2: 0519; 3: 0530; 4: 0543, 0756;
10: 0716, 0724, 0747; 12: 0343,
0615, 0751, 0834; 13: 0635, 0671
Ash, Michael M.
7: 0001
Bailey, David
1: 0653
Baker, R. L.
6: 0467, 0586
Ball, William McK.
2: 0660
Banks, John
7: 0008
Barbour, James
19: 0130
Barry, J. Waller
see Barry, Waller
Barry, Waller
5: 0798, 0832
Batman, M. W.
1: 0587, 0619; 5: 0838, 0855
Belton, F. I.
5: 0865
Bender, George
6: 0477
Blue, U.
5: 0232
Borland, Charles
14: 0182, 0241, 0273
Brant, J. B.
9: 0559
Brown, Aaron V.
12: 0343, 0353, 0386, 0559
Brown, H. M. C.
14: 0936
Brown, Jacob
2: 0001, 0660; 3: 0657, 0735; 4: 0259,
0543, 0807, 0909; 5: 0005, 0011,
0240, 0259–0275, 0783, 0872–0897;
8: 0001, 0015, 0305, 0325–0362;
9: 0286–0327, 0369–0385, 0748,
1074; 10: 0001, 0018, 0175, 0303,
0465, 0598, 0774, 0937
Buck, D. A. A.
7: 0014
Burke, Martin
6: 0888
Butler, B. F.
15: 0427
Calhoun, John C.
6: 0932; 15: 0931; 19: 0175
Carter, L. F.
2: 0001
Cass, Lewis
1: 0028; 5: 0918; 6: 0787, 0948; 7: 0138,
0325, 0368, 0404, 0423, 0459;
8: 0400, 0492, 0777; 9: 0187;
11: 0673
Claiborne, John F. H.
4: 0807; 13: 0246, 0290
Clark, J. B.
2: 0001, 0157, 0814
Clark, William
1: 0653, 0695, 0830; 8: 0066, 0277,
0527; 9: 0191, 0210, 0233, 0483,
0564, 0590
Clinch, D. L.
9: 0954
Coffee, John
11: 0673; 15: 0834
Colquhoun, William S.
2: 0157, 0814; 3: 0832
Conway, Elias N.
14: 0879
Craven, William
12: 0681
Crawford, T. Hartley
12: 0772, 0893; 13: 0001, 0149, 0546;
15: 0555, 0576, 0593, 0621, 0784;
16: 0683; 18: 0383
Cross, Samuel T.
2: 0814; 3: 0832
Cummins, Richard W.
9: 0191
Currey, Benjamin F.
1: 0001, 0162, 0259, 0619
Dale, Samuel
12: 0751
Dancy, F. L.
1: 0041
Davis, Anthony L.
9: 0001, 0210, 0244
Day, William
1: 0162, 0259
Deas, Edward
5: 0300, 0312, 0931, 0941; 6: 0026,
De Castillo y Lanzas, J. M.
5: 0321
Derringer, Henry
6: 0522, 0606, 0794, 0935; 7: 0030;
9: 0001
Deseille, L.
9: 0224
Dickins, A.
5: 0321
Dowsing, William
3: 0001
Drane, A.
6: 0958
Drennen, John
13: 0708, 0724, 0760
Dubois, Barent
5: 0372
Eakin, James
6: 0620
Earle, J. B.
3: 0001
Easton, William C.
7: 0034; 9: 0333
Eaton, John Henry
2: 0338; 11: 0673, 0764; 15: 0784
Everitt, A. W.
3: 0893
Fisher, Charles
13: 0449
Fletcher, George
9: 0419
Folsom, Israel
14: 0914
Folsom, Sampson
13: 0792
Forester, John B.
13: 0190, 0290
Forsyth, John
15: 0834
Fulton, John T.
3: 0001; 8: 0268
Fulton, William S.
2: 0338
Gadsden, James
9: 0788
Gaines, George S.
2: 0338; 3: 0001, 0893; 4: 0353;
13: 0449
Gardiner, James B.
8: 0073, 0088, 0261
Garland, Samuel
14: 0914
Gayle, John
5: 0380
Gibson, George S.
1: 0619; 4: 0807; 6: 0064, 0802;
7: 0138–0459, 0631–0883; 9: 0016,
0229; 10: 0031
Gordon, William
1: 0653, 0695
Gratiot, Henry
7: 0122
Grayson, John B.
6: 0067
Gwin, Samuel
11: 0001
Gwin, William M.
12: 0834
Hamilton, Samuel S.
11: 0764
Hansell, William Y.
18: 0261, 0383
Harris, C. A.
6: 0975; 7: 0048, 0581; 12: 0314, 0332,
0417; 15: 0341; 18: 0383
Harris, John
6: 0638
Harris, Joseph W.
1: 0201, 0323; 7: 0075; 9: 0628, 0651,
0799, 0809–0848, 0859, 0873, 0916,
0954; 10: 0056–0175
Harrison, Alexander
6: 0650
Herring, Elbert
4: 0924
Hill, Alexander
5: 0157
Hogan, John B.
5: 0041, 0327, 0405–0511, 0541, 0959,
0989; 6: 0001, 0147, 0198
Horn, Henry
6: 0666
Houston, Robert
19: 0175
Hunter, William
5: 0576
Iverson, Alfred
5: 0058
Jackson, Andrew
7: 0325; 11: 0744
Jackson, Charles A.
6: 0995; 9: 0651
Jesup, Thomas S.
6: 0019
Johnson, Richard W.
10: 0183
Jones, A. H.
14: 0936, 1023
Jones, George W.
7: 0115
Jones, Roger
7: 0100
Kelly, Moses
14: 0408, 0879
Kennedy, John
15: 0477; 18: 0383
Kennerley, Augustin
9: 0513
Kercheval, Gholson
1: 0830
Kerr, Joseph
6: 0537
Kincannon, Andrew A.
12: 0772, 0834
Lane, Jeremiah F.
3: 0893; 7: 1012; 8: 0132, 0165, 0223,
Langham, A. L.
2: 0519
Latham, Thomas A.
18: 0150
Lea, Luke
14: 0182
Leflore, Greenwood (Choctaw chief)
2: 0338
Lewis, Dickson W.
14: 0914
Lewis, William B.
6: 1003
Liddell, James
18: 0383
Lowry, John
18: 0177
Lumpkin, Wilson
15: 0001, 0040, 0341, 0477; 16: 0357
Mackey, Aeneas
6: 1018; 9: 0077
Maguire, George
8: 0540
Major, Daniel G.
14: 0936, 1023
Manypenny, George W.
14: 0321
Marshall, William
8: 0917, 0925; 9: 0091
Martin, George W.
11: 0801
Martin, Henry L.
13: 0875
Mason, John, Jr.
15: 0427
McClintock, William L.
1: 0028, 0041
McGee, Thomas
3: 0170, 0893
McKenney, Thomas L.
19: 0130
McLene, Jeremy
6: 0687
Meade, George G.
10: 0190
Meigs, Return J.
6: 0802
Millard, J. M.
4: 0644
Miller, F. W.
8: 0547
Mix, Charles E.
14: 0427
Montgomery, William R.
3: 0170, 0893; 8: 0625, 0637, 0653,
Moore, S. W.
4: 0353, 0644; 10: 0904
Mordecai, A.
6: 1025; 9: 0262
Moseley, Thomas, Jr.
9: 0535
Mushulatublee (Choctaw chief)
3: 0170
Nicholls, John
9: 0535
O’Farrell, John
8: 0552
Owen, Thomas I. V.
1: 0695
Page, John
3: 0330, 0893; 5: 0091–0133, 0640,
0656, 0910; 6: 0091–0198
Palmer, Z. C.
8: 0386, 0579, 0593
Pepper, Abel C.
8: 0692–0735, 0760, 0950–0978, 1006;
9: 0096, 0118
Phillips, J. A.
3: 0893; 4: 0644
Pitchlynn, Peter P.
14: 0914
Poinsett, Joel Roberts
15: 0427
Posey, Humphrey
17: 0702
Raines, C. B.
15: 0176
Rains, G. J.
2: 0338; 3: 0330; 4: 0001, 0380, 0543,
Randall, Burton
5: 0687
Rector, Wharton
2: 0338; 3: 0330; 4: 0380
Ridge, John
15: 0001, 0131, 0341
Robb, John
6: 0543; 8: 0253, 0400; 11: 0786;
15: 0176
Rockwell, Samuel
18: 0261, 0383
Rogers, John
15: 0593, 0725; 16: 0357
Rorer, D.
8: 0400
Ross, John
15: 0427
Russell, John B. F.
1: 0695, 0830; 9: 0048
Ryan, S. V. R.
2: 0338; 3: 0330
Sands, Louis H.
8: 0825, 0844
Sanford, John W. A.
5: 0698, 0708; 6: 0301–0335, 0352–
Saunders, Romulus M.
17: 0702
Schermerhorn, John F.
8: 0867; 18: 0261
Schoonover, Rudolphus
8: 0664
Scott, John S.
5: 0726
Seawell, W.
1: 0132, 0201, 0505
Sevier, A. H.
4: 0143, 0807; 6: 0548
Sheffield, David M.
10: 0175, 0198
Simonton, J. P.
4: 0143; 6: 0708; 8: 0468, 0601, 0610,
0615, 0872; 9: 0160
Simpson, J. H.
6: 0396
Smith, Archibald, Jr.
10: 0031, 0223, 0231
Smith, Richard
6: 0718
Sommerville, Alexander H.
4: 0143
Stanton, Henry
6: 0910
Stephenson, James R.
2: 0445; 3: 0445; 4: 0143, 0467, 0697;
5: 0737, 0783; 6: 0434
Sutherland, J. B.
6: 0846
Taylor, J. P.
2: 0445; 3: 0445; 4: 0807; 9: 0427
Thomas, William H.
18: 0233
Thompson, Wiley
9: 0651, 0694, 0712, 0942, 0954, 0982,
0993, 1026
Tonner, A. C.
14: 0001
Tryon, George W.
6: 0737, 0867, 1060
Tyler, John
12: 0893; 13: 0001
Tyler, William
13: 0449
Underwood, William H.
18: 0261, 0383
Vance, John W.
1: 0695; 0830
Van Horne, John
1: 0259, 0505; 4: 0143, 0930; 5: 0184,
0210, 0750, 0765; 6: 0441; 8: 0438;
9: 0463; 10: 0253, 0920
Vashon, George
1: 0132
Waite, C. A.
6: 0749
Wales, Samuel A.
15: 0834
Walker, John, Jr.
15: 0176
Ward, William
11: 0001, 0667; 12: 0876
Wheeler, John F.
15: 0477
Woodbury, Levi
6: 0882; 7: 0048, 0110; 15: 0506
Yancey, Joel
9: 1043; 10: 0286
The following index is a guide to the major topics in this microform publication. The first
number after each entry refers to the reel, while the four-digit number following the colon refers
to the frame number at which the file containing information on the subject begins. Hence,
5: 0798 directs researchers to Frame 0798 of Reel 5. By referring to the Reel Index, which
constitutes the initial segment of this guide, the researcher will find the folder title; inclusive
dates, if not supplied in the folder title; and a list of Major Topics and Principal Correspondents,
listed in the order in which they appear on the film.
Abadie, Eugene H.
Creek relocation 5: 0798
Abert, John J.
Ohio relocations 8: 0032, 0504, 0511
Seneca West relocation 7: 1012
St. Louis relocations 9: 0474
Accounting and auditing
6: 0620, 0674, 0819, 1003; 7: 0034,
0252, 0296, 0325, 0590, 0883;
8: 0132, 0277, 0367, 0374, 0386,
0438, 0527, 0552, 0579, 0593, 0653,
0723, 0950; 9: 0160, 0191, 0385,
0513, 0590, 0651; 10: 0253, 0303,
0756, 0774, 0937; 12: 0681, 0772,
0834; 13: 0875, 0971; 14: 0182;
15: 0040; 18: 0035
see also Expense accounts
Adair, Walter S.
18: 0006; 19: 0199
Adjutants General
Jones, Roger 7: 0100
Agricultural commodities
destroyed by floods 4: 0001
Agricultural machinery
see Ploughs
Agricultural prices
4: 0543; 5: 0606
Ahleach (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0605
Ah Senee (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0201
Benton County 5: 0923
Cherokee land claims 16: 0114, 0196,
0376, 0505, 0536, 0587; 17: 0257,
0453, 0486, 0534, 0554, 0675;
18: 0693, 0757; 19: 0016, 0060,
0063, 0089
Gayle, John 5: 0380
general 12: 0450
Mobile 3: 0001
Montgomery 5: 0656; 7: 0423, 0721
Alberty, Moses
16: 0005
Allegheny Arsenal
Baker, R. L. 6: 0467
Burke, Martin 6: 0888
Butler, James R. 6: 0929
Allston, Samuel R.
Creek relocation 5: 0222
Am-Ma-Cher (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0609
see Horses
see Oxen
Annuity payments
1: 0830; 2: 0519; 6: 0159; 7: 0459;
8: 0825; 9: 0104; 10: 0904; 15: 0070
Antehale, John
19: 0204
Apalachicola Indians
10: 0031, 0223
Awards, medals, and prizes
for Indians 6: 0543
Ax (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0206
The Axe (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0211
6: 0586, 0638, 0650, 0888, 0968
Babcock, Gardiner, & Co.
removal supplies 2: 0157
Back Water (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0612; 19: 0214
6: 0198
Bag (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0615; 19: 0502
Bailey, David
1: 0695
Baker, R. L.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0460, 0467,
Baker, Robert
4: 0259, 0756
Baldridge, John
18: 0618; 19: 0217
Ball, William McK.
Western Superintendency relocations
10: 0592
Bank of the U.S.
Nourse, John B. 6: 0693
Smith, Richard 6: 0718
Banks, John
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0779, 0906;
7: 0008
Banks and banking
Bank of the U.S. 6: 0693, 0718
cashiers 6: 0826; 9: 0688
Commissary General of Subsistence
bank account 6: 0693
Indian agent bank accounts 6: 0718,
Planters Bank of Tennessee 15: 0506,
Barnes, William
19: 0220
Arbuckle, Matthew
contract dispute 4: 0543, 0756
Western Superintendency relocations
10: 0713
Camden 3: 0657, 0735, 0832, 0893;
4: 0143
Cherokee attacks 15: 0670
Creek settlement 5: 0511
Fort Smith 1: 0132; 2: 0338; 3: 0330;
6: 0026
general 1: 0323; 2: 0001, 0157; 15: 0070
Little Rock 2: 0660
travel through 2: 0814
Arkansas River
4: 0001; 5: 0210; 6: 0548
Armstrong, F. W.
Creek relocation 5: 0001
general 6: 0606
relations with William S. Colquhoun
3: 0530
Armstrong, William
Western Superintendency relocations
10: 0716, 0724, 0747, 0756, 0770
Arsena (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0206
Article 14, Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty
civil procedure 12: 0147
claims 11: 0001, 0426, 0623; 12: 0005,
0265, 0332, 0445, 0470, 0479, 0575,
0615, 0893; 13: 0001, 0074–0190,
0246–0671, 0708–0760, 0875;
14: 0001, 0439
Article 19, Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty
claims 13: 0449
general 14: 0439
land grants 12: 0265, 0292
Ash, Michael M.
miscellaneous relocations 7: 0001
Assistant Quartermasters
Drane, A. 6: 0958
Mackey, Aeneas 6: 0681, 1018; 7: 0721
14: 0936, 1023
Autoweh (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0208
Barry, J. Waller
see Barry, Waller
Barry, Waller
Creek relocation 5: 0827, 0832
Batman, M. W.
Creek relocation 5: 0838, 0855
Seminole relocation 9: 0740
Bay Indians
claims 13: 0792
The Bear at Home (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0223
Bear Going in the Hole (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0621
Beaver Toter (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0624; 19: 0225
Beckley, A.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0473
2: 0001, 0157, 0445, 0660; 3: 0445,
0893; 6: 0198
Belding, L.
removal services claim 3: 0657, 0735,
0832; 4: 0143
Bell, John
Creek relocation 5: 0229
Seminole relocation 10: 0294
Bell, William H.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0903
Belton, F. A.
Seminole relocation 10: 0300
Belton, F. I.
5: 0865
Ben, John
18: 0627
Bender, George
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0477, 0484
Benge, John
18: 0630; 19: 0228
Benton County, Alabama
citizen petition for Creek removal
5: 0923
Benton, S. C.
Creek relocation 5: 0225, 0708
Bets (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0231
Biddy, Shedrick
19: 0234
Big Bear
see Yonah (Cherokee Indian)
Big George (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0237
Big Tom (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0633; 19: 0240
Billups, Thomas C.
14: 0139
forges 6: 0460, 0467
5: 0737; 6: 0484, 0557, 0799, 0910,
1045; 7: 0459, 0631, 0721, 0883;
8: 0058; 9: 0160, 0210, 0717, 0848
Blue, U.
Creek relocation 5: 0232
Bold Hunter (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0636
Bold Hunter Jr. (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0243
Bomford, George
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0492, 0497,
for orphan land sales 14: 0439, 0825
Borland, Charles
14: 0839
Cherokee and Creek land in Georgia
15: 0834
Indian lands 14: 0879, 0936
Pottawatomie lands 8: 0777
Boyer, John D.
3: 0170
Brant, J. B.
Pottawatomie relocation 9: 0182
St. Louis relocations 9: 0559, 0577
Upper Missouri relocation 9: 0529
2: 0001, 0660
Briggs, Benjamin
Ohio relocations 8: 0006, 0305
Ohio relocations 8: 0011
Brown, Aaron V.
Choctaw lands 12: 0343–0402, 0445,
0513, 0559; 13: 0612
Brown, H. M. C.
contract dispute 14: 1053
topographical surveys 14: 0796
Brown, Jacob
Creek relocation 4: 0909; 5: 0005, 0011,
0038, 0240, 0259, 0275, 0286, 0872,
0886, 0897
Creek West relocation 5: 0271
general 7: 0631
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0767, 0772;
8: 0585
misconduct allegations 3: 0170
Ohio relocations 8: 0001, 0015, 0320,
0325, 0352, 0362
Quapaw relocation 9: 0309, 0327, 0369,
0378, 0385
Seminole relocation 9: 0748, 1074;
10: 0001–0018, 0175
Seneca relocation 8: 0516
Shawnee relocation 8: 0516
Western Superintendency relocations
10: 0303, 0465, 0598, 0774, 0937
Brown, James
18: 0639; 19: 0245
Brown, John
18: 0642; 19: 0248
Brown, Polly
16: 0196
Brown, William
19: 0251
Bryson, Andrew
16: 0018; 19: 0254
Bryson, Sally
16: 0018
Buck, D. A. A.
miscellaneous relocations 7: 0014
Buffalo (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0257
Buffington, Charles
19: 0260
Burke, Martin
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0888
Burke, William
Creek relocation 5: 0021
Burns, Arthur
18: 0645; 19: 0263
Butler, James R.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0929
Byers, Nicholas
19: 0266
Byrd, R. G.
removal services claim 3: 0657, 0735,
0832; 4: 0143
Byrne, John
4: 0807
Cahugar (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0269
Calhoun, John C.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0932
Cambreling, C. C.
Seminole relocation 9: 0770; 10: 0028
Camden, Arkansas
removal expedition 3: 0657–0893;
4: 0143
Campbell, Philip
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0783
Carter, L. F.
Cherokee relocation 10: 0738
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0500
Western Superintendency relocations
10: 0744, 0930
Cass, Lewis
Creek relocation 5: 0292, 0906–0918
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0543, 0787,
0948; 7: 0138; 9: 0187
Ohio relocations 8: 0058, 0492
Seminole relocation 10: 0031, 0041
St. Louis relocations 9: 0582
Winnebago relocation 10: 1042
The Cat (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0648; 19: 0272
Catehee (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0651
Catetechee (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0278
Catetegeske (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0275
Challenge (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0654; 19: 0281
Chapman, R.
Creek relocation 5: 0923
Cheeks, Catherine
18: 0656
Cherokee Commission
books and papers of 15: 0764
instructions 15: 0781
Cherokee Committee
expenses 15: 0040
general 15: 0001, 0131, 0176, 0725
list of claims 15: 0128
members 15: 0038
proceedings 15: 0001, 0131
Cherokee Indians
attacks in Arkansas 15: 0670
boundary of land in Georgia 15: 0834
claims 15: 0070–0176, 0293, 0341,
0477, 0593–0725, 0751, 0764, 0784;
16: 0001–17: 0736; 18: 0001–
19: 0127, 0175
debts 15: 0411
delegation visit to Washington City
15: 0427
divisions within Cherokee Nation
15: 0670
general 5: 0210; 7: 0167, 0212, 0296,
0368, 0631; 10: 0253, 0774, 0920;
15: 0062, 0285–0341, 0427, 0555–
0746, 0834–0942
livestock and livestock industry 1: 0001
opposition to removal 15: 0427
relocation 1: 0001–0619; 7: 0581;
10: 0738; 15: 0001, 0131, 0176,
0341, 0411, 0477, 0506, 0784
reservation applications 19:0193–0588
treaties with U.S. 15: 0070, 0176
U.S. relations 15: 0427
Western Cherokee 15: 0593
white persons claiming Cherokee
benefits 15: 0001
see also under Indian lands
Chetosta (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0284
see Otter (Cherokee Indian)
Chicago Agency
1: 0653–0830
Chicago, Illinois
relocation journal 9: 0048
Chickasaw Indians
land reservations 14: 0936
Treaty with the Choctaw and Chickasaw,
1855 14: 0876–0914
Chilitako (Indian chief)
9: 0535
Chippewa Indians
general 1: 0830
petition to Andrew Jackson 1: 0695
relocation journal 9: 0048
Chiular (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0287
Choctaw (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0659
Choctaw Academy
14: 0083
Choctaw Indians
Bay Indians 13: 0792
citizenship 11: 0001, 0801; 12: 0876;
14: 0068
claims 4: 0756; 11: 0001, 0426, 0623,
0764, 0801; 12: 0005, 0147, 0265,
0332–0386, 0445, 0450, 0470, 0479,
0513–0615, 0751, 0834–13: 0001,
0074–0190, 0246–0671, 0708–0875,
0941, 0963, 0971; 14: 0001, 0134,
contracts 11: 0616
general 6: 0508, 0762; 7: 0167, 0212,
0631, 0808, 0883; 10: 0303, 0465,
0598, 0774, 0904, 0937; 11: 0667–
0673, 0757, 0783, 0786, 0801;
12: 0001, 0253, 0465, 0681;
13: 0671, 0688, 0724–0969;
14: 0001–0079, 0799–1053
land patents 11: 0001, 0426
see also Claims
Claiborne, John F. H.
Choctaw land reservations 13: 0089,
0122, 0149, 0190–0290
claimants 13: 0546; 14: 0914; 16: 0001
Cudjoe (Seminole Indian) 10: 0143
fraudulent 15: 0001
general 11: 0426, 0616; 15: 0070, 0131,
0176, 0293, 0341, 0477, 0751
Holman, James 4: 0807
lawyers 18: 0001–0383
McIntosh, Chilly 4: 0924
O’Farrell, John 8: 0567
removal services 1: 0830; 3: 0001,
0657–0893; 4: 0143, 0543, 0644;
6: 0958; 7: 0212, 0252, 0883;
8: 0521, 0552
Seminole 10: 0161
subsistence stores 1: 0132, 0201; 6: 0198
Winslett, John 9: 0776, 1008
Yancey, Joel 10: 0286
see also Land claims
see also under Cherokee Indians
see also under Choctaw Indians
Clark, J. B.
military duty assignments and releases
2: 0157
Clark, William
Kickapoo relocation 9: 0191, 0590, 0614
Ohio relocations 8: 0062, 0066, 0107,
Ottawa relocation 8: 0527
Pottawatomie relocation 8: 0620, 0885,
0890, 0947; 9: 0026, 0191–0219,
0233, 0590
Seneca relocation 8: 0521
Shawnee relocation 8: 0521, 0527, 0540
St. Louis relocations 9: 0477–0513,
0532, 0535, 0564, 0573
Western Superintendency relocations
10: 0731
Clay, J. C.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0489
Clayton, Harden & Clayton (law firm)
18: 0001
Choctaw Indians cont.
land reservations 11: 0623, 0667, 0764,
0796; 12: 0005–0147, 0265–0450,
0470–0615, 0751–13: 0546, 0600–
0635, 0708, 0971; 14: 0796
land sales 11: 0001; 12: 0005, 0470,
0893; 14: 0139, 0182–0273, 0321,
0393, 0408, 0439, 0825
livestock and livestock industry 2: 0660,
0814; 3: 0445; 4: 0143, 0467, 0697,
muster rolls 4: 0143, 0380; 11: 0001
obligation to pay U.S. debts 14: 0914
opposition to removal 3: 0530, 0893
orphans 12: 0016, 0265, 0292, 0314,
0417, 0479, 0502, 0513, 0681, 0772;
14: 0087–0439, 0839
population size 4: 0143, 0467
relocation 2: 0001–4: 0807; 11: 0716–
0744, 0760, 13: 0583
serving under Anthony Wayne 11: 0001;
13: 0071
Treaty with the Choctaw and Chickasaw,
1855 14: 0876–0914
see also Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty,
see also Mississippi Choctaw Indians
see also under Indian lands
Choctaw Orphan Trust Fund
14: 0182
1: 0323; 2: 0519; 8: 0664
Chouteau, P. L.
Quapaw relocation 9: 0424
Chuahluga (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0290
Chuna Lusky (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0293
16: 0032, 0296
Choctaw 11: 0001, 0801; 12: 0876;
14: 0068
Civil procedure
12: 0147, 0575, 0834; 14: 0001, 0182;
18: 0006
opposition to removal 9: 0143
Clinch, D. L.
Seminole relocation 9: 0773, 0776, 0954
Clothing and clothing industry
6: 0986; 9: 0848, 0859, 0982; 10: 0303
The Clubb (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0663
Cochran, Ailsey
16: 0051
Cochran, John
16: 0051
Coffee, John
Seminole relocation 10: 0046
Colbert, Jason
Choctaw relocation and land
reservations 11: 0764
Coloneskee (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0666
Colquhoun, William S.
relations with F. W. Armstrong 3: 0530
Colson, John
19: 0299
Columbus, Georgia
7: 0423
Comanche Indians
14: 0936
Commissaries of Subsistence
Herring, Elbert 4: 0924
Schermerhorn, John F. 8: 0867
Taylor, J. P. 9: 0427
see also Subsistence stores
Commissary General of Subsistence
bank account 6: 0693
employees 7: 0212, 0252
Gibson, George S. 5: 0389, 0393;
6: 0064, 0802; 7: 0067, 0138–0296,
0459, 0631, 0721; 9: 0229, 0796;
10: 1039
miscellaneous relocations 7: 0590
Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes
14: 0001
Committee on Indian Affairs, House of
Seminole relocation 10: 0294
Communicable diseases
cholera 1: 0323; 2: 0519; 8: 0664
measles 1: 0323
House of Representatives 10: 0294
legislation 13: 0688
powers 14: 0914
resolutions 12: 0772; 15: 0070
Senate 14: 0914
Connaughty (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0669
Co No Nisskee (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0302
Construction industry
road building 2: 0338
Choctaw 11: 0616
corn 4: 0543, 0756
disputes 4: 0543, 0756; 14: 1053
general 1: 0695; 4: 0259, 0467, 0756;
5: 0210, 0425, 0439, 0478, 0708,
0798; 6: 0147, 0922; 7: 0459, 0631,
0721, 0808, 0883, 1012; 8: 0015,
0132; 9: 0160, 0427; 10: 0303, 0465,
0774, 0937; 14: 0936, 1023
land 17: 0750
legal 18: 0261
livestock and livestock industry 4: 0001
removal services 1: 0323, 0505, 0653;
3: 0832; 5: 0225, 0229, 0698, 0959;
6: 0198, 0326, 0335, 0352, 0378;
8: 0165; 9: 0155, 0916, 1074;
10: 0018
subsistence stores 1: 0259, 0830;
2: 0001, 0157, 0445, 0660; 3: 0445,
0657, 0735; 4: 0001; 5: 0072, 0240,
0606, 0656; 6: 0067, 0172, 0198,
0767, 0995; 7: 0067, 0252; 8: 0062,
0305, 0325, 0352, 0438, 0813, 0820;
9: 0233, 0327, 0333, 0717; 10: 0598
topographical surveys 14: 0796
transportation 9: 0717, 0743
Coody, James
18: 0672
Cooluchu (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0675
contracts 4: 0543, 0756
crop destruction 4: 0001
general 2: 0001, 0157, 0445, 0519;
3: 0445, 0893; 4: 0697; 5: 0210,
0606; 6: 0198
Corwin, Thomas
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0952
Cote a Fabre, Arkansas
see Camden, Arkansas
Crane, Joseph H.
Ohio relocations 8: 0110, 0367, 0499,
Crawford, T. Hartley
Choctaw land reservations 13: 0149,
Creek Indians
Arkansas 5: 0511
Benton County, Ala., citizen petition
5: 0923
boundary of land in Georgia 15: 0834
claims 6: 0019
Creek West 5: 0005, 0271
enrollment and removal 6: 0110, 0172
entering Mexican territory 5: 0321
fleeing to Florida 6: 0019
general 6: 0762; 7: 0212, 0423, 0459,
0631, 0808, 0883; 10: 0253, 0598,
0724, 0774, 0920
Georgia Militia 6: 0001, 0172
Indian wars and warfare 6: 0001, 0019,
0091–0147, 0166, 0172, 0311
livestock and livestock industry 5: 0210
muster rolls 4: 0930; 5: 0133, 0747;
6: 0198
opposition to removal 5: 0327, 0439,
0463, 0478, 0541; 6: 0311
population size 5: 0104; 6: 0352, 0378
property damage and loss 5: 0750;
7: 0590, 0721; 10: 0774, 0937
purchase of land in Texas 5: 0640
relocation 4: 0807–5: 0177, 0184–
6: 0441
settlement in West 5: 0210
Texas 5: 0511, 0640
U.S. citizen petition 5: 0954
Creek West Indians
relocation 5: 0005, 0271
Cross, Samuel T.
Choctaw relocation 2: 0157
Western Superintendency relocations
10: 0735
Cudjoe (Seminole Indian)
removal services claim 10: 0143
Cul-Sow-Wee (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0678
Cumma Noo Leesky
see Challenge (Cherokee Indian)
Cummins, Richard W.
Kickapoo relocation 9: 0191
Pottawatomie relocation 9: 0191
Currey, Benjamin F.
1: 0041, 0259
Curtis, Cyrus
Pottawatomie relocation 9: 0155
Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty, 1830
claims 11: 0426; 12: 0876; 13: 0760–
0875, 0941, 0963
diaries 11: 0673
general 11: 0001, 0426, 0673, 0716;
13: 0971; 14: 0079, 0101, 0321
heads of Choctaw families 13: 0612
terms 11: 0673, 0716, 0764, 0786, 0801;
13: 0875
see also Article 14, Dancing Rabbit
Creek Treaty
see also Article 19, Dancing Rabbit
Creek Treaty
Daniel, William
18: 0006
Davis, Anthony L.
Pottawatomie relocation 8: 0898;
9: 0001, 0244
St. Louis relocations 9: 0570
Davis, Daniel
19: 0305
Deas, Edward
Creek relocation 5: 0295–0312, 0931,
0941; 6: 0058
diaries 6: 0026
miscellaneous relocations 7: 0721
Journal of Occurrences of an Emigrating
Party of Pottawatomie, Chippewa
and Ottawa from Chicago to Platte
River, Missouri 9: 0048
Journal of Occurrences on the Route of a
Party of Emigrating Creek Indians,
Helped by Lieut. Edward Deas,
Disbursing Agent in the Creek
Emigration 6: 0026
Journal of Treaty of New Echota, 1835
15: 0293
Phillips, J. A. 3: 0893
Dick (Cherokee Indian)
16: 0064; 19: 0308
Dickerson, Mahlon
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0955
Dickins, A.
Creek relocation 5: 0321
exploration parties 8: 0601
gunpowder and rifles 5: 0021
removal expenses 1: 0001, 0162, 0323,
0587, 0619; 3: 0170, 0330, 0530–
0735, 0893; 4: 0001–0259, 0380–
0543, 0697, 0807, 0909; 5: 0011,
0126, 0184, 0240, 0259, 0765, 0783;
6: 0975; 7: 0631; 8: 0015, 0210,
0325, 0585, 0925; 9: 0182, 0286,
0369, 0463; 10: 0175, 0253, 0303,
0465, 0598, 0774, 0937; 12: 0772
Diseases and disorders
see Communicable diseases
D. McDougald & Co.
Creek relocation 5: 0593
Donelson, John, Jr.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0617
Douglas, William
3: 0001
Downing, Richard
16: 0234
Drane, A.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0958
Dubois, Barent
Creek relocation 5: 0372
Duncan, Charles Gordon
16: 0075; 19: 0311
Death and dying
1: 0323; 5: 0798; 6: 0091, 0147;
10: 0236
see Public debts
Department of Navy
Dickerson, Mahlon 6: 0955
Department of Treasury
Choctaw land reservations 12: 0436
Woodbury, Levi 6: 0882; 7: 0110;
15: 0506
Department of War
Cass, Lewis 7: 0138; 8: 0058, 0492;
9: 0187, 0582; 10: 0031, 0041, 1042
Harris, C. A. 6: 0975; 7: 0048, 0581;
10: 0053
miscellaneous relocations 7: 0325–0423
opinion of Treaty of New Echota, 1835
15: 0070
response to Seminole petition 7: 0883
Robb, John 8: 0253
Depositions and Affidavits
15: 0751
Derringer, Henry
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0522, 0606
rifles 6: 0572, 0794, 0935, 1025;
7: 0030, 0084, 0631, 0721; 9: 0256
Deseille, L.
Pottawatomie relocation 9: 0224
Gordon, William 9: 0029
Journal of Commissioners Who
Negotiated the Choctaw Treaty of
Dancing Rabbit Creek Sept. 15–28,
1830 11: 0673
Journal of 1834 Creek Migration 5: 0133
Journal of Occurrences in Removal of
Seminole Indians 10: 0236
Journal of Occurrences in the
Pottawatomie Removal under the
Direction of Louis H. Sands
Assistant Agent 8: 0664
Journal of Occurrences of a Company of
Cherokee Emigrants for the Months
of February, March, April, May 1834
1: 0323
Commissary General of Subsistence
7: 0212, 0252
general 1: 0028, 0201; 2: 0001
Gillespie, John F. 18: 0035
Hogan, John B. 6: 0326, 0345
Indian agents 2: 0157, 0338, 0519;
5: 0041, 0053, 0157, 0177, 0511,
0687; 6: 0064, 0802; 7: 0138, 0423;
8: 0400, 0703, 0777; 9: 0187;
10: 0716; 11: 0786
Stephenson, James R., list of employees
3: 0445
termination 1: 0259, 0505; 5: 0989;
6: 0326, 0345; 7: 0034
Ennoch (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0684
changes to process 7: 0296
of Indians for removal 6: 0110, 0172
Erstell, Isaac
5: 0405
Euchulah (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0325
Eunoauh (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0328
12: 0147; 15: 0834
Ewing, W. L. D.
miscellaneous relocations 7: 0063
see Exploration
Expense accounts
Cherokee Committee 15: 0040
estimates 6: 0948; 7: 0122; 9: 0859;
10: 0056, 0089, 0125, 0303
exploration parties 8: 0601
Indian agents 4: 0380
nonremoval 10: 0465, 0598, 0774, 0937
presidential commissions 13: 0449
removal 1: 0001–0041, 0162, 0201,
0323, 0505, 0695, 0830; 2: 0338–
0660, 0814; 3: 0001, 0330–0735,
0893; 4: 0001–0543, 0697, 0807,
0909; 5: 0011, 0038, 0091, 0126,
0184, 0240, 0259, 0275, 0765, 0783,
Duncan, Dorcas
19: 0314
Duncan, Edward
16: 0097
Duncan, John
19: 0317
Dunihue, Daniel R.
Ohio relocations 8: 0382
Dusenberry, S. B.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0504
Duvall and Carnes (law firm)
1: 0132, 0201
Eakin, James
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0620
Easton, W. C.
Creek relocation 6: 0060
Easton, William C.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0964;
7: 0034
Quapaw relocation 9: 0333
Eaton, John Henry
Cherokee relocation 15: 0621
Choctaw relocation 11: 0728
Eight Killer (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0320
Elder, Betsy
16: 0114
Elder, Moses
16: 0114
Eldridge, Ailsey
16: 0141
Eldridge, Taylor
16: 0141
Elliot, Joseph
18: 0681; 19: 0322
Elliott, John
5: 0377
Elliott, S. Alfred
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0968
Emantla, Charley (Seminole chief)
murder of 9: 1026
see Relocation
astronomers 14: 0936
0838, 0872, 0941, 0984; 6: 0067,
0198, 0441, 0548, 0586, 0772, 0802,
0882, 0888, 0975, 1045; 7: 0014,
0048, 0138, 0167, 0252–0368, 0590–
0883; 8: 0015, 0032, 0073, 0210,
0277, 0305, 0325, 0585, 0925, 0967;
9: 0091, 0182, 0219, 0286, 0309,
0369, 0463, 0564, 0748, 1043;
10: 0175, 0253, 0303, 0465, 0598,
0774, 0920, 0937; 12: 0772;
15: 0176, 0341
shortages 2: 0519
subsistence stores 8: 0813, 0820
Camden, Ark., expeditions 3: 0657–
0893; 4: 0143
diaries 3: 0893; 9: 0029
parties 1: 0695; 2: 0338; 7: 0459;
8: 0468, 0601, 0615, 0735–0760,
0773, 0777, 0825, 0950, 0978;
9: 0016; 11: 0728
Choctaw 13: 0612
Farms and farmers
9: 0029
Federal departments and agencies
Department of Navy 6: 0955
Department of Treasury 6: 0882;
7: 0110; 12: 0436; 15: 0506
see also Department of War
Federal employees
Department of War 6: 0932
see also Postal employees
The Fence (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0687; 19: 0331
Fields, David
19: 0248
revolvers and pistols 6: 0935
see also Rifles
for Indians 6: 0543
Flat boats
1: 0041
Fletcher, George
Quapaw relocation 9: 0419
Arkansas River 4: 0001
Creek Indians entering territory 6: 0019
Florida Agency
see Seminole Indians
Flower (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0334
Flowers, J. W.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0629
Folsom, David
Choctaw land reservations 11: 0796
Food supply
bacon 6: 0198
beef 2: 0001, 0157, 0445, 0660; 3: 0445,
0893; 6: 0198
corn 2: 0001, 0157, 0445, 0519; 3: 0445,
0893; 4: 0001, 0543, 0697, 0756;
5: 0210, 0606; 6: 0198
general 2: 0001, 0157; 4: 0380
pork 4: 0001; 6: 0995
salt 2: 0157, 0445; 3: 0445
see also Subsistence stores
Foreign trade
blankets 6: 0799
Foreman, Archibald
16: 0153
Foreman, Stephen
16: 0153
Foreman, Thomas
16: 0153
Forests and forestry
9: 0029
15: 0759
Fort Gibson, Oklahoma Territory
6: 0026
Fort Smith, Arkansas
1: 0132; 2: 0001, 0338; 3: 0330; 6: 0026
general 5: 0959
investigations 6: 0159, 0311, 0335;
7: 0883
white persons claiming Cherokee
benefits 15: 0001
6: 0702; 7: 0167
Fulton, John T.
Choctaw relocation 3: 0530
Ohio relocations 8: 0001, 0268
Furloughs and leaves
9: 0799
Gadsden, James
Seminole relocation 9: 0784, 0788
Gaines, George S.
Choctaw land reservations 13: 0449,
0600, 0635
Gardiner, C. K.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0634
Gardiner, James B.
disagreement with Jeremiah F. Lane
8: 0223, 0504
Ohio relocations 8: 0073, 0088, 0104,
0261, 0400
Garesche, J. P.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0972
Garesche, V. M.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0799
Gaston, James
18: 0022
Gayle, John
Creek relocation 5: 0380
see Ootekahotee (Cherokee Indian)
George S. Gaines & Co.
removal supplies 2: 0157
boundary of Cherokee and Creek land
15: 0834
Cherokee land claims 16: 0075, 0097,
0221, 0234, 0357, 0606–0623;
17: 0339, 0736
Columbus 7: 0423
general 1: 0041
Indian lands 19: 0130
lawyer claims 18: 0006, 0261, 0383
voting 15: 0528
see also Treaty of New Echota, 1835
Georgia Company
Creek relocation 5: 0369
Georgia Militia
Indian wars and warfare 6: 0001, 0110,
0147, 0172
Gibson, George S.
Creek relocation 5: 0389, 0393; 6: 0064
Kickapoo relocation 9: 0609
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0802;
7: 0067, 0138–0296, 0459, 0631,
Pottawatomie relocation 9: 0016, 0224
Quapaw relocation 9: 0343
Seminole relocation 5: 0393; 9: 0796;
10: 0049
Western Superintendency relocations
10: 1039
Gifts and donations
for Indians 9: 0244
Gilbreath, Alexander
16: 0196
Gillespie, John F.
documents from clients 18: 0035
Gordon, William
exploration journal 9: 0029
Pottawatomie relocation 8: 0901, 0905;
9: 0026–0048
Government investigations
Choctaw land reservations 12: 0575
fraud 6: 0159, 0311, 0335; 7: 0883
hearings 13: 0122, 0971; 14: 0001;
15: 0834
Government property
Montgomery, Ala. 5: 0656; 7: 0423,
Grass Grow
see Whaakah (Cherokee Indian)
Gratiot, Henry
Winnebago relocation 7: 0122
Graves, Nancy
16: 0221
Graves, Ralph
Choctaw land reservations 13: 0089–
0242, 0449
Gray, J. K.
17: 0750
Grayson, John B.
Creek relocation 5: 0951; 6: 0067
0859, 0873, 0906, 0916, 0954;
10: 0056–0175
Harris, Thomas W.
18: 0261
Harrison, Alexander
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0650
Harrison, Thomas
19: 0349
Haynes, C. E.
miscellaneous relocations 7: 0092
Health condition
1: 0323; 2: 0001; 5: 0240, 0798; 6: 0026;
8: 0268, 0872
Heard, Eugene F.
Creek relocation 5: 0954
Cherokee land claims 16: 0653, 0683,
0694; 17: 0064, 0083, 0339, 0577,
Hempstead & Beebe
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0813
Henson, Terrell
19: 0351
Herring, Elbert
Creek relocation 4: 0924; 5: 0402
miscellaneous relocations 9: 0077
Seminole relocation 9: 0884
Hildebrand, John
16: 0496; 18: 0702
Hill, Alexander
Creek relocation 5: 0104, 0157
Hinson, Richard
1: 0162
Historic documents and artifacts
index 15: 0764
boundary of Cherokee and Creek land in
Georgia 15: 0834
U.S.-Cherokee treaties 15: 0070
U.S. Indian policy 15: 0070
6: 0888
Hogan, John B.
Creek relocation 5: 0041, 0327, 0405–
0541, 0959–6: 0001, 0335, 0365
Griffin & Parry
miscellaneous relocations 7: 0080
Grubb, Allen B.
16: 0266; 18: 0690
Guerineau, Susannah
16: 0357
3: 0330; 5: 0021; 6: 0581, 0708, 1025;
9: 0077, 0210
Gunter, Edward
Cherokee relocation 15: 0477
reservation application 19: 0337
Gunter, John
see Gunter, John, Sr.
Gunter, John, Sr.
16: 0376; 18: 0693; 19: 0340
Gwin, Samuel
Choctaw claims 11: 0001
Hamer, Thomas L.
miscellaneous relocations 7: 0084
Pottawatomie relocation 9: 0253
see Hannelah (Cherokee Indian)
Hannelah (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0696; 19: 0343
Hansell, William Y.
18: 0147, 0261, 0383
Harlin, Caty
16: 0462
Harlin, George
16: 0480; 18: 0699; 19: 0346
Harris, Arnold
18: 0148
Harris, C. A.
Cherokee relocation 7: 0581; 15: 0477
Choctaw land reservations 12: 0332
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0975;
7: 0048
Seminole relocation 10: 0053
Harris, John
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0638;
7: 0088
Harris, Joseph W.
miscellaneous relocations 7: 0075
Seminole relocation 9: 0622, 0628,
0799, 0809, 0816, 0835, 0848, 0854,
lawyer claims 18: 0383
Stephenson, James R., list of employees
3: 0445
Pottawatomie Indians 8: 0735, 0777
Indian agents and agencies
Armstrong, William 10: 0716, 0724,
bank accounts 6: 0718, 0882
Choctaw commissioners 12: 0470, 0479
Choctaw request for new agent 3: 0170
Davis, Anthony L. 9: 0001
employment 2: 0157, 0338, 0519;
5: 0041, 0053, 0157, 0177, 0511,
0687; 6: 0064, 0802; 7: 0138, 0423;
8: 0400, 0703, 0777; 9: 0187;
10: 0716; 11: 0786
expenses 4: 0380
Fletcher, George 9: 0419
Gardiner, James B. 8: 0073, 0104, 0261,
general 1: 0041, 0653–0830; 2: 0001;
5: 0005, 0405, 0478, 0541; 6: 0396,
0772, 0787; 7: 0014, 0167, 0325,
0368, 0404, 0590, 0721, 0808, 0883,
1012; 8: 0210, 0362, 0844, 0860;
9: 0309, 0378, 0385, 0906, 1043;
10: 0175, 0303; 12: 0681; 13: 0875;
15: 0621
Gordon, William 9: 0048
Marshall, William 8: 0917
opposition to Indians traveling on their
own 2: 0519
Pepper, Abel C. 8: 0777; 9: 0267, 0276
policies and procedures 7: 0212, 0581,
0631; 8: 0066; 9: 0651, 0799;
15: 0411
Sands, Louis H. 8: 0664, 0820, 0825,
0837, 0840, 0844, 0856, 0860, 0864
Thompson, Wiley 9: 0942, 0971, 0975,
wages and salaries 3: 0170, 0530;
4: 0143; 5: 0656, 0783; 7: 0459;
9: 0267, 0419
Yancey, Joel 9: 1043, 1067, 1070
Hogan, John B. cont.
employment termination 6: 0326, 0345
miscellaneous relocations 7: 0883
Holland, Henry D.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0986
Holland, Sanford & Davis
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0990
Hollister, John
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0663
Holman, James
road repair claim 4: 0807
Hook, J. H.
Pottawatomie relocation 8: 0913
Horn, Henry
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0666
claims 4: 0756
exploration parties 8: 0735
general 2: 0001, 0660; 3: 0735; 5: 0312;
7: 1012; 8: 0967; 9: 0029, 0993
Hosmer, Samuel
Choctaw land reservations 12: 0292
see Indian wars and warfare
House of Representatives
Committee on Indian Affairs 10: 0294
Howe, C. S.
Creek relocation 5: 0570
Howell, John J.
Creek relocation 5: 0369
Hubbard, Royal (Ryal)
19: 0354
Hunger and malnutrition
6: 0091
Hunter, William
Creek relocation 5: 0053, 0576
Chicago 9: 0048
Reynolds, John 6: 0699
Indexes and lists
Cherokee 15: 0062, 0128, 0528;
16: 0001; 19: 0130
Choctaw 11: 0001, 0426, 0621;
12: 0005, 0016, 0265; 14: 0087,
historic documents 15: 0764
general 9: 0628
Georgia Militia–Creek Indians 6: 0001,
Ingersoll, S. M.
Creek relocation 5: 0586
Inland water transportation
general 1: 0041, 0323
relocations 8: 0165, 0258
Mississippi River crossing 2: 0157, 0338
Iron and steel industry
see Blacksmithing
Irvine, C.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0508
Iverson, Alfred
Creek relocation 5: 0058, 0583
Jack (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0705
Jackson, Andrew
Choctaw relocation 11: 0744
petition from Pottawatomie, Ottawa, and
Chippewa 1: 0695
Seminole appeals 7: 0883; 10: 0056
Jackson, Charles A.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0995
Seminole relocation 9: 0651, 0887
Jacob (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0708; 19: 0359
Jang Haly (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0362
Jarrett, S. T.
18: 0168
Jenny (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0713; 19: 0365
Jesup, Thomas S.
Creek relocation 6: 0019
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0674
see Jenny (Cherokee Indian)
John (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0716
Johnson, Richard M.
miscellaneous relocations 7: 0096
Seminole relocation 9: 0891; 10: 0183
Johnston (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0719
Indian claims
see under individual Indian tribes
Indian Jack (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0356
Indian lands
boundaries 8: 0777; 14: 0936
Cherokee 16: 0001–17: 0736; 18:0603–
19: 0588
Choctaw 11: 0001–0667, 0673, 0764,
0786, 0801; 12: 0005–0147, 0265–
0450, 0470–0615, 0751–13: 0546,
0600–0671, 0708–0875, 0941, 0963,
0971; 14: 0001, 0101, 0134–0171,
0182–0796, 0825, 0839, 0914, 0936
Creek 5: 0210
general 1: 0695; 11: 0673, 0786;
18: 0603
Kickapoo 9: 0001
North Carolina 17: 0702; 19: 0130
Pottawatomie 9: 0001
settlement in West 1: 0830
Indian reservations
see Indian lands
Indian treaties
general 1: 0619, 0695; 7: 0459; 9: 0016,
0104; 11: 0744
Treaty of Chicago (Pottawatomie), 1833
7: 0459; 8: 0777
Treaty of Hopewell, 1785 15: 0070
Treaty of July, 1817 15: 0070
Treaty with the Choctaw and Chickasaw,
1855 14: 0876, 0879, 0914
Treaty with the Winnebago, 1832
7: 0122
U.S.-Cherokee 15: 0070, 0176
see also Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty,
1830 (Choctaw)
see also Treaty of New Echota, 1835
see also Treaty with the Cherokee, 1817
see also Treaty with the Cherokee, 1819
Indian tribe finances
see Annuity payments
Indian wars and warfare
Creek hositlities during removal 5: 0918;
6: 0019, 0091, 0110, 0147, 0166,
Johnston, Peter
18: 0722
John W. A. Sanford & Co.
Creek relocation 5: 0698; 6: 0296–0378
Jones, A. H.
contract dispute 14: 1053
topographical surveys 14: 0796
Jones, Drury
18: 0725
Jones, George W.
miscellaneous relocations 7: 0115
Jones, James
18: 0728
Jones, Roger
miscellaneous relocations 7: 0100
Jones, Seaborn
5: 0589
Jones, Thomas
18: 0731
Jones, William
18: 0734
Jonson (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0368
Joseph Woods & Co.
Quapaw relocation 9: 0362
Journal of Commissioners Who
Negotiated the Choctaw Treaty of
Dancing Rabbit Creek Sept. 15–28, 1830
11: 0673
Journal of 1834 Creek Migration
5: 0133
Journal of Occurrences in Removal of
Seminole Indians
10: 0236
Journal of Occurrences in the
Pottawatomie Removal under the
Direction of Louis H. Sands Assistant
8: 0664
Journal of Occurrences of a Company of
Cherokee Emigrants for the Months of
February, March, April, May 1834
1: 0323
Journal of Occurrences of an Emigrating
Party of Pottawatomie, Chippewa and
Ottawa from Chicago to Platte River,
Journal of Occurrences on the Route of a
Party of Emigrating Creek Indians,
Helped by Lieut. Edward Deas,
Disbursing Agent in the Creek
6: 0026
Journal of Treaty of New Echota, 1835
15: 0293
see Diaries
Juneluskey (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0371
see Challenge (Cherokee Indian)
Kell, Alexander
19: 0374
Kendall, Amos
18: 0149
Kendall, John E.
18: 0149
Kennekuck (Kickapoo prophet)
9: 0483
Kennerley, Augustin
Ohio relocations 8: 0113, 0268
Seneca relocation 8: 0521
Shawnee relocation 8: 0521
Kennerley, James
Pottawatomie relocation 8: 0620, 0678
Kerr, Joseph
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0537
Keys, Isaac
16: 0505
Keys, Samuel
16: 0536; 18: 0737; 19: 0377
Keys, William
16: 0587; 18: 0740
Kickapoo Indians
general 1: 0695; 8: 0620, 0890; 9: 0483,
Kennekuck (prophet) 9: 0483
land 1: 0653; 9: 0001
muster rolls 9: 0614
Pottawatomie settlement on Kickapoo
land 9: 0001
relocation 9: 0191, 0590
Kincannon, Andrew A.
Choctaw land reservations 12: 0751,
0772, 0834; 13: 0612
King, William B.
Creek relocation 5: 0063
Kurtz, D.
Creek relocation 5: 0067
Western Superintendency relocations
10: 0741
Lacy, Andrew
18: 0743
Lamar, Sally
16: 0606
Land claims
Cherokee 16: 0005–17: 0736; 18: 0605–
19: 0588
Choctaw 4: 0756; 11: 0001, 0426, 0623,
0764, 0801; 12: 0005, 0147, 0265,
0332–0386, 0445, 0450, 0470, 0479,
0513–0615, 0751, 0834–13: 0001,
0074–0190, 0246–0671, 0708–0875,
0941, 0963, 0971; 14: 0001, 0134,
Land grants
12: 0265, 0292
Land ownership and rights
12: 0314; 14: 0308; 15: 0070; 17: 0750
Land patents
11: 0001, 0426; 14: 0273
Land sales
Cherokee 17: 0750
Choctaw 11: 0001; 12: 0005, 0470,
0893; 14: 0139, 0182–0273, 0321,
0393, 0408, 0439, 0825
Creek purchase of land in Texas 5: 0640
Land use
Choctaw 11: 0623, 0673
Lane, Jeremiah F.
disagreement with James B. Gardiner
8: 0223, 0504
disapproval of removal process 8: 0223
Ohio relocations 8: 0032, 0118, 0129,
0132, 0165, 0210, 0220, 0223, 0374,
Langley, John
16: 0609; 19: 0380
Languages and linguistics
9: 0776
Latham, Thomas A.
18: 0150
Law firms
Clayton, Harden & Clayton 18: 0001
Duvall and Carnes 1: 0132, 0201
Lawler, Joab
Creek relocation 6: 0026
for Choctaw 13: 0688, 0875
claims 18: 0001–0383
Clayton, Harden & Clayton 18: 0001
Duvall and Carnes 1: 0132, 0201
Leach (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0383
Lead and lead industry
3: 0330; 6: 0581, 0813
Leasing and renting
14: 0839
Legal aid and services
contracts 18: 0261
depositions and affadavits 15: 0751
lawyer claims 18: 0001–0383
power of attorney 9: 1043; 15: 0784;
16: 0005
Lester, S. H.
Choctaw reservations 11: 0623
Lewis, William B.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0819, 1003
Lewistown Indians
see Seneca Indians
Liddell, James
Cherokee relocation 15: 0411
Lincicum, Grant
Choctaw land reservations 12: 0292
see Indexes and lists
Little Betty (Cherokee Indian)
16: 0623
Little Deer (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0746; 19: 0386, 0538
Little Rock, Arkansas
2: 0660
Livestock and livestock industry
Cherokee 1: 0001
Choctaw 2: 0660, 0814; 3: 0445;
4: 0143, 0467, 0697, 0807
contracts 4: 0001
Creek 5: 0210
destroyed by floods 4: 0001
Seminole 9: 0993
Long, Samuel
3: 0170
Long Blanket (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0388
4: 0259, 0543, 0756; 7: 0008, 0459;
9: 0427
Louisville, Mississippi
citizen petition 13: 0122
Love, Dillard
18: 0168
Lowry, Elizabeth
18: 0749; 19: 0391
Lowry, George
18: 0752; 19: 0394
Lowry, James
18: 0754; 19: 0397
Lowry, John
18: 0177
Lowry, Sally
18: 0757
Lowry, Susannah
18: 0764; 19: 0400
Lumpkin, Wilson
Cherokee relocation 15: 0411
Lynch, Joseph M.
18: 0006
Lynch, Nancy
19: 0405
Lyon, F. S.
Choctaw relocation 11: 0760
Mackay, Samuel
7: 0067
Mackey, Aeneas
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0681, 1018;
7: 0721
Maddox, John
6: 0198
Maguire, George
Pottawatomie relocation 9: 0084
St. Louis relocations 9: 0570
of Cherokee land claims 18: 0605–0746,
0752–19: 0127
14: 0068
Marshall, Benjamin
Creek relocation 5: 0600, 0708
Marshall, William
Pottawatomie relocation 8: 0917, 0925;
9: 0091
Martin (colonel)
Choctaw land reservations 12: 0450
Martin, John
19: 0417
Mason, John, Jr.
Cherokee relocation 15: 0477
Maumee, Ohio
Ottawa Indians 8: 0468, 0601–0610
Maw, Willio
19: 0420
Maxey, V.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0822
McAnulty, Giles
18: 0767
McCoy, Isaac
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0684
McDaniel, Alexander
16: 0653
McDougald, D.
Creek relocation 5: 0593
McElvain, John
Ohio relocations 8: 0258
McIntosh, Betsy
18: 0770
McIntosh, Chilly
Creek relocation 4: 0930; 5: 0038, 0184
removal services claim 4: 0924
to protect surveying party 14: 0936
Seminole relocation 7: 0325; 10: 0300
Miller, F. W.
Shawnee relocation 8: 0547
Miller, John
18: 0782
Mills, Madison
Creek relocation 5: 0603; 6: 0080
Mills and milling
9: 0333; 10: 0937
Missions and missionaries
11: 0673
general 12: 0147, 0417, 0450; 14: 0321
Louisville 13: 0122
Mississippi River 2: 0157, 0338;
10: 0303
Vicksburg 2: 0157, 0338
Mississippi Choctaw Indians
11: 0001; 14: 0001, 0079
Mississippi River
crossing 2: 0157, 0338
Superintendent West of Mississippi
River 10: 0303
New Madrid 9: 0535
Platte River 9: 0048
Mix, Charles E.
Choctaw land reservations 13: 0071
Mobile, Alabama
citizen petition 3: 0001
relocation funds 15: 0506
shortages 2: 0519
Montgomery, Alabama
government property 5: 0656; 7: 0423,
Montgomery, Hugh
15: 0176
Montgomery, William R.
Pottawatomie relocation 8: 0625–0664,
0743, 0933
Moore, Augustus
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0826
McIntosh, James
19: 0408
McIntosh, John
18: 0773; 19: 0411
McKinny, John A.
18: 0222
McLemore, Robert
19: 0414
McLene, Jeremy
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0687
McNair, David
16: 0683
McNary, John
18: 0776
Meade, George G.
Seminole relocation 10: 0190
1: 0323
Memphis, Tennessee
2: 0157
Merchant, Charles S.
Seminole relocation 10: 0213
Merrell, Nancy
see Merrill, Nancy
Merrill, Benjamin
16: 0692
Merrill, Nancy
16: 0692; 18: 0779
Creek Indians entering territory 5: 0321
Pottawatomie Indians 8: 0925
see Relocation
Miles, D. J.
Pottawatomie relocation 9: 0256
Military discipline
Brown, Jacob 3: 0170
Russell, John B. F. 1: 0830
Military duty assignments and releases
Clark, J. B. 2: 0157
Jones, Roger 7: 0100
Military escorts
9: 0809
Military intervention
Creek relocation 5: 0380, 0918; 6: 0110
Moore, L. W.
Seminole relocation 9: 0895
Western Superintendency relocations
10: 0904
Mordecai, A.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 1025
Pottawatomie relocation 9: 0262
Morgan, Margaret
18: 0785; 19: 0423
Morris, Gideon
19: 0426
Morrison, P.
Creek relocation 6: 0084
Moseley, Thomas, Jr.
St. Louis relocations 9: 0532
Motte, J. Rhett
Creek relocation 6: 0087
of Emantla, Charley 9: 1026
of Thompson, Wiley 9: 0873
Muster rolls
Cherokee 1: 0259
Choctaw 3: 0001; 4: 0143, 0380;
11: 0001
Creek 4: 0930; 5: 0133, 0747; 6: 0198
general 9: 0535
Kickapoo 9: 0614
Mississippi Choctaw 11: 0001
Pottawatomie 8: 0678–0688, 0890,
0901, 0905, 0947; 9: 0026
Quapaw 9: 0385; 10: 1042
Seminole 10: 0089, 0112, 0253
Seneca 8: 0011
Shawnee 8: 0438
Nashville, Tennessee
inland water transportation 1: 0041
Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty, 1830
(Choctaw) 11: 0673
New Echota, Georgia
voting 15: 0528
New Madrid, Missouri
9: 0535
Ninetuah (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0429
North Carolina
Cherokee land claims 16: 0064, 0653,
0694; 17: 0169, 0203, 0233, 0527,
Indian lands 17: 0702; 19: 0130
Notley, Will
19: 0432
Nourse, John B.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0693
O’Farrell, John
Ohio relocations 8: 0552, 0567
removal services claim 8: 0567
Maumee 8: 0468, 0601, 0607, 0610
Ohio Agency
relocations 8: 0001–0386, 0438, 0492–
0579, 0593
Oklahoma Territory
Fort Gibson 6: 0026
Old Bark
see Old Bark of Chota (Cherokee Indian)
Old Bark of Chota (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0790; 19: 0435
Oldham, John P.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0829
Old Mouse (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0793; 19: 0438
Old Nanny (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0796
Oliver, J. G.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0832
Oo Lah Nottee (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0799
Oonewastah (Cherokee Indian)
16: 0694
Oosantertake (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0802
Ootekahotee (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0440
10: 0303
Ordnance Department
Bell, William H. 6: 0903
Ore, James
18: 0805; 19: 0448
miscellaneous relocations 7: 0252
Phillips, John
5: 0405
Phillips, Joseph
17: 0001
Pigeon (Cherokee Indian)
17: 0018
Seminole relocation 9: 0993, 1017
Planters Bank of Tennessee
15: 0506, 0555
Platte River
relocation journal 9: 0048
3: 0657; 6: 0586; 7: 0459; 9: 0427;
10: 0303
Pol (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0463
Polk, James K.
12: 0834
Polk, Marshall T.
17: 0750
Population size
Choctaw 4: 0143, 0467
Creek 5: 0104; 6: 0352, 0378
4: 0001; 6: 0995
Posey, Humphrey
17: 0750
Postal employees
Burke, William 5: 0021
Gardiner, C. K. 6: 0634
Oldham, John P. 6: 0829
Pottawatomie Indians
boundaries of new land 8: 0777
diaries 9: 0048
general 1: 0653, 0695, 0830; 7: 0459,
0631, 0721, 0808, 0883
muster rolls 8: 0678–0688, 0890, 0901,
0905, 0947; 9: 0026
Pepper, Abel C., speech 9: 0104
petition to Andrew Jackson 1: 0695
relocation 8: 0620–9: 0048, 0084–0182,
0191–0286, 0590
settlement on Kickapoo land 9: 0001
Ottawa Indians
diaries 9: 0048
general 1: 0830; 8: 0032, 0073, 0261,
0277, 0386
opposition to removal 8: 0468, 0610
petition to Andrew Jackson 1: 0695
relocation 8: 0468, 0593–0615
Otter (Cherokee Indian)
16: 0709; 19: 0445
2: 0001, 0660; 3: 0735
Pack, Elizabeth
19: 0451
Page, John
Creek relocation 5: 0070–0133, 0606–
0683; 6: 0091–0198
miscellaneous relocations 7: 0631, 0883
Palmer, Z. C.
Ohio relocations 8: 0301, 0386, 0579
Ottawa relocation 8: 0593
Shawnee relocation 8: 0593
Panther (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0810; 19: 0454
Parch Corn Flower (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0813
Parks, Samuel
19: 0457
Parris, George
19: 0460
Parris, Robert
17: 0736
Parsons, Silas
18: 0229
Pepper, Abel C.
opinion on removals 9: 0096
Pottawatomie relocation 8: 0637, 0688–
0777, 0950–0998; 9: 0096–0153,
0267, 0276
removal instructions 9: 0016
speech to Pottawatomie 9: 0104
Peter Hay & Co.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0982
15: 0755
Phillips, J. A.
Choctaw relocation 3: 0893;
Pottawatomie Indians cont.
suggestion for immediate removal
8: 0692
Treaty of Chicago, 1833 7: 0459;
8: 0777
Potter, William
17: 0257
Powell (Seminole chief)
9: 0971
Power of attorney
9: 1043; 15: 0784; 16: 0005
Prairie land
9: 0029
Pratt, William L.
miscellaneous relocations 9: 0585
Seminole relocation 10: 0220
Pratte, Chouteau & Co.
6: 0922; 7: 0590
Presidential commissions
Choctaw land reservations 12: 0470,
expenses 13: 0449
proceedings 13: 0089–0190, 0246–0546,
0600, 0612
Presidential elections
1840 12: 0834
7: 0080
Production costs
for relocations 5: 0240
Property damage and loss
Creek and Quapaw 5: 0750; 7: 0590,
0721; 10: 0774, 0937
Seminole 10: 0161
Property insurance
6: 0851
Public debts
Cherokee 15: 0411
U.S. 14: 0914
Quapaw Indians
general 9: 0286; 10: 0774, 0920, 0937
muster rolls 9: 0385; 10: 1042
property damage and loss 5: 0750;
7: 0590, 0721; 10: 0774, 0937
relocation 9: 0309–9: 0463
Brant, J. B. 9: 0559, 0577
Mackey, Aeneas 6: 0681
see also Assistant quartermasters
Quaty (Cherokee Indian)
18: 0819
Quchey, John
18: 0816; 19: 0466
Rackley, Sarah
17: 0062
Rackley, William
17: 0064; 19: 0469
Rains, G. J.
Choctaw relocation 4: 0756, 0807
Western Superintendency relocations
10: 0595, 0598
Randall, Burton
Creek relocation 5: 0687; 6: 0292
Raper, Jesse
17: 0169, 0203
Raper, Thomas
17: 0169, 0203
Read, William
18: 0824
Rector, Wharton
Choctaw relocation 2: 0660
Quapaw relocation 9: 0348, 0352
instructions 7: 0459; 9: 0016
journals 5: 0133; 6: 0026; 9: 0048
miscellaneous relocations 5: 0181;
6: 0449–7: 0115, 0138–0459, 0590–
0883; 8: 0585; 9: 0077, 0187, 0585
preparation 2: 0001; 3: 0530
see also Relocation companies
see also under Individual Indian tribes
and agencies
Relocation companies
Babcock, Gardiner & Co. 2: 0157
D. McDougald & Co. 5: 0593
George S. Gaines & Co. 2: 0157
Georgia Company 5: 0369
John W. A. Sanford & Co. 5: 0698;
6: 0296–0378
Joseph Woods & Co. 9: 0362
Peter Hay & Co. 6: 0982
Pratte, Chouteau & Co. 6: 0922; 7: 0590
Suydam, Jackson & Co. 5: 0181;
6: 0484, 0557, 0856, 0910, 1045;
7: 0721; 9: 0160, 0385, 0717, 0748
Yoholo Micco & Co. 5: 0780
Revolvers and pistols
6: 0935
Reynolds, Benjamin
Choctaw relocation 11: 0739
Reynolds, John
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0699
Rice, Luther
Pottawatomie relocation 8: 1002
Rider, Austin
17: 0083
Rider, Mary
17: 0083
Derringer, Henry 6: 0572, 0794, 0935;
7: 0030, 0084; 9: 0256
general 3: 0330; 4: 0644, 0756; 5: 0021,
0737; 6: 0441, 0477, 0508, 0522,
0568, 0606, 0708, 0737, 1018, 1025;
7: 0459, 0590, 0631, 0721, 0808,
0883; 9: 0001, 0210, 0262; 10: 0465
Tryon, George W. 6: 0749, 0846, 0867,
1060; 7: 0001
Riley, James
18: 0827; 19: 0472
Riley, Looney
17: 0105
Riley, Richard
18: 0830; 19: 0475
Risener, William
14: 0068
Rivers and waterways
Arkansas River 4: 0001; 5: 0210;
6: 0548
crossings 9: 0029, 0048
Mississippi River 2: 0157, 0338;
10: 0303
Platte River 9: 0048
Verdigris River 5: 0210
Yazoo River 2: 0157, 0338
see also Inland water transportation
conditions 2: 0157, 0660; 6: 0026;
8: 0261
constructed through wetlands and
marshes 2: 0338
repairs 2: 0001; 4: 0807
Robb, John
Ohio relocations 8: 0253
Robinson, Amos
18: 0833
Robinson, J. M.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0837
Rockwell, Samuel
18: 0258, 0261, 0383
Rogers, Erastus
Seminole relocation 9: 0898
Roman Nose (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0478
Ross, Eliza
18: 0836
Ross, John
Cherokee relocation 15: 0477
Ross, Lewis
18: 0839
Ross, Templin W.
19: 0481
Rush, Samuel
Choctaw land reservations 13: 0449,
0600, 0635
Russell, John B. F.
military discipline 1: 0830
Seminole relocation 9: 0691
Sac and Fox Indians
7: 0115
2: 0157, 0445; 3: 0445
Samuel, E. M.
Pottawatomie relocation 9: 0155
San (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0484
Sands, Louis H.
diaries 8: 0664
Pottawatomie relocation 8: 0637, 0664–
0684, 0743, 0813–0864, 1006–1024
Sanford, John W. A.
Creek relocation 5: 0439, 0593, 0708
see Bag (Cherokee Indian)
Saunders, Romulus M.
17: 0750
Sayre, W.
Creek relocation 5: 0173
Schermerhorn, John F.
Pottawatomie relocation 8: 0867
Scott, John S.
Creek relocation 5: 0726
see Article 14, Dancing Rabbit Creek
Scriven, R. B.
Creek relocation 6: 0389
Sealy (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0487
Select Committee on Executive Patronage
6: 0932
Seminole Indians
appeals to Andrew Jackson 7: 0883;
10: 0056
chiefs 9: 0816, 0954
claims 10: 0161
diaries 10: 0236
general 6: 0110; 7: 0404, 0459, 0631,
0808, 0883; 9: 0628; 10: 0937
livestock and livestock industry 9: 0993
military intervention 7: 0325
muster rolls 10: 0089, 0253
opposition to removal 7: 0325; 9: 0712,
0942, 0954
Powell (chief) 9: 0971
property damage and loss 10: 0161
relocation 5: 0393; 9: 0622–10: 0300
removal plans 9: 0993, 1017
slaves and slavery 9: 0651, 0694
14: 0914
Seneca Indians
general 8: 0001, 0015, 0073, 0268, 0305,
0325, 0438
muster rolls 8: 0011
relocation 7: 1012; 8: 0400, 0564, 0576
Seneca West Indians
see Seneca Indians
Setertake (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0490
Setuwakee (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0001
Sevier, A. H.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0548
Sewell, Francis L.
Creek relocation 6: 0392
Shannon, S.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0702
Sharp Fellow (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0004, 0493
Shaw, William D.
Creek relocation 5: 0733
Shawnee Indians
general 8: 0032, 0073, 0261, 0277, 0305,
0325, 0386; 9: 0573
muster rolls 8: 0438
relocation 8: 0540, 0547, 0576, 0593
Sheffield, David M.
Seminole relocation 9: 0901, 0906;
10: 0041, 0175, 0198
Ships and shipbuilding
flat boats 1: 0041
steamboats 1: 0041; 2: 0157, 0660;
3: 0001, 0530, 0832; 6: 0026;
8: 0664
Shorey, Peggy
19: 0496
Shumaker, John
17: 0167
Sicatowee (Cherokee Indian)
17: 0233
Simonton, J. P.
health conditions 8: 0872
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0708, 0762,
Ohio relocations 8: 0468
Ottawa relocation 8: 0601, 0607, 0610,
Pottawatomie relocation 8: 0872;
9: 0160, 0279
Simpson, J. H.
Creek relocation 6: 0396
Sims, John
Creek relocation 5: 0177
Six Killer (Cherokee Indian)
17: 0246; 19: 0007, 0499
see Bag (Cherokee Indian)
Skeken (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0505
Skekew (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0010
Slaves and slavery
Cherokee 1: 0132, 0201
Creek 5: 0038
Seminole 9: 0651, 0694
Smith, Archibald, Jr.
Seminole relocation 10: 0223, 0231
Smith, Cabbon
19: 0013
Smith, K.
Seminole relocation 9: 0688
Smith, Mitchell
Creek relocation 5: 0954
Smith, Polly
17: 0257; 19: 0016
Smith, Richard
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0718
Snaga (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0508
Snale (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0511
Sour John (Cherokee Indian)
17: 0339; 19: 0514
Spears, John
17: 0370; 19: 0019
Speeches and addresses
Pepper, Abel C. 9: 0104
Spinning wheels
4: 0259, 0543, 0756; 7: 0008, 0459;
9: 0427
Spirit (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0022, 0517
Spoiler (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0520
Sprague, J. T.
Creek relocation 6: 0424
see Usqueleesquiee (Cherokee Indian)
Stambaugh, Samuel C.
Seneca relocation 8: 0564
Stanton, Henry
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0910
Starr, Caleb
17: 0105, 0370, 0432
Starr, James
19: 0025, 0523
1: 0041; 2: 0157, 0660; 3: 0001, 0530,
0832; 6: 0026; 8: 0664
Stephens, Sutton
17: 0453; 19: 0028, 0526
Stephens, Willis
17: 0486; 19: 0030
Stephenson, James R.
Creek relocation 5: 0737, 0747; 6: 0427,
0430, 0434
employee list 3: 0445
miscellaneous relocations 7: 0590
Stevens, Sutton
see Stephens, Sutton
St. Louis Agency
relocations 9: 0474–0513, 0532–0582
Stugesta (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0529
Suaga (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0034
Subsistence stores
Choctaw 3: 0445
claims 1: 0132, 0201
contracts 1: 0259, 0830; 2: 0001, 0157,
0445, 0660; 3: 0445, 0657, 0735;
4: 0001; 5: 0072, 0240, 0606, 0656;
6: 0067, 0172, 0198, 0767, 0995;
7: 0067, 0252; 8: 0062, 0305, 0325,
0352, 0438, 0813, 0820; 9: 0233,
0327, 0333, 0717; 10: 0598
estimates 1: 0041, 0201
expenses 8: 0813, 0820
general 1: 0323, 0505, 0653, 0695;
2: 0519–0814; 3: 0170, 0330, 0735,
0893; 4: 0143, 0259, 0909; 5: 0091,
0184, 0838; 6: 0026, 0198, 0396,
0449, 0837; 7: 0296, 0459; 8: 0015,
Subsistence stores cont.
0088, 0165, 0268, 0386, 0400, 0540,
0637, 0967; 9: 0494, 0498, 0503,
0590, 0609, 0859; 10: 0303, 0598;
15: 0040
Superintendent West of Mississippi River
Brown, Jacob 10: 0303
2: 0157, 0519; 4: 0001
Surgeons and surgery
Randall, Burton 5: 0687
Sutherland, J. B.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0846
Sutton, Elijah
19: 0037
Suydam, Jackson & Co.
miscellaneous relocations 5: 0181;
6: 0484, 0557, 0856, 0910, 1045;
7: 0721
Pottawatomie relocation 9: 0160
Quapaw relocation 9: 0385
Seminole relocation 9: 0717, 0748
see Wetlands and marshes
Swords, John
Pottawatomie relocation 9: 0283
Swords, Thomas
Upper Missouri relocation 9: 0529
Tahcustuscah (Cherokee Indian)
17: 0507
Talcott, George
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0564
Tallotuskee (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0042
Tananagullah (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0532
Tanugh-noo (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0535
The Tarapin
see Little Deer (Cherokee Indian)
Taylor, Andrew
19: 0045
Taylor, David
17: 0527
Taylor, Fox
19: 0048, 0248, 0539
Taylor, J. P.
Pottawatomie relocation 9: 0179
Quapaw relocation 9: 0427
Western Superintendency relocations
10: 0756, 0933
Taylor, Richard
19: 0540
Teelarkaask (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0051
Tegentasey (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0054
Cherokee land claims 16: 0141, 0153,
0266, 0462, 0480, 0496, 0683, 0709;
17: 0001, 0018, 0064, 0083, 0105,
0246, 0370, 0432, 0507, 0577, 0624;
18: 0612–0654, 0659–0690, 0696–
0754, 0764–19: 0013, 0019, 0025–
0034, 0042–0057, 0068–0086, 0094–
0127, 0175
Memphis 2: 0157
Nashville 1: 0041
Planters Bank of Tennessee 15: 0506,
boundaries with Choctaw and
Chickasaw reservations 14: 0936
Creek settlement 5: 0327, 0511, 0640
Textile industry and fabrics
see Blankets
see Clothing and clothing industry
see Looms
see Spinning wheels
Thomas (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0057, 0543
Thomas, Toby & Brothers
6: 0958
Thomas, William H.
18: 0233
Thompson, Alexander
17: 0534
Thompson, Alex R.
19: 0060
Thompson, Charles
19: 0063
Thompson, John
17: 0554; 19: 0068
Thompson, Waddy
18: 0259
Thompson, Wiley
murder of 9: 0873
Seminole relocation 9: 0694–0712,
0906, 0942–1039
Thorn, Daniel
19: 0071
Thornton, J. B.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0861
Timberlake, Richard
19: 0074, 0546
Tolenusta (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0549
Tom (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0552
Too Chos Tos Tah (Cherokee Indian)
17: 0614
Too Lee Noos Tah (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0077
Too Naugh Huah (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0080
Tooten, Willie (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0083
Topographical surveys
Cherokee land 15: 0834
Choctaw land 11: 0426; 14: 0796, 0936,
military intervention 14: 0936
bridges 2: 0001, 0660
contracts 9: 0717, 0743
disbursements 1: 0162
freight 6: 0702
general 1: 0041, 0830; 4: 0001; 7: 0459;
8: 0088; 9: 0694, 0816; 10: 0236,
oxen 2: 0001, 0660; 3: 0735
see also Horses
see also Inland water transportation
see also Roads
see also Travel
see also Wagons
Arkansas 2: 0814
best removal routes 1: 0259, 0323, 0505;
2: 0338, 0519, 0660; 3: 0001;
8: 0032, 0088, 0400; 9: 0694
Cherokee 1: 0132
Choctaw 2: 0519, 0660
delays 1: 0830; 8: 0743, 0933
details of individual journeys 3: 0530
distances 2: 0519; 6: 0026; 8: 0268,
0664; 9: 0048
Gordon, William, journal 9: 0029
hardships 5: 0133
Indians returning home 1: 0695
by land 8: 0165, 0258
road and bridge repair 2: 0001
Seminole 10: 0112
timing of removals 1: 0830; 2: 0338,
0519; 3: 0001; 6: 0026; 8: 0268,
0664; 9: 0048
by water 1: 0323; 8: 0165, 0258
Treaty of Chicago (Pottawatomie), 1833
7: 0459; 8: 0777
Treaty of December 29, 1835
see Treaty of New Echota, 1835
Treaty of Hopewell, 1785
15: 0070
Treaty of July, 1817
15: 0070
Treaty of New Echota, 1835
claims 15: 0593, 0621, 0670, 0725,
0764, 0784
Department of War opinion of 15: 0070
diaries 15: 0293
general 15: 0070, 0131, 0341, 0411,
0427; 18: 0261, 0383
Treaty with the Cherokee, 1817
land claims 16: 0005–17: 0736;
18: 0605–19: 0127, 0175
Treaty with the Cherokee, 1819
land claims 16: 0005–17: 0736;
18: 0605–19: 0127, 0175
Treaty with the Choctaw and Chickasaw,
14: 0876–0914
Seminole relocation 10: 0001, 0236,
0248, 0253
Seneca relocation 8: 0576
Shawnee relocation 8: 0576
Western Superintendency relocations
10: 0598, 0707, 0920
Vann, Isaac
17: 0624
Vashon, George
1: 0201
Verdigris River
Creek settlement 5: 0210
Vicksburg, Mississippi
2: 0157, 0338
Victor, John (Choctaw Indian)
10: 0465
Voluntary military service
Choctaw 11: 0001; 13: 0071
Choctaw 15: 0528
Wade, Isaac N.
17: 0675; 19: 0089
Wages and salaries
general 14: 0936, 1023; 15: 0040
Indian agents 3: 0170, 0530; 4: 0143;
5: 0656, 0783; 7: 0459; 9: 0267,
pay rolls 4: 0697
removal services 1: 0619; 3: 0170
Yancey, Joel 9: 1043
2: 0157, 0445, 0660; 3: 0001, 0530,
0735; 7: 1012
Waite, C. A.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0572, 0749
Walker, John, Jr.
19: 0558
Walker, John, Sr.
19: 0094, 0558
Walker, Richard
19: 0097
Wallee (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0100
Treaty with the Winnebago, 1832
7: 0122
see Ennoch (Cherokee Indian)
The Trout (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0086, 0555
Trowbridge, C. C.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0864
Tryon, George W.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0568, 0737
rifles 6: 0749, 0846, 0867, 1025, 1060;
7: 0001, 0631, 0721
Tyler, John
Choctaw land reservations 13: 0001
Tyler, William
Choctaw land reservations 13: 0089,
0122, 0149, 0190, 0242, 0449, 0600,
Underwood, William H.
18: 0260, 0261, 0383
Upper Missouri Agency
relocations 9: 0529
U.S. Bank
see Bank of the U.S.
U.S. citizens
Benton County, Ala. 5: 0923
Indian relations 5: 0463
Louisville, Miss. 13: 0122
Mobile, Ala. 3: 0001
petition regarding condition of Creek
Indians 5: 0954
production costs and losses for
relocations 5: 0240
purchases 9: 0651; 14: 0182
Usqueleesquiee (Cherokee Indian)
17: 0577
Vaccination and vaccines
8: 0088
Van Horne, John
Cherokee relocation 1: 0505
Creek relocation 4: 0930; 5: 0184, 0210,
0737, 0750, 0765; 6: 0441
diaries 10: 0236
Ohio relocations 8: 0438
Quapaw relocation 9: 0358, 0463
see Indian wars and warfare
see Military intervention
War Department
see Department of War
Washington City
Cherokee delegation visit 15: 0427
Washington, D.C.
see Washington City
Water supply and use
2: 0001
Watt, George L.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 1071
Wayne, Anthony
Choctaw serving under 11: 0001;
13: 0071
Wea Indians
opposition to removal 8: 0872
1: 0323; 2: 0001, 0157; 3: 0530; 5: 0133;
6: 0026; 8: 0261; 9: 0048; 10: 0236
Webb, James W.
6: 0449
Webb, N. F.
Pottawatomie relocation 9: 0176
Welch, John
19: 0563
Welch, Ned
19: 0568
Welsh, Edward
19: 0568
Welsh, John
19: 0103, 0563
see Dick (Cherokee Indian)
Western Cherokee
15: 0593
Western Superintendency
relocations 10: 0303–0735, 0741–1039
Wetlands and marshes
2: 0338
Whaakah (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0106
Whipper-Will (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0109, 0573
White, George S.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0575
White, H. L.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0759
Whiting, Henry
Pottawatomie relocation 9: 0286
Whittlesey, E.
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0879
Wildlife and wildlife conservation
9: 0104
Wilkins, William
Choctaw relocation 13: 0583
Will (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0576
Williams, William
12: 0834
Williamson, John
Seminole relocation 10: 0283
Wilson, Thomas (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0579
Wilson, Thomas E.
Western Superintendency relocations
10: 0930
Wilson, William
19: 0112
Winnebago Indians
7: 0115, 0122; 10: 1042
Winslett, John
removal services claim 9: 0776, 1008
see Whipper-Will (Cherokee Indian)
The Wolf (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0115
Wood, John
19: 0118
Woodbury, Levi
Cherokee relocation 15: 0506
miscellaneous relocations 6: 0882;
7: 0110
Yancey, Joel
removal services claim 10: 0286
Seminole relocation 9: 0975, 1043,
1067, 1070; 10: 0183, 0286
wages and salaries 9: 1043
Yazoo River
2: 0157, 0338
Yellow Bear (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0121, 0582
Yoholo Micco & Co.
Creek relocation 5: 0780
Yoholo, Opothle (Creek Indian)
5: 0327, 0372, 0541, 0576, 0698;
6: 0198, 0311, 0396
Yonah (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0124, 0588
see Yoon Negiskah (Cherokee Indian)
Yoon Negiskah (Cherokee Indian)
19: 0127, 0585
Related UPA Collections
American Indian Periodicals
American Indian Periodicals from the Princeton University Library,
Dakota Conflict of 1862
The Indian Wars of the West and Frontier Army Life,
1862–1898: Official Histories and Personal Narratives
The Native American Reference Collection: Documents
Collected by the Office of Indian Affairs
Part 1, 1840–1900
Records of the Indian Division, Office of the
Secretary of the Interior: Special Files, 1848–1907
Records of the U.S. Indian Claims Commission
Reports of the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes
Guide to American Indian Documents in the
Congressional Serial Set, 1817–1899
The Office of Indian Affairs, 1824–1880: Historical Sketches
UPA Collections from LexisNexis®
he wholesale removal of Indians to land west of the Mississippi
River began in full force after Andrew Jackson signed the Removal
Act on May 28, 1830. The Office of the Commissary General of
Subsistence conducted the removals during 1830–1836, and because the
office was part of the Department of War, military officers oversaw most of
the process. In 1836, the office was transferred to the Bureau of Indian
Affairs in the Department of Interior.
This collection contains mostly letters and reports by Indian agents and other
government employees to the commissary general of subsistence. There are,
however, many letters from individual Indians and other citizens but still
related to the actual removals. The collection consists of three main sections:
removal records, Choctaw records, and Cherokee records. The removal
records are listed in alphabetical order, by tribe or Indian agency. The
Choctaw records principally cover claims filed under the terms of the
Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty (an 1830 U.S.-Choctaw treaty that provided
for their removal west) as well as orphan lands and claims. The Cherokee
records detail land claims filed under the 1817 and 1819 U.S.-Cherokee
treaties, claims by attorneys who represented Cherokees, and applications
for land reservations in Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina.
The removal records consist of Entry 201: Letters Received by the Office of
the Commissary General of Subsistence from army officers, disbursing
officers, Indian agents, the commissioner of Indian affairs, and individual
Indians. The following tribes and agencies are covered: Cherokee, Chicago
Agency, Choctaw, Creek, Kickapoo, Ohio Agency, Ottawa, Pottawatomie,
Quapaw, Seminole, Seneca, Shawnee, St. Louis Agency, Western
Superintendency, and Winnebago.
This collection presents rich contemporary accounts of the harrowing and
often deadly removal process, including the “Trail of Tears,” and federal
policies surrounding both.
UPA Collections from LexisNexis®