Typotheque type specimen & OpenType feature specification. Please read before using the fonts. October Compressed October Condensed October OpenType font family supporting Latin based languages with their own small caps, with extensive typographic features. ABCDEHGIJ OpenType features in October ewjduhiz tvnsgfq12 Designed by Peter Bilak, 2016 What is OpenType? OpenType is a cross-platform font format developed by Adobe and Microsoft. It has a potential to provide advanced typographic features such as multilingual character sets, ligatures, small capitals, various numeral styles, and contextual substitutions. OpenType, as the new industry standard, supports Unicode, which enables the fonts to contain a large number of characters. While PostScript fonts are a technically limited to a maximum of only 256 characters, OpenType fonts can have more than 65,000 glyphs. This means that a user does not need to have separate fonts for Western, Central European, Baltic, Cyrillic or Greek languages, but could have one single file which supports all these encodings. OpenType fonts work in all applications, however only some applications take advantage of the advanced OpenType features. Other applications will only use the first 256 characters. © 2016, Typotheque.com. For information purposes only. character set ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ([0123456789]) ÁÀÂÄÃÅĂĀĄÇĆČĈĊĎĐÉÈÊËĔĚĖĒẼĘĞĜĢĠĦĤÍIÌÎÏĬĪĮĨĴJ ĶĹĻĿŁÑŃŇŅṆNŊÓÒÔÖÕŎŐŌØǾPŔŘŖŚŞŠŜṢȘŦŤȚÚÙÛÜŬŰŪŲŮŨǓẂŴẄẀ ŸŶȲỲÝŹŽŻZÞƏÐÆǼǢŒ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ([0123456789]) áàâäãåăāąçćčĉċďđéèêëĕěėēẽęğĝģġħĥíıìîïĭīįĩĵjķĺļŀłñńňņṇnŋ óòôöõŏőōøǿpŕřŗśşšŝṣșŧťțúùûüŭűūųůũǔẃŵẅẁÿŷȳỳýźžżzþəðæǽǣœ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz áàâäãåăāąçćčĉċďđéèêëĕěėēẽęğĝģġħĥíıìîïĭīįĩĵjķĺļŀłñńňņṇnŋ óòôöõŏőōøǿpŕřŗśşšŝṣșŧťțúùûüŭűūųůũǔẃŵẅẁÿŷȳỳýźžżzþəð æǽǣœ 1234567890/1234567890 ¡!¿?#%‰ &*-–—(.,:;) ()[]{}¦|«»‹›¶�••−×+±÷¬∞≤≥<>=≠≈ №†‡§@°ℓ℮©®℠™ €$¥£¢ƒ₪₡₢₣₤₥₦₧₨₹₩₭₮₱₫ ←↑→↓↖↗↘ © 2016, Typotheque.com. For information purposes only. character set ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΥΦΧΨΩ αβγδεζηθικλµνξοπρσςτυφχψω ὰάἀἁἂἃἄἅἆἇᾀᾁᾂᾃᾄᾅᾆᾇᾰᾱᾲᾳᾴᾶᾷὲέἐἑἒἓἔἕὴήᾐᾑᾒᾓᾔᾕᾖᾗῂῃῄ ῆῇἠἡἢἣἤἥἦἧὶίῐῑῒΐῖῗἰἱἲἳἴἵἶἷὸόὀὁὂὃὄὅῤῥὺύὐὑὒὓὔὕὖὗῠῡῢΰῦῧὼ ώὠὡὢὣὤὥὦὧᾠᾡᾢᾣᾤᾥᾦᾧῲῳῴῶῷ АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫ ЬЭЮЯҐЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌЎЏѢѲѴӘЀЍ абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуф хцчшщъыьэюя ѐёђѓєѕіїјљњћќѝўџѣѳѵґғҗқңүұҳҷһӏӣөӯҋҍҏҕҙҝҟ ҡҥҧҩҫҭҵҹҽҿӂӄӆӈӊӌӎӑӓӕӗӛӝӟӡӥӧӫӭӱӳӵӷӹвг джзийклптцшщъьюг ↑↗→↘↓↙←↖ ■□▢▲▶▼◀►◄▸◂☐☑ ☕🅷🅿🍴🍽🚆🚊🚌🚗🚲 🛄🛏☛☜☞ © 2016, Typotheque.com. For information purposes only. October Hairline Italic Thin Italic ExtraLight Italic Light Italic Regular Italic Medium Italic Bold Italic Heavy Italic Black Italic Hairline Thin ExtraLight Light Regular Medium Bold Heavy Black About the typeface October’s round letter terminals were created by the rotary cutters of a CNC router. Changing the size of the cutters changed the stroke widths of the letterforms. The results were optically corrected to create a functional digital font family that works at a variety of medium to large text sizes. Italic Italic Italic Italic Italic Italic Italic Italic Italic Hairline Thin ExtraLight Light Regular Medium Bold Heavy Black Italic Italic Italic Italic Italic Italic Italic Italic Italic About the designer Peter Biľak designed the Latin, Greek and Hebrew version of October in 2016. He works in the field of editorial, graphic, and type design, teaches at the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague. Started Typotheque in 1999, Dot Dot Dot in 2000, Indian Type Foundry in 2009, Works That Work magazine in 2012, and Fontstand, in 2015. Member of AGI (Alliance Graphique Internationale). Nikola Djurek helped with the production of all versions. © 2016, Typotheque.com. For information purposes only. Hold your passport ready Mantenga su pasaporte listo Приготовьте паспорт, пожалуйста Κρατήστε το διαβατήριό σας έτοιμο Immigration Invandring Иммиграция Welcome Meeting Point Punto de encuentro Место встречи Bienvenido Добро пожаловать Καλωσόρισμα October Οκτώβριος Octubre Říjen Oктябрь Lokakuu © 2016, Typotheque.com. For information purposes only. 23PT 10PT October is the tenth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars and the sixth month to have the length of 31 days. The eighth month in the old Roman calendar, October retained its name (from the Latin octō meaning ‘eight’) after January and February were inserted into the calendar that had originally been created by the Romans. In Ancient Rome, one of three Mundus patet would take place on October 5, Meditrinalia October 11, Augustalia on October 12, October Horse on October 15, and Armilustrium on October 19. These dates do not correspond to the modern Gregorian calendar. Among the Anglo-Saxons, it was known as Winterfylleth, because at this full moon (fylleth) winter was October is the tenth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars and the sixth month to have the length of 31 days. The eighth month in the old Roman calendar, October retained its name (from the Latin octō meaning “eight”) after January and February were inserted into the calendar that had originally been created by the Romans. In Ancient Rome, one of three Mundus patet would take place on October 5, Meditrinalia October 11, Augustalia on October 12, October Horse on October 15, and Armilustrium on October 19. These dates do not correspond to the modern Gregorian calendar. Among the Anglo- © 2016, Typotheque.com. For information purposes only. Saxons, it was known as Winterfylleth, because at this full moon (fylleth) winter was supposed to begin. October is commonly associated with the season of autumn in the Northern hemisphere and spring in the Southern hemisphere, where it is the seasonal equivalent to April in the Northern hemisphere and vice versa. October is the tenth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars and the sixth month to have the length of 31 days. The eighth month in the old Roman calendar, October retained its name (from the Latin octō meaning “eight”) after January and February were inserted into the calendar that had originally been created by the Romans. In Ancient Rome, one of three Mundus patet would take place on October 5, Meditrinalia October 11, Augustalia on October 12, October Horse on October 15, and Armilustrium on October 19. These dates do not correspond to the modern Gregorian calendar. Among the AngloSaxons, it was known as Winterfylleth, Październik – dziesiąty miesiąc w roku, według kalendarza gregoriańskiego, ma 31 dni. Październik jest na półkuli północnej miesiącem jesiennym, a na południowej wiosennym. Jest najdłuższym miesiącem w roku kalendarzowym, ponieważ wypada wtedy zmiana z czasu letniego na zimowy (jest dłuższy o jedną godzinę od pozostałych 31-dniowych miesięcy). Nazwa miesiąca (dawniej również paździerzec) pochodzi według Brücknera od słowa paździerze, oznaczającego „odpadki od lnu lub konopi”. Obok tego funkcjonowały również nazwy: paździerzec, paździerzeń, pościernik, a także winnik Октя́ брь — десятый месяц Oktober (ook wel: wijnmaand) is Григорианского календаря. de tiende maand van het jaar in Восьмой месяц староримского года, de gregoriaanse kalender en heeft начинавшегося до реформы Цезаря с 31 dagen. De naam komt van het марта. Название получил от лат. octo — Latijnse octo voor acht. Oktober was восемь. Один из семи месяцев длиной oorspronkelijk de achtste maand в 31 день. В Южном полушарии Земли van het jaar, omdat tot 153 v.Chr. het является месяцем весны, в Северном Romeinse kalenderjaar in maart begon. — осени. В странах и регионах, In verband met de omschakeling van de которые производят переход на zomertijd naar de standaardtijd op de зимнее время в этом месяце, октябрь laatste zondag van deze maand duurt является самым длинным месяцем oktober een uur langer dan de andere Ο Οκτώβριος ή Οκτώβρης, ή Οχτώβρης, η Τρυγομηνάς (νησιώτικα Αιγαίου και ποντιακά) είναι ο δέκατος μήνας του έτους κατά το Γρηγοριανό ημερολόγιο και έχει 31 ημέρες. Επειδή το πιο σημαντικό δώρο του Οκτωβρίου στους γεωργούς είναι οι πολλές βροχές του, γι’ αυτό σε πολλά μέρη ονομάζεται «Βροχάρης», αλλά και μήνας της σποράς, εξ ου και τα ονόματα «Σποριάτης», «Σποριάς» και «Σπαρτός». Ηταν ο τέταρτος μήνας του αττικού έτους. © 2016, Typotheque.com. For information purposes only. U slavenskim je jezicima listopad dobio ime po tome što u tom mjesecu najviše opada lišće biljaka. U slovenskom, poljskom, ukrajinskom, bjeloruskom i češkom jeziku listopad je izvorno ime za hrvatski mjesec studeni. Stari hrvatski nazivi za listopad u nekim su krajevima bili: Miholjščak (po blagdanu sv. Mihaela Arkanđela kojim zapravo 29. rujna završava prethodni mjesec), kožaprst i desetnik. presents 🍴 Prague Czech Republic November 2017 March–December 2016 🚌 © 2016, Typotheque.com. For information purposes only. GUTTERPUNK #29 Museo Architectura The Decay of the Photographs by Shawn Clover and Timothy Neesam A Career Retrospective 🛏 MOTHCON 17 Hermann Püterschine 🔑 The International Society of Lepidopterists 🚊 🔑 🚗 Vampires Travel The World The New York Times Bestseller 🚲 🚌 Dinosaurs 🚗 ✈ ⛴ 🛄🚆 Mammals HÜSKER DÜ The Fastest Punks on the Block 1982 02 Zen Arcade and leaving home 1984 10 New Day Rising and the road 1985 24 Mainstream with Flip Your Wig 1985 46 Candyapplegrey‘s noisy pop 1986 55 Epilogue and tributes 1990s 67 Maryland Children’s Hospital 🛏 Wards ↗ 🍽 Canteen → r and Timothy Neesam HÜSKER DÜ 🚌 WILLIAM CASLON The Decay of the Tech Era @ tptq candy co. Luppa Chups tptq candy co. © 2016, Typotheque.com. For information purposes only. 10 New Day Rising and the road 1985 24 Mainstream with Flip Your Wig 1985 46 Candyapplegrey‘s noisy pop 1986 55 Epilogue and tributes 1990s 67 🛏 🍽 🚲 🚗 Wards Canteen Cycling Parking #JUMP AIRMAX→ →DREAMS FREESTYLE OCTOBER 31 2017 PARKOUR PARIS, FRANCE SUPPORTED BY NIKE AIRMAX KOREA’S PARK IMPEACHED AS PROTESTERS VENT ANGER OVER CORRUPTION! Outside, protesters singing the Christmas carol “Feliz Navidad,” with the lyrics changed to “not Geun-hye,” broke into cheers and songs in a carnival atmosphere as the vote was announced. The result means Park is immediately suspended from power and the interim leadership passes to Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn. South Korea’s first female president—daughter of former dictator Chung-hee—fell as the wave of populism that fueled Brexit, scuttled and Hillary Clinton’s presidential aspirations and toppled Italian leader Matteo Renzi reached Asia’s fourth-largest economy. After weeks of mass protests near the presidential office, Koreans came from across the country to fill the boulevards around parliament in the freezing cold, demanding not only Park’s removal, but an end to the ties between the political and business elite that were once the bedrock of South Korea’s economic miracle. 02 1984 This will escalate the popular enthusiasm for reforms by another level said Kim Yun-cheol, who teaches me political science at the Humanitas College of Kyung Hee University in Seoul. ”Demand for experiments will intensify along with pressure on Park to resign. Simultaneously, a presidential race will accelerate, especially in the opposition, and that has the potential to shake the political landscape again.” For months, prosecutors and opposition lawmakers have relentlessly pursued the ties between Park and her friend Choi Soon-sil and the links between the president’s office and the family-run chaebol conglomerates that dominate the feel economy. The stream of often lurid revelations in the swelled anger in the nation’s 50 million population, many of whom are suffering from widening inequality, soaring household debt, youth unemployment and a slump in the nation’s once-mighty steel mills and ↗ → ↘ ← TUBLESS Luppa Chups 1982 Zen Arcade and leaving home Maryland Children’s Hospital INTERNATIONAL MY LIFE IN THE FAST LANE The Fastest Punks on the Block Shop № 23 Zwordstrot 16 2584 TX The Hague Netherlands ①❷③❹ ❺⑥❼⑧ IN PERFORMANCE AMSTERDAM PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA Alternate Glyphs Defaults Stylistic Set 1 Stylistic Set 2 Stylistic Set 3 Default Stylistic Set 4 © 2016, Typotheque.com. For information purposes only. gaga 123 gaga 123 gaga 123 gaga 123 αρχίζει αρχίζει OVERVIEW OF SUPPORTED OPENTYPE LAYOUT FEATURES t Case Sensitive forms (CASE) When function ‘change to caps’ is applied from within an application (not when text is typed in caps) appropriate case-sensitive forms are automatically applied. Regular brackets, parenthesis, dashes and hyphens are replaced with their capital forms, as well as alternative set of numerals and currency symbols matching the height of capitals. w e Small Capitals & All Small Caps (SMCP & C2SC) In Adobe applications there are two methods of applying small capitals. The first one, Small Caps (⇧⌘H) fig. 1 replaces only lower case letters with small caps. The second method, All Small Caps, fig. 2 replaces also capital letters with small capitals, and replaces regular quotation marks, exclamation points and question marks, slashes and asterisk with lowered small caps variations. 012345 ▶ 012345 012345 ▶ 012345 v Slashed Zero (ZERO) Because in some circumstances ‘0’, can be mistaken for an ‘O’, alternative forms of ‘slashed zero’ are available for all styles of figures 21/2 31/10 ▶ 21/2 31/10 h Arbitrary Fractions (FRAC) Typotheque OpenType fonts already include a number of pre-designed fractions. Other arbitrary fractions are easily made by using the fraction feature. ({[012-3456–789)]} ({[012-3456–789]}) ([{012-3456–789}]) ({[012-3456–789]}) s g f Tabular Lining Figures (TNUM+LNUM) Tabular Oldstyle Figures (TNUM+ONUM) Proportional Oldstyle Figures (PNUM_ONUM) Proportional Lining Figures (PNUM+LNUM) Changes figures to any selected style: Lining figures which fit better with all-capital text, old-style figures, for use in a flow of lowercase and upper case text, or tabular (fixed width) versions. -> -^ ^- ▶ -> -^ ^- I Discretionary Ligatures (DLIG) The discretionary ligature feature creates real arrows when you type the combination -> (right arrow), <- (left arrow), -^ (up arrow) or ^- (down arrow). Type numbers between parenthesis or brackets for circled numerals. Discretionary ligatures are off by default in Adobe applications. C2O2 ▶ C2O2 z Superscript / Superiors (SUPS) Replaces all styles of figures (old style, tabular, lining) and letters with their superior alternates, which can be used for footnotes, formulas, etc. Superior characters are more legible than mathematically scaled characters, have a similar stroke weight, are spaced more generously, and better complement the rest of the text. aáåàä ▶ aáåàä 1 Stylistic Set 1 October includes alternative character ‘a’, and its accented variants, which can be activated by turning on Stylistic Set 01. 123 ▶ 123 2 Stylistic Set 2 Stylistic Set 2 replaces the standard numeral 2 for a more angular version, which may be preferable in larger sizes. gğģĝ ▶ gğģĝ 3 Stylistic Set 3 Stylistic Set 3 replaces the standard Greek lower case letter ‘zeta’ for a shorter version without the ascender. αβδεζ ▶ αβδεζ 4 Stylistic Set 3 Stylistic Set 3 replaces the standard Greek lower case letter ‘zeta’ for a shorter version without the ascender. ¡¿ab?! (H75) ▶ ¡¿AB?! (H75) Small Caps ▶ Small Caps All Small Caps ▶ All small caps fig.1 fig.2 (r) (p) (u) (1) [2] ▶ (r) (p) (u) (1) [2] © 2016, Typotheque.com. For information purposes only.
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