
 Modern Europe
Cooke Name: Imperialism Review Guide (15 points) You will not have a quiz or test on this unit in class. The material WILL BE on on your Final Exam so complete this thoroughly! Key Questions: 1. How did Industrialization lead to Imperialism? 2. What is imperialism? When did European imperialism take place? 3. What were the motives for European imperialism? (think politically, economically, religiously, socially) 4. How did Europeans justify their actions as they took over new lands and peoples? 5. How were the Europeans able to colonize Africa? a. What allowed them to take over? b. How did they decide where they would colonize? Did any Africans have a say in this? 6. Why were European countries interested in Asia? 7. How did the English colonize India? What were their accomplishments there? 8. Why was China not colonized for so long? What happened to change this? What was the impact of the British? Key Terms: Protectorate Sphere of Influence Colony Raw Materials Social Darwinism Rudyard Kipling Berlin Conference King Leopold Cecil Rhodes Opium War Treaty of Nanjing East India Company