
Jan., 2012
Name: _________________________________ [Height: __________ m Shoe Length: ________ cm] Group Partners:
_________________________________________ [Height: __________ m Shoe Length: ________ cm]
_________________________________________ [Height: __________ m Shoe Length: ________ cm]
_________________________________________ [Height: __________ m Shoe Length: ________ cm]
1. Find the following dimensions (m) through measurement:
Coke Machine— Elevator— Classroom Desk— Classroom Door— Whiteboard— Stair Step— Atrium— Chair— Hallway— Length: ____________ Width: ____________ Height: ____________
Length: ____________ Width: ____________ Height: ____________ Length: ____________ Width: ____________ Height: ____________
Height: ____________ Width: ____________
Length: ____________
Width: ____________ Height: ____________
Height: ____________ Total Area: ____________
Height of Seat: ____________ Width: ____________ Length: ____________
2. Determine the following dimensions through conversions of your measurements.
Coke Machine Height: Classroom Desk Height: Coke Machine Width: Atrium Height: (cm) ____________ (ft) ____________
(cm) ____________ (ft) ____________
(cm) ____________ (ft) ____________
(cm) ____________ (ft) ____________
3. Use conversion factors to convert these measurements, show your work:
a) 50 yards = ____________ cm
b) 75 years = ____________________ seconds
c) The nearest star is about 4 light years away = __________________________ miles
d) A car travels 60 miles per hour (mph) = _____________ meters per second (m/s)
e) The college football [ield is __________ yards = __________ meters = _________ km
f) 1 mile = ___________ in = ___________ ft = ___________ yards = ___________ m = ___________ km
4. Determine the following distances through online maps & sources.
OCCC Library to OKC RedHawks Stadium: (mile) ____________ (km) ____________
Length of a Runway at OKC’s Will Rogers Airport: (m) ____________!!
5. Submit your height & shoe size data into the survey on our course website.