Rosa Parks Curriculum Brochure Term 4

Value of the term: Confidence
Term 4 Timetable
Your child’s spelling log book needs to be in school everyday. These are used in the
spelling lessons which we have daily.
Monday: Reading records need to be in with two reading entries per week.
Tuesday: PE kit needed.
Wednesday: Homework is due in.
Thursday: Homework and spellings set, PE kit needed for enrichment.
Daily—Spelling Log books.
This term, as we celebrate World Book Day, our focus will be upon reading
and developing a love for reading. The children will have the opportunity to
become authors, using exciting vocabulary and dialogue to bring their adventure to life. We continue to ask for your support in hearing your child read—
the local library is an exciting place to visit (and free) as is the Story Museum in Oxford.
Every Thursday we hold a WOW assembly that showcases all the exciting
things your child does out of school. We rely upon you to let us know of
these achievements - Wow slips can be picked up in Reception.
Crime and Punishment—Year 4, Term 4
Topic Overview
This term we focus upon a history based project, studying Crime and Punishment since
1066. Through a collection of both primary and secondary sources, children will investigate crimes, policing and how society has changed the way in which criminals are
treated. In addition, we continue this focus through Literacy studying debate and discussion texts through ’A Tale of Two Cities’ by Charles Dickens.
Subject Coverage
The Hanwell Pledge
What is being covered?
Discussion text, song lyrics
Multiplication and division,
fractions and decimals
Crime and Punishment
Food Technology
Lent / Easter
Go on a residential trip
Visiting French teacher
Visit somewhere outside of
Take part in an extended
project or charity work
** taught discretely, not directly linked to topic
Cultural Visit
Present to an audience
Read a book a term
Represent the school to visitors, in a competition or as
part of a team.
Meet someone
End of Term Celebration
At the end of term, we would like to demonstrate the work we have been doing in our
music lessons!
Visits and Visitors
Visitor: A serving police officer
Date: TBC
Purpose of Visit: To help us learn about
the differences between modern and historical policing and crime.
Subject Coverage
Come and listen to our amazing opera singing !
Wednesday 23rd March—3pm
We continue to develop sentence structure in our writing through writing non-fiction
texts. We will be exploring the importance of balanced arguments through our highquality text ’A Tale of Two Cities’. Later in the term, we will be writing lyrics for our
We are focusing on multiplication and division and fractions and decimals. We are
continuing to develop our strategies for all 4 operations and our knowledge of times
Exploring the world of electricity, children will be learning how to make a circuit, and
what good conductors and insulators of electricity are. We will also be looking at sound
and focussing on which materials sound travels best through.
Through primary and secondary sources, we study how crimes have changed through
time and investigate the evolution of punishments given out.
Through practical lessons, we will be discovering what makes a healthy diet, then using
this knowledge to design and make our own pasta dishes.
We will continue to look at opera, working towards writing and staging our own operas
and developing tuneful singing and singing in multi-part harmonies.
Studying the meaning of Lent/Easter .
Girls will be studying fitness and will be undertaking a number of different indoor
Boys will be studying dance and will be focussing on movement and rhythm.
Philosophical questions that require the children to reflect upon their views of the world.