Organisation Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Sana'a, Yemen Activity 2015 Date June 2016 Implemented by Reporting period 2015 Result area Rio marker Result area Mitigation/Adaptation Gender marker Significant/principal2 Significant/principal Not applicable Significant Number Name Actual expenditure Name organisation Channel 27117 SFD WASH program 0 SFD Government 25584 Open and Accessible Data platform 21.357 Alterra Research institute and companies General Adaptation Significant Significant 26464 Vocational training WASH 154.126 UNDP Multilateral organisation General Adaptation Significant Significant 26568 Sana'a Basin 0 FAO Multilateral organisation General Adaptation Significant Significant 24731 SFD WASH program 134.661 SFD Government 24459 SAA WASH Recovery Project 94.558 NGO 26260 SAA Support Fund Water PI 7.400 ZOA VLUCHTELINGENZORG DEVELOPING COUNTRY-BASED NGO GROUP NGO Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)Not applicable Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)Not applicable Not applicable Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) General Significant Significant Adaptation Significant Result Area 1 Efficient water use in agriculture Result question 1a: To what extent has the ratio between crop yield and water use been improved in a sustainable manner in the target area of In the context of ongoing conflict, FAOstat yield statistics demonstrate decreasing sorghum yields in Yemen in the last few years. For efficient water management your programme (‘more crop per drop’)? and improved agricultural practices, good information on the current water availably is essential. However, this information is currently not available and/or accessible in Yemen due to conflict and insecurity. The project 'Open & Accessible Data Platform on Irrigation for Yemen' will contribute to improved information availability. From 2016 onwards the yield and water productivity will be determined with the use of remote sensing. Indicator Baseline Target 2017 Result 2012 Result 2013 Result 2014 Result 2015 Indicator 1: Agricultural yields of main crops in kg per hectare (sorghum) 894 kg/ha (2011) No national target 918 kg/ha 873 kg/ha 818 kg/ha not available yet FAOstat No national target 0,18 kg/m³ 0,171 kg/m³ 0.160 kg/m³ not available yet FAOstat Indicator 2: Water productivity: sorghum yield per unit of water (kg/m³) 0,175 kg/m³ (2011) Result question 1.b:To what extent has your programme contributed to this result? Indicator Baseline Result 2016 Source Training on water availability and the current situation will lead to better decisions making regarding agriculture/food production and introducing modern irrigation technologies ('more crop per drop'). However, the training in the use of the HydroNET portal was delayed due to the war. Target 2017 Result 2012 Result 2013 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source Indicator 1: Availability of monthly recharge and runoff maps n.a. n.a. n.a. 100% 100% 100% Maps available in the Open & Accissible Data Platform on Irrigation for Yemen Indicator 2: Availability of water accounting data n.a. n.a. n.a. 100% 100% 100% Water Accounting + analysis based on data from the Open & Accessible Data Platform on Irrigation for Yemen Indicator 3: Open and accessible Data Platform on Irrigation for Yemen n.a. n.a. n.a. 100% 100% 100% Indicator 4: Total cultivated land (ha) n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 79004 ha Project Progress Report 2015 Sana'a basin Indicator 5: Water saving Cublic meter during implementation phase (1 79608 (before project) year) 1,147,248 n.a. n.a. n.a. 382416 m³ FAO (Sana'a basin project) Indicator 6: Number of green houses n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 514 FAO (Sana'a basin project) n.a. 214 (before project) Satellite data Assessment of results achieved by NL across the entire Result Area 1 Efficient water use in agriculture Assess achieved results compared to planning: C. Results achieved poorer than planned Reasons for result achieved: Due to the security situation in Yemen, fewer trainings could be organised. Implications for planning: The security situation in Yemen has hampered the implementation of efforts in the water sector and especially water management projects. The Open & Accessible Data Platform on Irrigation for Yemen is based on satellite data and can be acquired despite the situation in Yemen. The development of the platform and the end user applications continued as planned. However, the training of end users in Yemen did no take place because of the security situation, but is planned for July 2016 in Cairo. Result Area 2 Result question 2.1a: To what extent has there been progress in the development and implementation of plans for sustainable growth and water safety (incl. good governance) in the target area of your programme? Indicator Baseline Improved river basin management and safe deltas Yemen has 14 water basins. Only six of them have a water basin management plan. Amongst the constraints are a weak legal and institutional set-up, including a lack of enforcement of the Water law; weak monitoring and maintaining of plans and of efficient water use. The National Dialogue Conference that has formulated new policies and a new structure in many policy fields will effect the water basins structure (federalization process vs natural water basins). However the NDC is halted due to the security situation. Due to the war and absence of government, results in water management are below expectations. Target 2017 Result 2012 Result 2013 Result 2014 Result 2015 Indicator 1: Number of river basins / deltas with water allocation / flow management / coastal defense plans in place that are ecologically and 0 socio-economically sustainable 2 0 0 0 Data not yet available NWRA / FAO Indicator 2: Existence of national policies, strategies and (master) plans for IWRM 1 updated/ upgrated National IWRM plan 0 0 0 Data not yet available MoEW/other donors Indicator 3: Number of people (male/female) targeted in the Dutch water management projects 0 880.000 (400.000 M & 480.000 F) Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not yet available FAO Result question 2.1b: To what extent has your programme contributed to this result? Indicator Baseline Result 2016 Source The Embassy has assisted in updating plans for two water basins in Yemen - Sana'a Basin & Tihama Basin. It includes the introduction of the concept of water as an economic good (economic value of water in production chains). Part of both projects is to provide new water basing management tools and to make policies on how to develop plans in an optimal way (evidence based planning), where managing & monitoring of the scarce water resources play a very important role (taking into account affordability and equity criteria). Programme objectives include the implementation of water efficient and climate-smart crop production systems (Sustainable Crop Production in combination with Climate Smart Agriculture and Groundwater Management). Third important part of the Water programme in Yemen is stimulating a dialogue with all (non-technical) actors dealing with the water sector (including members of parliament). The Water Environmental Center (WEC), which received support earlier, is now a partner in stimulating of the above mentioned dialogue and promoting a nationwide dialogue (policy makers, opinion leaders, politicians, academics) on the topics of designed water use and water law enforcement. Finally, a stronger focus on gender and integrating gender has been pursued. The choice for the way forward is very clear: EKN wants to provide continued support for enhancing women's role in Yemeni society. Based on these objectives, EKN Sana'a envisages a program where women and girls, and youth in general will be empowered, where there will be demand creation from civil society for better social services [including water and sanitation, (vocational) education/literacy, health, civil security and access to justice for women and youth], and where civil society holds their government accountable for these services. Target 2017 Result 2012 Result 2013 Result 2014 Result 2015 79200 880 880 273 Data not yet available >50 WUA's (79,000 farmers) 5 WUAs (50 farmers) 5 WUAs (50 farmers) 5 WUA (50 farmers) Indicator 3: Cost-effective water resources assessment and monitoring 0 system (WRAM) in place to be defined for Sanaa & Tihama Basin 0 0 Data not available Data not available NWRA / FAO / Alterra Indicator 4: Percentage of women in decision-making positions at IWRM institutions 20% 0 0 Data not available Data not available NWRA / FAO Indicator 1: "Number of farmers involvement" targeted in the Dutch water management projects [EKN and its implementing partner have 10% define "% of farmers involvement" in WUAs in SB/ project (and later in TB project)] Indicator 2: Number of effective IWRM institutions operational at the river basin level to provide a framework for water resources allocation, 5 WUAs (500 farmers) protection and management [EKN and its implementing partner has defined "number of operationel WUAs" as an indicator] 0 Result 2016 Source NWRA / FAO NWRA / FAO (FAO = IA) Assessment of results achieved by NL across the entire Result Area 2 Improved river basin management and safe deltas Assess achieved results compared to planning: C. Results achieved poorer than planned Reasons for result achieved: The Sana'a Basin project has started mid June 2014, but experienced 6 months delay in the inception period and was affected by the deterioration of the political and security situation in Yemen. So far 20 Water User Associations (WUAs) out of 38 have been officially established and started working. Implications for planning: In the report over 2015, Sana'a Basin projects still expects to meet the outcome. So far, only the wastewater treatment scheme was adapted. Result Area 3 Result question 3.1a: How many people (male/female) have gained sustainable access to an improved water source or improved sanitary facility and to what extent has governance been improved on this topic in the target area of your programme? Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) No recent national data available. The Demographic and Health Survey 2013 (results available in 2014) is the most recent available data. Indicator Baseline Target 2017 Result 2012 Result 2013 Result 2014 Indicator 1: Percentage of people (urban/rural, male/female, from vulnerable groups) reached with sustainable access to and use improved sanitation facilities 34% (2011) [17,68 % M & 16,32 % F) 47,5% [24,7% M & 22,8% F] 34,10% 36% [18,72% M & 17,28% F] 36% [18,72% M & 17,28% F] no recent data Combination of various sources as JMP did not provide statistics since 2013 (UNICEF/SFD/ZOA) Indicator 2: Percentage of people (urban/rural, male/female, from vulnerable groups) reached with sustainable access to and use improved water sources facilities 47% (2011) [24,44% M & 22,56% F] 62,5% [32,5% M & 30% F] 46,5% 51% [26,52% M & 24,48% F] 51% [26,52% M & 24,48% F] no recent data Combination of various sources as JMP did not provide statistics since 2013 (UNICEF/SFD/ZOA) Result question 3.1b: To what extent has your programme contributed to this result? Indicator Baseline Result 2015 Result 2016 Source The Embassy supports SFD in WASH activities.The project includes 22 water projects targeting 22,380 people and 14 sanitation projects, targeting 124,130 people. Implementation was postponed for 6 months due to the war and the (wrong) assumption that the Netherlands would stop funding. It is not possible to report results in exact figures, as SFD reports projects as partially completed, ongoing etc. Implementation for 22 projects varies from 16% to 92%. 14 projects are in preparation phase. Target 2017 Result 2012 Result 2013 Result 2014 Indicator 1: Number of people (urban /rural, male/female) reached with sustainable access to, and using, improved sanitation facilities through 0 central programmes 260,000 (estim.) [135.200 M & 124.800 F] 4,654 [2420 M & 2234 F] 33,316 [17324 M & 15992 F] 33,316 [17324 M & 15992 F] Result 2015 Result 2016 no data NWRA/SFD/UNICEF/ZOA (partners in the project implementation) //2014: No progress! Source Indicator 2: Number of people (urban/rural, male/female) reached with sustainable access to, and using, improved water sources through central programmes 0 260,000 (estim.) [135.200 M & 124.800 F] 4,654 [2420 M & 2234 F] 33,316 [17324 M & 15992 F] 33,316 [17324 M & 15992 F] no data NWRA/SFD/UNICEF/ZOA (partners in the project implementation) //2014: No progress! Indicator 3: Number of people (urban/rural, male/female) reached with hygiene education and social marketing programmes through central programmes 0 260,000 (estim.) [135.200 M & 124.800 F] 4,654 [2420 M & 2234 F] 33,316 [17324 M & 15992 F] 33,316 [17324 M & 15992 F] no data NWRA/SFD/UNICEF/ZOA (partners in the project implementation) //2014: No progress! Indicator 4: Number of communities/schools declared open defecation free (ODF) through central programmes 0 unknown unknown unknown data not yet available no data (Estimation 2014: No progress!) Result question 3.2a: To what extent have water management aspects and a more business oriented way of working been applied in your WASH programmes? Efforts promote the involvement of private sector and generating sustainable employment in WASH for vulnerable youth. Due to war hardly any progress has been made. Indicator Result 2013 Indicator 1: Numbers of municipalities / neighbourhoods / Low Income Comunities (LIC where a holistic water management framework has been created for drinking water, sanitation (including solid waste) Baseline 0 Target 2017 will be defined during 2014 Result 2012 0 Result question 3.2b: To what extent has your programme contributed to this result? 0 Result 2014 no data Result 2015 Result 2016 Source MASP 2014-2017 has introduced a new project "Integrated approach to Gender through WASH/SRGR/RoL", which propagates a holistic approach no data Embassy support to UNDP Vocational training in Hajjah governorate contributed to the establishment of 103 micro-enterprises (youth projects) related to WASH conditions and thus created economic self-reliance for youth. Also 523 people (200 women, 323 men) opened their own bank account. Indicator Baseline Target 2017 Result 2012 Result 2013 Result 2014 Result 2015 Indicator 1: Number of local entreprenours (male/female) gaining an income form WASH sector activities Result 2016 Source 0 600 (25% female) 0 20 20 103 UNDP Indicator 2: Number of private actors trained (male/female) in water supply and sanitation services 0 609 (25% female) 0 60 60 304 (34% women) UNDP/ZOA Assessment of results achieved by NL across the entire Result Area 3 Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) Assess achieved results compared to planning: C. Results achieved poorer than planned Reasons for result achieved: In the early stages of the conflict the speed of project implementation was affected by the security situation in several governorates. Additional challenges were also faced with the procurement of supplies and price fluctuation of local construction materials. Despite these challenges partners exerted themselves to provide safe drinking water to communities in need irrespective of conflict and insecurity. Implications for planning: Critical WASH infrastructure and supplies have been damaged in the conflict. An estimated 19.3 million people in the 7th most water scare country in the world require humanitairan assistance to ensure access to safedrinking water and sanitation. Moreover, the declining availability of WASH aggravates the risk of WASH related diseases like diarrhoea. For this reason the Embassy does not only seek to continue but also increasing support to organisations that manage to address (humanitarian) WASH needs in Yemen. Consequently, by the end of 2015 SFD has accelerated implementation. Result Area 4 Result question 4.1a: How has the added value (knowledge, expertise, products and services) of the Dutch water sector been deployed in the preparation and implementation of programmes in the water sector? Trade and development cooperation For 2015 a training in use of the data platform was planned. Due to the war, this training was postponed (now planned for July 2016). Though 3 water knowledge institutions (Alterra, Eleaf, hydroLogic) are still involved in the project, no activities could be implemented due to the war. Indicator Baseline Indicator 1: Number of Dutch water knowledge institutions active in the local water sector Target 2017 Result 2012 Result 2013 Result 2014 Result 2015 N.a. 1 7 4 3 Indicator 2: Number of Dutch NGOs active in the local water sector 1 Indicator 3: Number of Dutch companies active in the local water sector 0 Indicator 4: Number of Dutch water boards and drinking watercompanies active in the local water sector 0 Result 2016 Source Result question 4.1b: To what extent has your programme contributed to this result? Indicator Baseline Target 2017 Result 2012 Result 2013 Result 2014 Result 2015 Number of Dutch water sector actors directly involved in preparation and implementation of Dutch funded programmes (by companies, NGOs, Knowledge institutions) 0 NA 1 7 6 (3 Companies, 1 NGO, 2 Knowledge Instit) 1 NGO, 3 water knowledge institutions (yet, due to the war not active). Result 2016 Source EKN / NWP / FAO Assessment of results achieved by NL across the entire Result Area 4 Trade and development cooperation Assess achieved results compared to planning: […] Reasons for result achieved: NA Implications for planning: The Netherlands Embassy has decided not to engage in new Water Management Projects, as long as the war continues, but focus on (humanitarian) WASH projects.
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