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GR 5F Vers Coblence
Car park
Information board
Pic-nic area
Food and drink
Long country walk
n° 5
GR 5 Vers Amsterdam
Long country walk
Éc h e lle 16 0: 0 0 0
3 km
1 c m s u r alartec re p és
r en
te 6 0 0 m s u er rra
le in
Echelle 1 : 60 000
Link to the statue of the Virgin Mary at Belleville
4 km - 1h15
the "four winds", round tour - 13 km - 4h00
the "wolf rock" round tour - 17 km - 5h30
the "burnt wood" round tour - 5 km - 1h45
the "verpillère" round tour - 12 km - 3h30
the "mills" round tour - 10 km - 2h45
IMPORTANT : The hiker accepts full responsibility for his own safety.
The information written on this map is indicative, it doesn't engage the NGI ( National Geographic
Institute) or the TCEMV ( Town's Community of Esch and Moselle Valley) responsability.
Realized by the National Geographic Institute and edited by the TCEMV
( Town's Community of Esch and Moselle Valley).
In collaboration with the FFFRP and ONF.
The execution of this project was made by the club : "Rando des Vals de Moselle et de l'Esch".
Premier ministre
MinistËre de l'AmÈnagement du
Territoire et de l'Environnement
c I.G.N. PARIS 2002 (Fond topographique) - Autorisation n 70 20013
c C.C.V.M.E. 2002 (Surcharges touristiques)
GR 5 Vers Nice
GR 5F Vers Bussang
GR 5 Vers Nice
The four winds round tour
(circuit Les Quatre Vents)
13 kilometers, 4 hour round tour
ROSIERE-EN-HAYE, indicated by red discs.
From centre of village, pass in front of the church and the
MAIRIE, and come to and then cross over the RN411, with
care. Turn straight left for 200 meters on to the path running
alongside the road, turn right and continue across the fields for
about 3 kilometers until you reach and cross over the D 907
leading to ST GEORGES (a hamlet of SAIZERAIS).
Cross over the main road and follow the GR in the direction
NANCY/ METZ for 3 kilometers, leaving this axe by the left to
follow the double indications RED DISC/GREEN RING
Cross over the RN 411 for the second time, go left down the car
park for 100 meters, and then turn right.
Avoid taking the BLUE DISC/GREEN RING indications on
the right, but carry straight on, following the BLUE DISC
As you come out of the wood, turn left following the RED
DISC/RED RING indications up to the tarmac road (leading to
SAIZERAIS). Turn left down the road for 300 meters, and then
right for a path that passes in front of a grain silo and leads to
ROSIERES. Cross the road at the information board.
The VERPILLERE round tour
(circuit de la VerpillËre)
a 12 kilometers round tour of about 3hr30mins starting at
Leave the village by the south take the GR 5 (on the left,
direction VILLERS/DIEULOUARD). Cross over le D 10 and
carry straight on to the Roman road, still on the GR 5. Turn left
just before you come to the grain Silo at
VILLERS-EN-HAYE. Carry on along the edge of the wood
until you come to the road that runs between
VILLERS-EN-HAYE and the N 411.
Going left, take this road for 300 meters, and then go along the
mud path on your right until you come to the corner of BOIS
BRULE, carry on in the same direction for 400 meters. From
here you can see the ruins of the FERME DU JOLIBOIS on
your right.
Take the opposite direction to join up with the road at the water
tower,, turn right onto this road..
Once in VILLERS-EN-HAYE, go down the path on the left to
the LAVOIR (wash house).
Turn right from there towards GRISCOURT for 500 meters,
then on your left you may take the path that takes you straight
back to ROGEVILLE (35 mins), **or you may go straight on to
the MOULIN de VILLERVAUX for another 1.5 kilometers,
and join up with the GR 5 to take you back to ROGEVILLE
(60 mins).
** alternative road
The 'burned wood' round tour
(circuit le Bois br˚lÈ)
to the 4 winds round tour
(liaison Belleville/circuit des Quatre Vents)
A 5 kilometers, round tour of which takes about 1hour 45mins
indicated by GREEN RINGS.
A 4 kilometer link-up that takes 1 hour 15 mins.
From the MAIRIE in the centre of the village of BELLEVILLE,
indicated by RED TRIANGLE.
then cross over the fields and woods for about 3 kilometers. 300
meters after the barrier climb up on right to pass under the
electric cables.
Turn right for 500 meters at the SAISERAIS used water purifying
station and then climb up on the left. Go towards the right to
join up with the 4 winds round tour (indicated by RED DISCS)
The Wolves-rock round tour
(circuit "la Roche aux Loups")
A 17 kilometer round tour that takes about 5hours 30 mins,
indicated by blue discs.
Departure: LA PLACE DE VERDUN, dominated by the
This tour begins in the same way as the GRP METZ/NANCY
(indicated by RED AND YELLOW STRIP)
Leave the PLACE by the RUE PORTE BOULOT , the RUE
DU CHATEAU, the RUE SAINT LAURENT, which runs in
front of the church and then the RUE FRANCOIS SESMAT
which finishes at the CHEMIN ENFONCE.
Continue in the same direction for 2.2 kilometers to the BOIS
BRULE. At the corner of the wood, quit the GRP indications
which go off on the left and carry on in the same direction on
the grassy path along the edge of the wood.
At the intersection join up with the 4 winds tour, (RED
DISCS). Turn right and continue for about 1200 meters, where,
in the fields you come to the ruins of the FERME DU
JOLIBOIS. Continue on your left in order to join up with the
VERPILLERE tour, (RED RING). Turn right down the first
small road you come to which leads to VILLERS-EN-HAYE.
Walk 200 meters down LA GRANDE RUE. Turn left between
the houses when you reach the bus shelter turn down a grassy
path that leads to the wash house (LAVOIR) Go right down the
path that leads to an intersection with the MILLS ROUND tour
(YELLOW CIRCLE). Turn right to GRISCOURT passing by
the mill. Cross the bridge over the ESCH at GRISCOURT and
go up the GRAND-RUE.
Take the JEZAINVILLE road and, 400 meters further on
instead of taking the first right turn, separate by taking the
grassy path on the left. Continue over the fields to come right
up to the village woods, and turn sharp right for 150 meters,
and then turn left. There is a stoned road just ahead. Turn
right for 1500 meters down this stoned road until you come to
the D 107. Go along the D107 for 250 meters, turn left and
cross the river ESCH by the foot-bridge, turn right onto the
path that leads to the D 10*
Turn sharp left for about 500 meters along the path on the edge
of the pastures, then take the first path on the right, leading
down to DIEULOUARD in order to return to the starting
point on the RUE PORTE BOULOT
*alternative route
In order to avoid DIEULOUARD and continue on the
CHEMIN ENFONCE, turn right, indicated by YELLOW
Starting point is 3 kilometers out of DIEULOUARD on the RN
411 TOUL road. The car park is on the right side.
Go 200 meters down the old TOUL road which runs parallel to the
RN 411 and then turn right onto a path leading to an intersection,
which joins up with the WOLVES ROCK round tour (BLUE
Turn right, and as you arrive in the fields you can distinguish on
your left, the ruins of JOLIBOIS FARM. Carry straight along on
the edge of the "BOIS BRULE" wood. 1500 meters further on
turn right onto the Metz Nancy GRP (RED AND YELLOW
STRIP) direction NANCY. After 300 meters turn left down a
narrow path parallel to the road, then join up with the RN 411 on
the right. Cross with care.
On the opposite side, go down the path for 200 meters; follow on
the left for 50 meters and then the path on the right that runs along
the edge of the BOIS DE NELEU. Meet up with the 4 WINDS
tour (RED DISCS) 1500 meters further on.
Continue on the right for 800 meters, coming up to and going right
down a small road in order to join up with the RN 411. Cross the
road with care to get back to the starting point.
The Mills Round Tour
(circuit des Moulins)
Round tour of 8.50 kilometers, taking approximately 2hours
45mins, leaving from GEZONCOURT, MOULIN DE
VILLERVAUX (on the left as you leave the village, direction
MARTINCOURT) indicated by yellow rings.
Cross over the river ESCH by the small foot bridge, and carry on
in front of the mill. Enter into the GROS BOIS (You may choose
to take an alternative road by going to VILLERS-EN-HAYE in
order to join up with the path that goes between
At 1 kilometer go left to join the GR 5 which crosses the
communal woods of ROGEVILLE. At the intersection, going
down on the right, (5 mins), just before the foot-bridge there is a
very old and magnificent elm tree. Before you come out of the
woods if you take the last but one path on your left, (another
detour) if you wish to see the entrance of the "TROU DU GROS
BOIS" (a sort of pot-hole entrance)
Upon reaching ROGEVILLE, turn left before you reach the
church, and go along the CHEMIN DE L'ORME, to the
GRISCOURT/VILLERS-EN-HAYE road. Turn left onto this
road, which passes by the MOULIN DE GRISCOURT and joins
up with the D 106 at the bridge over the stream, the ESCH.
Go over the bridge and cross the village on the D 106, direction
GEZONCOURT. 200 meters after the cemetery, leave the road by
the path on the right, and at 1 kilometer turn left to join up to