printable registration flyer

Marathon Meetings ◊
Atrium Hotel & Convention Center
Friday & Saturday Entertainment
1400 N Lorraine, Hutchinson, KS
Saturday Luncheon
Reservations: (620) 669-9311
Recovery Workshops/Forums
Room Rates: Single/Double $83.00/night
Identify yourself as MARCNA
Registration badges are required to enter all events.
when reserving room.
A separate ticket is required to enter the luncheon.
The money that is collected from registration is
how we pay for all of the hotel and convention facilities that we use during the convention, as well
as all the associated service expenses. It is also how
we pay for all of the items contained in the registration packets, and in the future planning of this
convention. These expenses include the meeting
space, printing costs of flyers, programs, general
supplies, entertainment, and catering.
It takes many resources to make this and future
conventions happen, please help out by
pre-registering. Thanks!
“Over the years our fellowship has changed and our
literature has expanded and been revised, but the message remains the same: An addict, any addict, can stop
using drugs, lose the desire to use, and find a new way
to live. You are welcome here. Please stay and be part
of our growth, change, and recovery.
Basic Text xix
Name (s) _____________________________
Address _______________________________
City, ST, Zip ___________________________
Phone ________________________________
Email ________________________________
Clean Date ____________________________
Attention parents: There are no activities planned for children at this event. To clarify
M.A.R.C.N.A. policies and to maintain a positive relationship with the hotel, the follow-
ing policies have been implemented for all children in attendance:
• Children must not be left unattended or allowed to wander freely around the hotel at
any time.
• An adult must accompany children under the age of 16 at all times in the pool area.
Saturday Luncheon
$ 15.00
• Unescorted children will be promptly returned to their parents. This does not give
parents an excuse to allow their children to wander freely.
• There is a midnight curfew for all children under the age of 16, including the Saturday night dance.
Groups, Areas and vendors wishing to sell at the alternative
store MUST have pre-approval from the convention committee
on or before March 30, 2016. Please send your request along
with a letter to our committee. ALL items that are sold must be
N.A. related - no goods or logos from other fellowships will be
permitted for sale at this convention. As per our contract with
our jeweler, no jewelry may be sold at the Alternative Store.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Newcomer Donation
Please Mail to:
MARCNA 33, PO Box 67412, Topeka, KS, 66667
Convention Chair: Wayne 620-664-1860
Registration Chair: Michelle 785-383-2928
Please make checks payable to MARCNA XXXIII
Many convention participants ask the question,
“Why should I register for the convention? What
do they do with the money?”
Speaker Meetings
PO Box 67412
Topeka, KS 66667