Chaldean Translation Update What is the Impact?

April 2016
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for
teaching, for reproof, for correction,
and for training in righteousness.
2 Timothy 3:16
Chaldean Translation Update
We rejoice that Chaldeans appreciate the published modern Chaldean New Testament. Just this month
we sent ten copies to Iraq, and probably more requests to send New Testaments to Iraq will come in
the future.
We also received a letter in which someone stated their appreciation for the translation, including
handwriting in Arabic script the title on the front cover. The title is first in modern Chaldean and then
in Arabic and reads: The New Testament in the Sureth language. Chaldean Christians use the word
“Sureth” to refer to modern spoken Aramaic.
People sometimes substitute the word “Chaldean”, but for Chaldeans the “Chaldean language” often
refers to the old form that they do not speak anymore. Salim and I continue to work through Genesis,
as well as searching for Chaldeans who can help as proofreaders or serve as translators for the work
on the Old Testament. There is no doubt that Salim and I enjoy the translation process. We simply
wish it could go faster with more help. Please pray for this effort.
What is the Impact?
The Chaldean Bible is one of five projects being done by the Aramaic Bible Translation group (ABT).
Twice a year I meet together with other translators and consultants to review progress and encourage
one another.
Recently, translator Dr. Saadi shared that our translation efforts
into modern Aramaic are not the first. Over a hundred years ago
missionaries made some attempts but the effort did not stick. He
explained, "For over 500 years our people have been powerless.
We have been a small group of Christians, often unable to
accomplish a big project. But now through the work of ABT we
have come together and are working on new translations. Last year
I was community checking the Psalms in the homeland. I had
hoped to do 50 chapters. But we did 120 chapters! People did not
get tired of listening and hearing these Scriptures!”
Our Sureth Chaldean translation has yet to do the Psalms, but Lord
willing we will get to it. PRAY! Ask God for additional translators
to join the team. Thank you!
Chaldean Church History
The Crusades brought the Christians of Europe into direct contact with the Muslims (under the
military leadership of the Seljuq Turks) for two centuries, beginning in 1097. The capture of
Jerusalem in 1187 by the Muslim commander Saladin caused the crusaders to realize that they would
need outside assistance to retake the Holy Land. Rumors began to reach Europe of a powerful
Christian priest-king, called Prester John, who was said to rule a vast domain in the East. A supposed
letter from Prester John started to circulate around 1145 and the rulers of Europe began to put their
hope in this mysterious king, wondering if he would be the one to come to their aid. In reality, Prester
John never existed. There was indeed a new empire arising in the East, but it was not Christian and
its arrival in Europe brought destruction and plague, not assistance against the Muslim threat in the
Middle East. (The original story of Prester John seems to have been based on a distorted report of the
defeat of the Seljuq Sultan Sanjar in 1141 by the Qara-Khitai, a Buddhist empire based in northern
China.) [Adapted from The Church of the East by Mark Dickens (]
Prayer and Praise:
Pray that we may find more Chaldeans to help as translators and proofreaders.
Pray that Salim’s family may continue in good health to serve the Lord in various ways to
bring Christ to their community.
Pray for Christians in Iraq and Syria under persecution and for relief from suffering.
Thank God for all who pray and give to the Bunge Ministry at LBT to sustain this ministry.
For Contributions
Make checks out to
Lutheran Bible Translators
P.O. Box 789
Concordia, MO 64020
Designate: Bunge Ministry
Contact Information
(218) 640-7032 (Ken)
(218) 640-7012 (Carol)
E-Mail: [email protected]
Office: 1218 Stable Glen Drive
San Antonio, TX78245