Weekly Bulletin - St. Thomas More Oratory

Catholic Campus Ministry at the
University of Delaware
St. Thomas More Oratory
45 Lovett Ave. Newark, DE 19711
Fr. Ed Ogden, OSFS - [email protected]
Pastor, St. Thomas More Oratory
Chaplain, Catholic Campus Ministry at UD
Kim Zitzner - [email protected]
Director, Catholic Campus Ministry at UD
Pastoral Associate, St. Thomas More Oratory
Mass Schedule
5:00 PM
9:30 AM & 11:30 AM
Blue Hen Student Mass:
6:30 PM
Daily Mass:
Fr. Mark Wrightson, OSFS
Associate Pastor
Mandy Manzella – Office Assistant
Office - [email protected]
(302) 368-4728
5:30 – 6:30 PM
or by appointment
The Fifth Sunday of Easter
14 May 2017
“Mary & Baby Jesus” by Jean Keaton
“If I want only pure water, what does it matter to me whether it be brought in a vase of gold or of glass?
What is it to me whether the will of God be presented to me in tribulation or consolation,
since I desire and seek only the Divine will?”
~ St. Francis de Sales
14 May
Acts 6:1-7
Psalm 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19
1 Peter 2:4-9
John 14:1-12
21 May
Acts 8:5-8, 14-17
Psalm 66:1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 16, 20
1 Peter 3:15-18
John 14:15-21
Year to Date
Goal for Year
1 May 17
7 May 17
Next 2nd Collection
21 May 17
Priests’ Retirement &
Seminarian Formation
Summer mass schedule
Beginning 27 May 17
Class of 2017 Dinner
Mon – Fri 12:30pm
Sat 5pm
Sun 9:30 &
11:30am ONLY
Blue Hen Student Mass will
resume in September
Come join Fr. Ed, Fr. Mark & Kim for dinner at the
Oblate house to celebrate your accomplishments!
Mon. May 15 at 6:00pm
Please sign up on the website or tablet.
see www.udcatholic.org for signups/details
Midnight Breakfast – 18 May 10pm-12am
Breakfast served by the UD Religious Leaders at the
Newark United Methodist Church on Main St
Class of 2017 Brunch – 21 May 12:30
Please join us as we celebrate our graduates
All-loving God, we give you thanks and
praise for mothers young and old.
We pray for young mothers, who give life
and count toes and tend to our every need;
May they be blessed with patience and tenderness to care for
their families and themselves with great joy.
We pray for our own mothers
who have nurtured and cared for us;
May they continue to guide in strong and gentle ways.
We remember mothers who are separated from their children
because of war, poverty, or conflict;
May they feel the loving embrace of our God
who wipes every tear away.
We pray for women who are not mothers but still love and
shape us with motherly care and compassion.
We remember mothers, grandmothers, and greatgrandmothers who are no longer with us but who live forever
in our memory and nourish us with their love.
Annecy Pilgrimage
Information now available
Our parish sponsored Pilgrimage to Annecy,
France, the home of St. Francis de Sales will
be happening next summer!
July 2 – 7, 2018
For more information, or to
let us know you’re interested
in joining us, visit
Pastor’s Corner
Vol 2. No. 33
14 May 17
A Mother’s Day Reflection
Sunday, May 14th is the 101st Anniversary of Mother’s Day. For those whose mothers and grandmothers are
still alive - cherish them today. Hug and kiss them. Honor them. Thank them. For those whose mothers have
gone home to the Lord, remember them. For all who bear the name Christian, the name of our eternal family, let
us also honor the Mother of the Lord today. Her maternal care for Jesus still embraces all those who are joined
to Him, as members of His Body, by that great new birth of Baptism. Finally, let us ask the Lord to open our
eyes, and our hearts, to come to more fully understand the great mystery and gift of the Church as our Mother.
Let us live our lives as Christians, by living in the heart of Mother Church, for the sake of the world into which
we are sent to bear the Good News.
My mother’s name is Elizabeth Driscoll Ogden, born on July 23, 1929 and died on December 3, 1997. This
year is the twentieth Mother’s Day that she has been gone, and yet memories and connections are as real as if
they happened yesterday. A mother’s love for her children is like none other in this world—probably the
closest expression of love that God has for each of us—that we can experience on this earth. My mom (like
most moms) always put the needs and concerns of her five children and ten grandchildren above her own.
Whenever I went home for a holiday, birthday or anniversary my mom always sent me back to my community
with my favorite foods—like fresh prepared strawberries, the best potato salad I’ve ever eaten, and delicious
homemade chicken noodle soup.
My favorite memory of my mom took place in her home in November 1997. I spent a week with my mother,
who at the time was bed-ridden and preparing for surgery to have her leg amputated. She had poor circulation
that was complicated by diabetes. The evening before her scheduled surgery, while sleeping on the sofa, I was
awakened by my mother requesting that I come upstairs and sit with her. She was shaking and wanted to be
calmed. She felt it was due to either the anxiety about the surgery or the morphine drug that she was taking.
She asked if I would rub her back hoping that this might calm her nerves. As I rubbed her back she said to me,
“Ed, I’m ready to meet my maker.” You could imagine my reaction. My first instinct was to take flight. I was
neither prepared nor ready to deal with the issue of death. Despite this desire, my heart was saying, “Ed. Be
Still.” As I sat there with my mom, I wanted to say: “You were a trooper through four operations this past year
and you’ll come through this one as well.” “We are here with you and we’ll get through this one together.”
“The doctors tell us that prosthesis looks good and you’ll walk again in no time.” However, these statements
didn’t seem like they would help my mother at this moment. It was clear that in this present moment I was
being called to be still and to hold my mom in my arms. During this experience I was profoundly aware of how
much I loved my mom and how much she loved me. Living this particular present moment provided me with
an experience of the Love of God so powerfully—that I did not doubt for a second that the living God of Jesus
Christ was present in this stillness. I have been comforted every day by this experience for it was the last time
that I held my mother in my arms. She died two weeks after her surgery.
So, on this mother’s day share the memories of your mom, spend the day with her, and thank God for her gift in
your life.
Ongoing Programming
Come join us to pray the Rosary before the Blessed
Prayer & Meditation
TUE 5:30 PM
Looking for some quiet prayer & meditation time
during your busy day?
Stop by the O on Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30
5:30 – 6:30
5:30 – 6:30
Exposition & Adoration
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Bingo outreach
TUE 6:30 PM
The Jeanne Jugan Home is a retirement home in
Newark run by the Little Sisters of the Poor. We
volunteer our time by spending an hour playing
bingo and talking with the residents. We leave from
the Oratory at 6:30 and are back by 8:15PM.
Allison Dechant
Erin Donohue
Emma Gibbons
Grayson Kosc
Charlotte Maring
Benjamin Ryan
Hope Smith
Madyson Smith
Casper Stockman
Ella Symons
Reese Wikes
Other information
For the sake of God’s children
For the Sake of God’s Children is the safe environment
program of the Diocese of Wilmington, designed to keep
young people participating in ministry around the
diocese free from harm. Participants include the Bishop,
all priests, deacons, seminarians, religious, all lay
employees and volunteers. For more information visit
www.cdow.org and click the FSGC logo.
Support Our Troops
If you have a family member serving in the armed
forces or know a UD student or alum serving, please
bring in a picture with the name & unit address of
the soldier to and include in our prayers. Please
include the name and connection to the soldier for
our display board.
Water is life Kenya Kuku Project
Thank you to all you participated in the Water
Walk on April 22nd to help bring clean drinking
water to the people of Kenya and raise funds for the
new well to be built for the Community of Kuku.
The fundraising goal for the Water Walk was
$25,000. Thus far $12,600 has been raised. The
total cost of the project it $51,500. For more
information or to purchase a t-shirt or a Kuku
prayer bracelet or key chain please stop in the office
or go online to waterislifekenya.com
Their Eyes Were Opened and they Recognized Him
A few weekends ago marked the beginning of the
2017 Annual Catholic Appeal. Pledge cards are
available on the table in the chapel. You do not
need to fill out another pledge card if you have
already filled out the one sent to you in the mail.
However, we do ask that you please fill out a pledge
card even if you are unable to provide a gift this
year. Pledge cards can be returned to the office or
placed in the collection baskets after they are filled
out. Our target goal for the Oratory this year is
$56,000. Please help us reach our goal.