A method of determining the density of flue gases (Paper

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Smith, James Alexander
A method of determining the density of flue gases (Paper & Discussion)
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A method of determining the density of flue gases (Paper & Discussion)
(Paper by Prof. H. PAYNE.)
The PRESIDENT said he was sorry Prof. Payne was not
present. It was a disadvantage to take the discussion of thé
paper if the author was not present. If members had no
objection he would postpone the discussion until next meeting.
(Past President.)
Engineers, whether power, metallurgical or manufacturing,
can always ascertain the density of the gases within their
province, either by chemical analysis or precision weighing.
But it is not always essential to know the chemical composition; or the composition may be deducible with sufficient accuracy if the density is known. Then methods of a simpler or
more direct character have a use, particularly when it is desired to study cause and effect concurrently, and without any
appreciable intervening interval during which the cause might
The purpose of this paper is to describe a mode of determining gas density by gauge reading. So far as the writer
is aware, the method is new.
The basic theorem is that the densities of gases and their
pressures per unit area of base are directly proportional when
the gas-columns are of equal height.
Hence, if a column of air in a vertical tube of known
height is displaced by a given gas, the barometric and thermometric conditions remaining constant, the densities are in the
simple ratio:—
D= P
.. (I)
when.—D = Density of the given gas referred to air taken as
P = Known air pressure due to column height, and—
P' = Difference (±) of pressure due to gaseous displacement.
Assume that an accuracy within one per cent. of the total
air pressure due to the vertical or column height is required;
in other words, that a pressure due to the air in a column the
one-hundredth of the height of the column in the given case
must be evaluated. This order of minuteness of magnitude
at once contraindicates mechanism subject to friction, and
indicates the use of "frictionless" liquid gauges.
Postulating that, without the introduction of undesirable
complications, .02 inch is-the smallest significant difference of
level of such a gauge, then the relation of that minimum gauge
space to the minimum correlated gas-tube height (h) is given
by the equation:—
h= .02 inch X I00 x . .. .. .. .. .. . • .. .. ( 2).
when x is the specific gravity of the gauge-liquid referred t o.
air as unity. Therefore water, which is about 77 times
heavier than air, if used in a simple syphon gauge, and under
the conditions postulated, requires a complementary gas-tube
not less than, .02 inches x Ioo x 772 = 1, 544 inches, =
about 13o feet in height. Conversely, if the height (h) in
inches be given, then the maximum specific gravity of the
possible gauge-liquid (air, as before, being taken as unity) isdetermined by the formula,-
X=---2-- ..
Any convenient value may be assigned to h. Let, then, the
vertical height of the gas-column be Ioo inches. Then x =
specific gravity 50. That is, for such a tube height, a liquid iS
indicated not more than 5o times heavier than air, or.
= 1 5.44 times lighter than water.
No such light liquid is known; but its equivalent may be
attained if two immiscible liquids are caused to partially
equilibrate each other in such a manner that the difference
<which may be made as small as desired) of the specific gravities becomes the measure of the equivalent specific gravity of
the liquid system as a whole.
A gauge on the differential principle, capable of readily
dealing with gas pressures of the small magnitude in question, has already been described by the author in the "Proceedings" for November, 1909, Vol. X., p. 155, under the
title, "A Simple, Sensitive, Two-Liquid Differential Gauge for
Measuring Small Pressures."*
The gas-tube is very simple. In the example before the
meeting, it consists of a piece of /a inch wrought-iron gasbarrel Ioo inches in vertical height. At the bottom two stopcocks permit alternative connection to a gas-source or to a
gauge. To check diffusion the passage through the latter
cock should be reduced to a pin-hole. At the top, a third
cock, opening into the air, permits the tube to be gas-flushed
and filled, and when the main passage is closed, continues the
connection by a minute by-pass large enough to preclude any
possible barometric difference of pressure between the gas
inside and the air outside the tube, yet so small that diffusion
is negligibly slow.
The surface of the liquid in the gauge
cistern, and the bottom of the gas-tube must be approximately
at the same level.
If the gauge constants are unknown, a simple, comprehensive calibration covering all the factors can be effected
thus:—All parts being filled with air, adjust the gauge to zero.
''Also reprinted in
London, 1910, Vol. XC., p. 144, and
Scale, 3 full size.
B—Inlet gas cock.
C—Gauge cock.
D—Outlet gas cock.
E—Differential -gauge.
Note.—The barometric equalising vent (at D) is not shown. It consists of a piece of clockmaker's "bushing wire," one inch long and
-uinch bore.
Then displace the air in the tube with any easily generated or
procured gas of known density, for instance CO 2 , the specific
Then the pressure upon unit
gravity of which is 1.524.
of base of ioo inches vertical of CO2 is equal to
the pressure of too x 1.524 = 152.4 inches of air. Therefore, the consequent liquid displacement due to the displacement of the air by gas is equivalent to that which would be
caused by an air pressure of 152.4– 100.0= 52.4 inches. The
scale can be graduated or interpreted accordingly.
When relativity only is required, corrections may be dispensed with. The case of the immediate effect of draft
volume variation upon chimney-gas density is an example.
But if absolute readings are required, and if the barometric
and thermometric conditions differ from those which may have
been assigned in respect to P (formula I), and upon which the
value of the gauge divisions is computed, then a corrected
value P" must be substituted for observed P' in formula (I);
– (461+t')xP'
P,.- (461+t) 29.92xP'
( 4)
461x b
when. —I = observed temperature on Fahr's scale—
b = observed barometric . pressure in inches P'= observed pressure due to gas displacement, and-P".= corrected value of observed displacement pressure.
Strictly, a further correction should be made to compensate for the variation in the gas system volume, due to the
movement of the liquid in the gauge. Usually, however, this
amount is so small that it may be neglected in practice.
The actual graduations may be in any convenient term,
i.e.—density or specific gravity, percentages, or direct evaluations of the major object of the test.
(i.): The mode is equally applicable in the case of density
change due to chemical reaction other than combustion.
(ü.): In the case of inconveniently high tubes, all adjustments
may be brought within operative reach by constructing the tube as an inverted n , providing that the
minute equalising vent must then be placed at the
vertex, and must remain permanently open.
(iii.): A gas tube within a chimney and extending to its full
height, affords a means of ascertaining the density
of the chimney gases at the mean temperature within
the whole stack. From this may be deduced the
potential ascensional power of the gases, a result
not given by the ordinary draught gauges, which
show the utilised value only.
(iv.): Obviously portability can be attained by constructing
the tube in screwed sections.
(v.): Photographic continuous records can be attained by the
use of any of the well known devices. This implies
a constant passage of gas, therefore precautions
must be taken against the vitiation of the results
by the introduction of extraneous pressure head,
either by periodically cutting off the gas supply, or
by making the inlet very small in comparison with a
relatively large outlet permanently open. Necessarily there will be a lag in the records in respect
to time.
The PRESIDENT said they were indebted to Mr. Smith
again for a valuable contribution to the "Proceedings." Mr.
Smith had described a very ingenious instrument, and one
that should be of considerable use in many of their undertakings. It ought to find a place in.the boiler house, where a
dose study of flue gases was required. He thought Mr. Smith
would be pleased to further explain the apparatus at the close
of the meeting. In the meantime they could ask any questions they desired.
Mr. J. T. N. ANDERSON asked if it was not a fact that Mr.
Smith was the first designer of that apparatus?
Mr. J. A. SMITH said as far as he knew that was so.
said the gauge portion had been previously
communicated to the Institute, and had been published in the
"Proceedings." It had been reprinted in "Engineering" in
Iwo. Undoubtedly the instrument ought to find a fi eld of
usefulness in many directions. It was so extremely sensitive
and devoid of internal friction.
Mr. F. C. LINDBLADE asked if Mr. Smith took any special
precaution against the small dust to be found in the air to be
Mr. J. A. SMITH said he had not found it necessary to take
precautions against dust. The fact that the dust floated indicated that it could be considered statically as nearly of the
same specific gravity as the gas. Its mass in relation to the
mass of the gas was usually negligible. It would not, how.ever, be difficult to arrange a simple filtering device.
He might point out in respect to another matter that the
temperature of the gas tested was the temperature of the
..atmosphere at the time. The gas could be very easily cooled;
but that was hardly necessary since the mass of the gas-tube
was something like 1,000 times the mass of the contained gas.
Thus, even if the gas entered the tube hot, it would cool down
almost instantaneously.
Mr. J. T. N. ANDERSON said he presumed in measuring
hydrogen it would be necessary to employ a longer tube.
Mr. J. A. SMITH said no. Assuming the hydrogen to be 14
times as light as atmospheric air they would get a much
.greater pressure difference than would exist if the gas under
test were of nearly the same density as air. It was the pressure difference that was in question.
Mr. A. E. HUGHES asked whether the diffusion would
-introduce sensible errors?
Mr. SMITH said no. Owing to the length of the gas-tube,
its small bore, and the small diameter of the diffusion
aperture, diffusion was very slow—the error would be of the
order of r per cent. in 20 minutes.
Mr. J. C. LANE said that for the testing of flue-gas, the instrument would be superior to the "Orsat," if Mr. Smith could
get away from the ioo-inch tube that hindered its portability..
The "head" was necessary to obtain the gauge effect.
With regard to the other portion of the apparatus—the fl
tube—they had recently discovered at the Melbourne City
Electric Station a very satisfactory liquid for fixing the line
of demarcation that was found when dealing with liquids
of a slightly different specific gravity. Ordinary , carbolic acid
crystals were used. These when dissolved in water would only
take up a certain amount of that liquid. The balance of the
water remained clear and floated on the heavier liquid, which
was coloured with methyl violet. This was found exceedingly
satisfactory and sensitive. It did not mark or discolour the.
water column in any way, and there was always a clear line
to denote the zero point. What liquids did Mr. Smith use?
Mr. SMITH said various liquids were available. Those in
the actual instruments before the meeting were kerosene and
methylated alcohol coloured with a "spirit-soluble" analine
dye. They were to a small extent soluble in respect to each
other. But if they were kept in the same bottle, they quickly
became mutually saturated, and liquids sufficiently stable in,
specific gravity resulted.
There was, after a period of
use, an inclination to stain the glass tube in the portion
which should be clear. This did not materially affect indications, and new liquid could be quickly substituted, but the
liquids mentioned by Mr. Lane would seem to be of very considerable promise.
As to the height of the tube, as he had explained
in the paper, they might make it in pieces, screwing them
together. That gave portability. Otherwise, if a shorter tube.
were used, they must be satisfied with a proportionately
greater error than one per cent., or, alternatively, they must
make the gauge more sensitive.
The PRESIDENT said they should express to the author
their appreciation of his efforts in presenting the result of an'
interesting study.
A vote of thanks to the author was then carried.
WMIIr_ VIM rv__ i
Mr. J. T. N. ANDERSON said he presumed the reading of
a contribution of that sort did not constitute a discussion on
the paper. One could only express gratitude to Prof. Payne
for the large amount of work he had put into the paper. It
was only fair to Prof. Payne that he should be present when
the paper was being discussed. That being so; he would move
that the discussion on the paper be postponed. Under the
rules a discussion upon a paper lapsed after two meetings unless by resolution of the meeting.. They were deeply indebted
to Prof. Payne for giving them one of the most instructive
papers that had been read before the Institute, and the least
they could do- was to give the author an opportunity of hearingthe discussion on his paper.
Mr. C. F. LINDELADE seconded. Carried.
Mr. J. S. DETHRIDGE said he would like to add that it
should be clear that the reason was that the paper could only
be discussed at two meetings. He would like to say how
highly the paper was appreciated.
(Paper by JAS. ALEX, SMITH.)
Mr. J. N. REESON said it was one or two meetings, since
they had had the good fortune of listening to Mr. Smith's
paper on his apparatus for measuring the density of flue gases.
Therefore the paper was not quite so well within their recollections as it might have been. He was much struck with the
simplicity and novelty of the apparatus, and he thought the
Institute was indebted to Mr. Smith for bringing under it
notice an apparatus of that kind.
Evidently Mr. Smith's object in designing the apparatus,
was to determine the density generally of flue gases containing the usual proportion of carbonic acid gas. They all knew
that carbonic acid gas was a heavy gas, thus the instrument
would register the variation in the proportion. Although in'
good re-generating furnaces one was able to obtain very
high efficiency, in ordinary boiler furnaces the efficiency was
extremely low, and he was wondering whether an instrument-
.of that kind, which would indicate the difference in density,
would be sufficiently accurate to determine the quality of
flue gases.
He could not help thinking that an analysis of the flue
gases, although it would take more time, would perhaps be a
more useful guide. He was not saying anything to disparage
the use of Mr. Smith's instrument, but it occurred to him that
perhaps an analysis would help them. Mention had been made
by one of those taking part in the last discussion as to the
use of an instrument of that character in determining the
,constitution of illuminating gases. He thought, in that case,
although no doubt the instrument would indicate variations
in the constitution, yet the variations were so slight that if
the instrument were a recording one, they would generally
:see a straight line. He might indicate the variations that would
occur in ordinary coal gas. He would take the ordinarily con:stituted coal gas, as it was understood in Australia. He might
mention that the coal gas in Australia was quite a different
product from that in Europe, because it was the product of
an entirely different coal. Coal gas in Australia was composed of:—
.. 2 per cent.
COL, .. ..
Oxygen ..
CH .. .. .. .... 4
C.111 .. .. ..
H. ..
CO... .. .. .. .: Io
It would be seen that if there was a variation of the CO2 —
and the COQ was not likely to vary more than 0.2 per cent.—
that would have an inconsiderable effect on the gravity of that
The gravity of coal gas was about .48.
It would
be seen that the variation in the proportion of the CO2
would affect the gravity very slightly indeed.
It was also
,obvious that the proportion of nitrogen would affect the
gravity considerably. But as the nitrogen, for the sake of
those who supplied the gas, was kept as low as possible, he
feared that an instrument such as that, although it was an
extremely nice one, and one that he was interested in from
-an academic point of view, from the point of view of
.determining the quality of coal gas, he was afraid, would
not be of great value.
Mr. Smith had kindly promised to lend him the instrument,
and he purposed, to gauge its efficiency.
The easier they
could make the determining of the constitution of flue gases,
-or of any other gases, the better it was for everybody, because
the ordinary workman, who had a goed. deal to do with those
matters, should have placed in his hands some instrument
that he could more or less understand, and it should help him
in his work. He was sorry to say that, not only the British
workmen, but workmen all over the world, did not always
realise that the instruments with which they were supplied
were going to help them in their work. If they would only
realise that the production of a good flue gas meant less firing,
they might bring it home to them that if they paid more attention to their fires, the work would be rendered less arduous
than it was. He had again to thank Mr. Smith for his kindmess in bringing the instrument under their notice.
Mr. J. T. NOBLE ANDERSON asked if Mr. Smith had given
thought to the utilisation of the apparatus for other purposes
- than measuring CO. and other gases?
The PRESIDENT suggested to Mr. Smith that it would be
of great interest to the members if he could demonstrate the
use of his apparatus at some installation where boiler gases
were used. He would be glad to afford Mr. Smith an opportunity to give a practical demonstration at the City Electric
.Supply Works.
Mr. J. A. SMITH said he would do so with pleasure. And
he would be pleased to lend the apparatus to anyone who
•chose to make such tests, provided that they would undertake to make the results public. His apparatus, such as it
was, and anything he knew, were at the disposal of any
member who seriously wished to use them.
Mr. C. F. LINDBLADE said he had brought to the meeting
a somewhat similar instrument, which he had used in a totally
different sphere. It was used more as a thermometer. It was
based on an instrument Mr. Smith had described several years
ago in the Proceedings of the Institute. The gauge was somewhat similar to Mr. Smith's present instrument, only that thescale magnification was not so great. The purpose for which
it was used was testing electrical cable joints.
A closed
annular gas vessel was . slipped over the cable. The gas in.
the vessel was connected to the gauge by a flexible rubber
tube. Any thermal variation in the gas was thus translated
into pressure. Then, if the annulus was slowly moved along,
the cable and over a joint, the perfection or otherwise of a.
mode of jointing would at once be indicated by the order of
the temperature—or pressure—rise in relation to the other
portions of the current carrying cable. He had treated many
joints, and found it as accurate as many of the elaborateelectrical testing instruments in use.
The PRESIDENT asked if Mr. Lindblade depended on theresistance of the area at different parts of the section.
Mr. LINDBLADE said he did. He said that exceedingly
small currents could be measured by passing them through
thiii wire inserted in a "Thermos" flask. The flask was closed,
except by a connection to the differential gauge. The thermal
insulation was thus very high, and, as before, the heat effecf
was measured as a pressure. He then gave a short demonstration of the use of the instrument. It was shown that a.
variation of r deg. F. gave a scale reading of about 3i inches.
Mr. C. J. LANE said he had previously mentioned that he
used a liquid that answered very well. He had brought a
small sample along, that might be of interest to members.
It was carbolic acid crystals dissolved in water. The specific
gravity of the liquid, at 6o deg. F., was 1.05. It would not
take up any more water at that temperature, but as the temperature rose, it would absorb slightly more water until at
about 16o deg. Fahr. it would all become the same colour.
However, the temperature error did riot add any inaccuracy
to the instrument, because, when necessary, the zero level
could be adjusted. If they were working at ioo deg. they
could adjust the zero level to that temperature. Assuming-
io change in conditions took place during the reading, the
instrument would be perfectly accurate.
The PRESIDENT called on Mr. J. A. Smith to reply.
Mr. J. A. SMITH said, with regard to the first part of the
.discussion, a number of questions were put, and remarks
made, and these were answered at the time. He need not
.further refer to them.
With regard to the discussion that night—in answer to
.Mr. Reeson, he thought he had made it clear that there was
no intention of suggesting the abolition of the method of
Nothing could give a more definite or absolute
result than chemical analysis.
But he felt that it was not
.always convenient; and sometimes an analysis was not re-quired, then his instrument, though not intended to supplant
any instrument in use, gave an additional method. It had a
_particular utility where it was advisable to get the result
-before conditions could change. The volume of air through
the furnace might alter, and they would require to know the
immediate effect. The method in respect to chemical composition was qualitative rather than quantitative, but in respect
to the simpler mixture of flue gases it was largely quantitative
also. The case of the complex gas to which Mr. Reeson had
referred was clearly a case to which the instrument would
not be applied. The components differed so greatly, and their
permutations might be so numerous in the case Mr. Reeson .
:.had referred to, that the instrument would not be applicable
at all.
The instrument was applicable, not only to flue gases, but
to other gases in manufacturing processes, where the
gaseous mixture was relatively simple. Another means of
-obtaining a more accurate result, if it were necessary, was
to increase the length of the tube. But, as it was, one could
get an accuracy within I per cent. In Mr. Reeson's practice,
he presumed, it was necessary to know with precision the
volume or mass of each of the gases present. In many other
cases in engineering, it was not necessary. What the engineer
was seeking for was, generally, the amount of CO2 . Nothing
•else greatly concerned him.
It was not likely, for instance,
-there was unconsumed hydrogen passing away.
It had been asked by Mr. Anderson if the principle had beenT
applied to other purposes than ascertaining the density of
gases. Mr. Lindblade had supplied an illustration in themeasuring of electrical resistance. He recognised Mr. Lindblade's instrument as a well-constructed modification of one
he had brought before the Institute in 1909.*. Mr. Lindbladehad improved it in a number of directions, and had applied it
to purposes that seemed to give great promise. The accuracy
obtained by its use as a thermometer was very great. When
first he used it as a thermometer it was because he had'
failed to get the results he sought by the use of resistancethermometers of precision. He made one on the pressure
principle, in which he could recognise definitely a change of
one-thousandth of one degree Fahrenheit. It was essentially the
same as the one described in the 1909 paper, except that therange was longer, and it was more sensitive. Another adaptation of it was in barometric work, when one limb of the gaugewas connected to a constant-temperature control gas reservoir.
He had used it in that direction for meteorological work, It
responded to the slightest variation of the barometer in a very
marked degree. There were many other purposes. He had
not used it for purposes of stress on pieces of machinery inmotion, as suggested by Mr. Anderson, but possibly it could
be used for that purpose.
Mr. Lindblade had done excellent work, and along the
lines upon which he was working there were other fields of
practical application. For instance, the equivalent of the
ammeter was interesting. In the early days of electrical'
research, a recognised method of testing an electric current
was to cause it to flow through a wire passing through thebulb of an air thermometer. Then the electric energy trans
lated into thermal effect was measured by the movement of a.
simple liquid in a vertical tube. The method adopted by Mr.
Lindblade was more sensitive.
As to Mr. Lane's method, it possessed considerable advantages; but he did not think he could agree with Mr. Lane
in one point—that temperature did not alter the accuracy of
the liquid. Temperature altered the solubility of the
*"The Differential Pressure Gauge in Engineering Thermometry," by
Jas. Alex: Smith, Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of
Tngineering, Vo. X., p. ¶96, agog.
salt. It was, therefore, not sufficient to bring the instrumentto zero, since they would be dealing with liquids, the difference
of the specific gravities of which varied in an unknown ratio,
according to the temperature. For ordinary constant temperatures the liquid Mr. Lane had introduced was of great
As to the President's remarks—his instruments were at
the disposal of anyone who proposed seriously to test their
actual installation, and he trusted those who did test suchinstallation would give the Institute the benefit of their work.
(Paper by J. T. NOBLE ANDERSON.)
The PRESIDENT said it had been his intention to haveasked a few well-known road engineers to favour them with
their presence, but the matter was overlooked at the last
moment. He would be pleased to receive a motion that the
discussion be postponed until next meeting, so that a more
useful discussion might be ensured.
Mr. J. N. REESON moved that the discussion be postponed.:
Mr. H. E. GROVE seconded. Carried.
(Paper by C. CATANI.)
Mr. J. T. N. ANDERSON said Mr. Catani had just suffered°
a very severe loss, in that his son had been killed in action.
Mr. JAS. ALEX. SMITH said he had just received a letter
from Mr. Catani, requesting that, if possible, the discussion..
be postponed.
The discussion was postponed accordingly.
Mr. J. T. N. ANDERSON moved an expression of condolence with Mr. Catani on the occasion of the loss of his Sonat the front.
Mr. J. N. REESON seconded. Carried.