Capítulo 7B - gramática Mandatos Formales (Formal commands

Capítulo 7B - gramática
Mandatos Formales (Formal commands)
Usted and Ustedes commands are easy to
remember if you learned the formula for the
Negative Tú Command.
To formulate an Usted command (it is the
same in both the affirmative and negative):
"yo" form of the verb (contains irregulars)
drop the "o"
"switch" the letter AR -> e
ER/IR -> a
To formulate an Ustedes command (for more
than one person):
Use the formula above, but after "switching"
the letter, add an "n".
For both Ud. and Uds. commands remember
the following:
1.) yo form irregulars (pongo, veo, conozco...)
2.) stem change (sirvo, puedo, hiervo, empiezo)
3.) CAR, GAR, ZAR (busque, apague, almuerce)
4.) D.I.S.H.E.S. = dar, ir, ser, haber, estar, saber
dé(n), vaya(n), sea(n), haya(n), esté(n), sepa(n)
5.) A.A.A. = affirmative commands, attach the
pronoun, add an accent if there is more than
one syllable in the command
(traígalo, ponla, hiérvalas...)
6.) negative commands=
No + pronoun + command
(No los añada, no me toque, no la mezcle...)
Por v. Para
1.) in exchange for...
2.) "along", "by", "through", "around" after a
verb of motion
3.) the duration of an action
4.) "for the sake of", "on behalf of"
5.) "in favor of" in the form estar por + infinitive
6.) means or method of transportation or
communication (by bus, by plane, by email, by
1.) purpose or goal
2.) the special use of an object
3.) destination or direction
4.) a time or date in the future (deadline)
5.) when comparing a person, object, or situation
with others of its kind
6.) to "be about to" in the form
estar para + infinitive