Class 6- English - Air Force School, Chakeri, Kanpur

Questions Bank
Who Did Patrick's Homework?
Multiple Choice Questions:
1 mark each
1. Patrick thought that his cat was playing with
a. ball
b. dall
c. basket
d. lid
2. Number of days were there in the semester
a. 20 days
b. 30 days
c. 35 days
d. 40 days
3. Promise was given by_____ to Patrick.
a. small man
b. elf
c. tiny man
d. fat man
4. Patrick played the games instead of doing homework
a. hockey and basketball b. football
c. cricket
d. video game
5. The means of slyly –
a. quickly
b. secretively
c. dimly
d. silently
6. The homework of Patrick was done by
a. Patrick
b. tiny man
c. cat
c. nobody
Short Questions
2 marks each
Why did Patrick think about home work as a boring task?
Who said if you do a good enough job within 35 days you would get A's?
Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish?
What was Patrick’s wish?
In what subjects did the little man need help, to do Patrick’s homework?
How did Patrick help him?
Who do you think did Patrick’s homework — the little man, or
Patrick himself? Give reasons for your answer.
8.Did Patrick like doing homework ?
9.What were the indoor and outdoor games he liked to play?
10. What did Patrick ask the elf to do ?
11. Did the elf like to do what Patrick had asked?
12. Did the elf do Patrick’s homework?
13. Patrick thought that he had made the tiny man do his homework, was he right in thinking so
14. What was the tiny man wearing?
15. What did the tiny man promise Patrick?
Long Questions
1. What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really?
5 marks each
Why did he hate to do a home work? Give your views in details.
Why did Patrick not do his homework?
How did Patrick get the elf to do his homework?
How did Patrick changed?
A House, A Home (Poem)
Read the poem and answer the questions given below
What is a house?
It’s brick and stone
And wood that’s hard.
Some window glass
And perhaps a yard.
It’s eaves and chimneys
And tiles floors
And stucco and roof
And lots of doors.
(i) A house is made up of
a. bricks
b. fibres
(ii) The word rhyming with eaves is
a. leaves
b. grieves
(iii) The floors are covered with
a. tiles
b. bricks
What is a home ?
It’s loving and family
And doing for others.
It’s brothers and sisters
And fathers and mothers. .
It’s unselfish acts
And kindly sharing
And showing your loved one
You’re always caring.
1 mark each
c. lives
c. marbles
(i) What is a home?
(ii) Who are members of the family?
(iii) What is the meaning of ‘unselfish’?
How the Dog Found Himself a New Master!
Multiple Choice Questions
1. A group of flower called
a. fleet
b. bunch
b. pack
c. flock
2. Man’s loyal servant is
a. the dog
b. the fox
c. the lion
d. none of these
3. Lastly Dog’s master is
a. lion
b. man
c. fox
d. none of these
4. Dog felt the need for a master because
a. he was fed up of wanders b. he didn’t want to be alone
c. he was not kind hearted
d. none of these
1 mark each
5. Dog’s first master was
a. wolf
b. man
c. bear
d. none of these
6. Bear was stronger then wolf, it was felt by
a. man
b. dog
c. bear
d. wolf
Short Questions
2 marks each
1. Why did the dog feel the need for a master?
2. Who did he first choose as his master?
3.Why did he leave that master?
4. Who did he choose next?
5. Why did he serve the Lion for a long time?
6. Who said where are you going, Dog?
8. Who produces the sound mooing loudly?
9. Why did the bear run hastily deeper into the forest?
10. Why did the dog get surprised to see his master deeper into the forest?
11.What decision did he take once?
12. What happened when the lion roared?
13. Like which creature did dogs like in freedom?
14. How did dog finally make man his master?
15.Why did the dog decide to choose bear as his master?
Long Questions
5 marks each
Who did he finally choose as his masterand why?
What moral lesson do you get from this story?
How can you say that dogs have been very clever since ages?
What moral lesion do you get from this story ? give your views.
Who became the master according to you and why?
The Kite (Poem)
Read the extract and answer the questions given :
How bright on the blue
Is a kite when it’s new !
With a dive and a dip
It snaps its tail
(i) Its poet is
a. Harry Behn
(ii) The blue refers to
a. the sky
(iii) The bright refers to
a. kite
Climbs to the crest
Of a gust and pulls.
Then seems to rest
As wind falls.
1 mark each
b. John Lyly
c. Ruskin
b. the earth
c. the colour
b. the star
c. the moon
(i) What climbs to the crest?
(ii) When does ‘it’ seem to rest?
(iii) What is the similarity between a kite and a human being?
(iv) What is the rhyming scheme?
Taro's Reward
Multiple Choice Questions
1 mark each
1. Taro ran in direction of
a. the wind
b. the stream
c. the sound
d. none of these
2.Taro’s father was delighted on
a. drinking the water
b. drinking the sake
c. drinking the sherbet
d. none of these
3. Water fall gave Taro sake and others water because
a. Taro was shrewd
b. Taro was kind and honest
c. Taro was unkind
d. Taro was dishonest
4. Taro was rewarded by
a. ten pieces of gold
b. ten pieces of silver
c. twenty pieces of gold
d. twenty pieces of silver
5.Taro earned very little money because
a. he didn’t work hard enough
b. the villagers didn’t need wood.
c. the price of wood was very low
d. none of these
6. Taro decided to earn extra money
a. to live a more comfortable life
b. to buy his old father some sake
c. to repair the cracks in the hut
d. none of these
Short Questions
2 marks each
1. What was the reaction of the villagers towards Taro?
2. Why did Taro run in the direction of the stream?
3. How did Taro’s father show his happiness after drinking saké?
4. Why did the villagers want to drown Taro?
5. Why did the Emperor reward Taro?
6. Why was Taro sad?
7. Where did he young wood cutter live?
8. How did Taro earn his living?
9. What type of boy was Taro?
10. How did Taro plan to provide sake to his father?
11. How did Taro discover the waterfall?
12. How did the old man feel on having a swallow of liquid?
13. How did the villagers come to know about the sake?
14. What did Taro find on reaching the waterfall the next morning ?
15. Write few words about the story “Taro’s Reward”?
Long Questions
5 marks each
1. Give the character sketch of Taro.
2. Why did the water of stream appear as a nectar for Taro but water for the villagers?
3. Why did the Emperor reward Taro?
4. How does kindness win over cruelty?
5. What moral lesson do you get from this? Describe it with.
The Quarrel (Poem)
Read the poem and answer the questions given below:
I quarreled with my brother
I don’t know what about,
One thing led to another
And somehow we fell out
(i) ‘I’ refers to
a. Eleanor Farjeon
(ii) ‘One thing’ refers to
a. an argument
(iii) An antonym of ‘made up’ is
a. quarreled
The start of it was slight.
The end of it was strong.
He said he was right.
I knew he was wrong!
1 mark each
b. John Lyly
c. Ruskin
b. a logic
c. a point
b. friendliness
c. understood
(i) How did the fight start?
(ii) How did the fight end?
(iii) What was the argument between the two?
(iv) Choose two rhyming pairs?
An Indian-American Woman in Space: Kalpana
Multiple Choice Questions
1 mark each
1. Kalpana Chawla was born in
a. Karnal
b. Karnataka
c. Delhi
d. Mumbai
2. She went to US in
a. 1996
b. 1997
c. 1998
d. 1994
3. Name of space shuttle
a. Columbia
b. Zambia
c. Space -2
d. Aerospace
4. Duration, she has been in space
a. 15 days, 16 hrs and 34 mins
b. 14 days, 15 hrs and 34 mins
c. 13 days, 15 hrs and 30 mins
d. none of these
5.The means of ‘boundaries’ is
a. frontiers
b. limitations
c fences
d. none of these
Short Questions
1. What inspiration did you get from Kalpana Chawla?
2 marks each
2. Where was Kalpana Chawla born? Why is she called an Indian – American?
3. How did she become an astronaut? What gave her the idea that she could be an
4.When and why did she go to the U.S.? Whom did she marry ?
5.What abilities must an astronaut have, according to the journalist?
6.Describe Kalpana Chawla’s first mission in space.
7. What does Kalpana chawla say about pursuing a dream?
8. Do you agree with her that success is possible?
9. Describe about early life of Kalpana Chawla?
10. What had been her remarkable achievement?
11. What was the source of Kalpana’s success?
12. What qualities are needed for success?
13. How did Columbia meet its disaster?
14. What was the message given by Kalpana Chawla to her near and dear ones?
15. What was the dream?
Long Questions
5 marks each
1.When and why did she go to the U.S.? Who did she marry?
2.What abilities must an astronaut have, according to the journalist?
3.Describe Kalpana Chawla’s first mission in space.
4. What does Kalpana Chawla say about pursuing a dream? Do you agree with her
that success is possible?
5.Kalpana Chawla has been symbol of sacrifice, inspiration and excellence. Justify.
Read the poem and answer the questions given below :
Beauty is seen
In the sunlight.
The trees, the birds
Corn growing and people working
Or dancing for their harvest.
(i) ‘Dancing’ means
a. flutters of crop
(ii) The synonym of beauty is
a. duty
(iii) Beauty can be seen
a. in the sunlight
Beauty is in yourself ,
Good deeds, happy thoughts
That repeat themselves
In your dreams,
In your work,
And even in your rest.
1 mark each
b. dance of people
c. waving of trees
b. pleasing
c. teasing
b. in the moonlight
c. in dimlight
(i) How can beauty be in oneself?
(ii) How do good deeds repeat themselves?
(iii) What does ‘even’ indicate?
(iv) Choose a word which means work?
A Different Kind of School
Multiple Choice Questions
1 mark each
1. The school was run by
a. Miss Beam
b. Miss Stream
c. Mr. Beam
d. Mr. stream
2. Find a word which means the same as ‘ghastly’
a. terrible
b. courageous
c cautious
d. carelessly
3.Miss Beam was the lady
a. with full of authority
b. with full of love
c. with full of unkindness
d. none of these
4. The window was facing
a. a large mountains
b. a large garden
c. a small hill
d. a long field
5. The author came to know about the school by
a. students
b. people
c. by school warden
d. by his father
Short Questions
2 marks each
1. What was the ‘game’ that every child in the school had to play?
2. Why do you think the writer visited Miss Beam’s school?
3. “Each term every child has one blind day, one lame day…” Complete the line. Which day was
the hardest? Why was it the hardest?
4. What was the purpose of these special days?
5. Were the teaching methods adopted n the school difficult?
6.Were the children really disabled physically?
7. The blind day was the most difficult. But for some children, the dumb day was the most
difficult. Why?
8. What did the blind girl mean by ‘He’s the gardener. He’s hundreds of years old!’
9.Describe Miss Beam.
10. What was the real aim of the school?
11.What did the children learn?
12. Were the girls really lame and blind?
13. What were the students taught?
14. Which of the days was the worst ? and why?
15. Why was being blind so frightening for the little girl ?
Long Questions
5 marks each
1. How was the experience of visiting Miss Beam’s school like?
2.Describe the real objective of the school.
3.Give a character sketch of Miss Beam.
4.How was the methodology of teaching the school children?
5. What moral signal do you get by this ?
Where Do All the Teachers Go?(Poem)
Read the passage and answer the questions given below
Where do all the teachers go
When it’s four o’clock?
1 mark each
Do they live in houses
And do they wash their socks?
Do they wear pyjamas
And do they pick their noses
The same as you and me
(i) The name of the poem is
a. Where do all the teachers go
(ii) Its poet is
a. Peter Dixon
(iii) ‘You’ stands for
a. teacher
Do they live with other people
Have they mums and dads?
And were they ever kljchildren
And were they ever bad?
Did they ever, never spell right
Did they ever make mistakes ?
Were they punished in the corner
If they pinched the chocolate flakes?
b. Teachers and students
c. Home
c. Harry Behn
c. student
(i) With what relations do teachers live?
(ii)What was the poet doubtful about?
(iii) Explain “pinched the chocolate flakes “?
(iv) Choose a word which means ‘to bite with nails’.
Who I Am
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Peter’s favourite day is Sunday because
a. whole family goes to cinema
b. whole family goes outside
c. he does something very valuable
d. none of these
2. Dolma has decided to become
a. Chief Minister
c. Prime Minister
3. Nasir wants to learn
a. how to read
c. how to preserve
4. Radha’s mother enjoys doing things with
a. Radha
c. Sarbjit
5. Rohit wants to sail down the river
a. Amazon river
c. Nile river
1 mark each
b. President
d. District Magistrate
b. how to be doctor
d. how to plough the field
b. Nasir
d. Rohit
b. Ganga river
d. Kaveri river
Short Questions
1. Why does Dolma believe that she can be a good Prime Minister?
2. What does Rohit want to see when he has a huge amount of money?
3. What makes Serbjit very angry?
4. Why did Radha think that she could rule the whole world?
5. what is Radha’s hobby and why does she enjoy it?
6. Why does Nasir want to become a seed collector?
2 marks each
7. How does Nasir act towards his family?
8. What is Rohit’s vision of life?
9. Why does Peter find second Sunday of every month favourite?
10. Why is Dolma confident of becoming the Prime Minister when she grows up?
11. How does Radha feel when she is at the top of the tree?
12.What type of family is talked about?
13. What two things father buys for the family?
14. Is Radha supported by others in this habit ?
15.Why does she find it simple to climb trees?
5 marks each
Long Questions
1. Describe any two of the following characters
a. Radha
b. Nasir
c. Rohit
d. Serbjit
e. Dolma
f. Peter
2.Who is the best one among these boys according to you ? and why ?
3 Who is the best one among these girls according to you ? and why ?
4.Compare between Dolma and Radha by giving facts regarding them.
5. How would you react if you were on the place of Dolma/Rohit?
The wonderful words (Poem)
Read the passage and answer the questions given below
Never let a thought shrivel and die
For want of a way to say it
For English is a wonderful game
And all of you can play it.
All that you do is match the words
(i) Name the poem is
a. The wonderful world
b. English
(ii) Name of its poet is
a. Mary O’Neil
b. Mary O’Nair
(iii) _____ is regarded as a wonderful language.
a. English
b. Music
But only words can free a though
From its prison behind your eyes
May be your mind is holding now
A marvelous new surprise!
(i) Explain ‘free a thought’ ?
(ii) What does ‘prison’ stand for ?
(iii) What new surprise is referred to in the above passage?
(iv) Choose a word which means ‘fantastic’ ?
Fair Play
1 mark each
c. Match of life
c. Eleanor Farjeon
c. Other subject
Multiple Choice Questions
1 mark each
1. “My wife knows best how to run the house” said by
a. Algu
b. Jumman
c. Sahu
d. Panch
2. Jumman’s friend is
a. Algu
b. Sahu
c. Sarpanch
d. Jumman’s aunt
3.’Victory to Panchayat’, decision was taken by
a. Algu
b. Jumman
c. Aunt
d. Sahu
4. “The voice of the Panch is the voice of God” suggests
a. the moral value
b. the lesson of life
c. the voice of Panch is everything d. God’s voice
5. An opposite meaning of ‘blunt’ is
a. coarse
b. sharp
b. wet
d. open
2 marks each
Short Questions
1. “Then the situation changed.” What is being referred to?
2. When Jumman’s aunt realised that she was not welcome in his house, what arrangement did she
3. What was the villagers’ reaction when the aunt explained her case to them?
4. Why was Jumman happy over Algu’s nomination as head Panch?
5. “God lives in the heart of the Panch.” the aunt said. What did she mean?
6. What was Algu’s verdict as head Panch? How did Jumman take it?
7. Algu found himself in a tight spot. What was his problem?
8. Why was Algu upset over Jumman’s nomination as head Panch?
9. What was Jumman’s verdict as head Panch? How did Algu take it?
10. Which of the following sums up the story best?
11. How did Jumman act as Head Panch?
12. What let to the bond of friendship to break off?
13. Why did Algu Chowdhry find himself in tight spot?
14. How did aunt finally react to the results?
15. What decision did Jumman give in Algu’s case?
5 marks each
Long Questions
1. Why were Jumman And Algu respected greatly to each other in the village?
2. How did Jumman's family become indifferent to Jumman's aunt?
3. What were the reactions of the villagers about aunt's case?
4 Attempt a character of Jumman.
5. Sum up the character of Algu.
A Game of Chance
Multiple Choice Questions
1. The name of shop was
a. Lucky Shop
c. Good Luck Shop
2. Prizes won by the boy
1 mark each
b. Luck Shop
d. Toy’s Shop
a. five
b. four
c. ten
d. eight
3. Rasheed was upset because
a. he lost all the money
b. he didn’t prize
c. he wanted more prizes
d. he forgot the way in the fair
4.The shop used to make the people fool, this fact was known by
a. people
b.Rasheed’s uncle
c. Rasheed
d. Police
5.’Trifle’ means
a. anything of high value
b. anything of little value
c. anything of no value
d. anything of best value
Short Questions
2 marks each
1. Why do you think Rasheed’s uncle asked him not to buy
anything in his absence?
2. Why was the shop called ‘Lucky Shop’?
3. An old man won a clock and sold it back to the shopkeeper.
How much money did he make?
4. How many prizes did the boy win? What were they?
5. Why was Rasheed upset?
6.Describe the fair.
7. Describe the scene at the lucky shop.
8. What luck did the little boy had at the shop?
9. What experience did Rasheed have at the lucky shop?
10. What type of person was his uncle?
11.Name three adjectives for the shopkeeper.
12. Where and why had the uncle gone?
13. How did uncle encourage the boy?
14. Why was his luck not good?
15.What did he encourage him to do?
Long Questions
5 marks each
1. In what way did the shopkeeper make a fool of Rasheed?
2.In what way “A game of chance” is true to child psychology?
3.Write a letter to your describing the whole incident.
4.If you were in place of the boy , how would you react then?
5. Give a character sketch of uncle.
Vocation (Poem)
Read the passage and answer the questions given below
When the gong sounds ten in the morning and
I walk to school by our lane.
Everyday I meet the hawker crying,”Bangles,
Crystal, bangles!
There is nothing to hurry him on, there is no road
He must take, no place he must go to, no
Time when he must come home.
I wish I were a hawker, spending my day in
The road, crying, “Bangles, crystal bangles!”
(i) Name of the poem is
a. vocation
(ii) Name of the poet is
a. Rabindranath Tagore
1 mark each
b. vacation
c. school
b. Mary O’Neil
c. Eleanor Farjeon
(iii) The child poet envies him because he is
a. bound by certain set norms
b. innocent
He does what he likes with his spade, he soils his
Clothes with dust, nobody takes him to
Task, if he gets baked in the sun or gets wet.
I wish I were a gardener digging away at th
Garden with nobody to stop me from digging
c. shrewd
(i) At what time does the poet come back from school?
(ii) What are the activities performed by the gardener ?
(iii) Explain ‘nobody takes him to task’.
(iv) Choose a word which means ‘to make dirty’.
Desert Animals
Multiple Choice Questions
1 mark each
1. Number of kinds of snakes are found in the world
a. 3200
b. 2300
c. 2400
d. 5000
2. The means of ‘forage’ is
a. to search for water
b. to search for food
c. to search for grass only
d. to search for milk
3. All the animals in forests and deserts struggle to
a. live
b. survive
c. drink
d. wander
4. The part of camel’s body that stores fat is
a. stomach
b. head
c. hump
d. neck
5. Snake is the family of
a. reptiles
b. predators
c. birds
d. none of these
Short Questions
1. Define the desert. Name India's great desert.
2. How is rattlesnake different from other snakes?
3. What type of snakes can survive for a year or more without eating?
4. What are predators? Give example.
5. Answer the following questions.
(i) How do mongooses kill snakes?
(ii) How does the hump of the camels help them to survive when
there is no water?
6.How can deserts be best defined as?
7. How do beetles make up the loss of water?
8. Which characteristics of snakes are mentioned in the above passage?
9. Write a few lines on the rattle snakes?
10. How do mongoose carry on their hunting activity?
11.How can you say that mongoose have a good management?
12.How has camel adapted itself to adverse climate conditions?
13.What two kinds of camels are talked about in the passage?
14. How many different species of snakes are known?
2 marks each
15 Why do beetles catch moisture on legs?
Long Questions
5 marks each
1. How long a camel can survive without drinking water?
2. What is the difference between Dromedary and Bactrian camels?
3.How do mongoose spend their time in the desert?
4.How are camels best adapted to desert like situations?
5.Give the main characteristics of snakes?
Whatif (Poem)
Read the passage and answer the questions given below
Last night , while I lay thinking here,
Some Whatfis crawled inside my eaar
And pranced and partied all night long
And sang their same old Whatif song:
(i) Who is I, here ?
a. poet
b. singer
(ii) Choose a word which means ‘Spring on hind legs’
a. pranced
b. season
(iii) The name of the poem is
a. whatif
b. vacation
Whatif I flunk that test ?
Whatif green hair grows on my chest ?
Whatif nobody likes me ?
Whatif a bolt of lightning strikes me ?
Whatif I don’t grow taller ?
Whatif my head starts getting smaller?
(i) How can he flunk the test?
(ii) What is green hair indication of ?
(iii) Name any two of his fears?
(iv) Choose a word which means the same as ‘missed’
The Banyan Tree
1 mark each
c. old man
c. move
c. vocation
Multiple Choice Questions
1 mark each
1. The banyan tree served the boy as a
a. crude platform
b. smooth platform
c. dry platform
d. fresh platform
2. One spectator was myna and the other was
a. crow
b. snake
c. mongoose
d. cobra
3. The means of ‘fangs’
a. sharp teeth of snake
b. blunt teeth of snake
c. tongue of snake
d. teeth of mongoose
4. The fight happened in mid air between
a. the crow and the myna
b. the crow and cobra
c. the mongoose and myna
d. none of these
5. _____ was too old to climb the tree.
a. grandmother
b. grandfather
c. mother
d. father
Short Questions
2 marks each
1. How old Grandfather was?
2. Who was author's first friend? And why was it unhappy with the author?
3. What happened to the crow in the end?
4. What did the myna do finally?
5. What qualities did the two champions have?
6. What did the cobra and the mongoose do, to show their readiness for the fight?
7.Why is the fight of the cobra and the mongoose termed a classic drama?
8.Why did the author regard banyan tree as completely as his own?
9. How did the friendship between the author and the squirrel develop?
10. What was the scene at the banyan tree during the spring?
11. How did the author spend his summer afternoon ?
12. What distinct features of mongoose are described in the text?
13.How did myna and jungle crow enjoy the whole fight?
14. How did crow collapse ?
15.How was the mongoose able to win finally?
Long Questions
5 marks each
1. Who were the other two spectators? What did they do? (Did they watch, or did they join in the
2. Read the descriptions below of what the snake did and what the
mongoose did. Arrange their actions in the proper order.
(i) ceased to struggle _ grabbed the snake by the snout
(ii) tried to mesmerise _ dragged the snake into the mongoose the bushes
(iii) coiled itself around _ darted away and bit the the mongoose cobra on the back
(iv) struck the crow _ pretended to attack the cobra on one side
(v) struck again and _ refused to look into the missed snake’s eyes
(vi) struck on the side _ sprang aside, jumped in that the mongoose and bit pretended to attack
3. What impression do you form about the author ‘Ruskin Bond’?
4. Describe the fight between cobra and the mongoose?
5.Describe two spectators myna and crow? What was their fate?
Supplementary Reader in English for Class VI
A Tale of Two Birds
Short Questions
1. How did the king loss his way?
2. How did the king get his way?
3. How did the bird kill ?
4. How did the two baby birds get separated?
5. What did the first bird say to the stranger?
6. What did the second bird say to him?
7. Where did each of them find a home?
8. Who told the story of two birds?
9. Where did each of them find a home?
10. Describe the role of Rishi.
11. Which one of the following sums up the story best?
(i) A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
(ii) One is known by the company one keeps.
(iii) A friend in need is a friend indeed.
12. How did the first bird say to the stranger?
13. What is the moral of this story?
14. Why did the king tell the Rishi about the behavior of two birds?
15.How did the king know the true story?
2 marks each
Long Questions
5 marks each
1. Give the details of the birds in your words.
2. Which bird’s behaviour you like most? And why?
3. How did the Rishi explain the different ways in which the birds behaved?
4. How is the life of the birds different from the life of humans.
5. If you were in place of Rishi , how would you react?
The Friendly Mongoose
Short Questions
2 marks each
1. What was the farmer’s comment on his wife’s fears?
2. Why did the farmer’s wife strike the mongoose with her basket?
3. Where has this story been taken from?
4. What did the farmer bring with him to his house?
5. Why did the farmer bring a baby mongoose into the house?
6. Why didn’t the farmer’s wife want to leave the baby alone with the mongoose?
7. How was farmer’s wife according to you?
8. Who do you think is dominate one either farmer or farmer’s wife?
9. How would you react about mongoose as if it were your own pet?
10. If you were in place of farmer , how would you react?
11. What did she think when she saw the bloodshed face of mongoose?
12. Why did she leave the baby alone at home?
13. What did she see while entering the house?
14. Sometimes animals are more faithful than humans. What do you think about it.
Long Questions
5 marks each
1. What moral lesson do you get from this? Give your views in details.
2. Did she repent her hasty action? How does she show her repentance?
3. What lesson do you get from this? Give your answer with the fact.
4. Give the character sketch of farmer’s wife.
5. Give the details if you are for or against keeping birds in a cage as pets?
The Shepherd's Treasure
Short Questions
2 marks each
1. Why did the Shepherd always carry the iron chest?
2. Why did the king decide to offer a post of Governor to the Shepherd?
3. What was a shepherd famous for?
4. Why did the king want to visit him?
5. Where did the Shepherd live?
6. Why was the new governor called to the palace?
7. Who visited the shepherd one day, and why?
8. Choose the right answer in the following question
The shepherd hadn’t been to school because
(i) he was very poor.
(ii) there were very few schools in those days.
(iii) he wasn’t interested in studies.
9. What did the iron chest contain?
10. Why did the shepherd always carry it?
11. Is it an example of the shepherd’s humility or wisdom or both?
Long Questions
5 marks each
1. Why did the other governors grow jealous of the shepherd?
2. Why was everyone delighted to see the iron chest on the camel’s back?
3. How did the king reward the new governor?
4. Did she repent her hasty action ? When and Why ?
5. What is the moral lesson do you get from this? Describe it.
The Old-Clock Shop
Short Questions
2 marks each
1. How did Ray come to know that the visitor was not really shopper?
2. How did the visitors communicate with Ray?
3. Who said to whom
a. "Be still"
b. "May I help you?"
4. What made Ray think the visitor was not really a shopper?
5. Why do you think he had come to the shop?
6. How did Ray communicate with him?
7. What do you think the man said to his friend who waited at the door?
8. “The watch was nothing special and yet had great powers.” In what sense did it have ‘great
9. When does the massage of peace and good will spread?
10. Who was the owner of the old-clock shop?
11. How did the shopkeeper communicate with the customer?
12. Why did the man show a little shame in his eyes?
13. What type of weather prevailed during Christmas Eve?
14. What can you say about the visitors who visited the shop?
15. Why was the man surprised on looking at the notepad?
Long Questions
5 marks each
1. Ray was not a pawnbroker. Why then did he lend money to people in exchange for their old
watches and clocks?
2. Do you think the man would ever come back to pick up the watch?
3. When did “the unfriendly face” of the visitor turn truly friendly?
4. Describe the old clock shop.
5. What is the moral lesson do you get from this and prove it by giving arguments.
Short Questions
2 marks each
1. How did Tansen save himself from Raga Deepak?
2. Give character sketch of Tansen.
3. Give Character sketch of Swami Haridas.
4. What did the other courtiers feel about Tansen?
5. Why did Akbar ask Tansen to join his court?
6. Who was Tansen's father?
7. Why did Swami Haridas not punish the small boy?
8. Who did Swami Haridas recognise that the boy was naughty but talented?
9. What did he say to the parents of the boy?
10. Who started to sing Raga Megha?
11. Who gave a bright idea to Tansen?
12. How did he become favourite in Akbar’s court?
13. Why did Swami Haridas not punish the boy?
14. How did Tansen visit Hussaini?
15.Why did Tansen say to his daughter and friend to sing Raga Megh?
Long Questions
5 marks each
If you were in place of Tansen what would you feel when you would have been taken from
your parents?
Why did Swami Haridas say Tansen was ‘talented’?
How do we know that Akbar was fond of Tansen? Give two reasons.
(i) What happens if Raga Deepak is sung properly?
(ii) Why did Tansen’s enemies want him to sing the Raga?
Why did Tansen agree to sing Raga Deepak?
Monkey and
The Crocodile
Short Questions
2 marks each
1. Why did crocodile's wife say that she could not survive without eating monkey's heart?
2. Why did crocodile's wife not like crocodile's friendship with monkey?
3. The monkey was happy living in the fruit tree, but his happiness was not complete. What
did he miss?
4. What did the two friends generally talk about?
5. Why was the crocodile’s wife annoyed with her husband one day?
6. Why was the crocodile unwilling to invite his friend home?
7. What did the crocodile tell the monkey midstream?
8. What does the last sentence of the story suggest? What would the crocodile tell his wife?
9. How can be a friendship for long?
10. Describe the qualities of a good friend .
11. Why did the monkey use to give the fruits to crocodile?
12. How did both of them develop their friendship?
13. Why did crocodile’s wife get annoyed with her husband?
14. Why did crocodile ignore the wish of her wife?
15. At first, why did he not like the friendship of her husband with monkey?
Long Questions
5 marks each
If you had been there in place of monkey, what would you have done and how?
How did the monkey save himself?
What lesson do you get from this story?
Give a character sketch of monkey.
Compare between monkey and crocodile.
The Wonder Called Sleep
Short Questions
1. How do our dreams solve our problems?
2. What happens to your body when you sleep?
3. How do our dreams help us?
4. Do you have a lullaby in your remembrance? Write it as such.
5. What happens to our body when we sleep?
6. Define a dream in your own words.
7. How does our body and brain get refreshed?
8. What is sleep in your own views?
9. What is the most obvious advantage of sleep?
10. What is sleep?
11. Does sleep give you mental comfort?
12. What is dream?
13. Does the dream reveal the truth?
14. Does the dream show the wicked ideas to the sleeper?
15. Do the dreams help the sick?
2 marks each
Long Questions
5 marks each
1. Why are dreams important? Mention two reasons.
2. Why has sleep been called a wonder?
3. Describe briefly to the class an improbable dream you have had.
4. Describe the dream which you dreamt and that is wonderful according to you.
5. Define sleep and give examples too.
A Pact with the Sun
Short Questions
2 marks each
1. What did the physicians ask Saeeda’s mother to do to get well? Did their advice help her?
If not, why not?
2. What did the specialist prescribe in addition to medicine?
3. Why were the sunrays keen to go down to the earth the next day?
4. 'Life is more precious than money' what does this line suggest us?
5. What lesson do you get from this story?
6. Whom do you like most in the following characters? And why?
a. Saeeda's mother
b. Saeeda
c. Specialist
7. What did Saeeda tell the sunrays to do?
8.What is your formula for keeping good health?
Long Questions
1. Describe the room where Saeeda's mother used to live?
2. What did Saeeda tell the sunrays to do?
3. What should be done to be healthy? Give your views.
5 marks each
What Happened to the Reptiles
Short Questions
2 marks each
1. In what way is Pambupatti different from any other village?
2. Why is Prem determined not to return to his village?
3. Do you agree that it is difficult not to go along with someone who is very strong and
powerful? Express your views frankly and clearly.
4. If you were a baby crocodile, would you tell Makara that he was wrong? What would you
say to convince him?
5. Name the village in which a variety of people lived.
6. Who is the narrator of the story?
7. What did Prem see in Pambupatti?
8. How did Prem reach Pambupatti?
9. What wrong had occurred in Prem’s village?
10. What is the surrounding s in which Pambupatti is situated?
11. Why do you think Prem went to tell the story of the reptiles to the people of his village?
12. What went wrong when the tortoises, snakes and lizards left the forest?
13. How did the old man take care of Prem?
14. What moral lesson do you get from this?
15. Why did Makara dislike tortoises, snakes and lizards?
Long Questions
5 marks each
1. Express your views on a very powerful and strong creature like Makara.
2. Give a brief description of Pambupatti?
3. In what way the meetings were important for all the reptiles?
4. What is the theme of the story ‘What happened to the Reptiles’?
5. Give a character sketch of Prem.
A Strange Wrestling Match
Short Questions
2 marks each
1. Why did Vijay Singh want to fight against a ghost in spite of not knowing its power?
2. What Vijay Singh wanted to show ----a. To show of his valour and power to the villagers.
b. To show his not fearing nature.
c. Wanted to see such an appearance like ghost in the desert.
d. It was his hobby to visit the stranger.
3. Did the villagers believe in so-called rituals offered by them? If yes, give the reason.
4. Was the old woman’s gift to Vijay Singh eccentric? Why?
5. Why did Vijay Singh ask the ghost disguised as Natwar to come closer?
6. What made the ghost speechless? Why?
7. Why did Vijay Singh say “Appearances can be deceptive”?
8. How did Vijay Singh use the egg? How did he use the lump of salt?
9. Why did Vijay Singh ask the ghost to accompany him to town next day?
10. What made the ghost believe Vijay Singh was dead?
11. Vijay Singh complained of insects in the cave. What was he referring to, and why?
12. Who would you think better between Vijay Singh and Natwar?
Long Questions
5 marks each
1. What was Vijay Singh’s weakness? Which awkward situation did it push him into?
2. Was it really a ghost who Vijay Singh befooled? Who do you think it was?
3. Why did Vijay Singh conclude that the ghost would not be a worthy opponent to him? Was
he fair in his judgement ?
4.What was Vijay Singh’s weakness? Which awkward situation did it push him into?
5. Give a character sketch of old woman?
Question Bank
The Grammar Tree
Chapter I
The Sentence
Q. A Match the subject with the correct predicate.
1. The children
Slept for a long long time.
2. Vinay's parents
has a good story to tell.
3. The Sleeping Beauty
have decided to shift to Delhi.
4. Everybody
decided to go for a walk.
5. My father and his brother
round and round in circles trotted.
6. The ticket-checker
invite you for a variety entertainment.
7. My sister
left early in the morning.
8. The staff and the students
caught a number of travelers without
9. The horse
will visit me with her baby.
Q. B. Underline the subject in the following:
a. Alas! I could not meet him before he left!
b. Who did we meet in the restaurant yesterday?
c. The lady wearing red skirt looks charming.
d. Cooking new recipes during her leisure time is her passion.
e. How he recovered from the serious injury is an interesting story.
Q. C. Complete the following sentences adding the subject or predicate as required.
1. Our teacher _________.
2. _______ is an intelligent boy.
3. _______ keeps falling ill.
4. _______ loves her class.
5. _______ was praised by her pupils and their parents.
6. How many books _______ ?
7. _______ give the class sweets for her birthday ?
8. Sonia and Devina _______
Types of Sentences
Q. A. Make changes in the given sentences as instructed in the brackets. (8x2=16)
1. The washing machine is not working. (interrogative)
2. Can you please lock the door before you leave the house? (imperative)
3. I wish I know what is in store for me in the future. (exclamatory)
4. Can you please call the electrician to repair the fan in the dining hall? (affirmatory)
5. She is a poor speaker. (exclamatory)
6. You should write a letter today. (imperative)
7. What a beautiful garden! (statement)
8. It was a terrible accident. (exclamatory)
Q. B. Add appropriate punctuations to the following sentences:
a. Cant you do your work on time
b. Alas I couldn’t speak to her when she called
c. She is an all rounder isnt she
d. Dont you dare disobey me paul
e. Bring you child in please
Formation of Interrogatives
Q. A. Fill in the blanks with a suitable question: (1x5=5)
a. __________ (what / how/when/why) will the supermarket open?
b. __________ (what/how/when/why) long will it take to reach the railway station from here?
c. __________ (what/who/when/which) is your favorite subject?
d. __________ (who/when/what/why) did you not call me before starting from home?
__________ (what/when/whom/how) can you complete this project?
Q. B. Rewrite according to the instructions given in brackets. (2x6=12)
1. He is going home for Diwali. (change to a negative question)
2. He is a friendly person. (attach the correct question tag)
3. These are the children acting in the play. (use a question-word to form a question)
4. They are leaving for Dubai tomorrow night. (change to a negative question)
5. She loves chocolates. (change to a question)
6. The doctors had given up all hope. (change to a question)
Q. A. Write the noun form of the following verbs:
a. Alter
b. Develop
c. Interfere
d. Bride
(Bribing/ bribed/bribery)
e. Choose
f. Marry
g. Grieve
Q. B. Match the collective nouns given in the column A with the correct words in the column
a sheaf of
a squadron of
a fagot of
women labourers
a suite of
a clump of
a plague of
a shoal of
a cooperative of
a cabinet of
a drove of
Q.C. Pick out the nouns in the following sentences and state their type. (1x10=10)
1. It has the reputation of being a good school.
2. Indu's ring is made of gold.
3. Ever since his father was killed, Ishwar has been fighting for justice.
4. The pirme minister received a bouquet of lowers from the children.
5. The staff of Sharma Hospital was most helpful throughout the emergency.
6. Crockery is made of china clay.
7. The army is called out to protect our nation.
8. The queue at the ticket-window is always long.
9. The fleet of ships sank in the sea but the crew was saved.
10. The jury found the spy guilty of treason.
Q. A. Use the correct words from the brackets to fill in the blanks.
1. His house is in complete _______ (shamble, shambles)
2. Our team made a good score in the second ______ (innings, inning)
3. May I borrow your ______ ? (scissors, scissor)
4. They think that by giving away money they have made _____ for their earlier crimes.
(amend, amends)
5. She picked up all her ______ and moved towards the train. (luggage, luggages)
6. She received prior _______ regarding the two official's arrival. (information, information's)
7. The police ______ looking for the criminal. (are, is)
Q. A. Change the following from masculine gender to feminine gender. (1x15=15)
Q.B. Change the gender of the following. Note that some words may remain the same.
step mother
maid servant
Mrs Rahman
Long Questions
Q. C. What is the difference between common gender and neuter gender?
Q. A. Fill in the blanks with a suitable pronoun:
a. The stranger at the bus stop asked __________ (himself/me/yourself/myself) what the time
b. Shall __________ (them/us/ourselves/we) become friends?
c. How are _________ (you/them/their/she) doing?
d. I saw ________ (she/we/them/they) at the mall. They were shopping fruits.
e. I did not notice _________ (they/their/your/him). Probably, he too didn't.
f. You must meet _________ (them/they/their/these) without fail.
Q. B. Use suitable interrogative, demonstrative and relative pronouns to complete the given
1. I am waiting here for my friend. _______ are you waiting for?
2. The girl _______ mother is ill, is here asking for help.
3. This is my purse . _______is that?
4. The book _______you had lost has been found by Ira.
5. This is Rita's letter __________I told you about yesterday.
6. Is__________your dog? Please keep it indoors.
7. The lady ________ daughter is acting in the play, is sitting here.
8. What is it ________ you love the most?
Q.C. Write whether the underlined pronouns are emphatic or reflexive: (1x7=7)
a. Ladies and gentlemen, please help yourselves to the food and enjoy your dinner.
b. She herself accepted her guilt.
c. The child hurt himself while playing.
d. I myself checked the accounts.
e. The poet himself read a few lines of the poem while releasing the book.
f. History sometimes repeats itself.
g. She admired herself at the mirror.
Q.D. Make sentences with the following pronouns in the emphatic as well as reflexive form:
a. themselves
b. itself
c. yourselves
d. ourselves
Q. A. Rewrite the phrases using the apostrophe in the correct place. One has been done for
The doll belonging to Avni.
Avni's doll.
1. The book belonging to Mr. Mody.
2. The church named after St Paul.
3. The scientists of India.
4. The patients of Dr. Richards.
5. The purse of my sister-in-law.
6. The poems of Kolatkar.
7. The houses of my neighbors.
8. The ticket of my mother.
9. The prayer of the traveller.
10. The luggage of the lady.
Q. A. Write the adjective forms of the following nouns:
Q. B. Choose an appropriate adjective in the following phrases:
a. A (fat/bulky/huge/tiny) man
b. A bowl of (terrible/delicious/horrible/bitter) stew
c. A basket of (useless/enjoyable/salty/ripe) mangoes
d. (sad/significant/bad/peaceful) weather
e. A (yummy/beautiful/predictable/commendable) garden
f. A bar of (grey/dark/rotten/unripe) chocolate
Q. C. Fill in the blanks with a suitable adjective:
a. There is ___________ (any/some/little/tiny) juice left in the fridge.
b. The child looked ____________ (sadly/uselessly/desperately/longingly) at the pink frock.
c. The actress has ___________ hair. (long/puny/marvellous/hard)
Q. D. Write whether the following adjectives denote quality or quantity: (1x9=9)
a. Several
b. Heavy
c. All
d. Difficult
e. Any
f. Much
g. Huge
h. Tall
i. Entire
Q. E. Complete the following table:
a. ____________________ ____________________
b. Little
c. ____________________ Latter
d. ____________________ ____________________
e. Bitter
Countable and Uncountable
Q. A.Classify the following as countable and uncountable nouns:
Sugar, Pen, Coffee, Apple, Kindness, Paper, Children, Book, Music, Luggage
Q. B. Fill in the blanks with 'some', 'any' or 'no':
a. Have you got _________ sugar?
b. The entire village drowned during the Tsunami. Unfortunately, ________ villager survived.
c. Are there ________ flowers in the garden?
d. In there _________ water in the fridge?
e. My wallet is empty. I have ________ money.
Q. C. Use the words in the box below to complete the sentences.
little much
a lot of
1. Pass me _______ butter please.
2. There are _______ boys in my class.
3. Kindly send me _______ shirt with Anna.
4. There is _______ flour in the bin.
5. How _______ milk is there in the jug?
6. Where have _______ the chocolates gone, if you didn't eat them?
7. Could you buy me _______ packet of biscuits?
8. I have to pay _______ rupees more to the tailor.
9. Does he still have _______ work left?
10. He has done _______ work since he has come.
Q. A. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary.
1. Who does not like _______ mangoes?
2. He loves to read _______ Gita.
3. He sang _______ second stanza badly.
4. _______ monkey copies every action of _______ man.
5. _______ dog found _______ bone near _______ pond. When he had _______ bone in his
mouth, he looked into _______ water.
6. _______ monkey and two cats were good friends.
7. _______ milk is white.
8. _______ chairman of _______ committee has still not arrived.
9. She will arrive in _______ hour.
10. _______ house is beautiful.
Q. A. Underline the prepositions in the following sentences:
a. The child pushed the ball under the table.
b. Once you arrive at the station, get on the next metro train.
c. This dinner is a treat to you. Hence, the bill is on me.
d. Look at these wonderful pictures of the wild animals.
e. The spices used in cooking vary from country to country.
f. He could barely get a parking space between two cars and he carefully drove into it.
g. The cat jumped over the fence into the beautiful garden.
Q.B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions from the list given below.
among for
across before from
1. I am sorry _______ the delay.
2. She too is guilty _______ exaggeration.
3. She listens _______ no one.
4. Her mother was proud _______ her success.
5. She has written _______ her friend.
6. His cough is a result _______ smoking and not infection.
7. One must hope _______ the best, but be prepared for the worst.
8. She comes _______ a poor family.
9. He walked _______ the bank of the river.
10. Can you get me a taxi _______ the city centre?
Q. C. Correct the prepositions in the following sentences:
a. We live under the village
b. Did you miss me during I was away?
c. I feel bad when you are annoyed on me.
d. My parents are leaving at a pilgrimage tomorrow.________________
e. The hill station is situated 600 m on the sea level. ________________
Q. A. Mention whether the underlined words are adjectives or adverbs: (1x6=6)
a. My mentor advised me in a friendly way.
b. The current generation leads a busy life.
c. The train was late by half an hour
d. The sky is clear.
e. The baby has curly hair.
f. I plan to reach the railway station straight
Q. B. Fill in the blanks using the correct word from the brackets.
1. This train goes ________ to London. (direct/directly)
2. He was ________ bowled. (clean/cleanly)
3. She stood ________ on her convictions. (firm/fimly)
4. She hasn't finished her cooking ________ already/yet)
5. The labour has decided to go ________ (slow/slowly)
6. Hold the rope ________ (tight/tightly)
7. Isn't there anyone who can write this ________ ? (neat/neatly)
8. I want to go ________ the weather remains cool all year. (where/when)
Q. C. Identify whether the following adverbs signify frequency or manner: (1x6=6)
a. Usually
b. Recently
c. Rarely
d. Always
e. Quickly
f. Often
Q. A.Classify the following list into coordinating and subordinating conjunctions:
or, although, but, and, before, until, so, when, only, if, yet, nevertheless, since, only, till
Q. B. Use suitable conjunctions to fill in the blanks in the followings sentences.
1. We shall start ________ you are ready. (as, when)
2. He is ________ old ________ I am. (as ... as, so … that)
3. I shall go there ________ you wish it. (but, if)
4. He is old ________ he is strong. (although, but)
5. Wait ________ I come back. (before, till)
Q. C. Join each pair of sentences using suitable conjunctions.
1. He is not my friend. He is not my enemy.
2. He did not work hard. He was not promoted.
3. He can not hear. He is deaf.
4. I do not need this book now. You can take it.
Q. A. Write the past tense and the past participle form of the following verbs :
Past Participle
a. Begin
b. Speak
c. Withdraw
d. Arise
e. Write
Q. B. In the sentences below, change the primary auxiliaries according to the instructions
given in the brackets.
1. She has had her lunch. (begin with 'they')
2. I am going to Delhi by train. (begin with 'she')
3. Have you checked with the station for the scheduled time ? (begin with 'he')
4. I don't think that he can get away from the police. (begin with 'she')
5. Everything has fallen apart. (use 'all things')
Active and Passive Voice
Q. A. Fill in blanks with the appropriate form of verb:
a. The book __________ (lose) by Steve.
b. We __________ (miss) the train by a few minutes.
c. The team __________ (struggle) throughout the match.
d. This film __________ (direct) by Mahesh Bhatta
e. The pet shop __________ (sell) both animals and birds.
Q. B. Change the following sentences from active to passive voice.
1. Someone will have to teach her she school rules.
2. I am making a Mother's Day card.
3. You must wear clean clothes everyday.
4. Mother will serve lunch at noon.
5. They were printing pamphlets for the school.
6. Mina had completed her work before the bell rang.
7. The dog is barking at the postman.
Subject-Verb Concord
Q. A. Use the correct form of the verbs.
a. Either of the plans __________ me. (suit)
b. No one __________ (want) to work hard and make this project a success.
c. Neither of the two employees __________ (is) efficient.
d. Few of the students __________ (know) how to solve the sum.
e. Anyone who __________ (apply) for the post would be called for an interview.
f. Some of the food packets __________ (appear) to be adulterated.
Q. B. Choose the correct option for the following sentences:
a. __________ (All/Several) students were absent for the field trip.
b. __________ (Each/Some) child was given a box of chocolates.
c. __________ (Many/Few) a mistake was pardoned.
d. __________ (None/Everyone) who came to the party danced.
e. __________ (Much/Most) has already been written on Shakespearean works.
f. __________ (All/Some) of the mangoes are spoilt.
Do the best