Project life cycles and organizational structures Typical management functions Planning Organising Staffing Directing Controlling Project characteristics specific goal/objectives uniqueness project life cycle interdependency conflicts The triple constraints of a project Performance Schedule Budget 2 Project life cycle (Reading – Meredith & Mantel Section 1.3) A project is often one-off A project has a pre-determined duration From a slow beginning, projects progress to a buildup of size, then peak, begin a decline, and finally must come to termination Slow – Rapid – Slow 3 Purpose The project lifecycle provides project stakeholders and project team with visibility, interface/ synchronization points, and decision points throughout the project. It enables management to have an overall view of where the project is along the project timeline, allowing go or no-go decisions to be made at appropriate junctures. 4 Phases of different project life cycles Engineering – Startup – Definition – Main program engineering analysis conceptual design prototyping & testing final design Manufacturing – Formation – Buildup – Production – Phase-out – Final audit – Commissioning / Hand-over – Termination 5 Phases of different project life cycles System development – Inception – Definition & Design – Implementation programming database development testing documentation – Commissioning & hand-over Construction – Planning – Design & engineering – Site preparation & construction – Phase-out – Commissioning & hand-over 6 Phases of different project life cycles R & D Project – Conceptual & feasibility study phase – Definition & proposal phase – Main program planning & organising design & engineering prototyping & testing hand-over or production – Post accomplishment appraisal follow-on projects 7 BHRA* Project Life Cycle phases BHRA* project life cycle BHRA PLC * British Hydromechanics Research Association 8 More varieties of PLC today Phase/waterfall Iterative/spiral Incremental/prototyping Concurrent/agile 9 S-curve of Project Life Cycle 10 An Alternate Project Life Cycle Remember the “mind” projects? 11 Time Distribution of Project Effort Resource consumption versus time 12 Risk During at the Start of the Life Cycle 13 Risk During the Life Cycle 14 Project organizational structures (Reading – Meredith & Mantel Chapter 4 – Organizing Projects) 15 Organisational structures 16 Authority, responsibility & accountability authority - power granted to individuals so that they can make decisions for others to follow Ø responsibility - obligation incurred by individuals in their role or position in the formal organisation with regard to the performance of certain assignments Ø accountability - state of being totally answerable for the satisfactory completion of a specific assignment Q. Differentiate authority, responsibility and accountability in the context of functional management and project management? Ø 17 Functional organisational structure - Gaps, Gaps, Gaps Top management Strategy & policy Middle management Planning, directing & organising Supervisors Operators Scheduling, monitoring & co-ordinating Operations 18 Project Growth Ø Ø Ø Ø Need for speed, market responsiveness, and product flexibility Need for broader areas of knowledge in developing new products and services Rapid expansion of technology Management inability to understand and control large numbers of activities 19 Averaged Annual US Salary January 2013 v Project manager in USA – US$85000 v Accounting – US$56,000; Lawyers – US$58,000; Social work – US$40,000; Doctors – US$78,000; v Engineering – US$79,000; Quality engineer – US$84,000 v Business manager – US$64,000; Marketing manager – US$63,000; Production manager – US$69,000; Quality manager – US$66,000 v Civil servants - $58,000 v Investment banker - US$102,000; Stock broker – US $101,000 20 Switching to Project Environment Ø Is difficult and time consuming Ø Requires the full commitment of upper management Ø Generally causes a lot of “concern” among employees Ø As a result, organizations may have multiple structures 21 Organizational Issues Related to Projects Ø Ø Ø How to tie project to parent firm How to organize the project How to organize activities common to multiple projects 22 Project organisational structures Ø Traditional Functional organisation Ø Functional Matrix (weak matrix) Ø Balanced Matrix Ø Project Matrix (strong matrix) Ø Project Team (classification by Larson & Gobeli) 23 Functional organizational structure MD marketing & sales manufacturing materials production product development engineering accounting electronics mechanical Organization is divided into functional sub-units § Integration between sub-units handled by rules, procedures § Management chain handles problems § Works well in stable environment 24 Departmental projects MD marketing & sales manufacturing product development Project Leader(s) materials engineering accounting Project Leader(s) production electronics mechanical 25 Project liaison office MD Project Liaison Office marketing & sales manufacturing materials production product development engineering accounting electronics mechanical 26 Special task force MD Task Force Leader marketing & sales manufacturing materials production product development engineering accounting electronics mechanical 27 Advantages Ø Flexible use of staff – Experts assigned to functional units – Assigned to projects as needed Ø Staff can easily be assigned to multiple projects – Experts can be switched between projects easily – Functional manager picks best expert for each project 28 Advantages Ø Specialists Continued can share knowledge and experience Ø Functional units provide technological/ knowledge continuity – Also provide continuity of policies and procedures – Functional manager can train and inspect 29 Advantages Continued Ø Functional areas provide for a career path within a knowledge area § Engineers can become supervisors or VP’s § Does not require movement into project management to advance 30 Disadvantages Ø Client is not the focus – Function unit has its own work outside the project – Functional manager not likely to be accountable for project and therefore client Ø Functional units not focused on project – Function unit sees success in its area as most important – Project seen as secondary, or worse, an interruption 31 Disadvantages Ø Continued Project manager may not have adequate authority – Must share authority with functional managers – May be several managers responsible for various parts of project – Client may not have a single point of contact at project – This can make response to the client slow or nonexistent 32 Disadvantages Ø Continued Slow response – Functional managers manage their part to benefit their functional unit – Interests outside their area may not be fully considered Ø Tendency to sub optimize – Complex projects require input from a large number of different areas – This can be difficult to coordinate without a common manager 33 Disadvantages Ø Motivation Continued is weak – Project is not the worker’s “home” – Project manager most likely does not do their performance evaluations – May not receive additional pay for difficulties of working on project 34 Pure project team structure Ø staff are organised into project teams Ø functional units are established mainly to support or serve projects Ø project managers have independence and authority in the use of resources Ø common in companies whose businesses are mainly conducted through projects 35 Pure project team structure MD project A design A accounting marketing engineering A production A design B project B engineering B production B 36 Pure Project Organization Figur 37 Advantages Ø Project manager has full authority Ø Will typically report to senior management (project sponsor) Ø This gives project manager access to managerial advice Ø This centralizes authority and makes for rapid decision making / response to client 38 Advantages Ø Continued Everyone reports to the project manager Ø This gives the project manager the ability to make quick decisions Ø Makes it easier for project manager to motivate and reward members Ø May be tempered by relationship to functional unit Ø Shorter communications lines 39 Advantages Ø Continued Can maintain project management skills – Project managers can move from project to project – It pays to hire, train, and promote skilled project managers Ø Project team has its own identity – Project members work for the “project” not the functional unit – This can significantly improve performance 40 Advantages Ø Quick Continued decisions – Authority is centralized Ø Unity of command – Each worker reports to one, and-only-one, manager – Project has a simple structure 41 Advantages Ø Structurally Continued simple and flexible – Easy to implement Ø Holistic approach – Everyone on project is concerned about project, not their functional unit 42 Disadvantages Ø Duplicate staffing – Each project has a full staff – This leads to overstaffing Ø Stockpiling – Project managers tend to stockpile resources so they are available when needed – They also tend to keep those resources longer than needed just-in-case 43 Disadvantages Ø Experts Continued falling behind in other areas – Experts on a project will focus on the areas essential to the project – This can lead to them falling behind in other areas – It can also be difficult to feed their developing expertise back into the organization 44 Disadvantages Ø Organizational Continued inconsistency – Corner-cutting – “They don’t understand our problems” Ø Life of its own – Projectitis – Us versus Them 45 Disadvantages Ø Life Continued after the project ends – Lots of uncertainty – Will there be layoffs – Rusty skills 46 Matrix structure Ø a compromise between the functional structure & the costly project structure Ø organisation retains a clear functional structure and functional staff are assigned to projects when needed Ø project manager has delegated authority over the matrix team members Ø matrix team is project oriented 47 The Matrix Organization Continued Functional part provides home for workers after project Ø Functional part helps maintain expertise Ø In a strong matrix, people from functional areas are assigned to project Ø In a weak matrix, capacity from functional areas are assigned to project Ø 48 Matrix structure MD project director marketing & sales projects office manufacturing materials product development production engineering electronics accounting mechanical project A project responsibility project B project C functional responsibility 49 Advantages Ø The project is the focus Ø That remains the project manager’s responsibility Ø The project has access to entire organization for labor and technology Ø Projects draw from functional organizations as required Ø This reduces duplication of resources 50 Advantages Ø Continued Less anxiety about the end of the project Ø Project members return to their functional organizations Ø Response to client is rapid Ø That remains the project manager’s responsibility Ø With much remaining within parent organization, response to parent is also rapid 51 Advantages Ø Continued Consistent policies Ø Parent organization will oversee project Ø Project will have closer access to parent administration Ø Easier to balance organizational resources Ø Less competition for resources Ø Competition can be controlled by parent organization and functional managers 52 Advantages Ø Continued Flexibility Ø Many different possible structures between strong and weak Ø Different structures can be used for different projects Ø Different structures can be used for different functional areas 53 Disadvantages Ø Functional units make many decisions, including technology ones Ø Project manager has less control than in a pure project Ø Project manager’s control is balanced against that of the functional manager Ø If they disagree, it can be hard to resolve Ø Negotiation is the key to project success 54 Disadvantages Ø Continued Projects compete for resources Ø This is especially true when there are several large projects Ø Someone above project managers must set and enforce priorities Ø Multiple schedules will add stress to functional managers 55 Disadvantages Ø Continued Strong matrices mirror many disadvantages of project structure Ø People are assigned to, and identify with, “their” project much as in the project structure Ø Workers do not have a single manager Ø This splits loyalty Ø Makes performance appraisal difficult Ø Information flow is difficult 56 Mixed Project Organization 57 Virtual Projects Project team crosses time, space, organizational, or cultural boundaries Facilitated by the Internet Often organized as a matrix Worth considering - A timely topic for term paper 58 Virtual Project Rules Challenging and interesting projects Use volunteers Use people who know each other Create a resource to learn about one another Encourage frequent communications Divide work into modules 59 Choosing an Organizational Form Firms typically do not set out to “pick” an organizational form Rather, the structure evolves over time The structure is not static Rather, it changes as the organization, its goals, and its environment changes 60 Functional Form Best for… In-depth application of a technology Large capital investment, especially when that investment is concentrated in one functional area 61 Project Form Best for… Handling a large number of similar projects Handling a one-time project that requires much control but is not focused on one functional area 62 Matrix Form Best for… Projects that require inputs from several functional areas Projects that use technology from several functional areas 63 Project Management Structures in HK Industries (92-96) Industries Organisational Structures Functional Matrix Project Team Total : Public Manufacturing Utilities 3 5 28 10 5 5 36 20 Government Agencies 6 8 0 Engineering Services 5 5 4 Total 14 14 84 21 54 9 Organisational S tructures Success Partial success Failure Total F unctional Weak M atrix Strong M atrix Project Team 8(53%) 15(52%) 19(79%) 8(67%) 2(13%) 7(24%) 3(13%) 2(17%) 5(33%) 7(24%) 2(8%) 2(17%) 15 29 24 12 64 Failure to benefit from adopted project structure Ø no real need for formal project structure Ø the role & responsibility, performance & reward of staff assigned to projects are not clearly defined or understood Ø neither staff nor management are properly prepared - misunderstanding & conflict in authority/responsibility, resource allocation Ø staff or management are not fully supportive of or committed to the change 65 Helpful ground rules Ø key members should be full-time on the project Ø management must be committed Ø must have effective means for resolving conflict Ø there must be good communication & access between managers Ø all should have a say during the planning process Ø project manager’s project authority must be respected 66 Factors affecting the choice of project organisational structure Project and organisational size Organisational culture Project duration Project management experience Commitment of upper level management in project management Available resources Unique aspects of the project Diversity of product lines or projects Rate of change of product lines or projects Interdependencies among supporting units Level of technology Rate of change of technology 67 organisational design considerations (Carlise, Management: Concepts, Methods & Appl, Sc Res Asso., 82) Technology Stable Dynamic Sales Stable Unstable Product innovation Infrequent Frequent Competition Unchanged Changing Regulatory control Known Evolving Society values Stable Changing ORGANISATIONAL MECHANISTIC, ORGANIC, FORMS STABLE FLEXIBLE 68 Incident for discussion Assuming that you are the Engineering Manager newly appointed to head the Engineering Department in a well established, mid-sized home appliance OEM/ODM company. Your department handles all the product development projects of your company in collaboration with your OEM/ ODM clients. About 70% of the products generally involve minor modification of existing product lines and the rest are new product development. The Engineering Department currently has a traditional functional structure. The “modification” product development projects are often reasonably well handled but new product development projects always tend to have teething problems. With increasing competition and shortening of product life cycles, there is an urgent need for increasing new product developments. It is seen that the company’s future profitability will depend very much on its new product development capability. You have been asked by your Production Director to report how you intend to re-structure your Engineering Department to improve its ability to handle future product development projects. 69 Questions for discussion Choose a company and find out what is its organisational structure? What project organisational structure(s) has this company normally adopted for its projects ? Choose one project and find out what is the level of authority and responsibility of the project manager or leader? 70 Questions for discussion (contd.) If you are advising this company, what will you recommend to the company about its project organisational structure? In your discussion, consider whether the projects are normally complex, non repetitive? there are several functional boundaries to be crossed in project works? there are dynamic environmental considerations? there are tight constraints of schedules and budgets? there is need for close co-ordination and integration of project tasks or activities? 71 Short case discussion – Hydrobuck Hydrobuck case incident 72 HYDROBUCK is a medium-sized producer of gasoline-powered outboard motors. In the past it has successfully manufactured and marketed motors in the 3 to 40 horsepower range. Executives at Hydrobuck are now interested in larger motors and would eventually like to produce motors in the 50 to 150 horsepower range. The internal workings of the large motors are quite similar to those of the smaller motors. However, large, high-performance outboard motors require power trim. Power trim is a hydraulic system that serves to tilt the outboard motor up or down on the boat transom. Hydrobuck cannot successfully market the larger outboard motors without designing a power trim system to complement the motor. The company is financially secure and is the leading producer of small outboard motors. Management has decided that the following objectives need to be met within the next two years: • Design a quality power trim system. • Design and build the equipment to produce such a system efficiently. • Develop the operations needed to install the system on the outboard motor. The technology, facilities and marketing skills necessary to produce and sell the large motors already exist within the company. Question: What type of project organization would suit the development of 73 the power trim system?
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