Curriculum Vitae

Emilia Alonso-Marks 1
Curriculum Vitae
Emilia Alonso-Marks
(also Emilia Alonso Sameño)
Professor of Spanish
Department of Modern Languages
247 Gordy Hall, Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701, USA
Tel: (740) 593-2765 / Fax: 593-0729
Email: [email protected]
Ph.D. Applied Linguistics, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain.
Graduate course work in Second Language Acquisition and Language Teaching
Methods, University of Oregon.
Graduate course work in Psycholinguistics and Second/Foreign Language
Pedagogy, Harvard University.
BA English, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain.
Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude, Institute of Educational Sciences,
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain.
Undergraduate course work in English Phonetics, University College of London.
Ph.D. Dissertation: “A Working Model for the Assessment of Production and Perception of a
Non-Native Speech Contrast in Adult L2/FL Learners' Productive Approximation Strategies.”
BA Thesis: “An Integrative Model for the Study of Bilingual Performance at a Specific
Developmental Stage: A Case Study.”
Employment History
Professor, Department of Modern Languages, Ohio University.
Associate Professor, Department of Modern Languages, Ohio University.
Director, Education Abroad Program, OU-Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha,
Toledo, Spain. (Spring Quarter 2010-2011).
Director, Education Abroad Program, OU-Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha,
Toledo, Spain. (Spring Quarter 2008-2009).
Co-Director, Education Abroad Program, OU – Universidad Pública de Navarra,
Pamplona, Spain (2004-2005).
Co-Director, Education Abroad Program, OU – Universidad Pública de Navarra,
Pamplona, Spain (2002-2003).
Assistant Professor, Department of Modern Languages, Ohio University.
Co-Director, Education Abroad Program, OU – Universidad Pública de Navarra,
Pamplona, Spain (1999-2000).
Instructor, English Department, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain.
Coordinator, Erasmus European Student-Exchange Program with the University of
Strasbourg II and the University of Athens, Greece (1994-1996).
Emilia Alonso-Marks 2
Assistant Director, Basic Spanish Program, Department of Spanish and Portuguese,
University of Arizona.
Visiting Lecturer, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Arizona.
ESL instructor, Pima Community College, Tucson, Arizona.
Instructor, Spanish-American Institute (University of Wisconsin-Platteville), Sevilla,
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Romance Languages, University of
Instructor, English Department, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain.
Instructor, School of Tourism (C.E.N.P.), Sevilla, Spain (September-December).
Teaching Assistant, Department of Romance Languages, Harvard University.
Teaching Experience
Courses Taught and *Designed at Ohio University (1996 to Present)
Spanish 4437 Applied Phonetics: Spanish Phonetics and Phonology.
Spanish 5437 Applied Phonetics: *Phonological Fossilization.
Spanish 4900/6902 Seminar: *Interlanguage Phonology.
Spanish 6902 Seminar: *Spanish as a World Language.
*Spanish 44/5438 Hispanic Dialectology and Sociolinguistics (I designed this course).
Spanish 4900 Proseminar: *Principles of Language Learning.
Spanish 49/6930 Independent Study: *Undergraduate Research (coding, scoring, and
analyzing experimental data); Graduate Research (phonological theory).
Spanish 46/5640 Teaching Spanish: Theory and Practice.
Spanish 44/5441 Stylistics (I revamped this course).
*Spanish 34/5460 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics (I co-designed this course).
Spanish 39/4980 Tutorial: *Heritage Language Speakers.
Spanish 3110-3120 Advanced Composition and Conversation.
Spanish 1110-1120 Beginning Spanish.
Courses Taught at the University of Sevilla, Spain (1993-1996)
*English Pronunciation Techniques for Secondary School Teachers.
*Graduate seminar on Interlanguage Phonology and Second Language Acquisition.
*Fourth-to-fifth year Suprasegmental and Dialectal English Phonetics.
*Third-year English Phonetics and Phonology.
*Second-year English (grammar, listening, reading, speaking, and writing).
*English for Specific Purposes: Agriculture.
Course Taught at the University of Arizona (1992-1993)
Spanish 310 Phonetics and Phonology.
Emilia Alonso-Marks 3
Courses Taught at the Spanish-American Institute (1990-1992)
Third-year Spanish Composition and Conversation.
Survey of Peninsular Literature.
Undergraduate Theses Directed or Co-directed
Honors Tutorial Thesis
• J.E. Espinoza Moore, “Heritage Spanish Speakers in School Settings: Are We Meeting the Needs
of These Students?” Directed. Honors Tutorial College, Ohio University, June 2010.
Undergraduate Research Project Supervision
Anita Belfiore, “Peer Word Definition Strategies among High School Students,” (Data Set 2),
Institute for the Experimental Study of Language Certificate, Ohio University, fall semester
Rebecca Warhola, “Peer Word Definition Strategies among High School Students,” (Data Set
1), Communicatio Sciences and Disorders, Ohio University, winter and spring quarters 2012.
Amanda Schreckengost, “Student Building of Intercultural Competence,” Institute for the
Experimental Study of Language Certificate, Ohio University, fall and winter quarters 2012.
Ph.Dissertations Directed or Co-directed
E. Ariadna Sánchez Hernández, “Pragmatic routines during study abroad programs: The impact of
acculturation and intensity of interaction.” Ph.D. Dissertation. Co-directed. Universitat Jaume I,
Castelló, Spain, June 2014 (expected).
Doctoral Qualifying Papers or MA Theses Directed or Co-directed
• M. Gibson, “A sociolinguistic account of final /s/ in Madrid, Spain.” Masters' thesis. Codirected. Ohio University, May 2004.
• M.L. Pérez Ojeda, “An experiment in phonetic underspecification: The case of American
schwa.” Doctoral Qualifying Paper. Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, June 1996.
• C. Alaimo, “Redefinición de la fosilización fonológica: Fosilización como hibernación. Un
caso práctico.” [Redefining phonological fossilization: Fossilization as hibernation. A case
study]. Doctoral Qualifying Paper. Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, December 1995.
Participation in Ph.D. Dissertation Defense Committees or MA Thesis Defense Committees
M.C. Julián de Vega, “Teacher team coordination in secondary CLIL schools: A case study.”
Ph.D. Dissertation. Written international report. Universidad de Sevilla & Universidad de Huelva,
Spain, September 2012.
M.V. López Pérez, “El léxico en el marco de la enseñanza de E/L2 en contextos escolares:
Análisis y perspectivas para su tratamiento didáctico.” [The lexicon within the Spanish as a
Second Language teaching framework in school settings: Analyses and perspectives for its
pedagogical treatment], Ph.D. Dissertation. Committee member. Universidad de Navarra,
Pamplona, Spain, June 2005.
S. Mickunas, “A word-reconstruction task determining Lithuanian phoneme variability in lexical
selection.” Masters' proposal defense. Committee member. Ohio University, October 1997.
M. Coelho, “Clitics and object doubling in Spanish. Can we teachers do anything about it?”
Emilia Alonso-Marks 4
Masters' thesis defense. Committee member. Ohio University, November 1997.
Graduate Extended Research Projects Directed
M.D. García Torres, “Effects of Opacity and Productivity in Spanish Derived Words,” Ohio
University, May 2014 (expected).
I. Ramos Arbolí, “Losing the Fear of Speaking: Tackling Anxiety in the Foreign Language
Classroom,” Ohio University, May 2013.
R. M. Piqueres Gilabert, “Factors affecting the success of English language learning in CEDEI,
Cuenca, Ecuador,” Ohio University, June 2011.
Research Interests
Speech perception and language understanding
First and Second language acquisition
Phonetics and phonology
Language pedagogy
Dialectology and Sociolinguistics (identity and exile)
Refereed Journal Articles, Selected Proceedings, and Book Chapters
* Designates a student
“Subjunctive use variation among monolingual speakers: A cross-dialect analysis,” Muriel
Gallego and Emilia Alonso-Marks. Spanish in Context. Resubmitted. December 2013.
“El universo estético de Isaac del Vando Villar: De la Andalucía moderna a las películas de
Gardel, el jazz de Paul Whiteman, el bastón de Fred Astaire” [The aesthetic universe of Isaac del
Vando Villar: From modern Andalusia to Gardel's films, Paul Whiteman's jazz, Fred Astaire's
cane], Thoma R Franz and Emilia Alonso-Marks. Accepted for publication. October 2013.
“Los hablantes por herencia,” Emilia Alonso-Marks. Forthcoming. Enciclopedia de lingüística
hispánica. Ed. Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach. Routledge Publishing Co.
“Heritage Spanish speakers in school settings: Are their needs being met?” J.E. Espinoza Moore*
and E. Alonso-Marks. Bilingual and Multilingual Education in the 21st century: Building on
Experience. Ed. C. Abello-Contesse, P. Chandler, M.D. López-Jiménez and R. Chacón-Beltrán.
Multilingual Matters, 2013. 299-314. Print. ISBN 9781783090693
“Assessing the impact of a short-term study abroad program on gains in cross-cultural sensitivity,”
Emilia Alonso-Marks. La Lingüística aplicada en la era de la globalización [Applied Linguistics
in the Age of Globalization]. Ed. by A. Llanes-Baró, L. Astrid Ciro, L. Gallego Balsà and R.M.
Mateu Serra. Lleida: Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida, Spain. 2013. ISBN 978-84-8409-593-4.
“Vowel mutability in print in English and Spanish,” Danny R. Moates and Emilia Alonso-Marks.
The Mental Lexicon 7:3, 326-350, December 2012.
Emilia Alonso-Marks 5
“Una mirada a fondo al proceso de la contra-urbanización: Patrones migratorios en la Andalucía
rural” [A closer look at the counter-urbanization process: Migratory patterns in rural Andalucía],
Emilia Alonso-Marks and Mariche G. Bayonas (University of North Carolina, Greensboro). El
español, integrador de culturas. Ensayos. Serie Reflexión 15. [Spanish, integrator of cultures.
Essays. Reflection Series 15]. Ed. by J. H. Valdivieso and E. Ruiz-Fornells. Editorial Orbis Press,
2012. ISBN: 978-1-931139-70-0.
• “Heritage Language Speakers,” Emilia Alonso-Marks. ELIA 11, 183-187, 2011.
“Perceived writing likes and needs in Spanish and English as Foreign Languages,” Anthony
Bruton (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain), Emilia Alonso-Marks and Ángeles Broca (Universidad de
Sevilla, Spain). Hispania, 93, 3, 471-489, September 2010.
“Integrating communication skills: Meaningful projects for beginning writing and conversation
students,” Emilia Alonso-Marks. Ways and Modes of Human Communication. Colección estudios
129, XX. Ed. by R. Caballero and M.J. Pinar. Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La
Mancha, Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada, 2010. ISBN: 978-84-8427-759-0.
• “Exilio y patria en la última poesía de Ernestina de Champourcin” [Exile and homeland in the last
poems of Ernestina de Champourcin], Emilia Alonso-Marks and Thomas Franz. Ojáncano, 35, 3145, April 2009.
• “Monolingual and bilingual children’s abilities to distinguish novel languages,” Emilia Alonso-
Marks, Nekane Oroz-Bretón (Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain), Z.S. Bond, Verna Stockmal
and Liz McKenna.* Trends in Cognitive Linguistics: Theoretical and Applied Models, 277-291.
Ed. by J. Valenzuela, A. Rojo and C. Soriano. Peter Lang, 2009. ISBN: 978-3-631-57307-5.
• “Rhythmic characteristics of prose and verse in varieties of Portuguese,” Z.S. Bond, Verna
Stockmal, Emilia Alonso-Marks and Audra Woods.* Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
123, 5, 3337, 2008.
• “Incorporating service-learning in the Spanish classroom: Challenges and solutions,” Emilia
Alonso-Marks. Porta Linguarum, 9, 157-165, January 2008.
“La influencia de los estudios en el extranjero en la percepción de la cultura anfitriona” [The
influence of study abroad in perceiving the host culture], Emilia Alonso-Marks and Nekane OrozBretón (Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain). Proceedings of the I International Conference of
the International Federation of Teachers of Spanish (FIAPE), Toledo, Spain. RedELE Virtual
Library. May 2005.
• “Reevaluación del papel de la gramática en la instrucción lingüística: por qué hacerlo y cómo
hacerlo” [Reevaluating the role of grammar in language instruction: Why do it and how to do it],
Emilia Alonso-Marks. Proceedings of the XV Association for the Teaching of Spanish as a
Foreign Language (ASELE) Conference, 120-127, Sevilla, Spain, 2004.
Emilia Alonso-Marks 6
“Sociedades en transformación/dialectos en flux: Dinamismo en La Reina del Sur de Arturo Pérez
Reverte” [Societies in transformation/dialects in flux: Dynamism in The Queen of the South by A.
Pérez-Reverte], Thomas Franz, Emilia Alonso-Marks and Esperanza Zamora-Lara (Universidad
Veracruzana, Mexico). Huarte de San Juan, 7, 59-71, 2004.
“Reading texts in instructed L1 and FL reading: Student perceptions and actual selections,”
Anthony Bruton (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain) and Emilia Alonso-Marks. Hispania, 87, 4,
770-783, 2004.
“Vowel mutability with print materials in Spanish and English,” Danny R. Moates and Emilia
Alonso-Marks. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (CDROM), Barcelona, 2003.
• “Language experience and the representation of phonology in an unknown language,” Emilia
Alonso-Marks, Z.S. Bond and Verna Stockmal. RESLA (Journal of the Spanish Association
for Applied Linguistics), 16, 23-31, 2003.
“Determining phoneme variability in lexical selection: The case of Spanish consonants,” Emilia
Alonso-Marks, Danny R. Moates and Z.S. Bond. Cognitive Linguistics in Spain at the Turn of the
Century (I), 253-261. Ed. by C. Molina, M.L. Blanco, J. Marín, A.L. Rodríguez and M. Romano.
Madrid: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2003.
• “Vowel mutability: The case of monolingual Spanish listeners and bilingual Spanish-English
listeners,” Emilia Alonso-Marks, Danny R. Moates, Z.S. Bond and Leonor Vázquez.*
Southwest Journal of Linguistics, 21, 2, 73-99, 2002.
• “Word reconstruction and consonant features in English and Spanish,” Emilia Alonso-Marks,
Danny Moates, Z.S. Bond and Verna Stockmal. Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of
Language Sciences, 40, 2, 421-438, 2002.
“El aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras mediante la participación en actividades de servicio a
la comunidad” [Learning foreign languages through participation in community service
activities], Emilia Alonso-Marks. Notas y Estudios Filológicos, 14, 11-28, 2000.
• “The effect of proficiency in a specific foreign language on the ability to identify a novel
foreign language,” Emilia Alonso-Marks, Z.S. Bond and Verna Stockmal. Proceedings of the
14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (CD-Rom), 133-135, San Francisco, 1999.
“Vowel mutability and language specificity: The case for Spanish,” (Experiment 1), Emilia
Alonso-Marks, Danny R. Moates, Z.S. Bond and Leonor Vázquez.* ERIC Clearinghouse, Fl
025 447, October 1998.
“Cómo desarrollar la conciencia de los/as aprendices en el proceso de escritura en una L2: El
uso de códigos como forma de feedback correctivo en la clase de español” [Developing
learners’ awareness in the process of writing in a second language: The use of codes as a
corrective feedback tool in the Spanish classroom], Emilia Alonso-Marks and Christián
Abello (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain). Proceedings of the I Symposium of the University
Association for the Teaching of Spanish as a Second Language (AUL2), 97-106, Sevilla,
Emilia Alonso-Marks 7
“Assessing FL phonological development through the use of cognitive retrospective verbal
reports,” Emilia Alonso-Marks. RESLA (Journal of the Spanish Association for Applied
Linguistics), XI, 7-16, 1996.
“Helping learners build general awareness in the pronunciation class,” Emilia Alonso-Marks,
Diálogos Hispánicos, 18, 51-63, 1996.
• “El uso de los diarios de aprendizaje en la clase de inglés como segunda lengua/lengua
extranjera” [The use of learning logs in the ESL/EFL classroom], Jeffrey R. Marks and
Emilia Alonso-Marks. Lingüística aplicada al aprendizaje del inglés. Resumen monográfico
2, [Linguistics applied to English language learning. Monographic volume 2], 137-143,
Alcalá de Guadaira, Sevilla: CEP, 1994.
• “Las estrategias de aproximación a un contraste fonémico no-nativo de los aprendices de
español como lengua extranjera” [Spanish foreign language learners’ approximation
strategies to a non-native phonemic contrast], Emilia Alonso-Marks. Serie sobre estrategias
de aprendizaje y uso del lenguaje [Series on learning strategies and language use], 27-30,
Sevilla: Sand, 1993.
• “La actuación bilingüe: un enfoque integrativo” [Bilingual performance: An integrative
approach], Emilia Alonso. Proceedings of the VII AESLA (Spanish Association for Applied
Linguistics) International Conference, pp. 69-78, Universidad de Sevilla, April 1989.
Book in Preparation
“Las palomas de San Blas” [Saint Blaise's doves], Emilia Alonso-Marks. Book project. I started
writing this book in the spring of 2009. The book is based on data I collected over a two-year
period and analyzed over another two-year period. It deals with identity issues pertaining to two
communities that have become in contact in rural Spain, a community of old-time residents and a
community of recently arrived residents. This project will contribute to the on-going dialogue in
the discipline, about identity and exile.
Articles Submitted or in Preparation
“Perception of differences in rhythmic properties in Portuguese,” Emilia Alonso-Marks, Zinny S.
Bond, and Verna Stockmal. IRB approved in June 2010. Pilot study conducted in winter 2011, and
data collected in winter 2012. In fall 2012 we presented a paper at the Laboratory Approaches to
Romance Phonology (LARP) Conference in Mexico City, and another set of data at the Ohio
Latin-Americanist Conference in February 2013. The final project will be presented at the PLUS
(Portuguese Linguistics in the United States) Conference in November 2013. Manuscript in
• “Losing the Fear of Speaking: Tackling Anxiety in the Foreign Language Classroom,” Irene Ramos
Arbolí* and Emilia Alonso-Marks. IRB approved in April 2012. Data collection began in fall
2012. Data analysis and interpretation under way. Subset of data presented in February 2013.
Manuscript in preparation.
• “Comprehension and Production of Morphologically Complex Words and the Relation to Reading
and Academic Achievement in Monolingual and Second Language Learners,” María Dolores
García-Torres,* Emilia Alonso-Marks, and Sally Marinellie. IRB approved in February 2013. Data
collection completed in summer 2013. Data analysis and interpretation began in fall 2013.
Emilia Alonso-Marks 8
• “Peer Word Definition Strategies in Monolingual and Bilingual Adolescents,” Sally Marinellie,
Emilia Alonso-Marks, Rebecca Warhola,* and Anita Belfiore.* Data coding began in winter 2012
and continued through spring 2013. Data interpretation began in fall 2013.
• “Pragmatic routines during study abroad programs: The impact of acculturation and intensity of
interaction.” E. Ariadna Sánchez-Hernández,* Ph.D. candidate; Eva Alarcón (Universitat Jaume I,
Castelló, Spain); Emilia Alonso-Marks. IRB approved in September 2013. Data collection began
in fall 2013.
Papers & Posters
“The effect of productivity and opacity in Spanish derived words,” Puli García-Torres* and Emilia
Alonso-Marks. Abstract accepted for presentation. XXXII Asociación Española de Lingüística
Aplicada (AESLA) [Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics] Conference, Sevilla, Spain, April
“Frequency of subjunctive use in oral production in two varieties of Spanish.” Muriel Gallego and
Emilia Alonso-Marks. Abstract accepted for presentation. XXXII Asociación Española de
Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA) [Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics] Conference, Sevilla,
Spain, April 2014.
Non-native perspectives on the perception of rhythm: Genre in two varieties of Portuguese.”
Emilia Alonso-Marks, Zinny S. Bond and Verna Stockmal. Presented by Emilia Alonso-Marks.
Portuguese Linguistics in the United States (PLUS) Conference, Athens, GA, November 2013.
“Knowledge, use, variation, and change in subjunctive complement clauses by native speakers of
Spanish of two varieties,” Muriel Gallego and Emilia Alonso-Marks. Co-presented. Kentucky
Foreign Language Conference (KFLC), Lexington, Kentucky, April 2013.
“Informes de jueces no-nativos sobre dos variedades de portugués,” Emilia Alonso-Marks, Zinny
S. Bond and Verna Stockmal. Presented by Emilia Alonso-Marks. Ohio Latin-Americanist
Conference (OLAC), Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio, February 2013.
“Non-native judgments of speaking genres and dialects in two varieties of Portuguese,” Emilia
Alonso-Marks, Zinny S. Bond and Verna Stockmal. Presented by Emilia Alonso Marks.
Laboratory Approaches to Romance Phonology (LARP) Conference, Mexico City, Mexico,
October 2012.
“Isaac del Vando-Villar: Hombre de letras pero ante todo, poeta,” Thomas R. Franz and Emilia
Alonso-Marks. Co-presented. Asociación Hispánica de Humanidades (Hispanic Association for
the Humanities) Conference, Madrid, Spain, June 2012.
“Assessing the impact of a short-term study abroad program on gains in cross-cultural sensitivity,”
Emilia Alonso-Marks. Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA) [Spanish Applied
Linguistics Association] Conference, Lleida, Spain, April 2012.
Emilia Alonso-Marks 9
“Gains in cross-cultural sensitivity and cultural awareness in the study abroad context,” Emilia
Alonso-Marks. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, Boston, MA,
March 24-26, 2012.
“The effects of attitudes and motivation on EFL learning: Ecuatorian students at CEDEI,” Rosa M.
Piqueres-Gilabert* (Indiana University) and Emilia Alonso-Marks. Presented by Rosa M.
Piqueres-Gilabert.* 12th Annual Graduate Symposium: Global Perspectives in Linguistic Studies.
Purdue University, March 2012.
“La influencia de los programas de estudio en el extranjero en el desarrollo de la sensibilidad
croscultural” [The impact of study abroad programs on the development of cross-cultural
sensitivity], Emilia Alonso-Marks. Congreso Mundial de Profesores de Español (COMPROFES)
[World Spanish Teachers Conference], Instituto Cervantes, November, 21-23, 2011.
“Attitudes and motivation in successful EFL learning: The case of Ecuadorian students at CEDEI,”
Rosa M. Piqueres Gilabert* and Emilia Alonso-Marks. Presented by Rosa M. Piqueres Gilabert*.
Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, KY, April 2011.
“Measures of cross-cultural sensitivity in successful EFL learning: The case of Ecuadorian
students at CEDEI,” Rosa M Piqueres Gilabert* and Emilia Alonso-Marks. Co-presented. 6th
Annual Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan Linguistics, Literatures,
and Cultures, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, February 2011.
“Designing meaningful projects that integrate writing and conversation skills,” Emilia AlonsoMarks. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Conference, Boston,
MA, November 2010.
“Vowel mutability in print in English and Spanish,” Danny Moates and Emilia Alonso-Marks. Copresented. Laboratory Approaches to Romance Phonology (LARP) Conference, Brigham Young
University, Provo, UT, September 2010.
“Linguistic signs of identity among itinerant societies in rural Andalucía,” Mariche G. Bayonas
(University of North Carolina, Greensboro) and Emilia Alonso-Marks. Presented by Mariche G.
Bayonas. Spanish in Society Conference: Mediating Spaces, 5th International Conference of
Hispanic Linguistics, University of Limerick, Ireland, July 2010.
“Heritage Spanish Speakers in School Settings: Are We Meeting the Needs of These Students?”
Jaime E. Espinoza Moore* and Emilia Alonso-Marks. Co-presented. 11th Biennial ELIA
International Conference: Bilingualism and Multilingualism in School Settings, Sevilla, Spain,
March 18-19, 2010.
“Writing in a Foreign Language: Addressing Students’ Likes and Needs,” Anthony Bruton
(Universidad de Sevilla, Spain), Emilia Alonso-Marks and Ángeles Broca (Universidad de Sevilla,
Spain)]. Presented by Emilia Alonso Marks. 9th Ohio Latin Americanist Conference, Athens, OH,
February 27, 2010.
“Una mirada a fondo al proceso de la contra-urbanización: Patrones migratorios en la Andalucía
Emilia Alonso-Marks 10
rural” [A closer look at the counter-urbanization process: Migratory patterns in rural Andalucía],
Emilia Alonso-Marks and Mariche G. Bayonas (University of North Carolina, Greensboro).
Presented by Emilia Alonso Marks. V International Conference of the Hispanic Association for the
Humanities (AHH), Sevilla, Spain, June 2009.
“Integrating communication skills: Meaningful projects for beginning writing and conversation
students,” Emilia Alonso-Marks. XXVII AESLA (Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics)
International Conference, Ciudad Real, Spain, March 2009.
“Counter-urbanization into rural Spain: Linguistic signs of identity,” Mariche G. Bayonas
(University of North Carolina, Greensboro) and Emilia Alonso-Marks. Presented by Mariche G.
Bayonas. AAAL (American Association of Applied Linguistics) Conference, University of
Colorado, Denver, March 2009.
“Características rítmicas de la prosa y el verso en dos variedades del portugués: el portugués
europeo y el portugués brasileño” [Rhythmic features in prose and verse of two varieties of
Portuguese: European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese], Z.S. Bond, V. Stockmal, Emilia
Alonso-Marks and A. Woods.* Presented by Emilia Alonso Marks. 8th Ohio Latin-Americanist
Conference, Ohio University, Athens, February 2009.
“The counter-urbanization experience: Migration in rural Spain,” Mariche G. Bayonas (University
of North Carolina, Greensboro) and Emilia Alonso-Marks. Presented by Mariche G. Bayonas.
MIFLC (Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference), University of North Carolina,
Wilmington, October 2008.
“Rhythmic characteristics of prose and verse in varieties of Portuguese,” Z.S. Bond, Verna
Stockmal, Emilia Alonso-Marks and A. Woods.* Presented by Emilia Alonso Marks. Acoustics 08
(Acoustical Society of America Meeting), Paris, July 2008.
“The influence of the feature [sonorant] in lexical access in Spanish,” Danny Moates, Emilia
Alonso-Marks and Darío Barrera (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain). Co-presented. Acoustics 08
(Acoustical Society of America Meeting), Paris, July 2008.
“Examining counterurbanization: Sociolinguistic adaptation of the local community,” Emilia
Alonso Marks and Mariche G. Bayonas (University of North Carolina, Greensboro). Presented by
Emilia Alonso-Marks. Arizona Linguistics and Anthropology Symposium, University of Arizona,
Tucson, May 9-11, 2008.
“Constructing cultural identity: The case of itinerant societies,” Emilia Alonso-Marks and Mariche
G. Bayonas (University of North Carolina, Greensboro). Presented by Emilia Alonso-Marks.
Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, San Antonio, TX, November 2007.
“The rhythmic characterization of two varieties of Portuguese,” Verna Stockmal, Z.S. Bond,
Emilia Alonso-Marks and A. Woods.* Presented by Verna Stockmal, Z.S. Bond and Emilia
Alonso-Marks. 4th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society
of Japan, Honolulu, Hawaii, November-December 2006.
Emilia Alonso-Marks 11
“Monolingual and bilingual children’s abilities to distinguish novel languages,” Emilia AlonsoMarks, Nekane Oroz-Bretón (Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain), Z.S Bond, Verna Stockmal
and Liz McKenna.* Presented by Emilia Alonso-Marks. V AELCO (Spanish Association of
Cognitive Linguistics) International Conference, Murcia, Spain, October 2006.
“Monolingual and bilingual children’s ability to identify unknown languages,” Emilia AlonsoMarks, Nekane Oroz-Bretón (Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain), Z.S. Bond, Verna Stockmal
and Liz McKenna.* Presented by Emilia Alonso-Marks. 9th Annual OSU Symposium on Hispanic
and Luso-Brazilian Literatures, Linguistics, and Culture, Columbus, Ohio, April 2006.
“Students' perception of the importance of acquiring socio-cultural competence,” Emilia AlonsoMarks and Nekane Oroz-Bretón (Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain). Presented by Emilia
Alonso-Marks. SLRF (Second Language Research Forum), Teachers' College, Columbia
University, New York, October 2005.
“La influencia de los estudios en el extranjero en la percepción de la cultura anfitriona” [The
influence of study abroad in perceiving the host culture], Emilia Alonso-Marks and Nekane OrozBretón (Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain). Co-presented. I International Conference
"Spanish, language of the future," Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, Spain, March
“Reevaluación del papel de la gramática en la instrucción lingüística: Por qué hacerlo y cómo
hacerlo” [Reevaluating the role of grammar in language instruction: Why do it and how to it],
Emilia Alonso-Marks. XVth ASELE (Association for the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign
Language) Conference, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, September 2004.
“Sociedades en transformación/dialectos en flux: Dinamismo en La Reina del Sur de Arturo Pérez
Reverte” [Societies in transformation/dialects in flux: Dynamism in The Queen of the South by A.
Pérez-Reverte], Tom Franz, Emilia Alonso-Marks and Esperanza Zamora-Lara (Universidad
Veracruzana, Mexico). Co-presented. 57th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington,
Kentucky, April 2004.
“Vowel mutability with print materials in Spanish and English,” Danny R. Moates and Emilia
Alonso-Marks. Co-presented. 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Barcelona,
August 2003.
“Word reconstruction with printed materials in Spanish: An extended perspective,” Danny R.
Moates and Emilia Alonso-Marks. Presented by Emilia Alonso-Marks. International
Psycholinguistic Symposium, Barcelona, March 2003.
“Word reconstruction with printed materials in Spanish,” Emilia Alonso-Marks and Danny
Moates. Co-presented. 55th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, Kentucky, April
“Community immersion abroad,” Carolyn Lukens-Olson (St. Michael’s College, Vermont) and
Emilia Alonso-Marks. Co-presented. NAFSA (Association of International Educators) Regional
Conference, Worcester, MA, November 2001.
“Consonant features and word reconstruction in English and Spanish,” Emilia Alonso-Marks,
Danny R. Moates, Z. S. Bond and Verna Stockmal. Presented by Emilia Alonso-Marks and Danny
R. Moates. 54th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, April 2001.
Emilia Alonso-Marks 12
“Language experience and the representation of phonology in an unknown language,” Emilia
Alonso-Marks, Z.S. Bond and Verna Stockmal. Presented by Emilia Alonso-Marks. AAAL
(American Association of Applied Linguistics) Conference, St. Louis, February 2001.
“Determining phoneme variability in lexical selection,” Emilia Alonso-Marks, Danny R. Moates
and Z.S Bond. Presented by Emilia Alonso-Marks. II AELCO (Spanish Association of Cognitive
Linguistics) International Conference, Madrid, Spain, May 2000.
“Comunidades: El quinto objetivo temático para el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera”
[Communities: The fifth standard for the learning of a foreign language], Emilia Alonso-Marks.
XVIII AESLA (Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics) International Conference, Barcelona,
May 2000.
“Evidence of the vowel mutability effect in Spanish,” Emilia Alonso-Marks, Danny R. Moates,
Z.S. Bond and Leonor Vázquez.* Presented by Emilia Alonso-Marks and Danny R. Moates.
International Conference on Basic Mechanisms of Language and Language Disorders, University
of Leipzig, September 1999.
“The effect of proficiency in a specific foreign language on the ability to identify a novel foreign
language,” Emilia Alonso-Marks, Z.S. Bond and Verna Stockmal. Co-presented. 14th
International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, San Francisco, August 1999.
“Applying current research on the fossilization of accents to the teaching of modern languages,”
Emilia Alonso-Marks. Accent Modification Workshop, Ohio University, April 1998.
“Vowel mutability and language specificity: A case study in Spanish,” Emilia Alonso-Marks,
Danny R. Moates, Z.S. Bond and Leonor Vázquez.* Presented by Emilia Alonso-Marks. AAAL
(American Association of Applied Linguistics) Conference, Seattle, March 1998.
“Overcoming phonological fossilization,” Emilia Alonso-Marks. Accent Modification Workshop,
Ohio University, April 1997.
“Service-learning in the modern language classroom,” Emilia Alonso-Marks. Ohio Campus
Compact, Wittenberg University, April 1997.
“Reactivating hibernating phonological structures,” Emilia Alonso-Marks and Carol Jo Alaimo.
Presented by Emilia Alonso-Marks. SLRF (Second Language Research Forum), University of
Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, October 1996.
“Redefining phonological fossilization: Fossilization as hibernation,” Carol Jo Alaimo* and
Emilia Alonso-Marks. Presented by Emilia Alonso-Marks. TESOL-SPAIN (Teachers of English
to Speakers of Other Languages-Spain), Sevilla, May 1996.
“Helping learners build general awareness in the pronunciation class,” Emilia Alonso-Marks. II
International Conference “Languages in the European Community,” Universidad Ramón Llull,
Barcelona, 1995.
“Factores que afectan a la autenticidad de pronunciación de una segunda lengua/lengua extranjera:
El papel del/a profesor/a de fonética” [Factors affecting pronunciation authenticity in a
second/foreign language: The role of the instructor], Emilia Alonso-Marks, M. Heliodora Cuenca
(Universidad de Sevilla, Spain). Presented by Emilia Alonso-Marks. XII AESLA (Spanish
Association of Applied Linguistics) International Conference, Barcelona, April 1994.
Emilia Alonso-Marks 13
“Assessing FL phonological development through the use of cognitive retrospective verbal
reports,” Emilia Alonso-Marks. SLRF (Second Language Research Forum), University of
Pittsburgh and Carnegie-Mellon University, March 1993.
“La aproximación como estrategia de producción fonológica: Las vibrantes en español como
lengua extranjera” [Approximation as a pronunciation strategy: The vibrant phonemes in Spanish],
Emilia Alonso-Marks. I Convention on Present Day Philology, Universidad de Huelva, Huelva,
Spain, May 1992.
“La actuación bilingüe: un enfoque integrativo” [Bilingual performance: An integrative approach],
Emilia Alonso-Marks. VII AESLA (Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics) International
Conference, Universidad de Sevilla, April 1989.
Invited Talks, Colloquia and Symposia
“Designing Cooperative Communicative Activities for the Foreign Language Classroom,”
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of North Carolina, Greensboro,
February 2012.
“Writing in English and Spanish as Foreign Languages,” Colloquium, Department of Modern
Languages, Ohio University, October 2010.
“Implementing Cooperative Communicative Activities for Foreign Language Learners,” Foreign
Language Unit, College of Arts and Sciences, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Malaysia, June
“The rhythm of two varieties of Portuguese: Its sensitivity to task demands,” Colloquium,
Department of Linguistics, Ohio University, October 2008.
“Children’s Language Identification Ability,” Colloquium, Department of English Language and
Linguistics, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, June 2008.
“Raising Children to Speak Two Languages,” Colloquium, Department of Linguistics, Ohio
University, October 2005.
“Community Immersion Abroad,” Faculty Workshop, Education Abroad Office, Ohio University,
February 2002.
“La variabilidad fonológica en la selección léxica: El caso de las consonantes del español,”
[Phonemic variability in lexical selection: The case of Spanish consonants], Colloquium,
Hispanic Linguistics Series, The Ohio State University, February 2002.
“Community Service Programs in Spain,” Dean’s Advisory Council, College of Arts and
Sciences, Ohio University, September 2001.
“El sistema educativo norteamericano. Las enseñanzas universitarias,” [The North American
educational system: The college level], Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad
Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Pamplona, May 2000.
“La participación de la familia en la escuela” [Family involvement in the school], “San Juan de la
Cadena” Public Elementary School, Pamplona, May 2000.
“Teaching in Europe,” Colloquium, Department of Linguistics, Ohio University, March 1997.
“Cooperative Language Learning,” Symposium on Humanistic Language Teaching, Sevilla,
November 1995.
Emilia Alonso-Marks 14
“Cómo desarrollar la conciencia de los/as aprendices en el proceso de escritura en una L2: El uso
de códigos como forma de feedback correctivo en la clase de español” [Developing learners’
awareness in the process of writing in a second language: The use of codes as a corrective
feedback tool in the Spanish classroom], Emilia Alonso-Marks and Christián Abello (Universidad
de Sevilla, Spain). Co-presented. I Symposium of University Association for the Teaching of
Spanish as a Second Language (AULA2), November 1995.
“New directions in pronunciation teaching,” Plenary session, II TESOL-SPAIN Conference,
Universidad de Huelva, Huelva, Spain, March 1994.
“El uso de los diarios de aprendizaje en la clase de inglés como segunda lengua/lengua
extranjera” [The use of learning logs in the ESL/EFL classroom], Jeffrey Marks and Emilia
Alonso-Marks. Co-presented. Symposium in Applied Linguistics to the Teaching of English as a
Foreign Language, Alcalá de Guadaira, Sevilla, 1994.
“The Total Physical Response (T.P.R.) method: Principles and techniques,” Christián Abello
(Universidad de Sevilla, Spain) and Emilia Alonso-Marks. Co-presented. Symposium on Foreign
Language Teaching, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Spain, May 1994.
“Las estrategias de aproximación a un contraste fonémico no-nativo de los aprendices de español
como lengua extranjera” [Spanish foreign language learners’ approximation strategies to a nonnative phonemic contrast], Emilia Alonso-Marks. I Symposium in learning strategies and
language use, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Spain, 1992.
Guest speaker at Conversations From Studio B, a WOUB radio talk show, with host Kelee
Riesbeck, May 2008.
Guest speaker at Rise! Radio Talk Show hosted by Burnette Clingman of Burnette Clingman
Enterprises, Dayton, Ohio, June 2006.
Sponsored Research Projects and Grants
Ohio University: International Travel Fund to attend the Spanish Association for Applied
Linguistics Meeting in Sevilla, Spain (April).
Ohio University: Faculty Fellowship Leave (spring).
Ohio University: International Travel Fund (with the College of Arts & Sciences, and the
Honors Tutorial College) to attend the Spanish Association for Applied Linguistics Meeting in
Lleida, Spain (April).
Ministry of Education and Innovation, Government of Spain: Research Project, “Percepción de
los sonidos del inglés y del español por estudiantes de segundas lenguas” [Perception of
Spanish and English Sounds by Second Language Learners]. PI: Dr. Teresa López Soto
(Universidad de Sevilla). I am a co-investigator in this project.
Ministry of Education and Innovation, Government of Spain: Research Project, “La Enseñanza
de Lenguas Extranjeras: Tareas con Contenido” [Foreign Language Teaching: Adding Content
to Task]. PI: Dr. Anthony Bruton (Universidad de Sevilla). I am a co-investigator in this
Ohio University, Education Abroad Discretionary Travel Fund to attend the Spanish
Association for Applied Linguistics Conference in Ciudad Real, Spain (spring).
Ohio University: International Travel Fund to attend the Acoustical Society of America
Meeting in Paris, France (summer).
Emilia Alonso-Marks 15
Ministry of Education and Innovation, Government of Spain: Research Project SEJ200606321, “La Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras a través de Tareas en la Escuela Secundaria:
Uso y Efectividad” [Task-based Foreign Language Teaching in Secondary Schools: Use and
Effectiveness]. PI: Dr. Anthony Bruton (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain). I was a coinvestigator in this project.
Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain: Research Group, “La Enseñanza Bilingüe en Navarra”
[Bilingual Teaching in Navarra]. PI: Dr. José Pablo Sotés Ruiz. I was a co-investigator in this
Ohio University: Faculty Leave to work on a Baker Fund proposal (spring).
Ohio University: Faculty Fellowship Leave (spring). I received $1,000 from the Ohio
University Research Council (OURC) Discretionary Funds.
Ohio University: International Travel Fund to collect data for a project in Sevilla, Spain.
Ohio University: College of Arts and Sciences, Faculty Professional Development Award.
University of Leipzig, Germany: International Travel Grant to present at a conference.
Ohio University: College of Arts and Sciences, Faculty Development Award to develop the
area of stylistics and pragmatics and attend a conference at the Universidad de Sevilla, Spain.
Ohio University: Teaching Scholars Program.
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain: Research Grant for Innovative University-level Teaching
University of Arizona: Visiting Scholarship from the English Department.
Government of Andalucía (Spain): Research Group HUM-125, “La Lingüística Aplicada a la
Enseñanza del Inglés” [Linguistics Applied to English Teaching], Euros: 2,400 per annum. PI:
Dr. Anthony Bruton (Universidad de Sevilla). I am a co-investigator in this project.
University of Oregon: Graduate Teaching Fellowship to pursue studies in Linguistics and to
teach Spanish.
Government of Andalucía (Spain), Board of Education: Research and Travel Grant to study in
Eugene, Oregon.
Harvard University: Selected as an International Exchange Student and received graduate
assistantship to teach Spanish.
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain: Faculty of Philology Undergraduate Research and Travel Grant
to collect data in London, UK.
Ohio University: Presidential Teacher Award.
Rotary International: Presidential Citation Award, granted to individual Rotarians for
outstanding service accomplishments in all Four Avenues of Service.
Professional Development Activities
Attended workshop on cloud computing, College of Health Sciences & Professions,
Ohio U. October
Attended workshop on e-portfolios, College of Arts & Sciences, Ohio U. September.
Attended workshop on food theme, College of Arts & Sciences, Ohio U. August.
Participated in communication/education activities with the Healthy Living Initiative,
Tropical Disease Institute, Ohio U., Ecuador. June (three weeks).
Attended a Workshop entitled “Clitics and Beyond,” Department of Romance
Philology, Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany, May.
Attended Ilse Lehiste Memorial Symposium on Melody and Meter, The Ohio State
University, November.
Attended a Workshop on Andalucian-Arabic Epigraphy, Escuela de Traductores de
Emilia Alonso-Marks 16
Toledo [Toledo Translation School], Spain, April.
Attended a Workshop on the Features of Blackboard 9.0, Ohio University, September.
Attended a Workshop on the Features of Blackboard 7.0, Ohio University, December.
Became a Tutor for the Virtual Classroom, Cervantes Institute, Spain, May-June.
Attended a Symposium on Content and Language Integrated Learning, University of
the Basque Country, Vitoria, Spain, May 8-9.
Attended a Workshop entitled “Incorporating Audio Technology as a Pedagogical
tool: Using Audacity,” Language Resource Center, Ohio University.
Attended a Workshop on Incorporating Technology in the Classroom, Ohio
Attended a Workshop entitled “Introduction to Web Design and HTML,” Language
Resource Center, Ohio University.
Attended a Workshop entitled “Introduction to Java Script,” Language Resource
Center, Ohio University.
Attended a Workshop entitled “OURC-Baker Proposal Submitting,” ORSP, Ohio
Participated in the Colloquium on Teaching, Ohio University.
Participated in the Teaching Scholars Program, Ohio University.
Scholarly Outreach
Membership in Scientific Committees
Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA)
Reviewer, Hispania (American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
Reviewer, Several studies and a book manuscript on Antonio Machado for colleague
and collaborator Thomas Franz.
Reviewer, Selected Proceedings of the Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, San Antonio,
TX, published with Cascadilla Press in 2008.
Reviewer, 3rd edition of “Fonética y Fonología Españolas” by R. Barrutia and A.
Schwegler, New York: John Wiley & Sons (spring).
Reviewer, Spanish Phonetics Textbook, Prentice Hall
Guest speaker Co-sponsorships and Co-organizations
Dr. Haralambos Symeonidis, Associate Professor of Spanish Linguistics, University
of Kentucky. Colloquium sponsored by the Department of Modern Languages and
Latin American Studies [fall].
Dr. Mary L. Zampini, Associate Professor of Spanish, LeMoyne College. Colloquium
sponsored by the Institute for the Empirical Study of Language, the Department of
Linguistics and the Department of Psychology [spring].
Dr. Anna Babel, Assistant Professor of Spanish, The Ohio State University.
Colloquium sponsored by the Department of Modern Languages, Latin American
Studies and the College of Arts and Sciences [fall].
Dr. Rajiv Saxena, Fulbright Senior Scholar, Spanish and Latin American Studies,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. Visit co-sponsored by the Department
Emilia Alonso-Marks 17
of Modern Languages, Latin American Studies, the Center for International Studies,
the Office of Diversity, Access and Equity, and the College of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Terrell Morgan, Professor of Hispanic Linguistics, The Ohio State University.
Colloquium sponsored by the Department of Modern Languages, Latin American
Studies, and the Department of Linguistics [winter].
Dr. Teresa López Soto, Associate Professor of English Language and Linguistics,
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain. Colloquium sponsored by the Institute for the
Empirical Study of Language [summer].
Dr. David Pisoni, Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Science, Indiana University.
Kennedy Speaker. Lecture sponsored by the Institute for the Empirical Study of
Language and the Kennedy Lecture Series [spring].
Dr. Scott Schwenter, Associate Professor of Hispanic Linguistics, The Ohio State
University. Colloquium sponsored by the Department of Modern Languages, the
Department of Linguistics, and the Institute for the Empirical Study of Language
Dr. William Tecumseh Fitch, Lecturer, School of Psychology, University of St.
Andrews, Scotland, UK. Kennedy Speaker. Lecture sponsored by the Institute for the
Empirical Study of Language and the Kennedy Lecture Series [winter].
Dr. John Locke, Professor of Language Science, University of Sheffield, UK.
Kennedy Speaker. Lecture sponsored by the Institute for the Empirical Study of
Language and the Kennedy Lecture Series [fall].
Academic Service at Ohio University
- Graduate Chair
- Chair, Alumni Relations and Departmental Outreach Committee
- Curriculum Committee
- Reappointment Committee
- Recruitment & Retention of Multicultural Students Committee
- Tenure & Promotion Committee (Progress-toward-tenure, fall)
- Coordinator, Graduate Exchange Program with Sevilla, Spain
- Faculty point person, Education Abroad Program in Toledo, Spain
- Chair, Alumni Relations and Departmental Outreach Committee
Shadow Day with Athens High School Students [fall]
- Curriculum Committee
- Peer Evaluation Committee
- Recruitment & Retention of Multicultural Students Committee
- Tenure & Promotion Committee (Progress-toward-tenure, fall)
- Coordinator, Graduate Exchange Program with Sevilla, Spain
- Faculty point person, Education Abroad Program in Toledo, Spain
- Director, Education Abroad Program in Toledo, Spain [spring]
- Chair, Alumni Relations and Departmental Outreach Committee
- Curriculum Committee
- Peer Evaluation Committee
- Recruitment & Retention of Multicultural Students Committee
Emilia Alonso-Marks 18
- Tenure and Promotion Committee (Progress-toward-tenure, fall)
- Coordinator, Graduate Exchange Program with Sevilla, Spain
- Chair, Alumni Relations and Departmental Outreach Committee
- Co-Chair, Ad-hoc Search Committee for Group I Faculty Position in Spanish
Applied Linguistics
- Assessment Committee
- Coordinator, Three-Year MA in Spanish (with TEFL concentration) at the
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
- Curriculum Committee
- Graduate Committee
- Tenure and Promotion Committee (New Guidelines)
- Coordinator, Graduate Exchange Program with Sevilla, Spain.
- Co-Organizer, Spanish Honors Banquet (spring)
- Director, Education Abroad Program in Toledo, Spain (spring)
- Advisory Committee
- Chair Evaluation Committee
- Coordinator, Three-Year MA in Spanish at the Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
- Graduate Committee (fall & winter)
- Peer Evaluation Committee
- Tenure and Promotion Committee
- Advisory Committee
- Alumni Relations and Outreach Committee
- Chair Evaluation Committee
- Graduate Committee
- Peer Evaluation Committee
- Tenure and Promotion Committee
- Advisory Committee
- Ad-hoc Committee to examine Education Abroad Programs in Spain
- Alumni Relations and Outreach Committee
- Chair Evaluation Committee
- Graduate Committee
- Peer Evaluation Committee
- Tenure and Promotion Committee
- Co-organizer, Hispanic Linguistics Colloquium, Dr. Scott Schwenter (The Ohio
State University) [spring]
- Advisory Committee
- Alumni Relations and Outreach Committee
- Chair Evaluation
- Group II, III, IV Faculty Evaluation and Reappointment Committee
- Tenure and Promotion Committee
- Co-Director, Education Abroad Program in Pamplona, Spain
Coordinator, Community Service Activities
Emilia Alonso-Marks 19
Co-Editor, Student Publication, ¡Qué Guay!
- Ad-hoc Search Committee for Group I Faculty Position in Spanish Linguistics (fall)
- Advisory Committee
- Alumni Relations and Outreach Committee
- Chair Evaluation Committee
- Tenure and Promotion Committee
- Advisory Committee
- Alumni Relations and Outreach Committee
- Chair Evaluation Committee
- Group II, III, IV Faculty Evaluation and Reappointment Committee
- Tenure and Promotion Committee
- Co-Director, Education Abroad Program in Pamplona, Spain
Coordinator, Community Service Activities
Co-Editor, Student Publication, ¡Qué Guay!
- Advisory Committee
- Alumni Relations and Outreach Committee
- Chair Evaluation
- Group II, III, IV Faculty Evaluation and Reappointment Committee
- Tenure and Promotion Committee
- Chair, Group II, III, IV Faculty Evaluation and Reappointment Committee
- Chair, Ad-hoc Search Committee for Group I Faculty Position in Spanish Applied
- Assessment Committee
- Graduate Committee
- Ad-hoc Search Committee for Group I Faculty Position in 19th century Latin
American Literature
- Faculty Adviser, Spanish Club and Alpha Psy Lambda
- Coordinator, Spanish 341-342-343 series (fall)
- Assessment Committee
- Coordinator, Spanish 341-342-343 series
- Ad-hoc Search Committee for Group I Faculty Position in 20th century Peninsular
- Conducted exit interviews for graduating seniors in Spanish (April)
- Co-Editor, Student Publication Dígamelo (fall)
- Co-Director, Education Abroad Program in Pamplona, Spain
Coordinator, Community Service Activities
Director, Student Publication Plumas Navarras
- Assessment Committee
- Curriculum Committee
- Coordinator, Spanish 341-342-343 series
- Ad-hoc Search Committee for Director of Language Resource Center
- Co-Editor, Student Publication Dígamelo
Emilia Alonso-Marks 20
- Curriculum Committee
- Graduate Committee
- Coordinator, Spanish 341-342-343 series
- Ad-hoc Search Committee for Spanish Group IV Faculty Position (spring)
- Co-Chair, Spanish Honors Banquet (spring)
- Performed statistical analyses on results of exit exams from the Spanish 341-342-343
series for the Department’s Seventh-Year Review
- Curriculum Committee
- Library Committee
- Conducted exit interviews for graduating seniors in Spanish (April)
- Co-designed and implemented diagnostic exams for students entering the Spanish
300 series (spring)
- Chair, Spanish section, Annual Language Fair (winter).
- Promotion to Full Professor Committee
- Promotion and Tenure Committee
- Food Curricular Theme (Sep-Dec)
- Award Advisory Committee
- Curriculum Committee
- Promotion and Tenure Committee
- Education Abroad Committee
- Faculty Adviser, Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Program
Director, Institute for the Empirical Study of Language
University Standing Curriculum Committee
Graduate Committee Member, Individual Interdisciplinary Program
Associate Director for Research, Institute for the Empirical Study of Language
Campus Coordinator, Spanish Language and Cultural Ambassadors Program, Office
of Nationally Competitive Awards
Participate in Fulbright and NSEP Campus Committees and serve as language
Co-organizer, visit co-sponsored by the Department of Modern Languages, Latin
American Studies, the Center for International Studies, the Office of Diversity, Access
and Equity, and the College of Arts and Sciences: Dr. Rajiv Saxena, Fulbright Senior
Scholar, Spanish and Latin American Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New
Delhi, India [winter]
Translated into Spanish brochure for Counseling and Psychological Services (spring)
University College, Faculty adviser for undecided freshmen
Co-organizer, Institute for the Empirical Study of Language, Kennedy Speaker: Prof.
David Pisoni (Indiana University) [spring]
Assisted with Recruitment and Retention program (spring)
Co-organizer, Institute for the Empirical Study of Language, Kennedy Speaker: Dr.
William Tecumseh Fitch (University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK) [winter]
Assisted with Recruitment and Retention program (spring)
Co-organizer, Institute for the Empirical Study of Language, Kennedy Speaker: Prof.
John Locke (University of Sheffield, UK) [fall]
Emilia Alonso-Marks 21
Green and White Day (contacting and following up initial contacts with twelve
minority students and their families) [spring]
Professional Service
Chair, Linguistics session, 9th Ohio Latin Americanist Conference, Ohio University
Chair, three sessions, 11th Biennial Bilingualism and Multilingualism in School
Settings (ELIA) Conference, Sevilla, Spain
Chair, Linguistics session, 8th Ohio Latin Americanist Conference, Ohio University
Organizer and Chair, Psycholinguistics Panel, 57th Kentucky Foreign Language
Conference, Lexington, Kentucky
Consultant, GMAT Spanish Verbal, Educational Testing Services, Princeton
Organizer, Orientation session for two Spanish professors from Dennison University,
Psycholinguistics Laboratory, Language Resource Center, Ohio University (fall)
Professional Associations
American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP)
American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
Hispanic Association of the Humanities (AHH)
Linguistic Society of America (LSA)
Spanish Association for Applied Linguistics (AESLA)
Spanish Association for the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ASELE)
Ohio Foreign Language Association (OFLA)
Ohio Valley Foreign Language Alliance (OVFLA)
Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish Honorary Society)
Community Service
Member, Peace and Justice Ministry, Christ the King University Parish, Athens, Ohio
Member, Ohio University Women’s Club, Athens, Ohio
Coordinator, Outbound Youth Exchange Program, Athens Club of Rotary
Interact Adviser, Athens High School and Athens Club of Rotary International
Chair, Vocational Services, Athens Club of Rotary International
Volunteer Spanish teacher, East Elementary, Athens, Ohio
Volunteer, KIMES Rehabilitation Center for senior residents, Athens, Ohio
Volunteer, “Casa de la Misericordia” Rehabilitation Center for senior residents,
Pamplona, Spain
Volunteer literacy teacher, East Elementary, Athens, Ohio
Volunteer, KIMES Rehabilitation Center for senior residents, Athens, Ohio
Volunteer, “Casa de la Misericordia” Rehabilitation Center for senior residents,
Pamplona, Spain
Volunteer, Dog & Cat Shelter, Pamplona, Spain
Volunteer literacy teacher, East Elementary, Athens, Ohio
Volunteer, KIMES Rehabilitation Center for senior residents, Athens, Ohio
Volunteer, Cat Shelter, Athens, Ohio
Emilia Alonso-Marks 22
Volunteer literacy teacher, East Elementary, Athens, Ohio
Volunteer, COMPEER Program for mentally disabled persons, Hickory Creek
Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, The Plains, Ohio
Volunteer, “Casa de la Misericordia” Nursing and Rehabilitation Center for senior
residents, Pamplona, Spain
Volunteer literacy teacher, East Elementary, Athens, Ohio
Volunteer, COMPEER Program for mentally disabled persons, Hickory Creek
Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, The Plains, Ohio
Volunteer, “Casa de Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza” for mentally and physically
disabled persons, Olivares, Sevilla, Spain
Volunteer teacher, Spanish literacy program, Federal Correctional Institution, Tucson,
Arizona (September-June).
Volunteer coordinator, English culture and music programs, Correctional Institutional
System, Sevilla, Spain (April-June).
Spanish (native)
English (fluent)
French (reading, writing and basic conversation)
Portuguese (reading and basic understanding)
Bahasa Indonesia (basic knowledge and understanding)