You Can`t Put Old Wine in New Bottles: The

You Can’t Put Old Wine in New Bottles:
The Effect of Newcomers on Coordination in Groups
Matthew W. McCarter 1*
[email protected]
Roman M. Sheremeta 2
[email protected]
1, 2
Argyros School of Business and Economics,
Chapman University, Orange, CA, USA
A common finding in social sciences is that member change hinders group functioning and
performance. However, questions remain as to why member change negatively affects group
performance and what are some ways to alleviate the negative effects of member change on
performance? To answer these questions we conduct an experiment in which we investigate the
effect of newcomers on a group’s ability to coordinate efficiently. Participants play a
coordination game in a four-person group for the first part of the experiment, and then two
members of the group are replaced with new participants, and the newly formed group plays the
game for the second part of the experiment. Our results show that the arrival of newcomers
decreases trust among group members and this decrease in trust negatively affects group
performance. Knowing the performance history of the arriving newcomers mitigates the negative
effect of their arrival, but only when newcomers also know the oldtimers performance history.
Surprisingly, in groups that performed poorly prior to the newcomers’ arrival, the distrust
generated by newcomers is mainly between oldtimers about each other rather than about the
JEL Classifications: C72, C91
Keywords: coordination, group performance, oldtimers, newcomers, trust, experiments
*Corresponding Author: Matthew W. McCarter
The earlier version of this paper circulated under the title “Putting New Wine into Old Bottles:
An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Newcomers on Cooperation in a Trust Social
Dilemma.” This research was made possible by the generous funding of the Argyros School of
Business and Economics provided to both authors, the Wang-Fradkin Research Fund awarded to
the first author, and the facilities at the Economic Science Institute at Chapman University.
Portions of this research benefited from the comments of David Cooper, Rachel Croson, Stuart
Bunderson, Teppo Felin, Greg Northcraft, David Porter, and Nathaniel Wilcox. We also thank
Robert Duncan, Jennifer Cunningham, Jennifer Freebury, and Nancy Gregory for assistance with
data collection.
The composition of groups is rarely stable [1]. Whether in large collectives such as social
movements [2] or in small collectives such as work teams [3], it is often the case that member
change occurs where existing group members (or oldtimers) are replaced by new members (or
newcomers) [4,5]. Because of the ubiquity of member change in organizational settings, a
considerable amount of research has surfaced examining how member change affects group
performance. A common finding in social sciences, such as organization science, economics,
decision sciences, industrial relations, political science, and anthropology, is that member change
hinders group functioning and performance [6,7,8,9,10]. Of course, other research has found the
opposite effect: newcomers enhance group performance. However, these studies are different
from what we are investigating in that they are particularly focused on creativity and innovation,
whereby new ideas are provided by new members [4,11]. However, questions that have received
less empirical attention are why member change negatively affects group performance and what
are some ways to alleviate the negative effects of member change on performance?
Moreland and Levine [12] suggest one reason why member change may negatively
impact group performance: member change affects intra-group processes. Dineen and Noe [13]
similarly posit that emergent states, or “properties of the [group] that are typically dynamic in
nature and vary as a function of team context, inputs, processes, and outcomes” [14] are likely to
explain the effects of member change on group performance (p. 357). Two emergent states
posited and found to shape group performance are task flexibility and group learning [13,15,16].
For example, team learning and task flexibility suffer from member change (operationalized as
team turnover), and, in turn, lead to reduced team functioning on self managing manufacturing
teams [16]. In addition, intra-group trust is a third emergent state posited to explain the effects of
member change on group performance [17,18]. Trust is an individual’s “expectations,
assumptions or beliefs about the likelihood that another’s future actions will be beneficial,
favorable or at least not detrimental” [19] to them (p. 576). However, despite acknowledgment of
the importance of trust for understanding group and team effectiveness [18], little empirical
research has investigated trust in relation to member change in groups. Van der Vegt and
colleagues [16] did investigate whether social integration (which includes the element of trust)
mediated member change and performance and found no effect. However, their survey measures
of social integration neither asked about trust directly nor used complete scales from published
research. Further, this work did not control for whether newcomers were replacing oldtimers.
The current research complements this previous field work by isolating how the arrival
newcomers (while keeping the size of group constant) affected both trust among group members
and how oldtimers and newcomers perceived each other.
The one empirical investigation the authors are aware of germane to the current
investigation is found in experimental economics: Weber’s [20] study of the weakest-link game
with increasing group sizes. In this research, Weber [20] compared cooperation (or what he
termed efficient coordination) rates in a 12-person group to a group that grew from 2 to 12 over a
series of rounds. Weber [20] also examined whether growing groups could achieve higher levels
of cooperation as a function of whether newcomers (who were waiting to play) knew the
performance history of the group before entering. The paper reported that groups that grew from
2 to 12, and that shared its history with newcomers, achieved an average cooperation level higher
than either the control condition (where the group started and kept the same 12 individuals for all
rounds) or growing groups that did not share their history with newcomers.
The Weber [20] article shows one way member change can occur: newcomers may be
added to an existing group – making the group larger. A second way is that newcomers can
replace existing members [4]. The current article focuses on situations in which newcomers are
replacing existing group members. Focusing on member replacement rather than increases in
membership holds constant group size, thus helping us to avoid misattributing our findings to
changes in member composition when they may actually be due to changes in group size [21].
We also complement the Weber [20] article by analyzing the role of trust in predicting
behavioral responses to member change.
The current research investigates how the arrival of newcomers affects intra-group trust
among group members and investigates how the potential negative effects of newcomers can be
mitigated. Using a coordination (weakest-link) game in an experimental lab setting, our primary
findings show: (1) the arrival of newcomers decrease trust among group members and this
decrease in trust negatively affects group performance; and (2) knowing the performance history
of the arriving newcomers mitigates the negative effect of their arrival, but only when
newcomers also know the oldtimers performance history. Surprisingly, (3) in groups that
performed poorly prior to newcomers arriving, the distrust generated by newcomers is between
oldtimers about each other rather than about the newcomers.
Theoretical Background and Hypotheses
Groups are traditionally formed to achieve goals that could not be achieved by an
individual acting alone [22]. One goal that groups are often intended to achieve is efficiency in
coordinating resources [23]. Our conceptualization of coordination is in line with economics and
social psychology research which suggest that groups can coordinate to achieve a variety of
performance outcomes, ranging from completely efficient coordination to completely inefficient
coordination [15,24,25,26]. For instance, there are many settings – ranging from teams to entire
economies – where individuals trying to coordinate may be “trapped” in an equilibrium that is
inferior to other equilibria, and thus their coordination is somewhat inefficient [15,25,27]. Work
teams, for example, can “satisfice” and settle for routines that produce suboptimal outcomes but
nevertheless create (some) value for an organization [28]. However, work teams can also
“maximize” and create routines that produce optimal outcomes, thus leading to more efficient
coordination, or totally fail, leading to completely inefficient coordination. Thus, following the
work of experimental economics and social psychology, we view coordination as a performance
outcome of groups that ranges from completely efficient coordination to completely inefficient
coordination [15,20,25,26].
One factor that may influence a group’s ability to coordinate efficiently is trust. As
suggested by Camerer and Knez [29] and Schnake [30], coordination in any organized setting
requires trust because the individuals incur the risk of being made a “sucker” by those either
undependable or unmotivated to contribute their necessary resources toward achieving the
collective’s goal. Thus for coordination to occur “harmoniously”, trust must be present among
group members [23]. The uni-dimensional psychological approach to trust formation [31]
maintains that when groups form, social uncertainty is high and trust among group members
begins low (at a conceptual level of zero). Social uncertainty (or strategic risk) is a lack of
information about another’s behavioral intentions, values, and abilities [32,33]. Over time and
through repeated interaction, familiarity increases and routines become established among group
members [34]. Thus, as individuals interact they are able to evaluate whether group members
meet their expectations; whether their values are congruent; and their abilities are compatible
[35]. As a consequence, social uncertainty decreases and trust increases [36]. As suggested by
McCarter et al. [37], group member interaction can build trust in two ways. First, interaction may
occur by verbal communication among group members, where intentions are signaled through
spoken word [38]. The second type of interaction is behavioral: group members signal their
intentions through action, rather than through cheap talk [39]. Because cheap-talk
communication does not guarantee efficient coordination in groups [25], the current research
examines trust formation through behavioral signaling.
Increased trust is beneficial for the ability of groups to coordinate efficiently because it
reduces the perceived strategic risk associated with any individuals’ contributions to the group.
By definition, as trust increases, individuals have positive expectations of the intentions or
behavior of others in the group (e.g., their contributions of resources to a collective goal), and
they are willing to accept vulnerability based upon this expectation. Thus, when a group of
individuals trust one another, and thus have positive expectations about others in the group it is
easier for individuals in a group to coordinate effectively because they do not anticipate being
made a “sucker” by others and their choices should reflect this.
Whereas time and repeated interaction decrease social uncertainty and increase trust,
member change and the presence of newcomers increases social uncertainty within a group [40],
and decreases the level of trust among group members [41]. Member change occurs in two
forms. First, newcomers may be added to an existing group – making the group larger [20]; and
second, newcomers can replace existing members [4]. We focus on situations in which
newcomers are replacing existing group members. This boundary condition accomplishes two
things. Focusing on member replacement rather than increases in membership holds constant
group size, thus helping to avoid misattributing our findings to changes in member composition
when they may actually be due to changes in group size [21]. In addition, focusing on member
replacement removes an additional explanation for changes in group performance: the potential
shrinking of shared benefits occurring when groups grow; i.e., when groups grow, the reward
must be divided among more people [9].
When newcomers arrive, existing group members are likely to experience reduced
positive expectations about the intentions or behavior of others and be less willing to accept
vulnerability based upon these expectations. Existing members may be unsure whether
newcomers will understand and follow established routines or share the same values and
expectations [13,42]. In turn, the group’s ability to coordinate should be hindered because
effective coordination relies on trust in others [23]. Thus, we posit the following.
Hypothesis 1: Group members who experience the arrival of newcomers will engage in less
efficient coordination compared to group members who do not experience the arrival of
Hypothesis 2: Group members who experience the arrival of newcomers will trust their fellow
group members less compared to group members who do not experience the arrival of
Hypothesis 3: Trust will mediate the negative relationship between the presence of newcomers
and a group’s ability to coordinate more efficiently.
One way that newcomer effects may be mitigated is by the oldtimers and newcomers
having information about how each have performed previously in similar situations. Often
newcomers enter groups with reputations known by the oldtimers and vice-versa [12]. One kind
of reputation both oldtimers and newcomers may know is about each other’s previous
performance on similar tasks. Kollock [43] suggests that performance history may be used as a
signaling mechanism to facilitate efficient coordination in collective action dilemmas, and it
decreases the costs of coordination among group members [44,45]. Coordinative ability may
improve from information because social uncertainty is reduced and trust is increased: the group
members (new and old) know how the others behaved in the past and can therefore make more
informed decisions about what behavior is necessary to achieve efficient coordination in the
Hypothesis 4: As the amount of information known by the group members about each other’s
previous performance increases, coordination increases – such that groups that receive full
information achieve more efficient coordination compared to when no information is provided;
groups that receive full information achieve more efficient coordination compared to when
partial information is provided, and groups that receive partial information achieve more
efficient coordination compared to when no information is provided.
The Weakest-Link Coordination Game
We test these hypotheses in a laboratory. Laboratory experiments allow for strong
internal validity and high psychological realism while also enabling us to isolate the impact
member change has on trust and subsequent behavior [46,47]. We employ a weakest-link
coordination game [48], in which efficient coordination is attained when all individuals in the
group choose the option that maximizes group value, but individuals are exposed to private risk
by attempting group coordination when others choose not to coordinate. Specifically, in the
general form of a weakest-link game there are n participants, and each participant i chooses an
integer ei between 1 and ē. The payoff of participant i depends on ei and the minimum integer
chosen within the group Min (ei, e-i), i.e., πi (ei, e-i) = a Min (ei, e-i) - b|ei - Min (ei, e-i)| + c, where
b|ei - Min (ei, e-i)| denotes the deviation cost and a, b and c are constants. Table 1 shows the
weakest-link game used in the current study (n = 4, ē = 7, a=0.5, b=0.5 and c=3). Participants in
a 4-person group could choose any integer ei between 1 and 7. From Table 1 we see that the set
of outcomes where no one has an incentive to change their selected integer (or equilibria) is
located along the diagonal. The Pareto-optimal (or best) equilibrium, however, that provides the
highest payoffs to all participants, occurs when each participant chooses the highest integer, ē
(the integer 7 in our studies).
There are several benefits gained from using a weakest-link game. First, because freeriding is impossible, “cooperation [in the weakest-link game] … rests on trust” [49](p. 2), the
game’s design isolates our primary mediating variable, trust [50]. Second, weakest-link games
model many group tasks common in organizational settings. Consider three examples. A
customer’s satisfaction with a hotel is often a function of the lowest quality of service received
during their stay. Therefore how the “weakest” staff member serves the customer determines the
overall performance of the group [29]. Air traffic control is another example: airplanes cannot
take off until luggage is stored, passengers are seated, permission to take off is granted, and the
plane is fueled [51,52]. Supply chain alliances, who reduce their partner base to make each
partner non-redundant [53], face a weakest-link game when launching new initiatives since each
partner must provide a necessary component of the project or product [54]. Therefore, how the
“weakest” employee or partner performs determines the overall performance of the airline or
Experimental Design
One hundred and ninety-two students enrolled at a small, private university in the
Western United States participated in exchange for a $7 show-up fee and an opportunity to
receive additional money based on their decisions during the task. This sample was 40% male,
with an average age of 20 years old, and 16% were graduate students. The current study used a
one-way between-subjects design with 48 participants in each of the four conditions: a control
condition and three newcomer conditions. In the control no-newcomer condition no newcomers
were introduced during the task. The three newcomer conditions were as follows: newcomer/noinformation condition (newcomers were placed within existing groups), newcomer/partialinformation condition (oldtimers were aware of the newcomers’ previous performance), and
newcomer/full-information condition (oldtimers and newcomers were aware of each other’s
previous performance).
Procedure, Task, and Conditions
Participants arrived to the laboratory in groups of 24, were forbidden to communicate,
and were seated at individual computer terminals. All participants were provided with written
instructions to the weakest-link game (available in Appendix A) and were asked to follow along
as the experimenter read the instructions out loud. These instructions highlighted that each
person would be randomly assigned to a four-person group and play 10 periods in the weakestlink game and that their final earnings were a function of their group’s choices during the game.
After the instructions were presented, participants could ask questions. We also conducted a
short quiz to verify understanding of the instructions and the game.
The computerized experimental sessions used the software program z-Tree [55] to record
participant decisions. Each session proceeded in two parts. In the first part, 24 participants were
randomly assigned to a four-person group to play 10 periods of the weakest-link game.
Participants stayed in the same group throughout all 10 periods. Although, participants knew the
end period in the first part, they did not know about the second part of the experiment. This was
necessary so that we could compare the pattern of group performance in the first 10 periods to
those in previous research using weakest-link games.
At the beginning of each period, and based on a matrix provided (see Table 1), all
participants were asked to enter their choice between 1 and 7. The value chosen by the
participant and the minimum value chosen by all members in the group (including the
participant) determined the payoff in any one period. Participants did not know the other
participants’ choices before making their selection. The Pareto-optimal (or best) equilibrium that
provides the highest payoffs to all participants occurs when each participant chooses the highest
integer (the integer 7 in our studies). Thus, the greater the number chosen the greater the attempt
of the individual to achieve group efficiency. After all participants made their decisions, the
output screen displayed the minimum value between 1 through 7 chosen by group members, as
well as the participant’s own payoff. Participants recorded their results in a hardcopy record
sheet, and then moved on to the next period.
In the experiment’s second part, participants played the weakest-link game for another 10
periods. However, before the last 10 periods were played, one of four conditions occurred in the
experimental session. Participants in the control condition were informed that they would play
another 10 periods with the same group members. Participants in the newcomer conditions were
informed that two members of their group would be randomly chosen by the computer and
exchanged for two new participants from a different group. Thus, this new group was composed
of two oldtimers (two members for the previous group) and two newcomers. Note that the
current research design is such that when member change occurred, each group member
perceived themselves and their remaining partner as oldtimers and the two new group members
as newcomers. This group remained fixed for all 10 periods of the second part of the experiment.
As explained to the participants, these two newcomers both came from the same group.
In the newcomer/no-information condition, oldtimers knew nothing of the newcomers’
previous performance and vice versa. In the newcomer/partial-information and newcomer/fullinformation conditions, participants received partial or full information about the performance of
other participants, respectively. In particular, in the newcomer/partial-information condition, the
computer randomly selected and informed two out of four group members (two newcomers or
two oldtimers) about how the other two members performed in the first part of the experiment.
The information displayed on the computer screen was about both participants’ choices in their
group and the minimum group choice in each period. For example, a participant would see on the
computer screen four columns: column one would be the periods listed from 1 through 10;
column two provided what Player A (a newcomer) chose in each period; column three provided
what Player B (the other newcomer from the same group as Player A) chose in each period; and
column four showed the minimum value chosen by that group in each period. In the
newcomer/full-information condition, the computer informed both the newcomers about the
performance of oldtimers and oldtimers about the performance of newcomers. In other words,
everyone had information about the prior performance of other group members before they
began the second part of the experiment.
It should be noted that our design makes newcomers and oldtimers distinguishable to
participants; participants can differentiate who is new in their group and who is not. From the
participant’s perspective, the instructions inform them that they will be joined by two new group
members: each participant is thus an oldtimer from their perspective. This design allows us to
control for the amount of experience each participant had in their group – i.e., everyone
experiences 10 periods of game play before member change occurred – thereby preventing our
findings from being credited to changes in “role experience” among group members rather than
member change [8].
After learning their group’s performance in period 10, but before the beginning of the
experiment’s second part, all participants completed a survey questionnaire assessing their trust
level towards other participants. Participants also completed a demographic questionnaire at the
end of the second part of the experiment. After completing the entire experiment, participants
received a total earnings sheet and the experimenter selected one period for payment from both
the first and second parts of the experiment by rolling a 10-sided die twice in front of the group.
Participants earned $18 on average, and sessions lasted approximately 45-50 minutes.
The primary dependent measures in the current study include a behavioral measure of
coordination choice and a survey measure for trust. Coordination choice is assessed at the
individual level and measured on a scale from 1 to 7 [48]. Participants selected their decision (1-
7) in each of the following periods: periods 1-9 and periods 11-19. Periods 10 and 20 were
excluded in our analysis to avoid “endgame effects” [56] and to remain consistent with previous
research using weakest-link games [20]; however their inclusion did not affect the significance
of our hypothesis testing. Recall that the Pareto-optimal (or best) equilibrium that provides the
highest payoffs to all participants occurs when each participant chooses the highest integer (the
integer 7 in our studies). Thus, the greater the number chosen the greater the attempt of the
individual to achieve group efficiency. We also assess how much an individual trusts that all of
their fellow group members would select the value 7 (the highest coordination choice) in every
period of the upcoming 10 periods. The trust scale is an index composed of 6-items adapted from
Robinson [19] and showed high reliability (α = 0.91).
To further probe how trust in group members was affected by newcomers, several
additional measures were included in the survey at the beginning of the second part of the
experiment. Participants were asked to make non-incentivized behavioral predictions of what
they believed each member of their group (i.e., Person A, Person B, and Person C) would select
in the upcoming period. In the newcomer condition, participants were informed that Person A
and B were the new group members and Person C was the remaining group member. All survey
items are provided in Appendix B.
Three variables were used as controls for the current study. First, considering that gender
has been found to affect interdependent decision making in mixed-motive tasks, we recorded and
coded a participant’s gender as 1 = male and 0 = female [57]. Second, because previous research
has found that those with educational backgrounds in economics/business behave differently
than other majors in mixed-motive settings [58], we coded each participant’s majors as 1 =
economics/business major, 0 = otherwise. Lastly, we controlled for an individual’s group
performance history as the average of group’s minimum chosen value across the periods in the
previous game. This last control was necessary considering that behavioral norms often emerge
through repeated interactions with interdependent others and these behaviors can “spillover” into
future tasks [15,59]. In addition, this control was necessary considering that the effect of
newcomers on oldtimer’s perceptions and behavior can change as a function of how the
oldtimers performed prior to newcomer arrivals [60]. All data from the current experiment are
available upon request.
In testing our hypotheses and conducting post hoc analysis we use variations of ANOVA
and panel regressions. When conducting various ANOVA analysis we mainly used the average
across Periods 1-10 (or Periods 11-20) per subject as one independent observation. This is a
standard practice in management and organization sciences. When appropriate, we also
examined the robustness of our results using one group as one independent observation. Finally,
we report the estimation results of random effect regressions, controlling for subject effects.
Figure 1 provides the mean coordination choice values (for periods 11-19) and trust
levels for participants across all conditions. Gender and educational background did not have any
significant effect on the outcome variables and are excluded from further analysis. A MANOVA,
with group performance history as the independent variable and mean coordination choice across
periods 11-19, trust, and predicted future behavior as dependent variables, found that group
performance history was a positive predictor of coordination choice, trust, and predicted future
behavior of oldtimers; all Fs (1, 189) > 6.87, all ps < 0.01. However, the inclusion of group
performance history did not affect the relationships among our constructs in our hypothesis
testing: the presence of newcomers impacted a participant’s behavior and perceptions of others’
trustworthiness independent of their group performance history. Also, an ANOVA, with mean
coordination choice as the dependent variable and condition as the independent variable, found
that a participant’s mean coordination choice did not change as a function of condition in periods
1-9; F (3, 188) = 0.33, p = 0.80. This null finding is expected since the newcomer condition
occurred after the end of period 10. Unless otherwise specified, all statistics provided in our
analysis were reported using one-tailed tests and exclude all control variables; however, even
with their inclusion, our effects remained significant at the 5-percent level.
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis 1 posits that group members experiencing the presence of newcomers
coordinate less efficiently compared to those in groups that do not experience the presence of
newcomers. We test this hypothesis in two ways. First, we compare the mean coordination
choice between the no-newcomer condition and the newcomer/no-information condition. In
support of Hypothesis 1, an ANOVA, with mean coordination choice as the dependent variable
and condition as the dependent variable, shows that individuals choose less efficient coordination
values in groups with newcomers (M = 5.86, S.D. = 1.55) compared to those groups without
newcomers (M = 6.85, S.D. = 0.27); F (1, 94) = 18.88, p < 0.001, η² = 0.17. Second, we employ
a panel regression with subject specific random effects, where coordination choice in periods 11
through 19 is the dependent variable and the independent variables are group performance
history (i.e., group coordination in periods 1 through 10) and a treatment dummy variable (1 =
newcomer/no-information and 0 = no-newcomer). The estimation of the panel regression shows
that, even when controlling for the history of play, a treatment variable is negative and
significant; β = -1.41, Z = -4.91, p < 0.01.
Hypothesis 2 posits that group members experiencing the presence of newcomers would
trust their fellow group members less compared to when no newcomers were present. In support
of Hypothesis 2, an ANOVA, with trust as the dependent variable and condition as the
independent variable, shows that trust is lower for individuals in the newcomer/no-information
condition (M = 3.37, S.D. = 1.23) compared to those in the no-newcomer condition (M = 3.95,
S.D. = 1.37); F (1, 94) = 4.73, p < 0.05, η² = 0.05.
Hypothesis 3 posits that trust would mediate the negative relationship between the
presence of newcomers and coordination in a group. We test for mediation following necessary
steps outlined by Kenny, Kashy, and Bolger [61]. In step 1, a regression found a significant
negative effect of the presence of newcomers on trust; β = -0.58, S.E. = 0.27, p < 0.05. In step 2,
a regression found a significant positive correlation between coordination and trust; β = 0.26,
S.E. = 0.09, p < 0.01. Finally, in step 3, a Sobel test found complete mediation of newcomers and
coordination by trust; Z = -1.74, p < 0.05. Therefore, there is support for Hypothesis 3.
Lastly, Hypothesis 4 posits that increasing the information known by the group members
about each other’s previous performance would increase coordination. We test this hypothesis in
two ways. First, we employ a panel regression with subject specific random effects, where
coordination choice in periods 11 through 19 is the dependent variable and three ordinal
newcomer conditions (1 = no information, 2 = partial information, and 3 = full information) is
the explanatory variable. The estimation of the panel regression shows a positive linear
relationship in the predicted direction; β = 0.46, Z = 2.66, p < 0.01. Next, we examine whether
each additional set of information significantly improves coordination. We follow the procedure
outlined by Winer [62] by comparing coordination choice in the newcomer/no-information
condition (as a pseudo-control condition) to newcomer/partial-information and newcomer/fullinformation conditions (p. 89). A Dunnett t-test (k = 3, n = 48) finds a significant difference in
mean coordination choice between the newcomer/full-information (M = 6.38) and the
newcomer/no-information condition (M = 5.86); tD (141) = -1.85, p < 0.05; but no significant
difference in mean coordination choice between newcomer/full-information (M = 6.38) and
newcomer/partial-information conditions (M = 6.13); tD (141) = -0.89, p = 0.19. Additional
analysis finds that there is also no difference in mean coordination choice between the
newcomer/no-information and newcomer/partial-information conditions. Therefore, there is
partial support for Hypothesis 4: full information negates the negative effect of newcomers on
coordination, while partial information does not.
Alternative Explanations of Primary Results
In considering previous empirical work [16], task flexibility and group learning are
potential alternative explanations for our findings. Group tasks are considered flexible when
group members may “fill in” for each other in the group to maintain high performance [63]. The
weakest-link game structure leaves no room for a participant to replace the choices of other
group members: everyone must choose 7 for the group to perform at the highest efficiency. The
inflexibility of the weakest-link game, which is constant in both conditions, removes task
flexibility as an alternative explanation.
To consider the group-learning explanation, Van der Vegt and colleagues [16] conclude
that “any amount of [member change] may create an uncertain interpersonal environment in
which team members are uncomfortable taking the risks necessary to engage in learning
behaviors” to improve group performance (p. 1186). While we cannot assess group learning
directly, we can examine whether risk-taking explains our findings. We did so by examining the
proportion of individuals selecting a coordination value above the minimum value chosen in
their group (thus indicating high risk-taking) [51], and whether such risk-taking occurred among
a lower proportion of individuals in the newcomer condition compared to the control condition
(p. 104). In isolating periods 12 through 19, we coded an individual's coordination-value choice
in each period as a 1 if it was above the group's minimum choice in the previous period and 0
otherwise. Across periods, all cases where the group's minimum value was 7 were excluded from
the analysis because participants could in no way take a risk so as to improve group
performance. The final ratios of risk-taking behavior to all actions taken in the no-newcomer
condition and no-information, newcomer condition were 45/88 and 105/188, respectively. Using
generalized estimating equations with period as the within-subject factor [64], no significant
difference in risk-taking between no-newcomer condition (M = 48.9%) and newcomer/noinformation condition (M = 55.9%) was found; β = 0.28, χ² (1) = 1.17, p > 0.20.
Post hoc Analysis: Trust of Newcomers and Oldtimers
While our primary findings support our hypothesis that trust mediates the relationship
between newcomers and group performance, a remaining question is who in the group was not
being trusted when newcomers arrived? In other words, which subgroup – oldtimers and/or
newcomers – is driving distrustful behavior? To address this question, we first observe that an
individual’s behavioral predictions for newcomers and oldtimers are significantly correlated
with their subsequent coordination choice in period 11; both rs > 0.40, both ps < 0.001. This
finding, combined with our finding that Trust mediates the relationship between newcomers and
coordination choice (Hypothesis 3), leads us to assume that these behavioral predictions are
representations of trust. We next compare an individual’s behavioral prediction for the
oldtimer’s behavior to a newcomer’s behavior in the newcomer/no-information condition as a
function of the group’s performance history in periods 1-9. We coded a group as high performing
if that group’s average integer selected across the first nine periods was 7, and as low performing
otherwise. The results are displayed in Figure 2. A repeated-measure ANOVA, with subgroup (1
= oldtimer and 0 = newcomer) as a within-subject factor and group performance history as a
between-subject factor finds that participants believed the newcomers would choose a higher
value in period 11 (M = 5.86, S.D. = 1.50) compared to the oldtimer (M = 4.81, S.D. = 1.90);
F(1, 45) = 11.96, p < 0.01, η² = 0.21, and this main effect is qualified by a significant interaction:
only when group performance is low do participants predict that newcomers will coordinate
more efficiently than oldtimers; F(1, 45) = 4.94, p < 0.05, η² = 0.10. Considering there was no
way for participants to delineate between the two newcomers (Person A and Person B), we
averaged these best guesses and compared this average to the best guess for Person C (the
oldtimer). A Pearson correlation supported this decision for averaging: the correlation of best
guesses of value choice between Person A and Person B was r = 0.93, p < 0.001.
The group identity literature on the “black-sheep effect” may explain this negativity
toward oldtimers [65]. The black-sheep effect occurs when group members react to noncooperative (or poor performing) in-group members more negatively than those not part of the
group [66]. Two common reactions to black sheep are greater distrust and subsequent defensive
behavior against the black sheep in future interactions [67]. In relation to our findings, an
oldtimer of a group experiencing poor coordination during periods 1-9 may view the remaining
oldtimer more negatively (and distrust them more) compared to incoming newcomers; but this is
only the case where Group Performance History is poor.
In summary, our results support our hypotheses. Newcomers negatively affect a group’s
ability to coordinate efficiently because trust declines among the group members. However, this
finding is qualified by additional analysis that suggests oldtimers trust each other less compared
to the newcomers when group performance history is poor. This finding is consistent with the
black-sheep effect from the social psychology literature. We also find that information about
group members’ previous performance mitigates the negative effect that newcomers have on
coordination. However, whereas full information bridged the gap caused by newcomers, partial
information did not. Trust mediates the relationship between the provision of information about
group members and the coordination patterns observed, such that greater coordination is found in
groups with greater information because such information increases levels of trust in the group.
Our investigation of how and why newcomers affect group performance contributes to
our understanding of group dynamics in several ways. First, previous work on group member
change has encouraged scholars to investigate how group emergent states mediate newcomer
effects on group performance [13]. Some work has surfaced recently to address this question.
Specifically, research on self-managing manufacturing teams has found that team turnover (i.e.,
the number of individuals leaving the team divided by group size) negatively impacts team
performance through the emergent states of reduced team learning and task flexibility [16]. Our
laboratory research complements this field research by identifying group trust as an additional
emergent state that explains the negative effect of member change on group performance:
newcomers reduce levels of trust in groups, and, in turn, trust negatively affects how efficiently
the group coordinates. Thus, whereas previous research has identified how the developed ingroup processes of a group (e.g., flexibility) mediate the newcomer-performance relationship
[16], the current paper highlights how the quality of interpersonal relationships (e.g., trust) also
explains the member change-group performance relationship.
In addition to showing that trust mediates the relationship between member change and
group performance, our supplemental findings suggest that oldtimers’ trust levels for one another
are actually most directly affected when newcomers enter groups. Specifically, as would be
predicted by the “black-sheep effect,” newcomers create distrust in poor performing groups, but
this distrust is about how oldtimers expect each other to behave, rather than about how the
newcomers will behave [65]. This finding begins to address the call to understand how trust and
behavior among oldtimers change when newcomers arrive [12] and suggests that managers and
leaders of collective action need not only worry about how oldtimers perceive the newcomers but
how the oldtimers perceive each other – especially when the group is performing poorly prior to
newcomers arriving. Indeed, most of the applied research on organizational change and
development focuses on how managers may help newcomers respond and adapt effectively to
existing groups [68]. Whereas socializing newcomers to new work environments is necessary to
improve their transition, our research suggests that existing norms and relationships among
oldtimers are not immune to change. Specifically, managers should not just help socialize
newcomers to oldtimers, but oldtimers to oldtimers when member change happens.
A third implication of the current research is with respect to navigating the negative
effects of newcomers on group performance. Our study finds that information is critical in
mitigating the negative effects of newcomers; however, only when information is known by both
oldtimers and newcomers. This finding of information as a mechanism for alleviating social
uncertainty also has implication for collective action research. For over a decade, scholarship has
asked how individuals may signal intent and commitment to cooperate with others without
traditional mechanisms such as group discussion and promise making [43]. Our research
suggests that information about prior performance may be a useful signal of intent and
commitment to cooperate. Filling this gap has both managerial and theoretical importance
considering that some collective efforts are structured in ways that prevent group discussion –
such as situations where group members are geographically distributed (e.g., virtual teams) or
newcomers and oldtimers speak different languages. For example, in the forests of New
Brunswick in the late 1800s, several Native American tribes, who had cooperatively maintained
the moose and caribou population for centuries by conservative hunting, abruptly ceased
cooperating and annihilated these invaluable food sources. These tribes’ deliberate actions
occurred soon after the arrival of white, French settlers to the region [10]. It is possible that
information about prior performance and intent shared between the oldtimers and the newcomers
may have mitigated this effect. Indeed, the current paper shows how the “shadow of the past”
(i.e., information about past performance) can be a signal of both intent and experience [44];
however, this finding is qualified by the observation that only when everyone shares information
do the negative effects of newcomers decrease.
The findings in the current paper raise several new directions for future examination.
First, our experiments used a game that requires everyone to cooperate to achieve the best
collective outcome. Some collective action problems are not so strict, but rather allow group
members to cover for each other when one member does not do what is best for the group [69].
For instance, before launching a generic advertising campaign, some industries only need a
portion of the total population to chip in [70]. Free riding is possible but so is the ability to make
up for free riders. Future research may examine how thresholds associated with achieving
collective action interact with the negative effect of newcomers on coordination. It may be that
the negative effect of newcomers decreases as the ability to cover for other’s mistakes increases.
This may be because social uncertainty and trust are no longer of great concern since everyone is
not needed to pull through. In addition, newcomers may be welcomed by oldtimers in some
cases compared to others depending on whether the value of collective action is certain to be
worth the effort [71]. For instance, should they be uncertain that collective action will produce
benefits that will surpass the cost, oldtimers may strategically welcome newcomers into the fold
in hope to use these newcomers’ resources before expending their own.
A second avenue for future research is in regard to group size. Our study used fourperson groups, compared to many collective actions that involve dozens or hundreds of
individuals. While we know that large groups can achieve collective action when allowed to
grow gradually over time [20], future research may ask how group size interplays with the
presence of newcomers. Indeed, simulation research has found that one newcomer (or a few) has
little effect on cooperative routines among very large groups [72]. It may be that, as the
proportion of oldtimers to newcomers decreases, the negative effects of newcomers increases.
Lastly, the negative, linear coordination trends found in all three newcomer conditions
leave a question: what mechanisms alter the negative direction of the group coordination caused
by newcomers? Communication may be one mechanism. Relationship repair research reminds us
that the purpose of the communication (e.g., communicating intent, apologies, and making
penance) is just as critical as allowing communication [73]. Considering that individuals often
require additional penance when promises are broken [74,75], future research may investigate
whether newcomers and oldtimers require different means of amends depending on who is
communicating with whom.
Jesus is recorded to have said that “… no man putteth new wine into old bottles; else the
new wine will burst the bottles, and be spilled, and the bottles shall perish” (Luke 5:37, KJV). In
line with the above saying, we found that newcomers burst the group’s ability to coordinate
efficiently – apparently because the oldtimers lost trust in one another when newcomers were
present – resulting in spilled potential value. However, information can be a signaling
mechanism reducing the negative shock of newcomers on groups.
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Figure 1: Mean Coordination Choice (in Periods 11-19) and Trust by Condition
No-information Partial-information Full-information
Figure 2: Behavioral Prediction Based on Group Performance History in the
Newcomer/No-Information Condition
Behavioral Prediction
Group Performance
Table 1: Payoffs in the Weakest-Link Coordination Game
Minimum Value of X Chosen
Appendix A – Study Materials
Instructions – Part 1
In this experiment you will participate in a game with three other participants. You will not know
the identity of the participants you are grouped with. The experiment will consist of 10 periods and in all
10 periods you will participate with the same participants.
One period will be randomly selected for payment at the end of the experiment. After you have
completed all periods a token will be randomly drawn out of a bingo cage containing tokens numbered
from 1 to 10. The token number determines which period is going to be paid.
In each period, you will select a number denoted by X. The values of X you may choose are 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, or 7. When you are ready to make your decision, click on the “input box” below “Enter your
choice of X” and the program will allow you to enter in your number choice. The value you pick for X
and the minimum value of X chosen by all members in your group (including yourself) will determine
your payoff in any one period. When you are finished making your choice, click “Submit”.
[Table 1 was provided here]
Table 1 tells you how you earn money. Please look at the table now. The entries in the table give
each participant’s Experimental Dollar earnings from selecting alternative values of X. The earnings in
each period may be found by looking across from the value you choose on the left-hand side of the table,
and down from the minimum value chosen from the top of the table. For example, if you chose a 4 and
the minimum value chosen by all members in your group was a 3, you earn $4.00 that period.
Alternatively, if you chose 4 and the minimum value of X chosen in your group was 4, then you earn
$5.00. Note that all four participants (including you) have the same payoff table.
The experiment will consist of 10 periods, where in each period you will be grouped with the
same three participants. In each period the following will occur:
1. At the beginning of the period, you are asked to enter your choice of X for that period. Your choice
of X is private and should not be discussed with anyone during the experiment. Note that you do not
know the other participants’ choices of X before making your selection.
2. After all participants make their decisions, the computer will determine the minimum value of X
chosen in your group and display it on the output screen.
3. Then the computer will determine your earnings (you may confirm this using Table 1) for that
period. Please record your results for the period on your record sheet under the appropriate heading.
General Instructions - Part 2 (sample)
Considering that we have some time remaining in this session, we will play this same game for another 10
[Control condition: You will be with the same people that were in your group in the previous game.]
[Added the following before any newcomer condition] The only difference will be that the computer will
randomly select two players from each group and switch them with two players from another group.]
[No information condition: Also, for this second game, you, your remaining group members from the first
game, and the new members will not be provided information about how the others performed in the
previous game. So, you (and the group member from your first round) will not know how the two new
members performed in their previous game. And, the two new members will not know how you two
performed in the previous game.]
Appendix B – Survey Items
Trust scale items (1 = strongly disagree; 6 = strongly agree)
1. I expect all three members of my group to treat me in a predictable fashion by selecting
the number 7 in each of the upcoming games.
2. I believe all three of the members in my group have high integrity.
3. I think all three members in my group will treat me fairly by selecting the number 7 in
each of the upcoming games.
4. I believe all three members in my group have good motives and intentions.
5. I think all three members will continue to work well together by selecting the number 7 in
each of the upcoming games.
6. I fully trust all three members in my group to select the number 7 in each round of the
upcoming games.
Behavioral Prediction sample item
Please state your prediction (your “best guess”) or what each of the other group members
will choose in the upcoming round.
Player (A)
Economic Science Institute Working Papers
13-01 Corgnet, B., Hernan-Gonzalez, R., and Rassenti, S. Peer Pressure and Moral Hazard in
Teams: Experimental Evidence.
12-31 Thomas, C. An Alternating-Offers Model of Multilateral Negotiations.
12-30 Mago, S., Sheremeta, R. and Yates, A. Best-of-Three Contest Experiments: Strategic
versus psychological momentum.
12-29 Bigoni, M., Camera, G. and Casari, M. Strategies of Cooperation and Punishment among
Students and Clerical Workers.
12-28 Camera, G. and Kim, J. Buyer's Equilibrium with Capacity Constraints and Restricted
Mobility: A recursive approach.
12-27 Camera, G., Casari, M., and Bigoni, M. Binding Promises and Cooperation Among
12-26 Schniter, E., Shields, T. and Dickhaut, J. Ageism & Cooperation.
12-25 Gjerstad, S. and Smith, V. Balance Sheet Crises: Causes, Consequences and Responses.
12-24 Gómez-Miñambres, J., Corgnet, B. and Hernán-Gonzalez, R. Goal Setting and Monetary
Incentives: When Large Stakes Are Not Enough.
12-23 Clots-Figueras, I., Hernán González, R., and Kujal, P. Asymmetry and Deception in the
Investment Game.
12-22 Dechenaux, E., Kovenock, D. and Sheremeta, R. A Survey of Experimental Research on
Contests, All-Pay Auctions and Tournaments.
12-21 Rubin, J. and Sheremeta, R. Principal-Agent Settings with Random Shocks.
12-20 Gómez-Miñambres, J. and Schniter, E. Menu-Dependent Emotions and Self-Control.
12-19 Schniter, E., Sheremeta, R., and Sznycer, D. Building and Rebuilding Trust with Promises and
12-18 Shields, T. and Xin, B. Higher-order Beliefs in Simple Trading Models.
12-17 Pfeiffer, G. and Shields, T. Performance-Based Compensation and Firm Value: Experimental
12-16 Kimbrough, E. and Sheremeta, R. Why Can’t We Be Friends? Entitlements, bargaining, and
12-15 Mago, S., Savikhin, A., and Sheremeta, R. Facing Your Opponents: Social identification and
information feedback in contests.
12-14 McCarter, M., Kopelman, S., Turk, T. and Ybarra, C. Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth: How the
tragedy of the anticommons emerges in organizations.
12-13 Chowdhury, S., Sheremeta, R. and Turocy, T. Overdissipation and Convergence in Rent-seeking
Experiments: Cost structure and prize allocation rules.
12-12 Bodsky, R., Donato, D., James, K. and Porter, D. Experimental Evidence on the Properties of the
California’s Cap and Trade Price Containment Reserve.
12-11 Branas-Garza, P., Espin, A. and Exadaktylos, F. Students, Volunteers and Subjects: Experiments
on social preferences.
12-10 Klose, B. and Kovenock, D. Extremism Drives Out Moderation.
12-09 Buchanan, J. and Wilson, B. An Experiment on Protecting Intellectual Property.
12-08 Buchanan, J., Gjerstad, S. and Porter, D. Information Effects in Multi-Unit Dutch Auctions.
12-07 Price, C. and Sheremeta, R. Endowment Origin, Demographic Effects and Individual Preferences
in Contests.
12-06 Magoa, S. and Sheremeta, R. Multi-Battle Contests: An experimental study.
12-05 Sheremeta, R. and Shields, T. Do Liars Believe? Beliefs and Other-Regarding Preferences in
Sender-Receiver Games.
12-04 Sheremeta, R., Masters, W. and Cason. T. Winner-Take-All and Proportional-Prize Contests:
Theory and experimental results.
12-03 Buchanan, J., Gjerstad, S. and Smith, V. There’s No Place Like Home.
12-02 Corgnet, B. and Rodriguez-Lara, I. Are you a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Influence
Costs and Contract Design.
12-01 Kimbrough, E. and Sheremeta, R. Side-Payments and the Costs of Conflict.
11-20 Cason, T., Savikhin, A. and Sheremeta, R. Behavioral Spillovers in Coordination Games.
11-19 Munro, D. and Rassenti, S. Combinatorial Clock Auctions: Price direction and performance.
11-18 Schniter, E., Sheremeta, R., and Sznycer, D. Restoring Damaged Trust with Promises, Atonement
and Apology.
11-17 Brañas-Garza, P., and Proestakis, A. Self-discrimination: A field experiment on obesity.
11-16 Brañas-Garza, P., Bucheli, M., Paz Espinosa, M., and García-Muñoz, T. Moral Cleansing and
Moral Licenses: Experimental evidence.
11-15 Caginalp, G., Porter, D., and Hao, L. Asset Market Reactions to News: An experimental study.
11-14 Benito, J., Branas-Garz, P., Penelope Hernandez, P., and Sanchis Llopis, J. Strategic Behavior in
Schelling Dynamics: A new result and experimental evidence.
11-13 Chui, M., Porter, D., Rassenti, S. and Smith, V. The Effect of Bidding Information in Ascending
11-12 Schniter, E., Sheremeta, R. and Shields, T. Conflicted Minds: Recalibrational emotions following
trust-based interaction.
11-11 Pedro Rey-Biel, P., Sheremeta, R. and Uler, N. (Bad) Luck or (Lack of) Effort?: Comparing social
sharing norms between US and Europe.
11-10 Deck, C., Porter, D., and Smith, V. Double Bubbles in Assets Markets with Multiple Generations.
11-09 Kimbrough, E., Sheremeta, R., and Shields, T. Resolving Conflicts by a Random Device.
11-08 Brañas-Garza, P., García-Muñoz, T., and Hernan, R. Cognitive effort in the Beauty Contest Game.
11-07 Grether, D., Porter, D., and Shum, M. Intimidation or Impatience? Jump Bidding in On-line
Ascending Automobile Auctions.
11-06 Rietz, T., Schniter, E., Sheremeta, R., and Shields, T. Trust, Reciprocity and Rules.
11-05 Corgnet, B., Hernan-Gonzalez, R., and Rassenti, S. Real Effort, Real Leisure and Real-time
Supervision: Incentives and peer pressure in virtual organizations.
11-04 Corgnet, B. and Hernán-González R. Don’t Ask Me If You Will Not Listen: The dilemma of
participative decision making.
11-03 Rietz, T., Sheremeta, R., Shields, T., and Smith, V. Transparency, Efficiency and the Distribution
of Economic Welfare in Pass-Through Investment Trust Games.
11-02 Corgnet, B., Kujal, P. and Porter, D. The Effect of Reliability, Content and Timing of Public
Announcements on Asset Trading Behavior.
11-01 Corgnet, B., Kujal, P. and Porter, D. Reaction to Public Information in Markets: How much does
ambiguity matter?
10-23 Sheremeta, R. Perfect-Substitutes, Best-Shot, and Weakest-Link Contests between Groups.
10-22 Mago, S., Sheremeta, R., and Yates, A. Best-of-Three Contests: Experimental evidence.
10-21 Kimbrough, E. and Sheremeta, R. Make Him an Offer He Can't Refuse: Avoiding conflicts through
side payments.
10-20 Savikhim, A. and Sheremeta, R. Visibility of Contributions and Cost of Inflation: An experiment
on public goods.
10-19 Sheremeta, R. and Shields, T. Do Investors Trust or Simply Gamble?
10-18 Deck, C. and Sheremeta, R. Fight or Flight? Defending Against Sequential Attacks in the Game of
10-17 Deck, C., Lin, S. and Porter, D. Affecting Policy by Manipulating Prediction Markets:
Experimental evidence.
10-16 Deck, C. and Kimbrough, E. Can Markets Save Lives? An Experimental Investigation of a Market
for Organ Donations.
10-15 Deck, C., Lee, J. and Reyes, J. Personality and the Consistency of Risk Taking Behavior:
Experimental evidence.
10-14 Deck, C. and Nikiforakis, N. Perfect and Imperfect Real-Time Monitoring in a Minimum-Effort
10-13 Deck, C. and Gu, J. Price Increasing Competition? Experimental Evidence.
10-12 Kovenock, D., Roberson, B., and Sheremeta, R. The Attack and Defense of Weakest-Link
10-11 Wilson, B., Jaworski, T., Schurter, K. and Smyth, A. An Experimental Economic History of
Whalers’ Rules of Capture.
10-10 DeScioli, P. and Wilson, B. Mine and Thine: The territorial foundations of human property.
10-09 Cason, T., Masters, W. and Sheremeta, R. Entry into Winner-Take-All and Proportional-Prize
Contests: An experimental study.
10-08 Savikhin, A. and Sheremeta, R. Simultaneous Decision-Making in Competitive and Cooperative
10-07 Chowdhury, S. and Sheremeta, R. A generalized Tullock contest.
10-06 Chowdhury, S. and Sheremeta, R. The Equivalence of Contests.
10-05 Shields, T. Do Analysts Tell the Truth? Do Shareholders Listen? An Experimental Study of
Analysts' Forecasts and Shareholder Reaction.
10-04 Lin, S. and Rassenti, S. Are Under- and Over-reaction the Same Matter? A Price Inertia based
10-03 Lin, S. Gradual Information Diffusion and Asset Price Momentum.
10-02 Gjerstad, S. and Smith, V. Household Expenditure Cycles and Economic Cycles, 1920 – 2010.
10-01 Dickhaut, J., Lin, S., Porter, D. and Smith, V. Durability, Re-trading and Market Performance.
09-11 Hazlett, T., Porter, D., and Smith, V. Radio Spectrum and the Disruptive Clarity OF Ronald Coase.
09-10 Sheremeta, R. Expenditures and Information Disclosure in Two-Stage Political Contests.
09-09 Sheremeta, R. and Zhang, J. Can Groups Solve the Problem of Over-Bidding in Contests?
09-08 Sheremeta, R. and Zhang, J. Multi-Level Trust Game with "Insider" Communication.
09-07 Price, C. and Sheremeta, R. Endowment Effects in Contests.
09-06 Cason, T., Savikhin, A. and Sheremeta, R. Cooperation Spillovers in Coordination Games.
09-05 Sheremeta, R. Contest Design: An experimental investigation.
09-04 Sheremeta, R. Experimental Comparison of Multi-Stage and One-Stage Contests.
09-03 Smith, A., Skarbek, D., and Wilson, B. Anarchy, Groups, and Conflict: An experiment on the
emergence of protective associations.
09-02 Jaworski, T. and Wilson, B. Go West Young Man: Self-selection and endogenous property rights.
09-01 Gjerstad, S. Housing Market Price Tier Movements in an Expansion and Collapse.
08-09 Dickhaut, J., Houser, D., Aimone, J., Tila, D. and Johnson, C. High Stakes Behavior with Low
Payoffs: Inducing preferences with Holt-Laury gambles.
08-08 Stecher, J., Shields, T. and Dickhaut, J. Generating Ambiguity in the Laboratory.
08-07 Stecher, J., Lunawat, R., Pronin, K. and Dickhaut, J. Decision Making and Trade without
08-06 Dickhaut, J., Lungu, O., Smith, V., Xin, B. and Rustichini, A. A Neuronal Mechanism of Choice.
08-05 Anctil, R., Dickhaut, J., Johnson, K., and Kanodia, C. Does Information Transparency
Decrease Coordination Failure?
08-04 Tila, D. and Porter, D. Group Prediction in Information Markets With and Without Trading
Information and Price Manipulation Incentives.
08-03 Thomas, C. and Wilson, B. Horizontal Product Differentiation in Auctions and Multilateral
08-02 Oprea, R., Wilson, B. and Zillante, A. War of Attrition: Evidence from a laboratory experiment on
market exit.
08-01 Oprea, R., Porter, D., Hibbert, C., Hanson, R. and Tila, D. Can Manipulators Mislead Prediction
Market Observers?