WALT WHITMAN (1819-1892) (US poet, writer of celebratory free

From A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology
(10th ed., 2005)
by José Ángel GARCÍA LANDA (University of Zaragoza, Spain)
(US poet, writer of celebratory free verse; democrat,
patriot and homosexual)
Whitman, Walt. “The Song of the Broad Axe.” Poem. 1856-81.
- - -. “A Noiseless Patient Spider.” In Perrine’s Literature:
Structure, Sound, and Sense. By Thomas R. Arp and Greg
Johnson. 8th ed. Boston (MA): Thomson Learning-Heinle
& Heinle, 2002. 809-10.*
- - -. “Had I the Choice.” Poem. In Perrine’s Literature:
Structure, Sound, and Sense. By Thomas R. Arp and Greg
Johnson. 8th ed. Boston (MA): Thomson Learning-Heinle
& Heinle, 2002. 932.*
- - -. “When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer.” Poem. In
Perrine’s Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. By
Thomas R. Arp and Greg Johnson. 8th ed. Boston (MA):
Thomson Learning-Heinle & Heinle, 2002. 1103.*
- - -. Song of Myself. (Penguin 60s Classics). Harmondsworth:
- - -. “Preface.” In Whitman, Leaves of Grass. New York, 1855.
(National character; Poet; Transcendentalism; American
literature; Nature of poetry)
- - -. Leaves of Grass. New York, 1855.
- - -. Leaves of Grass: Comprehensive Reader’s Edition. Ed.
Harold Blodgett and Sculley Bradley. New York: New
York UP, 1965.
- - -. Leaves of Grass. Ed. Sculley Bradley and Harold W.
Blodgett. New York: Norton, 1973.
- - -. Leaves of Grass. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.
- - -. Leaves of Grass and Selected Prose. Introd. Sculley
Bradley. New York: Holt, 1960.
- - -. Leaves of Grass. Ed. Sculley Bradley and Harold W.
Blodgett. (Norton Critical Edition). New York: Norton,
- - -. Leaves of Grass and Other Writings. Ed. Michael Moon.
2nd ed. (Norton Critical Edition). New York: Norton,
- - -. Leaves of Grass. Ed. Jerome Loving. Oxford: Oxford UP.
- - -. Democratic Vistas. 1870. Selection in The Great Critics.
Ed. J. H. Smith and E. W. Parks. New York: Norton, 1932.
- - -. Democratic Vistas. Washington, D.C., 1871. (American
literature; Transcendentalism; Politics; Commerce; Nature;
Nature of literature)
- - -. “My Tribute to Four Poets.” 1882. In Whitman; Complete
Poetry And Collected Prose. Cambridge: Cambridge UP,
1982. (Longfellow; Emerson; Bryant; Whittier; American
- - -. Walt Whitman: Representative Selections. Ed. Floyd
Stovall. American Book Co., 1934.
- - -. Complete Poetry And Collected Prose. Cambridge:
Cambridge UP, 1982.
Arvin, Newton. Whitman. 1938.
Bauerlein, Mark. “The Written Orator in ‘Song of Myself’: A
Recent Trend in Whitman Criticism.” Walt Whitman
Quarterly Review 3.3 (1986): 1-14.
Bloom, Harold. “In the Shadow of Emerson.” (Whitman,
Dickinson, Stevens). In Bloom, A Map of Misreading.
New York: Oxford UP, 1975. 1980. 177-92.*
- - -. “Walt Whitman as Center of the American Canon.” In
Bloom, The Western Canon. 1994. London: Macmillan,
1995. 264-90.*
Brooks, Van Wyck. Makers and Finders. Vol. 4: The Times of
Melville and Whitman. 1947.
Ceniza, Sherry. Walt Whitman’s LEAVES OF GRASS and 19thCentury Women Reformers. U of Alabama P, 1998.
Chase, Richard. Walt Whitman Reconsidered. 1955.
- - -. Walt Whitman. 1961.
Cohen, Tom. “Only the Dead Know Brooklyn Ferry (voice)” In
Cohen, Anti-Mimesis from Plato to Hitchcock. Cambridge:
Cambridge UP, 1994. 127-51.*
Cowley, Malcolm. “Walt Whitman: The Poet and the Mask
(excerpts, 1947).; The Buried Masterpiece (excerpts,
1959).” In The Portable Malcolm Cowley. New York:
Viking Penguin, 1990. 138-64.*
Davis, Robert Leigh. Whitman and the Romance of Medicine.
Folsom, Ed. Walt Whitman’s Native Representations.
(Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture,
80). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, pbk. c. 1998.
Hollis, C. Carroll. “Speech Acts and Leaves of Grass.” In
Carroll, Language and Style in Leaves of Grass.” Baton
Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1983. 65-123.
Fernández Nistal, Purificación. “Problemática de la traducción
de “Song of Myself” al castellano.” ES 11 (1981): 20148.
- - -. “La acogida de la obra poética de Walt Whitman en el
mundo de habla hispana: las traducciones.¨ ES 12 (1982):
García Martínez, Dolores. “Walt Whitman y Dylan Thomas:
Canto al cuerpo humano.” XVI Congreso de la Asociación
Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos. Valladolid:
Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de
Valladolid, 1994. 539-48.
Greenspan, Ezra. Walt Whitman and the American Reader.
(Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture,
46). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1991.
Grossman, Jay. “The Canon of the Closet: Matthiessen’s
Whitman, Whitman’s Matthiessen.” American Literature
70.4 (December 1998): 799-832.
Jackson, Holbrook. The Rise and Fall of 19th Century Idealism.
New York: Citadel, 1969. (Carlyle, Ruskin, Thoreau,
Morris, Whitman, Emerson).
Lawrence, D. H. “Whitman.” In Lawrence, Studies in Classic
American Literature. 1924. Harmondsworth: Penguin,
1971. 171-87.
Leimberg, Inge. “The Myth of the Self in Whitman’s ‘Song of
Myself’ and Traherne’s ‘Thanksgivings’: A Hypothesis.”
Connotations 5.2-3 (1995-96): 167-86.*
Mathiessen, F. O.
The American Renaissance: Art and
Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman. New
York, 1941.
Miller, James E., Jr. “Walt Whitman: ‘Song of Myself’.” In
Landmarks of American Writing. Ed. Hennig Cohen.
Washington: Voice of America (Forum Series), 1969. 16376.*
Navarro, Santiago Juan. “Beyond the Myth of Narcissus: The
Role of the Reader in Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself.”
Atlantis 12.1 (1990): 109-14.
Olney, James. The Language(s) of Poetry: Walt Whitman, Emily
Dickinson, Gerald Manley Hopkins. Athens: U of Georgia
P, 1993.
Paz, Octavio. “Whitman, poeta de América.” In Paz, El arco y la
lira. 1956. México: FCE, 1972. 297-300.*
- - -. “Whitman, poeta de América.” In Paz, El arco y la lira.
Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores, 1999. 345-50.*
Peterson, David. “Beyond the Body: Walt Whitman’s Lavender
Language and Out the Cradle Endlessly Rocking.” World
Englishes 17.2 (1998): 239-248.
Piñero Gil, Eulalia, and Cecilia Piñero Gil. “La poética musical
de ‘Song of Myself’ de W. Whitman y Canto a mí misma
de A. Terzián.” In Proceedings of the 22nd International
Conference of AEDEAN (Asociación Española de Estudios
Anglonorteamericanos). Lleida, 17-19 December 1998.
Ed. Pere Gallardo and Enric Llurda. Lleida: Edicions de la
Universitat de Lleida, 2000. 305-9.*
Powys, John Cowper. “Walt Whitman.” In Powys, The
Pleasures of Literature. 1938. London: Village Press,
1975. 440-78.*
Ramón Sales, Elisa. “Traducción comentada de ‘O Captain! My
Captain’.” Cuadernos de Filología Inglesa n. s. 4 (1995):
Rascoe, Burton. “Whitman the Prophet.” In Rascoe, Titans of
Literature. London: Routledge, 1933. 454-58.*
Read, Herbert. “The Figure of Grammar: Whitman and
Lawrence.” In Read, The True Voice of Feeling. London:
Faber, 1968. 87-100.
Rodríguez Mosteiro, Ana María. (U de A Coruña). “Ginsberg
and the Presence of Walt Whitman in His Poetry.” In Fifty
Years of English Studies in Spain […] Actas del XXVI
Congreso de AEDEAN, ed. Ignacio Palacios et al. Santiago
de Compostela: U de Santiago de Compostela, 2003. 80712.*
Santayana, George. “The Poetry of Barbarism.” In Santayana,
Interpretations of Poetry and Religion. 1900. (Browning,
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. “Toward the Twentieth Century:
English Readers of Whitman.” In Sedgwick, Between
Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire.
New York: Columbia UP, 1985. 201-18.*
Sola, Ricardo. “Hudson: The East River.” (Whitman). REDEN 8
(1994): 17-28.
Stevenson, R. L. “Walt Whitman.” In Stevenson, Familiar
Studies. New York: Current Literature, 1909. 81-114.
Tapscott, Stephen. “Walt Whitman in 1860: Democracy,
Citizenship and Gender.” BAS (1997): 117-25.*
Vincent, John. “Rhetorical Suspense, Sexuality, and Death in
Whitman’s ‘Calamus’ Poem.” Arizona Quarterly 56:1.
(2000): 29-48.
Wardrop, Daneen. “Whitman as Furtive Mother: the
Suplementary Jouissance of the Ambushed Womb in ‘Song
of Myself’.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language 40.2
(1998): 142-157
Rorem, Ned. Selected Songs. Carole Farley, soprano. Ned
Rorem, piano. (American Classics). CD. EC: HNH-Naxos,
2001.* (On poems by Theodore Roethke, Walt Whitman
et al.).
Related works
Crane, Hart. “Cape Hatteras.” Poem. (On Whitman).
Laforgue, Jules. Trans. of Walt Whitman in La Vogue.
García Lorca, Federico. Poeta en Nueva York.