Q1. Seb has some cubes with a cross on each face and some cubes

Seb has some cubes with a cross on each face and
some cubes with a circle on each face.
He sticks five cubes together to make this shape.
How many crosses and how many circles are there on the outside of the shape?
Number of crosses
1 mark
Number of circles
1 mark
Page 1 of 9
In a class, 18 of the children are girls.
A quarter of the children in the class are boys.
Altogether, how many children are there in the class?
2 marks
A and B are joined by a straight line on coordinate axes.
The dots on the line are equally spaced.
What are the coordinates of C?
C is
2 marks
Page 2 of 9
A shop sells notebooks and pens.
Hassan bought a notebook and a pen.
He paid £1.10
Kate bought a notebook and 2 pens.
She paid £1.45
Calculate the cost of a notebook.
2 marks
Page 3 of 9
Joe has two strips of card.
Each strip is 36 centimetres long.
One strip is divided into three equal parts.
The other strip is divided into four equal parts.
Not actual size
Joe uses the two strips to make this shape.
What is the total length of Joe’s shape?
2 marks
Page 4 of 9
All the children in Class 6 vote to pick a class captain.
The choice is Holly or Dev or Joe.
Dev gets 10% of the votes.
Joe gets twice as many votes as Holly.
What percentage of the votes does the winner get?
1 mark
The perimeter of a square is 72 centimetres.
Not actual size
Page 5 of 9
The square is cut in half to make two identical rectangles.
What is the perimeter of one rectangle?
2 marks
Sarah had a bag of cherries.
She ate 5 cherries, then gave half of what she had left to Liam.
Liam ate 5 of his cherries, then gave half of what he had left to Amy.
Amy got 2 cherries.
Page 6 of 9
How many cherries did Sarah have in her bag at the start?
2 marks
m stands for a whole number greater than 10 and less than 20
n stands for a whole number greater than 2 and less than 10
What is the smallest number that m
n could be?
1 mark
What is the largest number that m – n could be?
1 mark
Page 7 of 9
Find the multiple of 45 that is closest to 8000
2 marks
Page 8 of 9
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