Gaynes SOW Year 9 Term 3 - Surrealism Year 9 Diploma

Title of Unit Surrealism Year 9 Core 4 Diploma
Term 3
To develop a critical understanding of the Surrealist Art Movement
To explore and investigate the work of Surrealist artists
To understand the importance and significance of using the imagination and dreams when creating
Surrealist art work
To make a sustained piece of work based on the key concepts of Surrealism
To create an analysis of a Surrealist painting using key words and concepts
To create a research page of a Surrealist artist using images and annotation
To create a series of experiments using the imagination to generate different ideas
To develop and refine ideas in order to create a sustained piece of work showing the culmination of
investigation, research and experimentation
Challenge Question – Where do Ideas come from?
Key Questions
British Values
Democracy – Where/when have you used your imagination to make decisions about your future?
Liberty – It is important to be able to express ourselves creatively? What would happen if we couldn’t?
Rule of Law – Are you allowed to post whatever your imagination can create on the internet?
Tolerance & Respect – How do you show respect to someone if you disagree with what they think?
influenced by what is happening around them?
Moral – Does it matter if you can’t always understand what is happening in a piece of art or should the
viewer always be able to understand what the artist is painting? Do artists have a social responsibility?
Spiritual – Miro was known to starve himself to create hallucinations to help him come up with ideas. Do you
think you need to have a certain kind a character to be an artist? How might artists today expand their mind
and get their creative juices flowing? How do you use your imagination?
Cultural – Miro is a Spanish artist. Can you see any hints in his art work as to the culture surrounding his
work? What clues can you see in Dali’s work that show he is also from Spain?
Social – What was happening in Europe at the time of the Surrealist art movement? How are Artist’s
Understand that the Surrealists produced work based on dreams and
the imagination
To be able to recognise a Surrealist painting
Design a Surrealist piece of work using their imagination and ideas
taken from their chosen artist
Experiment with some different ideas and images
Create a piece of artwork showing some of their artist’s techniques
and style
Most students will: (10-15 points - Silver)
What is Surrealism? What does the word ‘Surreal’ mean?
Why might an artist want to create a surreal painting?
Who are the main Surrealist artists and how can you recognise their work?
Have you ever had a surreal dream? How did it make you feel?
Why might someone want to escape the ‘real’ world?
What are the techniques your artist has used in his painting?
Describe your artist’s use of colour, shape, line, pattern, media, composition…
What media are you going to use in your work and why?
What the unit covers
Year Group 9
All students will: (5-10 points - Bronze)
Understand how Surrealist Artists produced work based on the
imagination and give their own opinions & ideas
To be able to describe the key features of a Surrealist painting using
the key words and expressing personal opinion
Develop and refine ideas to create a Surrealist image using their
imagination and ideas inspired by their chosen artist
Experiment with different ideas and Surrealist techniques
Create a Surrealist piece of work showing confident use of their artist’s
techniques, skills and style
Some students will: (15-20 points - Gold)
Have a developed understanding of how Surrealist artists produced
work using their imagination and be able to formulate their own ideas
and opinions
Critically analyse & evaluate their chosen artist using key words and
full sentences/paragraphs
Develop and refine their own designs to create a Surrealist image,
successfully combing their own ideas and that of their chosen artist
Confidently experiment with a number of Surrealist concepts and
techniques to create independent and imaginative work.
Independently create a Surrealist piece of work demonstrating high
level understanding of their artist’s skills and techniques.
Individual work
Digital Media
Group work
Starters - Re-cap on previous work, questioning, level & art work examples, student set targets for the lesson, peer/whole
Keywords + Concepts
class assessment, demonstration of practical skills
Plenaries – Group critique, exit tickets, questioning, evaluation against success criteria, peer/self-assessment, marking
Art, craft + design, image, design, line, shape, colour, tone,
pattern, composition, perspective, viewpoint, imagination,
dreams, surrealism, abstract, collage, photomontage..
Weeks 1, 2 & 3 (There is no baseline test for this project as students will be assessed on their work as a whole)
Introduction to Surrealism and the concept of Art work made using the imagination and dreams.
Students create a title page showing an understanding of the visual language of Surrealism. They include key words
and facts in their annotation to add to their design. Students focus on presentation, layout and composition.
In groups, students create an analysis of different surrealist paintings by working together to share information and
expressing personal opinions and ideas. (Dali, Magritte & Miro) Group work enables greater support for lower ability
student. Some students may also have different questions created using blooms taxonomy to structure differentiation.
Students then select a Surrealist artist for study based on their own likes & areas of strength. They create an
individual analysis of a Surrealist painting, expressing personal opinions and ideas. Some students have access to
starter sentences, key words and writing frames. The more able work independently and adapt and refine their
knowledge and understanding of how to create an artist analysis.
Weeks 4, 5 & 6 (Students have the choice of how to present their work. Either in their book, display sheets or a portfolio)
Students create at least 2 surrealist drawings using their own ideas and designs based on dreams & their own
imagination. A series of design briefs and surrealist games are used to enable students to develop confidence in
working independently & using their own ideas as a starting point to create work.
A variety of media and resources are also available to support students who will struggle to depend on their drawing
ability to generate ideas. Students apply their knowledge and understanding to create art work, take risks and
experiment with ideas, composition and media.
Students evaluate their work and progress, adapting and refining their art work as it progresses. Students consider
the quality of their work and make improvements to the key features and ideas.
The termly homework project is set and offers students a chance to develop their knowledge of their chosen artist.
This work will enable students to make informed decisions and choices about their own designs and ideas.
The homework project should be issued in the last lesson before half term.
Week 7
Students use their drawings, research & imagination/ideas to design a Surrealist piece of work. Students make a
Art books, pencil, rubber, worksheets, the internet, visual aids,
A3 sugar paper, A3 cartridge paper, block paint, watercolour
paint, brushes, water pots, mixing plates, felt pens, marker
pens, mirrors, drawing pencils, photographs, magazines,
scissors, PVA glue, fine liners…
Size/Scale of paper/work
Use of materials/technique
Choice of different materials/media
Differentiated worksheets
Differentiated homework sheets
Starter sentences and key words
Progress Line & Success criteria
Demonstrations and examples on board
Seating plans/G&T, SEND & EAL identified
Questioning, choice & expressing opinion
Extension activities
Evaluation and self-assessment
Surrealism, Miro, Dali, Magritte
spider-diagram of their best ideas for far, showing understanding of their strengths by selecting a media to work with.
Weeks 8, 9, 10 & 11
Students start to plan their work, beginning by drawing out their design, starting with the composition. Students who
are creating a photomontage will begin by selecting appropriate images from magazines and storing them for future
use, creating a background before they begin sticking down.
Students then begin to add colour to their work. Colours should be well thought out and should illustrate the colours
that their chosen artist used in their work. Students have the opportunity to select their own media – watercolour paint,
coloured pencil, shading pencil, fine liner/biro. Students who are creating a photomontage may begin sticking their
images down and working out the composition.
Students finish their work taking into consideration their artist’s techniques and style. e.g. the colour black features
heavily in Miro’s work and students may wish to out-line using a black marker pen.
Week 12
Self-assessment and evaluation
Students have the opportunity to reflect on the work they have produced this term and assess the progress they have
Cross-Curricular Links – Maths, RE
Literacy – Research, Evaluation
Numeracy – Composition, Shape, Pattern
ICT – Research, Visual displays, Worksheets, Online safety –
How do you reference apps and social media platforms?
Applied learning - Group discussion, peer assessment,
contextual studies, the design process
BLP skills – Plan, research, explore, adapt, imagine,
experiment, make links, assess, set targets, know how to
improve, reflect, evaluate, give & receive criticism, co-operate,
discuss, persevere & manage distractions
Assessment (N.C. levels 3 - 8)
Termly set homework project
Baseline drawing test & End of unit level
Peer, self and teacher evaluation (2*s & A Wish)