_ SATUltDJy EVSIfH/G, Dkckmi **“,"”,^'^11.. pri« or .Ototrip..!. ‘ '„„uo,. .he a-e.™.( /ir«,'.ee .»! t, t.n linoed at theprestlu subioiplion ftf doUan. «The promMed impTOveinttu. in typeand «rw.r. '..ill, noiuiihswoaing. b>caninl iniocITeci. ••The m^rn. loKciheruriih. ,0, considiraWesect ; bni theyai<as trodden liiD»i all inashon lime- The UW-Tfinnuoa*. £j.ctu««w.ands'i'l »<P ufcti*. aj that mycanhardlybediMin^iiheJ. ,h( oj *a/f in Louiihna, ii ill-judged, uid lionought not tobe Mimpude Wescoiion, andICWhhdt. tobacco, toThomas Jluidof reason. te iiii iililii. 2H liii£S;S ^gST|5"is^^i sH H SSgiia Ihe b.i£s Dean and »i[>pyCoiiplei b^ arri I I Sch Eliai, lUrdlng, Drmeriri.dd dxyi niued inquick aucceasion ncrosa *Ilie arid dreused of Lilliputian lies, of monarchical iiiit, (owners). Ltfi. Khr. ilisinESiaiei. of Klio<^ 2i. lai. 20i7, lonf MSO.Jpok\ Roily,ofaod ofweaiem Pennsylvania, were also visited would be belter for thorn “ to mauage’thcir Schr. Fi>Trader, Warerbury. from Murfraiborough, M.C—navalstores, lotsimber^ k WarSchi Mijestic, Smith, TramMurfienborough, counsth-r-and to posseiecJ were they wiih Sloop Nonh-Carolina, Dirnoud, frornWaihinjSignals hr 2shipsand.1tchis. deni of itat TTturUai Soci,tj. will not lakeit^nd ^^e"ia;r:z:iTrc^^^ When the Uritisb trcB'.f was on the tapia» m im igiissiSl bysea and land. very .oUcaic ,...... r„r . .^br^ ^ ^ d«.l____ ______ nj ?.<.l.lBn.|.tufT-,^ T s n S S 'j ^ r ‘“ ••“.sts.i. iP IJI*ail—Barrel iiWljl—RedOal, bhd-iyl-isl- W i^ i§lE5S';;U tcnl comimsd of fraBmeW. ,nj ili|,. -£g'SiSa.£ iia * , I-or SAVANMAH.' ,.................... i S SU ' n":sv.’ was eieixiseJ, drfamti unheard-of and in- S S -i^ p i incendiBry;" K'oiAi/Sjfon a oioiiarchisi and foe-lQht» countryI uid, U! Aorr»/(r«iiu,an bursting open the gatea ol tlic temple ui Uwho though a very greki majoniy, and though ojiposed to an adjournmenl, still f«- S H Sippg E S»H SiiiSE5si'S2-i:? .... .. olaffairs, ttte*' cnouih of labor" shouldbe rclcivcd—that luxuries, andnot neeeasaries, •■ ■iinbule to ihesuppoi .that hones'y,. capabi ahy. tu the constitution should be the oitlj IM iM fi i iiSriliS rynothing, was, this nisiwA/ne philosopher menus, lL.,1 U,c rosjnr.ly sl.sll e .'f " — political dreamers; as they Lave not yelrc^ben, such ascnose, betook ihemswivcslj the Qnniil.is.rslmn^ wai^ca^ricU l,y Ihe Inilc Fioif THE BUSmn eB2FrT£. Ils DKLAJIS (3f Dli.MUCRACV. fromilitirdeliBliirul rtv.dt,’'. IpSSJ dec5 SOr.Pead-aiMer.i I N — -iiriai
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